Feeling like your head will burst from the inside

Fog in the head, heaviness, squeezing, tapping in the temples, clouding of consciousness... With such symptoms, people are increasingly turning to the doctor.
As medical practice shows, this condition has many causes. The most common are: astheno-neurotic syndrome, circulatory disorders in the brain and cervical osteochondrosis.

We will talk further about what fog in the head means and why it occurs.

Reasons for the appearance of “fog, ambiguity” in the head

Do you always feel a little drunk or drugged?
This condition makes it difficult to concentrate, perform usual work, and may be accompanied by recurring headaches. To get rid of discomfort, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence and try to eliminate it. As stated earlier, the causes of brain fog may not always be due to health problems. Thus, when there are disruptions in the hormonal system, fog in the head is almost always observed. During pregnancy, a woman is often accompanied by this condition, as well as irritability and forgetfulness. The same symptoms may occur during menopause.

What to do with pressing pain in the head?

Since headache is not an independent disease, but a sign of various pathologies, the method of treatment and the choice of medications depends on the cause that caused the discomfort.

To reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, you can massage the collar area, apply Zvezdochka balm to your temples or apply lemon peel, drink tea with mint or chamomile.

Important! Self-medication with coffee or cognac can lead to serious consequences, especially if a headache attack occurs against the background of hypertension.

Heavy and cottony head, reasons, what to do, treatment

It’s not just a headache that can interfere with normal perception of the colors of the world around you and living in peace. Sometimes a tedious heaviness in the head is perceived worse than a migraine attack. After all, a migraine will go away after a certain period of time, and the feeling of a burden in the head can torment a person for a very long time.

How do patients describe their feelings?

  • In the morning, my head pulls towards the pillow.
  • There is a feeling that the skull has been filled with stones.
  • It was as if blood from the whole body had collected in the skull.
  • Metal disks move heavily in the brain.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Information is not perceived adequately.
  • I want to put my head in my arms and sleep, sleep, sleep.
  • Nausea creeps up my throat.
  • Lethargy falls on the body, it is difficult to even raise an arm.

Often the headache does not hurt, but it is heavy and cottony. Unpleasant sensations can occur in the morning and do not disappear even after a long sleep.

What to do if you constantly have a heavy head, which causes a lot of discomfort, impairs your ability to work, causes lethargy and adversely affects your well-being? First of all, if possible, free yourself from any work and rest, and at this time find out the reasons why there is heaviness in the head, often accompanied by dizziness.

Let’s immediately deal with the usual factors that can cause problems in any person (fatigue, diets, taking medications, lack of sleep), and then we’ll go through the main diseases, which are not always actively manifested and cause the feeling that the head has become cast iron.

Causes of goosebumps in the head

Paresthesia is a sensitivity disorder associated with damage to parts of the nervous system. The reasons for the sensation of goose bumps in women and men correlate with diseases of the nervous system or circulatory disorders. Short-term disturbances can be provoked by factors such as prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, a stressful situation, hypothermia, irritation of superficial nerve endings (impact, compression).

Causes of the symptom

As mentioned earlier, the reasons for the appearance of such a symptom will not always indicate health problems. For example, in the event of a failure in the hormonal system, a person almost always develops fog in the head, a confused, cloudy consciousness. This condition often accompanies the pregnancy of women, and forgetfulness and irritability are also added. In addition, cloudy consciousness and fog in the head of the fair sex appear during menopause.

Symptoms of a disorder such as clouding of consciousness may appear gradually over a long period of time or occur unexpectedly. The main symptoms of clouding of consciousness are:

  • disorientation;
  • hallucinations, as well as psychomotor hyperactivity;
  • inability to think clearly;
  • unexpected confusion or embarrassment;
  • apathy and withdrawal (see also - what is apathy and how to get rid of it);
  • memory deterioration or partial sudden loss;
  • inability to distinguish between negative and good actions;
  • inability to act independently and make simple decisions.

