Calming tablets Afobazol - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Evgenia I decided to quit smoking, I read that you need to start a week before quitting

In the modern world, there are few people who have not encountered stress and the resulting state of anxiety, worry and fear. People with a strong psyche are able to overcome anxiety syndrome and emerge victorious from this state. But there is also another category of people who, against the backdrop of regular psychological stress, need outside help. Pharmacists have created many medicines, the use of which helps a person “stay afloat”. One of the widely advertised drugs that will be discussed in the article is Afobazole.

How does Afobazol work?

Many people have experienced the effects of tranquilizers produced in the past. Taking them often resulted in side effects in the form of lethargy and indifference to everything. In addition, many developed drug dependence, and their condition worsened significantly when the drug was discontinued.

“Afobazol” has side effects, reviews confirm this, of course. But it does not have the disadvantages listed above. It has no effect on the state of the nervous system. In addition, the speed of reactions remains at the same level, emotions are not dulled, mental and physical performance remains within normal limits.

It is important for patients that withdrawal syndrome does not occur. Therefore, you can complete the course of treatment at any time, and craving for medication does not bother you. However, experts still strongly advise not to suddenly stop taking Afobazol. Side effects, reviews indicate, occur much more often than with a gradual reduction in dosage. Therefore, if a person regularly takes the pills, then therapy can be completed within a few days.

Why do dystonics love this drug?

By taking Afobazol for PA, the VSD student receives the following bonuses:

  1. The general physical condition improves, tearfulness stops, moral uplift and a desire to do something are felt.
  2. Concern about one's health becomes dulled; instead, the patient switches his thoughts to an adequate wave.
  3. Sleep improves and it becomes easier for the patient to fall asleep.
  4. The nerves relax, while the body remains in proper tone, and the person does not feel any drowsiness or depression.
  5. Dizziness recedes, the patient is no longer so prone to panic, which means he is not at risk of hyperventilation of the lungs and hypertonicity of the blood vessels. Hands and feet become warmer, abdominal muscles relax.

Of course, Afobazol will not remove from the depths of the psyche childhood traumas and phobias, which are the true culprits of panic attacks. The medicine only helps the patient heroically overcome the terrible symptoms of VSD, but does not cut the disease in the bud.

Therefore, only you can decide whether it is worth suppressing panic with pills, or whether it is better to turn to a psychotherapist who, unlike pills and drops, is able to remove your stone from the bottom of your soul.

"Afobazol": instructions, side effects, reviews

It is known that the drug is a product of modern pharmacology, therefore it is devoid of many side effects. In addition, experts often prescribe the drug to people with certain diseases, due to the fact that it has a small number of contraindications. Thanks to this, the product can be purchased without a prescription at almost any pharmacy.

It is known that the active substance of the drug does not affect benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, but affects the receptors responsible for:

  • emotions;
  • memory;
  • fine motor skills;
  • sensory

Therefore, judging by the reviews of patients, taking the drug can improve their condition due to its strong anti-anxiety effect and simultaneous activation of nervous processes. As medical studies show, Afobazol improves the potential of brain cells and even protects neurons, performing a neuroprotective function. In many cases, the sedative effect is quite weak, patients feel drowsiness only if they repeatedly exceed the recommended dosage.

General information about the drug

Afobazole is an anxiolytic drug that has long proven itself in Russia. The composition contains the active component - fabomotizol, which has a complex chemical structure.

The pharmacological action is associated with the impact on the subcortical centers of emotions, mood and experiences. The mechanism is realized by stabilizing receptors and restoring their sensitivity to specific mediators responsible for inhibition.

For depression, Afobazole will help reduce tension, anxiety and accompanying autonomic disorders and somatic disorders. The medicine improves cognitive functions, stabilizes memory and thinking function.

Afobazole has a short half-life from the body, there is an accumulation effect, the maximum severity of action is determined 10 days after taking the first tablet.

Affirmative Action

Of course, Afobazol may have side effects. Reviews, however, confirm that there are many more positive aspects from taking it. As a result of therapy, you can notice the following improvements in your condition:

  • normalization of sleep, and drowsiness is not observed during the daytime;
  • disappearance of fear and constant state of anxiety;
  • relieving psychological stress and nervous discomfort.

There is also a decrease in physiological disorders such as:

  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • dry mouth.

In addition, attention and memory are restored. But it is worth remembering that Afobazol can have a completely different effect on people with an asthenic type of nervous system. The instructions highlight the following side effects in this case:

  • diffidence;
  • vulnerability;
  • suspiciousness;
  • tendency to stress reactions;
  • emotional lability.

In this case, an individual prescription and dosage calculation by a specialist is required.

Symptoms and signs

Afobazole is a drug whose action suppresses the manifestations of stress, namely anxiety, tension, as well as autonomic and somatic disorders. Available in the form of tablets in cardboard packaging.

Each pack contains 60 pcs. The main active ingredient is fabomotizol, the dosage per tablet is 5 mg. According to the instructions, the product improves and stimulates the functioning of the central nervous system. The drug has virtually no contraindications, and withdrawal syndrome develops extremely rarely.

If, after discontinuation of the drug, withdrawal syndrome still develops, its clinical manifestations are classified into major and minor.

