Afobazole and alcohol: compatibility and consequences of use

It often happens that a person combines medications with alcoholic beverages. "Afobazole" is a sedative, and, like other medications, it must be taken with water. Today we will find out how Afobazole and alcohol taken together affect the body, which may well be the case with nervous disorders and anxiety.

Is it possible to take Afobazol with alcohol: information from the manufacturer

Many sedatives and tranquilizers are contraindicated when drinking alcoholic beverages. When combined, these substances cause a condition that becomes life-threatening. That is why consumers doubt whether Afobazol can be taken together with alcohol. To answer this question as accurately as possible, it is necessary to consider the drug from different angles of its effect on the body. First, you should refer to the instructions.

In the annotation, the manufacturer indicates that taking Afobazole is contraindicated for persons who are sensitive to the active substance fabomotizole. Also, the medicine should not be taken by a woman if she is pregnant or breastfeeding. The drug is contraindicated for children. In other cases, the medication can be used. To do this, the consumer does not need to see a doctor. You can purchase Afobazol at any pharmacy without a special prescription. From the information provided by the manufacturer, we can conclude that the drug can be combined with alcohol. The tablets do not have a negative effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and do not inhibit attention or reaction. However, not everything is as simple as it seems.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews about the use of Afobazol

After taking afobazole, consumers have different impressions about the result of treatment. Reviews are both positive and negative.


I decided to quit smoking. All smokers know the state of extreme irritability. I decided to resort to sedatives . Valerian, motherwort and other herbal compounds did not help. The advertisement prompted the idea of ​​afobazole. It's great that you can buy it without a doctor's prescription. To begin with, I carefully read the instructions and began to take the medicine three times a day after meals.

I took the course for a month and my irritability disappeared. Hooray! I quit smoking. Most likely, these pills will not help with a serious mental disorder, but with a little excitement, irritability or anxiety, they are just the thing!

The main thing is that you need to take afobazole strictly according to the instructions: over a long course, three times a day after meals.


After taking afobazole for several months, anxiety decreased slightly; there was no expected effect. During a consultation with the treating psychiatrist, I learned that this drug helps only practically healthy people suffering from stress.

With my diagnosis (long-term depression of the endogenous form), afobazole will not give any therapeutic effect. For non-advanced forms of depression, the medicine works great, as my friends told me.

Before taking this drug, you need to know the correct diagnosis.

Diseases that the drug treats and the possibility of drinking alcohol

Having studied the information from the instructions in more detail, we can come to the conclusion that the drug “Afobazol” has zero compatibility with alcohol.

  1. The drug is used for anxiety conditions in adults: neurasthenia, increased anxiety, adaptation disorder. If you use Afobazole in this state, the panic attacks will only intensify.
  2. The use of a tranquilizing agent is indicated for patients suffering from somatic diseases: asthma, hypertension, arrhythmia, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus erythematosus, dermatitis, oncology. For these pathologies, the use of ethanol is extremely undesirable. So, with irritable bowels, alcohol will increase unpleasant symptoms. Dermatitis may worsen, and the pressure will become even higher.
  3. "Afobazole" is indicated for use for sleep disorders, for women during PMS, during smoking cessation and treatment of alcohol addiction. It is logically clear that in these situations, alcohol-containing drinks will aggravate the course of the disease.

If there are any indications for the use of the drug "Afobazol", compatibility with alcohol should be excluded. This condition is not indicated in the annotation, but this conclusion suggests itself.

How do tranquilizers work?

Psychotropic medicinal substances affect the central nervous system of a person, calm, reduce anxiety, and psycho-emotional stress. Afobazole inhibits brain structures that are responsible for regulating the psycho-emotional state.

Often tranquilizers are called antidepressants, confusing their effect. However, the latter belong to the group of psychotropic substances that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, while the former have a depressing effect. In a word, an antidepressant increases emotionality, a tranquilizer decreases it.

Afobazole is used to treat various types of neuralgia and psychosomatic diseases. The medicine helps with sleep disorders, increased anxiety, and poor concentration. It is noteworthy that, unlike other tranquilizers, it is not addictive.

In addition, Afobazole is often prescribed to suppress autonomic reactions in severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Even taking into account the fact that there are no negative consequences when taking afobazole with alcohol, throughout the entire treatment, it is recommended to stop drinking alcohol so as not to cause exacerbations of mental illness and other negative consequences.

