Sweating with VSD: treatment of hyperhidrosis with vegetative vascular dystonia

Causes of VSD

In most cases, VSD is caused by genetic factors. The problem may become more complex in each age group, which is justified by various factors:

  1. Kids . In this case, the problem may be caused by oxygen starvation of the fetus or injuries during childbirth. Children are very unstable, and they also have problems digesting food. They often suffer from colds.
  2. Teenagers . This group of children is highly susceptible to the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Very often the development of the neuroendocrine system is slower than general development. Neuropsychiatric pain, heart pain, and surges in blood pressure may occur.
  3. Adults . This group of patients has an even greater chance of VSD progression in the presence of a number of somatic pathologies such as skull injuries, depressive states, endocrine pathologies, and gastrointestinal problems.

At the initial stage, the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia may be confused with a list of other diseases. Therefore, treatment is often carried out in the wrong direction. But the combination of hyperhidrosis and VSD, low blood pressure and sweating should raise questions in a person. Such signs become a reason to contact a specialist.

Causes of manifestation

Among the many unpleasant manifestations of VSD is hyperhidrosis or increased sweating, which is not the worst symptom, but brings a lot of discomfort. As soon as a person begins to worry, his sweat glands start working actively. The unpleasant smell of discharge, which can be felt by people around, bothers the person, which is why he sweats even more.

The cause of hyperhidrosis must be established, because such a manifestation may be evidence of serious disorders in the body or the severity of dystonia. Refusal of timely treatment can lead to sweating not only in some areas, but also in the entire body.

Among the causes of increased sweating may be not only VSD, but also other diseases:

  • rheumatism;
  • genetic pathologies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • obesity.

In addition, a person can sweat intensely if the following factors are present:

  • stress;
  • changes in hormone levels;
  • neurological disorders;
  • emotional stress;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • poor ecology in the place of residence.

Important! Excessive sweating of a person with VSD is a signal that the disease is severe, which means that it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist.

The effect of VSD on sweating

Although VSD has a disruption in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system as the main cause, the connection between VSD and sweating does not go away. Excessive intensity of the appearance of sweat is observed under emotional and mental stress. Thus, the body wants to get rid of the energy that appears due to a sharp reaction of the hypothalamus.

When neuroses manifest themselves systematically, sweating occurs much more often. Sometimes there are moments when the secretion of sweat is not associated with anything: neither internal nor external reasons. For VSD, sweating is characteristic of different types:

  1. Local. The appearance of sweat is observed in certain parts of the body: palms, feet, armpits.
  2. Generalized. Sweat appears all over the body.
  3. Primary. In this case, sweat production is associated with the characteristics of the body.
  4. Secondary. Hyperhidrosis manifests itself as a result of some internal disease.

But the problem can accompany not only VSD. Sweating may occur with heart failure or excessive sweating with low blood pressure. During an acute attack of dystonia, the heartbeat increases, blood pressure changes, impotence appears, and fainting is possible. Sweating during VSD allows you to alleviate the condition of the body.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Sweating during VSD can be of 2 types:

  1. Local , in which sweat is actively released in the forehead, armpits, palms and soles.
  2. Generalized, the whole body sweats equally heavily.

Excessive sweating with VSD can be expressed by manifestations of 2 types:

  1. Primary : occurs due to an imbalance of hormones in the body, most often manifests itself in pregnant women and adolescents at the age of puberty.
  2. Secondary : cases of hyperhidrosis occur when a person has neurological disorders, including dystonia, as well as during nervous tension.

We recommend reading: Features of nutrition during VSD

Night sweats

There is absolutely no connection between sweating at night during VSD and the functioning of the nervous system, since the person is resting. This pathology cannot be cured with surgery. If sweat comes out profusely during influenza or ARVI, then this is a natural phenomenon in pathologies of an infectious nature. Excessive sweating at night for no apparent reason may be a sign of the onset of generalized hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating during VSD at night is usually a secondary symptom of dangerous pathologies. It can be:

  • sweating with pressure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sweating due to heart problems;
  • tumors;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • rapid decrease in glucose levels in the bloodstream;
  • taking certain medications.

Night sweats with vegetative-vascular dystonia are a symptom of the severity of this pathology. The nervous system does not respond to external changes in sleep and this is the norm.

Methods to reduce excessive sweating

Before treating hyperhidrosis, it is important to find out the origins of the phenomenon. When it is one of the symptoms of ill health, treatment should be based on eliminating the root cause. Otherwise, it is impossible to get rid of hyperhidrosis. The use of external agents will give a short-term effect, and the condition will worsen.

