Best sleep tea or calming tea

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Insomnia has long become a serious problem. Every day more and more people complain about lack of sleep. Scientists say that 30% of people suffer from one type or another of insomnia. Many people deliberately refuse sleep in order to complete important tasks. Unfortunately, irregular sleep can be harmful. People who suffer from insomnia (read more about insomnia in our article) or sacrifice sleep for important things may face diseases such as diabetes

metabolic disorders
and even
The picture looks pretty sad. However, I have good news: Herbal teas may be the key to getting better sleep. For centuries, people have used natural remedies to treat insomnia. And it would be wrong not to take advantage of the accumulated experience. If you have insomnia or have trouble falling asleep, there are plenty of great herbal teas that can help you forget about being up all night. Sleep tea is an excellent and safe alternative to pills. I have selected the best herbal teas that are known for their relaxing and sleep-inducing effects. Don't forget that you need to drink sleep tea 20-30 minutes
before bed. I hope these wonderful herbal teas give you pleasant dreams.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea
(lat. Matricaria )
is a long-time favorite of mine.
Sweet and earthy, this delicious tea relieves anxiety and helps you sleep. It can even be compared to a weak sleeping pill. This herbal tea has been used since ancient times as a mild sedative. Chamomile contains the amazing antioxidant apigenin
. This is what makes this herbal tea an effective cure for insomnia. You can even enhance the beneficial effects of chamomile tea by adding a spoonful of natural honey. Research shows that people who took 400 mg of chamomile extract slept better. On the other hand, studies of people with chronic insomnia do not confirm the positive properties of chamomile tea. Although we do not have clear evidence of the benefits of chamomile tea, the existing scientific evidence looks very optimistic. In addition, this perennial flower has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Chamomile oil is very popular in aromatherapy. If you're choosing a sleep tea, chamomile tea is a prime candidate.

Herbal tea - a remedy for insomnia

Since ancient times, humanity has learned to use plants in the treatment of “sores.” This method has a number of advantages over professional medicine:

  • environmental purity of the drug;
  • There are absolutely no contraindications;
  • financial savings. Such herbal kits are much cheaper than medications.

The infusion is effective and harmless. Let's list the problems that such a drink struggles with.

Lavender tea

(lat. Lavandula)
is very often used in cosmetics. Lotion, perfume and bath bombs all emit a strong lavender scent. And this is not surprising, lavender calms the nerves. We must thank the ancient Greeks and Romans, who used lavender for baths and loved to inhale the aroma of this plant. A 2012 study found that women with insomnia slept better after two 20-minute lavender aromatherapy sessions per week. You can use lavender oil in moisturizers to achieve a similar effect. But lavender doesn't just have a calming aroma. Lavender tea is a good sedative that will help you fall asleep faster. This tea is made from the small purple buds of lavender flowers. A study of 80 Taiwanese women found that lavender tea calms nerves and relieves fatigue. Today there is almost no research on the sleep-inducing effects of lavender. However, this sleep tea is good for calming after a hard day and relieving symptoms of stress, which affects the quality of sleep.

Natural Helpers

The main advantage of these types is the complete absence of caffeine in them. This substance is present in classic types, including black long leaf. The medicinal plant has a calming effect on the nerves and the person falls asleep. It also contains many useful micro- and macroelements and vitamins.

Let's list the useful herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • valerian;
  • Melissa;
  • hop;
  • fireweed;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • motherwort;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • St. John's wort;
  • passionflower.

These are the main helpers for people suffering from a similar illness. Such kits are sold in pharmacy chains in crushed form or in bags. All information about the brewing method and proportions is indicated on the packaging.

Green tea

Green tea ( lat.
Camellia sinensis)
is famous for its many beneficial properties.
This popular drink improves metabolism, reduces the risk of cancer and helps the brain function. But that's not all! A cup of green tea during the day will help you fall asleep faster in the evening. But you don't need to drink green tea before bed. Green tea contains some caffeine, which can have a stimulating effect. This is especially true for people who rarely drink caffeinated drinks. Green tea's main weapons are antioxidants catechins
amino acids
Theanine ( L- theanine)
is a green tea polyphenol that helps nerve cells produce
serotonin, dopamine and
-aminobutyric acid
This natural nootropic (Read more about natural nootropics in our article) helps the brain enter a state of relaxed concentration, which is strongly reminiscent of meditation. Apparently, it is theanine that is responsible for the slight relaxing effect of green tea. Research confirms this guess. People who drink 3-4 cups
of low-caffeine green tea a day show fewer signs of stress and sleep better.
In addition, green tea improves metabolism and will help you lose a few extra pounds. If you choose tea for sleep, be sure to try green tea.

