Phenazepam and alcohol - a way to stop drinking or get seriously poisoned?

Development of the disease

If a person has a predisposition to develop addiction, then his psyche will find advantages in alcohol intoxication and strive to repeat this experience. Gradually, drinking alcoholic beverages becomes more frequent, a person begins to use any excuse, and they can always be found if desired. His environment is gradually changing; there are more and more addicted people around him who are always ready to support his use. The doses of alcohol increase because the usual doses of alcohol are no longer enough to obtain the effect that was observed earlier. At this stage, the person still leads a social life, maintains a family and job, but gradually drinking alcohol becomes regular, and the disease moves to the second stage.

By its onset, ethyl alcohol is included in the metabolic processes of the body and becomes part of them. The human body gets used to functioning with the help of such doping. At the second stage of the disease, a person develops a persistent physical dependence on alcohol. A sign of its formation is the appearance of withdrawal syndrome. It occurs when quitting alcohol and is expressed in painful and excruciating symptoms. It is these symptoms that lead to the development of binge drinking, so treatment of withdrawal symptoms is a necessary action. At the second stage of the disease, a person already begins to have serious problems with health, family, and career. The social circle changes completely, it narrows down to alcoholics, because there is nothing to talk about with other people - the patient becomes asocial, his interests are reduced exclusively to drinking alcohol.

The terrible outcome of the disease is complete physical and personal degradation. Alcohol consumption becomes almost continuous. Diseases of internal organs develop into irreversible pathologies, and a person dies because all his organs gradually fail.

Psychological craving

And the addiction began so harmlessly... At first, the person drank alcohol once in a while, just drank “like everyone else.” But for some reason, very soon the doses began to increase. The development of the disease alcoholism begins with the formation of a psychological craving for alcohol. The fact is that many people have an internal psychological predisposition to developing addiction. These people have certain psychological characteristics, complexes, fears, unproductive attitudes, and so on. As a result of these mental traits, the future addict cannot act successfully or build harmonious relationships with others. This upsets the person; he seeks consolation or a solution to his problems by drinking alcohol. His psyche is comfortable in this state, it gets used to it. This is how psychological dependence on alcohol is born.

How long does it take for phenazepam to leave the body and when can you drive?

People often come to our site with the following complaints: I took phenazepam, a few days later I accidentally got into an accident, and now I have problems with the law. What should you do to prevent this from happening to you?

  1. Do not take medicine without a doctor's prescription. A doctor’s certificate gives you the right to request a more detailed examination, which will show not only the presence of the drug in the blood, but also its concentration. This way you can prove that you took the pills for medicinal purposes.
  2. During the treatment period, do not drive after taking phenazepam, even if you are taking it as prescribed by your doctor. This medicine inhibits nervous and muscle reactions, and even the instructions for it say that it “is not recommended to be taken while working by transport drivers and patients whose profession requires a quick mental and physical reaction.” The state of a person after taking this drug, as after alcohol, is called intoxication. By driving a car in this condition, you endanger yourself and the people around you. Therefore, the road inspection is not in vain.
  3. You can drive a car three weeks after taking the last pill. Officially, you can drive if the concentration of the drug in the blood is no more than 10 ng/ml. But it is difficult to say how accurate the technique will be used for analysis in the nearest laboratory. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary problems, wait three weeks: then the medicine will be eliminated from the body almost completely.

Physical cravings and withdrawal symptoms

When alcohol consumption becomes regular, ethyl alcohol is already part of the metabolic processes of the human body. Once this happens, the alcoholic cannot stop drinking alcohol without consequences. If he takes even a small dose and then stops drinking, he experiences alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism is a combination of psychological and physical painful symptoms. This condition is characterized by headache, nausea, pain in the heart, fluctuations in blood pressure, a person gets chills, tremors of the limbs, depressive moods, and anxiety occur. A hangover after heavy drinking requires mandatory drug treatment and the help of a narcologist, otherwise the patient will not be able to get out of the drunken state without risk to health.

