Emotional breakdown: causes, symptoms, how to get rid of it, consequences and prevention

What is a nervous breakdown

A nervous breakdown is a temporary phase of a disorder, the symptoms of which are depression and neurosis. A breakdown is not static, it is rather an indicator that the nervous system is on the verge and urgently needs help.

Almost always, after a nervous breakdown, a person becomes convinced that he is unable to control his emotions. He is under the power of his own fears, illusions and anxieties, which not everyone can overcome on their own.

In itself, a nervous breakdown is more necessary for the body than harmful.

When a person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, tired and driven, the body tries to relieve excess tension for further normal functioning. This is exactly what happens as a result. Thanks to the emotional outburst that has occurred, the psyche can preserve itself and not collapse. Similar protective functions of our body are activated during certain types of fainting, severe fear, shock, coughing and other conditions.

How to recognize the type of illness

Hysteria in a woman
The disease is insidious: having many symptoms, it is not noticeable in the initial stages. A person suspects that he is unwell, but focuses on his physical condition, looking for signs of various diseases. It is important to establish the cause of changing behavior in time in order to begin adequate treatment. Signs of neurosis in women depending on the nature of the disorder:

  • Depressive. Characterized by a disgusting mood, a complete loss of interest in life, and constant melancholy. A person withdraws into himself, fences himself off from the world around him, and stops communicating. There is a feeling of one’s own uselessness, a desire to retire. There are no goals, the future seems bleak, and death is felt to be approaching.
  • Neurasthenic. Similar to depression, only less intense in degree of manifestation. The girl feels devastated, physiologically the condition manifests itself in rapid fatigue and tiredness. Complete dissatisfaction with the present, the feeling that life is being lived in vain, the best years are passing by. Emotional exhaustion, nervous excitability, irritability are the main signs of a neurasthenic disorder.
  • Hypochondriacal. It starts simple: a woman invents a serious physical illness, most often fatal. The psyche becomes closed in affirmation, somatic symptoms appear, and anxiety intensifies. And although severe pain in neurosis is a rare phenomenon, the described type of disorder is associated precisely with them. Having invented a non-existent illness, a woman is tormented, invariably arriving at a real psychological problem.
  • Obsessive neurosis. One of the common disorders in women. It looks like hypochondriacal, only the closure occurs on psychological, not physical problems. A person suffering from this disease constantly thinks about relationships, problems in the family or at work, and searches for the meaning of life. The condition worsens every day, and it is almost impossible to get rid of obsessions on your own.
  • Hysterical. It differs from all others by a striking characteristic feature - demonstrative behavior. If any other disorder leads to secrecy, a desire to be alone, then here it is the other way around. The girl creates scandals, hysterics, and splashes out negative emotions on others. Based on this symptom, hysterical neurosis in women is easy to diagnose and promptly treat with the help of well-designed therapy.
  • State of fear. The name speaks for itself: the sick person constantly feels anxious. She is afraid of tomorrow, news, negative events, gradually withdrawing. It is difficult to find a common language with such people, because they look for hidden meanings in everything. Living in anticipation of terrible messages or events, they destroy everything around them, plunging into the abyss of stress.

Often such psychological problems find noticeable external manifestation. For example, a neurosis of cleanliness in women is associated with deep negative internal processes: the desire to constantly clean, an immediate deterioration in mood at the sight of a small speck. A perfectly decorated apartment, in which every item is in the right place and nothing can be touched, is one of the signs of a nervous personality disorder. Such manifestations cannot be ignored.

Causes of nervous breakdowns in women

Identifying the exact cause of a nervous breakdown is very difficult. It arises due to a strong shock in a person’s life, and since shocks can be different, the reasons can be completely different from each other. However, there is still a list of possible causes of nervous stress:

  • Drastic changes in an established personal life. Women, as is right, react more sharply to such events. This could be a divorce, problems with a child or with parents;
  • A difficult, tense atmosphere in the family - constant quarrels at home not only with the husband, but also with the children, quarrels and disagreements with parents, etc.;
  • Uncomfortable working conditions – poor relationships in the team at work, conflicting demands from superiors and constant emotional pressure. Inconvenient and irregular work schedule;
  • Financial difficulties - loss of a favorite job, low earnings, availability of loans. Loss of any property and subsequent financial expenses.

In addition to external factors, the causes of a breakdown are also influenced by a person’s internal genetic code. A woman is by nature more impressionable than a man, so her internal predispositions to disorders play a special role. It can be:

  • Deficiency of vitamins and amino acids necessary for the body;
  • Exposure to viral infections that affect the nervous system;
  • Self-medication and taking psychotropic medications, as well as drug use and frequent alcohol consumption;
  • Character traits, excessive care from parents, lack of acceptance by others. Too sharp and violent reaction to traumatic events.

