Glycine during pregnancy - instructions for use. Is it possible to take Glycine during pregnancy?

Contraindications for pregnant women

Glycine is a safe drug that does not affect pregnancy and labor. A contraindication is individual intolerance to the components - microencapsulated glycine, water-soluble methylcellulose and magnesium salt of stearic acid. Despite its safety, Glycine is a synthetic substance and can cause allergic reactions, especially when taken in large doses.

The first time the drug is taken with caution and monitor for skin rashes, swelling, sneezing or redness of the eyes. In rare cases, when taking Glycine as a sedative, a reverse reaction may occur - increased nervousness and excitability.

If negative manifestations occur, the drug is discontinued. There are no other absolute contraindications to taking Glycine.

Glycine is used with caution in patients with low blood pressure. This is due to the ability of aminoacetic acid to reduce the production of adrenaline, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. If a decision is made to take Glycine against the background of low blood pressure, the drug is prescribed in a reduced dosage, and the condition of the pregnant woman is constantly monitored

If signs such as darkening of the eyes or dizziness appear, which indicate excessively low blood pressure, stop using the medication.

If a decision is made to take Glycine due to low blood pressure, the drug is prescribed in a reduced dosage, and the pregnant woman’s condition is constantly monitored. If signs such as darkening of the eyes or dizziness appear, which indicate excessively low blood pressure, stop using the medication.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

Glycine is one of the few drugs approved during pregnancy . After the embryo attaches to the endometrium, hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body. They affect the nervous system. The emotional state during pregnancy is compared to the symptoms of PMS . The woman becomes sensitive and irritable.

The drug stabilizes the emotional state during pregnancy. It reduces the excitability of the nervous system. As a result, insomnia disappears and performance increases. The stable condition of a woman has a beneficial effect on the development of the child.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, doctors recommend refraining from taking any medications. There will be no significant harm from taking Glycine, but when it comes to the health of the baby, it is better to be safe. In the 1st trimester, all organs are formed. Any substances that enter the body can affect this process.

IMPORTANT! Glycine is classified as a prescription drug. It is not recommended to take it without a doctor's prescription.

In the later stages

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, a woman's belly begins to grow. Changes in figure are accompanied by experiences. This period is also characterized by swelling and pressure changes. A woman's performance decreases. Taking Glycine helps to cope with emerging emotional problems.

In the last months of pregnancy, it becomes more difficult for a woman to move. The fetus grows, due to which the internal organs are compressed. The upcoming birth causes anxiety and fear. Aminoacetic acid helps get rid of obsessions and normalize the emotional state . It also prevents the development of fetal hypoxia.

How to use glycine for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, glycine can be taken only as indicated and in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Under no circumstances should you take the drug because someone you know started using it or you yourself decided to take it to calm down.

We must not forget that in high doses it can reduce blood pressure in people prone to hypotension. This means that if the dose is exceeded, collapsed states or fainting may occur. Because of this, there is an insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus (hypoxia). A long stay in this state can cause irreversible changes in the central nervous system and disruption of intrauterine development of the fetus. To avoid this, let's look in more detail at how to take glycine according to the instructions during pregnancy.

Expectant mothers should take the drug 0.5-1 tablet in 2-3 doses per day. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 300 mg. Glycine is taken sublingually (under the tongue) regardless of meals. You need to keep it in your mouth until it is completely dissolved. This method of use promotes direct penetration of the product into the bloodstream, while bypassing the digestive organs. It is also permissible to grind the tablet to a powder state, then take it orally and wash it down with clean water if necessary.

Depending on the pathology, the dosage may vary. Let's look at the most common pathological processes and dosages of glycine:

  • Decreased concentration and memory impairment - 1 tablet in 2-3 doses for 2 weeks - 1 month.
  • Nervousness, excessive emotional shock - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  • Stressful situations - 1 tablet in 2-3 doses for 2 weeks - 1 month.
  • Nightmares, insomnia - 0.5-1 tablet half an hour before bedtime, if necessary (after prior consultation with a doctor).
  • For drug and alcohol addiction - 1 tablet in 2-3 doses for 2-4 weeks.

The duration of the course of treatment must be determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 1 month. The dose can be changed depending on the pathological condition, but this can only be done after examining the woman by a competent specialist. Can pregnant women use glycine for a second course of treatment? If there is a need for this, the drug can be taken again no earlier than after 30 days.