A person in a clouded state is not aware of his personality, as well as his social affiliation. Sometimes only one or more of the symptoms described above appear. Prolonged clouding of consciousness leads to dementia and loss of personal qualities.

Comprehensive diagnostics

If fogginess in the head appears constantly, then this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Therapists, neurologists, and psychotherapists deal with this issue.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must interview the patient and find out what additional symptoms he has, as well as conduct a diagnosis. Here is a list of mandatory tests needed to find out why fuzzy head syndrome occurs:

  • General analysis of urine and blood. Exclude the presence of inflammatory reactions and infectious processes.
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels in the cervical spine.
  • CT or MRI of the spine and brain. An MRI and CT scan will allow you to exclude malignant processes, determine the condition of blood vessels, identify the presence of chronic diseases of the nervous system, etc.
  • Angiography of cerebral vessels.

The patient may also need to consult other specialists.

If a person experiences a feeling of foggy consciousness, often has a unclear head, or headaches, it is necessary to visit a neurologist. It is this specialist who, after examining the patient and listening to his complaints, suggests undergoing additional examination or refers him to a specialist. Possible diagnostic methods:

  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck.
  • Angiography of cerebral vessels.
  • CT and MRI of the head, cervical spine.

If the development of astheno-neurasthenic syndrome is suspected, the person will be referred to see a psychotherapist. If circulatory disorders are caused by neurasthenia, the patient may additionally be advised to undergo rheoencephalography.


Any headache of a different nature cannot be ignored, since this is how the body signals the presence of any malfunctions in the body, which a comprehensive examination will help to identify.

Diagnostic methods:

  • clinical blood test - helps to see the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, determine the level of hemoglobin;
  • CT, MRI, REG - these hardware examination methods help assess the functional state of the brain;
  • Doppler examination of blood vessels - shows the presence of plaques, blood clots;
  • ECG – performed for vascular pathologies;
  • measurement of intracranial pressure.

An ECG is performed to identify the causes of pain.

If an intense headache is accompanied by severe thirst, a person cannot lower his chin, the nasolabial triangle turns blue, the skin on the face and neck becomes numb, there is a strong increase in temperature, it is necessary to urgently contact an infectious disease specialist. Such symptoms may indicate the development of meningitis, encephalitis, and the person requires urgent hospitalization.

Astheno-neurotic syndrome

If there is no clarity in the head, then this may indicate astheno-neurotic syndrome. This pathology, in addition to constant fog in the head, is accompanied by other symptoms:

  1. Problems falling asleep.
  2. Superficial sleep.
  3. Suspiciousness, irritability, hot temper.
  4. Fast fatiguability.
  5. Unreasonable anxiety.
  6. Daytime sleepiness.
  7. Decreased ability to work.
  8. Feeling of a lump in the throat.
  9. Memory problems.
  10. Stiffness of movements.
  11. Dizziness.
  12. Constrictive headaches.
  13. Tremor of the limbs.

In most cases, this syndrome affects people who are mentally stressed. In addition, this pathology often affects those who have an unstable psyche.

Several syndromes of clouded consciousness have been identified - amentia, stupor, delirium, oneiroid, twilight stupor.


– a pathological condition characterized by the fact that a person seems to be in a dream, has difficulty answering standard and simple questions, gives unclear answers, becomes inactive, often silent and indifferent. But he does not exhibit hallucinations, as well as affective disorders or delusional states.

Oneiric obscuration

- dream-like, delusional-fantastic cloudiness. Fantastic dreams grow in a person’s head, which can be partially combined with the surrounding environment, then the patient can react to people nearby. A person with this type of clouding of consciousness usually has a frozen expression on his face; he may be silent, inactive, and practically motionless. The gaze alternates between amazement or delight, detachment or fear.

Delirium or delirious confusion

is distinguished by many psychological abnormalities. These can be fantastic illusions, vivid hallucinations, visual memories. A person in such a state can actively move, run somewhere, rush, defend. His facial expression is constantly changing.