Concomitant use

The use of phenazepam with alcohol together is strictly prohibited. Ethanol itself does not have the best effect on the nervous system, and it also enhances the effect of the drug. Phenazepam in large doses can depress the respiratory center and have a bad effect on the heart; alcohol only aggravates the condition. When used in parallel, the therapeutic effect of the drug disappears.

Taking phenazepam with alcohol is deadly

Simultaneous use leads to a mutual enhancement of the effects, resulting in side and toxic effects on the body, drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements, confusion and vagueness of consciousness, headaches, depressive states, etc.

But thrill-seekers are not afraid. This dangerous combination produces a state of euphoria that drug addicts seek out. The effect of alcohol dulls memory and very often a person simply forgets how many pills he has already taken and adds more. The race to get high usually ends in death.

Binge drinking

Binge drinking is uncontrolled and continuous consumption of alcohol for a long time, from several days to several weeks and even months. If a person who is physically dependent on alcohol drinks at least a little alcohol, then 5-6 hours after stopping the drug he begins to experience withdrawal symptoms and the following symptoms appear:

  • Violation of body thermoregulation.
  • Headache, nausea.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Cramps.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Withdrawal from binge drinking + coding
For 1 year –

8 500 ₽

For 2 years –

11 000 ₽

Call a narcologist

About overdose

An overdose can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness that does not go away no matter what;
  • decreased reflex activity;
  • confusion;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • coma.

In such cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible and not let the patient fall asleep. To do this, turn on loud music, pour water on the person and hit him on the cheeks. After the doctors arrive, they will lavage the patient’s stomach, induce vomiting, and possibly give laxatives.

Withdrawal from binge drinking

How is withdrawal syndrome relieved in alcoholism? Standard detoxification is carried out using infusion therapy, sometimes in cases of more severe intoxication, hardware therapy is carried out, a person’s blood is driven through special devices and various purification methods are applied to it.

The most important task of cleansing procedures is to quickly relieve intoxication after drinking alcohol, as well as:

  • Relieve withdrawal syndrome, alleviate its painful manifestations during withdrawal syndrome.
  • Relieve dehydration caused by binge drinking.
  • Conduct restorative treatment for the whole body.
  • Carry out treatment of specific systems and organs that are especially damaged during heavy drinking. Usually this is the liver, kidneys, brain, heart.
  • Normalize the patient's psychological state.

Droppers successfully relieve dehydration and flush the body of toxins. The narcologist selects the composition of the dropper individually. It definitely includes glucose, vitamin complexes, magnesium, and sedatives. If necessary and if the client wishes, the doctor conducts more intensive therapy aimed at restoring individual organs and systems of the body.

Relief from binge drinking can be done in a hospital or at home. Today, outpatient care is provided at the highest level. A narcologist who comes to your home has all the necessary equipment and the entire set of medications. Often, calling a narcologist to your home is the most convenient and easiest option to treat a binge alcoholic. Qualified specialists come to your home, so detoxification at home today is a good alternative to hospital treatment. You can call a narcologist to your home at any time of the day.

Withdrawal syndrome and hangover

In everyday life, we hear these words in relation to a person who feels unwell after drinking alcohol. What does each of them mean?

A hangover is the body’s reaction to severe intoxication, to alcohol poisoning. Let us remind you that ethyl alcohol, regardless of the name of the alcoholic drink and flavoring additives, is always a poison for the body. The hangover gradually disappears after stopping alcohol. With repeated use, it gets worse, but a person rarely gets to that point, because even the thought of alcohol makes him nauseous. This is great news because it means your body is resisting toxins. To relieve a hangover, rest and detoxification with traditional home remedies are enough.

