What herbs should you drink to improve brain function and memory?

Movement for the brain and memory

Researchers from the Feinberg School of Northwestern University of Medicine in Chicago say exercise can improve brain activity and memory. In addition to improving cardiac activity, preventing stroke, heart attack, training affects the proliferation of nerve cells, strengthens their connections, and protects them from damage. Strength exercises, high-intensity exercise, Pilates, and yoga are recommended.

Movement promotes the production of neuroprotective compounds, increasing blood flow to the brain and hence the supply of nutrients. Medical science calls the brain's ability to regenerate and recover neuroplasticity.


The oil of this plant improves the memory of people over 65 years of age. Inhaling this compound improves potential memory and perception. This was established during an experiment by dividing people into different rooms and inviting one group to inhale rosemary oil, another - lavender, and the third did not have any odor.

Despite all the beneficial properties of herbs, it is important to remember that their use may have contraindications or be poorly combined with various medications taken, so consultation with a specialist is advisable even before taking herbal medicines.

Andrey Yurievich


Adequate sleep and falling asleep on time (around 10:00-11:00 pm) are important for synaptic plasticity, which affects learning and memory. The optimal sleep duration is 7 hours. Research conducted at Harvard has shown that sufficient and timely sleep improves brain activity, increases attention, and improves memory.

Nutrition adjustments

“We are what we eat,” says the famous proverb. This rule also applies to the human mind. The brain is the most “insatiable” organ of the body.

The first place in adjusting your diet is a good breakfast. The human control system depends on the constant consumption of glucose. If it's not there, performance decreases. Many studies show that skipping breakfast leads to decreased concentration.

But it's not just calorie intake that's important. A 2003 study found that children who ate sugary baked goods and washed them down with carbonated lemonade performed similarly to 70-year-olds on memory and concentration tests. “Children who ate high-protein foods for breakfast showed better memory and concentration scores,” says Barbara Stewart from the University of Ulster in the UK.

Suitable foods include eggs due to their choline content. This substance accelerates the formation of acetylcholine, an important transmitter of nerve impulses (its deficiency is associated with Alzheimer's disease and other memory disorders).

Biological effect of nutritional adjustments:

  • increased production of nerve impulse transporters;
  • ensuring a constant supply of energy to brain cells;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • improvement of all brain functions.

Rowan drink

The bark and fruits of rowan are the most valuable sources of useful elements necessary for brain activity. Regular use of a product prepared on the basis of plant raw materials can also improve overall health and increase immunity. Homemade medicine has a gentle effect on the body without causing allergies or side effects.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Chop 15 grams into fine pulp. dry bush bark.
  2. Mix bark powder with fruits (15 g).
  3. Boil water (300 ml), pour in the plant material.
  4. Place the container in a water bath.
  5. Simmer, tightly closing the lid, for about a quarter of an hour.
  6. Wrap in a warm towel and leave to steep for three hours.
  7. Filter.

Drink the product twice; if you are not allergic to bee products, it is recommended to add a little honey to improve the taste. It is not recommended to use sugar - this component can reduce the effectiveness of home remedies.

Optimization of intestinal microflora

Scientists have discovered that the connection between the gut and the brain is very close. The intestines send a large amount of information to the “central computer”, which fundamentally affects its activity. If the intestines do not work, disharmony occurs. It has been proven that problems in the intestines are associated with the development of anxiety, depression, autism, and memory impairment.

In December 2011, the Journal of Neurogastroenterology published information that probiotic bacteria (the right ones, should be predominantly present in the intestinal tract) are involved in the regulation of mood, depression, aggression, and brain activity (memory, the ability to think intensively).

Intestinal bacteria are an active integral part of the body, highly dependent on diet and lifestyle. Consuming large amounts of processed foods and sweetened drinks greatly threatens your gut bacteria; processed food destroys healthy microflora, and sugars promote the development of bad bacteria and fungi.

