Why do you feel dizzy when you quit smoking?

The effect of smoking cigarettes on the human body

If smoke regularly passes into a person’s blood, processes begin that negatively affect the body:

  1. Cough.
  2. After smoking I feel nauseous and unsteady.
  3. After smoking you feel dizzy.
  4. Circles appeared under the eyes.
  5. The skin has become less elastic.
  6. Taste buds become dull.
  7. Metabolism worsens.
  8. It begins to darken in the eyes and taste bitter in the mouth.
  9. Shortness of breath appears.

The above symptoms indicate that it is time to quit smoking!

What happens in the body?

The vascular spasm described above affects not only the brain, which can cause dizziness from smoking, but also other internal organs, which has an extremely negative effect on their condition. This leads to oxygen starvation of the body and deterioration in the quality of internal organs, which is fraught with serious problems. In parallel, an increase in blood pressure can become one of the triggers for an attack of more serious diseases (in older people who are active smokers, we can talk about, for example, the development of a stroke).

With the regular intake of tobacco smoke into the body, nicotine is integrated into the natural biochemical processes occurring in cells, which causes the development of signs of physiological dependence. When you quit smoking, a kind of withdrawal occurs, since the body cannot carry out its usual metabolism without the presence of nicotine. As a result, the smoker finds himself in a vicious circle where he needs to smoke to feel normal, and this further aggravates the general condition of the body.

Main causes of dizziness

Dizziness begins from cigarettes due to lack of oxygen in the blood. The entry of nicotine into the body immediately causes vascular spasms, which leads to tachycardia and stroke. Obesity, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and drinking alcohol are also causes of dizziness.

Negative effects of nicotine

Nicotine is a narcotic substance that causes addiction in the body. If you do not abuse smoking, then nicotine is not fatal, but smoking 100 cigarettes or 20 cigars can cause death.

Nicotine affects the respiratory system, but over time, a smoker may begin to breathe heavily and wheeze when exhaling. Blood pressure rises and headaches begin.


When present in the blood, nicotine dilates the blood vessels, and then they sharply narrow - this is called spasms. Symptoms:

  • pain in the temples, back of the head, frontal part;
  • pressure surges;
  • be sick;
  • noise in ears;
  • performance decreases;
  • memory deteriorates;
  • the smell is perceived too strongly;
  • I have a stomachache.

Oxygen deficiency in brain tissue

Lack of oxygen in tissues is hypoxia.
The acute form is fatal. It develops rapidly: a person feels a strong gag reflex. The largest number of oxygen cells die during smoking. The breathing rate increases, and spare alveoli work in the lungs to absorb more oxygen.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Nicotine, carbon monoxide, strong acids and hydrogen sulfide, entering the body, are absorbed into the mucous membrane. The oral cavity, stomach, nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and throat take the first blow. To avoid these negative consequences, you need to quit smoking. As a result of cigarettes, the smoker begins to complain of irritability, a cough that does not go away, a sore throat, and after cigarettes the sense of balance is dulled.


This is rapid breathing that is caused by rapid smoking. At the same time, the level of carbon dioxide is several times less than that of a healthy person. Blood volume decreases, arteries narrow.

You should contact your doctor if you feel:

  • rapid breathing;
  • It's difficult to breathe;
  • something is pressing on you;
  • chest pain;
  • anxiety;
  • hot temper;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • cramps appear in the limbs.

Nervous system disorder

A person perceives nicotine as a way to relax, but the nervous system perceives it as poison. She is responsible for the work of all organs. When cells are intoxicated, an inflammatory process occurs. Pronounced nervous disorders and short temper are observed when quitting smoking.

There are different causes of nerve center disorders - chronic diseases, hereditary and traumatic injuries. Suppression of the body occurs in the process of quitting tobacco. We have heard the complaint more than once: “When I smoke and get dizzy, I start to lose consciousness.” These are the consequences of a disorder of the cardiovascular system.

Problems with the cardiovascular system

Symptoms of cardiovascular system disorders:

  • sweating;
  • vomit;
  • an allergy to cigarette smoke occurs;
  • swelling;
  • cough;
  • weakness;
  • pallor.

