Treatment of nerves (neurosis) with homeopathy

  • All diseases
  • Allergology
  • Arthrology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Dermatology
  • Cardiology
  • Childhood diseases
  • Women's diseases
  • ENT and Pulmonology
  • Neurology
  • Parasites and infections
  • Urology
  • Endocrinology

Why shouldn't treatment be delayed?

  • Neurosis leads to a decrease in performance - the ability to concentrate is lost, thinking potential and memory capabilities are reduced
  • Neurosis leads to psychosomatic diseases (bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer, problems with urination)
  • Sharp weight fluctuations occur due to changes in appetite
  • Against the background of neurosis, tearfulness and touchiness intensify.

Advantages of our treatment:

  • We cure the disease completely (!) in 5-6 weeks
  • We carry out additional diagnostics for free and use only harmless homeopathy - we cure without injections, pills, or hormones. There is no addiction to our drugs; they do not interfere with concentration or driving.
  • We help EVERYONE, including patients with a long history of the disease, children, pregnant and lactating women
  • We cure neurosis even in the most advanced stages, complicated by psychosomatic diseases

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Briefly about the main thing:

Neuroses are a group of psychogenic diseases. The manifestations of neuroses are varied and are characterized by mental and physical symptoms. Most often, neuroses are manifested by irritability, increased excitability, rapid mood swings, insomnia, and bad mood. The list goes on - each time the “traits of neurosis” are varied and individual.

Conventional treatment of neuroses

The usual approach to treating neurosis is called “comprehensive”! Unfortunately, there are no specifics behind this word. Calming tablets and drops, herbs, vitamins, leeches, bees, psychotherapy, physical therapy, water procedures, sleeping in the fresh air, aromatherapy! Such useful healing principles for any person with any ailment!

And neurologists also say: “The treatment of neuroses is the harmonization of all processes occurring in the body”!

But, you must admit, if there is no specific and well-defined treatment plan, there will be no specific result. There will be an improvement in the condition for a very definite period. And then - treatment again.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple: therapeutic measures with this approach are aimed only at “smoothing out” the psychogenic illness, but not at its CAUSE!

And for those who are tired of such treatment, we offer to put an end to this disease quickly, radically and forever!

Symptoms of neurosis

The disease manifests itself differently in different people, and homeopathy for neuroses is based precisely on the symptoms. And they can be the most unusual. They are usually divided into two groups:

  • Mental disorders. Against the background of emotional stress, obsessions, phobias, and anxiety may arise. Patients are apathetic and withdrawn or, on the contrary, demonstrate overexcitation and attacks of hysteria. Characterized by mood swings, increased fatigue, weakening of attention and memory, sensitivity to changes in the external environment (changes in temperature, light, etc.)
  • Somatic disorders. Headache, pain in the heart, stomach, muscles, increased sweating, dizziness, sleep disturbances, appetite disorders (up to anorexia and bulimia), cough, decreased potency, etc.

Treatment of neuroses with homeopathy

Correctly and individually selected homeopathic preparations for the treatment of various types of neuroses are selected individually by the doctors of the center. There are more than 1000 individual homeopathic mono remedies, each of which can be used to treat neuroses. And only personal experience, thorough knowledge of homeopathy and the use of electropuncture diagnostic techniques at the appointment - according to the Voll method and autonomic resonance testing (ART) - allow us to make the right choice.

Individually selected drugs act quickly and accurately - in more than 80% of cases, the treatment is radical - without relapses!

Why is this possible? Just in contrast to the usual treatment, the center’s specialists first of all identify the CAUSE of this pathology, and only then direct the full force of the therapeutic effect to eliminate this cause. And if there is no reason, there is no disease!

The two electropuncture diagnostics mentioned above precisely identify the cause of the disease, and also allow the homeopaths of the center to test the selected drugs for their effectiveness at the first appointment.

And the prevention of new exacerbations are pronounced positive changes occurring at the physical level. During the first month of taking individual homeopathy, mental stabilization occurs: suspiciousness, increased anxiety, phobias, harshness and categoricalness in communication disappear.

Homeopathic treatment is absolutely harmless and has been successfully used to treat infants, pregnant or lactating women. Homeopathy is not addictive, does not have side effects, allergic reactions or any other negative manifestation on the patient’s body - only a positive effect that the patient feels from the first days of treatment.

