The drug Teraligen - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Uralochka1963 I am 56 years old. I suffer from chronic insomnia. I have difficulty falling asleep, I wake up 2-3 p.m.

The drug Teraligen belongs to the group of antipsychotics or neuroleptics. Sometimes its other name is teraligen valence. The most common form of the drug is tablets. They are recognizable by their dark pink film shell. The active substance in the medicine is alimemazine tartrate in an amount of 5 mg. Auxiliary ingredients used in production are listed in the instructions for use. You should familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug to exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions during treatment.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Teraligen is an antipsychotic (antipsychotic) that has serotonin-blocking , antispasmodic and antihistamine effects, as well as hypnotic , antiemetic , antitussive and sedative effects.

You can observe the effect after taking it within 10-15 minutes, its duration of action is from 6 to 8 hours.

The drug has low antipsychotic activity , so it is ineffective in the acute stage of psychotic conditions .

It is also used for the treatment of elderly people, as well as children and adolescents, as the drug is well tolerated.

Absorbed completely, quickly, the maximum concentration in plasma can be observed after administration after 1-2 hours. Within 2 days it is excreted as a metabolite by the kidneys (70-80%).

First aid and treatment for intoxication

In case of overdose, first of all you need to:

  1. Rinse the stomach as quickly as possible and give enterosorbents - for example, activated carbon. This will reduce the absorption of the drug.
  2. If a person has lost consciousness, try to bring him back to consciousness by rubbing or pinching. You can bring a cotton swab moistened with a small amount of ammonia to his nose.
  3. Carefully turn the patient onto his side, raising his head, so that he does not choke on saliva and vomit.
  4. To avoid death from respiratory arrest, quickly perform a heart massage and perform artificial respiration through a clean napkin.

There is no specific antidote for Teraligen. All further treatment, primarily hemosorption and symptomatic therapy, is carried out in the intensive care unit. In case of a suicide attempt, it is necessary to involve a psychotherapist to prevent relapse.

Indications for use

This medicine is used to treat the following diseases:

  • sleep disorders;
  • senestopathic depression;
  • in case of somatic diseases, a state of anxiety and excitement;
  • psychopathy with psychoasthenic and asthenic disorders;
  • somatized mental disorders;
  • neuroses and neurosis-like conditions of organic or endogenous origin with hypochondriacal , psychovegetative , senestopathic and phobic disorders ;
  • allergic reactions;
  • anxiety-depressive diseases (with vascular and borderline diseases).

Effectively and safely say goodbye to mental problems

The drug "Teraligen" is used if neurosis or a condition similar to neurosis is established. The drug is useful for certain disorders of a psychosomatic nature. Quite rarely, preference in its favor is due to the antihistamine effect, that is, Teraligen is effective against allergies. At the same time, such a choice is atypical, since the Teraligen course does not fit well with the need to operate a machine or precision mechanisms. Also, the use of the drug is not recommended for people who are forced to constantly work and concentrate their attention.

When used in accordance with the instructions for use, Teraligen reduces the level of excitability of the nervous system. This allows you to resort to it to treat hypochondriacs and asthenics, people suffering from phobias. For Teraligen, indications for use include anxiety disorders, depression, senesthopathy and psychasthenia. You can resort to medication to eliminate sleep problems, as well as pathologies of somatic origin.


Teraligen has a number of contraindications:

  • children under 7 years old;
  • hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • pregnancy;
  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • taking MAO inhibitors ;
  • lactation;
  • parkinsonism;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • Reye's syndrome;
  • kidney and liver diseases (severe stage).

The drug is prescribed with caution in the following cases: bone marrow suppression , epilepsy , arterial hypotension , chronic alcoholism, jaundice , predisposition to urinary retention, open-angle glaucoma , bladder neck obstruction .

Pharmacological properties

Teraligen (reviews from patients who took the drug are mostly positive) has several pharmacological properties, due to which it can be called a combination drug. The medication has antispasmodic properties, that is, it affects the smooth muscles of internal organs, eliminates spasms, thereby helping to get rid of pain.

In addition, the drug has an antiemetic and hypnotic effect, which also improves the patient’s condition and eliminates causeless fear. Additionally, the medication has antihistamine properties, which enhance the hypnotic and antiemetic effect.

