Foods for depression: what diet helps restore your psyche

Edited by an expert:

Nadezhda Primochkina, nutritionist - 02/28/2021

Depression is a severe mental disorder. And nutrition has a huge influence on the state of the latter. Scientists have repeatedly shown that healthy foods lift your mood and reduce the risk of mental illness, while junk food worsens problems. Thus, in 2021, Australian researchers from McCarey University established a direct relationship between depression and nutrition. They found that a healthy diet reduces the risk of disease by 11%. In this article you will learn how to keep your psyche in good shape with the help of simple products.

Depression and its treatment

Depression means a constant depressed state, which is accompanied by apathy and bad mood. A person develops a reluctance to enjoy the life around him. Many people believe that depression is an illness that can be either long-term or short-term. But despite the type of illness, it is imperative to get rid of it and its symptoms.

A large percentage of people suffering from this disorder seek help from qualified specialists - psychologists. However, you can cope with the disorder on your own. To do this, in addition to changing your attitude towards life, you need to pay attention to the diet for depression of a person suffering from this illness.


Blueberries are indicated for people in a state of chronic anxiety for several reasons.

First, blueberry antioxidants have been shown in clinical trials to improve focus, learning, and memory. And since many anxious neurotics complain of a feeling of depersonalization (derealization), which is often simply a consequence of asthenia, fatigue from stress and the inability to concentrate, improving concentration is an important method of combating this anxious state. After all, for those who are nervous about derealization, the lighter the head, the less fear.

Secondly, bioactive compounds in blueberries have been found to significantly improve immunity. For people under constant stress, this is extremely important, since stress leads to a decrease in immunity, which, in turn, can be fraught with serious health problems, for example, an increased risk of developing malignant neoplasms.

Depression and nutrition

Depression can be triggered by various factors, failures in love, at work, or personal tragedies. Sometimes a person loses interest in life, although there are no apparent reasons for this. A depressive state can last for several weeks, and sometimes even months. A depressed person is prone to cruelty. In severe cases, he shows aggression towards people around him or may harm himself.

The study of depression as a separate disease began only 100 years ago. However, cases of the disease itself were documented by ancient doctors. For example, Hippocrates called this disease melancholy.

Symptoms of depression vary greatly from person to person. They depend on the age and gender of the patient. Common signs of the disorder are:

  • depressed state;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself.

Any doctor knows about the need for a special diet for depression. An unbalanced diet leads to a lack of substances important for the functioning of the body. As a result, health deteriorates - both physical and psychological. In addition, poor nutrition during depression can aggravate the patient’s condition, especially if the patient is a woman.

When a person is upset, he is drawn to sweets and junk food. An excess of such products on the menu leads to obesity. Dissatisfaction with one's appearance aggravates the depressive state, which, out of habit, eats high-calorie foods. As a result, the patient finds himself in a vicious circle. The more a woman eats, the worse her mood becomes, causing her to eat even more.

To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right menu. A diet for depression should be based on foods rich in vitamins and amino acids. B vitamins are especially important. It is necessary to consume foods that not only improve your mood, but stimulate brain function.

Tryptophan - an essential amino acid for happiness

An important nutrient for the functioning of the human nervous system is the amino acid tryptophan. The body does not synthesize it; we get all the amount of tryptophan we need from food. Products against depression with a high tryptophan content are red caviar, horse mackerel, rabbit meat, turkey, veal, spinach, pine nuts, pistachios, hard cheese, milk. The source of tryptophan is the product - Nutrimun. The protein mixture provides the body with essential amino acids in the correct proportion. An easily digestible, valuable product contributes to the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the entire body.

It is not enough to consume the required amount of tryptophan (the daily dose is about 1 g), it is also important to create conditions for its absorption. Tryptophan, even if supplied in proper quantities, will be useless for the body if you abuse strong tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, or smoke.

