Why sleepwalking occurs in teenagers and how to treat it

Sleepwalking in a child: a few facts

According to sleep researchers, sleepwalking is associated with deep phase sleep . Sleep in this phase is as deep as possible, and the sleeper simply does not control his body. The reins of power in this case are given to the subconscious, when all actions and movements are performed automatically by a person. Well, the conscious part of the brain is very inactive in the slow phase of sleep.

Children and adolescents in a state of sleepwalking do not control their movements. At the same time, on autopilot they can perform actions quite complex for an unconscious state. For example, get dressed and go out for a walk. Such manifestations of somnambulism are already dangerous to life and health .

Sleep talking in children is also associated with sleepwalking. The child can answer questions quite clearly, maintaining a dialogue with his parents. Nevertheless, everything heard and said will not be deposited in his memory.

The open eyes of a child during night walks do not mean that the child sees and understands everything.

Most often, a child begins to walk in his sleep at the age of 4. At this age, you need to monitor how your child spends his nights. If there is suspicious behavior at night, you should take your child to the doctor.

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Sleepwalking in adolescents stops by the age of 12-15 - at the height of puberty. Some people experience somnambulism even at 17-18 years of age. However, this is rarely observed.

An episode of sleepwalking lasts 15-60 minutes. On average, its duration is no more than 30 minutes.

As the depth of sleep increases, the likelihood of sleepwalking increases. Therefore, most cases of sleepwalking occur at 1-2 am, after the 2nd or 3rd phase of slow-wave sleep.

Diagnostic principles

Not all adults want to turn to doctors for help, believing that the disorder will go away with time.
Indeed, for most guys, sleepwalking is not associated with the presence of serious pathologies. But to be on the safe side, it is better to visit a specialist and undergo an examination. The neurologist will examine the patient, check reflexes, and collect data. If the neurologist doesn’t like something, he will prescribe an additional examination, which may include:

  • general blood test, biochemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • various options for examining the brain and blood vessels.

A thorough diagnosis is carried out to exclude the presence of other chronic diseases.

Neurologists register young patients who have pathologies of the central nervous system at the dispensary and regularly monitor them to undergo appropriate treatment.

Causes of sleepwalking in children

It is impossible to name one exact reason that would provoke the development of somnambulism. We can only name the most common of them.

  • Heredity . If you often sleepwalked as a child, the likelihood of sleepwalking in children increases.
  • Anxiety . Frequent stress in a child can lead to sleepwalking. Nervous tension in children is provoked by quarrels between mom and dad, bad relationships with peers and physical punishment.
  • Epilepsy . The first symptoms of the disease may appear as night walks in your sleep. It is possible to distinguish a dangerous disease. A child prone to seizures may have shaking arms and legs, as well as problems with swallowing functions.
  • Emotionality . If a child reacts violently to watching movies or playing electronic games, the risk of sleepwalking increases. According to observations, the emotionality of children is inherited from their parents. Therefore, the risk of somnambulism in children increases if one of the parents was very impressionable in childhood.
  • Brain injuries.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. For example, neuroses and personality disorders.
  • Excessive physical and mental stress. Sports clubs and additional training are not always beneficial to the child.

In adolescence, the causes of somnambulism do not differ from the causes of sleepwalking in children. Unless they are supplemented by hormonal changes in the body, which can influence the development of the disease. Treatment of the disease in adolescents is similar to the treatment of childhood somnambulism.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a teenager shows signs of somnambulism, parents should take control of this condition. A one-time occurrence of somnambulism can be attributed to stress or nervous tension. However, if sleepwalking occurs regularly, the teenager should be shown to a specialist. A psychologist, psychotherapist and neurologist can conduct an examination and prescribe effective treatment.

To facilitate the diagnosis, a diary of sleepwalking will help, in which it is necessary to record the duration of the attack and the behavior of the teenager at this moment, as well as the possible causes of the sleep disorder.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe electroencephalography, ultrasound of brain vessels, MRI or CT. In some cases, consultation with a cardiologist, endocrinologist and other specialists may be required. They will help diagnose the disease that causes the disease.

Symptoms of childhood sleepwalking

You can understand that a child is sleepwalking and not just going to the toilet at night by the following signs:

  • Eyes open. The look is “empty”, looking into nowhere. The pupils may be dilated.
  • "Stone face. Doesn't show any emotion.
  • Sitting on the bed in the dark. Changing body position from lying to sitting does not at all prevent children from sleeping during an episode of sleepwalking.
  • Pointless actions. For example, attempts to open the front door, opening and closing doors. In rare cases, complex actions are possible: the child may begin to pack a briefcase or change clothes. Moreover, all this happens in an unconscious state.
  • Conversations with yourself. Children pronounce quite intelligible phrases and can answer simple questions in monosyllables.
  • Waking up in a different bed. Clearly indicates sleepwalking in a child. There were cases when a child went out into the entrance or into the courtyard of the house and fell asleep anywhere.