The drug belongs to the group of neuroleptics, therefore it has antipsychotic properties. This effect in the medicine is weakly expressed, but for mild disorders the medicine helps relieve symptoms. In addition, the tablets suppress the cough reflex, which also helps to improve the condition.

The combined effect of the medication allows it to be used for various diseases accompanied by pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

Side effects

Teraligen tablets are well tolerated and rarely cause side effects.

The following side effects are possible:

  • tachycardia , decreased blood pressure , dizziness ;
  • accommodation paresis , ringing, tinnitus;
  • increased viscosity of bronchial secretions, dry throat and nose;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue (these symptoms usually occur in the first days and do not require discontinuation of the drug), nightmares, anxiety, irritability, agitation; in rare cases, hypokinesia , confusion, tremor , akathisia , and in children - increased convulsive activity;
  • urinary retention, bladder atony ;
  • loss of appetite, constipation , gastrointestinal atony, dry mouth;
  • muscle relaxation , inhibition of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow, photosensitivity , allergic reactions, increased sweating.

Teraligen for migraines

In the article we will look at the instructions for use with Teraligen.

The medicine is a drug that has a depressing pharmacological effect on the nervous system, and the drug also produces a sedative and moderate antihistamine effect. Before using it, you should study all the nuances and features that are described in the instructions for use. So, next we will consider in detail the instructions for using this tool.

Composition of the drug

According to the instructions for Teraligen, the medicine contains an active substance called alimemazine tartrate. One dosage contains 5 milligrams of the active ingredient. Other ingredients include sucrose along with lactose, silicon dioxide, talc, magnesium stearate, pink color and cellulose derivatives.

The instructions for use for Teraligen tablets are very detailed.

Release form

The Russian company produces the drug in the format of coated tablets. One package contains twenty-five or fifty pills. Available in pharmacies with a prescription.

Pharmacological effects

As the instructions indicate, Teraligen belongs to the pharmacological group of antipsychotic drugs and antipsychotics. The mechanism of action of this medication is to block dopamine receptors located in the brain. The following actions of the drug are distinguished:

  • antipsychotic effects that are weak or moderate;
  • antispasmodic, hypnotic and at the same time sedative effect of the drug;
  • adrenergic blocking and antitussive effects;
  • tranquilizing and hypothermic effect.

It is important to note that this drug additionally has a moderate antipsychotic effect, so it is not used for severe nervous or mental disorders.

Indications for use

In accordance with the instructions, Teraligen is prescribed if the patient has the following disorders:

  • in case of neurosis, this drug has a complex effect on all mechanisms of the disease;
  • the presented medicine can also be used for panic attacks;
  • against a background of depression;
  • in case of anxiety due to other diseases;
  • for sleep disorders;
  • against the background of neurological pathologies caused by disorders in the blood vessels of the brain;
  • against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • For allergies, Teraligen is used as a symptomatic remedy.

All of the above conditions are approved as indications for the use of this medication.

Contraindications for use

What else does the instructions for use tell us? "Teraligen" is prohibited for use in a number of the following cases:

  • this medicine is not used to treat children under seven years of age;
  • when carrying a child;
  • while feeding the baby with breast milk;
  • with prostate adenoma or with glaucoma;
  • against the background of increased sensitivity to the components of the product;
  • in the presence of liver pathologies, especially when it comes to severe forms;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • against the background of Reye's syndrome;
  • in the presence of muscle weakness and various forms of myasthenia.

When should a drug be taken with caution?

The instructions for Teraligen tablets indicate that sometimes the drug is prescribed under the constant supervision of a doctor:

  • the patient has epilepsy;
  • development of obstructed urine outflow;
  • development of hypotension;
  • in the presence of alcohol dependence;
  • against the background of bone marrow dysfunction and jaundice.

It is very important to examine the patient in order to identify the above contraindications for use to prevent possible complications.

Teraligen instructions

Tablets are taken orally only. They must be washed down with at least 150 milliliters of water. The medicine is not crushed beforehand. Eating does not affect the effectiveness of the product presented.

