Causes of dizziness in the morning, why you feel dizzy after sleep

Alcohol abuse, motion sickness, overwork are the main causes of dizziness, which every person has encountered at least once in their life. Typically, such discomfort does not cause concern and goes away on its own, without taking medications or proven home remedies. A more dangerous manifestation that requires immediate response is malaise, when you feel dizzy for no reason in the morning, and this happens systematically. Seeing a doctor is the only sure way to promptly identify and eliminate the alarming factor that provokes dizziness.

Causes of dizziness in the morning

Before starting treatment, it is recommended to determine the main reasons that provoke prolonged dizziness in the morning. Unpleasant discomfort, accompanied by nausea (often vomiting), pressure surges, and tinnitus, can occur for several reasons. You can identify them yourself by showing some observation.

The main causes of dizziness after sleep:

  • dehydration caused by the use of hazardous substances of various origins (long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs, abuse of alcohol, nicotine, taking anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • head injuries, previous surgery;
  • vascular damage, circulatory disorders in the brain (occurs most often in older people);
  • Meniere's disease (ear damage accompanied by hearing loss and prolonged nausea);
  • serious pathologies of the spine (especially the cervical spine);
  • problems with hormonal levels;
  • mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system (depression, stress, phobias);
  • decreased blood sugar levels (the brain does not receive the amount of useful elements necessary for active functioning);
  • oncological diseases.

Women often experience mild nausea, malaise, and morning dizziness due to menstruation. In such cases, there is no reason to consult a doctor, especially if there is no unpleasant discomfort during the monthly cycle.

Strict diets, prolonged fasting, and refusal of healthy foods can also cause discomfort - you feel unpleasantly dizzy after waking up. The malaise is often accompanied by staggering, blurred vision, and “spots” jumping before the eyes.

Are you familiar with these “floaters before your eyes”?

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