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Drug dosage

During pregnancy, glycine must be placed under the tongue; the drug is prescribed 2 times a day, one tablet (100 mg). The medicine does not need to be taken with water. The course of treatment lasts from 14 days to a month. To improve your general condition, the drug should be taken 20 minutes before bedtime. Walking in the air can enhance the effect of the product. After a course of therapy, you need to take a break. Based on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor can adjust the dosage and duration of treatment, so you should not start therapy without consulting a specialist.

Glycine and its uses

Glycine is one of those medications that are most often prescribed for problems with the nervous system of a woman during pregnancy.

Characteristics of the drug

Pharmacological name: aminoacetic acid. The form of production is white tablets with a sweetish taste.

Composition of the dosage form: glycine – 0.1 g, auxiliary components – magnesium stearate and water-soluble methylcellulose. Pharmacological form – metabolic agent.

The drug has the ability to quickly penetrate tissues, reaching the brain, which means its effect on the body begins in a very short time. Easily removed without accumulating in tissues.

General indications for use

Glycine is prescribed not only during pregnancy, it is widely used for other diseases and for people of different ages:

  • pathological phenomena in the nervous system (vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, encephalopathy, consequences of neuroinfections, alcoholic genesis, etc.);

with deviating from the generally accepted, so-called deviant behavior, especially inherent in adolescence;

ischemic cerebral stroke;

stressful situations (conflicts, exam time, etc.);

decreased memory and mental performance.

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Pimafucin during pregnancy: tablets, suppositories, cream. Read this article about indications and dosage.

Positive effects on the body

Glycine has a neurotransmitter effect on the brain and spinal cord, i.e. on neurons, reducing the release of amino acids that excite the nervous system.

In fact, the drug is a regulator of the functioning of nerve cells, therefore it is considered a mild antidepressant and tranquilizer.

Glycine has a sedative effect when feelings of fear and anxiety arise, and relieves psycho-emotional stress. It is also a weak nootropic - it has a positive effect on associative processes and memory.

So, the beneficial effect of glycine on the body in different life situations:

  • lowers blood pressure;

improves memory and mental performance;

relieves stress during TBI and cerebral strokes;

helps with vegetative-vascular disorders;

normalizes falling asleep and staying asleep;

reduces the predisposition to aggression and conflict by relieving psycho-emotional tension;

helps with social adaptation;

removes some of the toxic effects of alcohol and potent medications;

helps to normalize the state of the nervous system during pregnancy, in case of groundless fears, excessive tearfulness and unnecessary worries;

improves emotional mood, making it possible to sensibly assess various life situations.

Contraindications for use and side effects

All medications, one way or another, have contraindications - they depend on the physiological characteristics of the body. This especially needs to be taken into account during pregnancy, since the health of mother and baby depends on the effect of the drug.

In most cases, Glycine does not have a negative effect on the body, even during pregnancy, since it itself is part of the component composition of nerve tissues. But even with such positive indicators, some exceptions are possible.

Contraindication for use is hypotension, i.e. chronically low blood pressure, since the drug tends to lower it.

Personal intolerance to the components of Glycine itself and the auxiliary components of the drug, which can cause allergic reactions in some cases.

Side effects when taking Glycine may include mild allergic reactions in the form of a red rash, swelling or itchy skin.

Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to the use of the product.

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Is it possible to overdose?

There is no exact information about what an overdose of Glycine leads to. If the doctor has prescribed a treatment course with this drug, then there is no need to worry about an overdose, since Glycine is distinguished by its specific properties. The active substance of the drug does not have the ability to accumulate in the body; it leaves it quite quickly, breaking down into water and carbon dioxide. Therefore, there is no accumulation effect.

But can everyone, without exception, take Glycine during pregnancy if an overdose is impossible and there are practically no contraindications? If a woman does not experience side effects in the form of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug and does not suffer from hypotension, there are no contraindications to taking Glycine. If a woman strictly follows the prescribed dosage, improved well-being and the first signs of elimination of neuropsychic stress will be noticeable after 7 days.

You need to pay most attention to the course of treatment itself, namely its duration. Usually a course of 14-30 days, depending on the severity of the problem, is enough to improve the functioning of the body. If you arbitrarily increase the duration of treatment with Glycine, without listening to the doctor’s opinion, in the near future you may encounter problems with the body’s independent synthesis of this amino acid; it will produce it in smaller quantities.