It is important to understand: treatment of neuroses using other people’s prescriptions, on the Internet, or by “non-homeopathic” doctors is doomed to failure or temporary results. The explanation is simple - in order to choose from 1000 mono drugs the very ones that will help this particular patient, you need to BE ABLE (!) to do it. And for this you need to study homeopathic treatment for 5-7 years (after receiving higher medical education).

So we advise you not to skimp on your health and afford treatment from professionals, especially since usually only 1-2 visits are required, and they are cheaper than the usual tablets and drops.

The conclusion is simple: everyone who feels any “disorder” with the nervous system in any manifestation is a potential patient of our center, whom we are waiting for and guarantee to all of them – both children and adults – our professional help! Don't waste time - call!

Introducing the doctor

Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyasina

Leading specialist of the center, experience of medical work as a homeopath for 24 years!

Successfully cures gastrointestinal, endocrine, gynecological, allergic diseases in adults and children. Vast experience in treating adenoids, enuresis and autism with homeopathy!

Reception days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday from 9.00 to 21.00

The cost of an initial appointment with a complete diagnosis of the body is 4980 rubles.

Make an appointment:



Anxiety is the most common mental health condition, affecting 18.1% of the adult population each year. Anti-anxiety medications may help some people, but they can also cause unpleasant side effects. Although there is little scientific evidence to support homeopathy, some people find it beneficial.

The theory behind homeopathic source is that "like cures like source" and the lower the dosage, the more effective the treatment can be. If a person is sick, a medical practitioner may recommend that he take very low doses of a substance that causes the same symptoms as his illness in high doses.

Homeopaths believe that low doses of the same ingredient can reduce symptoms. There is no conclusive scientific evidence that these homeopathic remedies work.

The British Homeopathic Association recommends the following remedies for anxiety:

  1. Arsenicum album
    : This herbal remedy may help with chronic anxiety, depression, and gastrointestinal symptoms.
  2. Ignatia amara
    : May help with depression or anxiety after sudden trauma or shock.
  3. Natrum muriaticum
    : May help with chronic stress and mild depression.
  4. Sepia
    : May help women with mental health problems after childbirth.

The National Center for Homeopathy also recommends additional treatments for anxiety:

  1. Aconite
    : May help treat acute attacks of anxiety.
  2. Argentum Nitricum
    : Homeopaths may suggest this to people with personal health concerns, fear of heights, and fear of enclosed spaces.
  3. Lycopodium
    : Can help people who suffer from fear of failure.
  4. Silica
    : Can help people who lack self-confidence and fear of public speaking.
  5. Stramonium
    : May help with night terrors.

Recent studies of these agents have primarily been conducted on animals. For example, a 2012 study found that Ignatia

may relieve anxiety in mice. Mice treated with this drug showed reduced physical signs of anxiety.

However, the authors of a 2021 systematic review concluded that there was "little reliable evidence" and the quality of existing evidence was low.

Patient reviews

From an early age - as long as I can remember, I have been nervous about any occasion - you can see such a character. They are trying to calm me down - don’t worry, “pull yourself together”! But this is completely useless! If I could pull myself together, I would have done it long ago. When my first child was born and the sleepless nights began, I actually thought I was going to go crazy! It was from that moment that I became addicted to sedative pills. I began to abuse them. Someone smoked, and as soon as I started to get nervous, I calmed myself down with pills. Until I was recognized as having a pre-ulcerative condition. Then I thought - what to do? I went to do yoga and see a psychologist. Nothing helped - I just transferred money. A friend recommended me to a homeopath at the Adonis Center. I decided to try it. And this treatment really suited me! The homeopath first selected 3 medications - it seemed to be not bad, but I still couldn’t sleep at night. And at the second appointment, she added 1 more drug to me, and replaced 1. And these drugs suited me better - I began to take 2 separate drugs in the morning and at night and in stressful situations as an ambulance. Now I feel much better, and if anything happens, my ambulance is always with me!

Viktor Pavsky, 37 years old, Moscow

I developed neurosis with phobias and panic attacks after the death of my mother. I still couldn’t calm down. Almost a year passed, and I decided to look for a doctor to get out of this state. I was advised to see a psychiatrist, but I took the pills for about a month and realized that they were too heavy for me. I bought homeopathy at the pharmacy. I expected a miracle - as it was written on the packaging. But the miracle did not happen! I called the homeopathic center to ask if I was taking the pills correctly. And the consultant answered me that only homeopathic remedies selected specifically for my condition will help me against neurosis and phobias. I came for an appointment at Adonis and did not regret it. I even think that I saved more money - I didn’t spend it on useless expensive pills. I was given special testing here to select medications. I started taking those that the doctor chose - out of thousands, only 4. I felt improvement literally from the first grains, and began to consider myself recovered after 1.5 months. I am very grateful to homeopath A.G. Worsted!

