Why is my whole body shaking, what could it be?

Many people are familiar with the situation in which the whole body shakes, and the reasons are unclear and frightening. The feeling of internal trembling is an unpleasant process, due to which a person experiences additional panic, which can only aggravate the situation. For some, trembling occurs quite rarely, but for some people it becomes a habitual and frequent occurrence. When the body shakes several times a day, you should find out the reasons and begin treatment.

Important! In the case when the body internally shudders and the tremor lasts no more than a few minutes, there is no danger to health, but if a nervous tremor constantly runs throughout the body, the body shakes as if in a fever, it is necessary to find out the cause from a specialist.

Internal trembling in the body and its treatment is an important issue that we will try to cover in this article.

Internal trembling in the body: causes and symptoms

The most common tremors are in the arms, legs, jaw, trembling of the head and tongue. If your body is shaking, there can be a variety of reasons.

  • When the temperature drops significantly, when a person is chilly from the cold, he begins to shake involuntarily;
  • High adrenaline in the blood, inside the body causes shaking;
  • If a person has certain diseases of a somatic or neurological nature, the body also shakes feverishly.

The neurological component in the form of the autonomic system is responsible for the functionality and organization of the internal organs, muscles, tendons and bones. This large subsection of the central nervous system connects and controls the communication of all our parts and departments. In the autonomic system, two antagonistic “workshops” can be distinguished: the sympathetic one, which is responsible for the activity of the organs, and the parasympathetic one, which provides rest and anticipation of action. When the “workshops” fail, the body shakes, and the causes depend on many internal disorders.

Neurons that control muscles and their tone allow you to hold the body in a certain position. A person begins to shake when a malfunction, disturbance or painful condition occurs in one of the parts of this complex mechanism. Weakness begins to appear, one or another part of the body shakes, regardless of self-control. The body also shakes due to some pathological processes.

What pathologies cause these symptoms?

Trembling in the body most often means a failure in thermoregulation, which is provoked by diseases of the thyroid gland (diffuse toxic goiter, Graves' disease, etc.), fevers of various etiologies.

Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis (Graves disease)

A sharp drop in glucose levels when insulin is injected also causes muscle twitching. Strong heartbeat can be a consequence of hemorrhagic (associated with blood loss), anaphylactic (allergic origin), pain and other types of shock, collapse. Anemia and hypoxic conditions force the circulatory system to work under increased stress.

Why is everything shaking inside, possible illnesses?

  1. Stress is the most common cause when the body shakes or sensations of internal trembling appear. No matter what external stimulus the stressful situation is caused by, the body reacts with “flight”, it cowards without fever and, as it were, protects itself, thus, from an invisible but felt attack. The body shakes, and the muscles become like a stretched string and are about to break. This is where the cause of vibration originates, a person begins to shake, an imbalance of the nervous system occurs, which ultimately leads to sad consequences: overwork, migraines, hypertension. The body shakes as if in the hands of a jackhammer;
  2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a cause and disease characterized by abnormal functioning of the autonomic system, in which the entire body can shake. Twitching of the legs and shaking throughout the body due to frequent muscle contractions become a frequent occurrence;
  3. Depression is one of the causes of a nervous condition in which a full-scale disorder of the central nervous system occurs and the body shakes. This leads to spontaneous constant trembling not only during waking hours, but also during sleep;
  4. Infectious diseases can also cause internal shaking and tremors. It depends on the complexity of the infection, on the body temperature during the painful process. The state when the patient’s body is shaking can range from vibration in the body, chills throughout the whole body, to a state as if throwing up on the bed;
  5. Diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, pathologies in the ovaries and other ailments associated with the endocrine system can lead to neurological disorders. The body shakes for this very reason;
  6. With age, the body shakes more often, the reasons for this are changes in body functions, and the danger of minor shaking or trembling in the limbs and head also increases;
  7. With brain injuries, Parkinson's disease, concussions, atherosclerotic disorders, the symptom and cause of nervous trembling grows and increases over the years to noticeable external manifestations. The body shakes regardless of the time of day; a person experiences mild and constant muscle tremors in the morning and at night during sleep, and after physical exertion it becomes strong and the patient literally “gives up”;
  8. Mild shaking can be observed after taking medications, drugs, or alcohol abuse. The person shakes, he trembles with small tremors, as if in a chill. The reasons lie in the poisoning of the body with toxic substances.

Other symptoms of VSD

Head and leading specialist of the clinical center for autonomic neurology, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, clinician with extensive experience in the field of laser therapy, author of scientific works on functional methods of studying the autonomic nervous system.

—Put yourself in the doctor’s shoes. The patient's tests are fine. All kinds of examinations from ultrasound to MRI show the norm. And the patient comes to you every week and complains that he feels bad, can’t breathe, his heart is pounding, he’s sweating, that he constantly calls an ambulance, etc. Such a person cannot be called healthy, but he does not have a specific disease. This is VSD - a diagnosis for all occasions, as I call it...

Types of tension during trembling - possible causes

Note ! Symptoms, if the body shakes slightly, usually appear immediately: anxiety, fear in the stomach or lower abdomen, trembling in the legs, sinking heart and nervousness.