In other words, when excessive sweating is one of the signs of VSD, it is important to find out the nature of the dystonia itself and begin treatment. Correct therapy is possible only under the supervision of a doctor. He will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and prescribe a set of medical measures.

Normalization of lifestyle

To prevent sweating due to stress, just follow simple rules.

The correct order of life plays an important role in eliminating the symptoms of VSD, including hyperhidrosis:

To reduce the amount of sweat secretion, it is important not only to consume healthy foods with sufficient vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to minimize canned, salted and smoked foods. You should not overuse meat, especially fatty varieties.

Drug treatment

Complex therapy for VSD includes taking medications that relieve symptoms, including hyperhidrosis. For this purpose, the following may be prescribed:

From the first days of their use, results will become noticeable, and excess sweating will go away.


Many doctors believe that the fight against hyperhidrosis, as a symptom of VSD, should begin with a visit to a psychotherapist. This is explained by the fact that one of the reasons for high body humidity is the excited state of the central nervous system.

Using an individual approach, the psychotherapist will tell you how best to overcome stress and cope with anxiety and prescribe appropriate medications. The patient will learn to “control himself”, stop being nervous, and therefore stop sweating a lot.


A course of massage therapy can be a simple but very effective solution in combating the symptoms of VSD. A month of manual procedures can significantly increase stress resistance, remove signs of dystonia, and normalize sweating.

Treatment of sweating with VSD

Since blood pressure and increased sweating are closely related, in most cases, treatment of hyperhidrosis means eliminating the very cause of the pathology, that is, treating VSD. But pathology has different symptoms, so it is important to undergo a full examination. It is necessary to consult a number of doctors. This:

  • therapist;
  • gynecologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • oncologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist

You will also need to undergo general urine and blood tests. Examinations such as cardiac ultrasound, ECG, and radiography are also indicated. If necessary, CT or MRI are prescribed. Based on the results of the examinations, a treatment regimen for sweating in vegetative-vascular dystonia is drawn up. It can be:

  1. Psychotherapy . One of the most important factors that affects the amount of sweat produced may lie in problems in the central nervous system. Current psychotherapeutic techniques help overcome nervous tension, stress and enhance mental stability.
  2. Massage . Performing a high-quality head and back massage by highly qualified specialists will help you completely relax and achieve calm. Just a couple of sessions already have a positive effect on the body, and with a long course it helps the body learn to create a barrier to stress.
  3. Pharmacy products . When treating sweating in vegetative-vascular dystonia, medications are prescribed. These are drugs such as tranquilizers, sedatives, antidepressants. Such drugs have a positive effect on both the course of the pathology and the symptoms. But with prolonged use, there is a risk of addiction, which is why doctors try to prescribe them as rarely as possible. The only exception is multivitamins.
  4. Traditional medicine . Herbal teas that have a sedative effect are usually indicated. It can be lemon balm, linden, St. John's wort, motherwort.

In severe cases, surgery may be indicated. In some cases, a specialist recommends Botox injections, which can suppress the work of the sweat glands for six months or more.

Sweat and stress are mutual provocateurs

Every normal person should sweat. Daily. This is how the body cleanses itself of waste and toxins, protects itself from overheating, and regulates the level of water and salt. Thanks to the sweat glands, human skin maintains its elasticity. At elevated temperatures, sweating increases, which is the absolute norm and helps the body cool down and remove toxins and viruses.

When under stress, severe fear or nervous tension, a person always notices how he begins to sweat. There is even an expression “felt hot and sweaty,” which very accurately describes this symptom. Under stress, sweat is released much faster than in any other situations. And one more thing: under stress, sweat is especially odorous. That is why, with VSD, it is not the sweating itself that is more worrying, but the reaction to it in the people around you. It is very unpleasant to travel on public transport or sit at your desk and at the same time catch dissatisfied glances.

But as soon as the VSD person begins to panic about his “stinkiness,” he further aggravates his stress. As a result, sweat is released even more abundantly and has an even more unpleasant odor. Deodorants do not always provide adequate assistance. Sweat can spread all over the body, even the soles become sweaty, and the shoes become sticky and wet. This is how stress and sweat reinforce each other, this is a vicious circle and real torment with VSD.

Recommendations for proper nutrition

When considering how to treat sweating with VSD, therapy necessarily involves dietary adjustments. General recommendations are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to increase the consumption of buckwheat and oatmeal. Carrots, parsley, lettuce, and peaches are also very useful. These products contain a large amount of potassium, which is useful for any type of VSD.
  2. Reduce the consumption of smoked, fatty and sweet foods as much as possible. But this does not mean that it is necessary to completely abandon such products.
  3. Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. This way you can normalize the water-salt balance.
  4. Sources of fiber include regular cabbage, turnips, seaweed, and bran bread. Turnip helps stabilize digestion, which is useful for any type of dystonia.
  5. Be sure to give up fast food, as well as excessive drinking and smoking.

