How not to cry when you really want to

Why are you crying

Crying can occur for various reasons:

  1. Tears of joy - appear in moments of happiness.
  2. Tears of sadness - appear in difficult and difficult times of life, during separation from a loved one, worries about a loved one, and so on...

Moments with the manifestation of emotions are natural and normal, but not excessive, not beyond the scope of a normal reaction.

When a person, shedding tears, begins to cry and cannot stop or get rid of crying, such a reaction goes beyond the normal framework. How to stop crying over trifles, calm down and learn not to give in to hysteria, first of all you need to determine the reasons for the manifestation of tears.

Tears of jealousy

With a strong feeling of jealousy, a person tends to cry, this is especially evident in girls. Women's minds are prone to often suspecting their loved one of infidelity during a relationship with them.

Positive and negative tears for jealousy:

  • In a situation where jealousy is justified and you begin to throw out emotions, this is a normal reaction. The main thing is that it does not turn into hysterics.
  • But when the partner did not give a reason for jealousy, but the other half still bursts into tears and claims the opposite. This suggests that the accusing person wants to shift the blame onto another, thereby showing pity for himself. In no case should you do this; with such an expression of crying, the human psyche suffers greatly.

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Tears of resentment

Such tears may or may not be appropriate:

  • When a person has actually been offended, slandered, scolded, beaten, deceived, then crying from insult is quite justified.
  • But, if the reason is insignificant, for example, I’ll cite communication using sarcasm or a caustic phrase within one’s company for the sake of humor, then, most likely, the resulting resentment will personify an unbalanced psyche and it is better to learn to control such emotions.

Even with a very strong offense, it is necessary to have self-control.

You have a quarrel with your boss, and he scolds you in a raised tone; crying in this situation would be completely inappropriate.

Tears from fear

Fear is a natural manifestation of a defensive reaction of self-preservation when feeling danger. In moments of fear, a person may lose control of himself and this is often expressed in crying, which in turn is undesirable in such a situation.

If there is a justified reason for fear, you need to be able to concentrate on finding a way out of the situation, and not lose yourself in emotions and cry. It is imperative that you learn to control such tears.

Fear can be so strong that it can develop a phobia in a person for fear of something specific. This mainly manifests itself in childhood. For example, a child saw a car accident and developed a fear of traveling in vehicles. How can a child learn not to cry or feel fear because of what happened? It is best in such circumstances to seek help from a psychologist as soon as possible.

If a person has psychological trauma, then when contacting a psychologist, the main advice would be not to try to restrain one’s emotions. It is necessary to release everything that has accumulated inside and the manifestation of tears will be very helpful. Tears will help to ensure the normalization of your mental state. Under no circumstances keep everything to yourself. Otherwise, you risk driving yourself into depression.

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How to stop crying in each specific case

So, it won’t hurt any of the spectators to cry over a performance or a book, and tears of compassion for living people will only be beneficial. What can you do to stop crying when it is destructive for yourself and destroys relationships with others?

System-vector psychology Yuri Burlan gives the following recommendation to all carriers of the visual vector: sensually focus on the experiences of another person. Not everyone will work with seriously ill patients, but there are plenty of people around who crave your empathy. This could be a lonely neighbor, a suffering friend, etc. Bringing emotions out helps the viewer relieve internal emotional swings and hysterics.

These recommendations relate specifically to the visual vector. But usually, the very reason that caused you a storm of emotions shows that shortages and lack of implementation may additionally exist in other vectors.

What to do to stop crying from resentment

The feeling of resentment is familiar only to owners of the anal vector. It doesn’t matter if you had grievances because of your beloved guy, or if you had to cry because you were offended by the villainous fate in general. The main thing is that your natural internal balance is disrupted: the desire for everything to be fair and equal. You tried so hard for people, but in return they did not give you love, attention, respect. There is no way to calm down.

The opposite of resentment is gratitude. Try to focus on those events, people and their actions for which you can truly be grateful. Surely there will be quite a few of them.

But resentment is a reason to think about how generally the properties of the anal vector are realized in your case? These are perseverance, attention to detail, an analytical mind, a need for cleanliness and a desire for family, home comfort, and having children.

What to do to stop crying from jealousy

Jealousy is the properties of a skin vector. Its owners are ambitious and strive to be first. Aimed at property and social superiority. How can such a person admit the thought that another will take away his loved one? However, the rich imagination of the unrealized visual vector continues to paint pictures of imaginary betrayal. Well, how can you calm down and not cry?

If the reason for your sobs is jealousy, it is worth thinking about how the properties of the skin vector are realized in your case. This is entrepreneurship and logic, design and engineering talent. Flexibility of mind makes such people excellent entrepreneurs and businessmen, and flexibility of body makes them athletes or dancers.

The implementation of the natural properties of each vector allows you to remove any negative conditions.

Tears: benefits and harms

Human psychology is designed in such a way that expressing one’s feelings in the form of tears is normal and is also considered useful. When a person holds back all his emotions, he experiences emotional overload.