When the body receives and assimilates a sufficient amount of amino acids, a person better focuses attention on positive aspects and enjoys even simple pleasures - delicious food, good weather, watching a comedy. With a deficiency, mood swings, dramatization of events, attacks of anger, apathy or irritation are noted.

Melatonin - synthesized and supplied with food

Tryptophan is involved in the synthesis of melatonin, a sleep hormone that promotes rapid sleep, quality night rest and, as a result, alertness during the day and resistance to stress. With age, the synthesis of melatonin slows down, and disruption of this process is also facilitated by regular night wakefulness and unreasonable long-term use of antipyretic and sleeping pills.

Melatonin can be obtained from food; its content is high in foods such as:

  • rice;
  • cereals;
  • carrot;
  • most nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts);
  • figs;
  • banana;
  • parsley.

Diet for depression and neuroses should contain a sufficient amount of foods high in melatonin.

Good mood hormone - serotonin

The joy hormone is synthesized by the body and cannot be obtained from food. The main participant in the synthesis is the amino acid tryptophan, which was discussed above. For the successful process of producing serotonin in the right amount, the presence in the body of substances such as vitamins C, group B, magnesium, and zinc is important.

The list of depression foods to improve your mood looks like this:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits with bright colors (indicating a high content of vitamins and bioflavonoids) - pumpkin, bell peppers, beets, citrus fruits, grapes;
  • seafood high in iodine, antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, which improve metabolic processes in the body and increase brain performance - fish, seaweed, shrimp;
  • fermented milk products - help maintain the correct balance of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, which has a beneficial effect on the production of serotonin;
  • bananas - high content of vitamin B6 reduces susceptibility to depression;
  • legumes and whole grain products are a source of B vitamins and help improve sleep and good mood;
  • dark chocolate - rich in magnesium, has a positive effect on mood, helps to cope with stress more easily;
  • nuts are a source of vitamin B2 and omega-3 fatty acids;
  • eggs are a valuable product with a high content of vitamins (A, E, D), essential amino acids.

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If the functions of the nervous system are impaired, it is useful to enrich the diet with additional sources of vitamins and proteins, since getting the right amount of nutrients from ordinary foods is not always easy.

It is important to coordinate nutrition for depression with your doctor; following his recommendations helps you recover faster, feel energy and taste for life.

What to give up

Food can not only improve, but also worsen depression. As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to limit sweets and high-calorie foods. Glucose improves mood, but its effect is short-lived. Within a few hours, joy gives way to aggression, then dizziness and weakness appear. Of course, one chocolate bar or cake will not have such an effect. However, systematically consuming large amounts of glucose makes a person susceptible to mood swings. Therefore, foods that sharply raise blood sugar levels should be prohibited.

What foods make depression worse? These include drinks containing alcohol or caffeine. In addition, if the patient is prescribed antidepressants, he must avoid foods containing tyramine. Such foods are:

  • hard cheeses;
  • liver;
  • soy sauce;
  • yeast.

These products, while taking antidepressants, increase the heart rate, causing tachycardia. They can also cause nosebleeds and headaches.

Of course, during depression you should not eat junk food (fast food, snacks) and sweet carbonated drinks.


Before moving on to the list of natural products that have antidepressant properties, it is necessary to dwell on the daily routine. Compliance with it is a fairly important aspect. For the simple reason that the mood and general well-being of the patient depends on whether the person is in harmony with the time of day or not.

The optimal time to wake up is at sunrise, and the time to sleep is in the evening from 21.00 to 22.00. This is the time when the body, mind, and nervous system of the patient can rest in the best possible way. Which is extremely important for a person who wants to get out of depression. The correct daily routine should include physical exercise or at least warm-up, as well as water procedures such as a shower, which must be visited twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

Turkey breast

The amino acid tryptophan, from which the body produces serotonin, a natural antidepressant that can calm, is present in all meat products. However, there is so much of it in turkey that Americans on Thanksgiving Day, when it is customary to eat turkey, even fall into a so-called “food coma,” characterized by increased drowsiness.

