Analogues of the drug Tenoten: review of products with identical composition and similar spectrum of action

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC, Russian Federation
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: fabomotizol

The drug belongs to the class of anxiolytic drugs. Fabomotizol, which is included in the composition, acts on receptors in brain cells. Afobazole exhibits anti-anxiety and mild stimulating effects. The medication eliminates feelings of anxiety, irritation, tension, and helps with somatic and autonomic disorders.

A noticeable effect from taking the drug occurs within 7 days.

Drugs that improve cerebral circulation


Cavinton, Actovegin, glycine, cinnarizine, fezam are drugs in this group.

Cavinton. Another name for Cavinton is Vinpocetine. Cavinton has a vasodilating and antihypoxic effect.

Actovegin. Calf blood hemoderivate is the active ingredient of Actovegin. It is used for vascular disorders of the brain, all types of VSD.

Cinnarizine. The drug Cinnarizine is effective for vegetative-vascular dystonia, mainly of the hypotonic type, with frequent dizziness, and for cervical osteochondrosis.

Phezam. Piracetam + cinnarizine are the main components of Phezam. Phezam has the properties of the two drugs described above.

Afobazole's analogs

On the shelves of pharmacies there is a wide range of analogues and substitutes for Afobazole. Medicines differ in composition, action, indications and contraindications.

Analogs based on vitamins and minerals are the following:

  • Magnelis B6;
  • Magne B6;
  • Complements anti-stress;
  • Berocca Plus;
  • Milgamma.

Substitutes containing plant extracts:

  • Novo-passit;
  • Persen;
  • Motherwort Forte;
  • Stressitis;
  • Deprim;
  • Valerian extract;
  • Relaxozan.

Among the effective sedatives are dietary supplements:

  • MigStress;
  • Tryptophan;
  • We regulate;
  • Sleep Formula;
  • Valemidin plus;
  • 5-hydroxytryptophan.

List of Afobazole analogues with prices

NameAverage cost, in rublesManufacturer country
Phenibut114Republic of Belarus

If you are wondering what can replace Afobazole cheaper, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Reviews from doctors

Oleg Nikolaevich (neurologist, psychiatrist, narcologist). In my practice there were different cases. But afobazole helps more with anxiety and stress; in this case, tenoten is rather weak. If you decide to take treatment seriously, visit a psychotherapist first. He will prescribe the correct treatment.

Maxim Petrovich (psychotherapist). If we compare Tenoten and Afobazole, the second one is more effective. But you shouldn't take it on your own. It's best to see a doctor first. Medicines do not solve mental problems, they only temporarily hide the symptoms. The best treatment is full-fledged psychotherapy.

Arkady Andreevich (psychotherapist). Tenoten has no biological activity. These are just the “machinations” of homeopathy, which I personally regard with great distrust. The action of this medicine is based on the placebo effect. As for Afobazole, I don’t use it often in therapy, because I think that there are better drugs, but it has some mechanism of action, sometimes it helps, but only temporarily.

Andrey Borisovich (narcologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist). For anxiety-phobic or depressive syndrome, Afobazole is not the most effective drug. If such disorders are treated only with medications, the effect will only be temporary. The problem will not be solved at its root. It is worth looking for a good psychotherapist. He will tell you what to do.

Diana Egorovna (psychiatrist, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist). Afobazole should not be taken on its own, since it is not a remedy that effectively treats neurotic disorders. A psychiatrist, first of all, focuses on psychotherapeutic treatment of the condition, anti-stress therapy, relaxation training, and changing the perception of familiar situations.

It is impossible to unambiguously assess the effectiveness of Tenoten or Afobazole. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first is a sedative with an anti-anxiety effect, the second can only combat anxiety. This means that Teneten has a more pronounced effect and can help with anxiety and depression. Afobazole does not have a similar effect.

Author of the article:

Elena Demidova

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Afobazole or Tenoten – which is better and more effective for an adult

Manufacturer: LLC Materia Medica Holding NPF, Russian Federation
Release form: lozenges

Active ingredient: antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100, affinity purified

Tenoten is a Russian homeopathic analogue of Afobazole. The medication has a calming effect, increases resistance to stress, eliminates symptoms of VSD, improves memory and attention. Tenoten does not have a direct effect on brain cells. The drug is prescribed to children from 3 years of age and adults.

The main advantages of the Tenoten analogue are:

  • use in pediatrics;
  • selective action;
  • average cost.