The doctor can identify not only visual, but also auditory hallucinations, plus olfactory or tactile ones. Patients with delirium may have “lucid” periods of consciousness. Delirious delirium is manifested by muttering and uncoordinated monotonous actions. After this kind of clouding of consciousness disappears, a person may not remember it.

Sudden loss of consciousness

– this pathology can manifest itself in almost every person. The inability to think clearly sometimes occurs as a result of a severe head injury, after a blow, when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, after hypoxia, severe emotional shock, sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels, or at high temperatures.

Sudden loss of consciousness is caused by drugs and alcohol, some sedatives and psychotropic medications. Sudden clouding of consciousness is manifested by disorientation, hallucinations of all kinds, spontaneous personality changes, excessive agitation, irritability or apathy, difficulty expressing thoughts clearly, memory lapses or unpredictable behavior.

Twilight haze

consciousness arises abruptly, sometimes lasts minutes or hours and also suddenly disappears. After which the patient usually falls asleep. Pathology is expressed by disorientation, but with the preservation of familiar actions, so it may go unnoticed by outsiders. Often, a disorder of this kind is acute, accompanied by motor and speech agitation, fears, rage, and hallucinations.

A person can be aggressive and even pose a danger to others. After the twilight haze, he does not remember anything, as if he was awakened from sleep. This condition often accompanies traumatic psychoses and epilepsy, while delirium and other forms of confusion occur against the background of infectious diseases and intoxication, schizophrenia and vascular psychoses.

Disorders of consciousness: amentia, delirium, oneiroid and others (video)

We learn from the video what clouding of consciousness is, how it manifests itself, and what negative consequences it brings to human health.

This disease can be cured using psychotherapeutic methods. However, provoking factors should also be excluded at the initial stage of therapy: lack of sleep, stress, mental stress and excessive physical activity. If you do not reduce the influence of these factors, then drug treatment and psychotherapy will not have the desired effect and will not eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

Medicines are used in severe cases. The most effective are sleeping pills, restoratives, antipsychotics, antidepressants and tranquilizers.

When clouded consciousness appears, it is necessary to identify its cause, which can be either psychological in nature or associated with a physiological disease. Since the person is in an altered state, it is necessary to call for medical help immediately.

In case of acute psychological changes in consciousness, it is important to take the patient to a psychiatric clinic, accompanied by a doctor or nurse. When aggression occurs, doctors use appropriate psychotropic medications.

A heavy head, weakness, and dizziness can occur due to the influence of various factors. Most often this is possible due to:

  • mental overstrain (long work at the computer);
  • low or high pressure;
  • intoxication of the body and allergies.

In these cases, the symptom goes away when the provoking factor is eliminated. If, as the symptom develops, you become increasingly dizzy and muscle weakness appears, this may indicate the presence of some kind of disease.

Heaviness in the head and dizziness appear for the following pathological reasons:

  • Neurasthenia. The disease is very common among middle-aged people. This condition occurs due to psychophysical stress, chronic fatigue and develops gradually. A person periodically experiences a dull pain in the head, dizziness, irritability, sleep disturbances and appetite disturbances. Unlike men, women have more pronounced symptoms of this disease.
  • Osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by changes in blood flow. As the human body ages, degenerative disorders occur in the vertebral discs. This phenomenon during any movements provokes pinching of the nerve roots in the spinal discs.

    Cervical osteochondrosis

    Patients should constantly hold the neck in a specific position so as not to cause pain. Statics does not promote normal blood circulation, so patients experience a feeling of heaviness in the head, slight clouding, dizziness, drowsiness and lethargy. In addition to the natural aging of the body, osteochondrosis also occurs due to:

    • lack of physical activity;
    • curvature of the spine;

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • strong and uneven load on the spine;
  • lack of vitamin D and calcium in the body;
  • unbalanced diet. Exacerbation of the pathology causes an increase in blood pressure, and heart failure may develop. Lack of proper treatment can lead to serious and dangerous diseases. In women, the disease may appear earlier than in men, since most representatives of the stronger sex lead a more active lifestyle.
  • Meniere's disease. This disease is characterized by damage to the labyrinth of the ear. Accompanied by dizziness, weakness, hearing loss and tinnitus. As it progresses, the person becomes more dizzy, loses the ability to maintain balance, and the pain in the ear only intensifies.

