Analogs of the drug Afobazol: indications for use and advantages

Cheap analogues of Afobazol, price

The average cost of the drug in pharmacies is 347-390 rubles, for 60 tablets. Like most medicines, Afobazole has cheaper analogues. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. Tenoten and Tenoten for children - the price of the product is 216-232 rubles. and 221-247 rub. respectively, for 40 tablets;
  2. Phenazepam – cost in tablets from 98 rubles. for 50 pieces;
  3. Novopassit - depending on the form of release, the medicine costs 203 rubles. (10 tablets), 199 rub. (liquid product 10 milliliters bottle).

The drug is always taken only orally. It is advisable to do this after eating. Depending on the root cause of the anxiety state and the age of the patient, the doctor selects the required dosage individually for each person. The duration of the course of therapy ranges from two weeks to one month. After this, take a break and repeat the course again to consolidate the effect.

The modern rhythm of life is fraught with nervous tension, because the main danger to human health is stress. To successfully cope with such problems, doctors have developed a remedy that has calming properties. A drug belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs, Afobazole (manufacturing country: Russia), is used in the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. The drug is non-addictive and safe for the human body. Available in tablet form.

Numerous patient reviews indicate that Afobazol influenced:

  • improvement of psychological state;
  • reducing feelings of anxiety;
  • reduction of anxiety;
  • lack of irritability.

The drug is prescribed when the following conditions occur:

  • neurasthenia and adaptation type disorders;
  • oncology;
  • to relieve symptoms of drug withdrawal;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the occurrence of “neurosis of the heart”;
  • treatment of somatic diseases.

Afobazole has contraindications:

  • high patient sensitivity to the active substances in the drug;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation;
  • childhood;
  • lactose intolerance.

When taking Afobazole, adverse reactions may occur:

  • severe nausea;
  • gagging;
  • diarrhea, stool disorders.

In addition, the disadvantages of the drug include the high price. A natural question arises: what can replace the drug with? Are there any cheap analogs of Afobazole?

Analogs of Afobazole are available in pharmacies for sale. These include medications:

  1. Tenoten.
  2. Grandaxin.
  3. Diwaza.
  4. Phenibut.
  5. Adaptol.

Preparations based on valerian

Until today, the only form in which the drug is presented in all pharmacy chains is oral tablets. They are white and flat, but may have a slight beige tint. Depending on the number of tablets, the medicine can be purchased in cardboard packaging (10, 20, 25, 30, 50 and 100 pieces), or in a dark glass bottle (30, 50, 100 and 120 pieces).

Experts recommend starting a course of taking the drug if a person experiences the following symptoms or conditions:

  1. A constant feeling of unreasonable anxiety, which occurs with neurasthenia and impaired adaptation;
  2. In the presence of somatic pathologies, including: ischemia, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, bronchial asthma, lupus erythematosus;
  3. If there are malignant or benign tumors, signs of dermatitis (according to medical indications);
  4. Sleep is disturbed;
  5. In the period of several days before the onset of menstrual bleeding (PMS);
  6. Cardiopsychoneurosis.

Afobazole is also recommended for people who are in the process of completely quitting smoking, and to relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Afobazole is a medication that is a tranquilizer. The active component in its composition is the selective anxiolytic mercaptobenzimidazole. This drug does not cause lethargy, drowsiness or feelings of detachment in patients, and, importantly, Afobazol is not addictive.

At the end of the course, the patient does not suffer from withdrawal syndrome. The drug does not suppress the activity of benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, which are responsible for sensory, fine motor skills, memory and alertness, and also demonstrates a neuroprotective effect on neurons, protecting them from the effects of free radicals.

Pharmacological properties of Afobazole

Positive changes from taking the medication:

  • the feeling of fear, anxiety, panic disappears;
  • sleep quality improves;
  • Nervous and mental stress goes away;
  • autonomic disorders are reduced;
  • memory, concentration and attention improves.

Afobazole or its analogues are prescribed for high mental stress and nervous disorders, and are also often used in the treatment of pathologies not related to the psyche:

  • hypertension;
  • arrhythmia and ischemic heart disease;
  • oncological diseases.

Preparations made on the basis of pepper medicinal herbs have a more pronounced sedative effect.

