The combination of Actovegin and Ceraxon as a factor in the implementation of neuroplasticity mechanisms in neurological patients


Ceraxon and Mexidol are used to normalize cerebral circulation in severe forms of pathologies or after injuries.

Ceraxon and Mexidol are used to normalize cerebral circulation in severe forms of pathologies or after injuries.

The effects of drugs on the body

Ceraxon is used to optimize the metabolism of brain tissue, which helps improve memory, concentration, and mental activity. Mexidol is recommended to be used to restore thought processes, mental activity, memory, speech, get rid of dizziness and convulsions in acute cerebral circulatory disorders.

The combined use of drugs improves the conductivity of nerve impulses and activates the process of regeneration of nervous tissue.

The combination of drugs helps stabilize the condition of a patient with cerebrovascular accident, improve memory, speech, and restore mental activity.

Collaborative therapy

Many patients are interested in: Should they take Ceraxon and Mexidol together or not? Research has proven that Ceraxon and Mexidol are compatible; they are complementary medications. During a course of therapy for disorders of blood circulation in the brain, doctors often prescribe the simultaneous use of these drugs.

According to statistics, if Ceraxon and Mexidol are taken in combination, then motor functions are restored faster in patients with acute ischemic stroke than with the separate use of each drug.

At the same time, Cerakson and Mexidol are taken for the following diseases

A combination of drugs may be prescribed for:

  1. Acute cerebrovascular accident, including those caused by traumatic brain injury.
  2. Last stage pancreatitis.
  3. Severe forms of varicose veins, atherosclerosis.
  4. Diabetes mellitus.
  5. Stroke.

Medicines can be used to restore the elasticity of brain cells and relieve the negative effects of radiation therapy.

Mexidol can be used to restore the elasticity of brain cells and relieve the negative effects of radiation therapy.

Cerakson's analogs

The most effective and popular analogues of Ceraxon are listed below.


With the help of this analogue, metabolism in brain tissue is improved. The medicine contains amino acids and peptides necessary for normal metabolism in the brain. This helps to increase the survival of neurons if there is hypoxia and other harmful sources influence.

Cerebrolysin is used for diseases accompanied by disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, psychological diseases in which memory is impaired and inattention appears, and impaired blood circulation in the brain.

The active component of the drug is Cerebrolysin. The medicine is produced in an injection solution, the price of the drug is 616-1373 rubles.

Cerebrolysin has the same action and price as Ceraxon, but the active component is different, for this reason their replacement should only be done by a doctor.


It is prescribed to restore damaged cell membranes, prevent excessive formation of free radicals, inhibit the function of phospholipases, and prevent cell death. Under its influence, the amount of brain destruction during a stroke decreases.

If the medicine is prescribed for TBI, the duration of coma and the clarity of neurological symptoms are reduced. In cases of chronic brain hypoxia, it helps eliminate cognitive impairment - memory impairment and lack of initiative.

The active component is the same as that of Ceraxon - citicoline. The medicine is produced in an injection solution, the cost of which is quite high - approximately 2800 rubles.

Although the price is high, Somaxon has an undeniable advantage - the drug does not have a toxic effect on the body and has a minimal number of adverse reactions.


The drug stimulates the biosynthesis of structural phospholipids of the brain cell membrane. As a result, the medicine has anti-edema properties and helps reduce cerebral edema.

Somazina is prescribed for the treatment of impaired cerebral circulation, head injury, motor, cognitive, sensory and neuropsychological disorders. The active component of the drug is citicoline.

The medication is produced in an injection solution, a substance for internal use, and also in tablet form. The price of the medicine is approximately 1000 rubles. It is as effective as Ceraxon, because it has the same active component.


With its help, metabolism is regulated, emotional and psychological disorders are reduced, defensive slowing of the central nervous system is activated, and intellectual capacity is increased.

Through Glycine, intoxication of the body with medications and alcohol is reduced, and brain disorders due to injury and ischemic stroke become less pronounced.

The active component of the drug is glycine. It is produced in tablet form. The price of this drug is approximately 25 rubles. Therefore, the main advantage of this medicine is its low price and accessibility.

special instructions

With sequential administration of medications, the risk of developing side effects in the form of a negative response from the immune system increases.

Pregnancy and lactation

Medicines are used for health reasons; the risk to the fetus and the pregnant woman has not been studied.


In pediatric practice, medications are used to relieve acute conditions as prescribed by the attending physician.

Elderly age

For elderly patients, individual dosage determination is necessary, taking into account the presence of concomitant pathologies and medications taken.

Why is it worth looking for Ceraxon analogues?