    Meniere's disease

    At later stages, discomfort increases, nausea appears, accompanied by vomiting, a constant feeling of motion sickness, and absent-mindedness. Remission occurs rarely and for a short time. There is no working capacity with this pathology. After adequate treatment, the “heavy head” symptom goes away.

  • Skull injuries. Any cranial injury, even a small bruise, can lead to a feeling of heavy head and dizziness. The most dangerous are “whiplash injuries,” which can occur in vehicles during a trip. They can be provoked by a sudden movement of the machine, which results in a sudden movement of the neck with subsequent muscle injury.

    Due to the resulting dislocation or subluxation of the cervical spine, the blood flow is pinched and insufficient oxygen reaches the brain. With this pathology, a person has a feeling of a cotton head, she is often dizzy, and there is a feeling of weakness.

    Dislocations and subluxations of the cervical vertebrae

    Discomfort resulting from headaches can be localized in any part of the brain. Its intensity can increase with turns and bends of the neck. In women, signs of osteochondrosis may appear more strongly, since in men the muscles are more developed.

  • Colds. Flu, acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases often have symptoms such as heavy headache, dizziness and severe weakness. After the temperature drops, the pain syndrome gradually disappears.
  • Hypersomnia. According to statistics, hypersomnia occurs in every tenth person on the planet. With this pathology, constant drowsiness is observed, the head becomes like cotton wool. This condition intensifies in the winter season. Waking up after a night's sleep, a person may feel tired and weak. It seems to him that he did not get enough sleep and it is difficult for him to coordinate his actions.

    Causes of hypersomnia

    This pathology causes mental retardation, which manifests itself in forgetting any events that happened earlier. In medical practice, this phenomenon is called awakening with confused consciousness. Hypersomnia is expressed in different ways. Symptoms in men and women may not go away all day, or may bother you for a short time.

    “Cotton head” can occur due to constant lack of sleep and severe stress. Hypersomnia is fraught with loss of strength, apathy, decreased potency, loss of appetite, and deterioration of metabolism. Women are more susceptible to developing this disease due to fluctuations in hormonal levels.

  • Causes of the symptom

    As stated earlier, the causes of brain fog may not always be due to health problems.
    Thus, when there are disruptions in the hormonal system, fog in the head is almost always observed. During pregnancy, a woman is often accompanied by this condition, as well as irritability and forgetfulness. The same symptoms may occur during menopause. Other causes of brain fog:

    Astheno-neurotic syndrome

    If there is no clarity in your head, then most likely we are talking about astheno-neurotic syndrome. This pathology, in addition to brain fog, is accompanied by other symptoms:

    • shallow sleep;
    • problems falling asleep;
    • irritability, suspiciousness, hot temper;
    • unreasonable anxiety;
    • rapid fatigue;
    • drowsiness during the day;
    • feeling of a lump in the throat;
    • decreased ability to work;
    • stiffness of movements;
    • memory problems;
    • pressing headaches;
    • dizziness;
    • tremor of the limbs.

    The syndrome mainly affects people whose work involves mental activity and increased responsibility.
    In addition, pathology often affects those who have an unstable psyche. The main causes of astheno-neurotic syndrome are prolonged stress, prolonged nervous tension, anxiety, chronic lack of sleep, and overwork. In addition, the pathology occurs in people with:

    • chronic diseases;
    • hypertension;
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • acute viral infections;
    • poisoning;
    • vitamin deficiency;
    • bad habits;
    • head injuries.

