Use of Diacarb to normalize intracranial pressure

Release form and dosage

Diuretic drug

A single dose of Diacarb in adults is 250 mg. It coincides with the dosage of the tablets in the blister.

To normalize ICP (intracranial pressure), doctors prescribe 1 tablet per day. The dose can be divided into two doses, every 12 hours. In severe cases of the disease, the maximum amount of the substance for oral use should not exceed 750–1000 mg per day.

Diacarb for intracranial pressure in adults is also used as part of complex therapy for glaucoma, severe edema of various parts of the body, hydrocele, epilepsy, Meniere's disease, gout, emphysema and bronchial asthma.

Intracranial pressure - diagnosis

The first person a patient with suspected intracranial pressure will meet will, of course, be a therapist. He must listen to complaints and decide on referral for further examination and tests. An ophthalmologist can give a more or less accurate conclusion after examining the fundus. This is where fluid stagnation manifests itself.

Based on the results of magnetic resonance or computed tomography, ultrasound or neurosonography, the neurologist will make a final diagnosis. Next, you will need to consult a surgeon to determine the method of treatment.


Diacarb has a weak diuretic effect. The enzyme carbonic anhydrase prevents the absorption of sodium and potassium by the nephrons of the kidneys.

The diuretic effect of using the tablet drug leads to increased excretion of electrolytes. The side effect is the occurrence of hypokalemia and loss of magnesium, which can cause heart rhythm disturbances.

An increase in the acid-base reaction as a result of a decrease in carbonic acid levels has been successfully used to relieve breathing disorders during sleep.

Diacarb is used as part of complex therapy for ICH

When taking the drug regularly, it is necessary to interrupt therapy after three days to restore the activity of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme. If this treatment regimen is followed, the medication has a moderate diuretic effect.

Why monitor enzyme activity?

Reduced carbonic anhydrase activity has a therapeutic effect:

  • leads to a decrease in the synthesis of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles, which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of ICP;
  • suppresses foci of epileptic activity.

Diacarb is a universal drug for the treatment of neurological pathologies in adults and children.

Side effects

Side effects when taking the drug may be the following: hypokalemia , convulsions , paresthesia , anorexia , itching , urticaria , muscle weakness , flushing , tinnitus, metabolic acidosis, myopia .

, nephrolithiasis glycosuria , leukopenia , disorientation, drowsiness , vomiting, allergies , hematuria , hemolytic anemia , agranulocytosis , disturbance of touch, nausea, diarrhea may appear .

If side effects occur while taking this medication, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Distribution and absorption in the body

The drug is taken with a sufficient amount of water. The maximum concentration of the substance in the blood is observed after 1-3 hours. The complete elimination period is 24 hours.

Diacarb is distributed in red blood cells, brain, eyeballs, kidneys, and muscle tissue. It has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, so it is not prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers.

It does not accumulate in the body and is excreted from the body by the kidneys without the formation of metabolites.

Contraindications and precautions

There are contraindications to taking Diacarb, their list is as follows:

  • high sensitivity of the body to the constituent elements of the drug;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • acidosis;
  • Addison's disease;
  • hypocortisolism and hypokalemia;
  • uremia;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Even with high intracranial pressure, you should not take the drug if you fall into at least one of the described cases. It is necessary to consult a doctor, he will suggest alternative ways to solve the problem.

Destination Features

Asparkam is a source of potassium and magnesium ions

Diacarb is used for hydrocephalus in adults in combination with Asparkam. This is especially true for long-term diseases. The decongestant effect is enhanced with complex therapy; Asparkam replenishes the loss of minerals in the body.

The regimen for adults to take Diacarb and Asparkam for hydrocephalus is to prescribe after one day or two, but in any case, the duration of the course should not exceed more than 10 days.

Hydrocephalus in adults is treated with the combined interaction of Diacarb and surgical treatment.

What is the dosage regimen?