The growth of probiotic bacteria is supported by daily consumption of sauerkraut (without pasteurization, preservatives), quality supplements with probiotics and prebiotics.

Infusion of elecampane

Another plant recommended by alternative medicine for the development of cognitive abilities is elecampane. The product is harmless and has a small number of contraindications, so you don’t have to worry about undesirable consequences even after regular use.

It is not advisable to give the infusion to children, use it during pregnancy, or in the presence of chronic diseases at the acute stage. If doctors prohibit treatment with alcohol-containing compounds, you will also have to stop taking it.


  1. Chop the washed, peeled roots of the plant (50 g).
  2. Pour in pervach and vodka (400 ml).
  3. Leave in a tightly closed container for half a month; choose a cool, dark place for storage.
  4. Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle, and place in the refrigerator.

Drink the prepared infusion before each meal. Dosage – 20 ml. It is prohibited to exceed this amount of product. The duration of the course is two months. If necessary, take a break (six months) and continue taking it.

Mozart effect

The next method of strengthening memory and supporting brain activity is music. Under certain circumstances, it can increase attentiveness. But, after listening to your favorite composition from time to time, you cannot expect to be awarded the Nobel Prize.

Ten years ago, a sensational discovery by a team from the University of Winchester in the United States showed that listening to Mozart's compositions improved mathematical and spatial thinking. Surprisingly, it worked on mice too. Rodents who listened to Mozart were less inattentive than their counterparts who were raised completely without music or on the works of other composers.

This discovery was recently confirmed by the discovery that Mozart's compositions activate 3 brain genes involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

Music is a very good way to support brain cells, but not everyone can expect improvement. Although the exact effect of music is unknown, the authors of the original study acknowledge that music itself does not stimulate the brain. As a result of listening to the compositions, he only relaxes, rests, which, in turn, leads to improved thinking and memory. Another way of relaxation can have a similar effect as listening to music.

Biological effect:

  • effective relaxation;
  • revitalization of all brain functions.

Herbal collection

A combination of herbs can also easily achieve the desired results - improve brain functionality, relieve mental stress, increase memorization, and relieve fatigue.

Homemade medicine has several prohibitions - you should not take the decoction during pregnancy, while breastfeeding your baby, if you have been diagnosed with heart or systemic diseases. Give the drink to children with caution, after medical consultation.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Combine the leaves of bergenia (10 g), raspberries, lingonberries (15 g each), and oregano (10 g) crushed into a fine paste.
  2. Boil water (400 ml), brew herbal paste.
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid, wrap it in a towel or a warm scarf.
  4. Leave until completely cooled (you can use a thermos, the cooking time will be reduced - strain after two hours).

Drink 30 ml of herbal decoction three times a day. It is advisable to take it after a meal, on a full stomach. It is prohibited to add sweet ingredients to improve the taste. The recommended duration of use of the product is three weeks.

Brain and memory training

Until recently, IQ level was considered heritable, with the possibility of improvement only to a very limited extent. However, recent research shows that the human brain works similarly to a computer. Intelligence largely depends on working memory, i.e. the amount of information used to create thoughts.

“Working memory can be improved with proper training,” says Torkel Klingberg from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. “This can be achieved, for example, by memorizing as many objects as possible, displayed on a computer monitor or laid out on a table.” As a result of this training, the people studied showed a 10% improvement in IQ test after just a few days of training.

Ginkgo biloba

This plant has been used medicinally for several centuries. This herb is believed to slow down the aging process and even restore brain cells. It has also been noted that regular use of this remedy improves memory and even increases intellectual abilities. But it is important to take into account that this plant thins the blood, so its use cannot be combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, aspirin, ibuporfen, warfarin and others.

Herbs for the brain and memory

Now let's see which herbs improve memory and brain function. They can be used at home. But before using herbal treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is the oldest plant on our planet. It contains a wide range of beneficial substances, including:

  • flavonoids;
  • terpene clactones;
  • phenolic substances;
  • organic acids, etc.