The drugs have positive reviews from doctors and identical indications. However, Afobazole is stronger. Which remedy to choose depends on the condition, accompanying symptoms and age of the patient.


Dormikind (DORMIKIND) is a complex homeopathic medicine of German quality, produced by a pharmaceutical company, which consists of herbal and synthetic components.

Ingredients: small-flowered slipper, basic magnesium carbonate, zinc valerianate. Additional components in the preparation are cellulose, talc, lactose, magnesium stearate.

Therefore, the main contraindications to taking Dormikind are:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • personal intolerance to components.

Tablets are prescribed for nervous excitability and irritability in children from birth to 6 years of age.

The drug is considered a more expensive analogue of Tenoten, but of higher quality and safety, with a confirmed evidence base.

Price in Russian pharmacies from 490 rubles. up to 550 rub.

Afobazole or Novo-passit - which calms you better?

Manufacturer: Teva, Czech Republic
Release form: tablets, oral solution

Active ingredient: guaifenesin, plant extracts

Novo-passit is an analogue of Afobazole, available without a prescription. The product has a multicomponent composition and has a combined effect. The herbal medicine relieves anxiety and gently soothes. The analogue is used in the following conditions:

  • irritability, anxiety, fear;
  • neurasthenia, panic attacks;
  • insomnia;
  • headache and constant psycho-emotional stress.

In addition, Novo-passit is used as a symptomatic remedy for menopausal syndrome.

The herbal medicine is taken 1 tablet or 5 ml three times a day.

Novo-passit and Afobazol have positive reviews from neurologists and patients. Which medication is better and more effective depends on the patient’s condition and symptoms.

Phenibut or Afobazol – which is better and more effective?

Manufacturer: Belmedpreparaty, Republic of Belarus
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: aminophenylbutyric acid

Synonyms: Noofen, Anvifen

Phenibut is a prescription equivalent. The drug exhibits anti-anxiety, nootropic, anticonvulsant and antioxidant effects. Phenibut reduces nervousness, tension, anxiety and is used for the following conditions:

  • neurasthenia;
  • speech disorders, nervous tics;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • sleep disturbance.

In addition, the analogue is actively used as part of complex therapy for alcohol dependence.

Phenibut is taken in children over 8 years of age and adults. For stress and anxiety, take 1-2 tablets three times a day.

The main advantages of the analogue:

  • stronger action;
  • use in children;
  • democratic price.

Which drug is more effective depends on the state of the nervous system, symptoms and age of the patient. Taking the funds together has good reviews and proven results.

Afobazol or Grandaxin - which is better?

Manufacturer: Egis, Hungary
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: tofisopam

Grandaxin is an imported analogue of Afobazole. The product contains tofisopam, which reduces agitation, fear, anxiety, and also reduces suspiciousness. At the same time, the analogue does not have an anticonvulsant or sedative effect and is not addictive.

Grandaxin is prescribed for neuroses, depression, mental disorders, menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

Comparison of medications is shown in the table

Afobazoleover-the-counter, long-lasting therapeutic effect, no side effects.Use from 18 years of age, therapeutic effect on the 7th day of administration.
GrandaxinIt is permissible to use it in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the effect occurs on the 2nd day of administration.Possible adverse reactions, prescription only, effect does not last long.

The drugs belong to the same pharmaceutical group, have a similar mechanism of action, indications and limitations. Which remedy needs to be chosen depends on the situation and is decided by a neurologist.

Comparison of contraindications and side effects of anxiolytics

Children's Tenoten should not be given to a child under 3 years of age . The list of other restrictions is identical to contraindications for adults.

Afobazole or Tenoten for adults should not be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, during pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the composition of drugs, galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, monosaccharide malabsorption syndrome. Lactating women are allowed to take the drug only after transferring the child to artificial nutrition. Breastfeeding is resumed two weeks after completing the course of Afobazol or Tenoten.

Both drugs can cause a rash or other allergies. Afobazole differs from Tenoten in other side effects. Treatment with fabomotizole rarely causes cephalalgia (headache). This reaction to Afobazole disappears on its own on days 1–5 of therapy. After taking Tenoten, double vision may occur. Vision recovers on its own within 10 minutes.

Adaptol or Afobazol – which is better?

