The meaning of the word "Reasoner"

In the dictionary Dictionary of foreign words

a, m., shower.

1. A person who likes to conduct long discussions of a moralizing nature. Reasoning is a tendency to reasoning of this kind. Reasoner - characterizing the behavior of a reasoner.

2. A character in a play or novel, usually expressing the author’s attitude towards the events described. | In the literature of the 17th and 18th centuries, especially comedies, p. - an almost indispensable character who does not take an active part in the action and is called upon to admonish or denounce other heroes, expressing moralizing judgments from the author’s position.

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Reasons for reasoning

The causes of this disease can be both some mental pathologies and disorders in the right and anterior parts of the left hemisphere of the brain.

Certain personality disorders, such as hysterical (thirst for recognition) and schizoid (secretive, withdrawn and detached from reality) can also cause reasoning.

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Types of reasoning for various mental pathologies

Reasoning is a disorder of mental activity, expressed in a tendency to complex, intricate reasoning that does not lead to a specific goal. Persons suffering from this disorder are eloquent and verbose, but operate with concepts superficially, turning to the direct lexical meaning of words, not paying attention to the nuances of their use and the meaning of the story. The reasoner does not need to be heard and understood; he speaks solely for the sake of the speaking process.

The tendency to reason often becomes a companion to such psychiatric diseases and disorders as:

  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia;
  • oligophrenia;
  • schizoid personality disorder;
  • hysterical personality disorder.

According to research by T.I. Tepenitsyn, reasoning is a disorder not only of thinking, but also of the personality as a whole, and its occurrence is due to:

  • affective thinking;
  • the desire to bring everyday circumstances under some kind of “idea”.

Often, a reasoner can be distinguished not even based on the characteristics of his speech, but simply by intonation: everything is said pathetically, with a special meaning, significantly. In psychiatry, to diagnose this disorder, one is asked to explain a proverb, saying or catchphrase. Patients can bring Newton’s law to the proverb about the apple and the apple tree, or the idea of ​​the unity of form and content to the saying “not all that is gold...”.

In patients with reasoning, there are no violations of the immediate mental or logical sphere. This syndrome is caused by changes in the personal and motivational sphere. Such patients are characterized by an increased need to express their personal qualities and self-affirmation.

Reasoning thinking can also occur in people without obvious signs of mental illness, if they have characteristic personality traits. In mental illnesses, the picture of personality characteristics is aggravated by disturbances in thinking, distortion of the value system and affective inadequacy of the patient.

Types of pathology

Modern medicine distinguishes 3 types.


Classic (schizophrenic) - the patient is trying to TELL THE WORLD something! At the same time, there is a fixation on minor details, about which the patient begins to pour out abstract judgments.

At the same time, it is characterized by special vocabulary and pathos, the pose of the speaker and the described small themes in the content of his speech, which is essentially a monologue.

During examinations, they are determined by the example of revealing the meaning of proverbs. Examples of this type of reasoning:

The doctor invites the patients to explain the meaning of the proverb “all that glitters is not gold” - the patient initially answers standardly: “The meaning is that one must pay attention to the inner content of a person, and not to his appearance,” but after thinking he adds (as in the old joke ): “But from the point of view of dialectics (banal erudition), this is not correct, since there is a concept of unity of form and content, and based on this, you need to pay attention to appearance.”

Reasoning can also manifest itself in people with a normal psyche in difficult emotional situations, such as an exam, and in most cases it occurs arbitrarily; in pathology, the patient engages in reasoning, regardless of the complexity of the topic of reasoning.

Epileptic appearance

Epileptic - more similar to the reasoning of a normal person than to the classical one, it arises in the process of communication and is characterized by a compensatory nature, but at the same time it is distinguished by a special coloring of the statement - moralizing and moralizing.


Organic - has the greatest similarity with healthy reasoning, statements are addressed to the interlocutor and arises with various difficulties in conversation.

A characteristic feature is commentary speech when performing certain stages of the program and manifests itself in the form of loud speech.

“Seguin Boards” are usually used (boards with recesses for various figures and components of figures). The cause is diseases affecting the right hemisphere and the anterior parts of the left.

Classification of reasoning

  • special pathos;
  • intonation during “small talk” in the context of a monologue;
  • speaker's position (claims);
  • evaluative vocabulary;
  • increased attention to non-existent topics;
  • verbal and emotional turns.

The disorder of the organic type is similar to the phenomenon in healthy people, since the verbal turns are intended for the interlocutor and the tendency to discuss manifests itself in difficult situations. A characteristic feature of organic reasoning is commentary speech, expressed in the form of loud speech.

It can manifest itself during sleep and is observed with damage to brain tissue, mental retardation. The organic type is the mildest variant of the pathology, but this type of reasoning is still unpleasant for others and uncontrollable. In the patient's speech one can hear notes of moralizing and elements of inappropriate pathos.

With the epileptic type of reasoning, the patient has a tendency to reasoning on moral topics, moralizing, and emotionally vivid statements. Just like the organic type, the epileptic type is similar to the reasoning of healthy people, manifests itself during dialogue and reveals a compensatory character. This type of disease develops with epilepsy. In this case, the speaker tries to be heard, but the speech remains too pretentious.

In psychology, there are the following types of reasoning, differing in the most attractive topics and features of speech:

  1. 1. Pedantic. Patients think in “patterns”, expressing their position in conversation pathetically, there is no humor or flat jokes are observed. They lack a sense of tact, but they have contacts with others, their judgments are pathetic.
  2. 2. Artsy. The patient expresses himself subtly and aesthetically, with characteristic mannerisms and autistic judgments.
  3. 3. Mannered and resonant. The individual’s thinking is characterized by irrationality and stereotyping, and there is a tendency to discuss the formal side of the problem. The reasoning does not contain rational aspects.