Character plays a key role in mental stability . Therefore, people with certain character traits are more prone to breakdowns than others. It could be:

  • Suspiciousness, excessive vulnerability, impressionability;
  • Selfishness, egocentrism, ambition, power, impatience with the opinions of others and their criticism;
  • Uncompromising, excessive straightforwardness;
  • Excessive punctuality, perfectionism.

As you can see, it’s quite easy to have a nervous breakdown. And it will not always be clear what exactly caused this illness.

Autonomic nervous system disorder

Disruption of the functioning of the autonomic (autonomic or ganglion) nervous system is considered an urgent problem of modern medicine.

The autonomic nervous system, being an integral element of the nervous system, ensures the regulation of vascular tone, the functioning of internal organs, the innervation of receptors, glands, skeletal muscles and the nervous system itself.

The main reason provoking disorders of the autonomic nervous system is dysfunction of body systems and individual internal organs. Other causes include hereditary factors, sedentary lifestyle, abuse of alcohol or fatty foods, certain infectious diseases, stroke, allergies and injuries.

Disorders of the autonomic nervous system occur in different ways. They can manifest themselves as a weakening of vascular tone, decreased thermoregulation, metabolic and neuroendocrine disorders, disorders of defecation, urinary and sexual function. Also, due to an increase in the excitability of the sympathetic department, increased breathing, heart rate, increased blood pressure, mydriasis, anxiety, decreased body weight, chilliness, and constipation may be observed. With vagotonia, bradycardia, decreased blood pressure, constriction of the pupils, and a tendency to fainting, obesity and sweating appear.

Autonomic dysfunction in organic brain pathology accompanies any form of cerebral disorder and is most pronounced when the internal temporal region, hypothalamus, or deep brain stem structures are affected.

Treatment of autonomic nervous system disorders is complicated by a variety of clinical manifestations, which makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis. Therefore, for diagnostic purposes, the following types of studies are used: electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram and Holter monitoring, computed tomography, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, as well as laboratory tests.

Carrying out the above studies allows you to thoroughly study the overall picture of symptoms and prescribe competent treatment for a disorder of the autonomic nervous system.

First of all, patients are recommended to change their own lifestyle, namely: get rid of bad habits, adjust their diet, learn to fully relax, start playing sports. Lifestyle changes should not be temporary, but permanent. In addition to recommendations for a healthy existence, patients are prescribed drug treatment aimed at normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems. Daytime tranquilizers are prescribed, and sleeping pills at night, as well as vascular drugs and physiotherapy. In addition, taking a vitamin-mineral complex and undergoing a course of massages are considered effective.

Mental symptoms of a nervous breakdown

  • Intense and sudden reactions to minor changes or stimuli;
  • Increased hearing sensitivity and irritability;
  • Irritability from bright light;
  • Absent-mindedness and lack of concentration have a detrimental effect on performance;
  • Inability to concentrate on anything;
  • Impatience, indecisiveness or unjustified hyperactivity;
  • Constant feeling of restlessness and anxiety;
  • Mood instability, with sudden changes in emotional background from overly active to passive;
  • Contradiction of life values, rejection of one’s own opinion in favor of the views of others;

In especially severe cases, thoughts of suicide may appear, or thoughts about the worthlessness and uselessness of oneself as an individual. This happens, for example, when separated from a loved one. It also happens the other way around, when a woman elevates herself to the level of superman and convinces herself of this. With hormonal changes, panic attacks are possible.

How and with what to treat the disease

Treatment of neurosis in women is complex. The primary task is to identify the cause of the disease, to find the stressful situation that served as the impetus for the development of the disease. Today, the described disorder is so widespread in society that there are a huge number of psychological techniques aimed at successfully combating it. After talking with the patient and establishing the cause of the problem, doctors select appropriate individual therapy.

Sports and hobbies have a good effect. Swimming, running, fitness, gymnastics for neurosis help you feel your own capabilities, distract you from destructive thoughts, and open up new horizons. Physical exercise tones the body, normalizes hormonal levels, and improves mood. Creative activities increase self-esteem and give the joy of creation, which is necessary in the fight against the problem.

Drug therapy is selected strictly individually after appropriate examinations. Herbal sedatives are prescribed, and in more severe cases, antidepressants or tranquilizers. Nootropic drugs are effective in cases of cerebrovascular accident and similar disorders. Taking vitamins, in particular group B, has a positive effect.

