How to induce a trance state with hypnosis

Hypnosis - the powers of the mind

A series of actions in which the patient's consciousness is involved in order to put him into a state of trance is called hypnosis. Any command given by the owner of hypnosis to another patient is necessarily carried out if it does not contradict the will of the hypnotized person.

Can all orders be carried out in a trance? It turns out that not all. Some patients are born unable to follow instructions from loved ones and strangers. Their head, like a bad radio receiver, works only on one wavelength and does not perceive anything extraneous. The effect of training them is reduced to zero. The technique cannot be used for that category of patients who may provide counter psychological resistance.

Selection of methodology

There are several effective techniques that tell you how to put a person into a trance using hypnosis. Visualization is a powerful tool that requires concentration. This method of entering a trance requires special conditions - a calm environment, proper breathing (breathing exercises are used).

Another way is to provide a safe place (a type of visualization). It requires concentration not only of attention, but also the ability to distance yourself from the world around you. The third effective technique is based on rotating the eyes and holding the breath. The last technique is called multi-stage.

Visualization techniques

Anyone can put themselves into a trance. Self-hypnosis will help with this. Procedure for entering a borderline state:

  1. A person concentrates on internal sensations for several minutes, sitting with his eyes closed. It is necessary to feel every process occurring in the body. Passivity is the main condition for rapid relaxation.
  2. The individual needs to concentrate on breathing. To quickly enter a trance, special breathing exercises are used. Breathing should be uniform and deep. As you exhale, the man or woman becomes completely focused, and as you inhale, you relax again.
  3. The person imagines that his mind consists of several parts. The highest level is the active part (consciousness), and deep hypnotic sleep is at the lowest level.
  4. The person being hypnotized needs to move from one level to the second. You need to relax each time and then explore the level. You need to feel what is inherent in your personality. Knowing the level is a state of trance.

Time will pass unnoticed if the entrance to the border state has been completed correctly. To get out of this state, a person concentrates on inhaling. As the lungs fill with air, the personality carefully rises through the levels. When the turn reaches consciousness, the eyes open.

Eye rotation and breathing

Another practice for use at home. A man or woman should be calm. Starting position: lying or sitting. The person's head must have support, and during a trance it is better not to move. This technique is used for self-hypnosis: a man or woman closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of the body. The greatest relaxation occurs when you exhale.

After preparation, the eyes open - you need to sharply look up and hold your breath. After 5-7 seconds. the eyes slowly lower and relax. The eyelids close. The person inhales, then exhales and stays in this position for 5 seconds. As you inhale, your eyelids lift again. The gaze is directed to the ceiling and the breath is held again for 5-6 seconds.

The eyes close - the person concentrates all his attention on breathing. The body slowly relaxes. It is necessary to listen to the body, feel every movement, tingling, trembling. With relaxation comes freedom from unnecessary thoughts: trance eliminates empty, distracting thoughts.

Relaxation lasts for at least 15–20 minutes, after which, to get out of this state, you need to concentrate on exhaling. Gradually the person returns to a conscious state.

Multi-stage technique

The 4-step technique is more complex. It is used to independently enter a borderline state. Stages of going into trance:

  1. The person takes a comfortable position (lying down), it is better to lie on the floor or any hard surface. In this position, you need to monitor your breathing. It should be smooth, slow. While inhaling, the following sounds are pronounced: “So-o-o-o,” and when exhaling, “Hum-mm.” The sounds are repeated until breathing becomes natural and does not have to be monitored. At this stage, unnecessary thoughts and worries should disappear.
  2. The person needs to completely get rid of movements in the second stage. With the effort of the mind, you need to stop each one so that the body plunges into absolute peace. Relaxation begins with the facial muscles and gradually reaches the fingertips. When the muscles and muscles relax, say the words to yourself: “My body is relaxing, my eyelids are getting heavier.” Thoughts of relaxation should be repeated until the body becomes sluggish, almost immobile. The entire relaxation cycle is repeated at least 4 times.
  3. As a person, after the body is completely relaxed and the mind stops generating new distracting thoughts, you need to say the words of the mantra: “Om.” It is repeated 14 times. When the syllable interrupts all thoughts, the person moves on to the final stage of trance.
  4. The mantra is repeated at the last stage. New images should appear in your head - the rays of the sun or the solar circle. This visualization is not easy for everyone the first time, but over time the image will become clearer and clearer.

