List of interesting topics for conversation between a guy and a girl

During the first meeting with a girl or on the next date, if there were few of them, uncomfortable hesitations or pauses in the conversation arise. The reason for silence is often excessive excitement, which causes even a very sociable person to awkwardly fall silent at the most crucial moment.

To avoid such problems, it is worth preparing in advance for conversation topics that will come to the rescue in difficult times.

Communication on VK (Internet)

The problem of communication via the Internet (on VK, Odnoklassniki and other social networks) is that the emotional component disappears. It is difficult to determine how a girl feels about a particular topic. Therefore, you should avoid sensitive topics, especially if your relationship is just beginning to develop.

Examples of topics:

  • About animals.
  • Hobbies.
  • Dream.
  • Work or study.
  • Rest.
  • Trips.
  • Music, films.
  • Holidays.
  • Fashion.
  • Culinary themes.
  • Relationship.

On VKontakte

Nowadays, this social network is becoming the most popular way of communication between young people. Here you can find a partner to your liking, focusing on his hobbies and interests.

To attract the girl you like, you need to start an exciting and catchy correspondence. To do this, you will need topics for conversation with a girl on VKontakte.

What to write to a girl

Finding a topic for conversation with a girl on VK right away will not be easy, especially if you barely know her. First you need to get her to talk. The main secret is naturalness. Don't try to look too romantic or intellectual by inserting lines from poems or aphorisms of thinkers into your correspondence.

Act natural. The girl will immediately feel it and open up. How your further communication will develop depends on the first conversation.

The main thing in correspondence is to adhere to several basic principles:

  1. Ask the right and sincere questions.
  2. Be original.
  3. Just kidding.
  4. Write ambiguously.
  5. Don't be too intrusive.
  6. Stop the correspondence first.
  7. If everything goes according to plan, ask the girl out on a date. Don't delay.

Of course, you won’t be able to master all these tips the first time. So it will take experience and practice.

Questions to ask during correspondence

To provoke a girl into long-term communication, you need to ask the right and precise questions. They should be “open”, that is, not assume a monosyllabic answer (yes or no).

Topics for conversation with a girl by correspondence should be casual. For example, you might ask:

  • what she did the previous day;
  • how did you react to the video of the popular group;
  • what emotions the new film evoked in her.

The main thing is to avoid making the common mistake of asking how she is doing.
It’s hard to come up with a greater banality. Better take an interest in her mood. Provoke her emotions, ask how she felt about this or that event, what interested her.

Telephone communication

You can choose a topic for conversation on the phone from all of the above. The main thing you should pay attention to is the intonation of your interlocutor. If a girl is often silent or answers in monosyllables, then perhaps she does not like the direction of the conversation.

Things to avoid when talking to a girl you like:

  • Conduct a conversation only on your own behalf or focus attention on your person.
  • It is not advisable to interrupt; girls appreciate it when they are listened to carefully.
  • Touch on old relationships.
  • Touch on very personal topics, especially at the beginning of communication.
  • Laugh or joke her answers if the topic is serious for her.

Top 55 interesting topics

During first meetings between men and women, there are often awkward pauses in conversation. In many ways, such hesitations are caused by excitement, which can silence even a sociable and charismatic person at a crucial moment. Therefore, the best way to avoid such problems is to carefully prepare for future dialogue. Good and popular topics for conversation with a woman:

  1. An invitation to describe yourself in three words or one sentence.
  2. The question is what makes the interlocutor happy.
  3. Childhood: place of birth, kindergarten and school, hobbies, favorite toys, vivid memories and funny stories.
  4. Girl's dreams.
  5. What is your companion proud of?
  6. What would you spend your big lottery winnings on?
  7. What can cheer you up (if the guy is funny or cheerful, he can immediately try one of the mentioned methods).
  8. What is missing in life now?
  9. About what makes a girl laugh the most.
  10. Does she love herself and why especially?
  11. Which of her actions is she guided more often by: her mind or her heart?
  12. Interests and hobbies.
  13. Does she consider herself an ordinary or strange person, and if the latter, then how exactly does this manifest itself?
  14. About the talents that the interlocutor has.
  15. Does she know how to cook, does she like it and what are her favorite dishes?
  16. Attitude to sports and types that are interesting.
  17. The first thing she pays attention to when meeting you.
  18. About her interest in travel, what place, city or country she would like to visit.
  19. Thoughts about death and what awaits after it. A serious philosophical question, but at the same time very interesting.
  20. If she had to go to a desert island, what would the girl prefer to take with her?
  21. You can chat about idols and people she admires.
  22. The creepiest thing ever done.
  23. The best advice I've heard from other people.
  24. Please tell us about your best friend or girlfriend.
  25. What animal does it resemble?
  26. Favorite film or personal top films or genres. You can also ask about actors or directors.
  27. About fears, which one is the strongest.
  28. Favorite fictional character.
  29. The most unforgettable trip.
  30. Discussion of what confuses you most in life.
  31. Has there ever been, or perhaps there is now, a mentor and chief advisor.
  32. Ask if she likes compliments.
  33. Favorite quote, song, book, joke.
  34. Which famous person would she like to date?
  35. What is her zodiac sign, does she believe in astrology and horoscopes and does she correspond to her sign.
  36. What would you most like to change in your life?
  37. What are the most significant plans and goals that you definitely need to achieve, and what you want to leave behind.
  38. Is there any item from childhood that is still important and kept by the girl?
  39. What he regrets most.
  40. The question of who the girl dreamed of being as a child or teenager is also suitable for a live conversation. And this is also a good topic for conversation with a girl - ask what she wants to become.
  41. An invitation to imagine your stay in prison and tell whether the interlocutor would have been able to survive and how it would have happened.
  42. Things new people should know about her when starting out.
  43. Does she want children and, if so, how many and does the gender of the child matter? And also, perhaps, the woman has already chosen several names or one favorite one.
  44. What would she do if she became a man for one day?
  45. If you had a chance to change anything from the past or present, what would it be?
  46. About feeling at home: where, with whom or during what activity does a girl feel at home.
  47. Attitude towards religions and God (a question that is not one of the first to be asked and with which you need to be careful).
  48. Does the girl believe in fate or miracles, and has there been anything like that in her life?
  49. Does she like to sing and dance?
  50. Favorite literary genre.
  51. Favorite animal, including pets, and whether she has a cat, dog or someone else.
  52. Does she trust people?
  53. What attracts people of the opposite sex psychologically and physically.
  54. Actions during bad moods and bad days.
  55. Her understanding of love is also a relevant topic that can be discussed.

The most important thing in any conversation is not to talk yourself (especially a lot), but to listen carefully and enthusiastically, and ask clarifying questions. Memorizing answers and other information said is no less important.

All this will be very useful in the future. Everyone likes it when they listen carefully and remember all sorts of facts: their favorite juice, a book, or what they want to receive for their birthday.

First meeting

In order for the first date to go off with a bang, you should prepare not only externally, but also choose the right topics for dialogue. When you first meet, you should talk about abstract topics. This will show that you are interested in the girl as a person.

Examples of topics:

  • Funny stories or incidents from life. Non-boring topics always attract girls, so they feel more confident.
  • Professional employment. This will make it easier to find common ground and avoid getting into an awkward situation.
  • Personal hobbies. Everything is clear here - how to spend your personal time.
  • Close people. Relatives, friends, this is the world in which she lives. This topic can fill the pauses.
  • Future plans. Goals and aspirations are a broad topic of conversation.

What to talk about with a girl. How to find a topic for communication

There's never a question about what to talk about with friends: whether it's hanging out with a beer in the garage, going to the movies, or a party at one of your houses. While in the company of girls, guys often resemble fish:

  • eyes bulge,
  • open and close their mouth in surprise,
  • They don’t understand at all what sound is best to make.

Is everything really that critical? Yes, for many centuries, women differed from men at least due to different social positions. Feminism has now reconciled most of these differences. We grow up in the same conditions and have the same, almost equal, opportunities. This does not ensure identical thinking, but it does help keep uncomfortable differences to a minimum.

Keep up with the times, leave misogyny to the Middle Ages and perceive girls first and foremost as people. How to talk to people usually turns out to be clearer. The relevance and pleasantness of the topic usually depends not on the gender of the interlocutor, but on his interests and knowledge. If you're an engineer, you might find it difficult to talk about working with a pastry chef, male or female. Stop being so shy in front of girls - they are not as otherworldly as many are accustomed to believe them.

