Features of cephalalgia after a day or night rest

Constant headaches are a common reason for patients to turn to neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital. People experience headaches in the evening, in the morning after sleep, which do not go away after taking painkillers, and at night. Frequent headaches in men can occur in the presence of pathology of cerebral vessels or brain tumors.

Persistent headache is an indication for a comprehensive examination of the patient. Neurologists conduct instrumental analyzes using the latest equipment from leading global manufacturers. Analyzes are performed by experienced laboratory technicians. Patients are advised by candidates and doctors of medical sciences. Leading specialists in the field of headache treatment collectively develop tactics for managing patients whose headache does not go away for several days.

Non-pathological causes of daily headaches

Brain activity is disrupted due to minor disturbances in blood supply, metabolism, and innervation. Night headaches occur for the following reasons:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • high temperature in the bedroom;
  • drinking alcohol in the evening;
  • overwork.

Healthy sleep depends on bedding and posture. On a high pillow, the cervical spine bends strongly. Even in the absence of discomfort during sleep, muscle tension occurs and cerebral blood flow is disrupted. Sleeping without a pillow can also cause pain in the head and neck. Low-quality fabric dyes and softeners used to wash bed linen often contain harmful ingredients that cause breathing problems and headaches in the morning.

Experiences and intense mental activity in the evening lead to brain overstrain. At night he cannot switch off. The patient cannot sleep and often wakes up. After waking up, you feel discomfort, pain in the head, and fatigue. He gets morning headaches.

How to prevent cephalalgia yourself?

When visiting a doctor, patients are perplexed as to why they have a headache in the morning when they sleep on an uncomfortable sofa. Night is the time needed to restore the nervous system. In order for sleep to bring satisfaction, relaxation, and complete rest, it is necessary to create adequate conditions. These include orthopedic pillows, mattresses, nutrition control, avoidance of coffee and alcohol abuse.

Complete rest

If you notice a headache after a night out, pay attention to the bed – the height and number of pillows, the softness of the mattress. During sleep, the movement of blood through the vessels slows down. High pillows create an incorrect neck position, which increases the lack of oxygen supply to the brain. As a result, pain appears in the morning.

A soft mattress may cause discomfort. Doctors advise choosing orthopedic ones of moderate rigidity to maintain the smooth movement of the spine.

Avoiding energy drinks and alcohol

Strong coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks activate the brain and speed up blood circulation. Therefore, it is difficult to fall asleep in the evening, and sleep becomes superficial. The absence of a deep phase prevents nerve cells from recovering.

In the morning there is a feeling of weakness, a heavy head.

Sleep duration control

Both deficiency and excess have a negative effect. We discussed the second point above. Consistent lack of sleep depletes the body's defense systems, resulting in irritability and chronic fatigue.

To prevent the development of severe consequences, control the circadian rhythm.

Restoring the psychological background

Stress and emotional overload lead to headaches that do not go away after rest. The reason for the occurrence of painful sensations is that the brain processes daily information, does not rest, and is in a state of constant tension.

In the evening, it is recommended to take a warm bath, read your favorite book, and listen to relaxing music. Meditation and yoga prepare the body for the transition to sleep.


Bruxism is considered an additional component of a disturbed psychological background. It is expressed in the grinding of teeth in a dream. The patients themselves do not remember this moment, but their loved ones tell them. Bruxism causes migraines and dizziness.

The reasons can be psychological, neurological, or dental. If the grinding continues every night, consult a doctor.

Pathological causes of headaches

A common cause of nighttime headaches is oxygen deficiency. It may be caused by abnormalities of the nasal passages and respiratory tract diseases. Night headaches occur after sleep apnea.

Blood supply to the brain is impaired during hypotension. The outflow of venous blood worsens due to a decrease in the tone of the intracranial veins. In the morning the patient feels it in his head.