Regular intake of valerian is recommended for:

  • insomnia;
  • neuroses and excited states;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD);
  • various dermatoses.

However, such drugs are not recommended when performing work associated with a high level of danger. In addition, valerian tincture is made on the basis of alcohol, so its use is undesirable for alcoholism. The compatibility of Afobazole and valerian with sleeping pills and vasodilators is undesirable, as it may increase their effect.

Name of the medicine Dosage of the active component (mg) Number of pieces per package Average price in rubles

Phenazepam500 100050
Novo-Passithomeopathic medicine10




Persenherbal preparation10




The pharmacological market offers patients Russian-made Afobazole analogs and substitutes, which cost much less, but are not inferior in quality to foreign-made drugs.

The main task of the product is to restore the sensitivity of brain receptors, stabilizing them, and normalizing VSD. The drug has stimulating and calming effects, allowing a person to cope with anxiety, cognitive disorders and disorders of the autonomic system.

Indications include the following pathologies:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • neurasthenia;
  • alcohol syndrome;
  • adaptive disorders;
  • arrhythmia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • asthma;
  • ischemic disease;
  • lupus;
  • hypertension.

The original is prohibited for use by minor children, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. This is where Afobazole analogues come to the rescue, some of which have fewer contraindications.

Also, the drug is prohibited in case of intolerance to monosaccharides and galactose, or lactase deficiency. This also needs to be taken into account when selecting analogues - some of them may differ favorably in composition, and the prohibitions can be circumvented.

We choose Afobazole analogs that are better, more effective and cheaper

We choose Afobazole analogs that are better, more effective and cheaper

Life is full of stress and problems that sometimes you can’t get rid of on your own. As a result, constant tension and nervousness can result from many dangerous diseases.

Many doctors recommend taking the drug Afobazol during times of severe stress and emotional tension.

This remedy does not have a harmful effect on the activity of the brain and the entire body as a whole, and is also not addictive.

Afobazole is a modern medicine that belongs to the group of anxiolytics (tranquilizers). The active ingredient of the drug is a selective anxiolytic, which does not belong to the class of benzodiazepine receptor agonists.

While taking this remedy, the body experiences a decrease in psychological discomfort, which is usually accompanied by bad feelings, excessive irritability, and anxiety.

According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed for the following indications:

  • various anxiety states that are caused by neurasthenia and other adaptation disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • can be used for relief during nicotine withdrawal;
  • diseases of dermatological type;
  • sleep problems;
  • with neurocirculatory dystonia (“neurosis of the heart”);
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • during somatic diseases - irritable bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypertensive diseases, arrhythmia, bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease.

The advantages of the drug include the following properties of Afobozol:

  • the drug has a double effect - it has a stimulating effect and relieves stress and anxiety, thereby improving the patient’s mental and emotional state;
  • during use, autonomic disorders - dizziness, increased sweating - are reduced, thereby improving memory and concentration;
  • this remedy can be used in complex therapy during the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system;
  • during long-term use of the drug, the body does not become addicted;
  • the drug helps relieve fatigue, a feeling of tension, and also improves sleep and helps get rid of unreasonable fears.

However, in addition to the advantages, the drug also has disadvantages:

  1. Presence of contraindications. Afobazole is not recommended for use in conditions indicated in the instructions - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, under 18 years of age, and if there is lactase intolerance.
  2. Sometimes side effects may occur - nausea, vomiting, and sometimes loose stools may occur. Patients who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug may experience itching, skin rash, and scabies.
  3. The price is quite high - for one package with 60 tablets with a dosage of 10 mg you will have to pay from 380 to 480 rubles.

Although this remedy does not have too many disadvantages, they are quite significant; for this reason, it is worth considering analogues of Afobazole, which have a similar effect to this remedy, but are devoid of its disadvantages.

There are no drugs identical to Afobazole in action and composition; there are some products that have similar properties.

TOP 10 best Afobazole analogues:

Cheap analogues of Afabozol include the following drugs:

  • Phenazepam, its cost is about 120-140 rubles;
  • Persen, the price is 280-300 rubles;
  • Novopassit, cost ranges from 150 to 180 rubles;
  • Mebikar, the price per package is about 280-300 rubles;
  • Phensitate, the cost of packaging is 140-180 rubles.

