Senile sclerosis symptoms, prevention and treatment - All about sclerosis

From this article you will learn:
  • What is senile sclerosis
  • Why does senile sclerosis affect older people?
  • What are the symptoms of senile sclerosis?
  • How is senile sclerosis diagnosed?
  • What medications does the doctor prescribe for senile sclerosis?
  • How to treat senile sclerosis with folk remedies

Today, many people know or have heard about senile sclerosis. It has a lot of different names - dementia, senile dementia, senile insanity, encephalopathy, psychosis and other options. Let's try to study in more detail what senile sclerosis is and what symptoms it manifests.

What is it - senile sclerosis

The term is used here and there in an everyday sense; it means banal forgetfulness. Often people say it in their hearts when they realize that they have forgotten something important. In fact, in the scientific sense, the term means the degeneration of any tissue of the body into connective tissue. Everyday reasoning has nothing to do with reality. In addition, it is defined as a deterioration of brain activity in old age, so it should not be confused with absent-mindedness.

Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic treatment depends on the nature of the disease in a particular patient. The doctor selects the treatment regimen.

As a rule, the following is used for treatment:

  • muscle relaxants;
  • anti-edema drugs;
  • antidepressants and medications for the treatment of chronic fatigue;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To improve memory function, taking vitamin complexes is indicated. The use of any medications for symptomatic treatment should be agreed with the attending physician. Self-medication can lead to the development of undesirable consequences, which can be difficult to get rid of.

An important role in choosing a treatment regimen is played by the patient’s age and stage of the disease.

Classification of the disease

The disease is classified as follows:

  • Atherosclerosis is a pathology of the arteries, accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol.
  • The multiple type of sclerotic disorder is an autoimmune disorder that often manifests itself at a young age.
  • Otosclerosis is abnormal bone growth in the middle ear.
  • Scleroderma is an autoimmune disorder.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Senile dementia.

It also has other subspecies. All of the listed types, except the last one, begin with the replacement of some connective tissue.

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The disease sclerosis is divided into many varieties, and each of them has its own prerequisites. These could be the following:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • age-related changes;
  • metabolic disorders.

The diffuse variant is an autoimmune disease. In this case, the body destroys the myelin in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. In other words, the organs themselves do not work correctly and cause a pathological process. It is a morphological manifestation of some other trouble.

Features of drug therapy

Tablets help control the course of sclerosis. For example:

  1. Interferon beta 1b (this medicine is also available under the names Ectavia and Betaferon).
  2. Glatiramer acetate (also known as Copaxone or Glatirate).

This group of drugs is known for its ability to reduce the number of exacerbations. Copaxone and Interferon are administered by injection.

  • Interferon beta 1a, fingolimod, mitoxantrone, dimethyl fumarate reduce the severity of exacerbations and prevent their progression as much as possible.
  • Gilenya, Aubagio, Tecfidera are used orally to treat relapsing forms of MS.

What is indicated for exacerbations?

The basic remedies listed above help prevent exacerbation, but during the exacerbation themselves they are practically useless.

If the form is mild, then you can do without therapy altogether.
But if a patient's mobility is impaired in some way, making them unable to do daily activities, the doctor may give an intravenous steroid injection to help the flare-up end as quickly as possible .
This does not in any way affect the course of the disease in general, but it helps to quickly remove the outbreak. Sometimes in such cases, the doctor may prescribe a plasmapheresis procedure - it is done like this: a certain amount of blood is taken from the patient, divided into fractions (blood cells and plasma), the plasma is replaced, and the blood is transfused back. This technique is used only in severe cases of relapse that cannot be corrected with steroids.

What is senile sclerosis?

This phrase is used to describe a whole group of psychological disorders. If we consider in more detail, we will say that they are characterized by:

  • memory loss;
  • deterioration of character;
  • inability to perceive new information;
  • often hot temper, touchiness.

Often a person begins to suspect his loved ones of all mortal sins, gets close to strangers, complaining about his children. If family members do not understand that the reason for such changes is organic changes in the nervous system, a situation will arise where the elderly person will be left to his own devices. And in case of a heart attack or other problems, there is simply no one to help him.

Definition of illness

The term exists only in Russia. If you look in a medical reference book about what kind of disease this is - sclerosis, then officially such a name does not exist. In other countries, the disease is called dementia characteristic of the elderly or Alzheimer's syndrome. This characterizes weak-minded behavior in people caused by a variety of reasons. The name is due to the fact that the root cause was initially considered to be vascular atherosclerosis of the brain. The term usually means the replacement of some body tissue with connective tissue. In this case, the quality of blood vessels changes.