The best homemade sleeping pill honey

Since ancient times it has been known that honey is the best homemade sleeping pill. Honey can be consumed at night not only with warm water or milk - there are a lot of folk recipes for insomnia with honey.

You can drink honey during the day for 1-2 weeks: 60-100 g of honey per 500-800 ml of cooled boiled water, drink 3-4 times a day, 120-200 ml, the last dose half an hour before bedtime. After 1-2 weeks, the condition will improve and sleep will return to normal.

Stir 3 tsp in a cup of honey. apple cider vinegar, and take this mixture before bed, 2 tsp. In half an hour sleep will come; If you wake up in the middle of the night, you can take the mixture again.

Mix 2 tbsp with a glass of lemon juice. walnuts and buckwheat honey - until smooth. Take 1 tbsp. for the night.

Lemon juice and honey are mixed in equal parts. The mixture is taken at night, 1 tablespoon, washed down with warm tea.

Shortly before bedtime, brew dry raspberries (2 tablespoons) or just raspberry jam with boiling water. After 20-25 minutes, add honey (1 tbsp), stir and drink.

You can not only drink herbal decoctions and infusions, but also inhale the aroma of herbs before bed. The common herb wormwood is an excellent homemade sleeping pill; it can calm a person, relieve tension and drive away bad thoughts. You just need to stretch the wormwood stem in your hands along with the flower, and breathe in this aroma for a few minutes.

How to make a sleeping pillow

You can make yourself a pillow with herbs. A mixture of leaves of motherwort, valerian and cyanosis azure - a herb that grows literally everywhere: in Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, in the European part of Russia, is placed in the pillow in equal parts. It will be easy to fall asleep on such a pillow, and your sleep will be deep and serene.

Tea with valerian

(Latin Valeriana )
is an herb that has been used for centuries to treat problems such as insomnia, nervousness and headaches. Valerian is an excellent natural supplement that can ensure sound sleep. Valerian tea is perhaps the most popular sleep tea and the most famous natural sleep aid. Valerian is sold in the form of alcohol tincture or tablets. Additionally, valerian root is dried and often added to tea. According to a 2000 study, this herbal supplement increases levels of the important neurotransmitter GABA. This neurotransmitter plays a fundamental role in the human nervous system. It is involved in the process of brain inhibition. Simply put, GABA helps calm your nerves and help you fall asleep. Popular sedatives and sleeping pills have a similar mechanism. However, it is not yet entirely clear how valerian helps you sleep. A 2010 review of eighteen studies found that valerian root may be an effective treatment for insomnia. A small study of 27 people with sleep disorders confirmed this idea. 89% of subjects reported improved sleep after taking valerian extract. Another study showed that valerian helps you fall asleep faster. Valerian is the most popular and most effective sleep tea on our list and is worth trying if you have insomnia or a sleep disorder.

Problems from insomnia

This disease brings the following negative features to a person’s life:

  1. poor health, broken state;
  2. headaches, migraines;
  3. the appearance of irritability;
  4. destabilization of the nervous system;
  5. decreased performance.

The latter symptoms are dangerous for drivers. Reduced control over the road situation often leads to accidents. The use of sedatives before work and driving is prohibited.

Tea with lemon balm

Melissa (lat. Melissa officinalis)

very often confused with its closest relative - peppermint. Both plants belong to the same Lamiaceae family and have similar properties. However, lemon balm tea may be even more effective in treating insomnia than peppermint. A 2011 study in mice found that this sleep tea increased levels of GABA (a familiar neurotransmitter) and may act as a mild sedative. True, lemon balm cannot be considered a natural sleeping pill. Tea with this plant has a slight relaxing effect. Melissa reduces symptoms of stress, lifts your mood and allows you to forget about anxiety, which significantly improves the quality of sleep. Experts recommend drinking a combination of valerian and lemon balm. Studies have shown that this combination improves sleep symptoms by 70-80%.

A first aid kit

Natural teas can help with a wide variety of ailments.

● Tea drinks made from linden blossom, raspberry leaves and berries, mint, black currant leaves and berries, rose hips, and grated horseradish root will help you extinguish the development of a cold.

● You can strengthen the immune system, on the state of which our well-being largely depends, by drinking vitamin drinks with blackberries, rose hips, linden, black currant leaves, nettles, calendula flowers, hawthorn and red rowan fruits.

● Herbal cocktails, which include shepherd's purse, oregano, black currant leaves, parsley, peppermint, motherwort, hawthorn flowers, valerian root, help the heart beat calmly and evenly, normalize blood pressure, and relieve headaches.

● Teas containing linden flowers, mint leaves, corn silk, valerian and licorice root, chamomile flowers and dill seed will relieve you from heartburn, belching, heaviness in the stomach and bloating.

