Why does my vision float and my head feel dizzy?

Main causes of the syndrome

The appearance of glare or flickering in the eyes followed by headaches can be a hereditary pathology. Most often, the problem occurs in women, it practically does not occur in children, and in men it appears much less frequently. In 95% of cases, ripples in the eyes appear followed by headaches as a result of external factors, which include:

  • abuse of diets that cause a lack of vitamins, brain hypoxia and poor circulation;
  • sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, including temperature changes. This also includes the acclimatization factor in people who moved from another place of residence to a colder, dry, hot or humid climate;
  • hypoxia due to sports activities - ripples in the eyes followed by headaches can appear in a stuffy room, or when refusing to stay in the open, clean air;
  • sometimes the cause of symptoms is emotional fatigue or prolonged stress;
  • costs of the profession - staying in an uncomfortable position, sitting in one place for a long time, working with toxic substances often leads to the formation of ripples and pain;
  • Smoking, alcoholism, and caffeine abuse can cause glare, clouding and flickering in the eyes;
  • a similar symptom often occurs in response to the consumption of foods high in preservatives, dyes and flavors.

If the effect of the provocateur is not eliminated within a short time, the symptoms may become chronic. Over time, they will lead to malfunctions of other organs.

Eye diseases

Persistent clouding of the picture, a veil is felt and vision is blurred - these are signs of ophthalmological diseases:

  1. Glaucoma. It is characterized by increased eye pressure, damage to the optic nerve and loss of visual fields. There is a feeling of pressure on the eyes, the patient cannot see in the dark, the image becomes clouded and blurred, and bright flashes may appear when looking at the light. Most often, glaucoma affects both organs of vision, but it happens that one eye is affected first. A complication of the pathology is blindness.
  2. Cataract. This is a clouding of the lens that causes visual disturbances. The color of the pupil changes, the eye sees dimly, color perception is impaired, and visual acuity decreases. Glare flashes before your eyes, light spots appear, and there is blurriness in the image. There are unilateral and bilateral cataracts. The only effective treatment is lens replacement.
  3. Retinal dystrophy. One of the reasons that vision blurs is its sharpness decreases. The patient complains of fog and veils before the eyes, image distortion and impaired color vision. The patient may be confused in space because he does not see the shapes and locations of objects correctly. Dystrophy can lead to retinal detachment and blindness.

Often the cause of floating worms lies in the visual apparatus itself, namely the vitreous body. This part of the ophthalmic system is a gel-like substance that fills the eye cavity. The vitreous body contains water, hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers.

Destructive changes in the vitreous body usually occur in old age. People with nearsightedness (myopia) are at risk.

Visual images may also appear when the vitreous body is separated. Once the gel-like substance is released from the back of the eye, periodic flashes and flickering occur.

With age, the size of the vitreous body decreases. Because of this, it becomes weaker. The substance can move freely in the inner space of the eye. Sometimes it even goes beyond the edges of the field of vision.

The clinical picture can be varied depending on the underlying pathology causing the visual image. When the vitreous body is destroyed, spots appear that stand still or slowly move horizontally or vertically. Sometimes transparent conglomerates may appear, which are directed in different directions.

Sometimes patients see cobwebs before their eyes. This indicates filamentous destruction or damage to individual collagen strands. With necrosis and gluing of vitreous tissue, visual images appear in the form of jellyfish and octopuses.

At a young age, this element of the eye has a uniform structure. Under the influence of age-related changes, the vitreous body begins to stratify, forming fibrous and liquid parts. All this creates ideal conditions for further separation of the gel-like substance.

Nevertheless, to activate pathological processes there must be some kind of powerful impetus. Progressive high myopia can become a catalyst for the development of destructive changes. An important role is played by frequent inflammatory processes that affect the blood vessels adjacent to the visual apparatus.

Complete detachment is accompanied by pronounced symptoms in the form of flashes, geometric shapes, lightning when moving the eyes. A person’s vision decreases and bursting pain appears in the eyes.

Complaints that something seems to be floating in the eye can occur with the following ophthalmological disorders:

  • hemorrhage;
  • vitreous detachment;
  • uveitis;
  • injury to the eyeball can cause vascular damage followed by bleeding into the vitreous body;
  • penetration of the drug into the middle of the vitreous body;
  • retinal detachment or the presence of dystrophic changes.

Floaters are divided into two categories:

  • Harmless, which bother, but do not directly affect the functions of the visual apparatus.
  • Pathological, causing inflammatory processes.