Effect on the digestive tract

When smoking, cigarette smoke enters the stomach. The body perceives toxins as poison and begins to push it back. With regular smoking, ulcers and gastritis of various types develop.

There may be diarrhea or slow metabolism. When nicotine enters the stomach, hydrochloric acids, pepsin, and enzymes are produced, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the body.

Combination with alcoholic drinks

In this case, the liver is stressed, neurons are damaged, and the gastrointestinal tract is one of the first to be affected by the double blow to health. Under the influence of alcohol, a person can smoke 2 or 3 times more than on an ordinary day.

Alcohol and tobacco affect everyone individually - it all depends on the person’s condition, his mood, and the amount of alcohol he drinks. With large consumption, circulatory problems in the genital organs begin.

Wrong diet

If you love hookah, and your friend is a cigar, you need to take care of your health:

  1. Drink plenty of liquid a day - at least 2 liters, preferably without gas.
  2. After exercise, have a hearty breakfast in the morning.
  3. Eat healthy foods.
  4. Rest more and breathe street air.
  5. There is no need to overeat, eat emotions and stress, and do not eat 2 hours before bedtime.

After hookah, your head may still hurt, but these recommendations will help you quickly cleanse your body.

Low blood pressure

Risks of low blood pressure:

  • memory and brain endurance to stress decreases;
  • prostration;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • sudden loss of consciousness.

Having these signs, you should stop using nicotine substances. After giving up cigarettes or alcohol, the headache begins to hurt, the arteries get used to narrowing and the recovery process takes more than a month.

Potent drugs

You can take these tablets as prescribed by your doctor:

  1. Clonidine as a medicine for blood pressure. The drug lowers blood pressure (blood pressure), but sudden pressure surges begin: uphill and downhill.
  2. Noliprel - it is prescribed to overweight patients. A powerful drug for hypertension, but aggravates the condition of blood vessels.
  3. Hyothiazide is a medicine used to treat hypertension and has powerful effects.

Factors that cause dizziness

If a smoker thinks about why he feels dizzy when he smokes, then it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of his body. It must be taken into account that it is not only tobacco products that are harmful to health. Although the smoke produced by smoking is a dangerous mixture of poisonous, mutagenic, carcinogenic, pharmacologically active and toxic substances, its influence can, however, increase significantly under certain conditions. Such conditions include other bad habits that act as a catalyst for the negative effects of tobacco. Among them:

  • use of strong medications;
  • predominantly low blood pressure;
  • overwork;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of rest;
  • drinking large quantities of coffee and strong tea;
  • disrupted diet;
  • consumption of energy drinks.

It is often difficult to determine on your own the reason why you feel dizzy and your overall health worsens after smoking cigarettes. If a person notices that smoking makes him dizzy and begins to stagger, then he urgently needs to take care of his health. But this must be done carefully so as not to cause even more harm to the body. This takes into account the total smoking history, the number of cigarettes a person smokes per day, his age and the condition of all organ systems.

The best solution would be to contact a specialist; he will help you understand why you feel dizzy after smoking, and how to alleviate the negative symptoms and select the necessary set of measures to restore your health. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications in order to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and restore the functions of the cardiovascular system. Such medications have a beneficial effect on respiratory function.

Why do you feel unwell after the first cigarette?

Why can't you smoke in the morning? When waking up, the body is vulnerable. After taking the first puffs, my head starts to hurt, I feel dizzy, and I vomit. When this happens for the first time, a person does not attach much importance. But when you constantly feel bad, what does this mean?

Blood vessels narrow, blood pressure rises, lungs hurt - all these are signs that it’s time to quit smoking. The discomfort from the first cigarette is the body’s reaction to the poison, it tries to push it out from the inside.

Treatment of illness and medications

Often a patient comes to the doctor with the following problem: “I get dizzy when I smoke.” In this situation, a competent specialist will give several effective recommendations for getting rid of the addiction. Let's look at the main ones.

Does acupuncture help?

Experts have proven that this is a very effective method. It is not used independently, but in combination with other methods of treatment. Moreover, it not only helps prevent you from feeling dizzy when you smoke, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Successful healing through psychotherapy

A good psychologist will help you get rid of a bad habit and forget about dizziness from cigarettes. The reason for smoking, first of all, lies in the subconscious of a person. With the help of psychotherapy, he will understand when a full-fledged life begins for a smoker - from the moment he quit smoking.

