Why is the ear stuffy and whistling in the ears?

General concept and symptom

Tinnitus is a fairly common symptom that occurs for many reasons. This is a condition in which a person hears sounds that are not actually there, such as whistling, buzzing, ringing, etc. This condition can be localized in one ear or in both at the same time.

It is worth remembering that “tinnitus” is not an independent disease, but only a symptom that may indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body.

It cannot be ignored, as this can lead to a number of negative consequences associated with the underlying disease, hearing loss and decreased quality of life.

If ringing or noise in the ears occurs, you need to undergo an examination at a medical facility to determine the diagnosis. Based on tests and diagnostics, doctors will be able to provide qualified assistance.

What is the purpose of blowing?

The main purpose of purging is to ensure equalization of pressure in the ENT system. A number of diseases (eustachitis, catarrhal and diffuse otitis) and conditions (pressure differences during movement, diving, ascent, takeoff and landing) are associated with the appearance of a pressure difference in the auditory tube connecting the nasopharynx and the tympanic cavity. In this case, the membrane bends strongly inside the middle ear, which leads to unpleasant congestion and the risk of its rupture.

In order for the pressure to equalize, it is necessary to ensure free passage of the Eustachian tube and the flow of air from it into the tympanic cavity. At the junction of these two sections of the ENT system there is a one-way valve - a pipe roller. Under the influence of the pressure difference, it collapses and no longer provides the ventilation process.

Mobility of the valve can be restored by yawning or swallowing, as well as by simulating these manipulations at home using specially developed techniques.

In serious cases, Politzer blowing is required by an otolaryngologist using special instruments.

Main reasons

There are many reasons for tinnitus. Some of them are associated with the anatomical structure of the ear, others with inflammatory or infectious diseases, and others with lifestyle, daily routine and nutrition.

Let's look at the most common factors that can cause tinnitus (the medical name for ringing in the ears):

  • a buildup of earwax that puts pressure on the eardrum
  • taking medications, especially Aspirin or NSAIDs (side effect)
  • drinking too much alcohol, too much tobacco or caffeine
  • dental problems, especially those related to roots and fluxes
  • injuries
  • respiratory system diseases
  • disruption of the central nervous system
  • anorexia, sudden weight loss

Next, we will take a closer look at the most basic diseases that cause the appearance of extraneous sounds in the ears.

Cardiovascular diseases

Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy first place in the world among pathologies occurring in the human body. Many of them cause tinnitus due to disruption of blood circulation and supply to the cerebral cortex. In addition, hypertension, a chronic high blood pressure, causes tinnitus in almost 30% of cases.

Due to increased blood pressure, spasms of the head vessels occur, due to which the amount of incoming oxygen decreases. In this case, the ears may ring on either one or both sides. Often there is a pulsating noise in the ears, in time with the heartbeat.

Another common disease is atherosclerosis.

It occurs due to metabolic disorders, as a result of which cholesterol accumulates in the vessels and cholesterol plaques appear, which clog the lumen and impair blood circulation. Because of this, turbulence occurs in the vessels, and because of this, extraneous noise occurs in the ear. Patients often experience mild nausea and dizziness.

ENT diseases

A symptom of almost all ENT diseases is ringing, clicking or clicking in the ears. This is due to inflammation of the nasopharynx and the accumulation of mucus that passes next to the Eustachian tube. Because of this, auditory discomfort occurs, especially when swallowing or yawning. When otitis or contraction of the muscles of the middle ear occurs, extraneous noise also occurs.

Traumatic brain injury

With traumatic brain injuries, swelling of the brain and poor circulation often occur. This may cause noise, ringing or crackling in the ears. At the same time, dizziness, nausea, and possibly vomiting occur. With a concussion, in addition to the described symptoms, the sharpness or acuity of vision may decrease.

In this case, it is necessary to seek help from doctors for a full examination, because injuries can lead to many consequences, from hearing impairment to disruption of the central nervous system, and this is fraught with disability.

To calm and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, constant rest, listening to the sounds of nature, and daily walks are necessary (except for drug treatment).

Oncological pathologies

During the appearance of a malignant or benign neoplasm, the nerve endings responsible for hearing perception may be compressed. Because of this, patients experience auditory hallucinations, noise and ringing in the ears.

As the tumor grows, a stroke or complete loss of hearing or vision may occur.

With such a diagnosis, an immediate examination in oncology is necessary, and if the diagnosis of cancer is confirmed, chemical treatment or surgery is required.

The first symptoms may appear 1-2 times a week. Ringing begins in one ear, and after a while in both. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, the disease begins to progress and adds decreased vision, nausea, and constant headaches.