“Minor” clinical manifestations begin to appear 12-16 hours after the last dose. Observed:

  • irritability;
  • vulnerability;
  • excessive emotionality;
  • the appearance of problems with sleep, falling asleep or drowsiness;
  • the appearance of nightmares, shudders;
  • increased level of sweating;
  • lethargy;
  • the appearance of pain in the joints;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • flatulence;
  • the appearance of hand tremors;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • tachycardia;
  • rapid breathing.

“Major” clinical manifestations are manifested by convulsive attacks and psychoses. They are observed on days 3-6 in individuals who took the drug in large doses for longer than 6 months and suddenly stopped treatment.


  • anxiety;
  • tension;
  • emotional instability;
  • auditory hallucinations;
  • somatoneurological, mental disorders;
  • increased level of fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • hypotension;
  • increased body temperature;
  • arrhythmia;
  • the appearance of pain in the heart area;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the head area;
  • paresthesias;
  • chills that alternate with hot flashes;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

In severe cases, the development of convulsive seizures, impaired consciousness, and paranoid psychoses is possible.

Medical indications

The drug, according to the official instructions, can be used for the following symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • general anxiety disorder;
  • adaptation disorder;
  • neurasthenia;
  • withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of nicotine addiction;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism.

Quite often, specialists prescribe medication to relieve fear, depression and anxiety in the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • oncological diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cardiac ischemia.

The greatest effect from taking the medication is noticeable in patients with a history of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a prescription.

Does it help?

A distinctive feature of Afobazole is its effect on certain areas of the brain.

This nuance allows not only to eliminate the symptoms of a panic attack, but also to influence the pathology that provoked them.

An exception is panic attacks provoked by vegetative-vascular dystonia , cardiac problems or endocrine disorders.

In these cases, Afobazol will help normalize the psycho-emotional state, but the therapeutic effect will not extend to the underlying disease.

Features of the drug:

  1. Afobazole is used for the course treatment of panic attacks (the duration of therapy depends on the individual clinical picture of the patient’s health and psyche).
  2. Using the drug as a means of relieving a panic attack will not lead to the expected result (the tablets begin to act within thirty minutes, and the duration of a panic attack in most cases does not exceed fifteen or twenty minutes).

Contraindications for use

Afobazol has contraindications and side effects. Reviews eloquently show that, despite the warnings described in the instructions, the drug acts quite gently. Therefore, usually no unpleasant symptoms occur. However, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 18 years.

Thus, the side effects of Afobazole in women, reviews confirm this, are usually no different from their manifestations in men. But due to the fact that the active ingredient penetrates into milk and is able to pass through the placental barrier, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and lactation.

How to use

"Afobazol" is a tablet. The optimal dosage is three pieces per day. One pill contains 10 mg of active substance. In some cases, the dosage is increased to six tablets or 60 mg of the active ingredient.

The course of treatment is usually individual, but should not last more than four weeks. If it is necessary to repeat therapy, it is important to take a break of at least 21 days.

Judging by the reviews of patients, it is not immediately possible to feel the effect of taking the drug. Its action is prolonged, that is, the active component accumulates in the body and after a certain period of time begins its work. It often takes a week to feel improvement.

Use of the drug during panic attacks

The medicine should be used according to the attached instructions.

For a sluggish course of the disease, take 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals with a small amount of water.

For increased anxiety, increased nervous tension, and also when obsessive thoughts arise, prescribe 2 tablets 3 times a day.

It is not recommended to chew or crush the tablets while taking them.

Continue using the drug for 1-2 months, depending on the frequency of attacks. Then they take a break for 4-6 weeks and repeat the course.

If there is no positive effect, or if you want to increase the time you take the pills, you should consult your doctor.

Patient reviews of effectiveness

There are side effects of Afobazole in women. Negative reviews from this category of patients appear only due to the fact that they use sedatives much more often. Often there are a wide variety of responses on the Internet. Some people claim that there are no side effects and the drug helps well. Great for helping get rid of anxiety.

But there are those patients who note improvement only in mild disorders and depressive states. If a person has a more severe form of nervous and mental illness, then the medication is not effective.

Therapeutic fasting as a way to combat the syndrome

With the help of therapeutic fasting, it is possible to reduce the intensity of the pathological manifestations of withdrawal syndrome, in addition, an improvement in the functioning of all organs and systems is observed.

After 2-4 days, the organs of the herbal tract begin to work better, and by 5-6 days the increased craving for food disappears (this is due to the suppression of the production of hydrochloric acid). As a result, the craving for selective anxiolytics disappears.

Therapeutic fasting consists of balanced periods of fasting and subsequent recovery, during which time various cleansing procedures are carried out. Their main goal is to remove toxic breakdown products of the drug from the body cavity.

Most doctors are inclined to believe that fasting is an alternative in modern medical practice.

The effect of therapeutic fasting is based on the disposal of decay products, unnecessary tissues, pathological structures accumulated in the body, as well as drug residues.

During this time, a period of fasting passes, and then a period of recovery, but only subject to the rules of rational nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. During this period of time, the body restores the structure of organs and tissues.

In addition, therapeutic fasting has a positive effect on memory, the functioning of the nervous system, improves performance, and promotes rejuvenation.

With the help of such treatment, it is possible to prevent the development of conditions such as disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, blood clotting disorders, when vascular bleeding increases and the risk of blood clots.

Be attentive to your health; taking medications, as well as stopping treatment, is recommended only as directed by a doctor. This way you will be able to get results from therapy and avoid the development of side effects and unwanted reactions. According to the instructions, Afobazole does not cause withdrawal symptoms; such cases can only be observed in extreme cases.

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