"Afobazol": adverse reactions and overdose

It is believed that when drinking alcohol with any medications, the likelihood of adverse reactions increases. The instructions for using the tranquilizer indicate that it may cause allergies or headaches, but this is rare. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with using Afobazol tablets and alcohol together.

Indeed, the drug is almost impossible to overdose on. Only when consuming large amounts of medication can the patient develop drowsiness and apathy. Drinking alcohol will most likely not have a harmful effect in this case either. That is why the manufacturer indirectly indicates that you can drink Afobazol with alcohol.

Afobazole and alcohol intoxication

Afobazole is a low-toxic tranquilizer. There are very few cases of overdose with this drug.

Alcohol and drug overdose

If the dose of Afobazole is exceeded many times, intoxication of the body may occur. In this case, the side effect will be a sedative complication.

The most unpleasant consequences of an overdose are:

  • Feeling drowsy.
  • Disruption of the central nervous system.

The action of Afobazole and alcohol, in this case, will be simultaneous - the inhibitory effect of the drug (if its dose is exceeded) will be superimposed on the similar effect of the alcoholic drink. The toxicity of the latter will increase, and irreparable harm will be caused to the body.

Taking Afobazole for hangover syndrome

The consequences of binge drinking can be eliminated with the help of Afobazole - the drug will relieve the feeling of guilt that accompanies a hangover and eliminate psychological disorders.

However, the effect of the drug will be noticeable no earlier than after 3-4 days (and only if it is taken regularly). But after this period, the symptoms of a hangover will disappear on their own.

Conclusion - Afobazole will not help get rid of a hangover. And it won't even eliminate its symptoms. But, since this drug is safe, you can take it - the body will not get used to it. And if the medication is discontinued, there will be no unpleasant consequences.

Combination of alcohol and Afobazole

To summarize and make a preliminary conclusion about whether the drug “Afobazol” is compatible with alcohol, you should find out how these substances interact in the human body.

  1. The active ingredient of the drug "Afobazol" calms the nervous system. It acts on certain receptors of nerve cells located in the brain: it stabilizes and restores sensitivity. The drug protects nerve cells from the negative influence of various factors. Afobazol tablets relieve tension, irritability, and anxiety. They eliminate disturbing psychosomatic reactions: muscle spasms, cardiovascular disorders, vegetative manifestations.
  2. Alcohol works the same way, but only at the very beginning. Drinking alcohol inhibits the nervous system, has a relaxing effect on the entire body, eliminates anxiety and improves mood. However, treatment with this method can lead to completely unforeseen circumstances. Frequent consumption of alcohol, on the contrary, excites the nervous system, causing aggression and anger. After sobering up comes a feeling of weakness and apathy.

We can conclude that in the human body, Afobazole and alcohol work in opposite directions. Therefore, the minimal consequences that may occur are treatment failure.

The effect of the drug on the body

Afobazole is a neuroprotector. Its active component, fabomotizol, has the following effects on the body:

  1. Protects nerve cell membranes.
  2. Provides interaction between neurons.
  3. Promotes faster transmission of signals to the central nervous system.

As a result, a person’s anxiety decreases, a feeling of peace arises, and mood and sleep improve.

Alcohol has the exact opposite effect on the body. It destroys neurons even if a person has taken a moderate dose of alcohol. Ethyl alcohol very quickly penetrates the brain and begins to negatively affect cells. Afobazole is an antidepressant, alcohol is a depressant, that is, a drug that suppresses the function of the central nervous system. Thus, alcohol completely neutralizes the therapeutic effect of the drug.

During a hangover, a toxic substance is formed in the human body - acetaldehyde, a product of ethanol metabolism. It causes unpleasant physical and mental symptoms: nausea, headache, low mood, anxiety. Doctors prescribe Afobazole during a hangover to calm the nervous system and alleviate these symptoms. The medicine is often used as part of complex therapy for chronic alcoholism. However, acetaldehyde also has a negative effect on neurons. If a person continues to drink alcohol to reduce withdrawal symptoms, toxins continue to form in the body. As a result, the hangover lasts much longer, and the effect of Afobazole therapy never occurs.

