Lenuxin, 10 mg, film-coated tablets, 28 pcs.

general information

Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a bad mood, impaired thinking (a pessimistic view of everything that happens, negative judgments, etc.), motor retardation, and loss of the ability to experience joy.

It should also be noted that in this condition a person has low self-esteem and lost interest in life and work. In most cases, a patient who suffers from depression may begin to abuse alcohol, drugs, and other psychotropic drugs. Often such people have suicidal tendencies.

Today, depression is treatable. During therapy, the patient may be prescribed psychotropic substances. The list of them is quite extensive. That is why they should only be prescribed by an experienced specialist.

Composition of the drug, its packaging and release form

Before telling you about how the drug Lenuxin works, reviews of which will be presented below, you should introduce its release form. This product goes on sale in the form of film-coated tablets.

The medicine contains such an active ingredient as escitalopram oxalate. In addition to it, the tablets also contain auxiliary elements in the form of microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, talc, siliconized microcrystalline cellulose, siliconized microcrystalline cellulose and magnesium stearate.

The drug "Lenuxin", the price of which is quite high, is sold in polypropylene bottles (maybe in blisters), placed in cardboard packaging. Each jar contains 28 or 14 tablets.

Analogues of Lenuxin

Most often, structural analogues are used as Lenuxin substitutes. The most popular of them:

  1. Presipra. An identical drug based on escitalopram. Generic from India. Its quality is quite questionable, but the price is reasonable.
  2. Cytolex. The drug is an antidepressant that can stabilize mood. Available in the form of tablets or drops for internal use. Inexpensive but effective domestic product.
  3. Escitalopram-Teva pilyule_nervi-552. A drug from Israel for the treatment of depressive disorders. Excellent value for money and quality.
  4. Escita. The drug is produced by a pharmaceutical company from Kazakhstan, Nobel AFF. An affordable and effective medicine to eliminate depression.

All of these products contain the same active ingredient, therefore they have the same properties and mechanism of action.

Pharmacological characteristics of an antidepressant

The drug "Lenuxin", reviews of which are more positive, is an antidepressant. This is an SSRI that increases the concentration of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft, and also prolongs and enhances the effect of serotonin on postsynaptic receptors.

The active element of the drug practically does not bind to alpha-adrenergic receptors, m-cholinergic receptors, opioid, serotonin, benzodiazepine, dopamine and histamine receptors.

Practice shows that the antidepressant effect in patients begins to develop only 2-4 weeks after the start of therapy. The maximum result in relieving panic disorders is usually achieved after a couple of months.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

How is the drug "Lenuxin" absorbed? The instructions for use of this antidepressant state that its absorption does not depend on food intake. The bioavailability of the drug is approximately 80%. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 4 hours. The binding of the drug to plasma proteins is approximately 56%.

Metabolism of the antidepressant occurs in the liver (before the formation of active didemethylated and demethylated metabolites). The half-life after repeated doses is about 30 hours.

Contraindications to the use of antidepressants

Treatment with antidepressants should never be carried out under the following conditions and factors:

  • with simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors;
  • in childhood and adolescence up to 18 years of age;
  • with hypersensitivity to the medication or its elements;
  • with isomaltase or sucrase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption and fructose intolerance.

Cautious use

Lenuxin tablets should be prescribed with extreme caution to patients with renal failure, diabetes mellitus, hypomania, bleeding tendencies, mania, liver cirrhosis and pharmacologically uncontrolled epilepsy.

It is also extremely careful to use this medication for depression with suicidal tendencies, while taking drugs with a lowering threshold and metabolized CYP2C19 isoenzymes, in old age and in combination with ethanol.


Like any antidepressants, Lenuxin is capable of entering into a chemical bond with medications, provoking the development of various kinds of consequences. Ignoring the basic rules for introducing a product into combination therapy threatens to reduce the effectiveness of the approach and create situations hazardous to health.

Lenuxin reacts to medications as follows:

  • provokes serotonin syndrome when combined with serotonergic drugs;
  • increases the risk of developing seizures in combination with a number of antipsychotics and tetracyclic antidepressants;
  • becomes more active when taken simultaneously with Tryptophan, lithium, Omeprazole;
  • provokes side effects under the influence of products based on plantain;
  • causes disruption of the blood clotting process when combined with anticoagulants;
  • promotes the development of serotonin syndrome when combined with MAO inhibitors. The medicine can be prescribed only 2 weeks after stopping inhibitor-based therapy. In the opposite direction, a period of 1 week is relevant.

