Acne after stress - why does it break out and how to deal with it?

What is stress

Unfortunately, in the world around us the number of stress factors is rapidly increasing.
Everyone interprets this concept in their own way. If we turn to scientific sources, stress is defined as a set of normal body reactions to irritating factors and the corresponding state of the nervous system. Streamlined description, isn't it? From a psychological point of view, personal perception of the events happening to a person comes first. For example, a regular job interview for someone is an opportunity for direct dialogue with the employer and a completely everyday event. And for others - severe stress, affecting the appearance and general condition of the body.

According to scientists, the most powerful stress factors for adults are:

  • death of one of the spouses or close relatives;
  • divorce or persistent problems with your partner;
  • job loss or lack of career advancement;
  • constant overwork or lack of sleep;
  • dissatisfaction with one's own appearance;
  • presence of significant loan debt;
  • major changes in life: the birth of a child, moving, etc.;
  • the need for public speaking;
  • long-standing injuries that prevent you from living a normal life.

For children and adolescents, powerful stress factors are the environment at school or kindergarten and problematic relationships with parents.

As you can see, events that provoke nervous tension do not always have an exclusively negative connotation.

You are dehydrated

Lack of water interferes with metabolism and reduces the body's ability to self-regulate, so the body produces excess sebum. We already realized that this does not lead to anything good. Dehydration also leads to the accumulation of dead cells, which clog the pores. You need to drink water and try to avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Spending too much time in the sun can also cause breakouts. Even if you drink a lot of water, it's still better to play it safe and buy sunscreen.

Sunscreen, Bare Republic, $15 at

Moisturizer, Dr. Jart+, $26 at

Sad consequences

Prolonged or too intense exposure to stress factors greatly destroys the body and can lead to quite sad consequences. This happens due to the instinctive reactions of the body, uncontrollable by humans, aimed at protecting it.

During times of severe stress:

  • blood pressure increases;
  • heart rate increases;
  • all senses become more acute;
  • the reaction speeds up significantly;
  • body temperature rises;
  • hormonal levels change.

If all these phenomena are short-term in nature, and the person does not suffer from serious chronic diseases, then nothing terrible happens. But for weakened or overly sensitive people, such shocks are extremely undesirable - the body takes quite a long time after them to return to normal. And if he fails, problems gradually begin to arise, including with the skin.

You're not sleeping enough

The most understandable and pleasant point. Just sleep longer (but not too much). The human body needs a full night's rest (seven to eight hours). This is a kind of restart button, all your systems relax, and the cells damaged during the day are restored. A good night's sleep will help clear your face and remove dark circles under your eyes at the same time.

Getting adequate rest can also help combat other possible causes of breakouts, such as stress and increased hormonal activity. Sleep is calming by preventing the overproduction of cortisol, the hormone responsible for excess sebum production. A good night's rest will help keep your pores clear and your mind calm.

As we said above, skin cells are restored during the night; To help the body and speed up the process, you can apply various moisturizing creams containing retinol to your face. This will make your skin firmer and clearer.

Night Cream, Clark's Botanicals, $98 on

Whey, Lab Series, $65 at

Why do acne appear?

Acne caused by nervousness can be different. Some people develop a small red rash similar to an allergic reaction. This is a consequence of increased production of histamines under severe stress. These rashes usually go away on their own or after taking antihistamines.

It is much worse when ulcers or inflamed acne form on the face. This usually occurs against the background of prolonged stress. With nervous tension, the amount of hormones in the body increases:

  • adrenaline;
  • norepinephrine;
  • corticosteroids;
  • testosterone.

They provoke an increase in body temperature, increased heart rate, increased activity of the sebaceous glands, and profuse sweating. Pores do not have time to cleanse themselves and become clogged with sebaceous plugs and toxins. They create a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, and the immune system, sharply weakened by experiences, is not able to fully resist it. This is the reason for the formation of acne, which can be very difficult to get rid of.