It is worth paying attention to this point that the pharmacy can offer not only Glycine, but also its more enhanced formula - Glycine Forte. In fact, these are two drugs that differ from each other, although they are based on the same active ingredient.

They are sold without a doctor's prescription, but in Glycine Forte the amino acid dosage is almost 3 times higher and additionally includes B vitamins. Therefore, Glycine Forte is not prescribed during pregnancy, since taking it is dangerous due to an overdose of vitamins, especially if the woman is already taking special multivitamin complexes. This is dangerous due to serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

If during pregnancy a woman is afraid to take any kind of medication, including Glycine, citing fear of a teratogenic effect on the unborn baby or fear of an overdose of the drug, then she can replace it with the use of certain products. This amino acid is found in sufficient quantities in meat, especially beef and liver. It is also present in gelatin and peanuts.

Glycine is rightfully considered a harmless and effective drug that works as a mild sedative. This means that there is no need to expect miracles from this drug, since it cannot cure serious diseases of the nervous system.

If a woman has pathological conditions during pregnancy that negatively affect the process of bearing a fetus (we can talk about prenatal depression, chronic stress), then a course of treatment with Glycine will most likely not bring the desired effect. In this case, you need to seek advice from a specialist.

Taking Glycine during pregnancy will not harm you if:

  • the drug was prescribed by the attending physician;
  • the patient was monitored for changes in blood pressure if she suffers from hypotension;
  • the woman does not take sleeping pills, psychotropic or narcotic drugs.

The main thing is that the drug is prescribed by a specialist, taking into account all possible features of the clinical picture of a pregnant woman. This is the basis for the safety and effectiveness of any treatment.

Author: Olga Rogozhkina, doctor, especially for

Analogues of the drug

Analogs containing glycine as an active ingredient are the following Russian drugs:

  1. Glycine Forte from . Contains the active substance in a higher dosage - 300 or 500 mg, as well as vitamins B1, B6 and B12.
  2. Glycine Bio. Each tablet contains 100 mg of the active substance; the composition also includes povidone, which has an adsorbing effect.
  3. Glycine complex magnesium B6. Contains glycine (300 mg), magnesium and vitamin B6.

Other drugs whose effects are based on the use of other active ingredients have similar properties:

  1. Persen. The drug is plant-based, contains extracts of valerian, mint and lemon balm. Has a hypnotic and sedative effect. Use in the first three months after conception is not recommended due to insufficient data confirming the safety of the drug for the fetus. From the second trimester, Persen is allowed to be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. Novo-Passit. Contains plant components - extracts of St. John's wort, hawthorn, lemon balm, valerian, passionflower, hops and elderberry. Normalizes sleep, calms the nervous system, and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. Recommended for use from the second trimester. Available in the form of tablets and syrup. The tablet form is suitable for expectant mothers because it does not contain alcohol.
  3. Valerian. Thanks to the biologically active substances contained in the plant, medicines based on it have a pronounced sedative effect, improve sleep and relieve nervous excitement. The effect occurs several days after the start of use. During pregnancy, valerian is used only in the form of tablets or decoction, since the pharmacy infusion contains alcohol (more details in the article: can pregnant women take valerian in tablets?).
  4. Magne B6. The medication improves the functioning of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems. It has a calming effect, reduces irritability, improves sleep, while replenishing the lack of magnesium and vitamin B6 (we recommend reading: Magne B6 or Magne B6 Forte: which is better?). Allowed for use at any time.
  5. Tenoten. The calming effect of the drug is more pronounced than that of Glycine. Sometimes they are scheduled for a joint appointment. Use during pregnancy is permitted only with the consent of a specialist.

About the drug

The main component of the drug Glycine is aminoacetic acid . It is of natural origin. A large amount of acid is found in quail eggs and nuts. The effect of the drug is achieved by the action of aminoacetic acid on the central nervous system. As a result of systematic use, brain function is activated and nervous excitability is reduced .

The popularity of the drug is due to its mild effect on the body. Due to the absence of aggressive components in the composition, Glycine is allowed to be taken by children and pregnant women. The beneficial properties of the drug include:

  • elimination of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • increased mood;
  • memory improvement;
  • acceleration of the recovery process after a stroke;
  • removal of muscle tone;
  • stabilization of emotional state;
  • activation of mental activity.

