Trembling in the body: why is it shaking and what to do?

Many people experience tremors in the body, the causes of this disorder may vary, and it is not always possible to determine them immediately. The feeling of internal trembling is not entirely pleasant; people may panic and the condition worsens.

For some, the symptom appears on rare occasions; for others, tremors are common. When the body shakes several times a day, you need to determine the reasons and begin therapy.

In a situation where the body shudders for a short time, there is no danger to health, but when tremors appear regularly and a person has a fever, it is necessary to determine the cause of this condition.

general description

First we need to understand what people experience when they experience tremors. This concept refers to involuntary rhythmic body movement caused by the accelerated alternation of muscle tension and relaxation. Most often, such processes occur in the limbs.

Sometimes the head, tongue, or jaw may tremble.

Causes and symptoms

Most often, tremor occurs in the legs, arms, jaw, the tongue or the entire head may tremble.

We list the possible reasons:

  • At low temperatures, when the patient becomes chilled from the cold, trembling begins.
  • Increased concentration of adrenaline in the blood.
  • If the patient has independent neurological pathologies.

A common cause of body tremors is a malfunction of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. Neurons that regulate the functioning of muscle tissue and their tone make it possible to maintain the body in a comfortable position.

Patients shake when malfunctions, problems or painful conditions occur in some parts of complex mechanisms. Weakness occurs, part of the body shakes.

Possible reasons

The whole body shakes, the causes of which depend on previous events in life or the state of the body, at very different times.

Strong nervous excitement with a pronounced desire to “run” somewhere can occur in the morning or before bed, which is also a symptom of certain diseases. Most often, strong excitement and excitement is provoked by:


When stressed at night or during the day, an adult or child experiences a feeling of increased arousal. A man is spinning in bed, unable to find a place for himself. At this time, your heart may be pounding, your head may hurt, and you may feel nauseous from stressful situations you have experienced. Often this condition can appear in anticipation of future events (exams, interviews, operations).

In most cases, once the cause of stress disappears, anxiety goes away on its own without medication.


Drinking large amounts of caffeine, which is found in coffee, energy drinks and even tea, causes a strong surge of energy and nervous excitement that does not go away for a long time.

Along with overexcitation and slight tremor, insomnia and headache appear.

Lack of sleep

Nervous tremors are provoked by a systemic lack of sleep, since in this case the brain and nervous system do not have time to rest and recover to a normal state. The body experiences a reboot and weakness, which is expressed by increased anxiety and tremors throughout the body.


In the initial stages of manifestation, dehydration causes severe nervous excitement, which is accompanied by trembling throughout the body.

Dehydration can also be a reason why your whole body is shaking

Gradually, anxiety is replaced by a state of increased weakness until loss of consciousness.


With frequent shallow breathing, a gradual increase in oxygen deficiency in the lungs occurs. The exhalation becomes short and the person cannot exhale excess air. All this is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear.

Neurological diseases

Neuroses (panic attacks) and mental disorders (bipolar disorder, schizophrenia) are often manifested by periodic feelings of increased agitation and shaking throughout the body, arms and legs.

Excitement manifests itself in attacks and can be manic or depressive in nature and accompanied by convulsions.


With acute respiratory viral infections, influenza or other infectious diseases, elevated body temperature is often accompanied by trembling throughout the body. This is associated with the appearance of a feeling of chills and increased weakness of the body, since all its forces are aimed at suppressing infection or neutralizing viruses.

Brain disorders

With injuries and age-related disorders of the brain, the functional abilities of the body change noticeably. A separate area in the brain may atrophy, blockage of blood vessels or hemorrhage may occur. All this leads to impaired motor functions and the appearance of shaking throughout the body or limbs.

Use of alcohol and certain medications

Drinking alcoholic beverages in large quantities for a long time, as well as certain medications, causes poisoning, disruption of brain function and reduces the ability to control movements. A person may experience tremors throughout the body, especially in the morning.

Cardiovascular diseases

Heart disease, disturbances in cardiac conduction and myocardial contractions provoke, as an additional symptom, agitation and trembling throughout the body.

The same symptoms appear in the case of a heart attack and arrhythmia, which is associated with oxygen deficiency in the body.