These substances have antioxidant effects and increase blood flow in the peripheral parts of the body such as the brain, fingers, toes, etc. Ginkgo biloba extract enhances memory, is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, and during rehabilitation after a number of diseases.

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola is an herb that is effective in many ways; one of its species grows in our mountainous regions. This plant is a good remedy for improving blood circulation, brain function, memory support, and concentration. Due to its qualities, Rhodiola is recommended for use by forgetful people.

This herb for improving memory and brain function improves the formation of serotonin in the brain, suppresses the manifestations of depression, and eliminates sleep disorders. With its help you can be treated for neuroses.

The natural remedy helps relieve psychogenic headaches, improve hearing, and is used as a supportive treatment for Parkinson's disease.

Camellia sinensis

Already in ancient China they knew that the young leaves of this shrub support blood circulation in the brain. Consequently, they belong to folk remedies for restoring memory and improving concentration.


No short article on brain-boosting herbs would be complete without a respectful reference to this popular herb! Ginseng is known to be used to enhance vitality.

It is also a recognized adaptogen, which means it can also help your body and brain deal with the effects of stress much better.

In addition, ginseng may protect brain cells from toxic substances and beta-amyloid, which prevents brain aging.

Please note: Some herbs may be contraindicated if you are taking your medications or have certain health conditions. Consult your physician before using herbal therapy.

Support your brain and memory with the right supplements

To improve memory and brain function, in addition to folk remedies, you can use minerals and vitamins. Their use for modern people in troubled times is very important, both to support general health and to improve brain function.

Omega-3 (EPA, DHA)

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential structural component of the brain and retina. About 60% of the brain volume is fat, with 25% being DHA. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in the daily diet is necessary because... the body cannot create.

If omega-3 intake is insufficient, nerve cells become more susceptible to inflammation. Missing omega-3s are replaced by cholesterol and omega-6s.

Research over the past 40 years shows that omega-3s reduce the manifestations of a number of mental disorders and help cure degenerative brain disorders.

Omega-3 properties:

  • direct effect on central nervous system functions;
  • memory support, improvement of emotional mood;
  • supporting optimal blood cholesterol levels and proper sugar metabolism;
  • influence on the vascular system, blood flow to the brain;
  • When omega-3 is used together with vitamin D, the effects on brain function are increased.

Excellent sources of high-quality omega-3, 6, 9 fats are flax seeds, borage.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a representative of the B-complex, soluble in water. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, improving brain function and memory.

Sources of cobalamin are eggs, milk, cheeses, meat, entrails. But, given the fact that meat and entrails are poorly digested, there is an increase in rotting processes in the intestines. In this case, it is recommended to limit their consumption. It is more appropriate to add more sprouted products to your diet.


Turmeric is a traditional Indian spice that has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Its beneficial properties act directly on the brain. Curcumin accelerates the treatment of various neurological disorders. According to experts, it can be used in the treatment of strokes, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's. Due to the positive effects of curcumin on brain activity, it is useful for improving memory.


Lecithin is a part of the cell membranes of all cells of the body, ensuring the optimal functioning of cell walls (including the brain, nerve cells), participating in vital processes in the body. Lecithin has a reputation as “brain food.”

The main component of lecithin, choline, is converted in the body to acetylcholine, a substance that carries nerve impulses. The use of lecithin improves the condition of people with neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease.

Natural sources of lecithin include:

  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • soya beans;
  • lentils;
  • molasses;
  • caviar;
  • egg yolks.


Include vegetable juices in your diet. The following vegetables are most suitable:

  • celery;
  • broccoli;
  • cabbage;
  • asparagus;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Vegetable juices can be combined with an apple. Add 1 tsp to the juice. hemp and linseed oil. Don't forget about the benefits of walnuts, cashews, and almonds.