As a sleeping pill, this medicine is taken according to the following regimen: two pills per day, with a single dose half an hour before bedtime recommended. Children over the age of seven take the medication half an hour before going to bed, half a tablet, but depending on the severity of the condition. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for Teraligen.

When taken as an antipsychotic, adults take two tablets four times a day. In this case, children also use one and a half pills four times.

As an anxiolytic, adults take Teraligen four pills three times. Children - two tablets up to four times a day.

It is important to note that the duration of use and dosage are selected only by the doctor, taking into account the condition of each patient. The drug must be discontinued gradually. It is forbidden to adjust the dose yourself.

The instructions for using Teraligen are very detailed.

Drug overdose

A dangerous consequence of an overdose is depression of consciousness. In addition, taking increased dosages of the drug can lead to a high risk of side effects. Measures to help the patient in this case will require symptomatic measures. In the first hour after using increased dosages, it is recommended to perform gastric lavage and also take sorbents.

Side effects

Instructions for use and reviews of Teraligen confirm that the severity of adverse reactions is often insignificant.

The most likely effects are symptoms such as decreased vision, increased sweating, increased fatigue, tremors of the limbs, impaired consciousness, scary dreams and insomnia.

Among other things, a decrease in blood pressure cannot be ruled out, along with a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of ringing in the ears, convulsions, stool retention and decreased appetite. It is also possible to experience dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, difficulty urinating due to decreased tone of the bladder, night suffocation and increased viscosity of sputum.

In most cases, the above violations are short-term, they are slightly expressed, but do not require discontinuation of the drug. It is also important to note that, provided Teraligen is taken in recommended dosages, it is not addictive.

Interaction with other medications

In accordance with the instructions for use, Teraligen, judging by the descriptions of the studies conducted, can lead to an increase in the effects of certain drugs when combined, for example, we are talking about hypnotics, centrally acting analgesics, tranquilizers, antihypertensives, ethanol and anticholinergics. If it is necessary to combine the above drugs with Teraligen, the dosage of the drugs should be adjusted.

The medication we are describing is capable of weakening the effects of other drugs in the form of Ephedrine, Dopamine, Bromocriptine and Levodopa.

Some medications can enhance the effectiveness of Teraligen, for example, these include tricyclic antidepressants along with anticholinergics and medications that suppress hematopoiesis, hepatotoxic tablets and MAO inhibitors.

Immediately before starting to use Teraligen, it is important to take into account all the features of drug interactions. Irrational use can cause various complications of treatment along with deterioration of the patient's condition.

During pregnancy

The presented drug is strictly prohibited for use by pregnant women. This medicine is not used to treat breastfeeding women. It is important to understand that the active component of this medication very quickly crosses the placenta and enters breast milk. Thus, according to the official annotation, the described drug has an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus.

Combination with alcohol

It is equally important to avoid interaction of this medication with alcohol. It has been proven that the drug, when combined with alcohol, leads to disruption of the nervous system, which enhances the undesirable effects of the drug, aggravating the course of the underlying disease. This is what it says in the instructions for use.

Similar products

Teraligen has analogues (the instructions for use do not say this). An antipsychotic can always be replaced with drugs that have the same composition and have a similar effect on the body. For example, the drug Teralen is perfect for these purposes. The difference between these products is only in the manufacturer.

There are, in addition, a number of drugs belonging to the same pharmacological category as Teraligen, but they have differences in composition. These drugs include drugs in the form of Aminazine, Sonapax, Haloperidol, Eglonil, Zoloft, Atarax, Tizercin, Valdoxan, Paxil, Parnasana, Chlorpromazine. , "Adaptola" and others.

We will not consider the instructions for Teraligen analogues in detail.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers today produce many different analogs that differ in cost. Of course, domestic drugs are cheaper. Teraligen differs from similar products in its active substance. This must be taken into account, since for some diseases it is more effective than others.

What else can you learn from the instructions? Reviews of Teraligen are mostly positive.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Teraligen can be stored for three years from the date of its manufacture. After this period, taking the medicine is no longer allowed. It should be stored at a temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees in a ventilated and dry area. It is also important to keep this medicine away from children.

special instructions

During therapy with this drug, it is important to constantly monitor blood counts and liver function.