Localization of excitement or trembling occurs in a variety of places, from internal organs to all extremities, look for the cause:

  • The head or face can shake sharply due to severe nervous tension, in the case of partial paralysis, inflammation of the facial nerve, if there is spastic torticollis;
  • A feeling when a tremor is felt throughout the body due to a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood or due to endocrine pathologies;
  • It happens that a sudden attack of trembling appears and a strong “trembling” runs through the sternum and abdomen. This is inherent in some people, the reason is increased emotionality. In moments of shock or at the beginning of stress, the body shakes;
  • Muscular tremors in the hands and knees are associated with fatigue from physical work, the reason may be a deficiency of essential minerals;
  • The body and hands shake, usually in the morning, if there was an excess of alcohol or caffeine the day before. The reason is an overdose;
  • Often the legs of pregnant women shake in the last trimester, this is caused by the load on the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. The body often shakes during toxicosis - this is the main reason;
  • Increased heartbeat occurs with some diseases of the cardiovascular system. The reasons lie in dystonia and heart failure. The heart begins to tremble and pound if an attack of fear begins or strong internal excitement arises;
  • The eyelids and head tremble in excitement with signs of neurosis, migraine, during a nervous tic;
  • Tension in the neck and back of the head is osteochondrosis or problems and causes associated with the spine;
  • A child may experience trembling when he is nervous or afraid. Neurosis is fraught with nausea and muscle spasms. To calm the child’s nervous state, to find out the reason, the task of parents is especially important to induce calmness when falling asleep;
  • During menopause, women often experience somatic disorders during attacks, and for this reason coordination suffers.

Prevention to prevent sudden severe chills without fever

We remind you that the recommended follow-up actions from us can only be performed by a healthy person. Who was simply overcooled and stressed.

Chills are influenced by many provoking factors, but by taking care of yourself, you can eliminate them.

What should I do?

  1. Start to gradually harden. Do this competently and in good general condition. You shouldn’t pour ice water on yourself at -40 if you’ve never done this before.
  2. Run. When running, the walls of blood vessels narrow. Thus, internal training of the cardiovascular system occurs, which strengthens its functioning.
  3. Try to avoid stress. Stress has a negative effect on everything; by minimizing its impact, you will not be subject to destruction of nerve cells.
  4. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and alcohol are toxins that have a terrible effect on the overall functioning of organs; you should not get carried away with this so as not to cause various diseases.
  5. Undergo routine examinations with all doctors. This way you will protect yourself not only from chills, but also from many diseases.

Be calmer and more confident . Monitor your condition and contact doctors on time. Don’t cause unnecessary panic, but learn to find out the reasons and eradicate them! Be healthy and happy!

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Diagnosis and treatment methods

Nothing just happens, and if a person experiences periodic discomfort that prevents him from living a normal life, the etiology and cause of the disease should be identified as early as possible. A comprehensive examination will help to understand why the body shakes and severe nervous tension occurs, leading to disorders in the form of buzzing, tremor or trembling.

For neurosis and other aggravating symptoms, the patient is referred to:

  • For EEG, ultrasound and ECG - referred by a therapist or cardiologist;
  • REG of vessels - vascular surgeon or attending physician;
  • Echo - EG, MRI of the brain - the prerogative of a neurologist;
  • For detailed laboratory examination of blood and urine tests.

You may need the help of a hematologist, endocrinologist, or psychotherapist; they are able to understand the cause and eliminate it.

The treatment course depends on the cause of the nervous condition based on:

  • Sedatives;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Hormonal drugs;
  • Psychotherapeutic procedures;
  • By eliminating the provoking factors, the cause of the trembling disappears.

Motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, peony and all sedative medicines are gentle folk remedies when the body is shaking.

Antidepressants are indicated when the body is shaking, but only after a doctor’s prescription for depression, due to anxiety and phobia. These include: Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Azafen.

Vitamins B, A, C, D, calcium, selenium, magnesium.

Important! Sports, yoga and meditation serve to protect the body from nervous disorders.


Elena: “I’m 49 years old and recently I started shaking and feeling sick all night. When I get up at night, I worry and tremble, and begin to become more nervous about my condition. Through the lips of a doctor, my husband, the truth is spoken - the reason is menopause. I save myself with Azafen, my body shakes less often.”

Olga: “As a pregnant woman, sometimes I get nervous and shake, I feel my body vibrating, but the uterus is normal. After eating and in the morning this condition intensifies. The reason is toxicosis. I take vitamins for pregnant women and for toxicosis, there is relief. In the cold it’s a little easier and the body doesn’t shake as much.”

Artyom: “I love to play sports, but lately I have been feeling my body buzzing, hurting and shaking after running the usual distance. After a workout, it takes longer to calm down. Doctors found the cause in a lack of vitamins"

Zinaida Stepanovna, 68 years old “I want to give advice. I used to wake up with a pain in my head and feel my body shaking in the evenings. After I started visiting the pool, my condition improved. The reason is atherosclerosis. What good help comes from hard work.”

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