How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Unfortunately, many of us are familiar with the symptoms of autonomic disorders diagnosed by cardiologists, therapists or neurologists. Autonomic dysfunction manifests itself against the background of somatic or mental illnesses and is a secondary symptom. In the first case, the disease is expressed in a disruption in the functioning of one of the body systems, in the second - through depressive disorders and panic attacks.

Somatic diseases arise due to internal failure of systems and organs, as well as due to external influences. Such ailments include:

  • wounds, burns, injuries;
  • genetic diseases transmitted by inheritance;
  • damage to the body by parasites;
  • pathologies of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • endocrine system disorder (thyroid dysfunction);
  • disruption of the functioning of systems such as cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory.

Conventionally, this disease can be divided into cardiological (patients complain of pain in the heart area), hypotonic (characterized by low blood pressure) and hypertensive (the patient’s blood pressure increases, signs of tachycardia begin) type. In each case, drugs for VSD are prescribed individually, and treatment is carried out by a specialized doctor.

Symptoms of VSD development

Basically, the disease occurs due to constant stressful situations, which leads to nervous exhaustion. To treat VSD, various medications are used that help eliminate all manifestations of the disease. In addition, a psychological attitude is important in the treatment of mental problems.

There are a large number of the most symptomatic signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. They are manifested by the following sensations:

  • the heart beats strongly;
  • there is pain in the heart area;
  • not enough air;
  • the nail plates acquire a slightly bluish tint;
  • there is often a desire to go to the toilet;
  • convulsions;
  • the patient speaks and hears poorly;
  • the patient becomes very tired;
  • there are frequent mood swings: from cheerful to depressed;
  • concerned about allergic reactions;
  • Low or, conversely, too high temperatures are poorly tolerated.

VSD has external signs that are similar in clinical picture to other pathological processes. The disease can be correctly diagnosed after undergoing various tests.

VSD does not bother the patient for a long time. If you eliminate the factors leading to vegetative-vascular dystonia, then a significant improvement in the state of the nervous system is soon expected.


The complications that accompany this deviation include autonomic crises - sudden attacks characterized by a pronounced malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. They occur in 50% of patients.

There are 3 main types of such crises:

  1. Sympathoadrenal. There is a strong release of adrenaline into the blood, the pulse quickens and the pressure rises. The attack begins and ends suddenly.
  2. Vagoinsular. In this case, insulin is sharply released into the blood and glucose levels decrease. The pressure decreases, the pulse becomes rarer, and the digestive system is activated.
  3. Mixed. A crisis of this type is characterized by manifestations of both types of crises described above.

VSD is not a condition that directly threatens a person’s life, but with a long course and lack of treatment, dangerous diseases develop: myocardial infarction, stroke, persistent arterial hypertension, which is difficult to correct with medications.

What causes dystonia?

There are many reasons for the appearance and development of the pathology called VSD. The disease can be caused by:

  • sleep problems;
  • fatigue over a long period of time;
  • fatigue and lethargy of the body;
  • physical activity;
  • addictions, including smoking cigarettes, drugs and alcohol abuse;
  • pathologies present in the nervous system of a mentally ill person;
  • traumatic situations;
  • poor heredity (similar diseases have already occurred in the family);
  • frequent stressful situations and experiences.

In such pathological conditions, a person often thinks about death, but is afraid and does not want it to happen. But if the very cause that led to the development of the pathology is not eliminated, then after the prescribed medications are discontinued, the disease may appear again.

Types of VSD

Depending on the disorder, the disease is divided into 3 types. It happens:

  • hypertensive;
  • hypotonic;
  • mixed.

With hypertension, headaches and a sharp change in pressure in the artery are observed. In this case, a fruit and vegetable diet is prescribed along with the tablets. The patient should avoid spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, and sweets. Reduced physical activity is prescribed.