Women of reproductive age need to know that while taking Teraligen, pregnancy tests may show a false positive result.

In addition, the use of this drug may negatively affect the ability to concentrate, so you must stop driving during the period of treatment.

Cost of medicine

The price of Teraligen directly depends on the number of tablets in one package. For example, for twenty-five tablets you need to pay four hundred and fifty rubles. And fifty pills will cost the buyer seven hundred rubles. This is not stated in the instructions.

Reviews of Teraligen tablets

Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. For example, this drug is reported to help people with depression due to disturbed sleep.

But in the presence of a serious psychiatric disorder, it is usually better not to use it, since in this case the medicine will be ineffective.

Consumers note that with prolonged use, this drug almost does not cause any complications or adverse reactions.

People admit in reviews that Teraligen is on their list of the most effective medications.

Patients do not even want to turn to analogues, since they have seen from their own experience the effectiveness of this particular remedy.

A wide list of different indications, combined with high safety, allows the drug to be used for the treatment of diseases not only in adult patients, but also in children.

Consumers also praise this drug for its help with frequent stress, when there is a headache, a complete lack of mood, apathy and poor and sensitive sleep.

It is noted that in such cases, already on the fourth day of treatment, the condition improves significantly, anxiety disappears, sleep normalizes, patients fall asleep faster and rarely wake up at night.

It should be noted that, judging by the reviews, many consumers are satisfied with this medicine.

In particular, according to many, this drug helps with long-term depression, which can develop into neuroses. It is noted that in this case, already on the fifth day after using Teraligen tablets, people’s condition noticeably improves, they feel a surge of strength along with the desire to do something. In addition, this drug improves sleep perfectly.

Thus, based on the majority of reviews, it is worth saying that consumers are very satisfied with the results of treatment with this medicine. We reviewed the instructions for use for the drug "Teraligen", reviews and analogues.


Instructions for use of Teraligen (Method and dosage)

The tablets are intended for oral administration.

To obtain a hypnotic effect, adults need to take 5-10 mg per day, an anxiolytic effect - 60-80 mg, and in a psychotic state - 0.2-0.4 g.

Instructions for Tiralijen for children (over 7 years old): to achieve a hypnotic effect - 2.5-5 mg, anxiolytic effect - 20-40 mg, for the treatment of allergic reactions - 5-20 mg. The daily dose for a psychotic state can be increased to 60 mg.

The daily dose should be divided into 3-4 doses.

Purchase and storage

The neuroleptic is available in 5 mg film-coated tablets.
Blister packs contain 10 or 25 pieces. Packaged in cardboard packs of 1, 2 or 5 blisters. The cost depends on the packaging. The price for Teraligen varies from 476 to 764 rubles (per package of 25 tablets).

But it is almost impossible to purchase this drug at a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. Before you buy a medicine, pay attention to the date of its manufacture.

It is recommended to store the medication in a dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 15-25 degrees; high humidity should be avoided. Before use, be sure to make sure that the expiration date of the drug has not expired. If the conditions are met, the drug can be stored for up to 36 months.


The drug can enhance the effect of anxiolytics , hypnotics , antipsychotics , narcotic analgesics , general anesthesia , antihypertensive drugs and m-anticholinergic drugs . In such cases, it is necessary to adjust the dose.

Teraligen reduces the effectiveness of m-cholinergic stimulants , dopamine , ephedrine , amphetamine , levodopa , guanethidine . Significant depression of the central nervous system is observed when taken simultaneously with drugs that suppress central nervous system functions and ethanol . Combination with barbiturates and antiepileptic drugs leads to a decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness.

An increase in the plasma concentration of alimemazine is caused by beta-blockers , which can lead to the development of arrhythmia and a decrease in blood pressure.

Teraligen increases the level of prolactin in the blood and reduces the effectiveness of bromocriptine .

The M-anticholinergic activity of alimemazine increases while taking anticholinergics and tricyclic antidepressants .

The risk of extrapyramidal disorders and arterial hypotension increases when taking MAO inhibitors and phenothiazine derivatives .