Khromova S.V., 33 years old, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region

Why worry when you can live calmly and enjoy life? If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! No questionable experiments with your own health! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

How can homeopathy help with neurosis?

The category of neuroses includes several different disorders of behavior, thinking and the somatic state of a person, the most common of which are:

  • obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD);
  • anxiety disorder, phobias, fears;
  • eating disorder.
  • Neuroses are characterized by the presence not only of mental manifestations, but also of a whole range of somatic symptoms in both adults and children. Manufacturers of homeopathic remedies claim that, thanks to their unique composition, they are able to eliminate the symptoms of neurosis using oral medications alone. This cannot be the case in principle, since the treatment of neurasthenia requires an integrated approach.

    Since both the body and the psyche suffer from disorders, help should be provided in both directions.

    Psychotherapy often requires the use of medications, but no truly competent specialist ever treats with medications alone. On the mental side, the following manifestations are observed in neuroses:

  • emotional instability, mood swings;
  • depressed state, pessimism, negative outlook for the future;
  • phobias, anxiety, panic, justified and unreasonable fears;
  • low self-esteem, which the victim tries to compensate for through bravado and humiliation of others;
  • suspiciousness, touchiness, the habit of taking everything personally;
  • aggressive behavior, tearfulness, irritability;
  • difficulties in interacting with others;
  • difficulty concentrating, fatigue;
  • intrusive thoughts and memories;
  • a sharp and negative reaction to bright light, loud sounds, touch, attempts to communicate;
  • low resistance to stress, the slightest trouble unsettles the victim and deprives him of balance.
  • In order to reduce these unpleasant manifestations and enable a person to start working on his condition, the following are prescribed in psychotherapy:

    People who believe more in homeopathy than in pharmacology are convinced that addiction develops very quickly from these medicines. In fact, if you follow the recommendations of your doctor, no addiction will form. Do not exceed the dosage or use sedatives for longer than necessary.

    As for harm to health in general, neurosis leads to a number of certainly dangerous diseases, and while a person spends time on homeopathy, his health suffers much more than from taking medications.

    Indeed, a competent neurologist or psychotherapist prescribes drugs only when there is an urgent need for this. The dosage is selected strictly individually, taking into account the reaction to each specific medication. Manufacturers of homeopathic remedies claim that there are no side effects from the use of their powders and tablets, but it is clear to every sane person that this can happen in only one case - the medicine is useless and does not affect the functioning of the body in any way.

    Why is it worth treating neuroses with homeopathy?

    1. The cost of treatment is quite reasonable. The price of homeopathic medicines is extremely low, much cheaper than conventional medicines. And the cost of consultation and diagnostics at the center is significantly lower than the cost of a usual appointment in a therapeutic clinic. In addition, patients are given a detailed examination protocol on 5 pages with an explanation from the specialist, supervision of treatment over the phone or in person. You will be offered discounts and promotions.

    2. The best homeopaths in Moscow provide consultations. These are highly qualified homeopathic doctors who have personal practical experience in treating complex forms of neuroses in children over 3 years old and in elderly patients. It will never be possible to cure neurosis with complex homeopathic medicines “one-two-three times”! Only individual selection of constitutional mono drugs can guarantee a lasting cure!

    3. The advantage is the use of the latest diagnostic techniques to determine the cause of neurosis. After all, only by knowing the cause can this difficult disease be cured! Diagnostics using the Voll method and ART make it possible to immediately test all selected individual mono-drugs for their effectiveness.

    4. is a modern clinic, where consultations are conducted exclusively by homeopaths! It’s beautiful, cozy and no queues! The center is open daily from 9.00 to 21.00, there is free parking and Wi-Fi. You will be treated to drinks and fruit.

