Can you get sick and dizzy before your period?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurs differently for each woman; in more than 85% it is pathological, that is, it is accompanied by clinical symptoms. Dizziness and nausea are most often recorded before menstruation - in more than 70%. Many also experience spastic or constant abdominal pain, migraine-like headaches, accompanied by photophobia and vomiting. There may be stool disorders, dysuric phenomena, and so on.

The cephalgic type of PMS is manifested by dizziness and headaches

Why does malaise occur? General reasons

Weakness, a feeling of instability and cephalalgia before the onset of monthly bleeding are explained by the peculiarities of the functioning of the female reproductive system.

However, such symptoms are not always considered normal. There are cases when malaise is associated with various pathologies. If you feel dizzy before menstruation, there is severe fatigue and a feeling of nausea, a woman should not postpone a visit to a specialist. Common causes of symptoms that appear during this period may be as follows:

  1. Sharp jumps in blood pressure readings.
  2. Emotional instability.
  3. Hormone imbalances.
  4. Lack of iron in the body.

A decrease in blood pressure results in dizziness before menstruation. Emotional overload disables the nervous system and provokes increased production of adrenaline. This substance causes a decrease in the volume of blood vessels and discomfort.


An indication of the cyclical nature of pathological symptoms helps establish a diagnosis.

It is believed that premenstrual syndrome is the norm, so women rarely consult a doctor. Only under conditions of severe impairment and significant discomfort during menstruation. This is not an entirely correct approach, since even minor changes in the condition can lead to significant disorders, and symptoms are the first signs.

The problem of painful menstruation, which brings significant discomfort, is dealt with by a doctor at the antenatal clinic. The following diagnostic measures are suggested:

  • Blood test for female hormones at various stages of the cycle.
  • Ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages.
  • In some cases, colposcopy may be necessary, diagnostic curettage and other research methods are performed.

During the diagnostic process, hormonal disorders are identified, which can be symptoms of various diseases: polycystic ovary syndrome, fibromatous changes in the uterus and others.

Often such diseases are the cause of possible infertility. Increased signs of PM can also occur during pathological pregnancy: tubal fertilization, impaired attachment and implantation of the fertilized egg, and so on. Requires urgent attention to a gynecologist.

Types of dizziness

There are several types of this symptom. Depending on the situation, malaise may be caused by one of them. At the same time, the methods of treating the pathology are determined by its form, the general state of health of the patient, and concomitant ailments. Before answering the question of why you feel dizzy before your period, it should be noted that there are the following types of this phenomenon:

  1. Symptom of central origin. It is accompanied by a pronounced feeling of discomfort. Unpleasant sensations have a constraining character. The phenomenon is explained by a lack of oxygen in the vessels of the brain associated with its swelling. Before the critical days, the arteries narrow, and this causes pressure surges inside the skull.
  2. Peripheral dizziness. It also occurs before the onset of menstrual periods. Most often it occurs in patients over 30 years of age who have inflammatory pathologies of the inner ear and vestibular nerve diseases. These ailments lead to dizziness, which makes it difficult for a person to stand upright. In addition, they are accompanied by a feeling of nausea, deterioration in the functioning of the hearing organs, and tremors of the limbs.


Treatment tactics for PMS are aimed at relieving its symptoms, in particular dizziness.

Dizziness that occurs before menstruation causes significant discomfort: it affects the ability to work, is a contraindication for driving, and so on, so correction of such conditions is necessary.

After excluding serious pathologies, if the cause of dizziness is vegetative disorders, then treatment is prescribed. They mainly use drugs that normalize hormonal levels - oral contraceptives are used, their selection is carried out exclusively by a gynecologist.

The following are also used for therapy:

  • Sedatives and tranquilizers are used directly at the time of an attack to relieve the syndrome.
  • Antispasmodics - improve blood flow by relaxing the muscular wall of blood vessels and relieving tension in the neck muscles.
  • Cerebroprotectors and nootropic drugs - prevent hypoxia, significantly reduce central manifestations (nausea, vomiting, fever of central origin, dizziness, headache, and so on).
  • Dehydration therapy - allows you to stop attacks in the case of a central genesis of the symptom complex.

