Does the use of the drug Afobazol help with VSD?

People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia are ready to constantly use a variety of new products from the pharmaceutical industry, in the hope of getting rid of the symptoms that torment them. Afobazole is a modern tranquilizer that is prescribed to dystonics and others in order to get rid of sleep disorders, increased anxiety and the development of panic attacks. Today it is the drug most often prescribed for the treatment of VSD.

Description of the disease

VSD is a complex of functional disorders, which is based on a violation of the regulation of vascular tone by the autonomic nervous system. It can well be called the scourge of the 21st century. According to doctors, more than seventy percent of the population of different ages suffers from symptoms of VSD. The first symptoms appear in childhood or adolescence. Fully manifested by the age of 20-40.

With VSD, patients most often experience the following symptoms: fatigue, low or high blood pressure, headaches, digestive disorders, restlessness, anxiety, rapid pulse, panic attacks.

The main purpose of Afobazole is to quickly reduce anxiety and anxiety, reduce irritability, improve sleep, and relieve symptoms of stress.

Afobazole is an anxiolytic, tranquilizer. The main active ingredient of Afobazole is fabomotizole. Helps stabilize the receptor structures of brain neurons during VSD, increasing their susceptibility to inhibitory mediators. It has a calming, mild hypnotic and anti-anxiety effect on patients during VSD. Will help improve logical and associative thinking, memory functions. It has a wide spectrum of action, Afobazole is universal. Overdose, according to research, is practically impossible, especially if Afobazole is prescribed by a doctor.


Afobazole is a tranquilizer; it helps get rid of anxiety by stabilizing brain function. The wide spectrum of action of Afobazole allows a person to obtain a mild anti-anxiety effect, akin to hypnotic, and improve thinking and memory.

Afobazole has indications and contraindications that the doctor takes into account when prescribing it to a patient. That is why unauthorized use of the drug is prohibited, without prior consultation with a specialist.

Afobazole is often used for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, especially since the drug is not addictive in humans, which allows it to be used for the required (sometimes long) period of time.

Indications for use of Afobazol:

  • presence of stiffness;
  • high concern about any problem;
  • somatic diseases accompanied by increased anxiety (heart, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract);
  • mental disorders that keep a person in nervous tension;
  • irritability that occurs even for minor reasons and is expressed in sleep disturbances;
  • high aggression;
  • strong susceptibility to stress;
  • instability of emotions;
  • frequent panic attacks;
  • unjustified suspicions;
  • somatic pathologies (heart disease, endocrine system, respiratory organs).

Before prescribing such a tranquilizer, a thorough examination of the patient by a doctor is required, which will allow diagnosing VSD and making sure that there are no other somatic diseases that produce similar symptoms. For this purpose, an electrocardiogram, magnetic resonance imaging, and blood tests for hormone levels and biochemistry are prescribed.

Advantages of the drug Afobazol

There is no consensus among specialists about Afobazole and its effect on patients, although most doctors leave only positive reviews about the drug. Afobazole does not directly affect cardiac problems. At the same time, most doctors advocate taking Afobazole for VSD, because it is able to restore vegetative-vascular functions. The drug has a positive effect on patients with VSD.

In addition, Afobazole helps to pull yourself together and calm down under stress. When taking Afobazole, the feeling of anxiety and dizziness at the time of VSD disappears. At the same time, the drug has virtually no side effects and no addiction syndrome for VSD.

The undoubted advantage of Afobazole is that it does not cause lethargy and drowsiness in patients with VSD, compared to other similar drugs. Despite a lot of positive reviews, it may well happen that some patients diagnosed with “vegetative-vascular dystonia” will not be prescribed Afobazol.

This is because when prescribing treatment, the specialist is guided by the results of the patient’s examination, his individual characteristics, age, weight, living conditions and also the characteristics of the course of VSD. In addition, taking Afobazole is under the supervision of a doctor. Depending on the patient’s reaction, he can adjust the dose and duration of use of Afobazole. How long the treatment will be and how many courses of the drug will be prescribed can only be determined by a specialist. Undoubtedly, his recommendations must be followed unquestioningly in order for the treatment of VSD to have a positive effect. It is possible that in a particular patient, the drug Afobazol will not be indicated for complex therapy of VSD.

Side effects

Cases of drug overdose are unknown; they can only happen if the recommended dose is deliberately exceeded. Treatment is prescribed symptomatically.

Afobazole may cause the following side effects:

  • manifestations of an allergic nature;
  • headaches;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • nausea and other dyspeptic gastrointestinal disorders.

An important advantage of Afobazole is the absence of an alarming effect on the nervous system, and also that the drug does not cause drowsiness.

Insomnia with VSD

Very often, doctors prescribe Afobazole for insomnia at the time of VSD. This is explained by the fact that the drug is able to eliminate anxiety during VSD. Just a few days of taking Afobazole make a person calmer, and their mental and emotional state improves. Falling asleep becomes easier, and insomnia subsides from Afobazole.

According to reviews from patients taking Afobazol, falling asleep became much easier already on the fifth day of use. I didn’t have to lie there and scroll through anxious thoughts in my head. The patients fell asleep literally a few minutes after going to bed. An undoubted advantage in the treatment of VSD with Afobazole is that people of different professions can use the drug. Afobazole does not relax the body, does not impair attention and concentration, and does not affect memory.