    If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54

    Homeopathic remedies for neurosis

    While classical medicine prescribes sedatives and, at best, psychotherapeutic sessions, homeopathic treatment of neuroses involves the use of harmless remedies that do not cause addiction or side effects. Homeopathic remedies for neurosis do not suppress, but regulate brain functions and will be most effective if selected individually, depending on the clinical picture and constitution of the patient. The following homeopathic medicines are used to treat neurosis in various dilutions, mainly from 6 to 30:

  • Ignacy
  • Platinum
  • Hamomilla
  • Pulsatilla
  • Nux Vomica
  • Nux Moscata
  • Actea racemosa
  • Argentum Nitricum
  • Moskus
  • Gelsemium
  • Anacardium Orientale
  • Thuja
  • Cocculus
  • Lachesis
  • Note that the treatment of neuroses in homeopathy is often recommended to be combined with other methods. For example, with hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches), color therapy, reflexology (acupuncture), etc. An integrated approach is more effective and allows you to quickly relieve almost any neurasthenic manifestations.

    Benefits of treating neuroses in

    1. Guaranteed reduction of complaints during the first days of treatment, complete recovery within 1-2 months.

    2. Treatment with strong individual homeopathic medicines - without side effects or harm to health!

    3. Additionally: increasing immunity, preventing colds and parasitic infections.

    4. You will receive a complete protocol of your health status (on 5 sheets) with a list of all pathologies and diseases (even at the most basic level).

    5. You will receive all the necessary medications for the full course of treatment free of charge!

    What does treatment in Moscow give to a patient with neurosis:

    • Quick effect - complete cure, depending on the stage of the disease, takes from 2 to 6 months. Moreover, after its completion, the symptoms do not return!
    • Individual selection of components to create a unique therapeutic composition guarantees high treatment effectiveness.
    • There are no contraindications to treatment or side effects.
    • High sustainability and stability of achieved results.
    • Comprehensive improvement of the patient's body.
    • Availability and effectiveness of homeopathic remedies.
    • By contacting our clinic for help, you are guaranteed to get rid of neurosis once and for all!

      Call and ask questions to our consultants

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      Sign up and come to the reception!

      We wish you good health!

    Question answer

    It so happened that I had to go through severe stress. Now I can’t even sleep without sleeping pills, and every morning I start by taking sedatives... What do you recommend for me?

    We recommend that you come for an appointment. We will carry out diagnostics for you using the Voll method, and select among thousands of drugs the one that is suitable for you. We will prescribe the most effective regimen according to which you will take the medicine. Believe me, in just a couple of days you will feel much better!

    Doctor, I’ve been on Seroquel for almost three years. I would like to give up chemistry and switch to homeopathy. Is such a transition possible?

    Certainly! Properly selected and prescribed according to the dosage regimen, homeopathy will cope with neurosis a million times better than psychotic chemistry. In just a week you will forget that you had to take pills for irritability, anxiety, drowsiness and depression. There is no addiction to homeopathy! You will be able to work and drive. And you will do it in a good mood!

    Anna Georgievna, can you recommend any medications for neurosis? I suffer from insomnia and have become very irritable and whiny!

    We do not recommend anything in absentia! It is unprofessional to recommend “some” medications without seeing the person, without talking to him! But incorrectly selected remedies can aggravate neurosis. We provide a free Voll examination at your appointment. And based on the data obtained, we select homeopathy and determine a treatment regimen. We have extensive experience; since 1991, we have been treating neurotic conditions and depression with homeopathy.

    After the birth of my second daughter, I started having panic attacks. I breastfeed her, so I can’t even take sedatives. What can you recommend?

    We encourage you to find an opportunity and come to an appointment. We will select two or three homeopathic mono remedies especially for you. We will describe how you will take them. In about 5-7 days you will become much calmer, your condition will return to normal. Only the medications will need to be taken for 1-3 months. And you will have to come to the appointment again.

    Now you know what to do if you have been diagnosed with “Neurosis”! If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call! We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 +7 (495) 120-28-54


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    The material was prepared with the participation of homeopathic doctor Tatyana Vladimirovna Valyasina. You can find out more about the author at this link.


    Table of contents:

    • What is an anxiety disorder?
    • Can homeopathy help with anxiety disorders?
    • Anxiety: causes and factors.
    • Symptoms of anxiety.
    • Diagnosis of anxiety disorder.
    • Homeopathic remedies for anxiety.
    • Homeopathy for Anxiety Disorder: Frequently Asked Questions.
    • Tips for dealing with anxiety disorder.

    What is an anxiety disorder?

