Free fragment – ​​Physical therapy for patients with multiple sclerosis

What's happened?

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease that has a chronic form. It is recognized by its characteristic symptoms:

  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • poor memorization and reproduction of information;
  • causeless occurrence of depression;
  • deterioration of health: dizziness, cramps;
  • the appearance of a sore throat when trying to swallow;
  • urinary incontinence.

If such problems arise, you should immediately contact a neurologist for a diagnostic examination and selection of complex therapy. An integral component of it is physical therapy for multiple sclerosis.

The most common cause of multiple sclerosis is a weakened nervous system. Each cell of the body cannot resist infection, which is why neurological cells are destroyed.

The benefits of exercise therapy for multiple sclerosis

Therapeutic exercises, which are prescribed by doctors for multiple sclerosis, involve a complex effect on all muscle groups in order to redistribute muscle tension. As a result, muscle tissue is strengthened, increased spasticity is eliminated, and muscle tone is normalized. The patient maintains balance better and clearly controls all parts of the body. What does physical therapy provide for multiple sclerosis?

  1. General strengthening and healing of the body.
  2. Improved well-being, reduced feelings of fatigue.
  3. Stimulation of blood circulation. As a result, parts of the brain and body are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients.
  4. Strengthening the muscles of the musculoskeletal system and bladder.
  5. Restoration of motor coordination.

Patients with MS who regularly exercise, try to lead an active lifestyle, are less susceptible to developing depression and neuroses, and retain the ability to self-care longer.


Exercise for multiple sclerosis is an integral part of treatment. Experienced neurologists have identified several of their advantages:

  • General strengthening of the body and increased vitality. Exercises are useful not only for eliminating the disease, but also for preventing its occurrence.
  • Reduced feelings of fatigue and overall improvement in well-being.
  • Normalizes blood circulation, thereby improving brain activity and memory.
  • Strengthening the bladder muscles.
  • Strengthening bones and restoring coordination, which undoubtedly leads to the elimination of mobility problems.

As a result of numerous medical studies, it has been proven that regular physical exercise helps improve the physiological well-being of a person with multiple sclerosis. Moreover, you can perform both complex exercises with a trainer and a simple exercise therapy program for multiple sclerosis at home.

Why is physical exercise needed for MS?

There are medications that help slow down this process, as well as partially restore motor functions. For the same purpose, various sets of therapeutic and physical exercises are prescribed. Neglect of exercise therapy can lead to disability, and quite quickly - each new manifestation of the disease feels worse than the previous one.

By avoiding movement, you are not exercising previously used muscles every day. The less you move, the more muscular dystrophy progresses, and the less strength you have. And with multiple sclerosis, fatigue is already increased. Tightening in this case is highly not recommended. Physical activity should be regular.

There are many therapeutic and physical training complexes that help maintain physical activity with MS, and you should consult a doctor so that he can prescribe exercises that are suitable for you personally. In this article we will describe the most common types of therapeutic load.

Contraindications to training

A person himself, like no one else, can assess his own well-being: whether he can bear the load, or whether it will make him worse. Obvious contraindications to exercise therapy for MS are viral and cold illnesses, elevated body temperature, severe dizziness or weakness.

It is imperative to consult a neurologist before performing exercises, especially if the patient has other concomitant chronic diseases. The specialist will be able to give an objective assessment of the patient’s health.

Use of simulators

In case of multiple sclerosis, training performed on the Swedish wall shows good results. It can serve as a support when performing exercises from a standing position. In addition, the Swedish wall facilitates squats and backbends. Multiple sclerosis may not go away completely, but its symptoms can be minimized if you exercise daily.

Recommended physical exercises:

  1. Having placed a chair in front of the wall bars and holding the crossbar with your hand, you need to sit down without lifting your hands.
  2. Place your right foot on the bottom step, after which you take a step down with the same foot.