Hypotension is manifested by excessive sweating, low blood pressure, and severe weakness. In this case, the patient is prescribed reflexology and water procedures, as well as taking sedative medications, which effectively relieve the manifestations of VSD.

A disease that includes signs of both types (hypertension and hypotension) is characterized by pressure surges in the arteries, the appearance of painful sensations in the heart area, the pulse rate changes, dizziness begins, and severe weakness is felt. To eliminate the manifestations of the disease, herbal infusions and tea drinks are recommended, which help relieve breathing problems. Among other things, for a mixed type of VSD, a variety of tablets are prescribed.

Medicines for vegetative vascular dystonia

Experts divide all tablets into several varieties. Manifestations of VSD are treated:

  1. Sedative medications.
  2. Tablets that help restore normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Medicines that are necessary to normalize the central nervous system, including antipsychotics, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antidepressants.
  4. Homeopathic tablets.
  5. Traditional medicine recipes.

Whatever medicine the doctor prescribes to eliminate the manifestations of VSD, taking vitamin and mineral tablets is indicated, which can improve the immune system. If medications are prescribed correctly, your health will soon return to normal.

Let's look at each group in more detail.

Sedative tablets

At the first signs of VSD, doctors first prescribe medications that are aimed at restoring dysfunction of the central nervous system. They have a mild effect and are absolutely safe for human health.

For VSD, the best and most effective tablets are:

Novo-passit Fitosed Herbion Persen

Medicines made from valerian extract. The most effective tablets include Novo-passit, Fitosed, Gerbion, Persen.



Hawthorn tablets, including the use of Kratal and Cardiplant for VSD.

Adonis-bromine Bromcamphor

Medicines containing bromine. Treatment of VSD with sodium bromide and bromcamphor is usually prescribed.



Corvalol Bellaspon

Medicines in the form of drops or tablets based on barturic acid. These pills are not only effective but are most famous among the common people. This group includes drops or tablets of Barvalol, Corvaldin, Corvalol, Bellaspon.

Calming tablets

Gelarium Valerian extract
Currently, you can buy sedative tablets in the pharmacy chain, in the manufacture of which only natural substances are used. Among the variety of medications, Valerian, Gelarium and others are distinguished, which calm a person and eliminate fear and anxiety during VSD.

Dormiplant Menovalen

Sedavit Alora Sedariston Sedaphyton

Sometimes doctors prescribe other medications to help cope with irritability, aggressiveness, dysfunction of sleep processes, and depression due to VSD. These are the drugs Dormiplant, Menovalen, Sedavit, Alora, Sedariston, Sedafiton and many others.

Medicines to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Panangin Vinpocetine
Doctors recommend using medications that help restore dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels to eliminate the symptoms of VSD. Medicines in this group include Panangin and Vinpocetine. In addition, Validol is considered the most famous and effective medicine.

Treatment of VSD with tranquilizers

Diazepam Elenium Mebicar
Tranquilizers have a quick but short-lived effect. Doctors prescribe medications from this group when there is overstrain of the central nervous system and it is necessary to relieve the symptomatic signs of VSD, manifested by fear, anxiety, and irritability. Of the tranquilizers, taking Diazepam, Elenium, Mebicar tablets is usually indicated.

These tablets listed above have a positive effect only on people who do not have mental problems with VSD.

Patients are usually treated for 2-5 weeks, during which time the dosage of medications is gradually reduced. They take pills only under the supervision of a psychiatrist or neurologist.

Treatment with antidepressants


Azafen Cipralex
If signs of depression appear at the time of VSD, expressed by depression, apathy, decreased appetite, sleep problems, specialists prescribe psychotropic antidepressants. They help improve the general condition of the patient with vegetative-vascular dystonia. The disease is safely and effectively eliminated after taking the medicine Deprima, Azafen, Cipralex. Other tablets may also be prescribed. The patient’s well-being improves after taking medications: Amitriptyline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, Coaxil.