Withdrawal syndrome is another phenomenon, as the body craves the next dose of alcohol. A person not only does not turn away from alcohol, he strongly desires it. It is this irrepressible desire that causes binge drinking. Withdrawal syndrome is easily relieved by taking the next dose, and this is very tempting for the patient; rarely can anyone refuse such a temptation. And it really helps, but withdrawal symptoms come again within a few hours. The alcoholic himself is not able to fight it; the syndrome cannot be overcome by willpower. Abstinence from alcoholism requires treatment with medications under medical supervision.

When can you take Phenozepam after alcohol?

Taking the drug together with alcoholic beverages, sooner or later, will lead to addiction and drug dependence. Even if these are the most minimal doses. Their compatibility is simply zero.

Let's try to figure out how long it will take to take the medicine after drinking alcohol. In addition, if “Phenozepam” was prescribed by a doctor and the appointment is required for medical purposes for the patient.

The period of incomplete disintegration of the drug is up to 12 hours. For example, there is a 4 mg tablet in the body. After half a day, 2 ml of this substance will remain, another half a day will pass and it will be completely eliminated from the body naturally. When up to 0.2 mg of Phenazepam remains in the body, you can drink a little if necessary.

Rules for taking phenazepam for withdrawal symptoms

Phenazepam belongs to the group of drugs: benzodiazepine tranquilizers. These drugs have an effect on the central nervous system. Today, phenazepam is prescribed as an antiepileptic and anticonvulsant. Phenazepam is used to treat depression and anxiety. You probably already guessed that these capabilities of phenazepam became the reason for its use to relieve alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Phenazepam for hangover is used to alleviate alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Phenazepam eliminates anxiety, fear, and insomnia. Such treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors; only those dosages of phenazepam are used that contain indications for use.

For alcohol withdrawal syndrome, phenazepam is used in a dosage of 2-5 mg per day. If phenazepam tablets weighing 2.5 mg are used, then this is 1 tablet per day in the morning and evening. In addition, there are phenazepam tablets weighing 0.5 mg. Depending on the accompanying symptoms of withdrawal, the dosage of phenazepam may vary, so only a doctor should prescribe it. Not everyone is at risk of being treated with phenazepam for a hangover due to the possibility of side effects.

Phenazepam should be used with caution when suffering from a hangover. It is especially important not to combine the use of phenazepam with alcohol. In this case, the patient may experience side effects from the medication:

  • Rave.
  • Uncoordination of movements.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Impaired consciousness.
  • Confusion of thoughts.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Euphoric states.

Phenazepam is one of the pharmaceutical drugs that, when used recreationally (non-medically), produces a psychoactive effect, and with regular use leads to persistent physical and psychological dependence on it. Like all pharmaceutical drugs, phenazepam is popular among drug addicts due to its low cost and availability. Therefore, when relieving withdrawal symptoms with phenazepam, precise dosage compliance is necessary.

Lethal dose

It is necessary to understand that any amount of alcohol and Phenazepam taken together can lead to death. Doctors consider the generally accepted lethal dose of Phenazepam to be 10 mg. For example, a package of 10 pcs. contains 1 mg of active ingredient per tablet. The package will be lethal if consumed at once or throughout the day, in combination with any alcoholic beverages. With regard to the solution, everything is different: here the daily dose should not exceed 7 ml, that is, you cannot use more than 7 ampoules of the medicine.

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Alcohol addiction treatment course

Alcoholism is a complex disease, so treating this disease requires several stages of treatment. Each of them sets itself certain tasks:

  • Detoxification eliminates physical dependence on alcohol.
  • Rehabilitation works with psychological addiction.
  • Resocialization makes it possible to return to normal life, restore relationships with relatives and society.

To cure alcohol addiction, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment; only this approach provides a guarantee against relapse of the disease. You can choose a complete course against alcoholism in ours. We select treatment taking into account your medical history and your wishes, including your budget. To get advice on treatment for alcohol addiction right now, you need to call our 24-hour hotline, its number is listed on the website page. Remember that alcohol addiction does not stand still while you wait.

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