Traditional methods

You can ease the course of PMS with folk remedies

Some of the most effective folk methods to combat nausea include:

  • soothing teas with lemon balm and mint;
  • hawthorn infusion;
  • valerian infusion;
  • St. John's wort decoction;
  • essential oils: camphor, rosemary and others.

Other signs of deterioration

This phenomenon is typical for many people of the weaker sex. However, some girls experience severe symptoms, which cause severe inconvenience. If you feel nauseous and dizzy before your period, how serious is it? There are cases when malaise prevents a woman from leading her usual lifestyle. In such situations, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Panic attacks.
  2. Depressed emotional state.
  3. Pain in the head, which is severe and prolonged.
  4. Swelling and numbness in the limbs.
  5. Tearfulness.
  6. Feeling of itching of the skin, formation of red spots.
  7. Blood pressure jumps.
  8. Attacks of hemicrania.
  9. Formation of ulcers on the surface of the tongue and oral mucosa.

If a woman has recently suffered a stroke and is undergoing a period of rehabilitation, she should pay special attention to her well-being before her critical days.

When to see a doctor

If a woman continues to feel sick after her period ends, she needs to visit a doctor. He will prescribe diagnostic tests that will help identify the cause of the alarming symptom. The following signs indicate the need for immediate treatment:

  • vomit,
  • acute abdominal pain,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • high body temperature,
  • insomnia and decreased performance,
  • decreased appetite.

Malaise due to overload and emotional exhaustion

Sometimes you feel dizzy before your period due to heavy physical activity, strict dietary restrictions, and intense training.

These phenomena provoke a decrease in the concentration of sugar in the blood, as a result of which the state of health worsens and a state of weakness occurs. Malaise develops under the influence of stressful influences (exams, tiring work, psychological trauma). Sometimes girls who do not have health problems or pathologies of the reproductive system cannot conceive a child even if they have a fertile partner. If a woman really wants to become a mother, she often mistakes PMS symptoms for signs of the birth of a new life. Phenomena such as a feeling of weakness, anxiety, irritability, attacks of nausea, dizziness, and discomfort in the mammary glands are observed.

Why do you feel dizzy before your period?

Before the onset of menstruation, the body's hormonal levels change. The nervous system and blood vessels react to the new level of hormones. Most often, dizziness is a vegetative reaction, and its causes are due to the following conditions:

  • sudden changes in pressure;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • instability of the nervous system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • anemia.

Loss of blood and drop in blood pressure during menstruation will only increase dizziness. Stress leads to lability of the nervous system, and emotional instability leads to the release of adrenaline, which constricts blood vessels. Stressful release of the hormone and a sharp decrease in circulating blood volume entail an abrupt drop in pressure.

If conception occurs

In the case where the girl did not experience any particular discomfort before her period, deterioration in well-being may be a symptom of pregnancy.

If you have had sexual intercourse without contraception in the recent past, this phenomenon cannot be excluded. You should go to the pharmacy and purchase a test that will allow you to determine whether conception has taken place. In addition, modern devices are able to accurately indicate the duration of pregnancy.

Nausea before menstruation and pregnancy

The first sign that nausea accompanied by dizziness may indicate pregnancy is the fact that before this, premenstrual syndrome always occurred without unpleasant symptoms. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that at such an early stage it is still impossible to accurately confirm the presence of pregnancy using an ultrasound. But if in doubt, for example, if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse recently, you can do a test and get tested for hCG. This human chorionic gonadotropin occurs in the blood only during pregnancy, since the hormone is produced by the tissues of the fetus.

And although nausea and dizziness before menstruation do not always signal the conception of a child, a woman should follow a certain regime until she is definitely sure of the reasons for the appearance of such symptoms. After all, it is in the first weeks after conception that the formation of many vital organs and systems of the baby occurs. Reviews from gynecologists say that the likelihood of pregnancy in such a situation is very high, so they recommend giving up alcohol, smoking, most medications, and eliminating heavy loads and stress for the time before the tests.

Premenstrual syndrome

If you feel dizzy and weak before your period, it is likely that the woman is experiencing a phenomenon called PMS. It is accompanied by attacks of hemicrania, nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the lower part of the peritoneum and lower back, and sleep disturbances. The girl's emotional state changes. She is disturbed by irritability, anxiety, melancholy, apathy appear, memory and attention deteriorate.