Senile sclerosis (dementia changes of late age)
Violations Vascular Atrophic Mixed
Kinds Cerebral atherosclerosis Pick's disease Alzheimer's with vascular lesions of the head
Alzheimer's type syndrome
Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)
Dementia caused by Huntington's chorea

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for an elderly person with sclerosis


The pathological process begins to manifest itself in old age, since it is with changes in the body during this period that dysfunction of the brain is associated. It is very important to see a doctor and start treatment. Therapeutic techniques will not help stop changes in the organ, but they will slow down their progression. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know what manifestations the pathology has.

With this problem, the patient:

  • loses memory;
  • feels difficulty speaking;
  • gradually loses vision;
  • constantly takes offense at loved ones for no reason;
  • constantly expresses dissatisfaction;
  • suffers from pain in the limbs, joints, spine;
  • considers himself unnecessary;
  • empties the bladder frequently;
  • suffers from intestinal dysfunction;
  • cannot coordinate his movements.

With senile sclerosis, the likelihood of heart attacks increases.

These are symptoms characteristic of the pathology, but patients also have specific manifestations. Most of them are not interested in their work and are constantly trying to defend their erroneous opinion. Sexual desire increases and a feeling of suggestibility appears.

As the volume of lesions increases, the patient begins to have difficulty performing routine tasks such as cooking, brushing teeth, and other daily activities.

Although at the beginning of the development of the disease it is difficult to notice that something is wrong with a person, he behaves quite adequately, but becomes more talkative, constantly gesticulates, and excessive facial expressions are observed. If you ask about the date and age during a conversation, it is difficult for the patient to answer immediately. This is precisely what indicates the progression of the pathology.

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Most people suffering from senile dementia lose the ability to remember, their bad character traits become more acute, and they develop a desire to accumulate unnecessary things. Such a person may have a huge amount of junk in his house, but, in his opinion, these are vital items.

Senile sclerosis is a disease that cannot be cured. In the final stages of development, the patient must be constantly monitored, since he cannot control his actions, and his forgetfulness can cause consequences that are dangerous for him and those around him.

Pathology during its development goes through three stages. At first, there is a slight decrease in intellectual abilities. It is difficult for a person to learn something new, but he can still take care of himself and does not need constant supervision.

At the second stage, degradation becomes more pronounced. The patient cannot properly take care of his own hygiene, use the telephone, cannot remember how to use household appliances, and has difficulty opening doors with a key. But, despite this, he can still wash himself and provide for his natural needs.

The third stage is characterized by complete degradation of personality. The patient does not control the simplest physiological processes, relieves himself anywhere, cannot cope with a fork and spoon, and suffers from other disorders. In this situation, round-the-clock care is needed, since the patient is not able to eat, wash, or change clothes on his own.

In most cases, the last stage of senile sclerosis ends in the death of the patient from any somatic disease.

How does senile dementia manifest?

The manifestations are varied. This is often the forgetting of some facts, for example, a pensioner does not remember where he just put his favorite glasses. After a half-hour search involving the whole family, it turns out that the glasses were lying at hand. If we consider other signs of sclerosis, it also happens that the interlocutor forgets that he once buried his relatives. He begins to talk about them as if they were alive.

Serious memory problems are when someone goes to the store and doesn't come back because they don't remember where they live. Another point is that the sense of humor disappears. An innocent joke seems offensive, and the family is already afraid to joke or tell jokes in the presence of an elderly person. All this is caused by the death of brain neurons.

What sclerosis is can sometimes be seen in practice. Many who have older parents are familiar with the situation: when a sick person comes home, he forgets to close the door behind him. And when children or grandchildren come, the grandfather or grandmother remembers insignificant old grievances and does not want to communicate. But any rogue who rings the doorbell and introduces himself as a utility worker or salesman becomes a welcome guest. All this drives a wedge into the relationship, and aggravates the risk that sooner or later trouble will happen to the pensioner. But this condition can be treated, and quite successfully.

Therapy for exacerbations

Multiple sclerosis is an insidious disease. With proper therapy, the patient can feel well for a long time, but periods of exacerbations are possible, during which symptomatic treatment is necessary.

Such therapy is selected only by the attending physician, depending on the symptoms of exacerbations in a particular patient.