Diacarba and Asparkam tablets must be used correctly and in accordance with the instructions for use, which will ensure the effectiveness of the drugs without the development of side effects from treatment. The choice of dose depends on the patient’s age, his weight and the underlying pathology for which it is necessary to take these drugs.

Diakarb differs from most drugs, since it must be taken intermittently:

  • for swelling - 1 or 1.5 tablets in the morning for two days in a row, then a pause for a day;
  • for epilepsy – 1-2 tablets for 3 days, then also a break for a day;
  • for glaucoma, the daily dose (maximum 1000 mg) is usually divided into several doses.

Asparkam is taken continuously, 1-2 tablets daily, morning, afternoon and evening. During pregnancy, such combination treatment is not carried out.

Contraindications for use

Like any other medicine, Diacarb has contraindications for use

Before taking Diacarb for intracranial pressure, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. As with therapy with other medications, there are conditions that prohibit the use of this diuretic:

  • hypokalemia and hyponatremia;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • failure of liver and kidney function in the acute and chronic stages;
  • pregnancy;
  • Addison's disease;
  • hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug.


Each group of drugs has certain side effects and contraindications.

Most often, adverse events from the gastrointestinal tract occur during long-term treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and glucocorticoids. Hypersensitivity reactions are possible. Osmotic diuretics are characterized by the so-called rebound syndrome. To prevent such reactions, it is highly undesirable to begin treatment for a concussion without consulting a specialist. Only he can select the drugs that will be most effective in each specific case. In addition, the doctor can prescribe the necessary accompanying therapy, which will reduce the risk of side effects. Complete and timely treatment will significantly improve the prognosis for the patient.

Use in children

The use of the drug in children under three years of age is not allowed. The drug Diacarb in children can only be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. The treatment regimen depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the child. To replenish the amount of potassium necessary for the normal development and functioning of the heart, Asparkam is prescribed in combination with Diacarb. The dosage of substances may be reduced if side effects occur.

How to use Diacarb for intracranial pressure in children:

  • from 4 months up to one year – 50 mg per day, divided into two doses;
  • 2-3 g – up to 125 mg twice;
  • 4-18 years old – 125-250 mg in the morning.

In the treatment of hydrocephalus and intracranial pressure in children under one year of age, pediatricians recommend Asparkam in addition to Diacarb. The course of therapy is three days, the dosage is selected individually for each patient. This is done to replenish potassium losses during monotherapy with Diacarb. The drug is prescribed after a clinical examination of the child. It eliminates excessive arousal and increases daily diuresis.

During the hot season, diuretics should be taken with extreme caution, as they can cause dehydration and a shift in electrolyte balance, which is especially dangerous in childhood.

Concussion in a child

Concussion in children is a mild degree of TBI, accompanied by minor functional disorders of a transient nature without compromising the integrity of the skull bones. A concussion in children occurs with a short-term disturbance of consciousness, vomiting, and pale skin, which are later replaced by headache, dizziness, lethargy, tinnitus, and pain in the eyeballs. If a concussion is suspected, children are advised to consult a traumatologist and neurologist, carry out NSG, EchoEG, EEG, and skull radiography; according to CT (MRI) of the brain, lumbar puncture. Therapeutic tactics for concussion in children include hospitalization, rest, local hypothermia, dehydration, sedation, and nootropic therapy. Symptoms

In infants, the symptoms of a concussion are difficult to identify. After a stroke, vomiting, pale skin, regurgitation after eating, restlessness, moodiness, sleep disturbances, and prolonged crying may occur. In older children, trauma is accompanied by headache and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weakness, disorientation in time and space, inability to concentrate, and changes in pulse. A short-term loss of consciousness is possible. When the child comes to, he is disturbed by a feeling of stupor. Sometimes a concussion in children is diagnosed with post-traumatic blindness, which can develop either immediately or some time after the injury. It lasts from several minutes to several hours, after which it disappears on its own. The reason for this phenomenon has not yet been studied. The consequences of the injury may not appear immediately, but after a couple of hours. The condition worsens sharply: fainting, nausea and vomiting are observed. In this case, immediate medical attention is required. For a month or two after a concussion, the child will likely complain of motion sickness in transport, but gradually this symptom will pass. A distinctive feature of childhood concussions is that immediately after the injury, there may be no symptoms. They appear after some time, their strength quickly increases, which is why it is so important to observe the child over the next few hours.