Before taking any medication while taking an antidepressant, you should consult a doctor. Against this background, even natural cough syrup can become a source of dangerous toxins due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in it.

The medicine becomes more active when taken simultaneously with Omeprazole.

The drug "Lenuxin": instructions for use

This medication is available in pharmacies only with a prescription. After all, it can only be prescribed by specialists who have the appropriate qualifications.

The dosage of the drug and its frequency of use depend on the degree and type of deviation. According to the instructions, this product must be used once a day before, after or between meals.

  • Depression that is severe or moderate.

In this case, the drug "Lenuxin", the price of which is quite high, is prescribed in an amount of 10 mg once a day. Depending on the reaction of the (individual) patient, the dosage can be increased to 20 mg per day. After the signs of depression disappear, treatment should be continued for 6 months to consolidate the results.

  • Panic disorders with or without agoraphobia.

During the first week of therapy, the patient needs a dose of 5 mg per day. In the future, it should be increased exactly twice. Depending on the patient’s response, the volume of the drug may approach the maximum, that is, 20 mg per day. This treatment lasts for several months.

  • Social phobia, or social anxiety disorder.

With this diagnosis, the drug “Lenuxin” (synonyms for the drug) is prescribed in an amount of 10 mg once a day. The weakening of signs of deviation develops after about 2-4 weeks. Subsequently, the dosage can be reduced to 5 mg per day or increased to 20 mg per day.

Due to the fact that social phobia is a chronic disease, the duration of the therapeutic course should be at least 12 weeks. To prevent relapses of the disease, a specialist may prescribe repeated treatment, which must be carried out for 6 months.

By the way, before prescribing such a medication, the doctor should differentiate social phobia from ordinary timidity or shyness.

  • Generalized anxiety disorder.

How is the drug “Lenuxin” prescribed for the mentioned diagnosis? Reviews from experts say that at the very beginning of treatment, this drug should be used in an amount of 10 mg once a day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to the maximum, that is, up to 20 mg per day. Long-term use of the drug is acceptable (for 6 months or longer).

Elderly people (over 65 years of age) should use half the usual dose less, that is, 5 mg and 10 mg, respectively (per day).

Special instructions for use of the drug

For moderate renal failure, no dose adjustment is required. As for patients with a similar disease, but in a severe form, the drug is prescribed to them with extreme caution.

For moderate or mild liver failure, the recommended dosage during the first two weeks of therapy should be 5 mg per day. Depending on the patient’s reaction, the volume of the drug can be doubled.

For patients with reduced activity of the CYP2C19 isoenzyme, the initial dose of the drug is also 5 mg per day. If necessary, it can be increased to 10 mg.

When discontinuing therapy, the volume of medication should be reduced gradually over 1-2 weeks. This is necessary in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Instructions for use

Lenuxin is taken orally once a day, regardless of the time of day; it is better to take the next dose after meals. The dosage is selected depending on the disease:

  1. For depression , 10-20 mg is prescribed, depending on the patient’s tolerance of the medication. The course of therapy lasts up to 1 month, and the consolidating effect of therapy lasts up to six months.
  2. Panic attacks, possibly with agoraphobia . Prescribe 5 mg and gradually increase the dose to 20 mg. The course of treatment is maximum 100 days.
  3. Social disorder . Begin treatment with 10 mg for a month, and then reduce or increase the dose to 20 mg. This chronic disease can be treated for up to 3 months. To prevent relapses, a course of therapy lasting more than six months is prescribed.
  4. Generalized anxiety disorder . 10-20 mg of the drug is taken per day, which depends on individual tolerance. The course of treatment can last more than six months.
  5. Special patients . For elderly people and those with reduced isoenzyme activity, a dose of 5 mg and no more than 10 is recommended.

You need to stop taking Lenuxin by gradually reducing the dosage. Otherwise, withdrawal syndrome may occur.

Cases of overdose

Quite a large number of people ask the question: is it possible and how to deal with depression on your own? If this condition has been observed for a long time, then there is no way to do without turning to specialists. After all, patients require the use of antidepressants, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

If a person uses the mentioned drug in increased volumes, then he may soon experience the following signs of overdose: respiratory depression, tremor, convulsions, dizziness, tachycardia, agitation, rhabdomyolysis, drowsiness, metabolic acidosis, confusion, arrhythmia, ECG changes, vomiting and hypokalemia .