You cannot wake up a child in this state . He will be afraid of confusion, which will entail severe stress.

Mechanism of development of the disorder

Parents who encounter somnambulism in adolescents often panic, believing that their child is sick. This condition is not normal, but in most cases it does not pose a serious health hazard. As a rule, by the end of puberty, sleepwalking goes away on its own. It develops due to a violation of inhibitory processes in the brain or their improper distribution.

When we sleep, all body functions work in a saving mode; the heartbeat, blood circulation, breathing and other processes slow down. This state is ensured by inhibitory processes.

However, it happens that they do not affect the entire brain, the areas responsible for physical activity or speech do not turn off, but consciousness and memory fall asleep. As a result, the teenager performs some actions, but cannot adequately evaluate or remember them.

Sometimes it happens that inhibitory processes are incorrectly distributed in the brain; they affect all areas, but in insufficient quantities; in such a situation, the signs of sleepwalking will be less pronounced.

What to do if your child walks in his sleep

  • Don't swear or wake him up. If he wakes up during an episode of sleepwalking, it will be bad for his mental health.
  • Carefully walk your child to bed. If your child talks in his sleep, keep the conversation in a quiet voice.
  • Secure your home. Remove from visible places all objects that could cause injury.
  • Contact your doctor. A child with sleepwalking needs to be examined. Diagnosis will exclude epilepsy, neurological and psychosomatic diseases.

How to treat sleepwalking in a child

A doctor should treat somnambulism. The treatment plan is based on the diagnostic results.

If experts have not found any serious causes of the pathology, but the child still walks in his sleep, try following the following recommendations.

  • Relieve your child of stress. If there are frequent manifestations of somnambulism, try to restrain yourself from cursing at the child.
  • Temper your positive emotions. Positive, vivid experiences can also provoke sleepwalking in a child.
  • Minimize computer and mobile games. It is not recommended for a child with sleepwalking to play shooting games or racing games. Instead, less emotional logic or intellectual games are suitable,
  • Make sure your child does not play outdoor games 2-3 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, children with sleepwalking are not recommended to play active games, play sports, watch movies, cartoons and TV shows.
  • Calm your child before bed. You can read a fairy tale to a little one. You can talk to an older person about neutral topics. Talking to a loved one has been proven to reduce stress.
  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Children's sleep should last at least 7-8 hours a day. If possible, you can sleep during the day. One to two hours of daytime sleep will be enough to treat sleepwalking.
  • Give your child sedative herbal remedies. Herbal sedatives will help you fall asleep faster and reduce the likelihood of sleepwalking in children. Consult your doctor about taking sedatives.
  • See your doctor. A pediatrician or child psychotherapist will prescribe the correct treatment and give advice on treating sleepwalking in children. In case of prolonged somnambulism, a specialist may refer you for hypnotherapy.

Treatment methods

During episodic attacks of sleepwalking, it is enough to ensure a safe environment: close all doors and windows, remove sharp and dangerous objects.

If somnambulism recurs regularly, then it is necessary to reconsider the child’s daily routine.

For young children, it is best to provide several hours of naps during the day. There should be a calm environment in the family so that the young person’s fragile nervous system does not experience unnecessary stressful situations.

If frequent walking at night affects the condition of the baby and teenager, then it is necessary to begin drug therapy.

Specialists prescribe restorative and sedative medications.

Epilepsy attacks are controlled by anticonvulsant medications.

Severe stress that can harm the child’s health is eliminated by using antidepressants and tranquilizers.

In mild cases, hypnosis sessions and consultation with a psychotherapist help.

Why is sleepwalking dangerous?

First of all, sleepwalking is traumatic for the child himself. Sleepwalking children can hit furniture, fall and injure themselves.

Relatively rarely, people with somnambulism may unknowingly injure themselves with objects that come to hand. In addition, a person in this state is able to go out onto the balcony or climb onto the windowsill . His further actions are completely unpredictable.

If one of your family members is diagnosed with somnambulism, close the windows and doors in the apartment tightly. Make sure that the sleepwalker does not accidentally fall out of the window and get hurt during sleepy walks.

Sleepwalking in children can manifest as aggression towards household members. This usually happens when a child has a nightmare. Confusing a dream with reality, the child tries to protect himself from danger. For example, he throws things to the sides, screams, swears.

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