"Anvifen": reviews of the drug, detailed instructions

Anvifen is a nootropic drug that facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses. The tranquilizing effect is combined with an activating effect.

The use of the drug allows you to improve the functionality of the brain, doing this by normalizing metabolic and intracellular processes, and stimulating the effect on blood flow. The antiplatelet effect on optimizing microcirculation helps reduce vascular resistance.

These properties of the drug can improve the patient’s memory, speed up and stabilize sensory-motor reactions, and increase concentration. The drug is able to minimize vasovegetative symptoms and normalize the patient’s well-being.

The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. The medication must be stored in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Anvifen is sold in pharmacies according to a prescription from the attending physician. The price of Anvifen in pharmacies ranges from 174 to 542 rubles.

Action of "Anvifen"

The drug "Anvifen" promotes the following results:

  • Reduced intensity of headaches.
  • Reduced emotional lability.
  • Increased mental and physical performance.
  • Rapid removal of a person from an asthenic state. This drug especially helps people after a serious illness.
  • Increased initiative and motivation for any kind of activity, which is very important for studying.
  • Normalization of sleep and reduction of anxiety.

It is worth it, according to reviews, it does not cause agitation or excitement.

Indications for use

Almost all diagnoses for which Anvifen is prescribed are coded according to the ICD-10 system by subsection F, that is, diseases of the nervous system. In this regard, its use is relevant in areas of practical neurology, for example:

  • The presence of various neuroses.
  • To relieve feelings of anxiety.
  • Combat night anxiety and insomnia.
  • For vestibular disorders, including Meniere's disease.
  • If you have seasickness and a tendency to motion sickness.
  • If you have nightmares.
  • The use of this remedy is indicated for various memory disorders, including as part of the complex treatment of extrapyramidal disorder and dementia.

It is important to use it in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms in chronic alcoholism, especially to relieve psychological dependence, when a person deprived of alcohol experiences discomfort along with fears, insomnia and various types of depression. This is indicated in the instructions for Anvifen. Reviews are most often positive.

Preparations based on aminophenylbutyric acid can also be prescribed to children. Next, we will find out in what cases it is prescribed to small patients.

Analogues of the drug

If side effects from the use of Anvifen are detected or if the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the doctor can replace it with an analogue that has a similar therapeutic effect on the body. We have interesting material on the drug Ginkoum, we advise you to familiarize yourself with it.

The following are used as analogues:

  1. Noofen is a drug that is a complete analogue of the drug Anvifen, which is available in capsules. The difference between medications lies in the list of additional components used that perform auxiliary functions. It is produced by OLAINFARM, Latvia. The drug is produced taking into account all GMP requirements. Capsules can be prescribed to patients over 8 years of age.
  2. Phenibut contains aminophenylbutyric acid as an active ingredient. The drug is produced by several Russian pharmaceutical companies in tablet form. The cost of this drug is lower compared to Anvifen. Also, medications differ in terms and storage conditions.
  3. Tranquesipam is a medicine containing bromodihydrochlorophenyl benzodiazepine as an active component. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets and solution. The medicine has anxiolytic, sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant and central muscle relaxant effects. The medication is dispensed with a prescription from the attending physician; the shelf life of the product is 2 years at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius in a dry place protected from light.
  4. Mebicar contains tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctand, which is an active compound. The drug is capable of having anxiolytic and nootropic effects. To purchase the medicine, you will need a prescription from your attending physician. The shelf life of Mebikar is 4 years. Not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Selank is a medical product. Which contains threonyl-lysyl-prolyl-arginyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline diacetate as an active component. The product is available in the form of a solution with an anxiolytic effect. Selank is an ideal remedy for combating everyday mental and emotional stress that causes stress. The medication relieves symptoms of restlessness, anxiety, fear, apathy, depression and asthenia. To purchase the medicine, you do not need a doctor's prescription. The shelf life of Selank is 2 years when unopened at a temperature of 10 degrees and no more than 15 days after opening the bottle.

Also, drugs such as Amylonosar and Nootropil can be used as analogues. The decision to replace Anvifen with its analogues is made by the attending physician based on the results of an examination of the patient’s body and taking into account the characteristics of physiology.

Indications for children

According to the official instructions for use, prescribing Anvifen to children is advisable in the following cases:

  • Against the background of various forms of stuttering.
  • In the presence of extrapyramidal hyperkinesis and tics.
  • For the treatment of enuresis.

In addition, many pediatricians recommend this medicine for children as a means to improve academic performance. This drug is suitable for children with developmental delays, and, in addition, if the child has hyperactivity syndrome. One of the broadest indications is seasonal prevention of decline in academic performance, which can be caused by winter depression, lack of sunlight, and so on.

According to reviews, Anvifen is well suited for children.