The following analogues of Afabozole are available without a prescription:

Analogues of Afobazole produced in Russia:

We compared and assessed whether Afobazol or its main competitor analogues - Tenoten, Persen, Phenazepam, Novopassit and some others are better in certain conditions.

Comparative characteristics are presented below:

When Afobazole is taken in combination with nootropics and tranquilizers, the drug has the most pronounced effect. It can be taken simultaneously with Novopassit, Persen, Phenazipam, Adapol, Tenoten and many other tranquilizers.

In any case, the dosage and course of administration must be prescribed by the attending physician.

We choose Afobazole analogs that are better, more effective and cheaper

Golden ten similar products

There are no drugs identical to Afobazole in action and composition; there are some products that have similar properties.

However, all these medications have some differences. Before you start taking them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Article on the topic: Thermopsis cough tablets for children and adults - instructions for use

TOP 10 best Afobazole analogues:

  1. Adaptol - this drug belongs to the group of anxiolytic-type drugs. This drug has a tranquilizing effect. When taken, it quickly relieves feelings of fear, tension, fatigue, and stress.
  2. Divaza is a drug that belongs to the group of tranquilizers. When taken, the active component normalizes blood circulation in the brain, relieves tension and fatigue. It is taken during autonomic disorders, for disorders of brain activity that are caused by injuries, ischemic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and others. And also for increased anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and neuroinfections.
  3. Tenoten is a drug belonging to the group of tranquilizers. Quickly relieves anxiety, stress, emotional tension, helps relieve headaches and eliminates sleep problems.
  4. Persen . This remedy has an antispasmodic and calming effect. It contains herbal ingredients that help relieve tension, anxiety and irritation. It can be taken during insomnia, because the drug facilitates the process of falling asleep and does not cause drowsiness.
  5. Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer. The drug has anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic and central muscle relaxant effects on the body. It is used during psychoses, sleep disorders, neurotic and psychopathic conditions.
  6. Novopassit is a sedative-type sedative that consists of herbal components. The medicine has an effect on the nervous system, relieves nervous tension, fatigue, and stress. Also helps with headaches and sleep disorders.
  7. Grandaxin is a tranquilizer that belongs to the group of benzodiazepines. Quickly relieves tension, fatigue, excitability, helps with headaches and insomnia. It is also taken for premenstrual syndrome, for myopathy, myasthenia gravis, neuroses, for alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and so on.
  8. Phenibut is a nootropic drug that is classified as a tranquilizer. Improves brain activity, increases blood circulation. When taken, the body's performance and mental activity increase, memory improves, stress, neuroses, and tensions disappear.
  9. Mebicar is a drug that is classified as a tranquilizer for daytime use. This drug reduces anxiety, tension, fatigue, and also has a mild sedative effect.
  10. Phenzitate is a tranquilizer that belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives. It is used for neuroses, severe fatigue, emotional stress, autonomic disorders, and sleep disorders.

Description of the medication

The first question that arises for patients who are prescribed the drug “Afobazol” is: “What is the drug prescribed for?” To understand this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the product.

The drug "Afobazol" is a sedative medication that effectively reduces anxiety. However, it does not provoke addiction. Is it possible to take Afobazol for a long time? Doctors think yes. After all, this is one of the few drugs that, even with long-term therapy, does not provoke addiction. The product does not have a negative effect on concentration, memory, or reduce muscle tone. In addition, the medicine is completely devoid of “withdrawal syndrome”.

However, this is not the only positive effect of the drug Afobazol on the body. What else does the medication help get rid of? It is effectively used for unpleasant symptoms of autonomic disorders. The drug can reduce negative symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, and dry mouth. By providing mild stimulation to the body, it significantly improves a person’s physical condition.

Favorable dynamics are observed already 5-7 days after the start of treatment. And maximum effectiveness occurs in 3-4 weeks.

Reviews about Afobazole

Reviews about Afobazole on forums are quite varied. The main advantages are the effectiveness of the drug for anxiety and panic attacks, availability, relatively low price and almost complete absence of side effects (sedative tablets do not cause drowsiness, weakness or addiction). The effect of their use is noted already on days 4-7 of the course of treatment.