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Such patients are extremely verbose and tend to use complex verbal structures and intricate logical chains. As a result, the goal of reasoning becomes the reasoning itself, and not the answer to the question asked or the solution to the problem.


Reasoning is also called a verbal tumor. How do you even know that a person has this disorder? His speech is filled with overly pretentious and complex expressions, very abstract phrases, terms the interpretation of which the speaker himself does not understand, as well as various concepts that are not appropriate in a particular case.

Perhaps these are the most recognizable signs. A reasoner is a person who is not interested in the final thought. He enjoys the direct process of presenting his ideas. Although the thoughts he expresses are difficult to call this concept. After all, an idea is something concrete, a prototype that exists in the human mind. The reasoner doesn’t have this, he just has a stream of words that are not related to each other in meaning.

Reasoning is a “tendency to fruitless philosophizing,” a “verbal tumor” (I. P. Pavlov). The reasoner uses complex expressions, foreign words, neologisms to explain simple things[1]. Speech is replete with complex logical constructions, fanciful abstract concepts, and terms that are often used without understanding their true meaning.

If a patient with thoroughness strives to answer the doctor’s question as fully as possible, then for patients with reasoning it does not matter whether their interlocutor understood or not. They are interested in the process of thinking itself, and not the final thought. Thinking becomes amorphous, devoid of clear content. When discussing simple everyday issues, patients find it difficult to accurately formulate the subject of the conversation, express themselves in florid ways, and consider problems from the point of view of the most abstract sciences (philosophy, ethics, cosmology).

Reasoning is a “tendency to fruitless philosophizing,” a “verbal tumor” (I. P. Pavlov). The reasoner uses complex expressions, foreign words, neologisms to explain simple things[1]. Speech is replete with complex logical constructions, fanciful abstract concepts, and terms that are often used without understanding their true meaning.

If a patient with thoroughness strives to answer the doctor’s question as fully as possible, then for patients with reasoning it does not matter whether their interlocutor understood or not. They are interested in the process of thinking itself, and not the final thought. Thinking becomes amorphous, devoid of clear content. When discussing simple everyday issues, patients find it difficult to accurately formulate the subject of the conversation, express themselves in florid ways, and consider problems from the point of view of the most abstract sciences (philosophy, ethics, cosmology).

How is it diagnosed?

Reasoning thinking is diagnosed according to three groups of signs:

  • pace of thinking;
  • mobility of the thought process;
  • structure of speech.

The pace of thinking of people with reasoning may be different. It could be:

  1. Slowing down and thinking for a long time, during which the ability to make a decision is lost.
  2. Acceleration. A person has a very fast decision-making process. Ideas are formed at lightning speed. Too much rapid thinking is characteristic of manic states.
  3. Sperrung. A person’s flow of ideas suddenly stops. The thought stops and suddenly comes to a dead end.
  4. Mentism. Obsessive thoughts suddenly intrude in situations to which they have nothing to do.

The mobility of the thought process also reveals a reasoner in a person. His speech may include:

  1. The minor topics he details add non-existent details.
  2. Thoroughness. He systematically focuses attention on details and circumstances that have little or no relation to the main idea.
  3. Viscosity. This is a state when it is impossible to track the initial idea in the stream of thoughts and bring it to its logical conclusion, since the thoughts are already bogged down.

The structure of speech during reasoning thinking abounds:

  1. Speech stereotypes and cliches.
  2. Meaningless repetitions of the same words, sounds, endings (verbigeration).
  3. Incoherent chains, words, in no way comparable to each other.

Who is a reasoner: how does reasonerism of thinking manifest itself?

According to clinical psychiatry research, reasoning is a pathology of thinking caused under the influence of provoking factors. The cause of the disease may be mental illness and disorders in the anterior and right parts of the left hemisphere of the brain. Reasoning arises due to certain personality disorders, such as hysterical, histrionic (characterized by a thirst for recognition and fame), schizoid (patients divorced from reality, withdrawn and secretive).

The pathological process is also observed in people with characteristic personality characteristics, without signs of mental illness. If reasoning is accompanied by mental disorders, then this is manifested by affective inadequacy and distortion of the value system.

The disease occurs in the following diseases:

  • organic brain lesions;
  • schizophrenia;
  • epilepsy;
  • oligophrenia.

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Most often, the patient uses them incorrectly due to the fact that he is unfamiliar with the true meaning of the concepts.

The term denotes empty reasoning with a lack of purposefulness of the thought process and concrete ideas.

Patients with reasoning are not interested in whether their interlocutor understood or not, since they are captivated by the thinking process itself, and not by a specific thought or idea. Their thinking becomes somewhat amorphous with a lack of logic and content.

When talking about simple everyday topics, patients will not be able to even name the subject of the conversation; they often consider problems from the point of view of cosmology, ethics, philosophy, and express themselves in florid ways.

In most cases, lengthy philosophical discussions are intertwined with absurd hobbies.

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Causes of thinking disorders

The reasons for the appearance of reasoning may be disorders in the brain or mental disorders - schizoid or hysteroid.

The reason for the appearance of reasoning in people without mental disorders can be a difficult emotional situation. For example, an important exam. In healthy people this phenomenon is temporary. It will pass as soon as the stressful situation stabilizes.

In sick people, reasoning thoughts arise regardless of the situation or circumstances.

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