Which doctor treats a pinched nerve?

Why is a nerve pinched in the leg?

The unreasonable appearance of sharp pain in the leg is a signal: “The sciatic nerve has been pinched!” It begins in the sacral nerve plexus and stretches to the popliteal fossa, diverging there into many branches. Thanks to the sciatic nerve, a person moves his leg and also feels what is happening to it.

When a nerve is inflamed or pinched, the leg or back begins to hurt. The following factors contribute to the pathological condition:

  • tumors;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • injuries received;
  • vertebral displacement;
  • loads;
  • osteochondrosis.

All the above reasons mainly relate to hip pain. Injuries, bruises, and constant stress on the limbs lead to pinched nerves in the knee joint. Also, the cause of pain is sometimes a meniscus tear, due to which the knee and lower leg may still swell.


The sciatic nerve is not only the largest, located in the lower extremities, but throughout the body. It is formed from large bundles of nerve endings concentrated in the lumbosacral spine.

Attention! The thickness of the sciatic nerve can be compared to the volume of the little finger of an average person.

The most common causes of pathology include degenerative changes in bone and cartilage tissue in the lumbosacral spine and hip joint. This occurs against the background of the following diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis – affects cartilage tissue and intervertebral discs. As it progresses, it affects the bones and nervous system.
  • Spondylolisthesis is a displacement of the vertebrae. In 67% of cases it is observed in men engaged in heavy physical labor.
  • Stenosis is a narrowing of the central spinal canal. They are classified as congenital and acquired.

Compression of neurovascular tissue caused by intervertebral hernias is not classified as stenosis.

  • Herniation and protrusion of the intervertebral disc - displacement of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc with damage or rupture of the fibrous ring. The gel-like contents of the nucleus protrude, injuring nerves and blood vessels;
  • Piriformis syndrome develops more often in the female population. In some cases, it can become inflamed, spasm and thicken, which leads to compression of the endings;
  • Injuries.

Other reasons that cause the development of sciatica symptoms include the formation of tumors, as well as infectious pathologies: bone tuberculosis, brucellosis, osteomyelitis, etc.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the leg

The main symptom of a pinched nerve is sharp pain. It interferes not only with normal movement, but also with simply moving the leg. Painful sensations are especially aggravated at night, when the leg is at complete rest.

There are other symptoms that indicate problems associated with the sciatic nerve:

  • swollen limb skin;
  • redness at the pinched site;
  • feeling of limb numbness;
  • feeling of “running goosebumps”;
  • inability to straighten the leg in the morning (occurs at an early stage);
  • sharp or aching pain in the back.

These symptoms cannot be confused with signs of any other disease. Even with mild, dull pain, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


To determine the nature of the pain and establish the cause of its occurrence, you need to know which doctor to see. A neurologist can make a diagnosis. He will also deal with the problem that has arisen.

To begin with, the doctor will prescribe an examination - an x-ray of the back. The resulting image shows the cause of the pain.

If radiography does not provide a complete picture of the disease, magnetic resonance or computed tomography is prescribed. Often this type of diagnosis reveals a tumor, which causes pain in the leg.

Only on the basis of the diagnosis does the doctor prescribe treatment for the patient. Often, a neurologist gives a referral to a chiropractor and prescribes a course of physical therapy.

Treatment tactics

Of course, a specialist should decide what to do if the nerves in a limb are pinched. As a rule, this is a neurologist. He analyzes information from diagnostic procedures and selects the optimal treatment regimen individually.

Thanks to the rapid pace of development of the pharmacological industry, doctors have a wide range of medications in their arsenal that can make people feel better if they have a pinched nerve in their leg. They are presented in the pharmacy chain in different forms - capsules and tablets, pinching ointment or gels, injection solutions and aerosols.

Treatment for a pinched nerve

Treatment consists of releasing the nerve ending from compression. This requires complex therapy:

  • massage course;
  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • combating the existing disease that causes the compression.

A pinched nerve in a knee or joint is treated with massage only when the pain is relieved. After a course of complex treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease. Most often, a pinched nerve provokes osteochondrosis.

Treatment of the underlying disease should not be delayed so that the pain does not return again.

Both ointments and tablets help combat the problem. If taking them does not give the expected effect, the neurologist prescribes a novocaine blockade. It allows you to quickly relieve pain.

If a pinched nerve in the leg occurs due to a large intervertebral hernia or tumor, the patient is scheduled for surgery. During surgery, doctors remove the damaged vertebra (part of it). This eliminates the cause - the physical source of pinching. Within a month, the patient can lead a normal life.