We can conclude that Afobazole and alcohol are poorly compatible. It is useless to take this remedy together with alcohol-containing drinks, since ethyl alcohol neutralizes the effect of the medicine. If the drug is prescribed for a hangover, the effect will occur only if the patient completely abstains from alcohol. In some cases (for example, with a drug overdose), drinking alcohol can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Hormonal disorders

The drug is prescribed to women with premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Due to hormonal imbalance, many patients during such periods feel anxiety, nervousness, and autonomic disorders. It helps eliminate or mitigate such manifestations.

In these cases, Afobazole is also incompatible with alcohol . This is due to the following properties of ethanol:

  1. Once in the brain, alcohol has a negative effect on the hypothalamus. This section of the central nervous system is responsible for the hormonal regulation of all endocrine glands.
  2. Alcohol in the female body causes a decrease in the secretion of estrogen and increases the production of testosterone.
  3. Alcohol has a negative effect on the autonomic nervous system, which can cause symptoms such as dizziness and rapid heartbeat.

Thus, ethyl alcohol increases hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. At first, the patient may feel an imaginary calm and mitigation of the symptoms of PMS and menopause. This occurs because alcohol depresses the nervous system. But as soon as the effect of alcohol wears off, all the unpleasant symptoms return and appear even stronger. The therapeutic effect of taking Afobazole is completely lost.

Internal pathologies

The drug is widely used not only in neurology and psychiatry, but also in therapeutic practice. It is used in complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • skin diseases;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • arrhythmias;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • oncological diseases.

Afobazole improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the vascular system. For this reason, therapists prescribe this medication for diseases of various organs. Alcohol acts as a means of first dilating and then sharply constricting blood vessels. Because of this, the body tissues experience oxygen starvation, and the effect of using Afobazole is reduced to zero.

Neuroses and smoking

The drug acts on the nervous system as a mild tranquilizer : it strengthens cells. As a result, anxiety disappears, mental stress goes away, and stress resistance increases.

If a person continues to drink alcohol during the course of treatment, a deceptive feeling of calm is created. However, this does not mean that ethanol relieves stress. Anxiety disappears due to the suppressive effect of alcohol on the nervous system. As soon as the intoxication passes, all the symptoms of neurosis return and appear with a vengeance. This is especially evident in chronic alcoholism, when during the period of abstinence a depressive state occurs with increased anxiety and nervousness.

If a patient is undergoing treatment with Afobazole for neurotic disorders, then he should not drink alcohol even in small quantities. If this rule is violated, the drug simply ceases to act on the body.

Afobazole is not the main treatment for chronic alcoholism. Taking this medicine is recommended as part of complex therapy so that the body adapts to giving up alcohol. But the drug will only work if the person completely stops drinking alcohol.

Afobazole is sometimes prescribed to patients who are quitting smoking. This helps eliminate neurotic manifestations that are often observed in the first days of quitting nicotine. And in this case, alcohol can only bring harm. Alcohol will exacerbate the irritability and nervousness that smokers often experience when quitting cigarettes. In addition, even a small amount of alcohol can provoke the desire to smoke.

Doctors' opinion

Do doctors allow taking Afobazol and alcohol together? Reviews from experts emphasize that the drug is used to treat withdrawal symptoms. This occurs when you give up any addiction: drugs, medications, nicotine or alcohol. If a patient requires treatment for alcohol abuse, then combining Afobazol tablets with them is strictly prohibited. Doctors also say that this product is used to treat smoking addiction. If you drink alcohol during this period, you will experience an increased craving for a cigarette. Therefore, in this situation, you can’t drink alcohol either.

When treating neuroses and depression, Afobazol tablets combined with alcohol will not give any effect. Doctors state the fact that alcohol completely suppresses the effect of the tranquilizer. Ethanol itself has a negative effect on the nervous system, which subsequently necessitates the use of more serious and expensive psychotropic medications.

Summarizing the discussion about the compatibility of Afobazol tablets and alcohol, reviews from doctors warn:

  1. This combination will probably not harm your digestive system.
  2. The combination of tablets and alcoholic drinks can provoke a hypertensive crisis.
  3. Combining ethanol with the claimed medicine will have a depressing effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. Alcohol consumed with Afobazol will be ineffective.

Is it possible to drink alcohol while taking Afobazole?