    Anxiety disorder refers to the mental state of nervousness, fear and worry. Having feelings of anxiety from time to time is a regular part of normal life. For example, it is completely normal to feel anxious before an exam, during an interview, or during stressful events. Anxiety in such situations is temporary and short-lived. However, the problem becomes when a person's reaction to certain events is unpredictable and manifests itself in an extremely intense form than is usually expected. When episodes of such extreme anxiety persist, it interferes with normal daily activities and has a negative impact on relationships. Homeopathy combats this problem with a gentle, gentle and effective method, gradually reducing both the physical and mental reactions of the body to anxiety.

    There are different types of disorders. For example, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, medication-related anxiety disorder, and persistent separation anxiety.

    Can homeopathy help with anxiety disorders?

    Yes. There are various homeopathic remedies that effectively treat anxiety. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances through high dilution, making them safe to use without any side effects. These medications are used to treat anxiety that ranges from mild to severe (for example, general nervousness due to panic attacks). When choosing such a remedy, a homeopath strives to understand the patient’s psychology in order to achieve complete recovery. Since the treatment is natural, there is no risk of drug addiction.

    Most cases of anxiety disorders that fall under the category of mild to moderate severity can be treated with homeopathy. In cases of chronic, high-intensity disorder, homeopathy can help manage symptoms.

    Homeopathic treatment can also help combat panic attacks. For example, Aconitum Napellus is a good example of an anti-anxiety drug.

    Anxiety: causes and factors.

    The exact cause of this disorder is still unknown. However, genetic and environmental factors combine to play a significant role in the development of anxiety.

    A person with a family history of anxiety disorder is also at risk of suffering from this problem. People who are stressed tend to have strong experiences in their past (such as domestic violence, bullying or child abuse) or emotional events such as the death of a loved one.

    Stress can be related to relationships, friendships, financial instability and problems in the workplace.

    Anxiety disorders and its symptoms also tend to occur when taking medications and alcohol.

    Some physical illnesses cause symptoms of anxiety in a person. These include thyroid problems, heart disease, asthma, cancer, diabetes and degenerative brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease.

    Symptoms of anxiety.

    Signs and symptoms of anxiety include:

    • nervousness;
    • anxiety;
    • voltage;
    • shiver;
    • excitement;
    • sweating;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • problems with concentration;
    • disturbing dream.

    Frequent urination, nausea and diarrhea can add to the list of symptoms of anxiety.

    Diagnosis of anxiety disorder.

    Anxiety is a mental health problem that is diagnosed based on the patient's symptoms. There are no methods that can diagnose this disorder. However, thyroid function and vitamin B12 tests are recommended to rule out other illnesses that may cause anxiety symptoms.

    Homeopathic remedies for anxiety.

    Aconitum Napellus is a homeopathic remedy for anxiety in the presence of palpitations. Cold sweat on the body during an attack, a constant chain of changing thoughts, fear of death, talkativeness, fear of public places are symptoms that indicate the need to take this drug.

    Arsenic Album is a homeopathic remedy for health anxiety when a person experiences severe anxiety. Symptoms such as mood swings, sadness, despondency, fear, trembling, chills, weakness and nausea worsen after midnight. This indicates the need for this medicine.

    Argentum Nitricum is a homeopathic remedy for anxiety associated with anticipation, also known as premature anxiety. This disorder means having a feeling of worry from constantly thinking about events that are going to happen in the future. For example, a person may be worried about a public event that is about to take place. A person tends to think about an event until the last day. Diarrhea may appear during the alarm phase. Haste, impatience, and weakness in the legs are other symptoms of this remedy.

    Gelsemium Sempervirens is a homeopathic remedy for anxiety associated with public speaking. If a person has to speak in front of many different people, excessive anxiety and nervousness may occur, as will exhaustion and drowsiness. Sadness, melancholy, confusion, irritability and diarrhea are symptoms of this disorder. This drug is also effective for stage fright.

    Opium (homeopathic medicine) is a homeopathic remedy for anxiety, which arises from a feeling of fear. A person needing this drug usually has a history of some frightening incident in the past. This is what causes anxiety. The fear from this episode is repeated over and over again, leading to attacks of anxiety disorder. Nervousness, anxiety, irritability, as well as fear and excitement appear.

    Calcarea Carb is a homeopathic medicine when there is anxiety and fear of some impending disaster, the patient works himself up to such an extent that he becomes afraid that some terrible misfortune will happen. Symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, restlessness with anxiety, sweating, trembling, nausea, fear of death and hopelessness indicate the need to take this drug. Anxiety tends to get worse at night.