For many people, this condition is not good. But not for those who are constantly in a state of anxiety, against the background of which it will not be possible to fall asleep from a turkey breast, but it will be possible to calm down a little.

General rules

Depression , as defined by WHO, is the most common mental disorder. However, depression must be distinguished from ordinary negative emotional reactions and mood swings, which are common and normal in the everyday life of a healthy person. With depression, as a rule, there is a decrease in the patient’s quality of life, his adaptation to the outside world suffers, and in severe cases this leads to suicide. Depression is characterized by a combination of three symptoms that persist for at least 2 weeks:

  • Changes in the affective sphere - depression, decreased interest in current events and life in general, loss of the ability to experience pleasant things, anxiety, a feeling of emptiness, internal tension.
  • Thinking disorders - pessimism, disturbances in sleep, attention and memory, difficulties in making decisions, concentration on the negative aspects of life.
  • Motor retardation - slowness of speech, paucity of actions, monosyllabicity, monotony of posture/facial expressions.

Emotional disturbances can also manifest themselves in the form of feelings of guilt, self-blame, lack of self-confidence, uselessness, and low self-esteem. Behavioral disorders - passivity, refusal of entertainment/contacts, withdrawal from activities, which are often accompanied by alcohol/psychoactive drug abuse.

At the physiological level - sleep and appetite disturbances, increased fatigue under any stress, decreased sexual activity, heaviness and pain in the body. In severe cases there is a high suicidal risk. Older patients are more susceptible to severe, protracted depression than other age groups, which is due to the aging process of the body, lowering social status, alienation from the environment, narrowing the range of interests and decreasing intelligence indicators.

Modern theory states that a person’s well-being/experiences, including depression, have two components:

Psychological (depression during/after various events in a person’s life):

  • social stressors (death of a loved one, birth of a child);
  • chronic stress (personal problems, severe chronic illnesses, living below the poverty line);
  • being in life-threatening situations (in a war zone);
  • loss of legal capacity (disability);
  • teenage depression (parental/peer pressure, parental divorce, unrequited feelings);
  • use of narcotic/toxic drugs, alcohol.


  • imbalance of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters);
  • taking certain medications (narcotic painkillers, steroids), disorders in the endocrine system (hormonal imbalance caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland);
  • imbalance of some chemical elements ( folic acid , B12 , B1 , C , B2 , minerals - magnesium, iron).

Two main methods are used to treat depression: pharmacotherapy (antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropics, mood stabilizers, sleeping pills, vitamins) and psychotherapy. Diet for depression, as such, can only be considered as an additional remedy. There is compelling evidence demonstrating the impact of dietary micronutrients on a person's overall well-being, mood, and behavior. Neurons are extremely sensitive to changes in diet, so by changing your diet you can influence the course of depression to a certain extent.

A diet for depression for people with normal body weight is based on the principles of good nutrition with a physiological norm of consumption of dietary fat and a moderate reduction in the energy value of the diet by limiting fats and simple carbohydrates in patients with excess body weight. The most important requirements for the diet of such patients is its enrichment with choline , lecithin , inositol , carnitine , vitamins E , folic acid , B1 , B6 , B12 , C , PP , magnesium salts, as well as plant antioxidants .


  • To increase the synthesis of catecholamines, it is necessary to include foods high in tyrosine/phenylalanine (fish, chicken, turkey) in the diet. It is tyrosine that improves attention and mood, creates a subjective feeling of well-being, normalizes cognitive functions under stress, gives vigor, and participates in the production of the hormone of pleasure and happiness (dopamine, serotonin).
  • Lysine - necessary for the production of hormones, enzymes, antibodies, tissue repair. Sources of lysine include: red meat, poultry, eggs, cheese (especially Parmesan), soy, peas, beans, and some types of fish (cod, sardines).
  • Tryptophan - effectively eliminates insomnia and relieves anxiety. The richest foods in it are fish, meat, cottage cheese, cheese, legumes, mushrooms, peanuts, sesame seeds, oats, milk, yogurt, dried dates, and pine nuts.
  • Lecithin (including a complex of phospholipids and triglycerides) - is involved in the formation of acetylcholine (together with pantothenic acid) and is necessary for thought processes and memory. Contained in egg yolk, liver, beef, fish and fish roe, soybeans, sprouted wheat grains, fish oil, seeds, nuts.