One-day fast on vegetable juices

Juices will provide rest to the digestive tract; Thanks to self-cleaning processes, the body will gain strength, thereby stimulating brain activity. One day a week, drink only fresh vegetable juices - 2-2.5 liters - and relax.

Minus white bread and sugar

Neurologist David Perlmutter says that dementia (including Alzheimer's disease), memory loss, and other brain disorders are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle that is completely under a person's control. Research shows that the two main culprits are sugar and wheat gluten.

Folk remedies to improve memory

1. Brain massage helps improve memory. It has been observed that prolonged rinsing of the mouth for 5-10 minutes has a certain effect on the central nervous system. Research has revealed that during rinsing, excitation processes are activated in many healthy and sick people. Then, when liquid saliva is released and, especially at the time of completion of rinsing, an increase in slow potentials is noted on the encephalogram, and the alpha rhythm becomes more pronounced and regular. The occurrence of such complex changes is like a kind of brain massage, which has a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in it.

2. For memory, among folk remedies there is a certain food that activates memory. You should give preference to baked apples and potatoes, dried fruits, stewed carrots, and cottage cheese. Daily consumption of a small piece of cheese, a slice of dark chocolate, vegetable salads dressed with olive oil, 2 bananas, nuts, and sunflower seeds is good for memory. These products can be used for a snack if proper nutrition is not possible. A protein diet helps improve memory.

3. Clover can be used as a folk remedy to improve memory. To do this, you need to take a full half-liter jar of clover heads, fill them with 500 ml of vodka and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. The jar needs to be shaken daily. Strain and take 1 tbsp once a day. before bed or after lunch. Drink for 3 months, then take a break for 3 weeks, then continue taking the infusion for another 3 months. It is recommended to repeat the entire course after 3 years. This recipe improves memory, prevents the development of cerebral vascular sclerosis, and helps get rid of headaches, ringing and tinnitus. Clover also reduces intracranial pressure.

4. To improve attention and memory, you should eat 5-7 walnuts daily. You can crush the nuts and mix them with fresh cream.

5. Fresh pine buds can be used as a way to improve attention and memory. It is recommended to eat several pieces of fresh buds in early spring 2-3 times a day before meals. This remedy sharpens memory and protects the body from early aging.

6. Memory improves with the help of elecampane. To do this you need to pour 1 tbsp. plant roots 500 ml of vodka, let it brew for 30 days. The jar needs to be shaken periodically. Drink tincture 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals for a month.

7. Rowan bark, an infusion of which should be drunk 2-3 times a year in courses, helps improve memory. To prepare the decoction you need to boil 1 tbsp. crushed red rowan bark in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes. Leave for at least 6 hours, strain. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. The duration of the course should be 3-4 weeks. The course is recommended in spring, winter and autumn. Thanks to the use of this recipe, blood vessels are perfectly cleansed of cholesterol.

8. Memory improves with blueberries. If consumed regularly, it also has a positive effect on vision. It is recommended to eat 1 glass of blueberries per day in the summer, and freeze the berries for the winter. If you eat blueberries throughout the year, you can get rid of numerous health problems.


Consuming ginger has a positive effect on memory and attention. You need to brew 10 g of raw materials with 250 ml of boiling water

For taste, you can add a little lemon balm or mint. You can drink 1-2 cups of the drink per day.

10. Also, a good effect is achieved with sage. To prepare the tincture you need to take 1 tbsp. sage and mint leaves. Put 2 tbsp in a thermos in the evening. collection and fill it with 2 tbsp. boiling water Strain in the morning and take 4 times a day, 50 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.


The center of thought and memory is located in the brain, it controls the entire body. This is a central computer, without which it is impossible to move, sleep, or eat. Without it there will be no emotions, memories, vision. Without him there will be no man.

But the brain is also an organ like any other in the human body. It consists of very thin tissues, carefully protected from the external environment by the dense part of the head - the skull. However, the brain is threatened by internal influences that a person himself can influence. This is not difficult to do. Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and move enough.

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