Osteochondrosis is a joint disease. Occurring in the cervical region. It can be congenital or acquired.

As osteochondrosis grows, it affects the visual and auditory nerve endings, resulting in extraneous noise, visual hallucinations, black flies before the eyes and decreased visual acuity.

Symptoms worsen with prolonged sitting, walking, turning the head or after physical activity. The treatment uses a complex of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to restore osteochondral tissue.

Why does my hearing aid whistle?

If hearing loss occurs, otolaryngologists are advised to wear a hearing aid, a special electronic device that amplifies incoming sounds. At the same time, using the device should be comfortable, almost unnoticeable.

Sometimes patients notice hearing problems even when using hearing aids. Why does my hearing aid whistle? Hard of hearing people do not often encounter this problem; it is useful to learn how to correct the situation.

Experts note several reasons: from incorrect human actions to settings failures and serious malfunctions of the device.

Hearing aid operation

A hearing aid (HA) is placed in the ear of a hearing-impaired person or attached to his ear. There are models that are installed in the ear canal or carried in a pocket. There are analogue and digital devices for improving hearing. Modern models are considered digital - they are able to filter out extraneous noise (wind).

The device for patients with impaired hearing consists of the following parts:

  • microphone;
  • earmold;
  • sound-conducting transition (horn or tubes);
  • dynamics;
  • digital processor (receiver).

The operating principle of any of the devices is to transmit external sounds through a microphone to the processor. It has a computer program installed on it to process sounds. It is able to separate unnecessary noise and present sound in accordance with the characteristics of a person.

Main differences of the device

What is the difference between a hearing aid and a sound amplifier? When sound waves enter the device's microphone, they are first converted into digital format, and then corrected and sent directly to the patient's ear. Thanks to modern developments, the device can be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the hearing impaired.

The sound amplifier has only standard sound amplification or reduction. SA allows you to reduce or increase the frequency of certain sounds. For example, you can set the device to make speech clear and suppress ambient noise.

Amplifiers are not used to restore hearing impairment, and therefore are not a subject of medical equipment. They do not have certificates or other permits for use for therapeutic and preventive purposes. In some pathologies, such devices are contraindicated, as they can cause complications.

Reasons for whistling

The whistle heard by people using SA is an acoustic technique, the so-called feedback between the microphone and the speaker. This technique is found when using any sound amplifiers, when noise from the speaker enters the microphone, and not vice versa.

Hearing aids sometimes “sin” with feedback: sound waves entering the microphone return again to the same microphone. At the same time, the picked up noise becomes increasingly louder until it becomes high-frequency.

The human ear does not perceive such sound waves, but hears a piercing whistle or squeak. Sometimes the problem is short-term; in some situations, unpleasant sounds do not go away for a long time.

Modern models of hearing aids are equipped with a feedback suppression system. When the device is properly configured, squeaking is eliminated. But if worn incorrectly, the problem of whistling persists even in high-quality devices. The patient puts on a hat, hugs his loved ones, and at this time unpleasant sounds are heard.

Why does my hearing aid squeak? Experts identify the reasons:

  1. Incorrect wearing. Changing receivers from one ear to the other, loose fitting of the earpiece, incorrect installation of the remote receiver.
  2. Faulty sound tubes or unsuitable earmold. Such parts wear out first, and the liner loses its required shape over time. The cause of whistling in the hearing aid in children is most often an insert that is not the right size; the child grows and the insert becomes small.
  3. Set to maximum volume. Strong sound is automatically forced out of the device, feedback is transmitted.
  4. Excessive amount of earwax, plugs. The sound arriving at the device encounters an obstacle - a traffic jam, and therefore goes back to the SA.

The created feedback effect is affected by the distance from the microphone to the speaker - the smaller it is, the higher the frequency of the sound waves. The quality of incoming noise is also affected by the material of the components of the loudspeaker. The high-quality body of the device and ear tips made of special materials do not allow sounds to pass through feedback.

BTEs should not produce whistling due to their design - the auricle protects a person from strong sound signals. But squeaking or other unpleasant noises can be reflected from objects close to the ear - a telephone, a hat, a hand. Then the whistle will bother the patient for a short time, but for a long time.

How to use to avoid whistling

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that the hearing aid should be selected by an otolaryngologist. The patient chooses the model independently, but the settings are performed by a specialist after the studies. In some cases, ear molds and other parts are made from casts of the person's problem ear.