It should be especially noted that death and coma in case of overdose are very rare. This can only happen with simultaneous increased intake of the drug with other medications.

Treatment in case of overdose includes supportive and symptomatic therapy in the form of gastric lavage and adequate oxygenation. In addition, the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, as well as the respiratory system, is monitored.

Side effects of Lenuxin and overdose symptoms

In most cases, adverse reactions occur in the first 2 weeks of taking the drug. Further, their severity and severity decreases. The most commonly observed side effects are:

  • general weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • symptoms of serotonin syndrome (tremor, myoclonus, agitation, elevated body temperature);
  • hallucinations;
  • confusion;
  • panic attacks;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • aggression;
  • suicidal thoughts;
  • mania;
  • visual disturbances;
  • noise in ears;
  • nosebleeds;
  • bleeding from the digestive organs;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dry mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • worsening or increased appetite;
  • weight loss or gain;
  • allergic reactions on the skin (redness, itching, urticaria, rash, erythema);
  • angioedema;

    Quincke's edema

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • problems with ejaculation, impotence in men;
  • retention of urine;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hyponatremia;
  • increased activity of liver enzymes;
  • cardiac abnormalities (increased or slowed heartbeat, ECG changes);
  • anaphylactic reactions;
  • pain in muscles and joints.

An overdose of escitalopram occurs very rarely. As a rule, it can occur due to its combination with other medications. Even when taking more than 700 mg of this substance, no severe reactions were observed. Symptoms of overdose may include:

  • dizziness;
  • agitation;
  • anxiety;
  • seizures;
  • coma;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • imbalance of electrolytes.

Treatment begins with gastric lavage and administration of sorbents. Next, symptomatic therapy is indicated. It is important to monitor respiratory activity and cardiac activity.

See also:

Velaxin - instructions for use, reviews and analogues of the drug

The drug "Lenuxin": side effects

Side effects from taking this drug most often occur at the very beginning of therapy. Over time they become less and less intense.

  • Digestive system: decreased appetite, nausea, taste disturbances, vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea, increased appetite and constipation.
  • Nervous system: increased irritability, headache, anxiety, dizziness, agitation, weakness, visual disturbances, insomnia, panic attacks, drowsiness, depersonalization, convulsions, mania, tremor, serotonin syndrome, movement disorders, hallucinations and confusion.
  • Reproductive system: impotence, ejaculation disorders, and menstrual irregularities.
  • Skin: angioedema, increased sweating, purpura, ecchymosis, itching and skin rash,
  • General: hyperthermia and weakness.
  • Urinary system: urinary retention.
  • Heart and blood vessels: orthostatic hypotension.
  • Metabolism: ADH secretion is insufficient.
  • Musculoskeletal system: arthralgia and myalgia.
  • Laboratory tests: changes in liver function parameters, ECG and hyponatremia.
  • Allergy: anaphylactic reactions are possible.

If any of the above side effects occur or worsen, you should immediately notify your doctor.

Overdose and adverse reactions

If the dosage is exceeded, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • malaise;
  • lethargy;
  • gagging;
  • spasm;
  • tremor;
  • ECG laboratory changes;
  • tachycardia;
  • confusion;
  • arrhythmia;
  • rhabdomyolysis;
  • hypokalemia;
  • acidosis.

If the dose of escitalopram is greatly exceeded, death extremely rarely occurs, and staying in a coma is possible. But most of these cases are associated with concomitant use of other medications. A dose of up to 800 mg of the active substance taken does not cause serious symptoms.

At the initial stage of taking the drug, adverse reactions may occur from various body systems, which are subsequently gradually neutralized:

  1. Central nervous system : impotence, convulsions, malaise and headache, insomnia or, on the contrary, constant sleepiness, disturbance of the musculoskeletal system, tremors, as well as serotonin syndrome. Rarely may occur: hallucinations, anxiety, panic attacks, short temper, confusion, distorted vision.
  2. Digestive system : nausea, vomiting. The most common symptoms are diarrhea or constipation, dry mouth, loss of appetite or, on the contrary, increased appetite, as well as deterioration of taste buds.
  3. Urinary system : problems with urination.
  4. Skin : excessive sweating, rashes, itching, angioedema, purpura or ecchymosis.
  5. Reproductive system : impotence, problems with ejaculation, menstruation failure.
  6. Changes in the liver visible on laboratory tests.
  7. Others : general weakness of the body, lack of secretion of ADH (antidiuretic hormone), sometimes hypotension, hyperthermia, myalgia, arthralgia, anaphylactic shock.