A condition where everything floats before the eyes very often occurs in dystonics with a sharp change in the position of the body (from horizontal to vertical or vice versa). This symptom can manifest itself at both high and low pressure due to disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels. Sometimes sudden blurriness before the eyes is observed in patients suffering from neuroses or uncontrollable fears.

If the blurry state occurs too often, the person may experience serious difficulties. It becomes difficult for the patient to concentrate, be attentive, and maintain a conversation. He is constantly tired and forgetful. Such patients become unable to fully perform mental and physical work. All this leads to the following manifestations:

  1. memory impairment;
  2. lethargy, lethargy, general weakness;
  3. loss of appetite;
  4. decreased clarity of vision;
  5. anxiety, excitement;
  6. constant desire to lie down;
  7. apathy, depression.

A person suffering from VSD is well acquainted with symptoms such as blurred vision, the appearance of flies in the field of vision, impaired gait stability, or brain fog.

Usually such patients call this “the state of everything floating around.” The fact is that mental instability makes dystonics constantly worry, be afraid of something, and experience panic attacks.

Often the symptom manifests itself due to a pre-fainting state caused by a violation of the respiratory rhythm. It is known that patients suffering from neuroses and uncontrollable fears often experience one or another difficulty breathing. With intense psycho-emotional stress, the frequency of inhalations and exhalations increases, a person experiences panic and begins to take in more and more air, which leads to blurriness of everything that comes into view.

Migraine as a cause of symptoms

If ripples form in the eyes and a headache, then this is a sign of ocular migraine - atrial scotoma. The disease belongs to a group of neurological disorders and often occurs due to changes in the structure of the vessels of the optic nerves.

This pathology is also characterized by changes in vision, the appearance of blurred boundaries and other visual defects: spots, glare, flickering. A person suffers from discomfort, loses his ability to work, and develops depression.

In most cases, the pathology is localized in both eyes at once, but may affect only one apple. The eyes flicker and darken for 30 minutes, after which the patient suffers from an acute migraine.

Treatment of the pathology depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the ripples in the eyes and the subsequent headache are very severe, drugs are prescribed to change the lumen of blood vessels, nootropic substances and drugs to combat depression. Doctors often recommend massage as a physical therapy procedure.

Types of migraine

There are 2 types of migraine, each of which has its own characteristics and processes:

  1. Migraine with aura. Approximately 1 hour before the attack, the patient experiences specific symptoms: vision is impaired, the eyes blink, the outlines of the image change, and pulsation appears. With physical activity and movement, the pain intensifies, and the patient also reacts sharply to light, sound and smells. The duration reaches several hours, rarely goes away immediately after taking the drugs.
  2. No aura. With this form of pathology, pain in the head appears without any accompanying symptoms. Most often, the cause is an unhealthy lifestyle or genetic predisposition. Migraines without aura often appear as a result of excessive smoking, drinking alcohol, or stress.

Both of these types of migraine symptoms have in common: severe headache and ripples in the eyes, flickering, glare, and a feeling of thirst. With migraine, most women experience emotional imbalance. Both sexes suffer from irritability and psychological discomfort.

Everything floats before your eyes: possible causes and treatment

Possible reasons

The choice of one or another method of therapy is determined by the doctor, taking into account the cause that provoked the symptom. If the cause of the anomaly lies in eye pathologies, then the use of special lenses or glasses is prescribed. It is possible to completely get rid of refractive error thanks to a surgical treatment method such as LASIK.

When dry eye syndrome develops, the use of products that are analogues of natural tears is prescribed. For the same purpose, it is allowed to use gels with a moisturizing effect.

Cataracts are often the trigger for blurred vision. This dangerous disease is treated surgically or the use of special drops is prescribed to help reduce the pressure inside the eye.

Often, floaters before the eyes disappear without a trace, leaving no trace behind. However, in some cases, the patient should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. These include:

  • the appearance of spots when the brightness of the light increases;
  • a constant increase in visual abnormalities;
  • the presence of progressive myopia;
  • the appearance of flies in a swarm;
  • darkening of some part of the visual field;
  • strengthening of images after fifty years;
  • a history of trauma to the visual organ.

Floaters themselves are not a pathological process, so the root cause needs to be treated. An ophthalmologist will be able to understand what disease caused the appearance of conglomerates. If the doctor does not identify any pathologies in the visual system, you may need to consult a neurologist, endocrinologist and therapist.