Exacerbations usually manifest as a number of neurological disorders. Typically, patients are first treated with corticosteroid injections or IV drips. Taking solu medrol for sclerosis helps to quickly stop an attack of exacerbation of the disease. Solumedrol is one of the most effective drugs in the corticosteroid group. Pulse therapy with these drugs helps to quickly relieve exacerbations, but has a number of contraindications and side effects that need to be familiarized with. Droppers with this drug should only be done in a hospital, under the supervision of medical personnel.

If for some reason drips or injections of corticosteroids are contraindicated, plasmaphoresis helps relieve an exacerbation.

For symptomatic treatment and for exacerbations, Trental is often prescribed. This drug helps improve cerebral circulation, which speeds up the recovery process after an exacerbation of the disease.

How will the services of the “Zabota” boarding house network be useful?

If a loved one has severe dementia, home care is not possible. Often at this stage the patient cannot move independently and carry out hygiene procedures. It is rational to place an elderly relative in our boarding house, where he will be looked after every day. In addition to quality care, our centers also provide comprehensive medical care. When a patient has senile sclerosis, treatment is prescribed by a psychiatrist who fully guides his patients - observes, prescribes prescriptions, makes adjustments.

List of benefits that are available to people in our organization:

  • Daily inspections.
  • Procedures for rehabilitation according to an individual scheme, including the restoration of memories.
  • Accommodation rooms equipped with handrails.
  • Health-improving gymnastics classes.
  • Communication with peers, an exciting leisure program.
  • Walks in the open air.

Use of medications

Treatment of senile sclerosis begins with the prescription of nootropic drugs. Their long-term use can improve cognitive functions and stimulate cerebral circulation. Tablets should only be prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, you can harm your health, despite the good tolerance of drugs from this group in old age.

As the body ages, the walls of blood vessels begin to thin out. As a result, the risk of their rupture increases. Therefore, an integral part of drug therapy is the use of medications to strengthen the vascular walls. Additionally, you may need the help of medications that contain caffeine and nicotinic acid. Taking vitamins, which are useful at any age, is also considered useful.

Senile sclerosis is often accompanied by rather unpleasant symptoms. Patients begin to behave aggressively and defiantly. Therefore, to relieve nervous breakdowns, the doctor may recommend antidepressants. To bring a person to his senses, sometimes you cannot do without tranquilizers. At later stages of the development of the disease, taking pills alone is no longer enough; the help of specialists in the field of psychiatry is required.

Causes of memory problems

This can be either clogging of the brain vessels with cholesterol plaques, or the death of the neurons of the cerebral cortex itself. But more often, chronic sclerosis is provoked by neurodegenerative diseases, in which certain groups of nerve cells begin to die. There is also atrophy of sections - the spinal cord or in the head. Such pathologies include Alzheimer's disease. The risk of dementia increases by 40 percent even with a slight increase in blood pressure by 10 mmHg.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

The main goals in the treatment of multiple sclerosis are to slow down the progression of the disease, prevent and stop exacerbations, provide symptomatic therapy at all stages of the disease, and maintain the patient’s psycho-emotional health.

Treatment of exacerbations is possible with the help of corticosteroid drugs, cytostatics, and plasmapheresis.

With the help of immunomodulatory drugs (Copaxone, beta-interferon), it is possible to reduce the frequency of relapses in multiple sclerosis by 30% and significantly slow down the process of disability of the patient, reduce the activity of plaques and their number.

Symptomatic and medical-social treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis is aimed at restoring motor functions, functioning of the pelvic organs, coordination, and pain relief. It is important to deal with the patient’s neuropsychological problems.


Since senile or senile dementia is an acquired dementia that occurs as a result of brain damage in old age, the phenomena are corresponding. First of all, there is a decrease in mental abilities, which can be classified as symptoms only in comparison with the previous level of intellectual development. A common case is that an elderly person is bought a mobile phone with large buttons and is repeatedly explained how to use it. But grandpa doesn’t understand anything, although before he could easily disassemble and repair his car.

Also a sign is the loss of skills and abilities. In this case, the patient often does not turn off the water tap, forgets to turn off the light, and cannot fasten the buttons on his clothes because he does not remember how. Lack of coordination of movements, confused speech, and poor spatial orientation should also alert you. Often a pensioner loses the ability to go to the store on his own, is unable to count money on his own or remember where he put his wallet.

Symptoms of sclerosis in older people are diagnosed, for example - degenerative processes - loss of sensitivity and deterioration of vision. It is possible to forget the names of family members, even for a short period of time. A person collides with objects or people while walking, which has never happened before.

