Which massage to choose based on the signals sent by the body?

Aromatherapy massage

Aromatherapy is the treatment of physical and mental illnesses using various essential aromatic oils. This massage technique combines the special power of the massage therapist's hand movements and natural aromas. Each essential oil used in massage has a different effect—some, like lavender, are relaxing, while others, like citrus, are refreshing and energizing.

Aromatherapy massage

According to research, aromatherapy does not have a placebo effect, and in fact has healing properties - the molecules of essential oils are extremely small, so they are able to penetrate the human skin and enter the lungs, and from there into the bloodstream. Thus, the medicinal properties of plants can affect both the human brain and other organs.

Aromatherapy massage is ideal for emotional exhaustion, overwork or stress. It will help you relax, gain strength, and gain energy.

People suffering from anxiety, depression, emotional and mental exhaustion, stress and nervousness are advised to use the following oils:

  • bergamot;
  • jasmine;
  • tangerine;
  • Canadian spruce;
  • sage;
  • sandalwood;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • orange oil;
  • lemon oil.

People with sleep disorders are advised to inhale chamomile, bergamot, jasmine and lavender oils before bed.

Chamomile, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang and bergamot oils are recommended for people suffering from outbursts of anger and aggression and wishing to calm down.

Bergamot, orange, chamomile, jasmine, lavender, lemon and ylang-ylang oils are considered oils of happiness and peace.


Acupuncture is known by another name - acupuncture, which involves inserting special needles into specific areas.

The technique has spread from Chinese medicine and consists of applying thin needles to the points of concentration of vital energy.

Acupuncture points for helping with insomnia coincide with acupressure points.

Important! Acupuncture must be performed by a highly qualified professional, since improper placement of needles can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Ayurvedic massage

Ayurveda is a renowned philosophy of healing, health and beauty with a history of five thousand years. India is considered the cradle of Ayurveda. This massage treats not only the body, but also the mind, calms passions, and helps maintain a stable emotional state. The rejuvenating, detoxifying, calming effect of Ayurvedic massage is known. This massage awakens vitality.

Ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic massage differs from classical massage in that it is carried out to maintain not only the body, but also the mind, feelings and a stable emotional state. These massages balance emotions, calm the mind, remove toxins, and rejuvenate cells. Ayurvedic massage is also called rejuvenating, and it is believed that it can even prolong a person’s age. It is because of this special effect that in ancient times these massages were performed only by members of royal families.

Ayurvedic massage is performed using various oils selected depending on the type of person. According to Ayurveda, people have different body types: wind (vata), fire (pita) and earth (kapha).

Human type setting:

  • Oils for massage are selected individually depending on the type of person. If a person’s skin is prone to cold, the body loves warmth (wind type people), it is necessary to use warming mustard and sesame oil.
  • Fire type people have a lot of warmth. Therefore, cooling sunflower or coconut oil is used.
  • People of the earth type have moist skin and generally do not like oil very much. However, corn or the unique sesame oil, which can also be mixed with herbs or aromatic oils, are suitable for some problem areas.

The type of person is determined by communication: by appearance, manner of speech, behavior, hobbies and even sleep habits. Usually special tables with 20-30 questions are used that help determine the type of person.

Reduces chronic pain

A good foot massage can relax your feet, stretch and soothe the muscles, and reduce swelling that causes pain.

A 2014 study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice found that reflexology is effective in reducing pain and promoting relaxation in people with conditions such as whiplash and chronic pain.

Another 2014 study by the American Society of Disease Control reported that foot massage in patients with chest pain was effective during post-operative treatment.

Relaxing massage

The very name of this massage shows its effect and purpose. A relaxing massage is suitable for everyone. A deeply relaxing massage soothes the central nervous system, relaxes muscles, reduces irritability and relieves fatigue.

Relaxing massage

A relaxing massage is performed with slow, wide movements that relieve tension and fatigue. Short stretching movements are used to relax tired muscles. This massage can be performed on the whole body or on specific areas.

A relaxing massage is suitable for everyone, but most of all for those who suffer from chronic fatigue, nervousness, and sleep disturbances. The power of a relaxing massage is amazing - it stimulates the brain centers, releases endorphins, strengthens the immune system, and increases resistance to stress. The effect of the massage is enhanced by essential oils with a relaxing effect.


  • reduction of muscle tension in the body;
  • guaranteed better sleep and rest;
  • reduction of irritability;
  • improved mood.