If the above symptoms occur, you should consult a specialist.

Concomitant use with other drugs

Psychotropic substances, the list of which is quite extensive, should be taken only as prescribed by specialists and strictly under their supervision.

The drug "Lenuxin" should not be prescribed together with MAO inhibitors, as this may contribute to the development of serotonin syndrome. It should also be noted that taking this drug by young people (under 24 years of age) with mental disorders and depression increases the occurrence of suicidal thoughts, as well as suicidal behavior.

When using the drug simultaneously with lithium and tryptophan, there are cases of increased effect of the first drug

Taking the medicine together with St. John's wort leads to an increase in the number of side effects.

Simultaneous use of an antidepressant with indirect anticoagulants, as well as other drugs that affect blood clotting, can contribute to disruption of this process. In such cases, upon completion of treatment, regular monitoring of the patient and his blood condition is required.

Patients who take this drug with serotonergic drugs may experience serotonin syndrome.


- Escitalopram should not be prescribed concomitantly with MAO inhibitors due to the risk of developing serotonin syndrome. Escitalopram can be prescribed 14 days after stopping treatment with irreversible MAO inhibitors and at least 1 day after stopping treatment with a reversible MAO type A inhibitor (moclobemide). At least 7 days must pass after stopping escitalopram before treatment with non-selective MAO inhibitors can be started.

- In children, adolescents and young adults (under 24 years of age) with depression and other mental disorders, antidepressants, compared with placebo, increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Therefore, when prescribing Lenuxin® or any other antidepressants to children, adolescents and young adults (under 24 years of age), the risk of suicide should be weighed against the benefits of their use. If a decision is made to initiate antidepressant therapy, the patient should be closely monitored for early detection of disturbances or changes in behavior, as well as suicidality.

- When using drugs belonging to the therapeutic group of SSRIs, including escitalopram, the following should be considered: some patients with panic disorder may experience increased anxiety when starting treatment with SSRIs. This paradoxical reaction usually disappears within the first two weeks of treatment. To reduce the likelihood of an anxiogenic effect, it is recommended to use low initial doses. The drug should be discontinued if seizures develop. Use in patients with unstable epilepsy is not recommended; Controlled seizures require careful monitoring. If the frequency of seizures increases, SSRIs, including escitalopram, should be discontinued.

- SSRIs and SNRIs (selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) have been associated with the development of akathisia, a condition characterized by unpleasant, debilitating restlessness and hyperactivity, often accompanied by an inability to sit or stand in one place. This condition most likely occurs during the first few weeks of therapy. Increasing the dose may be harmful to patients who experience these symptoms.

- Escitalopram should be used with caution in patients with a history of mania/hypomania. If a manic state develops, escitalopram should be discontinued.

- In patients with diabetes, treatment with escitalopram may change blood glucose levels. Therefore, dose adjustments of insulin and/or oral hypoglycemic drugs may be required.

— The risk of committing suicide is inherent in depression and can persist until a significant improvement in the condition occurs spontaneously or as a result of therapy. Careful monitoring of patients being treated with antidepressants is necessary, especially at the beginning of treatment, due to the possibility of clinical deterioration and/or the emergence of suicidal manifestations (thoughts and behavior). This precaution should also be observed when treating other mental disorders due to the possibility of concurrent depressive episodes.

- Hyponatremia, possibly associated with impaired secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), occurs rarely when taking escitalopram and usually disappears when therapy is discontinued. Caution should be exercised when prescribing escitalopram and other SSRIs to persons at risk of developing hyponatremia: the elderly, patients with cirrhosis, and those taking drugs that can cause hyponatremia.

- When taking escitalopram, skin hemorrhages (ecchymosis and purpura) may develop. Escitalopram should be used with caution in patients with a tendency to bleed, as well as those taking oral anticoagulants and medications that affect blood clotting.

- Since clinical experience with the simultaneous use of escitalopram and ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) is limited, caution should be exercised in such cases.

- In rare cases, patients taking escitalopram and other SSRIs concomitantly with serotonergic drugs may develop serotonin syndrome. Escitalopram should be used with caution concomitantly with drugs that have serotonergic effects.

— Due to limited clinical experience, caution is recommended when using the drug in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD).