If vitreous defects are detected, surgical intervention will be required. If the problem is the tone of the eyeball, it is recommended to do visual exercises.

For severe discomfort and visual impairment, symptomatic treatment is used. It includes taking vitamins, lutein, antioxidants, antihypoxants, and enzymes. Drugs such as Emoxipin and Wobenzym are very popular.

The first medicine belongs to the group of antihypoxants. Drops normalize blood circulation in the tissues of the eye and promote rapid regeneration of damaged blood vessels. Emoxipine has antioxidant properties and promotes the resorption of minor hemorrhages.

The drug protects the retina from the negative effects of excess lighting, improves blood supply, and also protects the tissues of the visual organs from the influence of free radicals.

Wobenzym is an enzyme agent. The medicine accelerates the process of breakdown of collagen particles, due to which the appearance of visual conglomerates is reduced to nothing. The drug stops infectious and inflammatory processes. It improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood.

In some cases, doctors do not prescribe any specific treatment, since over time this phenomenon may go away on its own. This applies to opacities in the vitreous body, which have the ability to partially resolve.

In case of intense opacities, resolving therapy cannot be avoided. For this purpose, complex therapeutic measures are prescribed that improve metabolic processes in the vitreous body.

Is it possible to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon using folk remedies? Yes, but first you need to consult with your doctor. Populists suggest doing eye massage. It improves blood and lymph circulation, and also normalizes metabolic processes. It is necessary to massage the edges of the orbits of the eyeball and its body.

And alternative medicine also offers honey drops and propolis. To prepare a subconjunctival remedy, you need to mix natural honey and aloe juice in equal proportions until a homogeneous mass is obtained. As for propolis, an aqueous rather than an alcohol solution should be used as treatment.

Homeopathy has an extensive list of drugs that can prevent the appearance of floaters, and if they have already appeared, then eliminate their cause. Consider the list of the most effective medicines:

  • Agaricus. The medication is usually prescribed when floaters are accompanied by blurring and blurred vision;
  • Barita sulfurica – effectively combats sharp light flashes;
  • Coffee toast. Effectively copes with photosensitivity and weakness;
  • Curare. The medicine is prescribed for floaters that appear due to prolonged work at the computer;
  • Lilium tigrinum. Copes well with dryness and rapid visual fatigue.

Physical activity should be moderate; intense sports are as harmful as physical inactivity. It is important to monitor your diet. It must be balanced and fortified. You should give up bad habits, in particular tobacco and addiction to alcohol. Once a year it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations with an ophthalmologist.

Hypertension as a cause

If a patient constantly suffers from high blood pressure, then he is at risk of people prone to stroke and other emergency conditions, for example, a hypertensive crisis. If ripples begin in the eyes, and then an intense headache forms, then this is a harbinger of a dangerous condition. In this case, the pain is pulsating in nature, located mainly in the occipital region.

Visually, a person sees how the eyes dazzle in the form of “flies”. Vision decreases greatly, the background darkens. With severe hypertension, nausea, sleep problems and other serious disorders occur.

The disease must be treated using different medications. But without eliminating the cause, it will not be possible to get rid of persistent symptoms. Antihypertensive drugs and diuretics are often prescribed, and the patient’s lifestyle is changed.


If blurry vision appears, it is recommended to consult a therapist. He will examine the patient’s medical history, health complaints and conduct a thorough diagnosis.

If there are indications, consultation with doctors of narrow specialties may be required, depending on what caused the blurred vision. To make an accurate diagnosis, the following diagnostic methods are usually used:

  • Vascular ultrasound;
  • CT;
  • MRI.

In addition, the condition of the eyeball is necessarily assessed and the presence of ophthalmological diseases is excluded.


The appearance of ripples in the eyes and headaches is often associated with physical and psychological fatigue. You can recognize it if there are accompanying factors:

  • constant loads of 12-16 hours a day or more;
  • severe stress;
  • irregular work schedule.

As a result, muscle overstrain occurs, blood circulation in the brain worsens, and hypoxia develops. As a result, functions decrease, and the body gives signals about ongoing problems.

Important! When you are overtired, the picture before your eyes becomes blurry, your head often hurts, your health worsens, you experience dizziness and decreased visual acuity.

In the first stage of overwork, rest long enough to relieve symptoms. If the process is started, a nervous breakdown may occur. In severe cases, nootropics, sedatives, and, less commonly, antidepressants are recommended for therapy. It is also useful to visit spa treatments, go to massage and physiotherapy.