The period of menopause causes women to experience frequent temperature changes, increased sweating and a feeling of mild anxiety and shaking throughout the body, which goes away on its own over time.

not requiring treatment
  • stress;
  • overdose of drugs and alcohol;
  • menopause;
  • sleep disturbances and dehydration fever
requiring special drug therapy
  • neurological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • brain injuries and disorders

Pathological factors

Let's list the main ones:

  • Stress is the most common reason that causes body tremors or a feeling of internal trembling. No matter what irritants provoke a stressful situation, the body’s protective function is activated. The functioning of the nervous system is disrupted if a person constantly experiences nervous tension.

  • Disorders of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Depression and neurosis can negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system, so patients begin to shake from the inside.
  • Concomitant infectious disorders cause discomfort. This occurs against the background of a rise in temperature to 37 degrees, and an unpleasant chill is felt.
  • Problems with the functioning of the endocrine system are expressed by a disorder of the thyroid gland, increased blood sugar levels or a problem with the functioning of the ovaries. Such violations also refer to internal tremors.

  • Due to simple transformations in the body, irreversible processes arise that lead to problems with blood circulation, resulting in small tremors. Patients have other neurological disorders.
  • A feeling of discomfort may appear after using medications or psychotropic drugs.
  • Acquired injuries or neurological disorders such as concussions, Parkinson's or atherosclerotic lesions. In such situations, trembling occurs due to nervous overexcitation or increased stress.

  • If a person drinks a lot of energy drinks or other drinks containing caffeine, problems with the nervous system appear, resulting in tremors.

People may experience symptoms that indicate illness. Often during trembling, the following accompanying symptoms occur:

  • Heart rate increases.
  • Anxiety.
  • Constant feeling of danger.
  • Nervousness.

If you experience a prolonged feeling of tremor, which has a negative impact on people’s health, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Trembling in the body - causes

Potential causes of shaking:


Besides hypothermia, the most common cause of shivering is fever, which doctors define as a body temperature above 38C. Fever usually occurs as a result of infection, but inflammation and an allergic reaction can also increase body temperature. Some people with a fever may also have flu-like symptoms. Drinking fluids and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the temperature. If a person has other symptoms, such as a fast heartbeat or shallow breathing, they should seek medical help.

Psychogenic movement disorders

Stressors or mental health problems can cause tremors and other involuntary movements. This usually occurs due to a psychogenic movement disorder that can affect any part of the body.

Psychogenic movement disorders are usually diagnosed by a neurologist. When making a diagnosis, the doctor pays attention to the following characteristics:

  • involuntary movements occur suddenly;
  • memories of traumatic events trigger movements;
  • when a person is distracted, movements stop;
  • there are underlying mental health problems such as depression.

There is usually no brain or nerve damage, and shaking is the body's response to stress.

Postanesthetic shivering

Tremors may occur after general anesthesia.

Body temperature may drop during a surgical procedure, which may cause the patient to shiver.

Anesthetics affect the body's ability to regulate temperature, which can make it difficult for the body to stay warm after surgery. Doctors usually check a person's temperature and, if necessary, cover them with a blanket or place a heating pad.

Fear, anxiety or stress

Strong emotions can cause a person's body to tremble. This occurs due to the release of adrenaline into the blood. Adrenaline is a hormone that causes the body to respond.

The trembling in the body stops after the adrenaline subsides. This happens very rarely, perhaps during an exciting or frightening moment.


Involuntary tremors in the body can be caused by an underlying condition called essential tremor. Essential tremor is a neurological condition that is characterized by trembling of the hands, head, and vocal muscles. Tremor can also be a symptom of Parkinson's disease, a neurological disease that affects an area of ​​the brain and tends to develop gradually.

Low blood sugar

If a person has not eaten or drunk for a long time, blood glucose levels may drop and cause shaking. People with diabetes should check their blood glucose levels regularly.


Anxiety is a mental health condition that can affect both the body and the mind. It may cause physical symptoms such as nausea, increased heart rate, and trembling.

Treatment for anxiety includes medications and lifestyle changes. To cope with anxiety, a person should exercise, listen to music, and spend more time with friends and family.


Sepsis is the body's response to infection and is often a complication of infections of the lungs, skin, intestines and urinary tract. One of the symptoms of sepsis is trembling in the body. Other symptoms include sweating, pain, increased heart rate and shortness of breath.

