Why does the eyelid twitch and what to do?

Causes of nervous tics

A nervous tic, or blepharospasm, is the name given to frequent and rapid twitching of small muscles responsible for facial expressions around the eye. Sometimes a tic can develop for no apparent reason and appear from time to time over many years. Occasionally it occurs against the background of stressful events and after them goes away without a trace.

Among the main reasons for the development of blepharospasm are:

  • nervous shocks;
  • lack of calcium and magnesium in the body;
  • taking medications - psychostimulants, antidepressants and antipsychotics;
  • overfatigue - a nervous tic can be provoked by ordinary fatigue of the facial muscles;
  • worms - this cause is more common in children.

Attention! In some cases, blepharospasm can signal really serious diseases that have not yet manifested themselves in full force. This symptom can occur with vegetative-vascular dystonia and multiple sclerosis, brain tumors and the latent course of Tourette’s disease.

Symptoms of eye tics

The presence of blepharospasm can be determined by muscle contraction. Spasmodic manifestations are:

  • simple (the eye muscle contracts once);
  • complex (muscle contractions occur repeatedly and even over a long period).

Adults are not able to control their condition or predict the occurrence of spasms, since they appear involuntarily. The person himself may not notice the eye twitching, since he does not feel it. Only those around you often point out the presence of such a problem.

In a calm environment, the manifestation of blepharospasm is almost impossible. Provoking factors are emotionally stressful situations, for example, large crowds of people, noise, shouting, fighting, tense atmosphere, etc.

Symptoms of a nervous tic

Almost the only symptom of a tic is the twitching of the muscles around the eyes. There is no way to control the tic - the muscle tissue contracts involuntarily, the twitching occurs completely unexpectedly and goes away just as abruptly.

Blepharospasm is not always noticeable to others. In some cases, eye twitching is actually visible from the outside. But sometimes only the person himself feels discomfort from a nervous tic of the eye, while visually his facial expressions do not change.

Manifestations of tics can vary greatly in intensity. In some people, blepharospasm passes relatively easily and is expressed only in trembling of the facial muscles. Other eyes twitch very strongly during an ocular nervous tic. It is characteristic that pain never occurs during spasm of the facial muscles.

Why does the upper or lower eyelid twitch?

The process of eye twitching affects either the upper or lower eyelid. In the first case, this is caused by excessive load on brain activity, a depressed state, constant tension and stress - everything that affects the human emotional sphere. The main thing is to take control of your condition: reconsider your own lifestyle, get enough sleep, relax, and get positive emotions.

In the second case, when the lower eyelid twitches, we can talk about eye fatigue and nervous exhaustion. Strong black coffee in the morning, which affects the central nervous system, can cause eye twitching for a short time.

If there is a signal indicating eye fatigue, you should do the following:

  • sit relaxed for 10 minutes with your eyes closed;
  • alternate between tightly closing your eyes and opening them wide (do the exercise several times);
  • blink your eyes frequently for several seconds;
  • apply warm and relaxing compresses to the eyes (slices of fresh cucumbers, slices of raw potatoes, brewed tea bags, chamomile infusion, etc.);
  • massage the brow ridges.

It is important to know! You can also use ice to relieve eye fatigue. Frozen mineral water does this job perfectly. Ice cubes are wrapped in a thin cloth and applied to the eyes for 2 minutes (or less). Under the influence of cold, tense eye muscles weaken and pain disappears. You cannot hold it for more than two minutes, as this can lead to vasoconstriction, which means poor circulation.

Which doctor should I go to?

If a nervous tic occurs repeatedly and frequently, it is recommended to make an appointment with a doctor to determine the cause of the twitching. First of all, you should go to an appointment with a therapist, and take children to a pediatrician.

Since the causes of blepharospasm can be very different, first you need to undergo a primary diagnosis and at least approximately determine what causes the nervous tic of the eye. Depending on the results of the examination, the general practitioner will be able to refer the patient to a highly specialized specialist - a neurologist, psychotherapist, oncologist or even a narcologist.


The study of the sources of nervous tics begins with an initial examination. At the initial stage, you will need to take several tests and, if necessary, undergo hardware diagnostics.