With the right approach, timely diagnosis, attentive attitude and support from loved ones, this condition quickly recedes without causing harm to health. However, if the patient is left unattended, the disease progresses, gradually turning into a severe form of depression. Then more serious treatment is required, including psychiatric treatment.

Signs of a nervous breakdown in women

  • Frequent headaches, hallucinations;
  • Irritating discomfort in the abdominal and chest areas;
  • The appearance of “smudges” when blinking before the eyes, dizziness;
  • Violation of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Autonomic disorders – incl. surges in blood pressure, difficulty urinating with frequent urges, profuse sweating, etc.;
  • Problems with the digestive system;
  • Delays in the menstrual cycle;
  • Sleep problems - restless dreams and nightmares, late falling asleep, etc.

Physical symptoms are much more noticeable than mental ones . If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor.


Treatment begins with lighter drugs: sedatives and sedatives. They are taken in tablet form. If such drugs do not give the desired effect, then they move on to more serious drugs: antidepressants, tranquilizers. Additionally, mood stabilizers and drugs to stimulate mental activity and relieve symptoms of a nervous breakdown are used. Frequently used tools:

Drug name Group of drugs Dosage Duration of treatment Cost, rubles
Citalopram Antidepressants 20 mg/day. 6 months 289 for 28 pcs.
Fevarin Antidepressants 50-100 mg at night. 6 months 988 for 15 pcs.
Tofisopam Tranquilizers 50 mg 3 times/day. Depends on the severity of the disease. 300 for 15 pcs.
Relaxil Sedatives 1-1 capsules 2-3 r./day. At least 2 weeks. 120 for 30 pcs.
Afobazole Anxiolytics 10 mg 3 times/day. 2-4 weeks. 390 for 60 pcs.
Phenibut Nootropics 0.75-1 g in 3 divided doses. 1-15 months. 47 for 10 pcs.
Verapamil Normotimics 10-20 mg 3 times/day. Depends on the severity of the disease. 37 for 30 pcs.

Behavioral symptoms

When a nervous breakdown occurs, the behavior of both women and men changes dramatically. It is difficult for a person to concentrate on any activity, which means a decline in performance will be noticeable. When communicating with his family, he will lose his temper with insults to prove his opinion or point of view.

Quite often, a woman can simply walk away from the conversation, noticing that her person is not receiving enough attention. Often there are manifestations of cynicism, nervousness and irritability. There is a risk of addiction to alcohol or drugs, which is especially difficult for women to get rid of. It looks very noticeable.

If you see that your wife or girlfriend has similar symptoms, then you need to immediately convince her to seek help from a doctor.

Because this can pose a danger not only to the person himself, but also to those around him. Especially if it is a woman with a small child. Young mothers who suffer from postpartum psychosis, and subsequently from postpartum depression, often find themselves in such a tense situation.


In order to understand the etiology of this pathological health condition, it is worth paying attention to the primary source of the accumulation of negative emotions. And if we consider this mechanism as a whole, it looks like this: every day a person succumbs to some kind of psychological pressure or experiences tension, for example, when meeting a specific person at work, or is subjected to regular repression at home - be it moral or at least physical.

The occurrence of a single provocative situation does not entail a cumulative system of emotional overexcitation as such. That is, if you are afraid of dogs, for example, and you are worried about meeting a gang of mongrels in one of the alleys on the way to your house, this is a separate situation that happens and is eventually forgotten. But if every day you rush to work and meet this barking pack in the morning and evening (considering that you have been terribly afraid of dogs since childhood), here the degree of your emotional state is at risk of reaching a critical point. As a result, you end up having an emotional breakdown.

Treating a nervous breakdown at home

Professional treatment is carried out by a psychoneurologist, but below we present tips with which you can try to calm down on your own:

  • Try to depict on paper the changes happening to you. All the worries and fears. After which you need to add positive emotions to the picture - moments of joy and happiness;
  • The misfortune that happened should never be forgotten - it needs to be thought about, or even better, talked to someone;
  • In order not to burden yourself with negative emotions, you need to eliminate their sources. Get rid of hated objects, limit communication with unpleasant people, stop engaging in uninteresting activities;
  • Take a short break from work and go on a trip. Such rest will be very useful for recovery;
  • Take sedative pills or medications without overdosing.

The main thing is to remember that any nervous breakdown is a natural reaction to mental stress in the body , and to draw the right conclusions in time.

Ways to repay a breakdown

In order to prevent the situation from worsening, it is worth making sure that it is critical. A test for psychological disorders will help determine the approaching critical point of emotional overstrain. There are actually not many ways to localize a pathological condition. This:

  • independent repayment of failure;
  • contacting a psychologist.

In turn, the doctor either prescribes therapeutic procedures or offers to fight the disease through pharmacological drugs.

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