Manufacturer: Olainfarm, Latvia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione

Synonym: Mebikar

Adaptol is an analogue of Afobazol tablets. The drug belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs and exhibits a calming, nootropic effect. Adaptol is used in children and adults for nervous disorders, nicotine addiction, and heart disease. The dosage of the drug is calculated individually and depends on the patient’s condition.

The advantages of the analogue are:

  • use in pediatrics;
  • no contraindications, except for pregnancy and lactation;
  • The effect of taking it occurs within half an hour.

Which medication is best and suits the patient should be decided by the attending neurologist.

Other groups of drugs

In addition, antioxidants (eltacin, mexidol, divaza), muscle relaxants (mydocalm), antipsychotics (eglonil, teraligen), vitamins (neuromultivitis), dietary supplements (evalar), cardioprotectors (mildronate) are used in the treatment of VSD. According to indications, for high pulse rates, Concor, anaprilin can be used, for nonspecific pain in the heart - validol. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are also successfully prescribed, of which darsonval can be distinguished.

It should be remembered that there are a great many medications for VSD, but the doctor must decide which pills you need.

Persen or Afobazol – which is better and more effective for an adult

Manufacturer: Lek D.D., Slovenia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: dried lemon balm, mint and valerian extract

Persen is an analogue of plant origin. The herbal medicine belongs to the group of sedatives, soothes and eliminates spasms.

The drug is used in children over 12 years of age and adults for nervous excitement, anxiety, and insomnia. It is not recommended to use the herbal remedy for intolerance, low blood pressure, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract.

Persen may cause drowsiness, so you should avoid driving and hazardous work.

The drugs have identical indications and mechanism of action. The choice of medicine is the prerogative of the doctor.

Afobazole or Glycine – which is better?

Manufacturer: BIOTIKI LLC, Russian
Federation Release form: sublingual tablets

Active ingredient: glycine

Synonyms: Glycised, Glycilene

Glycine is a cheap substitute for Afobazole. The medication belongs to the group of metabolic drugs. Glycine reduces tension and toxic effects on brain cells, increases mental performance, and improves sleep. An analogue is used for the following problems:

  • poor memory and learning ability, decreased attention;
  • deviant behavior of children and adolescents;
  • stress, anxiety, insomnia;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries and strokes;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders.

The benefits of Glycine include:

  • wide range of reception;
  • use in children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • cumulative effect;
  • average cost;
  • can be used while driving.

Medicines have similar indications, but differ in their mechanism of action on the body. For more severe neurological disorders, preference is given to Afobazole.

Afobazole or Atarax – which is better?

Manufacturer: USB Pharma, Belgium
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: hydroxyzine

Atarax is an imported analogue. The drug belongs to the group of anxiolytics. Hydroxyzine in the drug has antiemetic, antiallergic, and sedative effects. The substance relaxes muscle and bronchial muscles, reduces itching and pain.

Atarax is used in adults and children from 1 year of age for tension, insomnia, neuroses and other neurological pathologies. As part of complex therapy, the analogue is used for urticaria and eczema to eliminate skin itching.

The drugs have similar indications and effects. However, Afobazole is characterized by the absence of adverse reactions and a mild effect on the body.

How is the product used?

I am the director of a large company.
The organization is serious, and it also has a large staff of employees. The result is regular stress and nervousness. When I realized that I couldn’t cope with my psycho-emotional state on my own, I turned to a specialist who diagnosed me with neurosis. The doctor prescribed me Adaptol tablets. In the first days of taking it I did not feel any special changes, but soon I began to feel calm even in particularly stressful situations. My head became clear and I began to solve many accumulated problems with ease.

I'm happy with the drug. And most importantly, there were no adverse reactions or dependence on the pills; there was no “withdrawal syndrome” at all. The only negative is the high cost.

There was a serious problem - nicotine addiction. Since I was planning a pregnancy, I decided to get rid of the bad habit. But quitting smoking was difficult.

I turned to a neurologist for help, who advised me to take Adaptol tablets to ease the process. I took a tablet morning and evening for two weeks. Indeed, the drug made it easier to bear the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

As a result, I managed to get rid of the craving for nicotine without any serious emotional problems. She gave birth to a healthy child and no longer wants to go back to cigarettes.

During the period of taking the pills, jumps in blood pressure were periodically observed. But the attending physician assured me that this is within normal limits and is not a reason to discontinue the drug.

In general, patient reviews of Adaptol treatment are positive. About 62% of patients report adverse reactions, which in most cases are eliminated when the doctor adjusts the dose.