    Phosphorus is a homeopathic remedy for fear of the future. In such a situation, a person experiences sadness, excitement, melancholy, indifference, fatigue from everyday life and extreme irritability. The appearance of sweat on the forehead, nervous exhaustion and fatigue are also symptoms that worsen in the evening.

    Coffea Cruda is a homeopathic remedy for insomnia. When trying to sleep, a person's thoughts do not stop, causing heart palpitations and nervousness. A person constantly tosses and turns in bed, ultimately remaining sleepless.

    Ignatia Amara should be considered in the presence of an anxiety disorder associated with depression. The patient develops an anxiety disorder as a result of a past history of deep and intense grief. Sadness, social isolation, avoidance of conversations, and rumination about past events are the predominant symptoms of this disorder. Sudden mood swings and aversion to socializing also occur.

    Kali Phos is a homeopathic remedy for the fight against weakness combined with fatigue due to anxiety disorder. A person who needs to take potassium phosphate experiences horror, fear, nervousness and anxiety. Noisy sounds tend to cause anxiety, and the patient may experience fatigue and weakness for a long time. Other symptoms include fear of loneliness, fatigue from daily life, negative thoughts and oversensitivity.

    Lilium Tigrinum is a homeopathic medicine for combating anxiety and even the fear of contracting an incurable disease. Symptoms include: nervousness, restlessness, impulsivity. A person experiences a rapid heartbeat, fear of loneliness and going crazy. Engagement in work usually relieves symptoms.

    Homeopathy for Anxiety Disorder, Frequently Asked Questions:

    I feel anxious, stressed and tense, and my heart rate usually increases. Am I suffering from an anxiety disorder?

    Worry, stress, worry and tension are a constant part of life. Every person experiences these feelings from time to time. You do not suffer from an anxiety disorder if the symptoms only occur for a short period of time. However, if these symptoms occur too often with high intensity, last a long time and interfere with your daily life, then you may have an anxiety disorder. A clear diagnosis can only be established through a clinical analysis with an in-depth study of your symptoms.

    How do I know if I have panic disorder?

    Recurrent panic attacks are one of the most common symptoms of this disorder. The presence of panic disorder can be suspected if you experience frequent and sudden attacks of intense fear and horror without any objective reasons, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness and sweating.

    I am a man, I am thirty years old. I feel very nervous and shy in society. I feel a rapid heartbeat and trembling when in society. Do I have social anxiety?

    Your symptoms, such as anxiety, shyness, trembling, and social avoidance, suggest that you may have social anxiety disorder. Your situation should be analyzed by a psychologist who can confirm the diagnosis.

    I am a twenty-five year old woman with a family history of anxiety disorder. Am I also at risk of developing an anxiety disorder?

    Having a family history of an anxiety disorder puts you at risk for developing the disorder. But this does not mean that an anxiety disorder will necessarily manifest itself.

    Can an anxiety disorder lead to complications?

    Yes. People with an anxiety disorder are at risk of developing certain complications. Examples include: isolation, relationship breakdown, suicide attempts, drug or alcohol addiction. People with anxiety disorders are also prone to developing irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and weight changes.

    Should I continue to take medication for my anxiety disorder if I am using homeopathic remedies?

    You will need to continue taking your anti-anxiety medication, but only during the first months of homeopathic treatment. It is not recommended to suddenly stop treatment as your body has begun to get used to it. Abrupt interruption can provoke the appearance of negative symptoms. Over time, you need to stop taking other medications and completely switch to homeopathic treatment.

    I have been taking medication for an anxiety disorder for a long time. Can homeopathy help me get rid of my addiction to these medications?

    Yes, homeopathic treatment can help you get rid of this addiction, but it is a gradual process. You will have to continue taking medications along with homeopathic ones until you finally switch to the latter option.

    How long should a person with an anxiety disorder undergo homeopathic treatment before full recovery?

    In any case, the recovery period varies from several months to a year. However, most cases of anxiety disorder begin to subside in the early stages of homeopathic treatment. The intensity of anxiety and the frequency of attacks usually influence the duration of treatment.

    If I start treatment for an anxiety disorder with homeopathic remedies, will I continue to take them for the rest of my life?

    No, you will not need to take homeopathic medicines to combat your anxiety disorder throughout your life, as these remedies are not medicines in the general sense. Once you feel so much better that you can manage the symptoms on your own, you can gradually stop taking these medications.