Types of tremor

Trembling in the body can be located in different areas. Sometimes my arms, legs, and organs shake.

Let's figure out how tremors in the body can manifest themselves:

  • Body tremors appear due to an increase in the concentration of adrenaline, in a stressful situation, with psychological stress, with disorders of the endocrine system.
  • Trembling or trembling within the body constantly occurs in impressionable people during nervous tension or in a stressful situation.
  • Problems with the brain or spinal cord.
  • Legs shake due to overwork, psychological stress, and insufficient amount of potassium, iron and other useful microelements in the body.
  • Hands tremble due to overwork, stress, or alcohol abuse.
  • The face trembles, the body tenses due to problems with the facial nerve.
  • The eyelids tremble due to neurosis or migraine.

Types of body tremors and causes

Trembling in the body is divided into external (felt in the muscles) and internal (felt inside the body). Also, types of tremors are classified according to the parts of the body in which they are located - these can be the arms and hands, legs, face, eyelids or the whole body.

The causes of tremor and additional symptoms associated with it depend on the type of tremor.

Inside the body

Internal tremor, accompanied by tremors in the sternum or abdomen, is characteristic of stressful conditions. Trembling inside occurs in impressionable individuals during emotional experiences: both positive and negative. Strong emotions provoke jitters, leading to nervous tremors.

In such a situation, the feeling of internal trembling is not the only symptom; there are other signs: rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, muscle weakness.

In addition to psychological reasons, internal trembling indicates the following problems:

  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • intracerebral pathologies;
  • infections of various origins;
  • vegetative abnormalities;
  • clinical depression;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • age-related changes;
  • alcohol and drug poisoning.

The exact pathology will be determined by the parallel symptoms of the disease. Thus, in case of poisoning, severe nausea and vomiting occurs, in case of infection, the temperature rises, and in case of intracerebral pathologies, coordination deteriorates.

Throughout the body

External trembling throughout the body, noticeable to the naked eye, also appears due to severe stress. When the nervous system is overstrained, slight tremors and severe weakness occur, and the patient’s legs may give way. Nausea also often occurs.

Other reasons for this condition:

  • with neurosis;
  • with VSD;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
  • for brain diseases;
  • with hypo- or hypertension;
  • in old age.

When a patient’s whole body shakes at night or in the evening, the reason is often endocrine pathologies. If we are talking about vegetative-vascular dystonia, the symptom often occurs when falling asleep or when the patient wakes up.

In hand

Constant trembling in the hands is a sign of diseases of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Trembling hands may be caused by Parkinson's disease

The reasons for this condition include:

  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • malignant tumors of the head;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • brain injuries;
  • head infections.

Tremor in the hands indicates an excess of caffeine in the body, poisoning with drugs or alcohol. With stress, overwork and strong tension in the body, tremors begin in the hands.

At my feet

Severe, sudden trembling in the lower extremities occurs with muscle tension, lack of useful microelements, and with psychological and emotional stress.

Trembling in the legs can manifest itself due to a lack of vitamins in the body, namely calcium, but there are a number of other reasons

The most common reason for shaking legs is:

  • nervous tremors due to stress;
  • performing physical exercises;
  • long walking;
  • lack of calcium in the diet;
  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • drug intoxication.

Important! Trembling in the legs is typical for older people, due to inevitable age-related changes, deterioration of the nervous system and muscles.

Facial shaking

A constantly occurring feeling of trembling in the face indicates:

One of the most common causes of facial trembling is a nervous tic.

  • nervous tension;
  • partial facial paralysis;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • insomnia, poor sleep quality;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Neuroses, nervous tics, and migraines also lead to the sensation of twitching in the eyelids.


To cope with the unpleasant symptom of trembling throughout the body, you need to figure out what provokes it. We will have to correctly diagnose the patient's condition.

Sometimes this can be difficult when there are no other signs of illness. In order to exclude endocrine and neurological disorders and prevent harm from medications or alcohol, the following procedures will have to be performed:

  • EEG.

  • ECG.

  • Blood is taken for analysis.

The conductivity of bioelectric impulses through neurons needs to be improved; for this, the blood supply to the brain is stimulated, and vitamin complexes are used.

