Why do you feel dizzy if you get out of bed suddenly?

Sometimes people have to deal with the fact that after a sudden change in body position they begin to feel very dizzy. And at times this is also accompanied by a feeling of nausea, sweating, darkening of the eyes and a feeling of impending fainting that appears for a few seconds. What happens at such a moment? Why do you feel dizzy when you stand up? We will talk about this later in the article.

Physiological causes of dizziness and nausea

Sometimes you feel dizzy and nauseous as a result of some physiological processes that have been disrupted due to the increased release of adrenaline in a stressful situation. At the same time, the patient experiences vascular spasm, and disturbances occur in the brain due to lack of oxygen. Also, unpleasant symptoms arise as a result of false perception, when the brain perceives what is happening around in a completely different way, not as it really is.

Physiological causes of vertigo and nausea include the following factors:

  • Problems focusing your eyes.
  • Poor nutrition. It leads to insufficient supply of sugar into the blood, and in parallel other symptoms are also noted: weakness, weakening of the immune system.
  • A sharp turn of the head, which causes disruption of blood flow to the brain and problems with coordination. When performing exercises with turns, you should be careful.

The listed conditions are not considered dangerous and are not capable of causing the development of any serious diseases. Dizziness and nausea disappear gradually, immediately after the patient stops doing exercises or moving and is at rest.

Dizziness is a common occurrence in teenagers

As it turned out, most often with the question “why do you feel dizzy when you get up?” Teenagers turn to specialists. The fact is that this problem is caused by insufficient blood flow to the brain, associated with the lag in the development of the circulatory system at this age from the needs of a rapidly growing organism.

As a rule, orthostatic hypotension in young people from 13 to 20 years of age is perceived by doctors as a normal condition that passes as they grow older and undergo a complete restructuring of the body and only requires compliance with certain rules.

Teenagers are asked not to make sudden movements, but if necessary, sit for a while and then rise slowly. It is also important to regularly do exercises to strengthen the vestibular system.

Associated symptoms

In addition to the fact that the patient feels dizzy and nauseous, other symptoms occur, which may depend on concomitant diseases:

  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus, which is localized in the area of ​​the inner ear, are accompanied by such symptoms as: dizziness, nausea and vomiting, increased sweating, abnormal blood pressure, rapid pulse. Symptoms and their severity in a given situation may depend on the position of the body.
  • Otitis. It is also accompanied by pain in the ear area.
  • Migraine is a dangerous disorder that leads to serious problems with well-being. A person is afraid of sounds, noise, light, while the pain and degree of nausea are too strong. In this situation, independent therapy is contraindicated.
  • Poisoning with food and alcoholic beverages is not only accompanied by dizziness and nausea, but also vomiting.
  • With vision problems, coordination and eye sensitivity are also impaired, which leads to vertigo.
  • With one-sided deafness, dizziness, weakness, and nausea occur. This disorder may be a concomitant symptom of a tumor in the brain.

What should you do if you feel dizzy and nauseous for a long period of time? It is worth consulting a neurologist or psychotherapist and starting therapy, since many diseases and pathologies can lead to irreversible consequences. Not only medications, but also folk remedies can be used in treatment.

When this condition occurs suddenly, do not worry and take medications immediately. Sometimes it's enough to simply calm down, drink herbal tea or take a bath to normalize your well-being.

What is orthostatic hypotension

In case of disturbance of vascular tone (vegetative-vascular dystonia), as well as as a result of somatic or neurological disorders, a person develops a condition called orthostatic hypotension in medicine.

It implies that when a patient changes body position at the time of blood redistribution, blood pressure decreases to a critical level, causing the symptoms described above. Such an attack, as a rule, lasts about 4 seconds, and if there is fainting, then 10 seconds.

Dizziness as a symptom of the disease

Headache is often a concomitant symptom of many diseases, and if they occur, you should immediately begin treatment:

  • Osteochondrosis of the neck.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Neoplasms in the brain area.
  • Diseases and damage to the inner ear and vestibular apparatus.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Meniere's disease.
  • Hepatitis of various forms and genotypes.
  • Depression.
  • Stroke, ischemic attack.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Orthostatic collapse.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Diagnosis of pathologies will include not only examination and questioning of the patient, but also Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck and head, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, biochemical blood test, ultrasound, and sometimes even an x-ray is required. Treatment will depend on the severity of the disease, the patient’s age category, well-being and lifestyle.

Gymnastics to eliminate dizziness (video)

Regular exercise will help get rid of unpleasant sensations that recur frequently. Such treatment will make it possible to restore normal blood circulation, muscle tone, and good health.