What kind of drug is this?

Afobazole is a tranquilizer, anxiolytic drug and a selective non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic.

The main effect of the drug is aimed at certain receptors in the brain .

The drug has a neuroprotective effect and increases the protection of nerve cells. The effectiveness of the medication appears within five days after the start of the course of therapy.

The main active ingredient in the tablets is fabomotizole, which provides the main pharmacological properties of the drug.

Features of the drug:

  • the tablets are not addictive (even with a long course of use);
  • the medication is quickly eliminated from the body (this nuance reduces the risk of overdose);
  • the drug is prescribed to mentally healthy patients who have minor deviations in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • The main indications for the use of the drug in the treatment of panic attacks are attacks of unreasonable fear, excessive internal tension, feelings of panic and sleep disorders.

Panic attacks with VSD

One of the symptoms of VSD is panic attacks. This is a very unpleasant symptom. As the sick admit, the manifestation of attacks can be sporadic and not long-lasting. Other people diagnosed with VSD have long-lasting attacks that are both physically and emotionally draining. During panic attacks at the time of VSD, a person experiences anxiety for no apparent reason, a feeling of fear, trembling, a strong heartbeat, and pale skin. In some cases, the symptoms of a panic attack are so severe that they can lead to the patient fainting during VSD and may require medical intervention.

Any panic attack during VSD is a huge stress for the body. It is exhausting, takes away strength, and can start at any moment of the day or night. This reduces the quality of life and prevents a person from living fully with a diagnosis of VSD.

It is clear that what is happening is a critical condition for human health. Therefore, turning to specialists is only the first step in the fight against panic attacks due to VSD. After conducting tests and studies, making a diagnosis, treatment for the diagnosis of VSD will be prescribed to correct the patient’s condition. It will most likely include Afobazole, along with other drugs.

It is worth noting that Afobazol does not treat panic or panic attacks. This remedy is intended to treat VSD, and panic attacks are just one of the symptoms of its manifestation. When taken systematically, the remedy will help get rid not of panic, but of the disease itself, which causes many other unpleasant manifestations in patients. These are dizziness and cardiovascular disorders, gastrointestinal problems and respiratory problems. Doctors insist on systematically taking Afobazole, because a one-time dose of the medicine, especially during a panic attack, is useless. The effect of Afobazole on VSD begins thirty minutes after administration. By this time, any attack attack is either not so intense or has already stopped on its own.

Despite positive reviews from patients who took Afobazol for VSD, doctors do not recommend using the drug on their own.

Instructions for taking pills

For neurosis, it is recommended to take Afobazol orally with plenty of liquid. The drug is taken after meals, 10 mg three times a day. The duration of treatment is on average a month. The course can be extended or shortened on the recommendation of the treating specialist. If allergic reactions occur, you should consult a doctor to decide whether to discontinue the medication and prescribe another remedy for the treatment of neurosis.

Overdose of Afobazole may cause excessive sedation. To treat an emergency, a nervous system stimulating caffeine injection is given subcutaneously. Cases of overdose were rare and not listed in the literature.

The medicine is incompatible with alcohol. According to the official instructions, the medication is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with other tranquilizers.

Afobazole: the result of treatment of VSD

Afobazole treats or simply relieves symptoms - many patients with VSD doubt its effectiveness when prescribing the drug. Does this drug help, is it worth buying and taking for VSD. In addition, for some reason there is a misconception that VSD and its manifestations cannot be cured at all. Patients with this diagnosis allegedly notice symptoms of dystonia for the rest of their lives.

But this is not so, especially if a competent specialist conducted all the necessary examinations and prescribed comprehensive treatment. According to the medical community, patients diagnosed with VSD who underwent comprehensive treatment got rid of the symptoms of the disease after three months. Yes, it happened that the symptoms and manifestations of the disease returned, but were removed by a second course of treatment.

Some negative reviews about Afobazole treatment exist because people buy it and take it without a doctor's prescription. They independently calculate the dose of Afobazole, without taking into account their individual characteristics and the course of VSD. In addition, for VSD, treatment must be comprehensive in order to bring relief to the patient. If Afobazol was prescribed by a doctor, rest assured, the drug will only bring benefits.

Patients with VSD should take note that in addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to completely change their lifestyle and diet. Most likely, they contributed to the development of such a disease as VSD.

Spend more time walking, get yourself a hobby, add more positivity and good mood to your life, start exercising, stop eating fast food. Remember that everything you do with pleasure helps you fight VSD. Add auto-training and relaxation exercises to regular sports, and then, in combination with the prescribed treatment, the VSD will recede. Including thanks to such a drug as Afobazol.

Afobazole contraindications

There are not too many contraindications for use of this drug. The drug is not allowed to be taken:

  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people who have individual intolerance or allergic reactions to one or more components of Afobazole.

The drug is allowed to be taken if a person has type 2 diabetes, but in the dosage regimen specified by the attending physician. This drug contains milk sugar, so diabetics are not prescribed more than 3 tablets per day.

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