Performing therapeutic massage at home for sciatica

Therapeutic massage for sciatica is one of the best methods of rehabilitation for patients suffering from this disease. Sciatica is a chronic pathology in which pain occurs in the leg along the sciatic nerve, tissue inflammation and limitation of movements in the affected limb.

Acupressure and other types of massage are often used for diseases of the spine - both in the treatment phase and for prevention. By influencing massage points, the specialist relaxes the muscles, easing the patient’s condition when the nerve roots are pinched. Massage procedures can be taken in clinics or done at home, having mastered simple techniques.

Massage for sciatica - an additional treatment method

In the article we will tell you about all the best types of massage for sciatica, the benefits, and how to carry it out correctly when the sciatic nerve is inflamed. I promise it will be interesting.

Is it possible to do massage for sciatica?

Of course, in case of acute inflammation of the sciatic nerve and lumbago with lumbago in the back, massage cannot be done. All such procedures are best carried out after the acute process has subsided. At the same time, the less pronounced the pain syndrome, the better: it will be easier to gradually restore movement in the affected area.

Depending on the patient’s condition, massage procedures are prescribed by the attending physician. Before this, the patient needs to undergo blood and urine tests, as well as undergo an X-ray of the spinal column, CTG and MRI. During the period of exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease, relaxing massage sessions are acceptable, but in case of severe pain, it is recommended to abstain from the sessions.

Typically, the procedure is prescribed for different types of diseases and conditions that cause sciatica:

  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs in remission;
  • lower back pain caused by physical exertion and hypothermia.

Massage is allowed only outside the acute phase of the disease.
One of the therapeutic pathologies in which pinching of the sciatic nerve may occur is diabetes mellitus. In diabetes mellitus, as a result of disruptions in the endocrine system, toxins are produced in the body. They travel through the blood to the nerve roots of the lumbosacral spine, causing inflammation and constant pain.

Whether a massage is needed in this case is also decided by the doctor, but unless we are talking about severe forms of diabetes, there are no contraindications.

Experienced doctors always say that any treatment must be comprehensive. Massage is one of the links in the therapeutic chain, the effectiveness of which becomes higher when combined with the main methods of treating spinal diseases.

Correct procedure for pinched nerves

To achieve the desired effect when treating a pinched sciatic nerve, you should adhere to the following rules :

  • Entrust the procedure only to a professional.
  • It is important to use oil or gels.
  • It is better to choose ointments with a warming effect.
  • The patient is placed on his stomach, and the limbs are placed along the body.
  • You need to start the procedure with warming movements , then apply circular movements, but do not touch the sore area. Completion occurs with stroking claps.
  • It is better not to use vibrating and beating movements, otherwise even more damage to the nerves will be caused.
  • It is better to attend at least 12 sessions of 40-60 minutes each .
  • It is also allowed to massage the thigh using warming ointments at home if the sciatic nerve has been pinched.

It will be useful to view:

Main treatment methods

The first criterion on the basis of which the doctor draws conclusions about whether a patient can be given a massage is the absence of sharp and severe pain. Effective drug treatment will help to remove them:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • pain-relieving ointments, plasters;
  • B vitamins and their combinations with other medications.

Injections, tablets, suppositories and ointments will help eliminate the cause of the pain, after which you can safely receive massage sessions.

Benefits and types of massage treatments

Massage procedures have a therapeutic effect in the following areas:

  • increase blood flow to the affected area;
  • remove muscle tension and spasms;
  • help restore motor activity;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • prolong remission.

Massage will help speed up the patient's recovery and enhance the effect of medications.
Any type of massage can be combined with therapeutic physical exercises. There are the following types of procedures:

  • general treatment course;
  • acupressure (acupressure technique);
  • cans (vacuum effect);
  • self-massage;
  • using honey;
  • applicators-massagers.

Among these techniques, there are those that are best left to a professional (for example, a course of treatment or acupressure). The self-massage technique is simple; many patients master it on their own. You can learn how to make jars at home. People who have suffered from sciatica for years have been practicing honey massage and using applicators.

Before the massage session, you need to take a shower and be sure to empty your bladder and intestines.

General therapeutic massage

A course of therapeutic massage after diagnosing sciatica is carried out only in the stage of stable remission. Before the session, the massage therapist performs a special test, gently pressing on the area where the nerve is pinched. If the patient does not experience pain, treatment can begin.

