What is the human psyche and what is it like?

For some reason, older people tend to consider problems with the central nervous system and mental health as something shameful. They try not to talk about it, they do their best to hide their presence from outsiders. With the increased pace of modern life, they are as natural as acute respiratory infections or allergies. In addition, mental disorders do not always require medical intervention; sometimes a person can help himself recover.

Coping without doctors

Causes of mental and nervous system problems

Nervous overload and severe emotional shock are the main causes of mental disorders. The source of problems is situations that traumatize the individual. When under stress, the nerve fibers cannot relax and therefore do not receive proper rest.

Working seven days a week, lack of mutual understanding between a man and a woman can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system. In addition, dependence on the phone and computer has an extremely negative effect on the nervous system and psyche.

How to Know There's a Problem

Before you strengthen your nerves, you should figure out whether this is really necessary. There are several signs that you may have problems with your nervous system. Their combination may be a warning sign.

Below is this list:

  1. Aggression for no particular reason, nervous breakdowns and irritation at the slightest provocation.
  2. Anxiety that causes fear.
  3. The body constantly feels tired.
  4. Apathy towards everything.
  5. Lost interest in life.
  6. Indecisiveness and self-doubt.
  7. Insomnia at night, and feeling drowsy during the day.
  8. I can't relax at all.

Don't be afraid if one of the signs applies to you. This is not a red flag. But their totality can already indicate a problem with nerves. What to do in this case? Should I run to the doctor? Not necessary. There are many ways to strengthen the nervous system.

The first signs of a problem

How to quit smoking on your own at home

The presence of problems with the nervous system and psyche is indicated by:

  • apathy, chronic fatigue, drowsiness, weakness in the body;
  • depressive thoughts;
  • decreased level of attention, absent-mindedness;
  • causeless change of mood;
  • psychosomatics and functional disorders, sleep disorders;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • decreased libido;
  • adaptation difficulties, manifested in irritability and nervous reactions when communicating with others.

Important! Unlike mental illness, when the nervous system is depleted, a person recognizes that something is wrong with him. He associates the signs of abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system and psyche with the traumatic event.

...without dwelling on mistakes

The people we're talking about know that your emotional state is determined by where you focus your attention. When you dwell on your problems, you create and maintain negative emotions and stress, which reduces productivity. When you focus on what works for you, you develop a sense of personal effectiveness, which creates positive emotions and increases productivity.

Mentally stable people distance themselves from their mistakes, but do not forget about them. Keeping mistakes at a safe but achievable distance will make it easier for you to adapt to succeed later.

How to cure nerves and psyche at home

How to recover from stress and gain strength for women and men

To strengthen the nervous system and psyche, it is necessary to reduce exposure to traumatic factors. Preventive measures include special exercises and techniques, as well as vitamins.

Gadgets and bad sleep

Attention! When deciding how to strengthen the psyche, you need to proceed from the reasons that resulted in negative changes in its work.

Exercises and techniques

Sport helps restore the nervous system, increases stress resistance and overall tone of the body. Morning jogging or cycling, swimming or water aerobics are effective.

In psychology, a change of environment, new places and new experiences are considered effective means of recovery from stress. Communicating with positive people also helps take your mind off unpleasant thoughts. Caring for and caring for a pet has a restorative effect on the nervous system.

Additional Information. Psychologists recommend taking a course of psychological classes, where a specialist will tell you how to heal the psyche and nerves through relaxation techniques: meditation, restorative breathing. This will develop the person’s skills of relaxation and restoration of harmony.

Means and products

A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise with a properly selected load will be even more effective if a person consumes vitamin complexes. You can plan a diet that will contain sufficient amounts of vitamins B, C, E. An anti-stress diet should include chicken, pork, beef, fatty fish, dairy and fermented milk products, eggs, white and cauliflower, carrots and beets, green onions, tomatoes and potatoes, berries and fruits, dark chocolate, cereals, raisins and nuts.

Vitamin C improves mood and promotes creative thinking. Vitamin E normalizes sleep. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use tinctures of lily of the valley and peony, valerian and motherwort. It is useful to brew tea with St. John's wort and mint.

If the traumatic event was very strong, then medicinal herbs may not cope with the task of normalizing the psycho-emotional state. Then they move on to the “heavy artillery”: antidepressants, sedatives. Although such medications have side effects, so only a doctor prescribes them.

Important! It is recommended to resort to medications only when vitamin-mineral complexes and herbal tinctures are ineffective.

Medicines only as a last resort

Use of medications

Strengthening the nerves is impossible without medications. They are created specifically for this purpose.

Just go to the pharmacy or watch an advertisement on TV. It is clear that there is no need to self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor. Here is a list of the most popular drugs that do their job perfectly:

  1. Adaptol. Treats neurosis, relaxes and reduces irritability, anxiety and fear. True, it has a hypnotic effect.
  2. Barboval. Soothing drops that lower blood pressure. They relieve spasms and tension.
  3. Persen. A certain mixture of soothing herbs such as lemon balm, mint and valerian. Used in cases where sleeping pills and synthetic drugs are unacceptable. Natural product.
  4. Valocordin. Drops based on mint and hops. They can relieve fear, imbalance and anxiety.
  5. Glycine. Pills that chemists called magic. They have unique nootropic properties and play the role of neurotransmitter acid. The drug has a calming effect and helps get rid of anxiety. In addition, the pills increase mental activity.