With the help of physical training, the life of a patient with multiple sclerosis is made easier. You should consult your doctor regarding the appropriate exercise and nutrition plan. To speed up treatment, you should combine therapeutic exercises with exercise equipment, swimming, and walking. You need to move your legs more actively; you can leisurely ride a tricycle or a velomobile. Multiple sclerosis will stop progressing if you lead an active lifestyle and eat right.

Exercises to improve endurance

Exercise for multiple sclerosis is divided into several subtypes. One of its most important components is endurance exercises. They are needed for the following purposes:

  1. Giving additional strength to the upper and lower extremities;
  2. Increased walking speed;
  3. Additional benefits for the body are reduced fatigue and improved quality of life.

For example, an exercise to hold the body on the limbs is effective. To perform it, you need to rise on your tiptoes as high as possible and hold your own body in this position for 10-15 seconds. Then you need to lower yourself and rise again, but this time leaning only on your heels. Gradually the load can be increased to 3 approaches of 30-60 seconds.

To train the hand, a similar exercise to hold the body while standing in a support is suitable. In this case, the legs can be straightened or bent at the knees, but the body weight should be supported only on the arms.

Experienced neurologists recommend walking up stairs as an exercise for multiple sclerosis to develop endurance, but it is not suitable for everyone due to the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

General principles of therapeutic exercises for patients with multiple sclerosis

No fatigue. Gymnastics for multiple sclerosis is carried out no more than a quarter of an hour, two to three times a day. If the patient is tired, the session must be interrupted. There is no need to “work your butt off” - there will be no benefit from this.

There's no rush. The task during classes is not to complete the entire set of exercises at all costs, but to smoothly load the muscles in which violations have been identified. Take breaks. Take it slow. Maintain alternating tension and relaxation when choosing exercises.

Not a step without a doctor. Exercise therapy is not just exercise, but a therapeutic procedure. Exercises, like medications, should be prescribed by a medical specialist familiar with the specific manifestations of your disease. There is no universal solution - only individual ones.

Exercises to strengthen the body

Strength training is essential for every person with multiple sclerosis. They allow you to achieve:

  1. Body strengthening;
  2. Increased muscle mass;
  3. In addition, they can instantly overcome fatigue and improve self-esteem.

Scientists have proven that strength training causes the body to produce happiness hormones, which means that a person who exercises regularly will be less susceptible to stress and depression.

Strength training and exercises for MS include the use of dumbbells and cuffs that are placed on the legs. It is worth noting that this is quite a large load for a person, so it is recommended to exercise only in a gym under the supervision of a qualified trainer or medical professional.

In the first stages of strength training, it is recommended to use a minimal load and perform several approaches. The main goal is to achieve mild muscle fatigue. Then, gradually the load can be increased, but it is imperative to take a short rest between approaches to restore the functioning of the respiratory system.

Hippotherapeutic exercises

Hippotherapy is a valuable addition to classical physiotherapy methods. However, horses must belong to calm, so-called “cold-blooded” breeds (for example, Hutsul or Icelandic horses). They must also be properly trained. Therapy can only be carried out by specialists, and the patient must be constantly monitored.

Riding a horse is a pleasant experience for the patient. This reduces muscle tension, helps in balancing exercises, builds self-confidence and encourages further work. The participant sits on a horse without using a saddle. Thus, the movement of the animal is transmitted directly to the rider. It should also be emphasized that contact with horses has a calming and calming effect on most patients.

Exercises for the sense of touch

The patient learns to re-evaluate the sense of touch when dealing with different materials. In doing so, it tries to determine the type of material, surface structure, temperature, size, shape, etc.

Music therapy

For multiple sclerosis, passive music therapy or the use of music as an element to accompany exercise is recommended.

Stretching exercises

An integral part of the treatment of sclerosis are stretching exercises, which must be performed at least 1-2 times a week. They are needed for the following purposes:

  1. Improved coordination of movements;
  2. Giving the body plasticity;
  3. Improved elasticity and strengthened muscles.

In addition, stretching while listening to melodic music promotes relaxation and improves your mood.

Experienced neurologists recommend that patients with multiple sclerosis do yoga or Tibetan gymnastics. After just a few days of training, instability will disappear and coordination of movements will improve, as a person will learn to listen to his body.