A disadvantage in reviews of Afobazole is that the drug has contraindications (that is, it is not suitable for all groups of patients).

As for the reviews of doctors about Afobazole, they allow us to draw the following conclusion: the drug is effective, but only for conditions that are characterized as moderately severe. But with deep depression it is unlikely to help.

List of inexpensive substitutes of Russian and imported production

The table shows more accessible medical products with similar effects. All of them come in tablet form.

Analogs are cheaper than Afobazol price in price in rub.
MoscowSt. PetersburgMoscowSt. Petersburg

Divaza – (Russian production)

A similar analogue that provides a positive effect during the restoration of brain function against the background of organic disorders of the central nervous system, including various neurodegenerative, ischemic diseases and after suffering a traumatic brain injury. In addition, it helps with nervous disorders.

At the same time, the patient may experience an allergic reaction. It can be triggered by hypersensitivity to a certain component of the drug - active or auxiliary.

Persen – (Slovenia)

A well-known, inexpensive generic drug with a similar spectrum of action. Specializes exclusively in nervous system disorders, reducing excessive levels of emotional arousal and irritation, and improving sleep patterns.

An important condition for treatment is to limit the performance of work that requires increased concentration, attention and reaction. This applies to car drivers, controllers of difficult-to-function units and workers who are potentially dangerous to the life and health of enterprises

As concomitant negative phenomena, the patient may have allergies in the form of rashes and swelling of the skin of the body. A long treatment process can cause problems with bowel movements.

Tenoten – (domestic generic)

Effective in combating neurotic, stressful situations, emotional tension and anxiety. It is prescribed for mild organic lesions of the central nervous system of various origins.

Treatment in most cases goes without leaving a trace. The drug does not cause severe reactions.

Novo-Passit – (Czech Republic)

Another affordable cheap analogue that resists neurotic reactions, irritability, anxiety, and absent-mindedness. Removes the state of regular psychological pressure, prevents headaches caused by the mentioned phenomena.

Side effects rarely include allergies, fatigue, urge to vomit, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation.

Phenazepam – (Russia)

As side effects, problems with sleep, a feeling of increased fatigue, and deterioration of memory and attention cannot be excluded. Less common are headaches and depression. Skin rashes and itching are allowed. More rare reactions are instability of sexual desire, low blood pressure. There have been cases of addiction to Phenazepam.

Prescribed to overcome asthenic, neurotic and anxiety states. The difference is the treatment of neuroses in children, with obsessive movements, stuttering, and enuresis. Indicated for insomnia, especially in elderly people.

During treatment with this drug, the patient may develop negative effects - drowsiness, vomiting, various allergies.

Rating of analogues

There is no complete analogue of Afobazole with the same composition and effect. There are a number of drugs that are similar in action to fabomotizol, but have a number of differences. Analogues of Afobazole produced in Russia:

"Divaza". It is prescribed to restore brain structures after organic lesions of the central nervous system, and also as a remedy for. "Tenoten." Anxiolytic, nootropic, homeopathic drug. It has antidepressant, anti-anxiety, neuroprotective, anti-stress effects. " ". The tranquilizer has anticonvulsant, relaxing, anti-anxiety, sedative and hypnotic effects. " ". One of the cheap analogues of Afobazole, produced domestically. Prescribed for anxiety, sleep disorders, VSD, withdrawal syndrome, fatigue and disorders of central nervous system stability. "Phenibut" is produced in Russia and Belarus. "Mebicar". An anxiolytic drug is used to reduce cravings for alcohol, smoking and psychotropic substances. It has an antidepressant effect, relieves irritability and aggressiveness, and improves performance. The product is suitable as an addition to the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases. "Anvifen"

The nootropic improves the condition of brain structures, relieves symptoms of VSD, increases memory and attention. Anxiolytic effect manifests itself in the form of a decrease in anxiety, tension and restlessness

The drug improves sleep quality.

What else can replace Afobazol:

  • “Adaptol” – eliminates anxiety, restlessness, irritability;
  • “Persen” is a herbal preparation that has a calming and antispasmodic effect;
  • “Novo-Passit” is a herbal remedy from the group of sleeping pills and sedatives;
  • “Grandaxin” is a daytime anxiolytic, relieves anxiety and stimulates the central nervous system, improves the condition of VSD.