During PMS, the mammary glands swell and cause severe discomfort. Some representatives of the fair sex notice profuse sweating, swelling of the tissues of the face and body, fluctuations in appetite, and discomfort in the myocardial area. The intensity of such phenomena is determined by the characteristics of the organism. Some women experience PMS relatively normally. Others feel so bad that they cannot lead their usual lifestyle. If you have severe discomfort, you should contact a specialist. You should not try to solve the problem yourself. As preventative measures, you should try regular walks, proper diet, and adequate rest.

How to alleviate your condition?

First, you should check to see if you are pregnant and see if any unpleasant symptoms remain after menstruation. If diseases are excluded, then it is worth normalizing your lifestyle. When the body is affected by few negative factors, then all processes in it proceed normally, and organs and systems function as they should.

After a pregnancy test is done and it becomes clear that it is not the cause of nausea, you can take medications. In this case, the gynecologist may prescribe sedatives to combat stomach cramps or relieve headaches.

If problems appear almost every cycle, then before your period you can alleviate your condition by starting to follow a special diet about a week in advance. Reducing fatty, smoked, spicy and fried foods, as well as increasing cereals and other complex carbohydrates will help increase serotonin. Increased consumption of fiber normalizes intestinal function, which will reduce the feeling of nausea and help normalize stool. Carbonated drinks and coffee can contribute to heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms, so their amount should be significantly reduced.

Typically, in their reviews, doctors recommend coming for an appointment after 2-3 cases of nausea appear. If after the tests no abnormalities are found, then you should simply reduce the unpleasant symptoms and hope that they will go away on their own.

First aid for a sudden deterioration in health

What actions should be taken if you feel dizzy before your period and feel weak throughout your body? First of all, blood pressure and myocardial contraction frequency should be measured. To do this, you need to use special devices. With low blood pressure, you can take drugs such as Fethanol or Heptamil. However, it is better to use such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor. If a woman feels numbness in her limbs and has difficulty speaking, she must call an ambulance.

Does dizziness occur with coronavirus infection?

Vertigo, a condition where you feel dizzy, is a neurological symptom and in most cases indicates a temporary or stable malfunction of the central nervous system (CNS).

According to the manifestations and sensations, dizziness can be:

  • true or systemic - illusory movement of the surrounding space around a person;
  • non-systemic - a pre-fainting state, expressed by a violation of balance and visual perception of reality.

Many people have complained of dizziness and severe headaches when infected with coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the analysis of Chinese scientists, even during the first wave of the disease, 36.4% of patients had a symptom of vertigo. Data about this were published in April of this year in the journal of the medical association JAMA Neurology.

A retrospective study revealed that neurological disorders most often manifest themselves in the initial phase of the development of coronavirus infection. Moreover, a third of the patients had an unfavorable premorbid background in terms of cerebral disorders, heart disease, oncology, and diabetes.

Statistical assessment of covid patients with vertigo syndrome:

Drug therapy

There are situations when malaise bothers a representative of the fairer sex during each cycle. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. Examinations will help you find out why you feel nauseous and dizzy before your period, as well as select adequate therapy.

Experts often recommend taking contraceptives containing hormones. These remedies smooth out the symptoms of PMS.

What folk methods are used

Traditional methods help cope with dizziness. Although medicinal plants are natural, there is a possibility of side effects. To reduce symptoms, you can use clover, mint, hawthorn, lemon balm, parsley, and valerian. Traditional methods are best used a week before your expected period.

Recipes for preparing medicinal plants:

  1. Tea with mint and lemon balm added. Mix 20 g of each medicinal plant, add hot water, leave for 60 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day. You can add honey or lemon. The course of treatment is 6 months. After this, it is necessary to interrupt therapy for 30 days, then repeat again.
  2. Tea with valerian. For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. l. plant root, 1 tbsp. l. mint. Pour the mixture with 0.5 liters of hot water. Stir and leave for 60 minutes. Take 25 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

In this video you will find the reasons for dizziness before menstruation:

Other medicines

Most women know that the answer to the question of whether they can feel dizzy before menstruation is yes. How to relieve signs of illness? The following types of medications help reduce the intensity of symptoms and improve well-being:

  1. “Atropine” in the amount of one small spoon. The concentration of this product should be 0.1%.
  2. "No-Shpa." This medicine helps eliminate spasms.
  3. Medicines that have a sedative effect. These are drugs such as “Persen”, “Andaksin”.
  4. Cerucal or Dramamine will help eliminate nausea.