Causes of a floating world with VSD

Surely you have noticed that dizziness most often manifests itself after severe stress (sometimes not immediately, but only after 1-2 days), with a sudden change in weather, when blood pressure jumps, and even from a banal lack of sleep. All these are games of the nervous system, and they have their justification.

  • Disorder of the vestibular apparatus. It is surprising that dystonia even reaches such secluded areas and makes its own laws there. The vestibular apparatus is a miniature but complex system that is located in the inner ear. It “tracks” all changes in the human body and transmits them to the nervous system through special cilia. And the body thus “understands” that a person has sat down, stood up, or bent over. When a person is under the influence of stress, the nervous system cannot adequately receive signals and instead begins transmitting impulses back to the inner ear. As a result, everything floats before a person’s eyes.
  • Release of cortisol. People who are lucky enough to live without VSD almost do not feel this hormone in nervous and sensitive situations. The VSD members react painfully to him. Their blood vessels constrict, their blood pressure goes up, and their entire hormonal balance is ultimately confused. The constant release of cortisol keeps the nervous system in good shape, which is very harmful to the body. High blood pressure and constricted blood vessels provoke dizziness, spots before the eyes, and nausea. If your blood pressure is constantly at high levels, and your condition leaves much to be desired, you urgently need to change your lifestyle and start strengthening your nervous system.
  • Osteochondrosis. With this disease (and it often accompanies VSD), bone formations grow on the vertebrae, displacing them and compressing the vessels. Blood enters the brain in insufficient quantities, and the nerve fibers that stretch near the cervical vertebrae begin to “communicate” inadequately with the vestibular apparatus and send it incorrect signals. Under the stress that a person with VSD regularly experiences, the muscles contract and put more pressure on the spine, which only aggravates all the processes described above. Therefore, if you have blurry vision, try contacting a neurologist. The problem may lie in the spine.
  • Poor blood supply to the eyes. With VSD, blood vessels are often damaged, which is why the visual system does not receive enough blood and perceives the surrounding environment distorted. Often a person notices blurry dark spots that seem to float in some “otherworldly” area - between his pupils and the world. However, these spots are only vascular networks in the vitreous body of the eye. If dark floaters suddenly appear, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist, as you may be dealing with retinal detachment. In general, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist annually. There is no point in saying the obvious about how important healthy eyes are to you.

Pregnancy and symptoms

After conception, a woman’s body may react unconventionally: ripples will appear in the eyes, and then a headache will develop. This may be a consequence of hormonal changes and other changes in the body in preparation for the upcoming birth.

At these moments, pressure increases, the position and structure of blood vessels changes. A woman may experience aching headaches and glare in her eyes. However, in addition to the normal state, this may also be a consequence of a pathological process:

  • a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • ophthalmological diseases that destroy the retina, lens or other parts of the eye;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • poisoning by toxins or other harmful substances.

These pathologies are dangerous for the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Even if the symptoms are mild, it is recommended to undergo a full examination.

What are the causes of severe dizziness?

When a person experiences severe dizziness, the reasons may be different. When your head suddenly starts to feel dizzy, this is the first sign to go to a specialist, as this may be a symptom of a serious illness.

The following systems are responsible for the state of balance in the body:

  1. The vestibular apparatus is a separate organ located inside the human brain, which has receptors with increased sensitivity.
  2. Eyes. A complex system that, using receptors, sends what it sees to the part of the brain responsible for vision, and presents a picture visible to a person.
  3. Proprioceptors or sensory receptors responsible for physical sensations. Found in muscle tissue, skin and joints.

All components are interconnected and form an integral system. If one of them is damaged, serious health problems can occur.

The inflamed receptor sends a distorted signal to the brain, which can cause a person to feel dizzy.

The causes of sudden dizziness can be of a different nature and signal disorders in the body (there are more than 80 of them).

Severe dizziness in medicine is called vertigo, which is divided into the following types:

  1. Peripheral - caused by a disorder of the vestibular apparatus.
  2. Central - signals disruptions in brain function that are caused by chronic disease.

Also, the causes of sudden dizziness can arise from external factors affecting the body. This:

  • lack of sleep;
  • strict diet;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • long work at the computer, etc.

But such symptoms are not considered pathological, and they pass quickly.