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Many antipsychotics are not allowed to be taken with alcohol. In this combination they pose a danger to life. The question arises, is it possible or not to take Afobazole with alcohol? There are quite a few reviews from people who drank alcohol during treatment that such a combination threatens significant damage to health.

Characteristics of the antipsychotic

The drug has many advantages:

  • the main substance fabomotizol selectively acts on nerve receptors;
  • the effect can be observed after five days;
  • does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal system;
  • promotes the removal of toxic substances;
  • do not inhibit the mental activity of the brain;
  • allowed to be combined in combination treatment.

The annotation states that the drug is not recommended for persons with hypersensitivity to the active substance fabomotizole. The drug is also contraindicated for children, pregnant women and lactation. The tablets do not affect the functions of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal system, and do not affect concentration. The medicine is taken for anxiety, neurasthenia, adaptation disorders.

Afobazole and alcohol: compatibility and consequences

Judging by the reviews of patients who took alcohol during the course of treatment with the drug, we can highlight the following series of effects and consequences for the body.

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For hormonal imbalance

Alcohol is sometimes consumed to improve mood, but ethanol has a negative effect on brain neurons. Pathologies of the endocrine system will worsen because the effect of alcohol is temporary.

Diseases of internal organs

When entering the blood system, ethyl alcohol dilates blood vessels and can cause hemorrhages. Then a sharp narrowing occurs and blood circulation is disrupted.

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Antipsychotics are also used by sick people:

  • asthma,
  • hypertension,
  • arrhythmia,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • tuberculosis,
  • toxicoderma.

For such diseases, alcohol is contraindicated. So, if the intestinal system is irritated, ethanol will add unpleasant effects, toxicoderma will worsen, and the pressure will jump.

The drug is taken for sleep disorders, women during premenstrual syndrome, for smoking cessation and for the treatment of alcoholism. Consequently, in these cases, alcoholic drinks worsen the course of the disease. Therefore, combination is completely excluded. In Afobazole's instructions for use with alcohol, the manufacturer does not report anything about this fact, but the conclusion comes on its own.

Hangover syndrome

Afobazole helps to cope with the symptoms of hangover, which always causes feelings of guilt and mental disorder. The effect occurs after four days, so withdrawal symptoms cannot be eliminated quickly. But the antipsychotic is considered one of the least safe tranquilizers; it does not provoke attachment; it is prescribed after a binge.

Drug interaction with beer

Can I drink Afobazole with beer or not? These substances are not compatible for treatment. A soft drink contains less than 1% ethyl alcohol. This makes it possible to drink beer along with the medicine without losing the therapeutic effect.

The use of antipsychotics provides for the following rules:

  • drink the drug only when sober;
  • after drinking alcoholic beverages, you must wait until the ethanol leaves the body, the duration depends on the strength and norm;
  • when drinking high-proof alcohol, the drug is taken only after one and a half days;
  • After completion of treatment, the time to quit alcohol is two weeks.

The drug is used to get rid of any kind of addiction: drugs, nicotine and alcohol. If you are being treated for alcoholism, then this combination is ineffective. In addition, they use a drug to get rid of nicotine addiction, and alcohol always provokes the desire to smoke.

Conclusion - can Afobazole be taken with alcohol? Medical experts say unequivocally that alcohol-containing drinks completely suppress the effect of the antipsychotic.


As soon as possible

From all of the above, we can conclude that the tranquilizer “Afobazol” has zero compatibility with alcohol. If the patient is taking the drug, then alcohol should be avoided for the entire prescribed course of treatment.

  1. You can drink alcohol after treatment no earlier than 2 weeks. This is how long the effect obtained from the medication lasts.
  2. Afobazol should only be taken by a sober person. If you drank alcohol, wait until ethanol is completely removed from your body. Depending on the quantity and strength of the drink, this time can vary from 1 to 36 hours.

"Afobazole" and alcohol: compatibility (reviews)

Statistics show that about a quarter of patients who took Afobazol tablets drank alcohol at least once. The average duration of treatment is 2-3 months, and you need to take one tablet per day (morning, lunch and evening). A small amount of alcohol taken once had no effect on the patient’s treatment or well-being. Therefore, consumers boldly declare that alcohol and Afobazol tablets can be combined.

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