    The syndrome develops gradually.
    At the initial stage of neurosis, a person feels weak in the morning, mild irritability, and anxiety. Then, in the absence of medical assistance, other symptoms appear in the form of loss of strength, sleep disturbances, memory problems, a feeling of “vatness,” heaviness in the head, fog in the eyes, decreased ability to work, etc.

    Then pain in the heart occurs, severe irritability gives way to weakness, appetite disappears, libido (sexual desire) and mood decrease, apathy appears, the patient constantly thinks about his health, and fear of death appears. Subsequent ignoring of these symptoms leads to mental disorders.

    Vegetovascular dystonia

    VSD is the most common cause of brain fog. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a separate disease, but a combination of many symptoms that arise against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of all internal organs and systems.

    VSD is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • fog, heaviness in the head;
    • dizziness;
    • headache;
    • anxiety;
    • unreasonable fears;
    • nausea, stomach pain;
    • tachycardia;
    • lack of air;
    • tremor of the limbs;
    • unsteadiness when walking;
    • sleep disorders - insomnia, shallow sleep;
    • changes in blood pressure;
    • irritability;
    • “midges” before the eyes;
    • ringing in the ears, etc.

    The list of symptoms for VSD can be endless. The main feature of the disease is frequent relapses, manifested in the form of panic attacks.

    If you do not take any action - do not take medications, do not strive for changes in lifestyle, do not seek help from doctors (psychotherapist, neurologist) - this can result in the appearance of various phobias and fears.

    Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain

    If the brain lacks oxygen, this leads to a feeling of brain fog.
    The process of hypoxia develops due to compression of the vessels through which the blood carries oxygen and all the substances necessary to nourish the organ. At the same time, in addition to fogginess and “vatness” in the head, a person experiences:

    • dizziness;
    • weakness;
    • severe heaviness in the head;
    • decreased ability to work;
    • memory problems;
    • confusion of consciousness;
    • problems with perception of information;
    • inhibition of reactions;
    • severe weakness, fatigue.

    With severe oxygen starvation, a person may lose consciousness.

    The causes of this condition may be:

    • the presence of cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine;
    • use of drugs and alcoholic beverages;
    • hypertension, hypotension;
    • previous traumatic brain injuries;
    • smoking;
    • lack of fresh air;
    • limited physical activity;
    • runny nose.

    If this pathology is not treated, then oxygen-starved brain cells gradually lose their functionality, which ultimately leads to serious complications.

    Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

    Fog in the head is the main symptom that accompanies cervical osteochondrosis. The disease is characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cervical vertebrae.

    This process is almost always accompanied by compression of arteries and other vessels in the specified area. This leads to poor circulation and insufficient nutrition of brain cells.

    In this regard, a person begins to feel all of the above symptoms, which are accompanied by:

    • pain in the neck when bending or turning the head;
    • severe heaviness in the head;
    • pain in the shoulders, arms;
    • a feeling of “dull pain in the head”;
    • weakness in the neck;
    • stiffness of movement in the shoulder joints.

    Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops due to poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, and staying in the same position for a long time.

    In advanced cases, the neck and shoulders can be completely immobilized.

    Frequent consumption of gluten-containing foods

    Not only diseases of the spine, neurosis and VSD can cause a feeling of fog, heaviness and “cottoniness” in the head, but also the consumption of foods containing gluten.
    An allergy to this component causes the production of substances that have a negative effect on the brain. If people with a gluten allergy eat a lot of buns, bread, semolina, and pasta made with wheat flour, they will gradually develop the following symptoms:

    • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - bloating, constipation followed by diarrhea, pain in the stomach and intestines;
    • weakness, fatigue, apathy, lethargy;
    • brain fog;
    • slow reaction;
    • mental confusion;
    • depression;
    • psychological confusion;
    • fog.

    To find out if you really have a gluten allergy, you should see a doctor and take an allergy test.