Each person is individual: some begin to look for reasons, consulting with specialists, while others do not pay attention to this. Therefore, doctors cannot always identify diseases at an early stage; it happens that a person seeks help already too late.


One of the causes of unpleasant factors that arise like ripples and headaches is cervical osteochondrosis, caused by excess weight, lack of physical activity and an unhealthy lifestyle:

  • the vertebrae begin to change structure;
  • their position gradually shifts;
  • intervertebral discs are destroyed;
  • nerves and blood vessels are compressed;
  • severe deformation develops.

All this leads to poor brain function, deterioration of cognitive functions, and oxygen starvation.

With osteochondrosis, vision often becomes cloudy, tinnitus appears, and any movements of the neck cause severe discomfort. There is a pronounced crunch in the area of ​​the damaged vertebrae.

Peripheral dizziness

Peripheral dizziness includes:

  1. Dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The diagnosis itself is not a pleasant one, but if you feel dizzy, this is not considered a dangerous symptom. Therapy as such is not required here, but you will have to take care of your diet and intake of necessary minerals and vitamins. For women in such cases, the doctor prescribes hormonal medications, which, when taken, stop sudden dizziness.
  2. Vestibular neuritis. If the facial nerve, which is responsible for sending impulses to the brain, becomes inflamed, the consequences can be unpleasant. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, unstable gait and falls due to loss of balance. It is believed that the causative agent of the disease is a virus, which is why fever and cold symptoms are sometimes observed.
  3. Meniere's disease. Inflammation in the inner ear, which is caused by the accumulation of large amounts of endolymph. There may be a feeling of ringing in the ears and partial hearing loss.
  4. Otitis. Serious inner ear disease. It is not difficult to recognize: severe pain, discharge of pus, swelling and the onset of deafness. The person often feels dizzy.

Medical treatment

It is necessary to begin therapy after identifying the causes of the disease; self-administration of analgesics, antispasmodics and NSAIDs can lead to addiction and exacerbation of symptoms. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations without medications:

  • massage your temples and head;
  • do gymnastics for the neck and eyes;
  • take a walk outside or ventilate the room well;
  • use a cold compress from a decoction of medicinal herbs or plain water - apply it to the sore spot and on the eyes;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • sleep for 1-2 hours in a cold room without access to light.

If your head starts to hurt, you need to measure your blood pressure to make sure there are no dangerous factors.

When using drugs, their purpose and effectiveness should be taken into account. For mild attacks, you can take Aspirin, Indomethacin, Analgin or Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

Important! The drugs “Naramigran”, “Relpax”, “Amigrenin”, “Sumatriptan” are indicated in the treatment of acute attacks of headaches.

Doctors also recommend using medications to treat regular migraine attacks between relapses. For this purpose, new antidepressants, a group of anticonvulsants, and drugs based on propranolol are prescribed.

Central vertigo

Brain dysfunction is the main cause of severe dizziness. What causes this unstable condition?

Tumor. Benign or malignant, in any case will entail a number of characteristic symptoms. If the patient feels dizzy, this is the most harmless sign of this illness. Due to the growth of the tumor and its development, the brain tissue is compressed, and headache, nausea, and vomiting are added to the symptom.

Migraine. The disease is characterized by excruciating headaches, partial loss of hearing, vision and smell, and sometimes the person begins to become delirious. And dizziness is a harbinger of an attack.

Sclerosis. Damage to the nerves of the brain. Possible double vision, unsteady gait, numbness of the limbs.

Osteochondrosis. Overgrowth of cervical joints with osteocytes. When moving, especially sharply, the nerves in the vertebrae are compressed, and dizziness occurs.

Traumatic brain injuries. Consequences of bruises. If the blow was not strong, then the corresponding symptoms soon disappear. If a person often feels dizzy for a long time, then he should immediately consult a doctor.

Epilepsy. Seizure attacks begin with sudden dizziness. Then the person becomes lost in space and falls into convulsions.

With cardiovascular diseases, dizziness occurs, which can signal the following:

  1. Atherosclerosis. Due to the congestion of blood vessels with bad cholesterol, the brain does not receive enough blood and oxygen, resulting in dizziness.
  2. Change in pressure. Both low and high blood pressure can cause severe dizziness.
  3. Arrhythmia. Due to the uneven beating of the heart, the functioning of its parts is disrupted. As a result of undistributed hemoglobin throughout the body, an unpleasant symptom occurs.
  4. Stroke. Brain hemorrhage. The warning sign is dizziness.