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A special role in the nutrition of patients with depression belongs to folic acid , vitamin E and group B ( B1 , B6 , B12 , choline ). It is the lack of folic acid that leads to low levels of serotonin in the brain, which is one of the “happiness” hormones. To eliminate its deficiency, your diet should include green leafy vegetables (sorrel, spinach, nettle, turnip leaves), bananas, Brussels sprouts/white cabbage, calf liver, brewer's yeast, beets, lentils, asparagus, citrus fruits.

It is equally important to eliminate the lack of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) in the body, which is also necessary for the production of serotonin and acts similarly to tranquilizers, promoting good sleep. To replenish it in the body, you should eat bananas, fish/seafood (tuna, salmon, shrimp), chicken, lentils, beef liver, sunflower seeds.

Cyanocobalamin has a pronounced antidepressant effect ; its content in the diet can be replenished by eating rabbit meat, liver, beef, octopus, sardine, mackerel, sea bass, and cod. Choline is also an important substance for the central nervous system, which improves cognitive functions. The largest amount is found in egg yolk, soybeans, fish, brewer's yeast, sprouted wheat grains, meat by-products, legumes, cottage cheese, and cheeses. Also, it is necessary to enrich the diet with vitamin C (rose hips, black currants, garlic, onions, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, red peppers, sauerkraut, spinach), the deficiency of which increases fatigue and symptoms of depression.

A special role in the diet is given to magnesium, the deficiency of which increases anxiety, restlessness, nervousness, fear, fatigue, insomnia, and aggressive behavior. Therefore, any anti-stress diet involves replenishing its reserves. You can increase its content in your diet by including wheat bran, seafood, soy, buckwheat, rice, almonds, spinach, egg yolk, and oatmeal.

omega-3 and 6 in the diet of patients with depression . Their deficiency is associated with attention disorders, the risk of increased depression, and the development of suicidal behavior. It is found mainly in flaxseed oil, fatty fish (tuna, salmon, salmon, herring, sardines), shellfish, and microalgae. Omega 6 - in vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soybean, grape seed, hemp, milk thistle), in fatty pork varieties. Adequate fluid intake is also important.

To reduce the symptoms of depression, it is recommended to exclude from the diet:

  • Excessive consumption of sugar and sweets, flour products and saturated fats (animal fats), which increase depression. It is recommended to use honey instead of sugar.
  • Limit the intake of alcohol and caffeine (coffee, tea, cocoa), which initially causes excitement (euphoria), followed by asthenic syndrome, fatigue, and depression.

To treat depression, you can use medicinal plants - decoctions of St. John's wort, mint, valerian, hop cones.

Greens, especially spinach

Greens, and especially spinach, contain folic acid, which is necessary for the synthesis of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that calms you down and helps fight depression.

According to medical statistics, older people who eat a lot of green leaves suffer less from depression. Among young people, greens help reduce anxiety, which is more common in this age group.

What's the best way to include greens in your diet?

Of course, add to salads and sprinkle on all other dishes. However, the most effective is to prepare a green smoothie, which is best drunk before breakfast.

Top 12 Antidepressant Products

It’s worth clarifying right away that the functionality of the brain and endocrine system depends not only on diet, but also on how a person consumes foods. What is meant? Essentially, you need to eat often, but in small portions.