Measures to reduce discomfort

If you often feel dizzy from smoking, the following steps will help:

  • transition to a nutritious diet, sufficient drinking regime;
  • walking;
  • good sleep, good rest;
  • feasible physical activity;
  • exclusion of stressful situations.

Breathing exercises

The special exercises are based on yoga. Gymnastics to improve the condition and gradually quit smoking is aimed at removing carcinogenic substances from the body. It is easy to do and accessible to everyone.

Relief of condition

To improve your well-being, just follow simple rules:

  1. Stay outdoors more.
  2. Eat only healthy food.
  3. To drink a lot of water.

If a person is in the process of giving up an e-cigarette, he should not stop smoking, but take more vitamins. Good sleep will help your nerves and give your body time to recover.

Full sleep

With a lack of sleep, a person’s blood pressure increases, dizziness, the hormone cortisol is produced, and depression develops. Having adequate sleep, the body has time to renew itself and rest, the immune system is strengthened, and fatigue goes away. Healthy sleep is the key to health.

Avoid stress

Do I often feel anxious when I don't smoke for a long time? Nicotine damages the nerves of the brain and develops a sense of addiction. To overcome this, you need to find a source of satisfaction, divide the information you want to learn into parts, and immerse yourself in dreams.

Breathe fresh air

Clean air improves breathing, normalizes metabolism, and increases the tone of blood vessels. Being outside for at least 30 minutes a day is the key to good health.

Green tea

This drink lowers cholesterol levels, cleanses blood vessels - they become elastic, and reduces the risk of cancer. This is a kind of prevention for the body.

Cold and hot shower

Hardening the body consists of dousing the body alternately with cold and hot water. Cold and hot shower:

  • improves thermoregulation of the body;
  • reduces the risk of diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • trains muscles;
  • has a good effect on the endocrine system.

Good vacation

Adequate rest improves brain performance, clear thinking, and body recovery. Rest is the body's prevention of disease.

Electronic cigarettes and hookahs

Refill liquids contain ammonia, glycerin, flavoring, water and nicotine. When these substances enter the body, they are absorbed into the lungs and within 7 seconds affect the brain.

Regular smoking exposes the body to many diseases caused by smoke consumption.

What to do if you feel dizzy for a long time?

  1. Going out into the yard improves blood circulation and enriches the blood with more oxygen.
  2. Try to lie down so that your body relaxes.
  3. If it doesn’t help, call an ambulance.


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Folk remedies

The idea of ​​how to quit smoking comes to everyone, but not right away:

  1. Peppermint tea is the most effective remedy for dizziness.
  2. Citric acid dissolved in water will relieve headaches.
  3. A drink made from linden blossom will relax you and give you a feeling of calm.


You can stop dizziness with massage. Press with your fingers and make circular movements in the area of ​​the temples, nose, neck, and above the upper edges of the ears. The procedure takes 4-5 minutes.

The harm of passive smoking

A passive smoker suffers no less than a regular smoker. Nicotine, aldehydes, acrolein negatively affect the nerves, impair the functioning of the blood circulation and genitourinary organs. Passive smoking, like active smoking, increases the risk of disease.

How to reduce dizziness?

This symptom cannot be ignored. It can be quite dangerous, and it is important to monitor your well-being while withdrawal symptoms pass. Medical doctors recommend:

  • if you start to feel dizzy, it is better to sit down for a while, lie down, and rest until your health returns to normal;
  • with low blood pressure, to increase it, you need to drink black tea or coffee with sugar;
  • It is better to avoid heavy physical activity, severe stress, and anxiety. At the same time, playing sports and habitual exercise are useful and help improve both mood and well-being;
  • it is important to maintain a sleep schedule, get enough sleep, get enough exercise, and find activities that will help distract you from thoughts about smoking;
  • nutrition must be correct. Vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood are healthy. You can eat more chocolate. Meals should be regular (hunger can cause dizziness);
  • contrast shower in the morning. Restores the mechanisms of blood pressure regulation;
  • walk more in the fresh air. Fast walking and light jogging are useful;
  • It is undesirable to provoke dizziness: climb to great heights, watch 3D videos, ride attractions.