The medicine has become widespread as an effective remedy used for traumatic brain disorders, deterioration of blood circulation due to the fact that the antibodies contained in it significantly reduce the damaged part, it becomes possible to restore memory and get rid of the phenomenon of hypoxia. The drug can be taken by adults who have pathologies such as:

  • predisposition to depression;
  • presence of asthenic condition;
  • neurosis with clear signs of anxiety;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure readings, the appearance of pain in the head, numbness of the limbs, which are characteristic signs of vegetative-vascular distance;
  • an organic change in the functioning of the brain that arose as a result of a stroke or severe head injury.

There is a pediatric form of tenoten, which can be prescribed to children under 18 years of age with manifestations of hyperactivity or, on the contrary, complete apathy of the child. The drug has a beneficial effect and reduces the symptoms of organic and functional destruction of the central nervous system, accompanied by increased anxiety and decreased concentration.

Before you start taking the drug, you should note that it is a sublingual drug, so the tablet is in the patient’s mouth until it is completely dissolved. Please note that it does not need to be crushed or chewed.

The drug is used regardless of the time of meal. The attending physician, after the necessary examination and diagnosis, prescribes the required dose and period of use of this medicine.

The pediatric form of tenoten contains an amount of active ingredient that can be prescribed to 3-year-old children. For a baby, you can dissolve the tablet in water (15 ml).

The dosage for the baby is determined by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body. If necessary, a second course of treatment may be prescribed, but only after a certain period.

For adults, the frequency of administration per day does not exceed 4 times, while 1-2 tablets are taken, no later than 2 hours before the patient goes to bed. Typically, treatment with this drug is used within three months. When the course is completed, it is imperative to see a doctor, especially if the therapy did not bring the desired result for further consultations. However, it is worth remembering that after completing several courses, addiction sets in and the therapeutic effect of the drug is significantly reduced.

Some patients are concerned about what will happen if they take tenoten along with alcoholic beverages. It is, of course, not advisable to do this, since any medicine can behave unpredictably when combined with alcohol. Tenoten contains a minimal dose of the active substance, so there will be no strong negative effect on the body. When drinking alcohol during treatment, there may be disturbances of accommodation, which quickly disappear without specific treatment.

Tenoten is a good drug that, according to reviews, allows you to gently relieve tension and stress. This medicine is of natural origin, so side effects are unlikely. To avoid an overdose, you should not self-medicate on the advice of a neighbor. It is necessary to store the drug in a place that is inaccessible to children; it is good if it is a special first aid kit that is locked with a key.

When should Tenoten be used?

As mentioned above, this drug is an antidepressant. Therefore, in the most frequent cases it is used precisely for these purposes. Antidepressant overdose can be read here.

  • neuroses,
  • mental state disorders,
  • irritability, nervous tension,
  • moderate damage to the nervous system,
  • unstable emotional state,
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • problems with the brain resulting from a stroke.
  • memory impairment.

Symptoms in children:

  • hyperactivity,
  • attention deficit
  • irritability,
  • high excitability,
  • nervousness,
  • mental disorders,
  • problems with attention and behavior.

An adult overdose of tenoten is possible if taken by children and adolescents under eighteen years of age. An overdose from the pediatric form is possible if the capsules are swallowed by a child under three years of age.

It must be remembered that Tenoten is a homeopathic medicine that must be prescribed by a doctor.

In case of poisoning, the following symptoms occur:

  • Digestive dysfunction, which is characterized by heartburn and diarrhea;
  • A person experiences dry mouth and is constantly thirsty;
  • The patient begins to feel dizzy;
  • There is a feeling of weakness, fatigue;
  • Drowsy state;
  • Allergic rashes appear on the skin.

Usually, in case of poisoning, adverse reactions increase significantly. Doctor's help is needed if the amount of medicine consumed is very large, if the overdose occurred in childhood, if the poisoning occurred in a pregnant woman or in an elderly person. If the poisoning is not severe, then the symptoms usually go away on their own within a day.

Tenoten is not a drug and does not contain active ingredients in effective doses. Therefore, even with large doses, there are no symptoms of Tenoten overdose! The tablets themselves consist entirely of excipients necessary to give volume and weight to the tablet.

The base of Tenoten tablets includes:

  • Lactose: 267 milligrams.
  • Crystalline cellulose: 30 milligrams.
  • Magnesium stearate: 3 milligrams.