Considering that in a state of severe or prolonged stress, a person ceases to be interested in his own appearance, and sometimes even to take basic care of himself, the number of rashes is rapidly increasing.

Depression can also lead to serious disruption of the endocrine system, which directly affects the condition of the skin. Alarming symptoms arise that require immediate medical attention: sudden mood swings, insomnia, surges in blood pressure, significant changes in body weight.

Causes of rashes

Nowadays, everyday situations are accompanied by anxiety and stress. At the same time, health problems appear. The skin is an indicator that makes visible deviations from the norm of the human body. Rashes often occur due to nervousness, but it should be noted that this process is very difficult. Acne on the face occurs due to various reasons.

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Malfunctions of the hormonal system.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Presence of skin mites.
  • Inappropriate skin care.

In everyday life, a person is surrounded by problems at work, at home, in relationships. A nervous breakdown affects skin problems. In addition, bad habits (alcohol, smoking), lack of adequate sleep, refusal of an active lifestyle (lack of sports) and drug addiction have a negative impact.

Inflammations on the skin do not appear immediately; this requires prolonged exposure to unfavorable factors.

With strong emotional stress: death, illness, acne from nerves on the face may appear immediately.

Third stress system

In addition to the reasons listed above, scientists have recently discovered another one. It turns out that with strong or prolonged exposure to stress factors, the nerve processes located directly in the skin, close to the surface of the epidermis, begin to produce a special substance called R.

It provokes the development of inflammatory processes and has high biological activity. Substance R:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • increases capillary permeability;
  • destroys mast cells.

The result is the appearance of small red rashes and acne. In addition, the skin becomes more sensitive, red spots may form on it, which begin to itch. If appropriate measures are not taken, neurodermatitis develops.

You're too nervous

Stress is one of the most common causes of acne. Your constant worries about work, children, football cause the body to produce too much cortisol and other hormones to calm the body, and these cause overproduction of sebum. Globally, it is beneficial and helps maintain youthful skin, but its excess clogs pores and causes acne. The irony of this whole story is that many people experience stress when they see rashes, thus completing the circle. Acne, if anything, is not the end of the world, so you don’t need to worry too much, otherwise it will get worse.

Remove acne

To completely get rid of rashes, you will have to overcome stress. I’ll tell you how to do this as quickly and efficiently as possible a little later. At the same time, you should immediately take care of yourself and do everything necessary to improve the condition of your skin. Of course, it makes no sense to expect immediate results. But even temporary successes will be an additional portion of positivity that kills stress.

Adjusting the diet

The most effective way is to start “stepping” on acne that appears due to nerves from the inside. Did you know that there are foods that are best avoided completely during times of severe or prolonged stress? The list is small:

  • all types of alcoholic drinks;
  • foods high in fat and sugar;
  • coffee and strong tea, including green;
  • energy drinks and soda;
  • fast food, semi-finished products stuffed with chemicals.

These foods stimulate the production of cortisol, which is already in the body more than needed during stress. The oiliness of the skin increases and the formation of acne is very active.

Interestingly, the same cortisol provokes feelings of hunger. And often people literally chew on stress by emptying the refrigerator. But real benefits will only come from those eaten little by little: fruits and vegetables, lactic acid products, liver, vegetable oils, seafood, citrus fruits, tomatoes, sour berries and fruits. All these products have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and supply the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.


Most people, when experiencing strong emotional distress, begin to drink calming drops or tablets. If the doses recommended by the instructions are not exceeded, and the drugs are herbal based, then there is nothing wrong with that.