Necessary tests

When studying the causes of nervous tics, the doctor usually prescribes directions for the following tests:

  • laboratory tests of urine and blood, these tests allow you to determine whether there is an infection in the body, traces of potent drugs, signs of severe organic lesions;
  • stool analysis - referrals are usually given to children, since it is they who have ticks that often indicate the appearance of worms;
  • a blood test showing the level of thyroid hormones - blepharospasm can be caused by endocrine disorders;
  • ionogram, this analysis allows you to assess the level of calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for the functioning of muscles, in the patient’s body.

As a rule, a urine test and a general blood test are prescribed without fail, and the doctor sends you for other tests as needed.

Instrumental examination

If the causes of the tic cannot be determined using tests, the doctor may prescribe additional hardware testing. Sources of blepharospasm are studied using:

  • EEG - electroencephalogram, which allows you to study the activity of different parts of the brain;
  • EMG - myography, which is used to diagnose the activity of various muscle groups at rest and at work;
  • MRI - magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to check the presence or absence of tumors and other pathologies of the brain;
  • CT - computed tomography, also aimed at searching for tumors or injuries of the skull and neck bones.

If a nervous tic of the eye is caused by serious organic lesions, then hardware diagnostics allows you to quickly and accurately determine the causes. But in practice, blepharospasm rarely indicates pathologies. More often it occurs due to stress and tension.

First aid for nervous tics

Blepharospasm has little effect on the quality of life, but it interferes with everyday activities. If the eye twitches due to a nervous tic, it becomes difficult for a person to concentrate on business and conversations. When a nervous tic appears, you want to remove it as soon as possible.

As first aid for blepharospasm, doctors recommend:

  • close your eyes and take a relaxed position, trying to relieve tension from the facial muscles and neck;
  • open your eyes wide, blink quickly and sharply several times, and then close your eyes again for a minute and relax;
  • Press your finger firmly on the point in the middle of the eyebrow for a few seconds;
  • Press the corners of your eyes firmly with your fingers for a couple of seconds.

If possible, you should stop reading or working at the computer for the next half hour or hour and give your eyes a rest. It will be useful to go for a walk down the street, your eyes will be able to relax faster and the tic will recede.

Why do eyelids twitch?

  • Visual fatigue. The most common reason that causes eyelid twitching is eye fatigue. Long time spent doing exciting and necessary work at the computer, reading in a vehicle, poor night's rest, all this overstrains the muscles around the eyelids.
  • Nervous overstrain. The eyelid may begin to twitch with a slight nervous overload, when the psychological side is under tension for a long time, subsequently stress occurs.
  • Neurosis. The reason why the upper or lower eyelid begins to twitch may be due to neurosis. And if in this case the eye twitches strongly, you don’t know what to do, then, first of all, you should find the factor that causes the injury - that is, the circumstances that caused the stress and the emotional or intellectual source that influenced the mental overstrain. In this case, only common sense and rethinking the situation can help. Having analyzed the cause of a nervous breakdown, draw the right conclusion, eliminate the stress factor, so that in the near future everything will not happen unexpectedly and again. Be sure to relax, calm down and give your body a rest.
  • Conjunctivitis. Doctors often associate eyelid twitching with the fact that the mucous membrane of the eye is inflamed and irritated. When your vision is under prolonged strain, you feel as if sand has been poured into your eyes; you constantly want to blink or squint to relieve the discomfort. In this case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist who can prescribe a course of treatment for conjunctivitis. Otherwise, blurred vision, eye twitching, frequent blinking, squinting will become a habit, due to which in the future it will be difficult for you to get rid of a nervous tic, which will also affect your vision and it may worsen.
  • Eye diseases. If the conjunctiva is normal, there is no itching under the eyelids, the mucous membrane is pink, but the vision is blurry, especially in the evening, then you should definitely go to see an ophthalmologist so that he can identify the cause that strains and makes the eyes twitch and impairs vision.
  • Hereditary factor. It happens that twitching of the upper or lower eyelids is a hereditary factor passed on from parents.
  • Weakened immune system. You may experience a nervous tic or twitching of the eyelid if you have a weakened immune system, or if you have recently had an infectious disease, an acute respiratory viral infection, or an acute respiratory disease.
  • Nervous disorders. Twitching of the eyelid causes a disorder of the nervous system.
  • Poor blood circulation in the brain. If the eyelid twitches, this may also indicate poor circulation in the brain and high blood pressure. In this case, you should definitely consult a neurologist and go for an MRI.
  • Chronic neuroses. In this case, the twitching is compared to a psychotraumatic situation; the person is subjected to severe nervous strain. You should definitely remove the factor that is traumatic to the psyche, and then start taking sedatives. If the situation has not gone too far, then it is quite possible to get by with herbs to treat the nervous system: mint, lemon balm, motherwort, valerian.
  • Medicines. Some medications can cause twitching of the eyelids. These are mainly psychotropic medications taken for epilepsy and the treatment of psychosis.
  • Injuries and various diseases can also be the cause. Eyelid twitching causes concussions, brain tumors, head injuries, ear diseases, stroke and parasitic diseases.