In a state of absolute trance, you can imagine any image, desire, thing - all this will take root in the subconscious. One way or another, a person will be able to get what he wants soon. To break out of trance, you need to focus on your own breathing.

Hypnosis for life

Patients who are immersed in a trance state can be cured of the following diseases and bad habits, such as: smoking, speech impediments, nervous tics. Learning other languages ​​through trance is a new technique. Today, science is on the verge of using trance instead of traditional anesthesia during operations. The fact is that a patient put into a trance does not feel pain. This quality of the technique is suitable for many people for whom anesthesia is contraindicated. As a method that combines therapy and self-discovery, hypnosis shows people that not all of the brain's resources have been explored. Mental hypnosis demonstrates the patient's limitless capabilities.

How to end a session

It is important to end your hypnotherapy session correctly. It is forbidden to abruptly remove a person immersed in a trance or to interrupt the moment of relaxation. Many hypnotists use a count from 10 to 1 for this. You need to give the instruction: “Now I will count to one, and you will begin to wake up!” You will feel invigorated and energetic!”

After your session, be sure to talk to your partner about how they felt. This will give you the opportunity to understand your weak points in order to improve your hypnosis technique in the future.

What happens during hypnosis

While putting the patient into trance:

  1. The work of the left hemisphere of the head, which is responsible for logic and accumulated experience of knowledge, is completely disabled.
  2. Only the right hemisphere operates, which cannot control or analyze anything.

Conclusion: during trance, only the right half of the cerebral hemisphere is active in people. People, while in a trance, can see their past, even their distant lives. Sometimes people manage to travel back to past centuries and see the cause of their fears or pain. Having dealt with the cause, the pain goes away without treatment or visiting doctors.

An example of this is that if a patient was wounded in the thigh in a past life, then in this century he experiences pain for no reason. Having seen the battle and his own injury using the regressive method, the patient understands that this is phantom pain and instantly recovers. Thus, during life, the patient’s brain is given a command that for this century he has no injury - he is healthy. There are quite a lot of such phantom patients; they require a regressive approach.

Hypnosis to improve memory

You can improve your memory with the help of technology. There are often complaints from students and schoolchildren about lack of memory. Learning material by heart is difficult; some details of the material being studied are gradually forgotten. Learning hypnosis will help improve your memory. There are special systems that help you remember facts, faces, and numbers. All this helps improve learning in schools, higher education institutions, and special training centers.

With the help of trance, the volume of memorization of foreign words when learning any language increases dramatically. Don't think that after a hypnosis session you will come out with incredible abilities. This can't be true. Strong hypnosis for good study creates motivation or incentive to study. After all, any action must be subordinated to a goal.

How to learn hypnosis techniques

You will be able to master hypnosis at home by independently performing various techniques. Nobody succeeds instantly.

Important information for those who decide to use the trance state:

  1. When introducing a patient into a trance state, be aware that this is dangerous. If the trance is brought out incorrectly, the patient’s psyche is disrupted.
  2. Learn the subject: the theory of hypnotherapy. You should be aware of the dangers and benefits of hypnosis.
  3. Not all people have the ability to hypnotize; there is an innate talent for this.
  4. The main qualities when conducting a session: attentiveness, concentration and self-confidence.
  5. A patient who wants to practice hypnosis should not smoke, drink coffee, drink alcohol or use drugs.

You can master the technique at home using special exercises. During training, you can seek advice from psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Using special exercises, you can develop a hypnotic gaze.

To do this you need:

  • look in the mirror at your reflection, while selecting one point (for example, the right eye - the pupil);
  • there should be no extraneous thoughts;
  • mentally give the order to your assistant: “Get up and leave the room,” if he does this, the hypnotic method has worked.