However, often, by hook or by crook, people obtain powerful antidepressants from pharmacies and prescribe themselves a course of treatment with them. This must not be done under any circumstances! You will treat the nerves, but literally kill the internal organs, which will immediately affect the condition of the skin. Such drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Effective means

But how can you quickly remove acne from nerves on the face and how to treat them at home? First of all, you should try traditional methods and harmless pharmaceutical drugs:

  1. Decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, coltsfoot, mint, lemon balm, etc. If there are no contraindications, they can be taken orally or used to wipe the face. Ice cubes made from them will also be useful. But cryotherapy is not for everyone.
  2. Cosmetic clay. It has strong adsorbent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Quickly relieves redness and itching, eliminates acne and small pimples.
  3. Essential oils. Due to the small size of the molecules, they can penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. This allows you to effectively fight subcutaneous and purulent acne with their help, without injuring the skin.
  4. Folk masks. There are a great many recipes. But the choice should be made on recipes that do not contain irritating ingredients. The compositions should be soft, based on honey, egg yolk, vegetable or fruit juices, and lactic acid products.
  5. Zinc ointment . Almost instantly dries out acne and tightens pores. Regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands. But when applied to large areas, it prevents the skin from breathing normally. Therefore, it must be used pointwise.
  6. Tar soap . Well suited for very oily, combination and problem skin. But if used too often it dries it out.
  7. Alcohol tinctures, including iodine. Used for spot cauterization. They help well against painful subcutaneous pimples and ulcers.

Among ready-made cosmetic preparations, it is advisable to choose a high-quality cream with triclosan or antibiotics. It will not allow pathogenic microorganisms to multiply and will cleanse the skin for the period until you strengthen your immunity. However, remember that you can use such products without a break for no more than 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing your own beneficial microflora.

I hope there is no need to remind you that you should never squeeze pimples. And people often like to do this when they have increased anxiety, trying to somehow calm themselves down with this activity.

If you can’t figure out the problem yourself, go for professional cleaning or other procedures to a cosmetologist. At a minimum, there will be no scars left after them.

Preventing acne from nerves on the face

Every person is prone to acne. However, avoiding this is much easier than treating an already existing illness by running to doctors. It is enough to adhere to certain rules. To prevent acne from forming, you must:

  • wash your face twice a day every day;
  • eat healthy;
  • drink your daily amount of water;
  • include physical activity in your daily routine;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • try not to touch your face with dirty hands;
  • choose cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type;
  • Be sure to wash off decorative cosmetics before going to bed;
  • you need to get enough sleep;
  • avoid stressful situations.

The main factor that helps to avoid stress and nervous conditions is lifestyle and internal emotional state. To prevent such conditions, it is important to adhere to the following preventive methods to avoid stress:

  • work on emotional state and thinking;
  • quiet personal life;
  • healthy diet and adjusted diet;
  • adequate attitude to problems;
  • physical activity;
  • relieving internal tension;
  • spa and other relaxing treatments;
  • creative activity;
  • mental and physical rest.

It is important to be able to suppress an emotional storm correctly and without nervousness. Psychological training can also help with this if it is difficult to cope with this on your own.

Conquer stress

Pimples on the face from nerves cannot be removed until a person puts them in order. Being in a state of deep depression, it is almost impossible to do this on your own, without the help of doctors and medications. But if the situation is not yet too advanced, then the following techniques and methods help overcome stress:

  1. Reframing. A simple NLP technique, the essence of which is to replace a negative image with a positive one. It uses the human brain's ability to mistake imagination for reality.
  2. Relaxation techniques. If you cannot change your circumstances, you can always change your attitude towards them. And relaxation techniques come in handy here.
  3. Think about others. When a person is completely focused on himself, all events take on a hypertrophied form. And against the background of what is happening to others, they often become less significant and tragic.
  4. Learn to forgive. Accumulated grievances have no effect on the people who caused you “harm,” but they very effectively poison your life. It is advisable to get rid of them as quickly as possible.
  5. Let go of the guilt. If you really think you are wrong, apologize in reality or mentally to this person. And just don’t pay attention to groundless accusations.
  6. Focus on your own strengths . Alas, the majority do the opposite and literally examine their smallest shortcomings under a microscope. How can you not start to worry?
  7. Be grateful . Fate - for the opportunity to live and enjoy a new day. To loved ones - for the warmth and support they give. And even troubles for the lessons they give us.
  8. Practice mindfulness. Learn to breathe deeply, feel warmth and sunlight on your skin, and absorb positive impressions from yourself. Enjoy what is happening to you here and now.
  9. Take breaks. Don't forget to take vacation, try not to work on weekends, rest at least a little during the day. Even the lack of career growth can be regarded as a pause, allowing you to understand whether you are moving in the right direction and what steps still need to be taken.
  10. Stop multitasking . Don't try to do everything at once and control the whole world. Learn to trust and delegate. Don't take on more than you can handle.