If you use the SA correctly, there will be no problems with whistling. Therefore, it is important to adhere to simple rules:

  1. Check the CA for malfunctions and contamination.
  2. Regularly undergo examination by an otolaryngologist; if necessary, he will conduct professional treatment of the auditory tract.
  3. Wear the SA correctly, following the recommendations of doctors. When using an open hearing aid, first put on the housing and then insert the earpiece. If the behind-the-ear option is used, the earbuds are first inserted into both ears, and then the device is placed behind the ear.
  4. Do not set the SA to full volume. If audibility is impaired, the SA should be replaced with a powerful one.
  5. When caring for your hair: blow-drying, using gels and hairsprays, you need to remove the SA.
  6. Change batteries promptly.

It is better to store the SA in a special case that will protect the device from damage.

How to deal with the problem yourself

Squeaking or whistling is an error in sound amplifiers. The difference between a sound amplifier and a hearing aid is clear. But what to do if unpleasant sounds appear in the model?

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Check that the SA is worn correctly. The device with red markings is worn on the right ear, with blue markings on the left.
  2. Check the ear tips and try installing them again.
  3. Move the receiver further into the ear canal.
  4. Check the battery charge in the device.
  5. If the SA is pocket-sized, move the speaker away from the microphone.
  6. Reduce volume.

If the measures taken do not produce results, you should contact your treating otolaryngologist or a specialist who understands the work of SA.

If the hearing aid whistles for a long time and the problem continues, it means it is faulty or not installed correctly. You should not tolerate unpleasant noises; you should seek competent medical help.

Fedorova Lyudmila Pulmonologist, immunologist, therapist

Source: https://respimed.ru/palliativnaya_medice/narusheniya-sluhovogo-apparata.html

Additional symptoms

Most often, tinnitus is accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the disease. Headaches, nausea, vomiting, decreased activity and efficiency, impaired coordination, poor sleep, decreased vision, etc. may occur.

SymptomFeatures of development
Noise in the ears and headIf, in addition to tinnitus, there are extraneous sounds in the head, you should visit a doctor. Sometimes such symptoms may indicate poor circulation and increased blood pressure. It can rise one-time due to overwork or weather conditions. In this case, headaches and sounds in the ears go away on their own within 1 day. If symptoms last longer, consult a doctor immediately.
Tinnitus and temperatureAn elevated body temperature may indicate an inflammatory process in the body, and it most often occurs due to an infectious disease. In this case, headache, weakness, fever, chills, and drowsiness may occur. Temperature + tinnitus or clicking sounds during swallowing occur with sore throat, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, colds, flu, etc. With such diseases, a runny nose and cough often occur. As a result, the nasopharynx swells and mucus accumulates, which causes extraneous noise.
Abdominal painAbdominal pain and simultaneous tinnitus in 75% indicate inflammation of the appendix. The same symptoms can occur with severe poisoning and with a hangover (ethyl alcohol poisoning). It is urgent to rinse the stomach, take painkillers and consult a doctor. In case of poisoning, you cannot do without sorbents, which will remove poisons from the body in the shortest possible time. The most harmless and effective drugs are Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Atoxil. Some women may experience these symptoms on the first day of their menstrual cycle.

Stages of tinnitus

The extent of the disease is determined by the stage of tinnitus. They are distinguished into 4 degrees. The first and second are compensated stages. With them, the sounds are practically unnoticeable, the noise is not disturbing and occurs very rarely.

As a rule, the symptoms of the first stages are not dangerous and indicate a non-serious disease. The second and third stages are decompensated.

Noises and extraneous sounds that occur in the ears in the last two stages negatively affect the quality of life. Along with them, accompanying symptoms often occur - vomiting, nausea, pain in the head, stomach.

Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of all four stages:

FirstCharacterized by sounds that are too weak. Often the patient does not even notice them, and they do not bother or cause harm.
SecondIt differs in that the sounds become more intense, but most often they occur during sleep, when the entire body is in a state of calm. In this case, the person becomes overly irritable.
ThirdThe noise is constant, disturbing, annoying, and negatively affects the quality of work and sleep.
FourthThe noise becomes as intense as possible. This makes it difficult to concentrate on one thing or another.

The third and fourth stages are fraught with nervous breakdowns and disruption of the central nervous system. In isolated cases they end in suicide, so if even the slightest noise in the ears occurs, you need to seek help. It should be remembered that this symptom may indicate serious health problems.

Indications for the procedure

Ensuring high-quality ventilation of the ENT system helps to cope with a lot of problems that arise in it and speed up the recovery process for a number of hearing diseases. When is it necessary to blow out your ears?

  • If it is necessary to remove exudate from the tympanic cavity in case of catarrhal and diffuse otitis of the middle ear;
  • with hearing loss after otitis media;
  • if necessary, improve the evacuation of exudate or sulfur masses from the ear canal;
  • for aerootitis that occurs during diving, flights and transportation due to pressure changes;
  • with barotrauma;
  • with obstruction of the Eustachian tube;
  • with complaints of noise and rustling in the ears after water gets into them;
  • with ear congestion of various etiologies;
  • when diagnosing patency of the Eustachian tube.