Dosage regimen

Since the effect of this drug does not begin immediately, it needs to be in the body for a long time. This nootropic drug comes in various dosages: from 25 to 250 milligrams of the active ingredient in one capsule. You need to take Anvifen for at least two weeks, and in some situations it is used for up to one month, and then breaks are taken.

The maximum daily dosage for adult patients is 2.5 grams, which is equal to ten capsules. For children under eight years of age, the maximum daily intake should not exceed 450 milligrams.

As a rule, this drug is used three times a day, but when treating withdrawal symptoms or to relieve nighttime anxiety, it is recommended to use this medication separately at night in double dosage.

Available release forms

Anvifen is produced in the form of gelatin-type capsules with a solid structure. The following dosages of the drug can be found on sale:

  • dosage of the active component is 25 mg , the capsules are white in color, size parameters No. 3;
  • with a dosage of 50 mg , the color of the body is white, and the lid is blue or light blue, size No. 3;
  • dosage level 125 mg , the color of the capsule body is white and the cap is blue, size No. 2;
  • dosage of the main substance is 250 mg , the color of the body is white, the lid is dark blue, size No. 0.

The capsule is filled with a powder mixture or granules. The color of the powder or granules can be yellow or white.


There are few contraindications to the use of this product, since the active substance Anvifen is not toxic and does not become so during metabolism. The main component of the drug does not accumulate in the body. And the contraindications are usually the following:

  • The presence of hypersensitivity or allergies.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Patients are up to three years old.

It is recommended to take this drug with caution if you have an ulcerative lesion of the digestive system. Also, under special supervision, this drug should be taken for erosive gastritis, and, in addition, for symptoms of chronic liver failure.

Pharmacological properties

Anvifen has nootropic, antiplatelet, antioxidant, tranquilizing, and anticonvulsant effects.
The main component of the drug is aminophenylbutyric acid. The drug has a positive effect on brain activity, normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes.

While taking Anvifen, vascular resistance in the brain decreases and linear and volumetric velocity increases. In addition, due to the fact that the active component of the drug has antiplatelet properties, blood microcirculation improves.

Anvifen affects the properties of expression, and also leads to a shortening of the duration of nystagmus and an increase in the latent period. You also need to take into account that this medication does not affect adrenergic and cholinergic receptors.

During use of the drug, the following pharmacological effects occur:

  • headaches go away;
  • all sleep problems are eliminated;
  • irritation and heaviness disappear;
  • after a full course of treatment, patients experience an increase in mental and physical activity;
  • In addition, there is an increase in motivation without increased arousal or sedation.

There is no depression of the central nervous system when taking this drug, even if the drug is used to treat patients 60 years of age and older.

After the drug enters the body, the active substance is immediately distributed throughout all tissues; almost 95% of the main component is metabolized in the liver. The drug is eliminated 3 hours after administration. It is excreted by the kidneys.

About interaction with alcohol

Patients often ask about the compatibility of Anvifen with alcohol. There are no contraindications for the simultaneous use of this drug with alcohol. But nevertheless, this drug is still not recommended to be combined with alcohol. The fact is that when Anvifen is used with alcohol, people experience a different reaction each time. For some, this combination causes rapid and severe intoxication, while for others, on the contrary, their thoughts remain sober. Drug addiction specialists consider this mixture unpredictable.

Reviews confirm this.


People write about the drug in their reviews that it improves their emotional state, helping to cope with anxious feelings and panic attacks. According to consumers, this drug also copes well with irritability.

Reviews from adults about Anvifen do not end there.

Among other things, people write that it improves sleep, making it stronger and longer. People like that this drug normalizes cerebral circulation and is excellent for stress and asthenia. Its benefits are also noted against the background of stopping nervous tics.

Thus, there are many positive reviews about this medicine. But some write that while taking this drug they noticed excessive activity along with constant anxiety. Others report the absence of the expected effect, and, in addition, the appearance of side effects such as headaches and nausea.

In addition, adults in reviews of Anvifen also complain that it did not help them cope with irritability. Some in their reviews even call this drug a dummy and state that they did not notice any positive results during the week’s treatment. Consumers also report that in the presence of chronic manifestations of anxiety disorders, this drug is completely useless. There are also complaints that it is difficult to tolerate.

Overdose and side effects

If the drug is taken in excess of the prescribed norm, an overdose may occur, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe drowsiness may occur;
  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • with a dose of the drug more than 7 grams, fatty liver may appear;
  • eosinophilia;
  • sometimes blood pressure drops;
  • impaired renal function.

In these cases, gastric lavage should be done, after which the patient is given activated charcoal in accordance with his weight and further therapeutic treatment is carried out.

Typically, side effects from taking Anvifen appear at the initial stage of treatment, among other things, the following is observed:

  • the occurrence of attacks of nausea;
  • feeling drowsy;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear;
  • increased irritability;
  • the appearance of dizziness and headaches;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug.
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