The manufacturer indicates that each tablet weighs 300 milligrams. If you calculate the masses of excipients, there is nothing left for the active component.

Excipients act as fillers and are harmless in the concentrations used:

  • Magnesium stearate – prevents clumping and makes the composition homogeneous.
  • Crystalline cellulose is added for strength so that the tablets do not break down over time and during transportation.
  • Lactose is simple milk sugar, the main component of the filler.

The only possible side effect is diarrhea due to lactose intolerance. The occurrence of such a side effect is likely, firstly, only when there is a deficiency of the lactase enzyme in the body, and secondly, when taking forty tablets at a time. This number of tablets is equivalent to the amount of lactose in a glass of milk.

Taking Tenoten to combat symptoms of anxiety and stress is safe, but also pointless.

Afobazole or Motherwort Forte – which is better?

Manufacturer: JSC Evalar, Russian Federation
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: motherwort extract, magnesium, vitamin B6

Synonyms: Motherwort Premium, Motherwort B6 Strong nerves

Motherwort Forte is an inexpensive analogue of Afobazole. The product is a dietary supplement and is made from plant materials. Motherwort Forte exhibits a sedative, cardiotonic effect, lowers blood pressure, and improves sleep. The herbal remedy is used for functional disorders of the nervous system, increased excitability and as part of complex treatment of blood pressure. The analogue is used 1 tablet twice a day.

Afobazole and the herbal substitute Motherwort have identical indications, action and effect. Which remedy to choose depends on the patient’s initial condition and accompanying symptoms.

Patients' opinions

Reviews of drugs from different groups of patients differ. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the depth of nervous system disorders, concomitant diseases, and the psychological environment during the course of therapy.

19% of patients noticed red rashes on the skin of the hands and face, accompanied by itching, as well as fatigue and drowsiness throughout the day. Therefore, despite the instructions, the use of Afobazole is not recommended if it is necessary to drive a vehicle or other mechanism that is dangerous to life.

Maximum pharmacological activity was observed during treatment with a course according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A repeated course has less effect, a third course has practically no desired effect. Among other side effects, patients noted weight gain, since Afobazole has the property of slowing metabolism and increasing appetite. In the case of a balanced diet, this side effect is not observed.

Reviews about Tenoten were positive only when the diseases were not chronic and proceeded mainly without complications. Outbursts of anger and a rolling feeling of anxiety were successfully overcome by Tenoten within 15 minutes after taking the drug. However, Tenoten turned out to be less effective in the treatment of depression, apathy, insomnia and neuroses.

Therapists agree that Afobazole is a fairly mild and easily tolerated drug. If it is necessary to prevent diseases of the central nervous system that were previously cured, Afobazol is ideal. In addition, it is chosen by most psychotherapists for the treatment of prolonged depressive conditions.

Tenoten as such does not belong to traditional means of drug treatment. Its attitude towards homeopathic remedies makes most specialists refuse to use Tenoten, however, they do not deny its effectiveness in cases of minor manifestations of psychosomatic disorders. It is noteworthy that Tenoten remains more popular for strokes and organic pathologies.

In some cases, the use of Afobazole is unacceptable due to intolerance to the components of the drug, childhood or personal ineffectiveness. In such cases, Tenoten comes as a replacement, but for no more than two weeks - then a more effective drug in terms of duration is prescribed.

Many different reviews about Afobazole and Tenoten have been found on the Internet. For some patients, the drugs helped them say goodbye to the symptoms of stress disorders forever, but for others they turned out to be a waste of money and even caused complications. Some of them will be discussed below.

I spent a whole year on pins and needles - working two jobs to make my dream of a long-awaited trip come true. The result is constant agitation, aggressiveness, and inability to cope with one’s own emotions.

I realized that there was nowhere to go without medications, and decided to try Afobazol, which is often advertised on TV. I took a course of treatment and the symptoms disappeared. At first the price of the drug scared me off, but it is compatible with the quality. I didn't regret that I bought it.

In a month I had to defend my thesis, and every day thoughts about it kept me awake. I tried drinking tincture of valerian and motherwort, but they were of no use.

The pharmacist at the pharmacy recommended the drug Afobazole. After just 6 days I felt significant relief, and when there was a week left before the crucial moment, uncertainty and constraint completely left me. He defended himself perfectly. I recommend to everyone!