The above are just some of the reasons why you may feel dizzy when it happens suddenly. No matter how strong or weak the symptoms manifest themselves, this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

Dizziness is a common phenomenon that every person experiences.

Often this can affect vision deterioration, and there is a feeling that everything is blurry before the eyes.

In most cases, these symptoms go away on their own. If you do not feel better, you should consult a doctor. There are a large number of physiological and pathological factors that cause such manifestations.

What to do if a symptom appears

What to do if for some reason there is flickering in the eyes? When the symptom regularly reminds itself, the patient is referred for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Taking into account the identified violations, therapy is prescribed, which involves the use of certain drugs:

  1. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed.
  2. If the cause lies in poisoning, the body is detoxified.
  3. The presence of diabetes mellitus requires adjustment of insulin dosages.
  4. When a defect is provoked by taking a drug, it is discontinued or a safer drug is selected.
  5. Hemorrhages can be managed with replacement and hemostatic therapy.
  6. If glare is caused by vitamin deficiency, the use of vitamin-mineral complexes is prescribed.

When the root cause is eliminated, the unpleasant symptom will often disappear on its own. In addition to drug treatment, you will need to reconsider your nutritional diet, give up bad habits, and correctly allocate time for work and rest.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis can be eliminated with the help of an appropriate course of therapy and special gymnastics.

It is unlikely that the patient will be able to get rid of the disorder on his own. After all, only by seeing a doctor can you find out exactly what to do to normalize your well-being.


Simple rules of prevention will help prevent the development of serious diseases. Basic recommendations:

  • Consult a doctor promptly, especially if dangerous symptoms develop.
  • Select the right optical models for vision correction. To do this, you need to consult a doctor.
  • If you have chronic diseases, such as diabetes, you should regularly visit an ophthalmologist.
  • Long-term eye strain requires the use of moisturizing eye drops, especially when working at a computer. This will help prevent the development of dry eye syndrome.
  • Do not self-medicate to avoid side effects.

The causes of unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness and blurred vision can be varied. You should not self-medicate, as there may be a risk of developing unpleasant symptoms.

Why does the picture float before my eyes?

A condition in which everything floats before your eyes and many accompanying symptoms arise requires an examination.
Initially, you need to visit a therapist, then, depending on the type of disorder detected, treatment will be carried out by a cardiologist, neurologist or neurosurgeon.

If problems with visual concentration occur in children, a visit to a pediatrician is indicated. It is not recommended to ignore deterioration in health.

What factors cause blurry vision?

The inability to focus is almost always related to underlying problems present in the body. They are destructive, inflammatory or tumor in nature.

Without an examination, it will not be possible to determine why there is floating in the eyes. After the interview and examination, the patient needs to undergo hardware and radiation diagnostics.

This will help you find out why your vision periodically becomes blurry, your head starts to hurt, and related symptoms occur.


Also in the official medical literature it may be called “anaemia”. The disease is characterized by a low level of hemoglobin, which is facilitated by blood loss, low-quality, irregular nutrition. Anemia develops equally often in both sexes.

In women, anemia often occurs as a result of monthly blood loss, if it is massive and uncompensated.

Pathology can only be identified based on laboratory testing. The patient will have to donate blood for clinical analysis.

Symptoms of the condition:

  • General weakness occurs.
  • Blood pressure levels decrease.
  • Extremities are cold to the touch.
  • Sensation in the hands is impaired.
  • It can sometimes get dark before your eyes, especially when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position.

Against the background of low pressure, the patient complains that objects seem blurry and it is difficult to concentrate. Anemia can rarely go away on its own - the patient needs improved nutrition, proper rest, and walks in the fresh air.

Cerebrovascular accident

It occurs suddenly, for example, due to a blow to the head, or increases gradually. In the second case, the pathology is a consequence of disturbances in the systemic circulation. This occurs due to medication, stress, fasting, and alcohol abuse.

Signs of impaired cerebral circulation:

  1. The image is not clearly visible and may disappear for a short time.
  2. After a trip in public transport, you may begin to feel sick.
  3. It hurts and I feel dizzy.
  4. It's hard to focus on a specific object.
  5. Sometimes vomiting occurs.

These signs are grounds for immediate consultation with a doctor. In 95% of cases, the patient is indicated for immediate hospitalization in a hospital department. With the listed symptoms, you need to lie down on the bed with the head end elevated. This will minimize the load on the blood vessels of the brain.