How to remove a nervous tic from the eye

Blepharospasm can be eliminated using simple actions; usually an attack of a nervous tic passes quite quickly. But if blepharospasm recurs frequently, then there is a need to solve the problem comprehensively - with the help of medications and exercises.

Use of medications

If a nervous tic is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems, then based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe appropriate medications. Usually, for repeated blepharospasm, several vitamins are used for nervous eye tics.

Calcium gluconate

The drug improves the passage of nerve impulses and helps control the contraction and relaxation of facial muscles. The medicine is approved, including for children's use.


The drug improves the functioning of the nervous and metabolic systems, relieves stress and improves brain activity. Glycine is often recommended for use during stress and intense mental stress.

We recommend reading: What are the benefits of glycine, properties and uses?


If a nervous tic is caused by psycho-emotional stress, then a natural and harmless sedative will help relieve unpleasant symptoms of stress. With a good effect, the drug has a minimum of contraindications and is sold without a prescription.


This drug is a fairly serious drug. It is used for frequent and severe nervous tics - Phenazepam calms well, relieves muscle cramps and generally effectively relaxes muscle tissue.

Advice! Many drugs for relieving blepharospasm are sold by pharmacies freely and without a prescription. But before using medications, in any case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, to eliminate nervous tics, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes. All of them are completely harmless if the indicated dosages are observed and have a general beneficial effect on the body.

Chamomile decoction

Pharmaceutical chamomile has pronounced calming and relaxing properties. Brew a bag of chamomile tea from a pharmacy in a glass of boiling water, let it cool slightly and add a spoonful of honey. Drink the decoction twice a day - in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

We recommend reading: Chamomile tea: beneficial properties and contraindications

Hawthorn decoction

A good remedy for nervous eye tics is hawthorn, which also has a calming effect on the muscular and nervous systems. Pour boiling water over a large spoonful of fresh or dried berries and drink 100 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. In addition to the fact that hawthorn will relieve muscle spasms, it will also help improve night sleep.

Plantain lotions with honey

Medicinal lotions have a good effect. Beneficial substances penetrate the muscles through the skin and quickly relieve blepharospasm. It is recommended to grind fresh plantain leaves in a volume of 2 large spoons, brew 100 ml of boiling water, then add a spoonful of honey to the warm broth and stir thoroughly. Soak a cotton swab in the finished product and apply it to closed eyes for half an hour. The procedure must be repeated daily for 7 days.

Exercise for the eyes

Simple exercises help strengthen small facial muscles. During the exercises, the muscles tense and relax, which improves their tone and prevents the occurrence of nervous eye tics.

Charging consists of just a few simple exercises. Necessary:

  • close your eyes tightly, and then sharply open your eyes and relax your facial muscles 7-10 times in a row;
  • lie horizontally, relax your face and neck muscles, and then open your mouth and pronounce the vowel sound “y”, trying not to strain the upper part of your face, 5 times in a row;
  • sit up straight, blink quickly for a few seconds, then close your eyes tightly, and then open your eyes wide, repeat the procedure 5 times, and then close your eyes for 5 minutes and relax.

A simple eye massage also gives a good effect - lubricate the eyelids with a small amount of moisturizing cream, massage with light movements for a minute, and then blink quickly and frequently for another 40 seconds.

What to do to eliminate nervous tics? Let's start treating a twitching eye!