Damage to cranial nerves

It can have the following unpleasant consequences for the patient:

  • Olfactory nerve – there is no adequate perception of smells, olfactory hallucinations appear. There are smells that are not there, the pensioner complains about this to his relatives.
  • Visual – decreased visual acuity in one or both eyes. A patient who has been diagnosed with sclerosis often does not clearly see the boundaries of objects. Visual illusions are possible.
  • Oculomotor – seeing double. The eyeballs are poorly aligned to the bridge of the nose and protrude from their sockets.
  • Pathology of the ternary – there is a combination of several types. Usually there are complaints of frequent shooting pains in the eyes or forehead. Motor abnormalities may be observed, for example, atrophy of the facial muscles.
  • Block - strabismus develops, as a result it is difficult to go down the stairs.
  • Abductor - a lesion that makes it difficult to move the eyeballs. Patients often exhibit convergent strabismus.

If senile sclerosis is a concern, treating the symptoms and consequences will not be easy. You need to be examined not only by a neurologist, but also by a geriatrician, phthisiatrician and other specialized specialists.

Other treatments

The success of drug treatment largely depends on auxiliary means and techniques:

  • The patient should be protected from anxiety as much as possible. Stress impairs memory. Rest, on the contrary, has a very positive effect on the capabilities of the brain.
  • Family support and general belief in the success of treatment increase its effectiveness.
  • The patient must be awakened to interest in life. Maximum involvement in family affairs and communication in a positive way gives excellent results.
  • In order for information to remain in memory, the patient needs to concentrate more actively on it. When absorbing large amounts of knowledge, you should take rest breaks. This way, the brain will better “sort out” everything new.
  • Reading is a great memory training activity. Moreover, this process must be properly organized. In order for the information contained in a book to be imprinted in your memory, after reading you should analyze the work or discuss it with someone. Think about what you learned that was useful, what was particularly exciting or controversial.
  • Planning has a good effect on thought processes. Every evening you need to make a plan for the next day (even if such trivial events as going to the grocery store are expected).
  • Learning songs and poems and mastering foreign languages ​​trains the memory perfectly.

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Cerebellar disorders

Among the most common, the most common is ataxia, that is, inconsistency of movements. The torso and limbs move uncoordinated, and it may be difficult for a person to stand and maintain balance. Tremors often occur - shaking of the hands and other parts of the body. These manifestations range from mild, only slightly interfering, to severe, making any activity impossible.

Hypotension is characteristic, that is, impotence and muscle weakness. If you ask a patient what sclerosis means to him, he will answer that it is difficult to simply walk a short distance that previously seemed easy. It is difficult to carry a bag from the store, even if there is only a loaf of bread. During a medical examination, the muscles feel unusually soft and the joints are too flexible.

Sensory disorders

Approximately 6 out of 10 patients have problems with the skin's ability to respond to irritants. There may be loss of sensation over the entire surface of the body, except for the head.

Typically takes the following forms:

  • Reduced pain sensitivity.
  • Failure of the skin's ability to sense effects.
  • The appearance of burning, tingling in the legs and arms.
  • Tingling on the body.
  • Feeling of pressure in the limbs without localization.

They are often stronger in the morning, after waking up. It is difficult for an elderly person to stand up. It is clear that no one would want to find out from personal experience what kind of disease sclerosis is, because at a serious stage the patient will not even be able to call for help, since speech function will be impaired. In such cases, the help of medical staff is invaluable.

Pelvic disorders

With sclerotic changes in the pelvic organs, control of urination and fecal excretion may disappear. Commonly encountered symptoms include the following:

  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Retention of stool and urine.
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Problems with sexual function often arise. In 9 out of 10 patients, changes occur that are not for the better.

All mentioned deviations from the norm, without a doubt, reduce the quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary not only to treat the disease, but also to be examined for diseases of the pelvic organs, and, if necessary, take antibacterial drugs.

Movement disorders

Seemingly insignificant causes of sclerosis lead to damage to the nervous system, complete loss of motor activity, paralysis and disability are possible. The process begins with numbness of the arms and legs in the morning, drowsiness, and a feeling of chronic fatigue even after a long sleep. It is especially difficult if dementia is combined with atherosclerosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques. Then the limbs with clogged blood vessels are still under the control of the brain, which is not sufficiently supplied with oxygen.

As a result, we have insufficient blood supply to the limbs, which can lead to amputation, plus absent-minded coordination of movements. A person falls, hits objects, gets bruises, fractures, and head injuries. It is important to stop smoking immediately if you have this disease.