  • calms the central nervous system;
  • improves skin function;
  • muscles rest better;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Promotes restful sleep

Daily problems constantly overload our thoughts, especially towards the end of the day, preventing us from enjoying sound sleep. To help you relax and calm down, a relaxing massage is very beneficial.

The entire massage process stimulates reflexes along the meridians and promotes the free flow of energy. It provides deep relaxation and helps you sleep peacefully.

A 2014 study published in the Iranian Journal of Critical Care Nursing reports that foot massage improves sleep quality in patients with heart failure, and it is highly recommended for improving sleep quality in patients with coronary artery disease.

Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage is especially useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, experience constant nervous tension, or suffer from spinal injuries.

Deep tissue massage

This is one of the most popular therapeutic massages in Asia, which includes deep tissue massage, joint exercises, strengthening of ligaments and tendons. This therapeutic massage helps relieve muscle tension caused by poor posture, spinal pathology or nervous tension.

The joint system also works well: blood circulation in the joints improves, passive movements and stretching exercises are performed, affecting not only the joints, but also the ligaments, tendons and muscles. After the massage you feel relief and peace, so this massage is not only for the body but also for the bliss of the soul.

Hot stone massage

Countertherapy or lithotherapy is treatment with special heated stones for deep thermal saturation of the body. This therapy is one of the methods of ancient Eastern medicine. However, this method is also widely used in the modern world in physiotherapy as the main or auxiliary treatment of various diseases.

Hot stone massage

A special feature of this procedure is the use of thermal energy and pressure on reflex points of the human body. This effect relaxes the muscles, resulting in an analgesic effect. Heating the tissue causes blood vessels to dilate, including the smallest capillaries. This improves blood supply to tissues, normalizes the supply of oxygen to them and removes unnecessary products, which optimizes nutrition and metabolism.

Hot stone massage is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is used to treat radiculitis (osteochondrosis of the spine), myalgia (muscle pain), myositis (inflammation of skeletal muscles), as well as sprains and sprains. This therapy method will help you recover from intense muscle activity.

This treatment is suitable for diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuritis and neuralgia). It is also prescribed for spinal deformities. Additionally, using hot stones helps provide relief during painful periods, but promotes bleeding.

Hot stone massage is used in the presence of disorders of the central nervous system - insomnia, neurocirculatory dystonia (cardiac neurosis), increased irritability, emotional lability (sharp changes in emotions, mood instability), asthenia (increased fatigue and nervousness).

Side effects and contraindications

It is worth considering that not far from the sleepy points on the body there are also wakefulness zones. Therefore, in order not to want to sleep, you should carefully look for the desired point on the body and stimulate it correctly. Otherwise, instead of eliminating insomnia, side effects of an incorrect session may appear:

  • dizziness;
  • increased sleep disorders;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache.

Also, these side effects can be caused if there are contraindications to an acupressure session. These include hyperemia, thrombophlebitis, cardiovascular pathologies, the presence of open skin lesions, burns, neoplasms, and inflammatory processes.

Anticellulite massage

Sometimes a massage is needed not only for tense muscles, but also for the skin. If your skin looks loose, as if separated from the muscles, if you have large wrinkles, and you are increasingly frustrated by imperfect, noticeably enlarged thighs, arms, stomach and buttocks, you may need an anti-cellulite massage. Anti-cellulite massage perfectly tightens the skin and eliminates cellulite.

Anticellulite massage

It is recommended to choose a course of 10-12 massages. The best results are achieved with massage 2-3 times a week.

As we know, cellulite tends to recur after a while, so we will share tips on how to maintain the effect of anti-cellulite massage for as long as possible.

  • Massage at home. Massage problem areas regularly. Of course, massage at home will not be as effective as in a salon, but at least you will slow down the formation of cellulite.
  • Water mode. To have a beautiful, cellulite-free figure, you need to drink enough water - at least 1.5 liters a day.
  • Anti-cellulite cosmetics. Buy special anti-cellulite skin wraps, anti-cellulite gel, or make cosmetic wraps with clay.
  • Physical exercise. They help burn unnecessary calories and get rid of cellulite.
  • Bath procedures. The sauna helps remove toxic substances from the body and speeds up metabolism.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage will help balance fluid metabolism, maintain optimal health and beautiful appearance.