The drug is released in the form of lozenges. They are placed under the tongue until completely dissolved. There is another format - in the form of effervescent tablets. Before use, dissolve them in a glass of water. One tablet contains 100 mg of active substance .

The medicine is used to treat various forms of emotional instability. The effect of taking the drug is cumulative. After a course of treatment, sleep normalizes, irritability decreases, brain activity improves and mood improves.

ON A NOTE! As part of complex therapy, Glycine is also used in narcology. It reduces the toxic effects when harmful substances enter the body.

Glycine during pregnancy

Most expectant mothers face problems such as emotional disorders or sleep disorders. Increased nervous excitability or thirst for work achievements is replaced by a complete reluctance to perform any actions. Insomnia is replaced by chronic lack of sleep, when a woman sleeps for days, but still feels overwhelmed. Many mothers, and especially their closest relatives, do not need to explain the meaning of the phrase “Go somewhere closer”; they have experienced it all themselves. And then they come to the rescue, Glycine lozenges. Of course, only as prescribed by a doctor.

What is glycine

Small white rounds, pleasantly sweet in taste, so that sucking them under the tongue does not become synonymous with torment. The cost of the drug Glycine in pharmacy chains is from 32 to 50 rubles per pack of 50 tablets. The principle of action of glycine is as follows:

  • reduces blood pressure;
  • eliminates depressive moods, normalizing the emotional background;
  • reduces the level of aggression;
  • regulates metabolic processes in the brain;
  • improves sleep quality;
  • accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of other drugs or toxins;
  • restores an adequate reaction to what is happening around a person.

The active component of the drug is glycine - a replaceable aminoacetic (aminoethanoic) acid, useful, like all amino acids. Once in the body, glycine easily overcomes the blood-brain barrier (penetrates the brain), restores order and breaks down into its simplest components. Excipients in each tablet are:

  • magnesium stearate - 1 mg;
  • water-soluble methylcellulose - 1 mg.

Table: differences between types of Glycine

Drug nameMass of amino acids in 1 tabletPeculiarities
Glycine100 mgThe classic composition is produced by the pharmaceutical company Biotiki.
Glycine Bio100 mgThe same classic composition, but produces the drug with the Bio prefix, which is a common marketing ploy. Glycine is a completely biological substance.
Glycine Forte Evalar300–500 mgThe additional content of B vitamins in this dietary supplement (BAA) enhances the effect of the drug on the nervous system. Not a medicine. Therefore, making an independent decision about admission is highly undesirable.
Glycine VIS200 mgIts composition is similar to Glycine Evalar Forte and is also contraindicated for expectant mothers, being a dietary supplement. The effectiveness is not comparable with the possible effect on the fetus.
Glycine Canon1000 mgThis dose of an essential amino acid significantly exceeds the required amount for preventive purposes and conventional therapy, which is justified only for ischemic stroke.

Is it possible to use glycine in early and late pregnancy?

To begin with, it should be clarified that only the attending physician has the right to prescribe a course of glycine therapy for pregnant women. Also, expectant mothers are not recommended to take medications containing any active additives to the classic composition throughout the entire gestation period.

In addition to a high dose of amino acid, Glycine Forte Evalar contains B vitamins, and an incorrect dosage of two of them can lead to hypervitaminosis, characterized by severe clinical manifestations, even coma is possible

And now by trimester:

  • From 1 to 14 weeks, it is undesirable to take any medications, since at this time the formation of the baby’s systems and organs occurs. But if the doctor considers it necessary to support the mother’s body with glycine, you must strictly follow all prescriptions and not deviate from the recommended dose. The ability of glycine to neutralize toxins is very useful for women who, not knowing about their situation, drank alcohol or medications contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • 15–27 weeks are characterized by weight gain in expectant mothers. Because of this, surges in blood pressure are possible, which are smoothed out by glycine. Efficiency tends to zero, irritability increases, and there is still a lot of time before maternity leave. Aminoethanoic acid will help you complete the required weeks without spoiling relationships with loved ones and colleagues;
  • from the 28th week until birth, it becomes increasingly difficult for pregnant women to move; internal organs are compressed by the growing fetus. To prevent hypoxia in the baby, and to help the mother get rid of swelling and fear of the upcoming birth, glycine and its calming properties will be useful.