It is absolutely not necessary to go to the gym to improve stretching. The familiar “Birch” exercise is incredibly beneficial for the whole body. To complete it you need:

  • Take a lying position on the floor;
  • Fix your palms under the level of your shoulder blades;
  • Raise your legs up and lift your lower back off the floor.

You need to hold your body in this position for 10 to 30 seconds. If during exercises a muscle spasm (convulsions), tremors, or limbs begin to go numb, then the training must be stopped immediately.

Fitness for people with MS

Regular exercise can also help in the fight against multiple sclerosis. After just a few workouts, people notice an improvement in their condition and a decrease in the level of fatigue:

  1. Power training .
    Exercises with light weights or bands will help strengthen muscles, increase their endurance and elasticity, and also have a positive effect on bone strength. There should be no pain or strange sensations during training.
  2. Stretching or stretching . This is a very useful type of exercise, which is primarily aimed at restoring muscle balance and increasing muscle elasticity, which may be lost due to dystrophy resulting from sclerosis.
  3. Aerobic exercise . Such training will be a good help in the fight against excess weight. This is a common problem in people with multiple sclerosis due to their lack of mobility.

It is recommended to train no more than 2-3 times a week for half an hour. Fitness training for multiple sclerosis should be carried out only in combination with exercise therapy. Such exercises do not replace a full course of treatment.

Another effective way is swimming. Exercises in water are especially good because they help regulate the patient’s body temperature and prevent him from overheating.

Exercises at home

Of course, any therapeutic exercise will be effective in the gym. But, if it is not possible to attend, then you need to study at home. It is recommended to regularly perform aerobic and anaerobic exercise on the body. Firstly, they help strengthen muscles and the body, and secondly, they improve mobility and coordination of movements. In addition, rhythmic movements have a positive effect on brain function and psychosocial functioning.

The peculiarity of aerobics is to perform certain monotonous movements at a fast pace. Fortunately, in the modern world it is easy to find any method and program on the Internet. You just need to turn on the video and repeat the action after a professional trainer. An excellent alternative to such activities is light jogging or brisk walking, skiing or cycling. Walking in the fresh air has a particularly beneficial effect on a person’s well-being.

The obvious disadvantage of training at home is that the person will be training alone. Firstly, he will not be able to assess the correctness of the exercises in this way, and, secondly, if he suddenly becomes ill, then there may not be someone nearby to provide first aid. Therefore, it is still recommended to practice under the supervision of a specialist.

Exercises while lying on your back

It is recommended to perform the complex on a hard surface. The permissible number of repetitions for multiple sclerosis is 5 times.

In a lying position, your arms can be in several positions. If they are under your head, perform the “bicycle” exercise. It is important that the movement is performed with each leg in turn.

Effective training in a lying position for MS (multiple sclerosis) are:

  1. Bend your knees to the sides. It is important that the shoulders and pelvis do not come off the floor.
  2. Lifting the pelvis with bent knees.
  3. Raises of outstretched arms. This task can be performed using a gymnastic stick.
  4. Bend your legs and alternately pull your knee to your chest.
  5. Abduction of the arm and opposite leg to the sides. It is very important at the time of execution to control that your arms and legs move on the floor.

To perform a more complex exercise for multiple sclerosis, a round object is required. Taking it in the right hand, by moving it along the floor, the object above the head is transferred to the other hand. After this, bend the right leg and transfer the object over the knee from the left hand to the right. The exercise is repeated 4 times, after which it is performed in the opposite direction.

If the previous version of the exercise causes difficulties for the patient, it is recommended to perform the “book” exercise. To do this, one hand is lifted off the floor, after which its palm is placed on top of the other hand. The benefit to the body is the stimulation of blood circulation due to twisting of the spine.