What should you do when your eye starts to twitch? The tick is the first screw to fail and at the moment, first of all, you should relax, think about your health, and then you can take active steps:

  • you should undergo a course of treatment, in this case sedatives and infusions of chamomile, lemon balm, and valerian will help;
  • You definitely need to relax in order to remove the spasm, but how can you do this? You need to close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale, and then open your eyes. This exercise is repeated 5 times. This method is very effective, despite the fact that it is simple, so do not ignore it;
  • be sure to get a good night's sleep. Go to bed a few hours earlier, and try to take 20-minute breaks throughout the day;
  • Once the tic begins, some may simply blink their eyelids. Blink frequently for two minutes and try to spend less time at the computer;
  • try not to get into conflict and tense situations;
  • in case of chronic or acute neurosis that causes eye twitching, you must consult a specialist;
  • reduce consumption of tobacco products, alcoholic and coffee drinks;
  • the eyelid may twitch due to dry eyes, in this case artificial tears are needed, they can be purchased at the pharmacy and for this you do not need a doctor’s prescription;
  • you can also take a contrast shower;
  • use special eye drops, they will remove irritation and increased visual stress;
  • Brew a tea infusion, soak cotton swabs in it and apply to your eyes, thanks to such lotions you will relieve tension.

Prevention of nervous tics

To prevent a nervous tic from appearing again after treatment, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle and pay increased attention to your daily routine and nutrition. Under conditions of constant physical and emotional stress, blepharospasm will return, so it is necessary to combat it, including preventively.

Proper nutrition

The health of the nervous and muscular systems largely depends on human nutrition. To prevent disruptions in the body, it is recommended to eat at least 5 times a day at the same time in small portions.

The diet should contain enough protein, carbohydrates and fats - the lack of one of the components will negatively affect your health. The ideal BZHU ratio looks like 30%, 20% and 50%, respectively - with this diet the body will receive all the necessary substances. There should be a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits on the daily table; it is better to reduce sugar in the diet.

Important! If you are prone to nervous tics, you should eat fermented milk products, greens, legumes and nuts more often. They contain large amounts of calcium and magnesium.


The ability to relax plays an important role in the prevention of nervous tics. It is recommended to find time each day for quiet relaxation, such as walking in the fresh air or doing yoga, swimming or massage. It is useful to communicate with pets or engage in creativity, it is also calming and relaxing.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy has a good effect on the nervous system. If you are prone to nervous tics, it is recommended to use an aroma lamp more often and fill the room with the scents of orange, lavender, juniper or mint. A pleasant aroma helps to avoid unnecessary stress, promotes normal sleep and maintains a good mood.

Healthy sleep

The most important condition for the normal functioning of the nervous system is healthy sleep. Night rest should take at least 7-8 hours, and it is advisable to go to bed at the same time. It is better not to use a computer or smartphone before going to bed. They make it difficult to relax and tune in to rest, because they stimulate the brain to work actively.

Treatment of eyelid twitching and proper nutrition

Probably, a person faced with the problem that we are now discussing sometimes falls into despair, since it is not always possible to find a way out of the current situation on his own. When the eye twitches, treatment with folk remedies can be effective, but do not forget that there is also proper nutrition, which can also help with eye twitching.

Magnesium. This microelement has a beneficial effect on enzymes that are responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. Reduces nervous and psychological emotional arousal, makes the heart muscle relaxed. It contracts muscle muscles and is also responsible for twitching around the eye muscles.

Athletes and bodybuilders who engage in sports at a professional level often have to deal with magnesium deficiency, since most foods that are rich in this substance are too high in calories, and therefore cannot be included in the necessary dietary courses and sports nutrition in this case.

The microelement begins to evaporate through sweat when intense physical activity is carried out, a sauna is visited, and also during chronic stress. In addition, magnesium tends to be excreted from the body through bile and urine. Due to a lack of magnesium, the risk of seizures, various heart diseases and high blood pressure increases. Increased fatigue also appears, sleep and heart function are disturbed, constipation torments, and the eyelid begins to twitch. A lack of magnesium is caused by improper absorption of food in the intestines, as well as when diuretics and alcoholic beverages are consumed.

In order for the eyelids to stop shrinking, you should definitely consume foods that contain magnesium:

  • wheat bran;
  • pumpkin, sunflower, flax and sesame seeds;
  • pine nuts and walnuts;
  • good quality chocolate;
  • wheat and legumes.