    Do common medications for anxiety disorders have side effects?

    The most commonly prescribed medications for anxiety disorders are made from benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medications have side effects such as low blood pressure, nausea, depression, coordination problems, emotional dysfunction, memory loss, dizziness, weight loss, etc. These drugs can cause “paradoxical effects” that worsen the patient’s symptoms.

    Tips for dealing with anxiety disorder

    Lifestyle interventions can help manage anxiety. These include:

    • regular walks;
    • doing daily exercises;
    • ensuring adequate sleep;
    • avoiding alcohol consumption;
    • smoking cessation;
    • coping techniques such as yoga and meditation to manage stress;
    • more water, green vegetables and fruits in the diet;
    • communication with groups suffering from anxiety disorders;
    • avoiding isolation, sharing your problems with family members and the doctor.

    Author: Kashtanova Natalya Yurievna

    Phone numbers for appointments, +7 (915) 182-50-33

    If, while reading the article, you discover any similar symptoms, do not self-medicate under any circumstances, trust the professionals, consult with a specialist.

    Physical symptoms

    Another alarming fact is the statement that homeopathy treatment has no contraindications. If a person suffers from a disease that significantly worsens his life, this is the main contraindication, since he needs the most effective and urgent help, homeopathy cannot provide such help. How does neurosis manifest itself at the somatic level, and how dangerous is it?

    1. Sleep disorders. An anxious and depressive background provokes insomnia, superficial and anxious sleep, and nightmares. In severe cases, chronic lack of sleep turns out to be fertile ground for hysteria and psychosis. Lack of sleep leads to drowsiness, fatigue and poor concentration. Sleep should be normalized first of all, since some of the symptoms of neurosis are caused precisely by the lack of rest.
    2. Headache. Often occurs as a result of surges in blood pressure and vasospasm. For relief, you need to take antispasmodic drugs, painkillers and medications recommended by a psychotherapist. The use of homeopathy for headaches will not help in any way; the only thing you can count on is the placebo effect.
    3. Disorders of the stomach and intestines. Very often, with neuroses, gastritis appears, which can develop into an ulcer. The patient suffers from nausea, stool disorders, and lack of appetite. In other cases, overeating, constipation, pain and discomfort in the abdomen occur. In order to relax the intestines, homeopathy is not suitable, since there are so few active ingredients in the preparations that there will be no benefit from them.
    4. Panic attacks. In addition to mental causes, panic attacks are accompanied by a sharp and powerful load on the cardiovascular system. Patients with neurosis are at risk for heart attack. Cardiac arrest is a very real prospect for those who waste time on placebos. It is especially dangerous to refuse qualified care to older people who already have some kind of heart disease.
    5. Fainting, dizziness, loss of balance. These manifestations of neurasthenia are partly caused by changes in blood pressure, so in order to protect the victim from injury, you need to use an integrated approach and involve a cardiologist in the treatment.

    The root cause of neuroses, according to a number of experts, is a psychological factor. As a result, psychosomatic diseases appear, this is especially clearly seen in the example of childhood neuroses.

    Why homeopathy?

    Before using homeopathic methods for treating neuroses in children and adults, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons. The main arguments in favor of homeopathy are as follows.

  • Firstly, this is the pronounced and unconditional effectiveness of treatment. As practice shows, when using the homeopathic method of treatment, improvement occurs within the first two weeks, even if the cases are extremely advanced.
  • Secondly, it is absolutely harmless. Homeopathy is good because, unlike classical medicine, it completely lacks allergic reactions and side effects. This is especially important in the treatment of neuroses in children.
  • Thirdly, it should be noted that treatment of neurosis with homeopathy gives a stable result. A homeopath can promise his patient the preservation of mental health if the same provoking factors that caused the disease appear in the future.
  • Fourthly, not the least argument in favor of the homeopathic method is its benefits: the services of a homeopath, as a rule, cost much less than sessions with a psychotherapist or psychotropic medications.
  • Fifthly, the patient has the opportunity to immediately undergo a complete diagnosis of the body at a specialist’s appointment. This helps to determine the causes of neurosis in each individual case. And finally, the last point is convenience.
  • One of the main advantages of the homeopathic treatment method is the ability to lead a normal lifestyle: the patient is allowed to drink alcohol and drive a car. In the case of taking potent medications, this is usually prohibited.

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