    Cloudiness in your head will no longer bother you if you follow preventive measures. First of all, this symptom manifests itself in people in case of an incorrect lifestyle. If you eat poorly, don't get enough outdoor exercise, smoke, drink alcohol, don't exercise, take drugs, don't sleep well, or are constantly stressed, then you shouldn't even think about feeling good.

    That is why, in order to improve the condition, experts recommend normalizing your rest and sleep patterns, and sleeping at least 8 hours every day. It will be very important to avoid frequent stressful situations. In addition, experts recommend increasing physical activity and exercising regularly.

    Now you know how to deal with brain fog. If you completely change your life, you can not only get rid of brain fog, but also strengthen your immune system and improve your overall health.

    Methods for treating cotton head

    For osteochondrosis, the patient is prescribed complex treatment. It includes taking medications:

    • For pain relief - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • To normalize blood flow - nootropic, vasotropic drugs.
    • Locally - gels based on Diclofenac, Ketoprofen to relieve inflammation and reduce pressure on the vertebral artery.

    Physiotherapy is also indicated for patients: electrophoresis on the cervical spine, massage, manual therapy.

    If a patient complains that he does not have clarity in his head, there is a constant feeling of confusion, vagueness, heaviness, and he is diagnosed with neurasthenia, treatment can take a long time.

    First of all, you need to eliminate the factors that provoke the development of discomfort:

    • Reduce mental, mental, physical stress.
    • Get enough sleep, sleep at least 8 hours a day.
    • Normalize the work and rest schedule.
    • Relieve yourself of some responsibility.
    • Eat properly.

    Rational psychotherapy is carried out with patients, and autogenic training is also indicated for such patients. Medicines used for treatment:

    • Tranquilizers.
    • Antidepressants.
    • Hypnotic.
    • Medicines that have a strengthening effect on blood vessels.
    • Vitamins that normalize the functioning of the body.

    Increasing immunity, regular walks in the fresh air, and dosed physical activity (swimming, cycling, running) help reduce discomfort.

    Many people still experience brain fog once treatment is stopped. Sometimes “being sick” is a way to hide from problems that cannot be resolved. Find the problem with a psychotherapist and fix it. If you can’t do this, you just need to radically change your life: change jobs, decide to vacation in a distant country, forgive all insults.

    Reasons for the appearance of “fog, ambiguity” in the head

    In alternative medicine there are special methods that allow you to relieve unpleasant sensations of a pressing nature. Warmed milk or a herbal decoction of chamomile or mint with the addition of a spoon of honey helps a lot: this drink will calm your nerves and relax. Valerian root tea helps relieve tension and relieve mild pressing pain.

    Self-massage is recommended to relieve pain. Manipulations help relieve tension and normalize local blood flow. A warm bath with the addition of chamomile decoction and essential oils improves the condition of the skin, relieves dizziness and eliminates pain in the eyes. The use of medicinal compresses helps to get rid of bursting pain.

    The above symptoms may indicate a serious illness. They are included in the symptoms of the following diseases:

    • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • anemia;
    • hypoglycemia;
    • vascular diseases;
    • migraine;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • stroke;
    • diseases of the spine;
    • intracranial tumors;
    • head injuries.

    Foggy vision often occurs in people with glaucoma. This is an ophthalmopathology in which intraocular pressure increases. During an attack of glaucoma, dizziness may also occur.

    Based on the pressure in the head, where the symptom is concentrated and what manifestations it is accompanied by, an experienced doctor is able to make a preliminary diagnosis. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by various pathological and physiological processes, so specific therapy is required in each case.

    When experiencing a pressing headache, it is better not to take independent action, but to consult a specialist. In some cases, inadequate therapy will worsen the condition and increase the risk of complications.

    Headaches plague most people, because they can provoke unpleasant syndromes in different places of the brain.

    Likewise, pressing pain in the head can manifest itself in the parietal, occipital, temporal, or frontal regions, and sometimes cause a feeling of pressure on the visual organs or as if drinking from the inside.