If trembling is provoked by abs or a depressive state, the therapeutic technique should include:

  • Sedatives.
  • Vitamin complexes.
  • Remedies to combat depression.
  • Combating factors that provoke symptoms.
  • Treatment by a psychiatrist.


Used for anxiety, nervous tension, stressful situations, or poor sleep.

To eliminate body tremors, doctors advise using medications that include herbal extracts:

  • Valerian.
  • Peony.
  • Motherwort.
  • Hawthorn.

Such drugs have a mild sedative effect, do not change the reaction rate, and do not cause addiction. To achieve the desired result, you need to use these medications for at least 4-8 weeks.

Vitamin complexes

It is used when there is a lack of biologically active substances, if the body is overtired or under stress.


What medications are used for anxiety, constant worry, and other signs of depression. The choice of a suitable medicine is made only by a specialist after determining the patient’s condition, identifying contraindications and possible somatic disorders.

The following drugs are suitable for therapy:

  • Amitriptyline.
  • Fluoxetine.
  • Azafen.

The course of treatment with antidepressants lasts from 2 to 6 months. Modern drugs cause almost no side effects and have no contraindications.


A trained psychiatrist often helps patients cope with tremors or the effects of stress. It helps the patient change his view of processes occurring in life that provoke a negative reaction from the body. To combat neuroses, cognitive behavioral treatment methods, sessions for the whole family and other types of therapy are used. It all depends on the problems that the individual is experiencing.

The psychotherapist often teaches patients methods of obtaining relaxation, relieving tension, and confronting negative emotions. One of the most effective ways is breathing exercises, meditation, etc.

To get rid of tremors in the body forever, you need to accurately determine the cause of this disorder. After this, suitable drugs are selected to relieve symptoms.

Causes of palpitations and trembling

These manifestations are one of the common reasons why patients see a cardiologist, therapist, neurologist, or endocrinologist.

What could it be?

This condition is fueled by periodic loss of pulse, too fast heart rate, weakness, and goosebumps.

Factors influencing this manifestation are different and are not always related to the work of the heart muscle:

  1. Cardiac conduction disorder
  2. Secondary myocardial contractions,
  3. Development of arrhythmia,
  4. Heart disease,
  5. Heart attack, etc.

But there are also a large number of reasons not related to the functioning of the heart:

  1. Incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And since the organs are directly related to the heart muscle, frequent pulsation is also closely related to this.
  2. When the vagus nerve appears, a certain disruption occurs in the functioning of digestion, which gives a signal of disturbances. It is precisely this symptom that can cause minor trembling. Patients may also feel a little nervous during a gastroscopy.
  3. Shaking in the body is often provoked by an incorrect approach to any of the therapies, when medication is taken uncontrollably.
  4. When a large amount of nicotine enters the body, frequent pulsation and trembling in the arms and legs occur.
  5. With the development of diseases associated with the endocrine system, these deviations from the normal functioning of the heart can also be observed. This is due to incomplete production of Thyroxin, TRIIODOTHYRONINE.
  6. Alcohol, like no other, can cause a person’s internal tremors.
  7. Rheochromocytoma is the name of an oncological process in the adrenal glands, the symptoms of which are a strong heartbeat.
  8. With constant abuse of drinks with large amounts of caffeine, internal shaking in the body and headaches appear.
  9. As for the female gender, this kind of symptoms can appear after the onset of menopause.
  10. During surges in body temperature: ARVI, bronchitis, inflammatory processes, tremors are also observed in the heart area, which is directly related to the feverish state of the patient.

When it comes to problems with the endocrine system, it should be noted that trembling occurs only in the morning, and towards lunch everything returns to normal.

If your hands are shaking

To understand that a person’s hands are trembling, you need to stretch your limbs in front of you and put a piece of paper on your palm, which will help you visually determine the rhythmic contractions and relaxations of the muscles. This symptom does not pose a danger to people in most cases. It is present in literally everyone.

Adrenaline is often produced. Its increased concentration in the blood can be caused by poor sleep quality or regular stressful situations. This condition also increases trembling. Asthma inhalers may make symptoms worse. This also applies to drinking caffeine in large quantities.

Hands are shaking

This symptom is easy to notice. If you stretch your hand forward, after a while it will begin to tremble. This condition is most clearly manifested in elderly patients. This is often due to poor flow of bioelectric impulses from the brain to the hands.