Of course, there are differences in thinking: due to gender characteristics, women have more developed multitasking and emotional interaction, while a man’s brain is better tuned to a tunnel-vision and persistent solution to one problem and a complex, deep knowledge of the mechanisms of the world around him.

However, this issue is in most cases smoothed over by sympathy. When two people are interested in communicating, they both strive to find a suitable topic, and even to make any topic suitable. The trick is that this almost always succeeds - simply because both want it.

So what should you say to a woman when you first meet her if you don’t know what to say? Anything! Whatever comes to mind, if it is not rude or vulgar.

  • Give a compliment
  • Ask something
  • Tell her you liked her
  • Admit that you can't think of anything to talk about
  • Find any reason around and use it.

Don't freeze in front of a woman simply because she is a woman - and at least half of your communication problems will disappear :)

Hot topics (vulgar)

Vulgar topics should be raised only after a certain amount of time of acquaintance.


  • Is one-time sex for you?
  • Can you offer something new to your partner?
  • A friend and a friend offer to join them, what should you do?
  • How do you feel about role-playing games?
  • Do you like foreplay?

Remember - the intimate sphere is a very personal space. When speaking on this topic, be sensitive.

When meeting an unfamiliar girl

But what to talk about with a girl when meeting her, especially on the street or in the park, when you know nothing at all about her interests and preferences? Here it is worth being observant and paying attention to the following circumstances:

  • a girl sits on a bench and holds an open book or magazine in her hands - say hello, apologize, ask something about the book;
  • see that a beautiful girl is enjoying ice cream - ask where she bought this particular variety;
  • meditates while sitting on a mat in the park - ask if you can join her or ask her to teach you how to meditate;
  • see a dreamy expression on her face - ask what she dreams about;
  • carefully examines the poster - say that you also want to go to this concert, share your impression of the performance of another soloist.

If there's nothing left to talk about

There are times when there are no direct topics for conversation, in which case it is worth switching to neutral ones. Don't strain yourself and come up with something, talk about:

  • What happened during the day.
  • Imagine together.
  • Discuss a new joint hobby.
  • Remember past conversations, discuss details.

Remember - a woman loves with her ears, so a lot depends on how and what you talk about. Pay attention to emotions so as not to cross the acceptable line. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance and thinking well about topics for conversation.

List of questions that can be discussed during a walk

When going for a walk, do not miss the opportunity to learn as much as possible about your friend. In this case, you will better understand how close this person is to you, you will recognize her essence.

Topics for conversation with a girl on a walk should be light and relaxed. For example, you can discuss:

  • dreams;
  • life experience;
  • hobbies;
  • pets;
  • friends;
  • hometown;
  • favorite music.

You can just rollerblade

Topics for conversation

There is no specific, universal, suitable for all occasions list of topics for conversation. However, for those who find it difficult to choose and want to at least at first decide what to talk about with a girl, some topics can still be suggested. They are neutral and win-win, but still you shouldn’t get hung up on them:

  • weather is a universal topic, it will help out even if there is nothing to talk about at all;
  • the beauty of the surrounding nature or urban landscape - suitable if you are currently in a truly beautiful place;
  • sights - it’s good if you know the history of the interesting object you are passing by, if not, just talk about its beauty or features;
  • if you went to the aquarium, talk about its inhabitants, about the art of the designers who created an imitation of the Amazon;
  • tell the girl how beautiful she is, compare her with admirable natural phenomena and objects;
  • talk more about her - then she will consider you a very interesting interlocutor.

The range of topics is generally practically unlimited. With some exceptions, which have already been mentioned above.

Talk about family values5

All girls love to talk about their parents, brothers and sisters, and friends. Therefore, if you start a conversation with her about family values ​​and culture, she can also talk about family. Maybe even the most unusual and mysterious things. Or secret, as you like.

This will also give an idea of ​​whether the girl is truly the right type, traditional or modern, and how much her family will influence the life together if the relationship continues. This way you can extend the “limit” of knowledge, learn something that you would never have been able to know if you had not started a conversation.

You should also ask about the craziest thing she did. Of course, she may not answer right away, but a hint will sound. At least the face will make it clear what's what. Couples who have been in a relationship for a long time probably know something exclusive. Therefore, for variety, you can turn this activity into a game - someone makes wishes, and the other does crazy things, but within the framework of what is reasonable and permitted by law and the Criminal Code.

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