    It is often accompanied by a depressive mood, a feeling of oppression, and increased pressure in the skull. You need to begin treatment for blood pressure by identifying the factors causing pain, excluding serious diseases along the way.

    Causes of pressure in the head

    Most often, the head compresses against the background of vascular pathologies - problems with arterial and intracranial pressure, spasms, circulatory disorders, oxygen starvation of brain tissue.
    Less often, unpleasant symptoms arise due to back diseases, lifestyle, errors in the body’s thermoregulation, and intoxication. Squeezing his head - what does it mean:

    • hormonal imbalance - occurs in women during pregnancy and PMS, during menopause, against the background of long-term use of oral contraceptives;
    • increased meteosensitivity - any changes in atmospheric pressure can provoke the appearance of pressing sensations inside the skull, headache and dizziness, weakness, weakness, pain and aching in the joints;
    • trauma, brain tumors, damage to the skull bones;
    • frequent stress;
    • overwork, physical stress, chronic lack of sleep;
    • pinched occipital or trigeminal nerve;
    • exhaustion due to long-term diets:
    • if, with squeezing sensations, the head shoots and bursts, then these are clear signs of a psychosensory disorder;
    • with osteochondrosis, strong and constant tension in the neck muscles, pain from the back of the head rises to the top of the head.

    Pressing pain appears due to osteochondrosis

    Often the head is compressed in people who smoke and abuse alcohol, are addicted to fatty, spicy, fried foods - this lifestyle reduces the tone of blood vessels due to the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques on their walls, the brain begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency, a feeling of vacuum and heaviness arises in the head

    An unpleasant sensation, as if something is moving in the area of ​​the back of the head or the top of the head, occurs with encephalopathy, against a background of severe anxiety, fear, advanced forms of VSD, the head becomes heavy, a gait appears like a drunk, the person may lose consciousness.

    The head can be pressed and pulled over the entire plane, or the pain is localized in a specific area, radiating to the temple, eyes, bridge of the nose, ear or neck. Some specific manifestations of discomfort allow us to draw a preliminary conclusion about the possible cause of its occurrence.

    Characteristics and features of pressing pain:

    • with very high blood pressure, unpleasant sensations are localized in the parietal part, the pain syndrome is severe, patients characterize it as a hoop on the head, often accompanied by nausea, increased heart rate, dizziness, and tinnitus;
    • increased intracranial pressure causes pain that presses on the forehead and eyes, accompanied by severe loss of strength and blurred vision;
    • glaucoma - intraocular pressure increases, vision deteriorates, puts pressure on the temples and above the eyebrows;
    • meningitis - severe constant pain, there is a feeling that the head is burning from the inside, unpleasant sensations cover the eyes, accompanied by an increase in temperature to critical levels, confusion and loss of consciousness;
    • long-term or chronic diseases of the nasopharynx - with sinusitis, sinusitis, pain occurs, which is localized in the upper center, or in the forehead and bridge of the nose;
    • migraine - before an acute attack of pain, black or luminous spots begin to flash in the eyes, discomfort is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, a person cannot tolerate strong odors, light, stuffiness, unpleasant sensations cover one side of the head, temple and eyes;
    • if you are overcooled, in a draft, or if you are constantly in a room in the summer with the air conditioner running, your head will become stiff in the forehead area, a burning sensation will appear in your eyes, and a lot of mucus will come out of your nose.

    Prolonged sinusitis may cause a squeezing headache.

    Oxygen starvation against the background of iron deficiency anemia - the head hurts from above, but can cover the temples, forehead and back of the head, the person complains of frequent attacks of dizziness, weakness, decreased attention, flickering of spots before the eyes. With this pathology, the hands and feet are constantly cold, the quality of sleep deteriorates, and the skin becomes pale.

    If the head is compressed from the front, this is one of the first signs of the flu, unpleasant sensations arise against the background of intoxication with toxins of pathogenic microorganisms, the vessels begin to increase in diameter, and the surrounding edematous tissues burst.