Often they try to eliminate tremors with alcohol. Alcohol-containing liquids have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. This condition cannot be called life-threatening, but beta blockers help relieve the symptom.

Treatment methods

Shakes the entire body for a variety of reasons, most of which may be completely harmless. Most often, excitement and slight shaking are associated with stressful situations from experienced or upcoming events.

For example, before a wedding, an operation, or after a robbery experience. In this case, no special treatment is required and all symptoms of anxiety disappear within 1-2 days on their own.

In other cases, various areas of therapy are used to treat and improve overall well-being.

In case of poisoning with alcohol and drugs


The intestinal absorbent enterosgel in the form of a paste has increased sorption and detoxification properties. It absorbs excess alcohol, drugs and metabolism, which aggravate the patient's condition.

The drug is prescribed in 1-1.5 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 2-3 days.


No-spa is an effective antispasmodic that relieves spasms and dilates blood vessels in the brain, improves blood circulation. The drug is taken 1-2 tablets. 1-2 times a day for 2 days.

When dehydrated


The drug rehydron is able to quickly restore the balance of electrolytes and retain moisture, helping to restore fluid levels in the body.

To prepare the mixture 1 pack. The drug is dissolved in 1 liter. water and drink 1 tbsp. every 4 hours. within 1-2 days.

Sodium chloride

If there is a large loss of fluid, the patient is prescribed IVs with saline solution. The drug is administered intravenously in 500-1000 ml doses. within a day.


To restore vitamin balance, Complivit is prescribed. Multivitamin helps to quickly restore the level of vitamins and minerals in the blood. The medicine is taken 1 tablet. per day for 30 days.

With severe nervous excitement, vegetative-vascular dystonia and menopause


Valerian tablets have a mild calming effect. The drug relieves agitation and alleviates depression. The drug is taken in 2-3 tablets. 2 times a day.


Glycine reduces psycho-emotional stress and improves the functioning of the central nervous system.

The drug increases mental performance and improves sleep. The product is drunk 1 tablet. 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

For neurological diseases


Azafen is an antidepressant that alleviates depression and calms. Take the medicine 70 mg 3 times a day in courses of 1-2 months.


Clomipramine has a pronounced sedative effect due to its central nervous system depressant effect. The drug improves sleep and evens out mood. The medicine is prescribed at 50-100 mg per day for 1-2 months.

Magnesium B6

The whole body shakes, the reasons for which may be temporary, due to a lack of vitamins and microelements.

Magnesium B6 contains substances that are involved in metabolism, it improves impulse transmission and restores muscle contraction processes. The drug is taken in 6 tablets. per day for 7-10 days.

Psychological help

For neurological diseases, psychological therapy plays an important role, which is carried out through a confidential conversation between the psychotherapist and patients. During sessions, which are conducted in courses or on an ongoing basis, the causes of anxiety states are established and social behavior and mood are corrected.

With tremors from elevated temperature


Drotaverine has a relaxing effect, relieves spasms and dilates blood vessels. After taking the drug, the temperature is more easily relieved under the influence of drugs, and the chills go away.

The drug can be taken 1-2 tablets. 2 times a day for 3 days.


For severe chills and high temperature that does not decrease, it is recommended to inject analgin and drotaverine. Analgin has an active anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect for a long time. 1 ampoule of the drugs is mixed and administered intramuscularly 1-2 times a day.

For cardiovascular diseases


The drug has the ability to reduce myocardial oxygen demand and relax capillaries, and also helps reduce the load on the heart. Nitroglycerin is prescribed, 1 tablet. upon the onset of an attack.


The diuretic drug furosemide quickly removes excess fluid from the body, helping to reduce the load on the heart.

The drug is taken 1-2 tablets. If pain and discomfort occurs in the heart.

For injuries and disorders of the brain

Treatment of injuries and disorders in the functionality of the brain is carried out only on an inpatient basis under the supervision of a physician. Often, surgery is required to restore health in such cases.

If your face is shaking

Hemifacial spasm is a tremor that occurs on the left or right side of the face. This condition is caused by irritation of nerve endings. The same twitching occurs in patients with Bell's palsy. When people feel tired, these symptoms often get worse. This type of tremor is not considered hazardous to health.

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