Drug therapy

If there are no stomach problems, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are allowed for pain. They analgesize and treat the damaged area. Among the most popular drugs:

  • Nise;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen.

They should not be taken for more than 7 days. With long-term use of these medications, side effects occur. For those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor prescribes injections of Declofenac. These injections quickly relieve pain and inflammation that accompany a pinched nerve.

Injections and tablets can have the same name and have the same spectrum of action as products for external use.

Viprosal ointment or Fastum-gel is rubbed into the sore spot. The analgesic effect occurs within 20-30 minutes after application. The active component of the gels causes a sharp flow of blood to the pinched area, eliminating inflammation and swelling.

Sometimes when treating a pinched nerve in the leg, there is no relief for a week or a week and a half. If the pain does not subside, it is necessary not to delay a second visit to the doctor.

Non-drug therapies

When the pain syndrome is relieved, you can begin non-drug treatment. A good remedy for a pinched nerve is manual therapy.

Massage helps after 3-5 sessions. If the nerve is pinched more severely, you will have to complete the full course. You need to seek treatment from a chiropractor or massage therapist.

The massage course must be repeated after six months. This will help relieve muscle spasms and increase the duration of remission.

Procedures using a device that creates high-frequency waves (UHF) help treat a pinched nerve in the leg. DDT (diadynamic therapy) - the effect of electric shock on a sore spot - also has a healing effect. The procedures are not performed on people over 60 years of age. If a nerve is pinched in the leg, acupuncture is also indicated.

Exercise therapy complex is used both to prevent pain and to treat pinched nerves. You can practice in an equipped room at the hospital or at home. The set of exercises includes:

  • body bends;
  • walking in place with knees slightly raised;
  • performing circular movements with your legs while lying on your back;
  • circular movements of the body;
  • bending the knees while lying on your back.

After drug treatment, you need to start gymnastics with a physical therapy specialist. If you have pain in your back or leg, you must stop exercising immediately!

Traditional therapy

Folk remedies will help in the fight against the problem of joint or knee pain. They must be used with caution, because pain in the back and leg is not always a consequence of a pinched nerve.

The first folk remedy is to warm the sore spot by placing a heating pad or a bag of warm sand on it. This method can only be used when the cause of the pathology has been correctly established. It happens that the patient makes a diagnosis for himself and begins to warm the affected area. But with a more dangerous cause of pain (malignant formation), heating causes irreparable harm to health, so self-medication is a bad choice.

Barberry is suitable to relieve swelling and reduce pain. The fruits are poured with medical alcohol and allowed to brew for two weeks. Then lubricate the sore spot.

To combat inflammation or pinched nerves in the leg, horseradish, potatoes, and honey are good. One tablespoon of honey is mixed with half a glass of grated horseradish and the same amount of raw potatoes. The mixture is applied to the sore spot, previously lubricated with sunflower oil, and wrapped in a blanket. You need to leave the compress on for about an hour. At first the burning will be unbearable, but the burning will pass quickly.

Disease prevention

To prevent pinched nerves in the leg, you need to pay special attention to your health. It is necessary to walk more in the fresh air, and also follow simple recommendations:

  • do gymnastics every morning;
  • women should avoid walking in heels;
  • spend less time in the cold;
  • do not lift weights.

These tips will not get rid of the problem, but they will reduce the risk of pain recurring. Particular care should be taken when performing a complex of therapeutic exercises.


Already several hundred years ago, experts expressed their opinion that prevention of joint diseases is the best direction in their treatment. The relevance these days is somewhat no less. To prevent pinching of the nerve fiber in the leg, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • avoid physical activity;
  • if it is necessary to carry a heavy thing, position the body and limbs correctly;
  • buy comfortable, not fashionable shoes;
  • keep your feet warm, especially in the autumn-winter period;
  • promptly treat all chronic diseases and infections;
  • Seek medical help at the first sign of a possible pinched nerve in your legs.

Early detection and comprehensive treatment of neurological pathologies is the key to quickly getting rid of them. Advances in medicine make it possible to combat infringement at any stage of its course. However, at an early stage there are fewer complications and a greater choice of treatment methods.

Source: nerv-info.ru


Quite often, people begin to be bothered by first a dull, aching, and then a sharp, shooting pain in the leg area. Because of it, it is impossible to lead a normal life, sleep, or even just stand. A person begins to look for the causes of unpleasant sensations. Typically, a pinched nerve in the leg is the main cause of pain.

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