Positive aspects of crying:

  • While watching a movie. How to stop crying during a dramatic movie plot and why is it even necessary? But that’s exactly what these films are made for.
  • During a hard day at work. The person turns out to be severely exhausted, both morally and physically. When you return home, you can shed a few tears. Show yourself love and care, don’t be shy to cry.
  • It is very difficult for a girl not to cry during a breakup with a guy. You can hold back your tears, but is it worth it? Because of a guy, you can and should scream into your pillow and throw out the accumulated emotions, this way you will quickly move away from your worries and broken feelings.
  • During happy moments in life. You might as well shed a few tears of joy. This is a common and normal manifestation of human feelings and emotions.
  • Manifestation of laughter to such an extent that a person simultaneously begins to cry. When it happens because of funny moments, then everything is fine.

Thus, people experience liberation and normalization of their emotional state, such as the manifestation of joy at certain moments. If a person cannot control the process, and there is a frequent manifestation of such emotions, then most likely he has psychological problems. When tears flow and there is no reason for this, this condition can cause harm to health.

Stop crying and live with joy is real

Are you tormented by the question of how to stop worrying and crying? Many people who have completed training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan have already managed to stop:

Cry with jealousy

Owners of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors are forever freed from the need to mourn the imaginary betrayal of their partner:

Cry from resentment

Owners of the anal vector have taken off the burden of grievances and no longer cry because life has not given them enough:

Is it worth using medications?

How not to cry when you really want to? During times of stress or normal distress, some people use sedatives. They can help for a certain period of time. But if they are abused, the risks of harming yourself are very high.

  • Each sedative has side effects associated with drowsiness, slow reaction, and absent-mindedness.
  • When using sedatives, never drive a vehicle or operate other complex machinery.
  • Medicines do not literally bring peace. They have the function of blocking and dulling emotions, introducing a person into a peculiar state of inhibition. If you ask a person who often uses such drugs about his condition, he will tell you that he feels as if he is under the influence of alcohol.
  • Sedatives are highly addictive for some people.

Try not to resort to using medications on your own; it is better to visit a specialist.


When a person is overly emotional, he goes to the pharmacy and buys himself a sedative. Today there is a fairly wide range of such means. However, will the medicinal method solve the question of how to stop crying? Yes, for some time it will really give you peace of mind by dulling or blocking certain emotions. The nervous system will rest a little and recover. But the internal emotion switch will remain faulty. Therefore, you should not rely 100% on sedatives. Moreover, their main disadvantage is addiction. Experts do not recommend using medications in courses, but only in the most difficult situations. And it’s better to deal with daily stress using willpower and other simple techniques. These are the ones we will talk about.

How to overcome uncontrollable tears

It is better to have the skill of controlling crying. This knowledge will definitely not be superfluous.

  • To avoid crying, constantly think positively. About what brings you joy and pleasant sensations. Remember those moments when you were happy.
  • Manage your attention. Try to stop the tears by redirecting your attention to other circumstances. To force yourself not to cry, ask a very important question that can inject adrenaline or excitement into you. Let me give you an example: after ironing the clothes, was the iron unplugged? Such questions will not allow you to focus on previously disturbing problems.
  • Relax and recover. Lie down, relax, think about something pleasant. Thus, you have the opportunity to restore your emotional state.
  • Correct breathing. If you feel like you are about to cry, you should resort to breathing exercises to calm and restore your thoughts. Start breathing deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth and repeat this 10 times.
  • Use muscle tension. If you want to cry, redirect your tension from tears to muscle tension in your body.
  • Correct thinking. Try to find topics for logical thinking to distract your mind from exciting situations that provoke crying.
  • Conversations. When I cry over trifles, I can talk about the cause of my anxiety with a loved one, which helps relieve my emotional state. By voicing your concerns and grievances, you will gain peace of mind.
  • Feeling of freedom. When you realize that you cannot hold back your tears, release your emotions. Play sports, shout, get some adrenaline. You need to feel like a free person.

Don't keep everything to yourself. Only some processes are associated with mental problems. If you have your own tips for dealing with crying for no reason, please include them in the comments.

Managing attention

Switching attention in difficult situations is the most effective way to cope with emotionality. Being a constantly open person and reacting to every external stimulus is simply unhealthy. Perhaps this is a good reason to pull yourself together.

There are people who really like to criticize others, argue, shout... These are a kind of energy vampires. How to stop crying in this situation? Psychologists advise putting an imaginary filter on such stimuli.

If the offender again criticizes you, you can distract yourself, think about something pleasant, study the pictures on the wall, admire the view from the window. A five-minute emotional coma never hurt anyone. Soon all the problems that seemed huge and insoluble will simply turn into dust.

How to help a child?

The situation is more complicated with children. After all, they are by nature much more sensitive and emotional than adults. All the above methods are not suitable for him. And by putting pressure and scolding, you can make things even worse and even cause psychological trauma. What to do if a child cries incessantly?

Firstly, the child must feel parental attention, support and protection. Of course, you shouldn’t go to extremes and accompany your baby everywhere and constantly worry about him. A good, friendly conversation, a good bedtime story and a big hug are enough.

Secondly, you need to understand that if a child cries, it means that he is physically or psychologically uncomfortable. It is necessary to eliminate the cause, and then the consequences will go away by themselves. For example, if a child cries when putting on clothes, perhaps he is simply uncomfortable in them or the collar is pricking, and the baby can only explain this with tears and screaming.

Sometimes children cry to get attention. Here you should not follow the child’s lead, but at the same time you cannot completely ignore the child’s impulse. In psychology there is the concept of “visual vector”. It says that you need to learn to understand the baby, his mental characteristics and vision of the world. Only then can you raise a happy and harmonious person, capable of giving love and happiness to other people.

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