Helping your child is about creating a calm environment. You need to put the baby to bed and provide him with peace. If there is bleeding from the wound, treat it and bandage it if possible. In addition to diagnostic procedures, the hospital’s emergency room treats injuries to the soft tissues of the head (bruises, abrasions, wounds). Children, especially young children, with a confirmed traumatic brain injury, including a concussion, are subject to mandatory hospitalization. Hospitalization has several purposes. Firstly, for several days the child is under the supervision of doctors in a hospital setting for early detection and prevention of complications of injury - cerebral edema, the appearance of intracranial hematomas, epileptic (convulsive) attacks. The likelihood of these complications is low, but their consequences are extremely severe and can lead to a catastrophically rapid deterioration of the child’s condition. Therefore, for a concussion, the standard hospitalization period is a week. With good technical equipment of the hospital (computed tomography, neurosonography), which makes it possible to exclude more severe brain damage, the length of stay in the hospital can be reduced to 3-4 days. Secondly, during hospitalization the patient is provided with the creation of psycho-emotional peace. This is achieved by limiting the child’s motor and social activity. Of course, it is difficult to achieve complete bed rest for children, but still, hospital conditions do not allow running around, noisy games, watching TV for a long time, or sitting at the computer. After discharge, the home regimen is maintained for another 1.5-2 weeks, and sports activities are limited for several weeks. Drug therapy for concussion has several goals. First of all, the child is prescribed diuretic drugs (most often DIACARB, less often FUROSEMIDE) in mandatory combination with potassium drugs (ASPARKAM, PANANGIN). This is done to prevent swelling of the brain. Calming therapy is carried out (PHENOSEPAM, VALERIAN ROOT INDUSTRY) and antihistamines are prescribed (SUPRASTIN, DIAZOLIN, DIMEDROL). For headaches, analgesics (BARALGIN, SEDALGIN) are prescribed, and for severe nausea - CERUKAL. At a later date, nootropic drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain and vitamins may be prescribed. Monitoring of the children's condition is carried out by the attending and duty doctors, as well as by guard nurses. In case of any deterioration, the child is re-examined and additional diagnostic tests (neurosonography, computed tomography, EEG) are prescribed.

No information posted on this or any other page of our website can serve as a substitute for personal contact with a specialist. The information should not be used for self-medication and is provided for informational purposes only.

The site is maintained by pharmaceutical and medical professionals.

Drug interactions

An increase in effect is observed during joint therapy with Diacarb and certain groups of substances:

  • folic acid antagonists;
  • means to lower blood sugar levels;
  • anticoagulants;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • hypertensive drugs;
  • with Aminophylline (increases the amount of daily urine);
  • β-blockers.

Interaction with aspirin is not allowed due to toxic effects on the brain.

Ammonium chloride weakens the effect of the diuretic. Diacarb increases the concentration of muscle relaxants in the blood.

We are taking urgent measures

What should parents do if their child has suffered a traumatic brain injury? There is only one answer: the child should definitely and urgently be shown to a doctor. It is best to immediately call an ambulance, which will definitely take the child to a hospital with pediatric neurosurgeons or neurologists. And this measure is not unnecessary. With minimal symptoms and complaints, the baby may have severe brain damage. The long-term visible well-being of the child, the absence of symptoms, especially with hemorrhages in the brain, often after a few hours and even days is replaced by a progressive deterioration of the condition, which begins with a change in the child’s behavior, his increased excitability, there may be nausea, vomiting, nystagmus, and in infants the fontanelle bulges , then drowsiness appears, depression of consciousness is observed.

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