If you feel very dizzy and often, have problems with concentration, headaches, you should temporarily stop driving or work with complex or potentially dangerous equipment. If such symptoms persist for more than two to three weeks, you should additionally consult with a narcologist. To make withdrawal easier and faster, it is better to seek the help of a doctor in treating nicotine addiction. Narcologists use maintenance therapy, which helps to eliminate the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome as much as possible.

Can you get dizzy when smoking?

According to statistics, today about one and a half billion people smoke (or once smoked). This habit was once considered hygienic and healthy, but in the 20th century, science also revealed the harmful side of smoking. But many people still find smoking enjoyable. However, not always: it is difficult to find a smoker who has never experienced dizziness.

Dizziness from smoking

It doesn’t matter what you prefer to smoke: convenient portable cigarettes, aristocratic cigars, a fashionable vape, a hookah or a pipe. Sooner or later you have to find out why you feel dizzy when you smoke. This question arises for almost everyone. To be clear, we are talking about tobacco and its derivatives, not marijuana or other things that some people use.

The symptoms are probably familiar to most people who have inhaled tobacco smoke. After smoking, the smoker often feels dizzy and staggers. There are other side effects: it may simply make you feel nauseous, or it may even lead to vomiting. You might even lose your balance and fall.

Let us understand the physiological causes of the phenomenon in order to understand how to combat this effect or, at least, weaken and reduce it. First of all, it is important to realize: if you start to shake, feel dizzy or feel tense, this is normal and you should not panic. These effects can be dealt with in accessible ways.

Why does tobacco make you feel sick?

First, it’s worth understanding the mechanism of the smoking process. When a smoker takes a puff, tobacco smoke is forcefully drawn into the lungs. Through the bronchi, its active substances (primarily nicotine) enter the blood, and through the blood vessels they are carried throughout the body, reaching the brain.

It is the effect on the brain that explains many of the positive effects that smokers note. Emotional relaxation, clarity of thoughts, and even inspiration for creative people. Let's add the psychological side. In difficult times, people look for comfort in a cigarette.

In pleasant moments, a cigarette is accompanied by pleasant company or a long-awaited break from people. These effects add up and in the end the puff really makes you happy. In the case of flavored tobaccos, pleasant smells and tastes are added that act on the receptors.

However, not everything is so rosy. Absorption of nicotine into the bloodstream has two guaranteed side effects:

  • By absorbing the active substances of tobacco, the blood absorbs oxygen worse.
  • Nicotine itself also affects the cardiovascular system.

These effects, taken together and in combination with a number of other reasons, can cause a number of unpleasant consequences.

  • Increased blood pressure. Often the reason why a headache after smoking is due to increased pressure: general and, in particular, intracranial.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • Weakness.
  • Dizziness (mild to severe).
  • Headache that can radiate to the temple, to the back of the head, or even to the eye.
  • Nausea.
  • Disturbed sleep.
  • It gets dark in the eyes, the focusing of vision is impaired.
  • Tension in the head.
  • Various parts of the body go numb.

All these unpleasant sensations are associated with the effects of tobacco on the cardiovascular system. This explains why you feel dizzy when you smoke. Interestingly, these side effects also offset the benefits of smoking. More than one smoker “for better thinking” noticed that after a short period of clarity he began to think worse.

Often the negative sensations intensify after each new puff. This is also related to strength: heavy tobacco causes such sensations faster than light tobacco. Even if you are only a passive smoker, you could still notice the difference in sensations after a conversation with one smoking interlocutor in the fresh air and after a long stay in a heavily smoky room.

The physiological effect affects not only the head, but also the body. My legs give way, my eyes are foggy, my heart hurts. In extreme cases, smokers may lose consciousness after taking another cigarette that was clearly too much. Alas, in world practice, deaths from “smoking breaks” have also been recorded.