Exercises in the gym

The body of a person with multiple sclerosis can respond differently to physical activity; his health condition can either improve or sharply worsen. Therefore, the first training should be carried out only in the gym in order to understand what type of physical education complex is most suitable. Classes in the gym are conducted on several machines:

  1. Cycling is a great way to strengthen your leg muscles and warm them up. You should start pedaling slowly, gradually adding intensity. Experienced athletes can set the movement resistance on the equipment.
  2. Tai Chi is a special healing technique developed for people with multiple sclerosis. It is aimed at strengthening the strength and flexibility of the arms and legs. Currently, almost every club has a trainer who conducts similar group classes.
  3. A gymnastic ball will allow you to achieve maximum rest and relaxation of the whole body after training. In addition, exercises on it are aimed at stretching the entire body.
  4. Qigong is another type of healing exercise that can be learned in the gym. They are aimed at strengthening the spine.

One of the manifestations of multiple sclerosis is a lack of balance and impaired coordination of movements. People with these symptoms are advised to use support during the exercise or ask another person for help.


  1. Starting position: sit on a chair. Take a gymnastic stick. Lower your arms downwards. At the same time as you inhale, lift the stick upward. Exhale and bring the stick behind your back. Then, inhale, lift up and exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat four times.
  2. Starting position: sit on a chair. Place your hands on your belt. Inhale and move your opposite arm and leg to the sides. Exhale and return your limbs to the starting position. With an inhalation, move the second pair of oppositely directed limbs to the sides and, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat four times.
  3. Starting position: sit on a chair. Bend your elbows, clasp your hands. Smoothly rotate them to the left four circles, then to the right. Repeat three times.
  4. Starting position: sit on a chair. Place your hands on the seat and raise your legs, spread shoulder-width apart. Make rotational movements with your feet, first to the left, then to the right in four circles. Repeat three times.
  5. Starting position: sit on a chair. Make slow movements with your hands, describing circles - first to the left, then to the right in four circles. When you raise your arms up, inhale, when you lower them down, exhale.
  6. Starting position: Sit on a chair, move your legs together and place your hands on your knees. Clench and unclench your fists while moving your feet from toe to heel and back.
  7. Starting position - similar to exercise 6. Inhale halfway while straightening your arms forward and finish inhaling by raising them above your head. Lower your arms to the middle, starting to exhale and finish by returning to the starting position. Repeat four times.
  8. Starting position: sit on a chair. Place your hands on your knees. Raise your hands to your shoulders. Inhaling at the same time, lift them up and look at them. Then, exhaling, lower first to the shoulders, then, ending the exhalation, to the starting position. Repeat four times.
  9. Starting position: sit on a chair. Take a gymnastic stick, resting its ends in your palms. Stick at hip level. Place it vertically on your right thigh while looking at the upper end and inhale. Return to the starting position and exhale, then return to the left thigh and inhale. Return to the original position. Repeat four times.
  10. Starting position - sit on a chair, take the ball. Pass it from one hand to the other in a ring - in front of the chair, then behind. After repeating four times, change the direction of the ball.
  11. Sit down. Throw the ball up and catch it after clapping your palms. Over time, you can diversify this exercise by increasing the number of claps.
  12. Starting position: lying on your stomach on the mat. Place your head on your hands. You should cross one leg over the other, with its toe touching the floor on the opposite side. Return to the starting position and change legs, and so on three times.
  13. Starting position - lying on your stomach, rest your hands in the shoulder area, straighten your legs. Straighten your arms, then spread them to the sides, while lifting yourself up as if you were swimming breaststroke. Move your straightened arms along your body and return to the starting position. Repeat four times.
  14. Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Straighten your arms, move to the knee-wrist position. Breathe in. Shift your body into a sitting position on your feet, while simultaneously stretching your arms forward, as if stretching, and exhale. Return to the knee-wrist position, inhale, and return to the starting position. Exhale. Repeat four times.
  15. The starting position is knee-wrist. Raise your opposite limbs, being careful not to lose your balance. Breathe in. Return to the starting position, exhale and switch limbs, then back to the starting position, and so on four times.
  16. The starting position is knee-wrist. Breathe in. Extend your arm forward and exhale. Arm Back - Inhale and extend your other arm forward. Exhale. Return to the starting position and do this four times.
  17. The starting position is knee-wrist. Straighten up, leaning on your limbs, forming a “house”. Move rhythmically, trying to place your entire foot on the floor. Return to the starting position. Repeat four times.
  18. Lie on your back, knees bent, arms above your head. Raise your hips and inhale. Then lower and exhale. Repeat six times.
  19. Lie on your back, spread your arms, spread your legs slightly, turn your toes in different directions. Breathe in. Wrap your arms around yourself and turn your toes inward. Exhale and return to the starting position, and so on six times.
  20. Lie on your back, straighten your legs, stretch your arms along your body. Take the ball. Pass the ball from one hand to the other behind your head while inhaling. Then, lifting one leg, pass the ball under your knee and exhale. Then - again behind the head and under the knee of the other leg. Repeat four times. Then change the direction of passing the ball.