If high blood pressure and sweating are observed during VSD, then the recommendations are more stringent:

  • be sure to avoid eating fatty meat and fish;
  • add minimal salt to dishes;
  • stop drinking too strong tea;
  • include a large amount of cottage cheese, tangerines, raisins, grapes, baked potatoes, and persimmons in your diet.

For sweating with high blood pressure, the recommendations are as follows:

  • give up any diets;
  • eat small portions every three hours;
  • include natural coffee or tea in the menu;
  • include in your diet all vegetables and fruits that are rich in ascorbic acid, since vitamin C tones the body and helps regulate blood pressure;
  • drink as many fresh drinks as possible;
  • add natural spices to dishes.

Proper nutrition will not only help with sweating, but will also improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Vegetative vascular dystonia: what kind of disease is this?

VSD has different origins and includes systemic failures and disturbances in the functioning of the body.
The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), in which the palms, armpits, and feet sweat intensely;
  • Excessive irritability for no apparent reason, depression, depressed and depressed state, feelings of restlessness, anxiety, tension, dissatisfaction;
  • Frequent insomnia or, conversely, excessive drowsiness, a feeling of lethargy and apathy;
  • Lack of appetite, feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • Attacks of shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, which appear regularly, even during slight physical activity;
  • Increased heart rate, pain and tightness in the chest area;
  • Feeling of numbness in the arms or legs;
  • Presyncope, which often ends in fainting;
  • Nausea and gag reflex;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Deterioration of mental functions, problems with memory and concentration.

The fact that VSD has such extensive symptoms often makes diagnosis difficult. It is quite possible to live with such manifestations of the disease, although they entail unpleasant manifestations. But still, you should not delay the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, as it negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism, leading to a number of different diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Normalization of lifestyle

In the case of sweating with VSD, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the patient, which includes following a number of rules:

  • quitting smoking cigarettes;
  • swimming;
  • reducing the amount of alcohol consumption;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • taking a contrast shower;
  • compliance with work and rest schedules;
  • 8 hours of sleep at night;
  • hardening;
  • exclusion of stressful situations.

In such cases, anyone can begin to feel much better.

What other reasons make a VSD person sweat?

If a dystonic person has not experienced problems with his sweat glands for many years, and then suddenly begins to sweat with or without reason, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. As a rule, hyperhidrosis affects people whose bodies have (or have recently appeared) a reason for this. And VSD only helped the symptom to manifest itself in time and hint that the person would benefit from a medical examination. The following factors can provoke sweating during VSD:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • awakened allergy to something;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • overdose of stress and negativity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tumors.

Hygiene tricks

If hyperhidrosis is observed, then VSD will only contribute to even more intense sweat production. The first recommendation is to change your underwear as often as possible. If a person suffers from night sweats, then change bedding frequently. Both clothing and linen sets must be made exclusively of cotton. Natural fabrics do not impede heat transfer and help reduce the intensity of sweat.

If your feet sweat a lot, get 3-4 pairs of casual shoes, which you change as often as possible. To get rid of a specific smell, take a couple of bay leaves, put them in a canvas bag and put them in your shoes overnight. But do not rub the inside of the shoes with leaves. Laurel contains substances that, if in direct contact with the dermis, can cause chemical burns.


The cause of sweating, and all the unpleasant manifestations of VSD, such as cardiac arrest, changes in pressure, lack of air and others, is the hypothalamus. This is the center of the brain, which has connections with parts of the central nervous system.

It regulates endocrine functions and is also involved in the integration of nervous endocrine mechanisms into one neuroendocrine system. Therefore, high activity of the hypothalamus in dystonia causes disruptions in communication between the command to the nerves of the sweat glands and the amount of sweat produced.

Also, the reasons that provoke the development of VSD and increased sweating are:

  • constant stress;
  • viral infections;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • high caffeine consumption;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • allergic diseases.

Diagnosis by a doctor

Diagnosis of VSD is very complex and comprehensive. This is due to the fact that there are simply many reasons for the exacerbation of the disease.

To make a diagnosis, consultation with the following specialists is necessary:

  • therapist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • gynecologist (for women);
  • oncologist;
  • infectious disease specialist

The patient should describe his complaints in as much detail and clearly as possible, exactly when they manifest themselves.