What to do, which doctor to see?

You can contact any specialist. If tinnitus is the main symptom, then it is advisable to consult an otolaryngologist. But, since extraneous sounds do not always signal problems with the ears, it is better to first go to a therapist. The doctor will first conduct a survey and external examination, prescribe a series of tests and issue a referral to a more specialized specialist (ENT specialist, surgeon, oncologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, etc.).

Useful video about the causes of tinnitus:

Necessary tests and examinations

Modern medicine provides a huge number of diagnostic methods. Let's look at the most commonly used ones:

  • An oral survey in which the doctor gets acquainted with the symptoms, their intensity and duration. The specialist also studies the medical history, which will allow you to have a general understanding of the patient’s health condition.
  • Blood and urine tests will help determine the presence of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.
  • Audiometry is a procedure to determine the quality and acuity of hearing. Audiometry can be speech, tone or computer. Depending on the results, it determines how good the patient’s hearing is.
  • Ultrasound of blood vessels, brain, abdominal cavity, etc. allows you to determine the condition of soft, osteochondral tissues and blood vessels. This makes it possible to see the number of blockages with cholesterol plaques.
  • Laboratory tests make it possible to determine the patient's mental state.
  • Tomography allows you to literally “scan” the brain and see the condition of blood vessels and nerve endings in real time. This is also one of the surest ways to determine the quality and quantity of a neoplasm, if any.

If after the examinations the diagnosis remains in doubt, then doctors prescribe an additional examination by specialists, depending on the symptoms.

Politzer blowing

If, after an examination, a specialist decides that you need to do blowing, most likely he will prescribe a whole course of procedures using the Politzer method. This physiotherapeutic manipulation is performed by an otolaryngologist using an otoscope and a bulb that pumps air into the ENT system.

How is Politzer blowing performed?

  1. Politzer blowing requires certain preparation: the nasal cavity is thoroughly cleaned of mucus and possible crusts, and then treated with vasoconstrictor drugs. The latter are designed to reduce swelling of the tissues of the nasal passages, nasopharynx and Eustachian tube.
  2. The specialist then assesses the width of the patient’s nasal passages and selects the appropriate tip.
  3. During the procedure, the tip of the Politzer bulb is inserted into one nostril, while the other is tightly clamped.
  4. If the procedure is required to ensure the evacuation of wax or exudate from the ear, the patient’s head is tilted to the side, and a container is placed under his auricle.
  5. The patient is asked to pronounce certain words with open syllables, and while pronouncing the vowel sound, the doctor presses a pear, forcing air into the nostril. Its flow moves along the Eustachian tube, pushes out the valve, enters the tympanic cavity and reaches the membrane.

The course of blowing according to Politzer lasts from 5 to 10 days. The length of physical treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the rate of elimination of unpleasant symptoms.

Features of noise treatment

It is impossible to say unequivocally what treatment is prescribed for the symptom of tinnitus. Since this is not an independent disease, it cannot be treated. That is, you need to influence the main cause that led to the appearance of sounds in the ears.

The main methods of treatment, depending on the problem:

  • If noise, ringing or clicking appears in the ears due to foreign objects or wax, then you simply need to remove them. It is forbidden to do this yourself, so as not to push the plug even further, as this can damage the eardrum. Sulfur plugs tend to swell when exposed to moisture, so removal is carried out exclusively by an otolaryngologist using special medications and instruments.
  • If the cause lies in an infectious ENT disease, it is necessary to take antibacterial or antiviral drugs. The specialist also prescribes medications to eliminate additional symptoms - cough tablets or mixtures, nasal drops, painkillers, etc.
  • When tinnitus becomes a consequence of cardiovascular disease, treatment is prescribed depending on the type and degree of the pathology. As a rule, a course of cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol, medications that thin the blood, strengthen blood vessels, and normalize the heart rate are prescribed.

For injuries and concussions, a number of procedures and complex treatment are prescribed.

More information about the treatment of tinnitus can be found in the video:

When is surgery necessary?

Surgical intervention is necessary for severe injuries and fractures. In some cases, surgery is prescribed when tumors occur (oncology). Surgery is also prescribed for damage to the middle and inner ear, if this reduces the quality of hearing and causes extraneous sounds.

In summary, it should be noted that tinnitus is not a disease, but a symptom that signals a particular disease. There is no need to hesitate; you should immediately undergo an examination before the noise becomes stronger and other symptoms develop. Methods of diagnosis and treatment are determined on an individual basis.

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