What causes headaches

In addition to smoking, there are other factors that can increase its negative effects. Modern science identifies the following “amplifiers” of the unpleasant effects of smoking:

  • Frequent consumption of tea, coffee and other tonic drinks. Double pacing can increase the load on the heart.
  • Passion for drinking. After a glass you often want to smoke, which increases both the amount of nicotine and its consequences. We are talking about systematic abuse; a modest dose, on the contrary, can help.
  • Weed and other psychoactive drugs. Note that mixing substances and tobacco is also a double blow.
  • Obesity. Excess weight creates additional stress, including on the cardiovascular system.
  • Physical inactivity. This is a well-known companion to obesity, which in addition ensures that the heart is not ready to work in afterburner mode.
  • Lost sleep pattern. Regular lack of sleep weakens the body in all respects.
  • Taking certain medications. It is impossible to list all the drugs that are poorly compatible with tobacco: there are simply a lot of them.

If you reconsider your lifestyle, you may not have to smoke a lot of tobacco to achieve pleasant effects, and the question of why you often get dizzy from cigarettes will be a thing of the past.

How to reduce unpleasant consequences

Based on why you feel dizzy after smoking, the following recommendations are possible:

  • Don't overuse it.
  • Try not to smoke on an empty stomach. Put down your first morning cigarette and have breakfast first. On an empty stomach, the blood absorbs substances from smoke better, which increases the effects. Eating shortly before smoking smoothes them out.
  • If possible, use low-nicotine or nicotine-free alternatives. Today you can find a wide range of formulations purified from nicotine. These include cigarettes, vape liquids, and hookah mixtures. Of course, they will feel different from the “original”. But among them you can find something to your liking.
  • Try a looser pull. This way, the psychological and social effects of smoking will remain, but the physiological ones will weaken.
  • Find time in your life for exercise—cardio exercise in particular. A well-trained cardiovascular system can more easily cope with the harmful effects of smoking. As a last resort, walk more.
  • If the consequences need to be removed urgently, alcohol comes to the rescue. In this case, one dubious pleasure neutralizes another, thanks to the vasodilating effect of alcohol, and health improves. However, this remedy should be used rarely and in moderation.
  • Master the electronic method of smoking (vaping). Vaping blends contain less nicotine than cigarette or pipe tobacco.

Complete smoking cessation is voluntary; it is almost impossible to push a person who does not want to quit to do so. However, if you notice the symptoms described too often, you should think about it and perhaps quit. And if you decide to give up the habit, we advise you to do it abruptly. Practice shows that this is a more effective method than gradually reducing smoking.

But knowing why you feel dizzy when you smoke can improve your quality of life even without quitting nicotine. The main thing is not to limit yourself to knowledge of the recommendations, but to actively apply them.

What symptoms may appear after smoking? You can learn about this from the video:

How to replace cigarettes

Alternative smoking methods are becoming more and more fashionable. They not only allow you to keep up with the times, but also have less impact on your health:

  • Vape. Mixtures for it contain a smaller percentage of nicotine, sometimes zero or completely negligible. The emphasis is on the aromatic component. However, electronic smoking also has its risks.
  • Hookah. Although traditional hookah tobacco is not much inferior to cigarettes in terms of nicotine content, there are alternative mixtures. In addition, social factors come into play. As a rule, in European culture a company gathers over a hookah (unlike, say, the Arab tradition, where each smoker uses his own). Smoking it alone is often not fun because communication plays an important role in the ritual, much like, say, a Native American peace pipe. Often passing the hose, hookah smokers share the dose of nicotine among several people, which also reduces the effect.
  • Nicotine gum. This is not only a means for getting rid of addiction, but also - in recent years - a separate genre of use. The advantages of chewing gum are the absence of resins and combustion products, which have their own harmful effects on the body. Moreover, such use does not turn others into passive smokers. Chewing gum, unlike cigarettes, causes headaches less often, which is why it can be recommended as a good alternative.


Nowadays, a large number of people prefer electronic cigarettes instead of regular cigarettes. But few people know that such an invention has not been tested in clinical settings, and it does not have approval from the World Health Organization. And due to the small number of subjects who used this invention, it is impossible to say exactly how it can affect the human body.

An electronic cigarette is a battery-powered electrical device. In operation, the liquid, which contains nicotine, is heated. As a result, vapors enter the smoker's lungs instead of smoke. Also, the liquid used to fill this cigarette includes flavorings and a liquid part (most often glycerin). How these additional substances may affect the body has not been tested by anyone. Only after several decades will it be clear what the impact of such cigarettes is on the body.

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