Amitriptyline Paroxetine

Fluoxetine Coaxil

In case of VSD, taking tablets of this group should be cautious and carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If the medicine is not taken in its dosage or the pills are taken for a long time, this leads to dysfunction of the central nervous system during VSD. In addition, the symptoms of manifestations can greatly increase from pills.

Treatment with nootropics

Glycine Piracetam Phenibut Nootropil Phezam Mexidol Cinnaresine
Often, with VSD, the activity of brain structures worsens, the ability to learn is reduced, and the patient’s clarity of consciousness decreases. When fighting the signs of vegetative-vascular disease, medications in the form of Glycine, Piracetam, Phenibud, Nootropil, Phezam, Mexidol, Cinnaresin help. These tablets are taken for autonomic disorders at any age. Glycine tablets are often prescribed for the treatment of adolescents.

Medicines in this group are not toxic, therefore, after their use orally, there are almost never side effects on human health. But you should take the pills carefully, after consulting your doctor. Because sometimes you may encounter the fact that medications can cause unpleasant consequences for the patient after their use. Glycine tablets are absolutely safe, which effectively and quickly relieves the manifestations of VSD.

Treatment with adaptogens

Trecrezan Pantocrin

Cigapan Apilak
Medicines in this group help maintain the condition of the patient’s immune system. All tablets are divided into several varieties.

  1. The first includes medicines from sea buckthorn, echinocea, ginger, Leuzea, Rhodiola, astragalus, lemongrass infusions and extracts.
  2. The second includes mineral tablets, especially from mumiyo.
  3. Medicines of a synthetic nature, including the effective elimination of manifestations of VSD with Trekrezan tablets.
  4. Tablets based on substances extracted from deer antlers. The most effective of them are Pantocrin, Cigapan, and Apilak tablets.

Antioxidant treatment

Restoring the body during VSD and strengthening it within a short period of time is possible with the help of antioxidant medications. In particular, antioxidants help with autonomic dysfunction in patients in old age and adolescence. Experts have divided special tablets into several varieties.

For manifestations of VSD, the following treatment is recommended:

  1. Vitamins, including Vitrum-forte, Vitrum-antioxidant. They are able to strengthen the body in case of various diseases, including VSD. They are sold in pharmacy chains without a prescription.
  2. Medicines containing omega-3 fatty acids, especially fish oil, Epadol, Omacor. Sometimes it is possible to prescribe more potent tablets in the form of Essentiale, Berlition, Espa-lipon.
  3. Nucleins and peptides, including the drugs Glutargin, Actovegin.

Why Indapamide is prescribed can be found here.


Nutrition correction is one of the methods that is used for the prevention and treatment of all types of diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia is no exception.

Freshly squeezed juices, which are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day, are considered irreplaceable. You must include honey in your diet and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. In this case, you should avoid fatty and high-calorie foods, sugar and salt, and try to reduce body weight.

VSD during pregnancy

can only be treated with herbal sedatives and consultation with a psychotherapist.

From here you can learn how to overcome the fear of death with VSD.

The most effective treatments for VSD are listed in this article.

It is best to give up coffee, alcoholic drinks, smoking and strong tea, especially in the afternoon.

Eliminating manifestations of VSD with injections

In the treatment of manifestations of VSD it is unthinkable without the use of injections. The list of injectable medications is wide. In comparison with VSD tablets, injections provide faster and more effective relief from a wide variety of symptomatic signs. Injections are made directly into a vein or intramuscularly, so the medicinal substances end up in the circulatory system over a short period of time. Literally within a few minutes the patient feels a positive effect.

Among the most effective injection medications, Actovegin is prescribed. It helps strengthen the vascular system, normalize metabolic processes and saturate the tissues of various organs of the human body with oxygen. This is possible due to the content of fatty acids and minerals in the medicine.

But it is necessary to ensure that these medications are not contraindicated for the patient. Over a short period of time, medications can cause swelling of the pulmonary system and heart failure with VSD. In addition, patients may not tolerate any components of the medication.