How to train with the help of a second person

To learn, do the following:

  1. The second assistant should lie on the couch. Position yourself above him, carefully look at him eye to eye.
  2. Maintain complete silence. Remove pets from the premises in advance.
  3. The first experience will last a long time, this is due to the subconscious resistance of the patient being tested.
  4. If your assistant falls asleep, relaxes or falls into a trance, then this is your success.

Performing such a simple exercise teaches you how to use the hypnotic method. If successful, you will have to master complex training.

It is possible to use some objects that help immerse people in a relaxed state:

  • the presence of a special pendulum (any object on a rope), with the help of monotonous oscillations, immersing the patient looking at this object into a trance;
  • the use of a drawn circle fixed in such a place as to focus the eye at its center. The subject imagines rays coming out of the eyes and closing in a circle.

Preliminarily agree with your assistant that he will come out of a relaxed state as soon as he hears a clap.

Technology of putting a person into hypnosis

Hypnotizing a person with his consent is quite simple. After all, at its core, hypnosis is a psychological phenomenon when the hypnotist’s instructions directly affect consciousness, but only if a person believes in their power. So, you will be able to get the result after following all the instructions given here, even if you have no experience in the matter.


To practice the skill, you need to find a person who will voluntarily agree to hypnosis. Otherwise, you risk failure. Your partner must agree to follow all instructions and must not have a mental disorder. Otherwise, the consequences of hypnosis can be dangerous both for others and for you and your assistant.

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Find a quiet and cozy room with a homely atmosphere. The room must have dim lighting; it is best to completely isolate the space from natural light and light candles. Clear the room of strangers, close the windows and doors, warn your household not to disturb you until you give your permission.

Next, you should inform your partner how hypnosis generally works and what it can lead to. Explain that you are going to practice the usual relaxation technique on him (a novice hypnotist really will not be able to do anything more). Explain that during a hypnosis session the person will not fall into unconsciousness.

You should find out why your partner agreed to hypnosis. Remind him of the benefits of the procedure: it relieves acute stress, relieves obsessive and anxious thoughts and, according to some studies, even strengthens the immune system. When contact with the person is finally established, you can begin to induce trance.

Introducing consciousness into trance

You need to speak slowly, in an even tone. The most appropriate phrases would be: “Allow yourself to relax as much as possible, because you are safe and at peace”, “Your eyelids become heavy and close, your muscles smoothly relax, and you are immersed in peace”, “You are in complete control of what is happening and accept only what is permitted instructions."

When it becomes obvious that your partner has completely relaxed, you need to ask him to focus on the rhythm of his breathing. It should be as smooth as possible. Give precise and unambiguous advice: “Take a deep breath, and then slowly inhale to empty your lungs.” Proper breathing makes it easier to free the mind from unnecessary and disturbing thoughts.

Next, you need to focus a person’s vision on a specific object. Ask him to look at you (in this case, do not move) or at the pendulum of a clock (this technique is often demonstrated in cinema), at a poster on the wall, or generally at anything static or evenly swinging.

Afterwards you need to complete relaxation of the body. In a calm and even tone, say something like: “Relax your legs, their muscles are relaxed and light, you don’t need to waste strength to hold them.” Encourage the person to gradually relax with gentle, encouraging phrases. If it doesn’t work, concentrate his attention on breathing and relaxation.

To correctly assess the subject's condition, watch his body language. Anxiety or the wrong effect of hypnosis will be indicated by shifting eyes, tapping fingers, soothing rocking, as well as the rhythm of breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be measured and long. Don't stop until the person completely relaxes or asks you to stop.

Tell your partner to imagine themselves at the top of the stairs and encourage them to slowly descend. At the bottom of the stairs is complete relaxation and its subconscious. As you descend, talk to the person: “Each step is a step towards the subconscious, with each step you become calmer, and your body will be filled with bliss.”

Coming out of hypnosis

Then the person should be brought out of the trance state. Tell your partner that he is slowly returning to reality, and will finally gain control of his consciousness when you finish counting from five to zero: “Now I will count from five to zero, and you will return full of energy and strength.”

Next, you should discuss the session with your partner and analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of hypnosis. Interview the person in detail about his impressions and emotions from immersion in consciousness. But if a person is not ready to talk, one should not insist. He probably needs some time to be quiet and achieve peace of mind.

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