All animal experiments did not reveal a negative effect of glycine on the fetus. Similar studies have not been conducted on humans, but doctors try to prescribe any medications to pregnant women only taking into account the undeniable benefits.

Why is glycine needed during pregnancy?

Glycine is needed during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • aminoacetic acid (this is what glycine is) takes an active part in the metabolic process - nerve cells are protected from the effects of external harmful factors;
  • The level of adrenaline decreases - the woman’s excitability disappears.

Glycine is a natural substance for the human body; the state of the nervous system and psycho-emotional background depend on its quantity. If this aminoacetic acid is sufficient, then a pregnant woman:

  • anxiety decreases;
  • ensures restful, restful sleep;
  • problems with depression are solved;
  • mental activity of the brain improves;
  • Patience level increases.
  • Why is the drug prescribed?

Due to changes in hormonal levels, a pregnant woman’s systems are adjusted to a new operating mode. The central nervous system is no exception. Outwardly, this may not manifest itself at all or, on the contrary, be expressed too strongly. Both in the direction of aggressiveness and in the direction of depression.

The administration of glycine during pregnancy eliminates such manifestations. Nervous tension, constant, often irrational, fears, poor sleep, lack of appetite - all this negatively affects the development of the baby. Therefore, the use of such a medicine is completely justified.

An experienced doctor, before prescribing a woman to take glycine during pregnancy, can advise her to establish a daily routine

It is equally important to monitor nutrition, sufficient exposure to fresh air, and physical activity. These measures often help cope with emotional instability

Herbal soothing teas work well.

If a doctor prescribes glycine, you can drink it during pregnancy without unnecessary fears. Why you cannot use this drug without permission can be seen from the table describing its advantages and disadvantages.

Reduces blood pressureCannot be taken if you have hypotension
Increases mental activityDifferent doses are prescribed for different purposes; overdose or long-term use can cause drowsiness, apathy, and lethargy.
Improves the process of falling asleep and sleep itself
Glycine during pregnancy relieves increased excitability
Restores normal functioning of the nervous systemCannot be taken without a doctor's prescription
Eliminates toxins, including those from other drugs and alcoholPossible allergic reactions

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

Some of the most common reasons for using Glycine during pregnancy are strong feelings and sleep disturbances. The drug is in demand as a protection of the central nervous system from the load that is placed on the brain during pregnancy. It is prescribed for fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, poor appetite, weakness, interrupted sleep, insomnia or difficulty falling asleep.

Thanks to taking Glycine, the expectant mother can establish a rhythm of rest and sleep, avoiding overwork. This drug is also prescribed for the prevention of depression and neurosis, because these problems may appear or worsen during pregnancy.

This drug is also prescribed if the expectant mother has high blood pressure. Since many medications for lowering blood pressure are contraindicated during pregnancy, and such a symptom often accompanies the process of pregnancy, one has to resort to means that are safe for the baby, which includes Glycine.

This medication is also used for more serious problems with the brain, for example, if a woman is diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury or has developed encephalopathy. It is also included in the complex therapy of gestosis and intrauterine hypoxia.

A good specialist will help determine whether the expectant mother really needs Glycine, whether such a medicine will harm the female body, and will also determine the optimal dosage regimen and duration of the course of such tablets.

In addition, it is possible that after talking with a specialist, a woman will be able to avoid taking medications by changing her daily routine, frequent walks, relaxing baths, listening to classical music and similar influences, which also calm the nervous system well. In such cases, taking Glycine will no longer be necessary.

In what cases are sedative tablets prescribed for pregnant women?

The amino acid contained in Glycine tablets is of natural origin. It has a direct effect on parts of the central nervous system, reducing its excitability naturally. The composition acts gently on the body and does not cause side effects or dependence if the therapeutic regimens are followed.

Indications for taking Glycine during pregnancy:

  • bad mood or sudden changes in mood;
  • sleep problems leading to lack of sleep and decreased physical activity;
  • stress caused by work, new sensations, fears associated with pregnancy or childbirth;
  • tearfulness, irritability, anxiety;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pathological muscle tone;
  • the appearance of problems with memorizing information and mental activity;
  • signs of vegetative-vascular disorders caused by hormonal surges;
  • the need to reduce the negative impact of medications that have to be taken according to indications. "Glycine" reduces the toxicity of antidepressants, sleeping pills and sedatives.