Problems with school, family, friends... I thought that this would resolve on its own, but the problems accumulated like a huge snowball, and made me increasingly angry. On the advice of a friend, I decided to buy Afobazol.

The package contains 60 tablets, enough for a course of treatment.

I am more than pleased with the result, I gradually said goodbye to all my fears and problems.

I watched a lot of programs about homeopathy, I learned that the effectiveness of such drugs has not been confirmed, it’s all a complete scam.

Therefore, I was extremely skeptical when a work colleague recommended Tenoten; it helped him. Lately, so many things have unsettled me that there was nowhere to go, so I decided on this untested option.

I don’t know whether it was the merit of the drug or my faith that it would work, but after a month I felt significant relief and was finally able to breathe deeply.

I was on maternity leave with my child, often depriving myself of the opportunity to sleep soundly, which is why I developed severe nervousness and depression. I was unbearably exhausted. I read good reviews about Tenoten and started using it on myself. The effect did not come quickly, but I am satisfied.

After some time, my husband started having problems at work. Taking an example from me, he began to conscientiously take pill after pill. But there was absolutely no result; I had to replace it with more effective anti-anxiety medications. The conclusion from this is that the drug is good, but not for everyone.

Irina, 29 years old, Moscow: “Work involves constant stress, which is very exhausting. When I realized that my strength was running out, I went to the pharmacy and bought Afobazole on the advice of the pharmacist. By the end of 1 week, my health improved: I became calmer and more balanced. I fall asleep quickly, without worries or thoughts about work.”

Elena, 36 years old, Volgograd: “Before the exams, the child became distracted and restless. The pediatrician advised me to buy Tenoten for children. At first there was no change, but after a few weeks the medicine helped. We passed the exams with straight A marks.”

Konstantin, 40 years old, St. Petersburg: “I used both drugs to treat sleep disorders, but did not notice a difference. They cost about the same and have a similar effect. The therapy is well tolerated and no adverse reactions are observed.”

Afobazole or Phenazepam – which is better?

Manufacturer: Valenta Pharmaceuticals, Russian Federation
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine

Synonyms: Fenzitate, Elzepam

Phenazepam is a prescription analogue of Afobazole produced in Russia. The drug has a hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant effect, and reduces the tone of skeletal muscles. The drug Phenazepam is used for the following problems:

  • attacks of anxiety, fear;
  • irritability, tension;
  • psychoses;
  • autonomic disorders;
  • muscle tension, tics;
  • alcohol addiction.

The dosage and regimen depend on the age and condition of the patient and are determined by the doctor individually.

The analogue Phenazepam is a prescription drug with a more pronounced effect.

Instructions for use

The drug is taken orally, regardless of food intake, one tablet up to three times a day.

Depending on the patient’s diagnosis and the severity of his disease, the single dose can be increased to 3 g (6 tablets).

It is important to consider that the maximum permissible daily dose should not exceed 10 g.

If the next dose of the pill is missed, it is forbidden to double the next dose! There is a high risk of overdose and severe side effects.

A course of Adaptol is prescribed for each patient individually; it can last from 3 days to 2-3 months.

Answers on questions

Is Afobazole an antidepressant or not?

The medication does not belong to the group of antidepressants.

Is Afobazole available with a prescription or not?

The drug is available over-the-counter from pharmacies and drug stores.

Should I take Afobazole with water or dissolve it?

The tablets are consumed whole, without chewing, and washed down with water.

Afobazole - a tranquilizer or not?

The drug is a tranquilizer and has a corresponding effect.

Does Afobazole lower blood pressure or not?

The medicine is not an antihypertensive drug, but has an indirect effect on blood pressure.

Afobazole - placebo or not?

The drug is not a placebo. Afobazole has undergone a number of preclinical and clinical studies confirming its effectiveness.

Can Afobazole be taken with alcohol or not?

The substances included in the drug do not interact with ethanol.

Price in pharmacies

You can buy the drug without presenting a prescription in almost any pharmacy or online store.

The cost of tablets for children does not differ significantly from the adult dosage.

The average price in Moscow is 253-265 rubles.

You can find out how much Tenoten costs by going to the radar help system page via the Internet.

You can order medicine online. The convenience of this option lies in the possibility of delivering the drug to your home.

You can buy tablets in Russian pharmacies for an average of 720 rubles (20 tablets).

It is important to note that to purchase the medicine you need a prescription in Latin from a doctor.

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