With arterial hypertension, blood pressure may increase during sleep. The reason is the patient’s age, disruption of sleep and rest patterns. Vascular tone is impaired in diseases of the thyroid gland and heart. Nocturnal hypertension is dangerous for the development of heart failure and stroke. Headache occurs at night or in the morning.

Stress, anxiety, and mental trauma affect the central nervous system and change vascular tone. This provokes an increase in blood pressure and irritation of pain receptors in the walls of blood vessels. Night headaches that occur under the influence of psychogenic factors are varied in nature. They are accompanied by irritability, rapid heartbeat and are not relieved by analgesics.

Diseases of the cervical spine and temporomandibular joint can provoke night headaches. With back pain, a person is forced to take an uncomfortable position, which causes spasms of the neck muscles. They cause headaches.

Failure to comply with the dosage of glucose-lowering medications or refusal to eat dinner in diabetes mellitus results in a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels and severe headaches. Histamine disease is characterized by prolonged attacks of acute headache in the orbital area in the evening and at night.

In the presence of brain tumors, patients complain of night and morning headaches. As the disease progresses, it intensifies. The head hurts when changing position, the patient's hands go numb.

Throbbing morning headaches are felt during migraines. They often intensify when the light is turned on and are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Constant headaches that bother the patient night and day are characteristic of brain infections.


To prevent attacks of cephalalgia, it is important to establish your daily routine, setting aside enough time for rest and sleep. To relax before going to bed, you can take a warm bath with a few drops of aromatic oils that give a relaxing effect. You should ensure access to fresh air in the bedroom by ventilating the room before going to bed.

Comfortable bedding (pillow, mattress) contributes to a relaxing rest. It's better to go to bed and get up at about the same time. Doctors recommend leading an active, mobile lifestyle, organizing a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and microelements. Timely treatment of somatic diseases and mental disorders is an effective preventive measure.

Headache that occurs in the morning can be associated with various pathological processes. Your doctor will tell you what to do if you have a headache in the morning after sleep, after first finding out the causes of cephalalgia. Careful diagnosis and correct therapy will help get rid of painful sensations.

Cluster headaches

Attacks of cluster (bundle) headaches occur in paroxysms and are difficult for patients to tolerate. The pain has the following characteristics:

  • localized in the eye area;
  • radiates to the forehead, temple, cheek;
  • accompanied by lacrimation, sweating of the forehead, a rush of blood to the face;
  • more acutely felt when the patient is lying down;
  • starts and goes away suddenly.

Night headaches begin without cause between 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. The peak of pain occurs at night, from zero to three o'clock. Attacks occur cyclically, followed by painless periods. Attacks are observed mainly in men. Pain occurs after drinking alcohol.

Men whose relatives suffer from cluster pain are at risk. The risk of developing a painful attack increases with head injuries, migraines, sleep disorders, mental and physical stress. Neurologists include possible causes of cluster headaches:

  • abnormalities of the hypothalamus;
  • pathology of blood vessels;
  • disruption of circadian rhythms.

Patients relieve an acute attack at home with lidocaine drops in the nose. For symptomatic therapy, neurologists prescribe special medications and oxygen inhalations. In difficult cases, electrical stimulation of the brain is performed and the nerves that cause pain are removed. During the cluster period, doctors recommend giving up alcohol and nicotine.

Daytime sleep rules

Doctors conducted a number of studies on sleep and came to the conclusion that it is not only possible, but also necessary to rest during the day.

Proper sleep will improve your tone, relieve fatigue and will not interfere with falling asleep in the evening.