Be sure to read: Why your back hurts after a massage: this is normal, what to do if your lower back hurts a lot after the first session

The patient lies face down on a flat surface. To make it more comfortable for him, a small cushion is placed under the lumbar region. The massage therapist begins the session by stroking the patient's back, after which he proceeds to gently rub the points located next to the canal through which the spinal cord passes.

General massage is recommended for various diseases of the spine

Further movements are performed in this order:

  • the thumbs stroke the back upward;
  • the thumbs rub the paravertebral lines across;
  • Rub your back lengthwise with your palms. Movements must be intense;
  • after this, massage the back across the paravertebral lines;
  • iron;
  • begin to gently stretch the muscles;
  • make smoothing movements;
  • rub the spine in a circular manner, using one or two fingers;
  • iron;
  • knead the muscles again, followed by stroking.

This massage relaxes the back muscles (both lumbar and broad). After reducing their hypertonicity, the specialist begins to massage the area near the sacrum:

  • at first the movements should be light, stroking;
  • then you need to move on to intensive rubbing (across and in a circle). At the same time, the massage therapist focuses on the back of the patient’s thigh;
  • Using kneading and circular movements, repeat the manipulations in a circle and across;
  • massage the soft tissues of the buttocks with your thumbs;
  • If there is no pain, proceed to tapping and intense rubbing.

One therapeutic massage session lasts about 20 minutes. The course lasts from 10 to 15 visits. After 1.5-2 months it is recommended to repeat it.

Be sure to read this good article:

Therapeutic back massage: how to do it correctly, types, benefits, principles

Video: how to relieve a patient from a pinched sciatic nerve?

The mechanism of massage

Before starting a massage course, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of sciatica in order to select the optimal method and intensity of impact. Therapeutic massage for pinched and inflamed sciatic nerves differs in that the techniques of vibration, patting, pinching and twisting are prescribed only by a doctor.

Mechanical action eliminates pain and severity of the inflammatory process. Improves blood and lymph movement and mobilizes the body's internal resources. This leads to the launch of natural regeneration processes, improved tissue nutrition and cleansing of toxins. During a massage session, the mobility of the spinal column improves, fatigue and tightness of muscle tissue go away.

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Irritation of nerve endings located in the skin affects the functioning of the central nervous system. As a result, hormones are produced that improve not only the condition of the skin, but also mood, general well-being, and immunity.

Acupressure or acupressure

This is an ancient Chinese technique. It is much gentler than acupuncture, which uses needles. During acupressure, the effect is carried out with the fingers. The points used are the same as for acupuncture. This type of massage is notable for the fact that you can master it yourself.

How to do acupressure correctly? The main thing is to know where on the human body the main points of influence are located through which vital energy passes:

  • back of the thigh (middle);
  • behind the lower leg;
  • hole under the knee;
  • pit under the buttock;
  • back ankle.

How acupressure is performed
Any of these points is located in the anatomical location of the sciatic nerve. When massaging, you need to use pressure, light tapping and rotational movements - both to the right and to the left.

Do not press on the point for more than 30 seconds. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Cupping (vacuum) massage

Banks are a “good old” folk remedy. Vacuum (rarefied space) acts locally on the affected areas and helps balance intracellular pressure. Why vacuum cans are useful:

  • they stimulate blood flow;
  • improve lymph movement and tissue metabolism;
  • relax cramped muscles;
  • contribute to the restoration of motor activity.

It is important to know how to apply cupping for sciatica to avoid burns and other unpleasant consequences. They must be wiped dry before use. The patient's skin is lubricated with oil. This will help avoid severe bruising.

A small wooden stick is suitable as a “torch” for cans. It is wrapped in cotton wool, moistened in an alcohol solution and set on fire. Fire is introduced into the jar, after which it is quickly but carefully placed on the patient’s back. Modern products use a pump that comes included.

Vacuum massage is a proven method of treating sciatica

After placing the cups, a person should experience a slight feeling of warmth and a pleasant burning sensation. The points on which the cups are placed are determined as follows: in the supine position, the patient places his palms facing upward under the “fifth point”. When you press your palms against your buttocks, pain will occur at several points. You will need to put one can on each of them.

One cupping massage session should last no more than 10-15 minutes, after which the patient should be covered with a blanket.