Russian analogues of the drug

The pharmacological market offers patients Russian-made Afobazole analogs and substitutes, which cost much less, but are not inferior in quality to foreign-made drugs.


A vasoactive nootropic drug that is prescribed for disorders of blood flow in brain cells. The medication increases the functioning of brain cells, physical and intellectual activity, reduces mental asthenia, the intensity of headaches and dizziness.

Mechanism of action of Divaza

Taking the medication reduces irritability, feelings of fear and anxiety, apathy and depression. Can be prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to children over 12 years of age. It does not cause negative effects and can be combined in therapy with almost all drugs.


A nootropic drug that acts on GABA receptors, reducing the transmission of impulses throughout the central nervous system. The Afobazole analogue has the following effects on the body:

  • antiplatelet;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antioxidant;
  • tranquilizing.

Properties of the drug

The drug improves blood microcirculation in the brain, lowers blood pressure, shortens the severity and duration of nystagmus, and prevents the development of hypoxia in brain cells. The drug is prescribed for the prevention of psychoneurological disorders, as well as ischemic attacks and stroke.


The active component in the medicine is mebicar. Broad-spectrum medication. Affects the neurons of the hypothalamus and the functions of parts of the brain. Medicine is prescribed for changes in the psycho-emotional balance that arise as a result of increased nervous tension and heavy physical exertion.

The medication also has a positive effect on the body:

  • restores electrolyte imbalance in the blood;
  • normalizes potassium concentration in plasma, cardiomyocytes and erythrocyte molecules;
  • prevents the development of hypoxia in cardiomyocytes;
  • enhances protein synthesis and increases the body's energy potential;
  • restores sleep quality;
  • facilitates nicotine and alcohol withdrawal.

Does Afobazol affect male potency?

The nerve conduction of brain synapses improves after the onset of the action of fabomotizole, which in turn more efficiently and quickly transmits the signal of sexual arousal to the brain centers from receptors concentrated in the area of ​​the male penis. That is, we can conclude that Afobazole is useful for potency. You can also remember that Afobazole eliminates anxiety, which is beneficial for sexual intercourse.

Effective and affordable substitutes for Afobazole

Modern human life is full of health hazards such as stress. To successfully combat them, pharmaceutical companies have launched the production of many medications with calming properties. One of them is Afobazole from a domestic manufacturer. His competence includes the fight against nervous and mental disorders. You can find this product in any pharmacy store. The price is significantly high for a number of patients. If it is not financially possible to purchase this sedative, you can consider its closest analogue substitutes, which have a lower price tag.


What do patients say about the drugs?


“A minor effect appeared only after 2 weeks of use.”

Arthrosis of the cervical vertebrae

“The drug is very good. It copes well with irritability, normalizes nighttime sleep and does not cause daytime sleepiness.”

“Only after taking it for two weeks did a weak effect begin to appear. The medicine is well tolerated. You will have to wait a very long time for calm, so I do not recommend the drug. There are much better means."


“I think that all homeopathy is a dummy. I tried a lot of these remedies, but I didn’t notice any results.”

“I gave Tenoten to a child. The son disobeyed at school and argued with classmates and teachers. After treatment with this remedy, I became much calmer and my academic performance improved.”

Reviews from neurologists


“There is no point in taking Afobazol as a separate remedy. The effect can only occur in combination with other sedatives.”

“In combination with anticonvulsants, their dosage is reduced.”

“The main drawback is that it takes too long to get any effect.”

General features of drugs

Another feature is the identical indications for use, but some of them are more aimed at improving sleep, others at eliminating anxiety.
It is understood that in some drugs the predominant action is not anti-anxiety, but hypnotic. All anxiolytics are contraindicated during pregnancy. Exclusively herbal preparations are prescribed to pregnant women, but not in the first trimester and only under the careful supervision of the attending physician, ideally in a hospital setting. An example of such a drug is Mebicar, which is approved for use by pregnant women from the second trimester.

The presented and other anti-anxiety drugs can pass into breast milk, therefore, during breastfeeding, treatment is not prescribed or the issue of transferring the child to artificial feeding is considered.