The influence of at least one of the listed factors on the pregnant woman’s body threatens to increase the tone of the uterus. This may cause miscarriage or premature birth. No less dangerous is the constant presence of the expectant mother in a bad mood. Tension and negative emotions change the course of metabolic processes in her body. The fetus ceases to receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients, which can negatively affect its development.


Glycine is a popular drug used to improve physical endurance and mental performance. In addition, the drug is used as a mild sedative and safe sleeping pill.


The main active ingredient is the nootropic glycine, a substance used to improve brain metabolic processes. The following are used as excipients:

  • water-soluble cellulose;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Available in the form of tablets shaped like flat cylinders. The active substance is aminoacetic acid, it is part of various biological compounds and is necessary for the synthesis of porphyrins and purine bases. The substance normalizes metabolic processes, relieves psycho-emotional stress, and also has the following effects:

  • reduces irritability and tendency to aggression;
  • stabilizes mood;
  • helps normalize sleep;
  • reduces the severity of vegetative-vascular disorders.

The drug quickly penetrates into tissues, where it undergoes a series of transformations with the formation of carbon dioxide and water.

Is it possible to drink Glycine during pregnancy?

To relieve tension and stress in pregnant women, the drug Glycine may be prescribed. After oral administration, the tablets quickly dissolve and penetrate into the lymph and blood. The medicine does not accumulate in tissues: after entering the human body, a metabolic process occurs, then the substance is broken down into molecules of water and carbon dioxide, which are excreted naturally. The drug is not capable of having a toxic effect on the child; it can be used even in the first and second trimester.

What can be dangerous during early pregnancy, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester?

Glycine is completely safe and has absolutely no effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus, so it can be taken during pregnancy both in the early stages and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. But you should take into account some recommendations from experts:

  • In the first trimester, the organs and systems of the unborn child are formed, so it is highly advisable to refrain from taking any medications during this period of pregnancy. In any case, starting a course of therapy on your own is strictly prohibited.
  • In the second trimester, a pregnant woman may experience weakness, depression, and lack of appetite. Glycine tablets will help solve these problems. But you need to remember that for taking you should choose a drug whose name does not contain the prefix “forte”. The latter indicates the highest concentration of aminoacetic acid in the composition.
  • In the third trimester, Glycine is absolutely safe for the fetus, but it will help the woman get rid of edema and prevent the development of oxygen starvation in the child. The drug will calm the expectant mother, relax her, and a positive attitude is important for the normal course of labor.

Glycine: instructions for use for pregnant women, dosage

The instructions for use of Glycine for pregnant women indicate a daily dosage of 1-2 tablets 1-2 times a day. The drug is placed under the tongue and kept there until completely absorbed. The duration of the course of treatment should not be more than 30 days in a row, and if necessary, you should wait at least a month to carry out another cycle of treatment.

If a pregnant woman is worried about excessive excitability or severe nervousness, then she should take 1 tablet of Glycine in the morning and evening for 2 weeks.

For headaches

Headaches during pregnancy can occur due to circulatory problems in the brain. In this case, you need to take 1 tablet of Glycine 3 times a day. The analgesic effect will appear by the end of the first day of therapy; it is recommended not to exceed the course of 10 days, but more often relief occurs already on the third day.

If the headache is associated with pathologies (history of epilepsy, migraines, tumors in the head, coronary disorders), then this drug will not solve the problem.

For insomnia

If the problem is only insomnia, then take 1 tablet in the evening 30 minutes before rest. There is no clear course of therapy; you can take the drug “occasionally” - specifically in cases where you cannot fall asleep quickly.

For sleep

If a pregnant woman’s sleep is restless, she is disturbed by nightmares, and does not get enough sleep, then she should take the tablets in a course of 30 days, 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening. It is advisable to monitor your well-being, because sleep improvement is possible already on the 5-7th day of taking the drug - the course can be interrupted.

Types of drug

There are several types of medications available on the pharmaceutical market under different brand names. They differ not only in names, but in the amount of the active component and the content of excipients. In addition, not all of them are allowed during the period of bearing a child.