Calcium. Without this microelement, the nervous system suffers, and the functioning of muscle tissue is also disrupted. In order for calcium to be absorbed intensively, you need to resort to physical activity or physical activity. Due to a deficiency of this microelement, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland occurs, which can also lead to pancreatitis.

Due to poor nutrition and lack of vitamin D, kidney diseases and excess intake of magnesium and other substances can occur. Calcium deficiency also reduces the immune system, causes muscle pain, and increases nervous excitement.

In order to stop eyelid twitching, you need to add foods that contain large amounts of calcium to your diet:

  • Cheese and dairy products;
  • almonds, sesame seeds; dried apricots;
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • peanuts and walnuts.

Aluminum. This microelement is found in digestive enzymes and takes part in the structure of connective tissues and epithelium. But if this substance enters the body in increased quantities, then metabolic processes, phosphorus-calcium metabolism, are disrupted, the nervous system is excited, memory deteriorates, muscle cramps appear, which provokes eye twitching.

Due to excess aluminum, the central nervous system (CNS) begins to suffer, hematopoietic functions are disrupted from normal functioning, and there is also an adverse effect on the kidneys, mammary glands, and uterus. The body is saturated with aluminum through water, medicines, deodorants, aluminum cookware, and dentures.

Aluminum can appear in the world around us if an unfavorable environmental situation is created associated with industrial activities, textile, paint and varnish and other industries. Nature is polluted with waste from the work of various plants and factories, and then the body is saturated with all this and our health suffers.

Possible complications of tics

In general, nervous tics are not a dangerous disease. However, if left untreated, it can lead to unpleasant consequences, namely:

  • to chronic irritation and redness of the eyes, purulent inflammation;
  • to drooping of the upper eyelid and spasms of other facial muscles;
  • to the occurrence of migraines and double vision;
  • to nervous disorders - with a constant nervous tic, a person feels tension and discomfort, this affects the general physical and psychological state.

It is important to remember that blepharospasm may indicate serious disorders such as Tourette's syndrome or Parkinson's disease.

What to do if your eye twitches

When the eye twitches, what should you do in this case and how can you cope with this unpleasant phenomenon? The causes are determined and treatment is prescribed depending on the circumstances. But under any circumstances, only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease. Sometimes people cope with this problem on their own, but you should definitely see a doctor if:

  • eyelid twitches for more than one week;
  • the twitching has become more intense, muscle spasm begins;
  • in the process of twitching, other facial muscles begin to contract;
  • twitching is accompanied by redness and purulence of the eye.

After you consult a therapist and there is a suspicion that the nervous system or brain activity is impaired, you will need to contact a neurologist or other specialist. Twitching of the eyelid can be caused by various reasons, and this indicates that the body is giving a signal about problems and malfunctions in its functioning.

It could be just normal fatigue, but it could also be a serious illness. You should not resort to long-term self-medication, since if you do not know about the exact diagnosis, you will only harm your health even more.

What to do if your eyelids twitch

My eye is twitching, what should I do? Folk remedies in this case can also come to the rescue. But before you resort to them, you need to make sure that you do not suffer from serious illnesses.

In order to remove muscle tension around the visual organs, as well as relax the psychological emotional state, reduce stress, you should periodically rest with the help of palming.

  1. You need to sit on a chair, your back and the back of your head should resemble a line, always straight and not bent. Thanks to this position, good blood supply to the brain is maintained.
  2. Shake your wrists a couple of times - this helps to relax the psyche. Rub your palms, they will become warm.
  3. Place your elbows on the table. Fold your palms and fingers, which you must close, into a handful.
  4. Next, you need to place your palms to your eyes so that they are opposite the indentations in your palms. The phalanges of the little fingers closest to the palms must be crossed on the bridge of the nose, like the temples of glasses.
  5. Place the other fingers, in addition to the thumbs, in the forehead area. Place the base of your palms in the cheekbones.
  6. Do not press your palms tightly, as the eyelids should blink freely. Only through those places where the palms touch the eyes should no light shine through.
  7. Relax your hands, just maintain the desired tone. Close your eyes and imagine something positive that will make you smile.

Do these exercises constantly when you feel tired or your eyelids begin to twitch. The duration and frequency of the exercise depends on how much time you can spend on the activity and the level of relaxation you want to achieve.

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