The following exercises may help:

  1. The head should be slowly tilted forward and lowered as low as possible. Next, you need to lift it, slowly and carefully.
  2. It is required to alternately tilt to the left and also to the right.
  3. Now you can try to write a figure eight with your head from left to right, as well as from bottom to top.

Naturally, this pathological condition cannot be taken lightly. Exercise alone will not be able to cope with a serious illness.

The world-famous doctor Tamara Pavlovna Belousova recommends useful gymnastics for you:

Stroke: Signs and Symptoms

Stroke is a disease associated with impaired blood flow to the brain. With this pathology, the patient experiences neurological symptoms, pain, dizziness, and nausea. If you do not pay attention to the signs of a stroke in a timely manner, this can lead to serious consequences, sometimes even death.

The symptoms of a stroke will depend on its type:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke. Has a transient nature. The headache sharply and significantly intensifies, which is localized only in one half of the head. Then the patient may lose consciousness, the skin of the face turns red, respiratory function is impaired, and convulsions are observed, which predominate on the affected side of the body. After the attack has passed and the patient has come to his senses, his limbs on the affected side begin to fail.
  • Ischemic stroke. Symptoms appear gradually, and therefore the patient does not always immediately pay attention to them. At the initial stage of development, there are no unpleasant or painful sensations. Then the face and upper limbs gradually begin to go numb and changes occur in speech and visual function, severe headache (cephalgia), vertigo, nausea and vomiting occur.

It is also worth noting the symptoms that a patient may experience with any type of stroke: elasticity and inelasticity of the neck muscles.

If the signs of a stroke (headache, dizziness, nausea, numbness in the hands and face, impaired speech and vision) appear suddenly and gradually become pronounced, then you should immediately call a doctor. The sooner the patient receives help, the greater the likelihood of eliminating the death of brain neurons and death.

The most common causes of dizziness

The most common causes of dizziness, which lead to fatigue and drowsiness:

  • Overwork.
  • Insomnia.
  • Disturbed sleep and rest patterns.

The following deviations can also be classified as non-dangerous reasons:

  • A stressful situation that provoked the release of adrenaline into the blood.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Strict and long-term diet.
  • Heatstroke or sunstroke.
  • Physical activity and exercises.
  • Sudden change in body position.
  • The period of bearing a child, especially in the first months.
  • Taking certain medications;
  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  • Increased hemoglobin and blood sugar levels.

The above causes of dizziness are considered rare and temporary, so do not worry, it is better to rest properly. After the unpleasant symptom disappears, you should reconsider your lifestyle and diet, and also pay attention to your rest and work schedule. Make adjustments if necessary.

Causes of vertigo upon waking

Vertigo can occur in people of different ages (women, men, children), the reasons are different: menstruation in women, pathologies of the ENT organs, heart defects, disorders of the cardiovascular system, malignant tumors.

The most common causes of vertigo are described below.

Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo

BPPV is the most common cause of dizziness, which does not pose a danger to humans and in most cases can be successfully treated.

To determine whether BPPV is present, a person needs to sit down, straighten their legs, and turn their head to the left. Then lie down and turn your head to the right. If a feeling of weakness occurs, the diagnosis is confirmed. Also, vertigo with BPPV occurs during running and other physical activities.

Treatment for BPPV involves a set of special exercises. In severe cases, medications are prescribed.

Old age

Elderly people who have crossed the age of 55-60 often complain of dizziness. Along with it, older people experience a veil before their eyes, darkening, severe swaying, numbness in the neck, and noise in the head. It is difficult to sleep, and when you turn over you may feel nauseous. The causes of such suffering are fragility and thinning of the walls of blood vessels, age-related changes in the vestibular apparatus, and vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

Cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a name given to dystrophic disorders of the cervical spine. Tension of the neck muscles and displacement of the vertebrae leads to compression of the vertebral artery and nerve endings. As a result, blood supply is disrupted, and brain structures experience a deficiency of nutrition and oxygen (hypoxia).

This is where severe headaches, a feeling of instability in the surrounding world, and dizziness arise. The limbs may go numb, the ears may ring, and they may sway from side to side when rising. Sharp and sudden lifting should be avoided to avoid falling. The person is advised to lie in bed for some time in the morning until he feels normal.

When standing up after a stroke

After a stroke, the patient often experiences dizziness. An accompanying symptom is severe headache. You should definitely report these signs to your doctor. If left untreated, they can develop into a chronic form, and over time they will appear more often and more intensely.

Doctors cannot determine the exact reasons why vertigo occurs when standing up after a stroke. But it has been established that this complication occurs in 65% of all cases, even with timely medical care.

Most often, the complication occurs in women and is accompanied by tinnitus and headache.

Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a non-purulent disease of the inner ear associated with disruption of the endolymphatic flow of fluid. It is in the inner ear that the peripheral part of the vestibular analyzer is located, which controls the sense of balance.

The disease in most cases is accompanied by very severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The attack can be so strong and long that the patient feels that surrounding objects are rotating. They last from several minutes to several hours. When tilting or turning the head, the condition noticeably worsens.

Infections in the head

These are various inflammatory diseases of the brain (encephalitis, meningitis), manifested by signs of brain damage: blurred vision, paralysis, fainting, dizziness, sensory and movement disorders.

When the body begins to burn at night, starts to sweat, constantly vomits, and because of the heaviness in the body it is impossible to sleep, you need to consult a doctor.

Vertigo can also cause demyelinating pathologies accompanied by damage to nerve fibers (multiple sclerosis). Symptoms of the disease depend on the variability in the location of pathological foci in the brain.

Vascular atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of blood vessels, when cholesterol is deposited on their inner wall, plaque and plaque are formed, and the vessel walls themselves lose elasticity and become denser. As a result, the vessels narrow, which impedes blood access to the organs, a tendency to thrombosis appears, and ischemic damage to the organs develops.

Atherosclerosis is a dangerous disease that, if not adequately treated, can lead to death. Its insidiousness lies in its late symptoms, so it is diagnosed in the later stages.

Depressive states

After severe stressful situations, depressive states, panic attacks, neuroses, attacks of dizziness can be periodic. The head begins to feel dizzy unexpectedly, spontaneously in the morning or after a nap it may hurt. Objects swing in front of the eyes, vision blurs, and a feeling of intoxication and lightheadedness arises.

In this case, the diagnostics do not detect any physical abnormalities.

Pregnancy in women

Many women during pregnancy complain: “When you get up at night, everything is fine, but when I wake up in the morning, my head is dizzy and wobbly.” Why does this happen?

Mild dizziness and nausea in women during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, are considered normal if they occur periodically and do not affect general well-being. If a pregnant woman feels dizzy in the morning, not only after breakfast, but often severely, it may be:

  • iron deficiency anemia or, more simply, lack of iron in the diet;
  • hypoglycemia – a drop in blood glucose levels;
  • osteochondrosis, which is often accompanied by dizziness when getting out of bed.

Dizziness when taking medications, due to bad habits

It is also worth considering the fact that severe dizziness and nausea occur as a result of taking certain medications. Therefore, before taking them, you should not only consult with a specialist, but also carefully read the instruction leaflet, which indicates the side effects of taking the drug. If dizziness and nausea only intensify during therapy, it is necessary to discontinue the drug or reduce the dosage, which is adjusted by the doctor.

Dizziness occurs due to taking:

  • Sleeping pills.
  • Antiallergic drugs.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Oral contraceptives.

It should not be surprising that nausea and dizziness occur as a result of smoking or drinking alcohol. These habits negatively affect not only the condition of blood vessels and the heart, but also the activity of the brain and the body as a whole.

Dizziness and brain pathologies

In most cases, dizziness on only one side occurs due to the progression of a tumor in the brain. Diseases and pathologies of this area are also accompanied by other pronounced symptoms, which help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

  • Peripheral vertigo - observed with damage and diseases of the inner ear.
  • Central vertigo - develops in patients as a result of a stroke, a tumor of the brain or cerebellum.

The condition when dizziness and weakness occurs even in a completely healthy person and this is normal, especially if it occurs after a long trip or riding on a swing. Therefore, if dizziness and nausea occur as a result of these provoking factors, you should not worry, since this is a completely normal reaction of the body to certain irritants. However, dizziness can occur not only as a result of minor provoking factors, but also indicate the development of serious diseases, and therefore requires a full examination and identification of the cause.

Drug treatment for dizziness

A person tries to relieve almost any ailment with the help of pills. However, in most cases, the patient does not even know what kind of medicine he needs. You should not take any pills just to get relief, as this can only worsen the situation. Drug treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the cause that caused the pathology, the patient may need the following medications:

  • Means for lowering blood pressure.
  • Specific drugs that can help reduce the intensity of dizziness: Betagestin.

In the pharmacy you will find the drug "Betaserc" with the active substance betahistine. The cost will be 635 rubles for 30 tablets

Find out which medicine to choose for dizziness?

  • Medicines containing iron to help treat anemia.
  • Vasodilator drugs: Trental. You will have to take such tablets if the patient has osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as well as problems with cerebral circulation.

In some cases, the patient may be given injections for treatment. A single dose should not be more than 2 ml. If your head is dizzy very strongly and often, then you cannot treat it yourself.

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