Teraligen is not intended for the direct treatment of depression and is prescribed only in senestopathic cases. These are depressions associated with physical sensations of pain and internal discomfort of an inexplicable nature. Patients not only think that something hurts, but they actually experience pain, tightness, and burning.

Worth seeing: Nutrition for neurosis

Another type of depression that may be associated with taking Teraligen is all those borderline with phobias. First of all, these are those related to health - the fear of getting some kind of disease. However, there is no need to seek treatment for depression. First, depression is treated with antidepressants. Secondly, this must be done as prescribed by a doctor. Thirdly, the use of the drug to treat a number of depressions is unwise.

Real example. The patient was treated inpatiently, and then outpatiently and is under the supervision of a neurologist. At the start of the examination, age was 66 years. Aging of the body and ischemic disease have led to dysfunction of cells in a certain part of the brain. Signs of bipolar affective disorder were observed, and, less commonly, delusions and aggression. In bipolar disorder, the depressive phase prevailed. Inpatient treatment lasted about a month and led to positive results. After discharge, the patient was prescribed a course that included many medications. Mainly to maintain the activity of the cardiovascular system. "Teraligen" is used as a mild antipsychotic to relieve the symptoms mentioned above. In combination with other drugs, it gave a fairly stable effect. It is characteristic that there were no signs of depression.

However, this does not mean that using this medication will help other cases of depressive disorder.

Teraligen helps to cope not only with the symptoms of neurosis, but also with human phobias

Reviews of Teraligen

The overall rating given by buyers on the forums is 3.8 out of 5 points. Many patients write about the effectiveness of the drug, its rapid action and the absence of side effects. In addition, there are reviews from customers for whom the drug did not help, and many also write about severe side effects, in particular weakness, drowsiness, and dizziness. Regarding its use for children, reviews are positive. This drug is safe for children as it is very well tolerated.

Doctors' reviews of Teraligen are positive, however, they note that the drug should not be taken without a prescription, as this can only worsen the patient's condition.

There is no data on this drug in the Wikipedia encyclopedia.

Soft but effective

As can be seen from the instructions for use, Teraligen shows effectiveness in treating symptoms characteristic of very large complexes of health disorders. These include severe depressive disorder, obsessive states leading to neurosis, and other similar disorders. Often the root cause of mental disorder is previous operations, stressful situations, and illnesses. In these cases, they say that increased excitation of the nervous system is a temporary phenomenon that is not likely to progress. It is this fact that allows the choice of Teraligen, since the drug does not fight the main cause that caused the disorder of the nervous system, but eliminates the symptoms that bother the patient.

Psychiatrists for the most part are in no hurry to resort to Teraligen, since it is believed that this remedy is useful only in correcting conditions that are as close as possible to normal behavior.

Teraligen price, where to buy

In Russia, the average price for a package of 25 tablets is 282 rubles, for 50 tablets - 465 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


Dosage form and composition

Teraligen is available in film-coated tablets.
A special symbol is embossed on one side, and on the other there is a line that easily allows you to split the tablet in half; the capsule has a dark pink color and a bitter taste. The tablets contain both the main active ingredient and auxiliary ingredients.

The basis of the drug is alimemazine tartrate, which gives the drug all the pharmacological properties discussed below.

The tablets also contain:

  • lactose;
  • silica;
  • sucrose;
  • wheat starch;
  • tapioca;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate (E572).

The shell consists of titanium dioxide, hypromellose, Polyethylene Glycol 6000, dye and talc.

Despite the fact that the medicine includes only one active substance, it has a large-scale effect on the body.


In some cases, the doctor needs to select a drug substitute with similar therapeutic properties for the patient.

The most popular analogues:

  • Risperpet - antipsychotic medicine in the form of tablets and solution for intramuscular administration. It has pronounced properties that help eliminate anxiety and depression. Prescribed in short and long courses depending on the degree of neglect of the condition. The drug can be used not only for mild disorders, but also for exacerbation of schizophrenia and other chronic pathologies.

  • Seroquel is a neuroleptic with antipsychotic action used in the treatment of depression, schizophrenia and manic states. It comes in tablet form and is considered quite effective. If the instructions are violated, it provokes serious complications, so it can only be taken in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Analogs of the product have more pronounced properties; they can only be purchased with a prescription.

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