- After long-term use, abrupt cessation of escitalopram therapy in some patients may lead to a “withdrawal” reaction; gradual withdrawal of the drug over 1-2 weeks is recommended.

Interaction with alcohol:

escitalopram does not interact pharmacodynamically or pharmacokinetically with alcohol. However, as with other antidepressants, you should avoid drinking alcohol during the entire period of treatment with the drug.

Interaction with ethanol

The drug "Lenuxin" does not enter into pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic interaction with ethanol. But this does not mean that such an antidepressant can be taken with alcoholic beverages. During treatment, it is better for the patient to refrain from drinking any alcohol.

It should also be noted that during the period of therapy, a person should refrain from driving a car and engaging in hazardous types of work that require increased speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration.


Escitalopram should not be co-administered with MAO inhibitors due to the risk of developing serotonin syndrome. Escitalopram can be prescribed 14 days after stopping treatment with irreversible MAO inhibitors and at least 1 day after stopping treatment with a reversible MAO type A inhibitor (moclobemide). At least 7 days must pass after stopping escitalopram before treatment with non-selective MAO inhibitors can be started.

In children, adolescents and young adults (<24 years of age) with depression and other mental disorders, antidepressants, compared with placebo, increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Therefore, when prescribing Lenuxin or any other antidepressants to children, adolescents and young adults (under 24 years of age), the risk of suicide should be weighed against the benefits of their use. If a decision is made to initiate antidepressant therapy, the patient should be closely monitored for early detection of disturbances or changes in behavior, as well as suicidality.

When using drugs belonging to the SSRI therapeutic group, including Lenuxin, it should be taken into account that some patients with panic disorder may experience increased anxiety at the beginning of SSRI treatment. This paradoxical reaction usually disappears within the first two weeks of treatment. To reduce the likelihood of anxiogenic effects, low initial doses are recommended.

The drug should be discontinued if seizures develop. Use in patients with unstable epilepsy is not recommended; Controlled seizures require careful monitoring. If the frequency of seizures increases, SSRIs, including escitalopram, should be discontinued.

SSRIs and SNRIs (selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) have been associated with the development of akathisia, a condition characterized by unpleasant, debilitating restlessness and hyperactivity, often accompanied by an inability to sit or stand in one place. This condition most likely occurs during the first few weeks of therapy. Increasing the dose may be harmful to patients who experience these symptoms.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with a history of mania/hypomania. If a manic state develops, the drug should be discontinued.

In patients with diabetes mellitus, treatment with escitalopram may change blood glucose levels. Therefore, dose adjustments of insulin and/or oral hypoglycemic drugs may be required.

The risk of committing suicide is inherent in depression and may persist until the condition significantly improves, either spontaneously or as a result of therapy. Careful monitoring of patients being treated with antidepressants is necessary, especially at the beginning of treatment, due to the possibility of clinical deterioration and/or the emergence of suicidal manifestations (thoughts and behavior). This precaution should also be observed when treating other mental disorders due to the possibility of concurrent depressive episodes.

Hyponatremia, possibly associated with impaired ADH secretion, occurs rarely with escitalopram and usually disappears when therapy is discontinued. Caution should be exercised when prescribing escitalopram and other SSRIs to persons at risk of developing hyponatremia: the elderly, patients with cirrhosis, and those taking drugs that can cause hyponatremia.

When taking the drug, it is possible to develop skin hemorrhages (ecchymosis and purpura). Escitalopram should be used with caution in patients with a tendency to bleed, as well as those taking oral anticoagulants and medications that affect blood clotting.

Since clinical experience with the simultaneous use of escitalopram and ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) is limited, caution should be exercised in such cases.

In rare cases, patients taking escitalopram and other SSRIs concomitantly with serotonergic drugs may develop serotonin syndrome. Escitalopram should be used with caution concomitantly with drugs that have serotonergic effects.

Due to limited clinical experience, caution is recommended when using the drug in patients with coronary heart disease.

After long-term use, abrupt cessation of drug therapy in some patients may lead to a withdrawal reaction. Undesirable reactions such as dizziness, headaches and nausea may occur. The severity of these reactions is usually mild and their duration is limited. To avoid withdrawal reactions, gradual withdrawal of the drug over 1-2 weeks is recommended.