You should not allow a relative with poor coordination to walk outside in icy conditions. Therefore, gerontologists advise choosing a boarding house for the patient. Medical staff will create conditions so that the patient does not fall to his death on the stairs or while getting out of bed.

Emotional and mental disorders

They may be associated not only with the destruction of the tissue of the nerve fibers of the brain, but also with the realization that there is no former strength and intelligence. The person realizes his helplessness. Such awareness occurs in the early stages of the disease, when there is still critical thinking. These are emotional problems.

There are other manifestations - focusing on the bad, splashing out your emotions on loved ones. At the slightest attempt to object, the grandfather or grandmother, who is receiving attention, begins to accuse the children of callousness and inattention. In this case, it is necessary to take the relative’s conversation in a different direction in any way. After all, there is already a mental disorder.

Classification of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis has a large number of clinical manifestations, and therefore its clinical forms are not distinguished. When classifying a disease, it is based on the nature and characteristics of the course of pathological processes. The following main types are distinguished:

  • remitting (relapsing-remitting). This type of disease is the most common and occurs in 70-80% of patients. A characteristic feature will be the undulation of the course and variability of symptoms. Periods of exacerbation (relapse, “attack”) are followed by periods of remission that last several months, years or even a decade. During an exacerbation, the patient experiences a sharp, rapid deterioration in his condition, a worsening of existing symptoms or the appearance of new ones. During remission, symptoms may weaken significantly or not appear at all;
  • primary progressive (primarily progressive). With this type, patients experience a gradual, steady deterioration in their health. Periods of exacerbation are absent or occur extremely rarely. As a rule, the spinal cord is mainly affected, later and to a lesser extent - the brain. The patient, as a rule, retains intellectual abilities, but disability occurs faster and more often than with other types of the disease. Occurs in 10% of patients, while the percentage of male patients is no less than female, most often these are middle-aged people;
  • secondary progressive. In approximately half of the patients who showed a remitting type of disease in the early stages of the disease, after 10-15 years there is a transition to the secondary progressive phase. The periods of remission are shortened, the patient's condition improves slightly, but the disease slowly progresses, and rare relapses persist. The disease becomes chronic and after 10-12 years can develop into a progressive form;
  • progressive-recurrent. Occurs in 5% of patients. Along with the gradual development of the disease, relapses occur. After an exacerbation, a short-term remission occurs, but the improvement is insignificant.

Sclerosis disease - clinical picture

May include the following:

  • Weakness.
  • Sudden deterioration of vision.
  • Memory impairment.
  • The ability to assimilate new information disappears.
  • Old skills are lost.
  • When walking, there may be staggering and movements are uncoordinated.
  • Mood swings for no serious reason.
  • With Pick's disease, hypersexuality and vulgar behavior are possible.

But most often we have a noticeable decrease in memorability and difficulties in the thought process. The diagnosis must be made by a specialist, since the manifestations of sclerotic changes are diverse.

What to remember

Drugs for the treatment of sclerosis should only be selected by the attending physician. These medications can provoke the development of a number of negative consequences, so the dosage regimen and dosage should be selected by a specialist. Before you start taking a new medicine, it is recommended to study reviews of patients who have taken the drug to treat the disease. This will allow you to compare possible risks with the expected effect of taking medications.

Diet plays an important role in improving the patient’s well-being. A properly selected balanced menu will provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements, which will have a positive effect on memory function and help support the nervous system.

Despite the fact that sclerosis cannot be cured, timely started therapy will slow down its progression, delay the loss of ability to work and the development of disability in the patient.


A specialist who knows what senile sclerosis is can prescribe the following examinations:

  • Consultation with an ophthalmologist allows you to understand how much vision is affected.
  • MRI is prescribed to identify damaged nerve fibers.
  • EP or evoked potentials are a method that uses the electrical resistance of areas of the cortex to judge pathology.
  • Study of blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid.

Other diagnostic methods may be prescribed, it all depends on what caused senile dementia. Moreover, it will require not only taking tests, but also a thorough study of lifestyle and conversations with relatives.