Ceraxon is a completely effective remedy, but some patients prefer its analogues. This is due to the fact that similar medications for Cerakson:

  • lower cost;
  • fewer adverse reactions and restrictions on use;
  • wider range of effects on the body.

Ceraxon is sold in pharmacies only upon presentation of a prescription, and the cost of the medicine can vary significantly. The drug is released in the form:

  • syrup - substance for oral use, 30 ml bottle. The cost of such a medication ranges from 700 to 800 rubles;
  • solution for intravenous administration, 125 mg. The price of this dosage form is 700-800 rubles;
  • injection solution, 250 mg. The cost of such a product ranges from 1150 to 130 rubles.

Side effects of Ceraxon and Mexidol

The list of undesirable effects of the drug includes:

  • dyspnea;
  • nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area;
  • headache;
  • temporary hearing loss.

If there is hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal mixture, rashes or burning of the skin and the development of swelling may occur.

Side effects of Cerakson include shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, and pain in the abdominal area.

Why is Mexidol prescribed?

Mexidol is an antioxidant agent. The medicine has antihypoxic, nootropic, membrane-protective, and anticonvulsant properties. The product gives the body resistance to stress, damaging factors, and conditions such as shock and hypoxia. The drug is used to treat cerebrovascular disorders, ischemia, alcohol and drug intoxication.

The product improves metabolism and blood supply to the brain, normalizes blood circulation, reduces platelet aggregation and cholesterol concentration in the blood, and neutralizes toxins in pancreatitis. Release form: injection solution and tablets.

Mexidol gives the body resistance to stress, damaging factors, and conditions such as shock and hypoxia.


The production is carried out by the domestic pharmaceutical organization Sotex . The product is sold in the form of capsules and solution. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the presence of the substance choline alfoscerate . In capsules, this component is in a concentration of 400 mg, and in solution – 1000 mg.

This is a nootropic drug. Increases the elasticity of the membrane of neuronal cells, normalizes the functioning of damaged receptors, improves neuronal transmission.

It is customary to use the medicine for the following diagnoses:

  • Mental disorders of an organic nature.
  • Apathy.
  • Senile pseudomelancholia.
  • Dementia.
  • Cerebral infarction.
  • Attention disorder.
  • Cognitive impairment.
  • Senile dementia.
  • CNS dysfunction.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Intracranial hemorrhages.
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Decreased motivation.

The medication is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Allergy to constituent elements.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Age under 18 years.
  5. Stroke.
  6. Hemorrhages.

The manufacturer warns that the following side effects may occur while taking the medication:

  • Pharyngitis.
  • Constipation.
  • Ulcer.
  • Hives.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dry mucous membranes.
  • Gastritis.
  • Cramps.
  • Migraine.
  • Aggression.
  • Nervousness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Ischemic changes in the brain.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Urinary dysfunction.

The cost of the drug is approximately 250-260 rubles .

Ceraxon: instructions for use, price, reviews from doctors and patients, analogues, composition and dosage

Nootropic drugs stimulate brain function, strengthen resistance to excessive stress, and are used for hypoxia. It is believed that drugs in this group activate mental activity without causing harm to health.

Ceraxon belongs to this category .


Basic data on the drug Ceraxon included in the drug reference book:

  • manufacturer, country: Ferrer International S.A (Italy);
  • active substance: citicoline;
  • ATX code - N06BX06;
  • the condition for dispensing the medicine is by prescription;
  • pharmacological group - psychostimulants, nootropic substances, drugs that are used for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


The active component of the drug is citicoline sodium, which has the following properties:

  • has a stabilizing effect on the membrane;
  • reduces cerebral edema;
  • weakens the severe symptoms of cerebral dysfunction resulting from injury or acute circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • helps reduce the level of amnesia, etc.

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the main substance is supplemented with auxiliary components that improve the absorption of the drug by the body.

The list of components used by the manufacturer includes:

  • sorbitol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • strawberry flavor (strawberry essence 1487-S-Lucta);
  • citric acid (50% solution);
  • purified water.

Release form and price

The medicine is intended for internal use and is available in several versions:

  • syrup (capacity 30 ml);
  • injection solution (in ampoules of 4 ml);
  • tablets (pack of 20 pcs.);
  • powder for preparing a suspension (a sachet containing 10 g of the drug; after dilution, 100 ml of the finished solution is obtained).

The cost of the drug differs depending on the purpose and volume of the container.

You can buy a pharmacological agent in Moscow at the price:

  • syrup (30 ml, 100 mg) – 757 rub. ;
  • injections (5 ampoules of 4 ml, 500 mg) – 719 rub. ;
  • injections (5 ampoules of 4 ml, 1000 mg) – 1239 rub. ;
  • solution (10 sachets of 10 ml, 100 mg) – 1495 rub.