Be sure to read: Pinched nerve in the thoracic spine symptoms and treatment: 10 symptoms, 10 treatment methods, what to do at home (folk remedies, medications)

Video: cupping massage for inflammation of the sciatic nerve

The role of massage, its types in the treatment of sciatica

A feeling of stiffness is the first sign of illness, which many perceive as ordinary fatigue. Discomfort occurs in the lumbar region. The pain is felt in the soft tissues of the posterior surface of the pelvis, then “shoots” through the thigh, calf and foot. It is difficult to get up due to shooting pain.

About the disease, symptoms of sciatica

Sciatica occurs when muscle spasms occur after physical overload. The attack begins due to a sharp turn, after lifting a heavy load, or during hypothermia. The symptoms of the disease vary, but the main sign is pain in the lower part of the spine. Loss of motor ability occurs on one side of the body.

A distinctive feature of the disease is that the joints are inactive. As the leg muscles atrophy, it becomes slightly shorter and weaker when moving. The limb changes color, turns pale and becomes cold. The epidermis does not receive enough moisture, and the skin flakes off.

Massage is considered one of the auxiliary means of rehabilitation therapy.

Which areas are massaged: patient preparation

During the treatment course, the lower back and lower limbs are massaged. A warm bath helps to relax your muscles.

The sick person lies down on his stomach. The skin and muscles are pre-prepared.

  1. Warming up begins with stroking with the palm without moving the skin.
  2. Trituration. The technique is similar to the previous one, but with more pressure. The skin folds into a fold to cause slight redness. The manipulation lasts up to four minutes.
  3. Knead the spasmodic muscles (those that cramp). The skin is alternately kneaded, squeezed and pressed, displacing the skin. This technique relieves pain. The massage therapist's hands move smoothly from the lower part of the limbs upward. This way blood circulation is activated and soft tissue nutrition is improved.
  4. Vibration is the clapping of the legs with an open palm. Chopped swings relieve muscle tension.
  5. Stroking.

Each process lasts at least two minutes and at a slow pace. Classic general massage for sciatica is based on such actions. Its goal is to relieve pain in swollen calves and feet, improve blood and lymph flow, normalize the conductivity of nerve roots, and increase muscle tone. During course therapy, the patient's motor restrictions are removed.

Types of massage


They are treated with different massage techniques:

  • Cupping massage is based on the action of a vacuum that is formed between the skin and a dry cup. The painful area is pulled under the cup. A pressure difference is created, due to which the condition of the pinched nerve improves. The banks stand on your back for no longer than 15 minutes. After the session, the patient is wrapped warmly. It is not recommended to get up immediately; you need to lie down and rest. After the vacuum procedure, you feel light when walking. The ideal course is 12 procedures.
  • Point massage is performed with the thumbs. The specialist vigorously massages the sore areas in the lumbar area, abdomen and under the knee. When kneading deeply, the fist or elbow goes from the lower back down the leg. With this method, the body's defenses are activated, and damaged tissues are restored faster.
  • Honey therapy is a relaxing procedure that reduces spasms, relieves swelling and inflammation, and saturates the tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Warm honey is applied in a thin layer to the foot (from the heel) to the bottom of the shoulder blades. Allow the substance to be absorbed. They knead the back and thigh in a circular motion, sharply tearing off the palms, rubbing in the viscous aromatic liquid. Honey turns dirty brown, which means that toxins are leaving the body.

For pain, light, stroking massage passes.

Home healer: traditional methods of treatment

Numerous alternative medicine recipes use ingredients without artificial additives. Natural remedies are decoctions, tinctures, mixtures.

  • Compresses. Chopped radish or horseradish root, cabbage, birch leaves or burdock are laid out on gauze and applied to the lower back. Do this every day at night. Relief will come in a few days.
  • Iodine solution, triple cologne and analgin are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The pulp is rubbed into the inflamed lower back and wrapped with a warm scarf.
  • Infusions. Place 2 tbsp in a container. spoons of pine shoots and pour two glasses of boiling water. The solution is infused for 12 hours. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  • White candle wax is dripped onto the lower back. Repeat 2-4 times, then be sure to take a break.
  • Decoction. Aspen leaves (1 tbsp) are poured with a liter of water and boiled for half an hour. Strain the liquid and divide into 4 parts. Drink before meals.
  • Ointment. Mix finely chopped yellow iris (water iris) with vegetable oil and rub into the sore area.
  • Solution. Rub with salt water twice a week: 2 tbsp. spoons of sea salt per 1 liter of liquid.