Stages of development of sclerosis, its form and localization

The symptoms that appear and treatment for sclerosis directly depend on the form of the disease, and what processes occur in the sheath of the central nervous system fibers at the initial stage of development. By its nature, this pathology has the following forms of progression:

  1. Relapsing form of sclerosis. The most common form of pathology. It is often called grade 1 sclerosis. With this pathology, relapses of the disease are often replaced by remissions, since the self-healing of brain cells and tissues occurs constantly, and covers the temporary necrosis of neurons. This disease can develop over a long period of time and last for decades. Therefore, the patient may ignore the first signs of the disease and not consult a doctor in a timely manner, which leads to complications of the pathology.
  2. Primary progressive form. This form of leakage occurs slowly and has a quiet beginning. This condition brings the patient under his care a gradual deterioration of his condition without the possibility of restoring the nerve cells of the central nervous system. Although in this form there are no sharp attacks of sclerosis, this condition leads to a complete loss of orientation and the patient’s ability to work.
  3. Secondary and progressive form of sclerosis. At the initial stage of development, it resembles a relapsing form. In the later stages of its development, it becomes progressive, either primary or secondary. It all depends on additional factors and related diseases of the affected person.
  4. Relapsing-progressive form of sclerosis. A rare form of sclerosis, which begins with a relapsing and ends with a primary progressive form.

Senile sclerosis - treatment

Regardless of the stage of the disease, anticholinesterase drugs are prescribed. They improve brain activity. The drugs prevent the destruction of brain neurons and improve memory. In addition to various medications, a special low-cholesterol diet is used. A whole range of procedures is aimed at returning the patient to his usual existence. Among these measures:

  • Walks in the fresh air, sometimes accompanied by medical staff.
  • Trainings aimed at preserving and restoring biographical facts. They include looking at photographs, writing a personal diary, talking about yourself and loved ones to a psychologist or a group of people being treated.
  • Therapeutic exercise improves physical condition.
  • Cognitive training involves reading, discussing books read, and memorizing short poems. These measures train your memory.

The modern view of treatment is that you need to do more than just take pills and give injections. The help of a psychiatrist, physical therapy, and the development of memory through feasible exercises are required.


Dementia can be different - associated with the destruction of brain neurons, vascular, mixed type. Therefore, medications are prescribed according to the type of disease. To improve the functioning of neurons, nootropic medications are prescribed.

Antidementia drugs include memantine and analogues. If the failure develops due to problems with blood vessels, in addition to taking conventional medications, you need to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels. It is mandatory to take acetylsalicylic acid and analogues. They thin the blood and dissolve cholesterol plaques.

If depression is added to the symptoms, antidepressants are also prescribed. Fear and anxiety are based on a feeling of helplessness and are difficult to overcome. Then the specialist doctor prescribes tranquilizers. Patients suffering from ischemia are prescribed antiplatelet agents and statins.

To improve mental actions and reduce speech problems, reminyl, akatinol, aricent, and neuromidin are recommended. The action of these drugs is based on their effect on nerve fibers and improves impulses. If the development of the disease is associated with infections, then antibacterial or antiviral agents are taken in parallel.

Drug treatment

Typically therapy involves taking psychostimulants. These are drugs of the caffeine group that have a tonic, stimulating effect on brain activity. To suppress aggression and enhance intellectual activity, patients are also prescribed nootropic medications. To correct psycho-emotional reactions, a patient with senile sclerosis is prescribed tranquilizers. They relieve anxiety. In parallel with drug therapy, the patient almost always receives psychotherapeutic treatment. Consultations with a neuropsychiatrist help you adapt to the complexities of the disease and have a positive attitude towards treatment. Folk remedies against senile sclerosis

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Prevention. Methods to help avoid disease

Senile sclerosis is designed in such a way that it progresses, and it is sometimes possible to stop its progression. But it can be slowed down, so at the first signs a whole range of measures is needed. If everything is normal, the elderly person feels good, does not complain about memory, you just need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is important to take B vitamins and fish oil. It is advisable to follow a cholesterol-restricted diet daily. And walks in the fresh air will become a cardio workout and will help saturate the brain with oxygen. Regular consultations with a doctor and observation by a geriatrician will allow you to correct your health in case of deviations from the norm. If you are overweight, you should look for a low-calorie diet; if you are losing too much weight, high-calorie foods are beneficial.

Principle of treatment of the disease

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that cannot be stopped. Due to the destruction of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, areas of sclerosis are formed. At the site of formation of these areas, the passage of the nerve impulse is interrupted. This is what causes impaired sensitivity in certain areas of the body, memory impairment and loss of the ability to move independently.

The goal of drug therapy is:

  • slowing down the destruction of the myelin sheath of nerves;
  • relief of symptoms;
  • treatment of exacerbations of the disease.

Depending on the characteristics of the disease in a particular patient, he may be prescribed several drugs with different effects.

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