    How to diagnose?

    The only and sure way to determine the cause of poor health is to consult a doctor. As a rule, the patient is referred for examinations:

    • taking tests;
    • X-ray, CT, MRI;
    • consultation of specialized specialists.

    The prescription of other measures depends on the severity and frequency of symptoms. In most cases, the diagnosed cause of pressure, wooliness and head fog is damage to the cervical vertebrae.

    Lack of oxygen

    If the human brain begins to lack oxygen, this can trigger a feeling of brain fog. For this reason, hypoxia develops due to compression of the vessels through which the blood must carry oxygen, as well as all the necessary substances to nourish the organ. In addition to fogginess, a person experiences other symptoms:

    1. Weakness.
    2. Dizziness.
    3. Decreased ability to work.
    4. Heaviness in the head.
    5. Bad memory.
    6. Unclear consciousness.
    7. Slow reaction.
    8. Problems with information perception.
    9. Fatigue, severe weakness.

    If you do not start treating this pathology, the brain cells that experience oxygen starvation will gradually lose their functionality, which will lead to serious complications.

    Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

    At the moment, treatment of vertebral artery syndrome is a difficult task to solve, as evidenced by the many different treatment methods from different clinics and the lack of a single generally accepted treatment regimen. Here are the main directions in the treatment of vertebral artery syndrome:

    1. Anti-inflammatory and decongestant treatment.
    2. The use of drugs that normalize blood circulation in the brain. The use of neuroprotectors and metabolic therapy to protect brain nerve cells under conditions of oxygen starvation.
    3. In case of severe impairment of cerebral circulation, surgical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is used to eliminate the causes of compression of the vertebral artery.
    4. Rehabilitation treatment, involving physical therapy, massage, acupuncture.

    Severe headaches with cervical osteochondrosis are somewhat alleviated by painkillers, but this symptom can only be completely eliminated by eliminating osteochondrosis.

    Possible reasons

    Most often, discomfort in the head occurs due to vascular pathologies

    The most common pathological causes of discomfort in the head can be divided into several groups, depending on what is the primary source:

    1. Vascular pathologies – vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVT), arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. All these diseases lead to impaired cerebral circulation, which causes strange sensations. A special role is played by the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for blood microcirculation.
    2. Vertebral pathologies are lesions of the cervical spine, the most common of which is osteochondrosis. Deformation of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs, characteristic of this disease, leads to their instability. As they shift, they compress blood vessels and nerve endings, disrupting blood flow and nerve conduction. As a result, muscle spasms occur and the upper and/or lower extremities begin to go numb.
    3. Neuropathologies are neuroses of various types.
    4. Ophthalmological diseases - primarily glaucoma, caused by increased intraocular pressure.
    5. Endocrine pathologies are diseases caused by dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Most often these are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism - decreased and increased function of the thyroid gland, respectively.
    6. Hormonal imbalance is a deficiency or excess in the body of certain hormones that affect almost all functions of the human body.
    7. The most serious pathology that can cause discomfort in the head are various types of tumors in the brain tissue. At the same time, in the early stages of development, the external symptoms of benign and malignant tumors are practically no different.

    In women, the cause of strange sensations in the head may be a hormonal imbalance after childbirth.

    Among the physiological causes that cause unusual consequences and sensations, nervous stress comes first. Deep experiences cause a powerful hormonal release that affects the entire body. Hormones stimulate the smooth muscles of blood vessels, causing their spasm and disruption of cerebral circulation. In women, such complications can be triggered by pregnancy or childbirth, which are also the strongest stress factor for the body.

    Another reason for unpleasant sensations in the head is intoxication, including alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and other poisons block connections between neurons in the brain, thereby causing negative consequences.

    Severe fatigue, intense mental work, lack of physical activity, prolonged stay in a static position, most often sitting, can also cause unpleasant symptoms. Most often it appears in people who sit in front of the computer for a long time.

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