Hormonal disorders

Nausea, blurred vision, dizziness, decreased performance are symptoms indicating pregnancy. The reason for the change in condition and the appearance of these signs is the sharp hormonal fluctuations that occur in the female body immediately after fertilization.

Violation of the daily routine

Exhaustive sports training, fasting, overwork, lack of sleep - all these factors negatively affect the blood supply to the brain. If everything suddenly swims before your eyes, you feel dizzy, nauseous, or general anxiety arises, you need to reduce physical activity, reconsider your diet and daily routine.

A brain tumor

One of the common reasons why everything floats in the eyes is the presence of a neoplasm inside parts of the brain. The reasons for the development of the tumor process are polymorphic.


  1. Pain syndrome. The head hurts and begins to feel dizzy from minor irritation - for example, due to a trip in transport. Discomfort is not always localized on the side of the tumor.
  2. Insomnia due to severe headache.
  3. Nausea and vomiting occurs.
  4. The voice changes slightly.
  5. Vision and hearing are impaired - when the tumor compresses the nerves that transmit impulses to the eyes, or if the tumor is located near the ear.
  6. General weakness, which sometimes leads to an inability to assume an upright position.

Often, the patient explains the symptoms of a brain tumor by fatigue or other factors, and seeks help at least at stage 2 of tumor development.

For brain tumors, treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon with the participation of an oncologist.

Hypertensive crisis

A condition in which blood pressure reaches high limits, which contradicts the person’s normal well-being.

Symptoms of hypertension:

  • Noise in ears.
  • A pulsating headache that can radiate to the ears or spread to the eyes.
  • Weakness due to which the patient is forced to assume a horizontal position of the body.

During a hypertensive crisis, it is impossible to concentrate and focus your gaze on a specific object. The condition is characterized by lacrimation and a feeling of sand getting into the eyes.

A direct sign of increased blood pressure is nosebleeds.

Before the patient feels normal, he needs to be helped to assume a horizontal body position and provide him with access to fresh air.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The main reasons why everything floats before your eyes is pinched nerves or blood vessels running inside the neck. A similar thing happens with osteochondrosis of this part of the spine.

Signs of the condition are pain when turning the head, nausea, motion sickness in transport. As the nerve fibers are compressed, the affected area begins to go numb.

What should not be done until the presence of osteochondrosis is confirmed:

  • Apply a compress to the troubling area of ​​the body.
  • Take antibiotics.
  • Apply a heating pad to the area of ​​inflammation.

If after minor physical activity you feel dizzy and immediately have blurry vision, you need to visit a neurologist. Already during the examination and interview, a presumptive diagnosis is established: the clinical manifestations of the disease are specific.


A condition in which blood pressure levels are reduced. Signs of hypotension:

  1. My head hurts and I feel dizzy.
  2. It is problematic to get out of bed, because there is unsteadiness on the legs, and it is dark before the eyes.
  3. There is general drowsiness.

Worsening of health may occur in the evening or in the morning - it does not depend on the time of day. When the cause of hypotension is VSD, the condition worsens on the eve of a change in weather conditions.

A standard pain reliever provides a short-term effect. Initially, you should undergo diagnostics, identify the cause of low blood pressure, and act on it with medication or another method.


You can determine the reasons why everything is blurry in your eyes using an MRI or CT scan of the brain, X-ray examination of the spine, and laboratory tests. Additionally, the patient visits an ophthalmologist.

This specialist undergoes a standard examination: they alternately close the left and right eyes, and recognize the letters that the doctor points to. Other types of diagnostics depend on the characteristics of the clinical case.


Basically, it is conservative in nature. The patient is prescribed the use of drugs that normalize blood pressure; vitamins, analgesics, chondroprotectors.

No traditional treatment method should be used until agreed with the supervising physician.

For osteochondrosis, it is recommended to swim - this allows you to relieve tension in the cervical spine, reduce pain in this part, and restore blood supply. For anemia, Sorbifer, Totema or their analogues are prescribed. During a hypertensive crisis, Magnesium sulfate, Dibazol, Papaverine, or tableted antihypertensive drugs are administered.

If it floats before your eyes, and the condition is accompanied by other symptoms, a visit to a therapist is indicated. The sooner the processes that impede normal well-being are identified, the higher the likelihood of full restoration of health and prevention of disability.

Source: https://vsepromozg.ru/nedomoganiya/plyvet-pered-glazami

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