Simple remedies relieve tension and inflammation of nerve endings.

Advice won't hurt anyone

The sacral plexus nerve is inflamed: what to do without leaving home, how to help yourself? It is recommended to rub the area where the pain occurred with special ointments and alcohol tinctures. Massager applicators help for a healing procedure.

  • The patient is placed in bed and a warm thing is wrapped around the lower back. Dry heat will be beneficial.
  • To strengthen your back muscles, do exercises regularly. Use a rubber mallet to tap the sore spots along the nerve. If you don’t have one, take an empty plastic bottle with a twisted neck for massage to give it elasticity. The patient's condition is rapidly improving.
  • Avoid hypothermia, dress warmly.

Massage is performed only for medical reasons after sciatica has been diagnosed and identified.
Don't self-medicate! Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


Honey is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It has long been used for various procedures. It has a relaxing effect, relieves swelling and prevents congestion.

How to massage with honey? It's simple: first you need to melt it a little and apply it to the back and affected limbs. Apply honey first to the heel, then gradually spread the body to the bottom of the shoulder blades. First knead your lower back, then your thigh area. Finally, massage your lower leg.

The honey will gradually turn brown. This means that it absorbs toxins that leave the body.

After the massage, rinse off the remaining honey and rest for a while.

Video: how to massage with honey. Honey massage at home


For home massagers, use Kuznetsov or Lyapko applicators. They are absolutely safe, do not damage the skin, exerting a mechanical effect on all active points. Kuznetsov's applicators are located on a fabric base. Don't be afraid of sharp thorns. At first, it will be enough to lie on such a “mat” for about two minutes, then you can gradually increase the time.

For sensitive patients, it is better to use another type of applicator (Lyapko). Unlike the first ones, plastic ones, they are made of rubber and have a soft effect. Their needles are made of metals that are well suited to the human body:

  • aluminum;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • chromium.

Lyapko applicators are less traumatic, and during use their needles act on the muscles with microcurrents that stimulate the body's defenses.

The massagers are easy to use. You need to choose a suitable place on the floor. The main thing is that the surface is smooth and hard. If this is your first time using a home massager, you can spend the first sessions on the bed, and then move to the floor. This technique can also be useful for the cervical spine.

Place a soft cushion in the place where your lower back will be located. It can be rolled up from a small blanket. It is needed so that the lower back is in tight contact with the applicator. Cover the roller with a massager and lie on it so that the roller is in the lumbar curve. The duration of the first session can be from 5 to 10 minutes. Gradually increase the time to half an hour.

Great article on the topic:

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve (sciatica): TOP 50 methods of quick treatment at home

Video: how to cure your own sciatic nerve in 2 minutes!

You can do a massage for sciatica yourself or make an appointment with a good massage therapist. You should not use home types of spinal massage if there is severe pain in the leg and severe inflammation of the sciatic nerve. This can greatly harm the treatment, and discomfort in the active points will persist for a long time.

Depending on the type of sciatica and the degree of pinched nerve, different types of therapeutic massage may be prescribed. If you do something yourself, any impact (especially acupressure) should be accompanied by careful movements. If you have experience, self-help techniques can be useful in an emergency situation.

Which of the following treatment methods, in your opinion, is the most effective? Share in the comments!

How to massage

The general principle of massage actions is as follows:

  • You need to take the right posture. To do this, lie on your stomach and relax your muscles. Experts advise placing a pillow under it. Hands should be located along the body.
  • The next stage is warming up the massage area. The specialist strokes the leg from the buttock to the heel, achieving complete relaxation and toning.
  • Hand massage. However, the site of the spasm is not massaged; attention is paid to the area around the affected area.
  • Light stroking movements complete the procedure.

During treatment with your hands, it is important to use the correct movements. That is, you should not hit the sore spot too much, otherwise you can greatly aggravate the situation. Movements should be smooth and slow. Also, before starting a massage, you need to find out the cause of the disease.

There are several types of therapeutic massage

Vacuum massage for the sciatic nerve is done using cups and is called cupping-vacuum. It was developed by the Italian researcher G. Chenok. According to the scientist, this therapeutic technique helps overcome stagnation of blood circulation. Massage affects specific areas of the spinal column. The massage therapist applies cups to the selected area, where the patient feels discomfort and pain.

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