All anti-anxiety drugs cause side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and lethargy. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid potentially hazardous activities during drug therapy, including driving.

Disadvantages of Substitutes

Despite the fairly high degree of similarity of these drugs with Afobazole, they have a number of disadvantages over it. Afobazole contains fabomotizole hydrochloride as an active ingredient; drugs on this basis are not synthesized in the country, therefore there are no analogues of Afobazole produced in Russia.

This is a disadvantage because patients are often allergic to benzodiazepine derivatives. It is on the basis of benzodiazepine derivatives that most anxiolytic drugs are produced.

In addition, drugs based on this type can be addictive. The duration of treatment is not always the determining factor, and in some cases drug dependence develops even with short-term treatment. Addiction is manifested by a number of symptoms: irritability, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, aggression.


An anxiolytic drug, a fairly cheap analogue of the drug Afobazol, produced in tablet form.

Grandaxin is indicated if the patient has:

  • alcohol withdrawal;
  • autonomic nervous system disorders;
  • increased emotionality;
  • apathetic state;
  • anxiety;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • frustration;
  • cardialgia;
  • depressive states;
  • mental maladjustment;
  • menopause;
  • myopathy;
  • atrophic muscle conditions;
  • myasthenia gravis.

The analogue is contraindicated in:

  • respiratory failure;
  • increased psychomotor agitation;
  • deep depression;
  • patient aggressiveness;
  • lactase deficiency (congenital);
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • excessive sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Possible side effects:

  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of dry mouth;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bloating;
  • sleep disorders;
  • migraines of various etiologies;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • overstrain of muscle tissue;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • severe itching;
  • rashes on the skin.

If the patient is elderly or has renal or liver failure, the drug should be taken with caution

Contraindications for Afobazol

Contraindications for Afobazole are:

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to the active substance or any of the auxiliary components of the drug;
  • galactosemia (galactose intolerance);
  • monosaccharide intolerance (glucose-galactose malabsorption);
  • lactase deficiency (lactase deficiency).

The drug is also contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age , women during pregnancy and women who are breastfeeding .


What is better than Afobazole in terms of cost? Phenibut, the cheapest analogue of Afobazole. Its minimum price in pharmacies today starts from 47 rubles. The drug is available in tablet form.

A cheap analogue is a nootropic medicine that affects blood circulation in the brain and normalizes tissue metabolism. Tranquilizer, has a psychostimulating effect. It has a beneficial effect on sleep, normalizing it, removing feelings of anxiety and fear, and improving mental activity.

An analogue is indicated for complaints of:

  • state of anxiety;
  • causeless fear;
  • state of frustration;
  • psychopathy;
  • various types of neuroses;
  • enuresis in childhood;
  • childhood stuttering;
  • nervous tics in a child;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the occurrence of nightmares in old age;
  • glaucoma;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • dizziness and migraines;
  • alcohol syndrome.

Phenibut may be prescribed as a means to prevent anxiety before surgery.


  • kidney dysfunction;
  • erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug.

According to reviews, the following side effects may occur:

  • at the initial stage of taking the medicine - nausea;
  • overexcitement;
  • feeling drowsy;
  • excessive irritation;
  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • skin itching, rashes.


Active substance:




Average price in pharmacies

NameManufactureraverage price
Afobazol 0.01 n60 tabletPHARMSTANDARD396.00

Analogs for the active substance:

No data on synonyms

Application area:

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Withdrawal syndrome

Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism

Withdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking


Alcohol withdrawal


Alcohol withdrawal

Alcohol withdrawal state

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Generalized anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorders

Yuppie flu

Delirious state in alcoholism and drug addiction

Correction of daily biorhythm

Adaptation disorder

Adaptation disorders

Neurasthenic disorders

Neurasthenic conditions

Neurasthenic syndrome

Nicotine withdrawal

Normalization of biological rhythms

Post-withdrawal disorder

Post-withdrawal state

Hangover syndrome

Adjustment disorders

Adjustment disorder

Mental adjustment disorder

Withdrawal syndrome

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Situational insomnia

Situational sleep disorders

Withdrawal state

Anxious reaction

Anxiety neurosis

Phobic neurosis

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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