As a result of a conversation with a doctor, the following tests are prescribed:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • determining the presence of the AIDS or hepatitis virus;
  • study of hormonal levels.

In addition to these tests, you will also need to undergo instrumental diagnostics.

It includes:

  • ECG;
  • MRI;
  • Ultrasound of the heart, blood vessels, internal organs;
  • radiography;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels.

It is worth noting that the patient does not have to undergo all these examinations, since the diagnosis depends on the complaints and symptoms described.


With vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is necessary to eliminate the very reasons why a number of symptoms appear. Therefore, treatment depends on the diagnosis. If during a jump in VSD the palms sweat intensely and a person experiences sweating at night, then the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  • sedatives;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • sedatives;
  • nootropics.

Massage may also be prescribed during treatment. This procedure can calm and relax the patient. Psychological help can quickly eliminate increased emotionality and anxiety. The patient undergoes a course with a psychologist.

Specifics of the disease

Vegetative-vascular syndrome (dystonia, dysfunction) combines a spectrum of various disorders of the autonomic functions of the human body. Abnormal changes can have different origins and nature.

The main “identifying signs” of such a complex phenomenon as VSD are the following symptoms:

  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
  • Excessive unreasonable irritability, nervousness, feeling of depression, depressive states, excitability, anxiety, feeling of constant tension, dissatisfaction, depression.
  • Insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness, lethargy, apathy.
  • Decreased appetite or complete absence of it.
  • Regular attacks of shortness of breath even against the background of minor physical exertion, patients with VSD often experience a lack of air, rapid pulse, increased heartbeat, and suddenly appearing causeless trembling in the limbs or even in the whole body.
  • Fainting, dizziness, problems with coordination of movements, orientation in space.
  • Hypertensive manifestations. Blood pressure during VSD can rise to critical levels.
  • Regular intense migraine-type headaches.
  • Patients with VSD suffer from memory problems, their concentration may deteriorate, and mental functions are impaired.

Important: blurred and unclear symptoms of VSD make it difficult to diagnose this systemic disease. However, it is still worth fighting this abnormal phenomenon, since vegetative-vascular dystonia negatively affects a person’s quality of life and over time can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to deal with the problem

In order to choose the right therapeutic regimen for VSD, it is necessary to establish exactly why this phenomenon occurred in general, and the accompanying hyperhidrosis in particular. Thus, patients undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole body; they require consultation with a neurologist, therapist, ophthalmologist, or gynecologist. A mandatory diagnostic measure for VSD is to study the condition of the vessels of the neck and head.

Treatment of sweating with VSD should be comprehensive. Thus, doctors prescribe sedatives, antidepressants, natural sedative tinctures based on medicinal herbs, medications that cleanse blood vessels, have immunomodulatory properties, etc. to patients with the appropriate diagnosis.

All these medications directly or indirectly affect hyperhidrosis and normalize the natural process of sweating in the human body.

Important: mandatory components of complex therapy for VSD in general and hyperhidrosis in particular are giving up bad habits (tobacco, alcohol), stabilizing the daily routine, healthy night sleep, avoiding severe stress and other emotional shocks, hardening, “correct” moderate physical activity, prolonged hiking, horse riding, swimming.

Patients suffering from excessive sweating due to vegetative-vascular dystonia should adjust their diet, avoid heavy, fatty, excessively salty and spicy foods. Instead, their daily menu should be enriched with fiber (fruits, vegetables), fresh juices, low-fat meats and fish, and cereals.

Taking multivitamin complexes is an additional therapeutic measure: such drugs “supply” the body with substances necessary for its normal functioning, therefore they have a positive effect on metabolism, strengthen the immune system, and help fight the manifestations of VSD.

Important: the following help to counteract hyperhidrosis, the “faithful companion” of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • massage;
  • psychotherapeutic influence;
  • relaxation sessions;
  • therapeutic oxygen or pine baths;
  • acupuncture.

Treatment methods

Drug therapy

  • Medicines containing aluminum salts and aldehydes.
  • Targeted remedies to combat major ailments.
  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Injections and procedures in cosmetology clinics.
  • Psychotropic drugs that reduce symptoms of the disease.
  • Sedatives.
  • Vitamins.

Traditional methods

They have tonic, restorative and calming effects.
Homemade remedies have a good effect in the fight against excessive sweating, including:

  • Infusion, tea or herbal baths.
  • Cold rubdowns. Frozen ice with pieces of parsley or dill is suitable, which is used to wipe those areas of the skin that sweat the most.
  • Rubbing with essential oils: lemon, eucalyptus, chamomile, etc.
  • Alcohol or water tincture of nettle, lemon balm or oregano.
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