What exactly to choose, everyone decides for themselves. But ideally go to a doctor and consult with him. Only there can you achieve the best results.

The role of a strong psyche in a person’s life

Signs of depression in men, its causes and independent struggle

A strong psyche allows a person to gain an adequate understanding of the world around him, improve himself and develop his natural abilities. The balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system allows a person to successfully switch from one type of activity to another. An indispensable condition for ensuring the successful implementation of a particular activity is the nerve connections in the cerebral cortex and their quality.

Strong nerves and a stable psyche allow a person to cope with stressful situations, quickly recover from a crisis period, maintain self-control and the ability to think sensibly in critical moments.

They have a habit of getting enough sleep

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of sleep on mental stability. When we sleep, the brain neutralizes toxic proteins, byproducts of nervous activity. Unfortunately, it can only do this effectively while you sleep, so if you don't get enough sleep, toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, wreaking havoc and impairing your ability to think. And no amount of coffee will help here.

Mentally resilient people know that if they don't sleep enough—or sleep improperly—their self-control, attention, and memory decline; therefore, sleep quality becomes a priority.

How to strengthen a child’s nervous system and psyche

Many adults encounter behavioral problems in children. They believe that the reason for this is errors in upbringing. However, this is not always the case. It happens that deviations in behavior arise as a result of weakness of the child’s central nervous system.

To strengthen the psyche to be effective, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. It is recommended to review your daily routine, nutrition and daily diet. A growing body needs fruits, milk, cereals, and meat. Most cooking products should be natural. The use of emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers is not recommended in baby food.

Nutritionists say that for normal functioning of the central nervous system you need to eat fish, green vegetables, olive oil, and dried fruits. If the child does not want these products, you need to explain to him their significance for the body, you can resort to tricks or use play moments.

Proper nutrition

Attention! A monotonous menu, a lack of walks in the fresh air, a sedentary lifestyle, an addiction to computer games and a late bedtime are detrimental to a child’s fragile psyche.

The family situation and interpersonal relationships of parents influence the child’s psyche. Parents should sort things out without minor witnesses.

To reduce the excited state, children are given a decoction of chamomile or linden to drink.

If disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system take on the form of mental disorders, you need to contact a neurologist who will prescribe pills.

Signs of a “shaky” nervous system

It often happens that a person gets used to negative conditions that have been present for a long period of time, or were not noticed initially (for example, if parasites live in the body). An exhausted organism - body and psyche - begins to send specific signals aimed at attracting the attention of its owner. Signs of disorders of nervous and mental activity:

  • Subjective – are a sign of approaching disorders at the mental level. An individual may experience a feeling of severe anxiety, the mood changes from aggressive to whiny several times a day, phobias often appear, a feeling of fatigue, lethargy, followed by severe tension.
  • Cognitive – impairment in the perception of information, forgetfulness, lack of focus, inability to build logical chains.
  • Bodily - the autonomic nervous system begins to malfunction, which is expressed in sudden dizziness, attacks of fever or chills, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of thirst, wild hunger or, conversely, a lack of appetite, insomnia or a constant need for sleep.
  • Behavioral - loss of connection with the outside world often pushes a person to chemical addictions - alcohol, drugs, smoking. So, unconsciously (sometimes consciously) people resort to the most accessible methods to relieve internal tension and relax.

All these signs will manifest themselves in different combinations and with different intensity in different people, since everyone has their own temperament, character, life circumstances, personal history, health indicators, etc.

How to understand that outside help is needed

A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if:

  1. Feelings of hopelessness and depression constantly overcome, preventing the effective performance of work duties and personal affairs. The lack of desire to do what you love or meet with friends for 2 weeks indicates the development of depression.
  2. A person's mood often changes for no apparent reason. Something worries him all the time. He suffers from phobias. Thoughts about suicide appear.
  3. A person experiences visual or auditory hallucinations and paranoia.
  4. When communicating with others, a person is always irritated and overcome by negative feelings. According to him, those around him are hostile towards him.

All people tend to experience negative emotions. However, a person with a balanced psyche quickly copes with them. If for a long time a person cannot overcome a depressive state and cope with stress, this indicates a weakness of the nervous system. In this case, it needs to be restored or treated. Even if you need the help of specialists, you should not be shy about it.

Doctor's help


Most psychologists say that before strengthening your nerves and psyche, it is important to analyze your lifestyle or daily routine. After all, it is precisely from our habits and sphere of activity that the psyche can suffer.

To strengthen the psyche and nervous system as a whole, you need an active lifestyle, walks and a proper daily routine. Thanks to this, performance increases, resistance to stress appears and fatigue decreases.

To have good health and nerves, you need the following:

  • regular exercise
  • eating foods that are good for the nerves,
  • hardening of the body,
  • healthy and restful sleep,
  • balance in work and rest,
  • in severe cases, use of medicinal plants or medications,
  • Exercises to help you relax and calm down. It could be meditation or yoga.

To have strong nerves, you will have to give up smoking. Cigarettes only make the problem worse. Alcohol and psychotropic substances have the same effect. In contrast to this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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