The benefits of lymphatic drainage massage surpass many other types of massage: it normalizes blood circulation, the lymphatic system, helps remove toxins from the body, significantly reduces swelling, helps regulate volume, improves muscle tone, gives the skin firmness and elasticity, and activates the immune system. It also helps with swelling of the legs, eyes, face, and bloating in the lower abdomen.

Lymphatic drainage massage

For the massage to be effective, you will need a course of 10 procedures 1-2 times a week.

Back massage

Back massage helps get rid of pain, tension, muscle fatigue after physical activity and training. Back massage is especially suitable for those who work sedentarily, have a weakened body, are overweight, or have injuries to the back and spine.

Back massage

Therapeutic back massage, in general, is one of the most significant for the human body. The back is rich in blood vessels and nerves. All functions of the human body are regulated by the nervous system. Massage affects the irritability of the nervous system. This means that strong movement awakens a person, and light movement calms him down. This causes reactions in the internal organs.

Back massage has a healing effect for many diseases, soothes and relaxes muscles after sports or injuries caused by increased stress. This is especially true if you start training suddenly or after winter when your muscles are still stiff.

Eliminates lower back pain

Those who suffer from lower back pain should massage their feet daily before going to bed. Massage should be done by using your thumbs to apply pressure along the arch of the foot for about 5 minutes.

A 2012 study published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research reports that foot reflexology is effective in reducing the severity of chronic back pain. This gives better results than massaging the lower back.

Lower back pain can make it difficult to sleep. Once the pain is reduced by massaging your feet, you will be able to enjoy a restful and pain-free sleep.

Thai massage

Thai massage has relaxing and healing properties. During the massage, certain points are stimulated, which activate the body's activity. The massage technique is reminiscent of yoga training, but the massage therapist does all the work. Thais are real massage enthusiasts. They work on the palms, feet and body strength. After this massage you will feel lightness and flexibility.

Thai massage

Face massage

Facial massage is perhaps the most effective tool in the fight against aging - facial wrinkles, age spots, graying. Facial massage also improves tissue blood circulation and lymph circulation. For good results, facial massage should be performed at least 3-5 times a year. The more procedures, the more beautiful your skin will be.

Face massage

Thus, it is optimal to choose a massage based on the most painful health problems that are bothering you at this time. Then the benefits will be obvious - from the need to improve body lines to a better emotional state.

Many types of massage slow down the heart and breathing, relax the body, reduce the production of stress hormones, and the muscles begin to get rid of fatigue and tension. Massage helps fight hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, insomnia, anxiety, constant fatigue, digestive disorders, psychological and other disorders, so a good massage has practically no analogues.

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Insomnia points

It is necessary to correctly determine where the sleeping points are. The effect of acupressure depends on this. The area to be affected is precisely determined by your own sensations.

  1. You can start the massage from an asymmetrical point located between the eyebrows, about one centimeter above the bridge of the nose. You need to press it hard enough. The procedure will help get rid of heavy restless dreams.
  2. The second acupressure point for sleep is located on the front side of the wrist on the little finger side at the end of the wrist fold. Identified by the depression between the tendons. The massage is done on the right and left hand.
  3. The impact area is on the back of the hand in the cavity between the thumb and index finger. It is clearly visible when the thumb is pointed to the side. Aching or sharp pain when pressing indicates the correct determination of the point. The area on the right and left palms is being worked on.
  4. You need to find a point on the outside of the foot, located in the depression between the tubular metatarsal bones. From the space between the first and second toes, a distance equal to three middle fingers of the hand is set aside. Massage of both areas is performed simultaneously in a sitting position.
  5. The sleep points, located on the outer sides of both feet in the depression between the tubercle on the heel and the ankle, are massaged simultaneously.
  6. If there is strong excitement, it is recommended to work on the area on the inside of the forearm. It is located approximately three fingers up from the wrist fold between the tendons. With deep pressure, a person relaxes and calms down.
  7. The asymmetrical point lies at a distance of one and a half centimeters from the xiphoid process of the sternum. Acupressure is performed in a supine position.
  8. It is convenient to act independently on the area at the base of the skull behind the lower edge of the earlobe. Painful sensations will help determine the exact location of the zone. You can massage the point with the adjacent area.
  9. The area located in the area of ​​the crown vortex is massaged in a sitting position.

It can be accurately determined by drawing a line from the top tips of the ears to the top of the head.

These special points on the human body should help with emotional imbalance, anxiety, and sleep problems. The first independent acupressure sessions do not always give the desired effect. After several procedures, skills appear, a person feels his body better and achieves a positive result.

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