Indications for use

The nootropic drug Ceraxon is used in therapy in combination with other drugs during the recovery period after a stroke, after surgery.

The active component improves memory and mental performance in vascular and atrophic diseases.

The drug is also effective in cases of poor development of the speech apparatus (SDA).

Instructions for use for children

The unique properties of the drug to have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of phospholipids in cells of the nervous system and improve metabolic processes in the central nervous system make it possible to use the drug in pediatrics.

The effectiveness of the active substance is noted:

  • with SRD (speech development delay);
  • for the treatment of congenital diseases of the nervous system;
  • for epilepsy;
  • with increased intracranial pressure;
  • for recovery after serious injuries, surgery and illness.

The nootropic drug in pediatrics is used in all forms of release with the following dosage of citicoline:

  • Syrup – 1 ml/100 mg;
  • Injections – 500-1000 mg in 4 ml ampoule;
  • Powdered composition - sachet with 10 g of medicine;
  • Tablets – 500 mg.

The presence of different options for doses of the active substance and release forms make it possible to use Ceraxon from the first days of life:

  • For children under one year of age, a daily dose of 1-3 ml is recommended, taken twice a day.
  • The age group of 1-5 years assumes the use of a single dose of 1-3 ml with two doses.
  • Patients from 6 to 11 years old are prescribed 3-4 ml twice a day.
  • For adolescents over 14 years of age, the rate increases to 5 ml with twice-daily use of the medication.
  • Injections are given intramuscularly using a dose of 200-400 mg 2 times a day.

A description of the treatment regimen is made by a pediatrician with the assistance of a neurologist, based on test results and the established diagnosis.

Indications for newborn patients include:

  • intrauterine oxygen starvation;
  • hypoxia caused by labor;
  • premature babies requiring a ventilator.

Dose for infants – 0.5 ml, number of doses per day – twice, course of treatment – ​​up to 12 weeks.

There are practically no side effects during the use of a nootropic drug.

Interaction with alcohol

To minimize side effects and various complications, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages during drug therapy. This is especially true for pregnant women (any trimester of pregnancy).

If unusual situations arise, a one-time combination of alcohol and drugs is possible, but drinks must be consumed in compliance with the following intervals:

  • syrup and solution – 24 hours for men, 32 hours for women;
  • injections – 15 days after completion of the course of treatment.

The consequences of ignoring the duration of breaks include heart rhythm disturbances, attacks of tachycardia, bradycardia, and orthostatic hypotension.

To relieve anxiety symptoms, you need to stop drinking alcohol and drink more water (especially the first 4-6 hours). If the condition worsens, you should seek qualified help.

Patient reviews

Tamara Nikolaevna, 53 years old:

Alexander, 39 years old:

Larisa, 26 years old:

Reviews from neurologists

Valeria Dmitrievna, medical experience for more than 12 years:

Igor Semenovich, work experience 23 years:

Analogues of the drug

The nootropic drug Ceraxon has analogues with an identical composition:

  • Neupilept Sotex (injection solution, 125 mg, 5 amp.) – 535 rubles; 250 mg – 830 rub.;
  • Recognan Alpha Wasserman (solution, 10 sachets of 10 ml, 100 mg) – RUB 1,359;
  • Ceresil Canon Armavir Biological Factory (injections, 250 mg, 5 amps) – 805 rub.

Almost any pharmacy has cheaper analogues in stock.

Among the famous:

  • Vinpocetine (tablets, ampoules) – from 24 to 190 rubles per pack;
  • Vinpotropil (capsules) – from 145 rubles;
  • Cavinton (ampoules) – from 215 rubles.

Recognan or Ceraxon: which is better?

The drugs do not have any significant differences.

They have similar properties, the same active ingredient, and release forms.

The same compounds are often used as auxiliary components (in injections they are the same; in oral medications, duplicate combinations are used). In fact, the drugs are structural analogues.

The opinion of doctors indicates the interchangeability of drugs, but the Spaniards use higher quality raw materials in production.

Russian Recognan contains allergens among its constituent substances. However, the price of a domestic pharmacological product is more affordable than that of a foreign analogue. Therefore, the medicine is selected taking into account the body’s reaction to the components of the composition and the financial capabilities of the patient.

Before taking drugs, you must carefully read the leaflet for the vascular drug Ceraxon.

It is important to pay special attention to the sections “ contraindications ” and “ methods of use ”. It is strictly prohibited to make changes to the recommendations prescribed by the doctor.


General information about Actovegin

Actovegin is a drug belonging to the pharmaceutical group “tissue regeneration stimulator”, and helps improve metabolism at the macro and micro levels. The drug is made on the basis of deproteinized calf blood, therefore it contains exclusively physiological substances.