Varieties of Glycine - table

Drug nameAmount of active substanceAuxiliary componentsFeatures of use during pregnancy (according to instructions)
Glycineglycine - 100 mg/1 tablet.
  • magnesium stearate;
  • water-soluble methylcellulose.
If the expected benefit is higher than the likely risks for the child.
Glycine Bioglycine - 100 mg/1 tablet.
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • povidone;
  • Magnesium stearate.
Not prescribed during gestation and breastfeeding due to lack of clinical data.
Glycine Forte Evalar
  • glycine - 300 mg/1 tablet;
  • vitamin B1 – 2.5 mg/1 tablet;
  • vitamin B6 – 3 mg/1 tablet;
  • vitamin B12 – 4.5 mcg/1 tablet.
  • water-soluble methylcellulose;
  • Magnesium stearate.
Dietary supplement. Not for pregnant and lactating women.
  • glycine - 280 mg/1 tablet;
  • vitamin B1 – 1 mg/1 tablet;
  • vitamin B6 – 1 mg/1 tablet;
  • vitamin B12 – 3 mcg/1 tablet.
  • magnesium oxide;
  • aerosil.

Modifications of the drug - gallery

Glycine Forte Evalar and Glycine-VIS are not medicines, but biologically active additives (dietary supplements). They contain an increased dose of the active substance, as well as B vitamins. An incorrectly selected dosage is fraught with hypervitaminosis (especially if the doctor has already prescribed vitamin complexes), which is characterized by severe clinical symptoms, even coma.

Thus, of all the varieties of the drug, only the drug called Glycine is allowed for pregnant women. But it cannot be used independently, since only a qualified specialist can choose the right dose and frequency of administration.

Instructions, dosage of the drug

It is important to know how to take glycine correctly. Instructions for use during pregnancy are quite simple:

  • During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed one tablet three times a day;
  • Duration of use is no more than 2 weeks, after which it is necessary to give the body rest;
  • Glycine is not swallowed, but is absorbed buccally (between the upper lip and gum), as well as sublingually. Thus, its effect occurs much faster;
  • For a mild form of nervous disorder (insomnia, drowsiness, tearfulness, etc.), take the drug 1 tablet half an hour before bedtime.

Important! An excess of this amino acid can negatively affect the entire body system. Manifestation of increased heart rate, redness of the facial skin, general excitability are signs of an overdose of this enzyme, due to uncontrolled or improper use of the medication.


Aminoacetic acid can also enter the body as part of food. A nutritious daily diet can eliminate the need to take medications. Aminoacetic acid is found in nuts, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, fish liver and gelatin.

Other drugs can be used as a replacement for Glycine. They should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. Medicines have varying degrees of effectiveness. Their prices also differ. Analogues include:

  • Memotropil.
  • Tenoten.
  • Piracetam.
  • Phenibut.
  • Mexidol.

During pregnancy, it is advisable to reduce the number of stressful situations. Walking, breathing exercises, communicating with pleasant people and doing what you love will help with this. During this period, it is recommended to resort to the help of medications when more gentle methods of eliminating stress do not help.

Application area

In medicine, Glycine is used as a nootropic drug. Nootropics are intended to have specific effects on the mental functions of the brain, such as:

  • stimulation of mental performance;
  • memory improvement;
  • increasing learning abilities;
  • activation of cognitive (cognitive) functions;
  • reduction of psycho-emotional stress.

Moreover, such means make it possible to increase the resistance of the human brain to a wide variety of negative influences, for example, to excessive stress. In this regard, the drug can have both a sedative and stimulating effect on the body.

Glycine is used for diseases of the nervous system that are accompanied by behavioral instability, in particular in children or adolescents during puberty, for neuroses and vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as to eliminate the consequences of ischemic stroke.

Contraindication is hypersensitivity to Glycine

The drug should also be taken with caution if the patient has low blood pressure.

Possible adverse reactions and contraindications

Despite the wide range of therapeutic benefits, the drug Glycine cannot be taken in individual cases. Contraindications to the use of this product include:

  • Previously occurring episodes of individual intolerance to the drug;
  • Tendency to hypotension (low blood pressure).

In all other cases, this drug can be prescribed to expectant mothers. Side effects from consuming glycine are extremely rare. In a certain category of expectant mothers, the following adverse reactions are likely:

  • Redness of the skin and the appearance of a rash like urticaria;
  • Skin itching;
  • Swelling of the oral mucosa;
  • Decreased blood pressure levels.

Taking glycine in doses, an overdose is unlikely. To avoid negative reactions, medical experts do not recommend exceeding the dosage prescribed by your doctor and not using this medication for more than 30 days in a row.

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