Since the cause of recurring dizziness can be different, the treatment method must be appropriate. That is why consultation with a doctor and examination of the body are mandatory points for effective therapy. A complete medical examination of the patient includes a visit to:

  • a gynecologist-endocrinologist who can monitor the level of concentration and activity of sex hormones, in particular estradiol, progesterone and prolactin (the study is often carried out in the second phase of the cycle);
  • a neurologist who will help exclude possible pathologies in the functioning of blood vessels, as well as the bone structure of the head (radiography of the skull and cervical spine, computed tomography or rheoencephalography may be performed);
  • a therapist who will allow a more comprehensive study of the possible causes of accompanying symptoms, for example, increased swelling can be caused by kidney disease, and anemia is a consequence of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract.

If any suspicions are detected, the doctor may order additional examinations and repeat tests.

Traditional methods of therapy

If your head hurts and feels dizzy before your period, remedies based on medicinal plants can normalize your well-being. They not only reduce unpleasant symptoms, but also increase tone, give strength and vigor. The following traditional methods are used:

  1. Clover.
  2. Mint.
  3. Melissa.
  4. Parsley.
  5. Valerian root.
  6. Hawthorn.

Such treatment methods should be used seven days before the onset of critical days. The use of products based on medicinal plants has a beneficial effect on all processes occurring in the body, including the functioning of the reproductive system.


First of all, you need to learn to understand what kind of dizziness arose. This is always a disorder of the nervous or circulatory (vascular) system. There are two main types:

  1. Central - occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the brain or interruptions in its supply, as well as as a result of swelling. During PMS, the blood vessels expand sharply and then narrow, causing a spasm that feels like a headache.
  2. Peripheral – caused by reasons not related to the reproductive system and hormonal imbalance. Perhaps this type indicates the presence of pathology of the vestibular apparatus or inner ear.

Dizziness can occur every cycle or be random and unsystematic. In the first case, it is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and hormonal imbalances, in the second the reason lies in excessive physical activity, a sharp release of hormones or glucose starvation.

Additional ways to help deal with the problem

If you feel very dizzy before menstruation, there is a feeling of nausea and severe weakness, women often experience fear and anxiety in anticipation of their critical days. It is necessary to properly prepare for the beginning of this period. You shouldn't be negative about yourself. You need to adhere to a clear daily routine and a healthy diet. Experts recommend avoiding salty, spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods. Limit the consumption of confectionery products and desserts. Alcohol-containing products, soda, and drinks containing caffeine are also prohibited. The basis of the diet should be fresh, boiled, steamed or stewed vegetables.

You should eat up to 6 times a day, in small portions. This regimen will help reduce the likelihood of nausea and vomiting. A woman is recommended to rest more and get a good night's sleep. It is better to give up smoking, if possible, reduce the time spent working at the computer and watching TV shows. The daily routine should include moderate physical activity and walks in the evening. In case of severe discomfort, heating pads should be used. They are filled with warm water and placed on the lower part of the peritoneum, or the lumbar spine area.


Normalizing your lifestyle significantly reduces the risk of developing premenstrual syndrome. After the middle of the menstrual cycle, you need to prepare for your period:

  • limit the amount of salt;
  • limit the amount of fluid (preventing edema);
  • exclude coffee, alcoholic and tonic drinks;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • avoid stressful situations, physical strain;
  • adequate physical activity in the gym, on the dance floor, and so on;
  • fortified diet (increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet).

Healthy eating is one way to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

It is recommended to conduct vitamin prophylaxis courses every two years, enriching the body with vitamins B, C, E, A and others. The diet should be rich in microelements and minerals, especially iron, to prevent iron deficiency anemia in the postmenstrual period.

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