Also contains sodium chloride and water in the form of binders. The drug is considered an effective antihypoxic agent and is presented in the form of a solution, tablets and ointment.

Side effects

Both medications are well tolerated. Their combined use should not enhance each other's undesirable reactions due to the absence of interaction in the body. Drug therapy using these medications can cause immune reactions, such as allergies with fever and shock symptoms. Possible dermatological reactions include urticaria and rapid onset flushing. From the musculoskeletal system, muscle pain may occur. Mexidol alone sometimes causes dyspepsia.

The principle of action of the drugs

Actovegin contains inositol phosphates, which are responsible for the anabolism of glucose and oxygen in the body and prevent the accumulation of lactate in tissues, which affects their normal metabolism. Apoptosis of nerve cells is provoked by stress and external factors, activating beta-amyloid peptide. The drug inhibits the effect of this peptide on the nerve cell.

The neuron also contains ADP-ribose polymerase, which has a transport function in the process of repair and identification of breaks in single-stranded DNA.

With an excess amount of this enzyme, degenerative processes and metabolic disorders in the cell can occur, which provokes its death. It was found that Actovegin inhibits the synthesis of ADP-ribose polymerase, preserving the integrity of the nervous system.

It also improves blood circulation in the bloodstream, affecting vascular tone, capillary blood flow, synthesis of endothelial oxide synthase and sphincters.

The drug eliminates cognitive impairment in patients after strokes and is often used for the symptomatic treatment of dementia. In cases of peripheral blood flow impairment, it improves limb mobility.

The drug also accelerates the conduction of nerve impulses in cases of diabetic polyneuropathy. The effect of the drug appears 30-50 minutes after administration. The maximum effect is observed within 3-6 hours.

Mexidol has anxiolytic and nootropic effects, prevents destructive processes in the surface layer of membranes and blood vessels, protects the body from the effects of stress, and inhibits the catalysis of free radicals.

Increases the body's resistance to the negative influence of external factors, such as intoxication, shock, hypoxia, and destruction of brain vessels. Improves blood fluidity, affects the properties of blood cells, controls the amount of cholesterol and reduces low-density lipids, inhibits the process of platelet adhesion and sedimentation.

The drug Mexidol performs the following functions:

  1. Inhibits the processes of lipid catabolism, affects the maintenance of the balance of proteins and lipids.
  2. Promotes the formation of superoxide dismutase, which is an antioxidant enzyme and protects the body from the accumulation and toxic effects of oxygen free radicals.
  3. Maintains membrane structure and reduces its viscosity, reducing the amount of lipids due to its effect on membrane-binding enzymes.

  4. Increases the amount of the brain neurotransmitter - dopamine.

  5. Under anaerobic conditions, it activates glucose catabolism, increasing the amount of adenosine triphosphate and creatine phosphate, and also activates the energy function of mitochondria in cells.
  6. In cases of neuropathy, it helps prevent destruction of the optic nerve and light-sensitive cells of the retina, increases their functional activity and improves vision.

The active effect of the drug is observed within 2-3 hours after administration. Together with the blood, it is transported throughout the body and is quickly broken down. It is eliminated from the body by the genitourinary system.

Which analogues should be preferred?

Preparations similar to Cerakson in injection solutions:

Medicines similar to Cerakson in tablet form:

Although Cerakson is a very effective remedy, it has many side effects and a high price. For this reason, patients prefer its analogues, which have lower cost and fewer restrictions on use.

Important! Changing medications on your own is prohibited; this should only be done by the attending physician.

What to replace it with?

Sometimes there is a need to use analogues. According to patient reviews, these medications can be replaced with the following medications:

  • Mexidol is a medication that has an anticonvulsant effect, increases the production of dopamine, helps normalize the process of blood circulation in the brain, similar to Cerakson and Actovegin.
  • Cortexin - it is obtained from the cerebral cortex of cattle, but most often pigs. It helps normalize metabolic processes.
  • Cerebrolysin – Accelerates the metabolic processes of brain tissue. Participates in the regulation of cellular metabolism, helps improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

Instructions for use with Actovegin allow for combinations of other types of medications. Prescriptions are made by the attending physician after preliminary diagnosis.

Medicines have different forms of release. The price for Ceraxon ranges from 700 to 1800 rubles. The cost of Actovegin starts from 500 rubles and reaches 1,400 rubles, depending on the form of release of the product. All these prices are valid for 2021.

The drugs in one dropper interact well. The total cost of the system will be within 1000 rubles.

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Ceraxon and Mexidol are drugs with neurotrophic action. They are prescribed for the speedy recovery of the patient after a severe circulatory disorder.

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