The above exercises can be combined with any physical activity aimed at developing coordination of movements, similar to what is recommended for small children at the stage of developing motor skills. Don’t be shy - multiple sclerosis is a serious disease, and only a person with all his education will be able to explain to a nervous system that has suddenly begun to malfunction what is required of it.

Important Tips

A person with multiple sclerosis is advised to adhere to the following recommendations when performing exercises:

  • Train often, but little by little, without bringing yourself to extreme physical fatigue. In this case, the load on the joints will be reduced and little energy will be expended.
  • If the exercises are performed in a supine position, then you need to lie down and get up slowly and carefully.
  • It is imperative to sit and rest between approaches to allow the muscle tissue to recover.
  • Many people with this diagnosis have trouble sleeping. To improve sleep, it is recommended to perform rehabilitation relaxation training in the evening: yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, slow dancing.
  • Exercises should be performed only in loose clothing and comfortable shoes.
  • After training, it is recommended to have a rehabilitation massage session. It promotes muscle relaxation and rest after intense exercise.
  • You should first select the music to which the exercises will be performed; it is very important that it evokes pleasant emotions.
  • It is worth taking a bottle of water with you to training, it will allow you to restore strength during rest.

Classes should bring the athlete only positive emotions and good mood. If you feel discomfort, you should choose a different training system for yourself.

Hydrotherapeutic treatment of multiple sclerosis

Movement in the water or even - if possible - swimming is an important part of physical therapy. A patient who constantly suffers from body imbalances and contractures experiences a feeling of greater confidence and control over their body during hydrotherapy because the water slows down sudden and uncontrollable movements. In addition, the patient in water, apparently losing weight, can move with much greater ease than usual and needs less strength to maintain body balance. Therefore, when performing exercises in water, the patient experiences better efficiency of his efforts. Movement in water is a good form of preparation for typical more complex therapeutic exercises.

The water temperature must be adjusted to the individual needs of each practitioner. Most patients prefer colder baths. They feel more efficient and relaxed wearing them. In this case, a temperature of 23-26 degrees Celsius is recommended. Some patients respond to warmer water, but experience shows that at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius the patient quickly gets tired.

Features of the action of body temperature

Experienced neurologists have proven that approximately 60-80% of patients with multiple sclerosis experience an increase in body temperature. This is due to performing physical activities that are unusual for the body. It is worth noting that, basically, this only happens in the early stages of training and gradually goes away.

Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common neurological diseases, which is quite difficult to treat. Only complex therapy, one of the components of which is physical therapy, can alleviate the patient’s well-being.

Basic rules and recommendations

If classes are carried out under the supervision of relatives, the likelihood of falls and injuries is reduced. Basic principles of physical exercises indicated for multiple sclerosis:

  • Availability for implementation taking into account the often limited motor activity of patients.
  • Measured loads without overwork. The main goal is to achieve mild muscle fatigue.
  • Regular classes. The therapeutic effect is more pronounced in patients who do exercises daily for 30-60 minutes.

The load must alternate with rest. Doctors recommend taking breaks between individual approaches to restore even breathing and relax the muscles. Comfortable clothes and shoes are used for classes.

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