Effective medicines

Immediately after diagnosis, the question arises: how to treat nervous system disorders? For this purpose, medication correction is carried out. Use:

  • "Validol". It treats high blood pressure. As well as heart rhythm disturbances, which often happens in patients with VSD. Patients with this complication complain of stabbing pain in the chest area. The pain may be accompanied by periodic tremors of the limbs. Sleep disturbance occurs in patients of different ages;

To improve memory processes and reduce the excitability of the nervous system, it is advisable to take glycine

  • "Glycine". It is often used to treat nervous system disorders. It quickly tones the blood vessels. The medicine has a natural composition. Cellulose eliminates intoxication by metabolic end products. Magnesium renews nervous tissue. Together they have a good effect on a person and also relieve symptoms of the disease;
  • "Cinnarizine" is a general tonic. It normalizes blood circulation in the brain, as well as in the peripheral parts of the nervous system. That is why it is used for pathologies and injuries of the spine. Therapists and neurologists often prescribe it for disorders of the vestibular apparatus. It is worth recalling that “Cinnarizine” is only a strengthening agent, but not a remedy for VSD. Its natural composition and mild effect on the body are highly valued by doctors. That is why the medicine is used to treat children with mental retardation. Therapy and resumption of the condition give a good effect in such cases.

Homeopathic tablets

Homeopathic medications are often used to eliminate VSD problems. If you are prescribed to take tablets from this group, you must abandon traditional medications. With the simultaneous use of drugs, the health of the patient with VSD deteriorates.

According to the principle of action, homeomedicines help strengthen the immune system. Typically, homeopathic doctors recommend taking Ambergris grisea, Ignatia, Coffea cruda (Raw coffee), Natrium muriaticum (Cactus), Staphysagria or Larkspur. Homeopathic tablets stimulate the functioning of internal organs, normalize sleep processes and help improve immunity in cases of VSD.


To consolidate the effect of treatment or reduce the risk of developing VSD in healthy people, preventive measures can be taken. They help to improve the general condition of any person.

You need to remember the following rules:

  • Get enough physical activity;
  • Be in the fresh air more often;
  • Allocate more time for rest;
  • Sleep at least 8 hours;
  • To refuse from bad habits;
  • Try to eliminate all stress from life;
  • Watch your diet.

These simple rules can have a huge impact on a person's life. They should be supplemented with doctor’s advice, which will also help reduce the impact of vegetative-vascular dystonia on the body.


In cases where the symptoms of vascular dystonia cannot be eliminated with pills, folk recipes come to the rescue.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. crushed sandy immortelle, then pour boiling water over the herb and infuse. Use 1 tsp. three times a day, regardless of food intake.
  2. Take elecampane root and chop it. Then a small amount of the substance is poured with boiling water. The medicine is placed on the fire and boiled for about 20 minutes. Then it is filtered. Drink a third of a glass three times a day. Course admission is a month.
  3. Effectively eliminates the symptoms of VSD with carrot-rosehip juice. Drink a glass three times a day.
  4. A tincture made from blueberries, chokeberries, black currants and barberries helps with illness. Everything is mixed and drunk as a tea drink.

To avoid unpleasant consequences for the human body, you should consult a doctor by going to a special medical institution. Based on research, the doctor will be able to prescribe a medicine that can effectively and quickly eliminate all manifestations.

Features of home treatment

VSD can be treated at home using herbal medicine. Herbal remedies help a lot.

It is allowed to take Panangin, Asparkam. They can be combined with other magnesium and potassium drugs.

You can get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever by reviewing your daily routine. If the body copes well with stress, it is allowed to play sports. Strength training should be abandoned in favor of swimming and running.

Jogging is contraindicated for people with heart problems. They should be replaced with intense walking. The distances should be small at first. After walking 150-200 steps, you must stop and rest.

A person who has been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia will be able to get rid of it forever at home if he sticks to a diet.

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