The diet of a person engaged in mental work must be varied and include fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Only in this case is the food absorbed fully, and the body receives all the necessary micronutrients - many of them are used in the production of those same hormones. That's why food should be varied. Following “strict diets”, many people note that they are in a bad mood. This is a clear signal that the brain lacks some substances.

So here is a list of the best products.


Banana is a widely known product that improves mood and tone. When eating this fruit, the body produces serotonin, which causes real euphoria. The magnesium and vitamin B6 contained in bananas have an excellent effect on the nervous system and improve sleep. Some nutritionists even recommend eating one banana before bed for good sleep. If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, apathy, or just a bad mood, eat bananas, it really helps.


It’s no wonder that cocoa is the most popular drink of autumn. This is because cocoa beans contain a very large dose of tryptophan. They also contain energizing caffeine so you can start your work day with a boost.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds have proven themselves remarkably effective in the fight against stress and despondency. They contain a large amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, tryptophan, vitamin B6 and selenium. This combination of useful elements perfectly activates the work of brain cells and relieves depression. A small amount of nuts will lift your mood in just a few minutes.

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Buckwheat and oatmeal porridge

They contain a lot of complex carbohydrates, which are not immediately absorbed by the human body, throughout the daylight hours, thereby providing the body and brain with energy . The nervous system, according to doctors, uses about 30% of all the energy that the body receives from carbohydrates.

These cereals also contain a large amount of non-digestible fiber - it comprehensively improves the functionality of the digestive system and allows you to obtain more nutrients from food.

Fatty fish

The key benefit of fish for the brain is the presence of large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Why are they needed? The brain uses them to stimulate most metabolic processes between nerve cells .

Also, fatty fish often contain a large amount of iodine, which helps concentration and improves the overall tone of the body.


Cheese, and many other lactic acid products with a high content of lactobacilli, contain tyramine, trictanin and phenylethylamine. Doctors often call them “anti-stress” amino acids , as they improve the absorption of nutritional components by brain cells.

And to get the maximum effect, it is recommended to combine cheese with chocolate in the diet - the sensitivity of nerve cells to endorphins increases exponentially, which will help overcome even the most persistent depression.

Hot peppers

Doctors often mention that pepper acts as an irritant on the gastric mucosa, thereby optimizing the digestion process. But few people mention that capsacin, which gives pepper its heat, irritates the nerve endings in the tongue.

And the brain, to suppress the burning sensation, produces endorphins, including norepinephrine.

The only caveat is that this effect does not last long. That is, when a burning sensation is felt, then the brain produces those same hormones.

Hot pepper also improves blood circulation in the brain.

Figs and dates

These exotic and very tasty fruits contain a huge amount of potassium, which, when combined with sodium, helps transport the amino acid tryptophan. Having received the material, our brain reacts quickly, and we feel a surge of good mood. In addition to potassium, figs and dates contain a large amount of useful substances (magnesium, iron, phosphorus), which have an excellent effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the entire body as a whole.


You can improve your mood with a very pleasant medicine - avocado. It contains folic acid, tryptophan, and vitamin B6. This exotic fruit goes well with vegetables and is suitable for making salads, sauces, pastes and helps you look at the world more cheerfully.


Eggs contain essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as a large amount of tryptophan. There are also B vitamins.


The main wealth of beans is magnesium, an element that relaxes muscles and, accordingly, calms. After all, in a relaxed body, the nervous system automatically calms down. Magnesium also helps regulate the level of cortisol, a substance responsible for stress relief and a harmonious, calm mood.


A natural antidepressant that can relieve nervous tension, overcome seasonal depression, improve mood, because this fruit is rich in magnesium and iodine, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and the thyroid gland - the creators of our good health and mood.

Black chocolate

Scientific research has shown that dark chocolate can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

But what is even more important is that dark chocolate contains unique natural substances that create a feeling of euphoria, reminiscent of falling in love!

Attention! Only those varieties of chocolate that contain at least 70% cocoa and a minimum of sugar have benefits.

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