You will be surprised at how much your appearance and your entire life will change when you master and regularly apply at least half of the techniques listed here.


If acne appears on your body and its number is constantly increasing, then you urgently need to treat it. But for this you need to know how to cure acne on your face. In the case of acne, it is better to consult a doctor immediately, rather than neglect it and self-medicate. The specialist will prescribe the necessary examinations, based on which he will prescribe treatment.

In most cases, special ointments and antibacterial creams are prescribed. In addition, effective methods include taking antibiotics. They may advise you to consult a cosmetologist for chemical peeling, and in the most severe cases, laser therapy would be advisable. Cystic acne is removed by draining the skin.

Acne medications

It happens that it takes a lot of time to select the right treatment, so initially you should prepare yourself for long work and the absence of lightning-fast results.

Summing up

I hope now the answer to the question of whether acne can appear from nerves is clear for you. Stress is the source of a huge number of problems in the human body. And an appearance spoiled by rashes often aggravates it, forming a squirrel wheel, from which it is sometimes very difficult to get out. That is why it is so important not to forget about yourself, but first of all to focus on getting your nerves in order.

You can try to get rid of acne on your own. But I would still advise you to go to a cosmetologist. Reviews from most clients confirm that such sessions also have an excellent relaxing effect. You feel surrounded by care and attention. In a good mood, your appearance begins to look more attractive.

What do you think about this? What is the best thing to do to quickly get rid of stress-induced rashes? Share your opinion in the comments.

Appearance mechanism

A direct relationship between the appearance of rashes and stress has not been proven to date. However, during times of stress, active substances appear in the human body that have an indirect effect on the development of skin acne.

First of all, overexertion provokes the production of stress hormones:

  • adrenalin;
  • norepinephrine;
  • corticosteroids;
  • testosterone.

Under their influence, metabolic and catabolic processes are activated, and the level of heat in the muscles increases. As a result, sweating increases. The corticosteroid hormone negatively affects the immune system, and when it weakens, bacteria penetrate the skin without hindrance (in other cases they do not cause harm). In addition, against this background, eating behavior may be disrupted, and frequent consumption of food will lead to poor functioning of the gonads and thyroid gland. Deterioration in the functioning of the thyroid gland affects the oiliness of the skin, which becomes increased. Blood, which now contains an increased amount of sugar, is the most positive environment for an increase in the number of bacteria. The pores open and a large number of microorganisms enter them.

There are different human reactions to stress, and they, in turn, provoke the appearance of skin problems. You can automatically touch your face, scratch it, picking off small pimples from stress, wipe away sweat and rub your nose. The most dangerous thing about this is that a person may not even notice the redness. In most cases, hands are dirty, which worsens the situation with skin rashes.

You have problems with hormones

If you suspect this, then run to the doctor and get tested. To avoid hormonal imbalances, rest, do your best to minimize stress, avoid questionable supplements, watch stand-up comedy, and enjoy life. Often, hormonal surges can occur due to the fact that a person is taking strong antibiotics or medications. This also needs to be carefully monitored and consulted with specialists.

Wellpath Anxiety & Stress Relief Capsules, $18 at

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