Escitalopram does not interact pharmacodynamically or pharmacokinetically with ethanol. However, as with other antidepressants, you should avoid drinking alcohol during the entire period of treatment with the drug.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to refrain from driving vehicles and engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Price and analogues of the drug

How much do Lenuxin antidepressant tablets cost? The price of this medicine may vary and depend on the markup. The average cost of the drug is 990 Russian rubles for 28 pieces. Agree, this is a rather expensive drug that not everyone can afford. It should also be noted that it is rarely sold in pharmacies. As a rule, after presenting a prescription, the pharmacist offers to order the medication, which usually arrives within a few days.

So what should you do if a patient was prescribed an antidepressant, but it was neither in stock nor on order? In this case, experts recommend purchasing its analogue. Lenuxin has them in quite large quantities. Let's look at the list of such drugs right now:

  • "Escitalopram oxalate."
  • "Miracitol".
  • "Escitalopram-Teva".
  • "Santsipam."
  • "Escitalopram Sandoz."
  • "Selectra"
  • "Escitalopram."
  • "Cipralex".
  • "Elycea".
  • "Easypi."

These products can be either more expensive than the original or cheaper. However, they all act on the same principle as the drug Lenuxin. Moreover, they are also available with a doctor's prescription. Therefore, you will not be able to purchase them at the pharmacy at your own discretion.

LENUXIN (tablets)

other similar neurotic conditions.
The search for a suitable remedy can be quite lengthy, and in this light it is advisable to start with those remedies that have already proven useful for many other people. It is this kind of medicine that I want to talk about now. I note that your humble servant had the opportunity to try many antidepressants. Some of them had no effect on me, some caused very unpleasant side effects, for example, they raised temperatures to 37.5-37.6, without bringing any benefit. In fact, the first antidepressant that really had a positive effect on me was Lenuxin.

I’ll say right away that this drug is sold by prescription, and you can only purchase it if this same prescription is prescribed to you by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. But I would not recommend starting to take Lenuxin without consulting a specialist. Let him first determine whether it makes sense to take such pills specifically in your case.

Personally, I started taking “Lenuxin” due to a general depressive state, as well as because of the anxiety states that regularly came over me. It is important to note here that this antidepressant belongs to the group of sedatives, which is why it is especially useful for those who have a tendency to anxiety and overexcitation in general. There is another group of antidepressants with a stimulating effect. I tried drinking one of these, and it resulted in a powerful anxiety attack. So “Lenuxin” is, first of all, for those who suffer from overexcitation, fears, and panic attacks. If the main problem is deep depression, apathy, and low activity, this drug is unlikely to be truly effective - rather, it can strengthen these negative tendencies. However, I repeat, it is best to consult a specialist

Lenuxin really helped me. I have been taking it for more than six months, and it is noticeable that it has increased the threshold of my excitability, reduced the frequency of anxiety states, and had an overall positive effect on my condition. It is important to note here that an antidepressant is not an “ambulance”; it works “at a distance”, in the long term, and the effect is gradual. During exacerbations, it must be combined with other drugs intended to relieve acute conditions. But at the same time, “Lenuxin” enhances the effect of such drugs and thereby helps them become more effective. As for taking the antidepressant itself, you should be prepared to take it for at least six months.

I can say that I know another person for whom Lenuxin helped stabilize his condition - quite soon after he started taking this antidepressant, his irritability and often flaring resentment decreased.

By the way, this antidepressant also helps improve digestion and reduces appetite if your appetite is too strong.

One of the disadvantages of Lenuxin is that at first this drug can cause serotonin syndrome, which is expressed in excessive sweating, nausea, and general malaise. Personally, I had to go through this, but then the side effects disappeared.

The second disadvantage is the price. A package containing 28 tablets costs about 650 rubles or more (varies in different pharmacies). If you are prescribed two tablets, one package, as you understand, will only last for two weeks. But it seems to me that if a specialist prescribes Lenuxin for you, you should take it. After all, health and peace of mind are most valuable.

Reviews about the medication

Now you know how much the antidepressant Lenuxin costs (price). Reviews about it are mixed. Some claim that he copes well with the assigned tasks, while others, on the contrary, talk about his ineffectiveness.

Positive reviews about this medication contain information that it quickly relieves anxiety disorders, improves mood and well-being. Patients also claim that taking an antidepressant in recommended doses allowed them to get rid of social phobia, panic and depression. Moreover, this effect persists even after discontinuation of the drug.

As for negative reviews, they are largely associated with the presence of side effects. Some patients experience nausea, some have headaches, and some do not observe any result of treatment at all.

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