The quality of daytime rest depends on a number of factors:

  • Duration. Scientists have concluded that the optimal duration of daytime sleep is 26-30 minutes. Colleagues of the famous Elena Malysheva called such a dream “Extended Power.” If you sleep for an hour during the day, you may then feel tired and weak. This is explained by the fact that in an hour the body manages to enter the deep sleep phase, from which it will be difficult for it to get out. Awakening a person in this phase can lead to an increase in body temperature, a jump in blood pressure, and a headache. An hour and a half nap during the day is also rarely beneficial. After it, people often wake up feeling hungry and want to eat something sweet. This can lead to overeating. If you sleep for 2 hours in the afternoon, you can wake up rested and invigorated. However, it will be very difficult to fall asleep later in the evening. Sleep patterns will be disrupted.
  • Comfort. To sleep well, it is useful to thoroughly ventilate the room before resting. It is also important to rest in a comfortable position. One of the main reasons why you get a headache after a nap is incorrect body position. The surface of the bed or sofa should be moderately soft. You won’t be able to rest well on a mattress that is too hard.
  • Silence. Many people like to fall asleep to the sound of the TV or soft music, but this is not recommended. Any sounds will affect the brain, forcing it to work. It is impossible to switch off in such conditions.
  • Darkness. Lack of lighting is necessary for the normal production of the sleep hormone melatonin. If it is not possible to make it dark in the bedroom or other room, you can use a sleep mask. This is a prerequisite for normal melatonin production. Only with a sufficient level of this substance in the blood will a person be able to fall asleep and fully relax.
  • Nice blanket. Sleep experts say that a heavy blanket will help you relax during the day. It creates a feeling of security and isolation from the outside world.

It is very important to wake up in a timely manner after a nap, but without an alarm clock: a loud sound will abruptly interrupt sleep, which can cause poor health and fatigue. You need to gradually transition to a state of wakefulness.

To wake up without problems, you need to drink a cup of coffee before going to bed.

The drink has a double effect. Firstly, it will not interfere with falling asleep: caffeine will begin to act only after 20 minutes. Secondly, it will wake you up from sleep very gently and gradually, and not like the alarm clock we hate does. In addition, coffee has a diuretic effect, and within 20 minutes after drinking a cup of drink, the desire to go to the toilet will begin to slowly push the sleeper to awaken. At this moment, the invigorating effect of coffee will turn on in parallel, as a result the person wakes up rested and energetic.

About the benefits of daytime sleep

Doctors claim that a 26-minute nap, organized according to the rules stated above, increases performance, provides energy, and helps make the day more productive. However, of course, such sleep is not suitable for restoring the body after working the night shift. But it happens that a person needs to sleep for several hours during the day. As a rule, after this they do not feel the best, resulting in a bad mood. Because of this, the day loses its colors. What to do if waking up during the day turns out to be joyless and accompanied by unpleasant sensations? You can fight this.

Beautiful and Successful knows several ways. how to fall asleep during the day >>

Diagnosis of headache

Neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital determine the cause and type of persistent headache based on data from a clinical examination of the patient, instrumental and laboratory research methods. Doctors at the Neurology Clinic prescribe the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels;
  • electromyography;
  • electrocardiography;
  • diagnostic spinal puncture (if a neuroinfection is suspected).

Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are performed if a brain mass is suspected. To determine the condition of the cerebral vessels, contrast angiography or multislice tomography is performed.


A headache can occur not only after sleep, before it, or during a specific illness; it can accompany us throughout our lives, periodically reminding us of itself. To protect yourself and your body from the most negative consequences, you should not only take the right measures, but also promptly seek help from those who can correctly diagnose the cause of pain after sleep.

Only with the help of a specialist can you completely get rid of headaches both after daytime and after night sleep.


Drug therapy is prescribed by a doctor. The drugs used include:

  • Painkillers (a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics);
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Antibacterial therapy for infectious processes (meningitis);
  • Vitamin therapy, immunostimulating drugs;
  • Antiemetics are used for migraines.

A commonly used drug is paracetamol. It is a non-narcotic analgesic, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and is actively used to treat migraines and tension headaches. However, the drug has its own number of contraindications for use and side effects that affect kidney function, liver function and the circulatory system.

Non-drug therapy is represented by the use of physiotherapy and physical therapy methods.

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