Magnolia bark tea

Magnolia (lat.
Magnolia )
is a flowering plant that is famous for its beautiful pink buds.
True, this flowering plant not only has a pleasant aroma, but can also be a good sleep aid. Magnolia has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve stress. Today magnolia is known throughout the world as a mild sedative. To prepare sleep tea, use magnolia bark, which is pre-dried. The sedative effect of magnolia bark is likely due to honokiol
, a substance that can be found in the flowers, stems and bark of this plant. Scientists say that honokiol acts on GABA receptors in the cerebral cortex and causes drowsiness. Studies conducted on mice show that honokiol reduces the time it takes to fall asleep. Although we don't have human studies yet, there is a possibility that magnolia bark may improve sleep. Magnolia flowers and bark are often added to green or herbal tea. And if you are looking for a delicious and aromatic sleep tea, magnolia tea is the perfect choice.

Benefits of the preparations for the body

In addition to the sedative effect, they have the following benefits:

  • neutralize inflammatory processes in the body;
  • stimulate brain function;
  • normalize the state of the central nervous system;
  • remove toxins and waste;
  • improve and cleanse the circulatory system.

Among the negative aspects of their use, we note the possibility of an allergic reaction. To prevent relapse, brew a small amount. In the absence of negative consequences, treatment is continued in full.

I would also like to warn those who like a quick recovery: increasing the proportion leads to the opposite effect. Apathy may occur and your health may deteriorate.


Passion flower
or passion flower (lat. Pass i fl o ra )
is another plant that guarantees a sound and peaceful sleep.
The stems and leaves of passionflower are used to make herbal tea. More recently, research has emerged that confirms the hypnotic effects of passionflower. Another study found that people who drank passionflower tea daily for a week slept better. Moreover, the mixture of passionflower , valerian and hops can even be compared to popular medicinal sleeping pills. This sleep tea has an effect that is reminiscent of valerian or chamomile. Natural substances contained in passion flower reduce brain activity, help relax muscles and fall asleep. Research shows that people with sleep disorders who drank passionflower tea regularly for a week experienced better sleep. This sleep tea can help relieve mild sleep disturbances and anxiety.

Recipe for adults

More complex herbal combinations are suitable for this category. We'll tell you about the most popular recipes with plants that help you get a good night's sleep.

  1. A combination of mint and lemon balm. Brew 1 teaspoon with hot water. The infusion can be consumed after 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. Recipe 5 herbs. Consists of mint, oregano, thyme, lavender, lemon balm. The brewing technology is no different from the previous one. 1 tsp. The set is filled with a glass of hot, clean water.
  3. Lavender. Pour the flowers of the plant with water at a temperature of 80 degrees for two minutes. Drain the water and repeat the procedure. Infuse for five minutes.
  4. Peony roots. A teaspoon of dried root is poured with two glasses of hot water. After 20 minutes, the infusion is ready for use.

These recipes have an excellent sedative effect on the body. For those who do not have the opportunity to prepare medicinal herbs, we recommend purchasing a ready-made product at a pharmacy. The following sets are popular: “Tea 7 herbs for sleep”, “Relaxozan”.

Herbal teas are brewed in containers that are used for brewing regular drinks. The materials used for the dishes are porcelain, clay, and ceramics. To create the most favorable conditions, the kettle is covered with a towel. This speeds up the process of extracting useful components from plants.


Lemongrass ( lat. Cymbopogon)

is a popular plant that is often used in cooking. Although lemongrass belongs to the Grass family, it has an intense lemony scent. It is for this property that lemongrass received its nickname. The name of this herbaceous plant can be literally translated as “lemon grass.” Aromatic with a lemony scent, this sleep tea has many benefits. For a long time, lemongrass was used as a folk remedy for insomnia. In addition, lemongrass contains several antioxidants that help fight oxidative stress. Lemongrass is a popular detox tea ingredient that can speed up your metabolism and help you shed extra pounds.

What do you need to know?

When purchasing ready-made herbal tea, it is important to pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that there are no artificial colors or flavors. Contraindications and restrictions for use are: hypersensitivity to the components of the collection, clinical depression, which is accompanied by suppression of the activity of the central nervous system.

During the systematic use of herbal teas, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid drinking alcohol and minimize coffee consumption.
  2. Exercise caution when driving.
  3. It should be remembered that some herbs with a calming effect enhance the effect of sleeping pills and sedatives, analgesics and alcohol.
  4. Do not exceed the dosage per day - the optimal daily dosage is 200-250 ml. Abuse of herbal drinks can lead to drowsiness, decreased physical and mental activity, and dizziness.
  5. Calming teas are a kind of medicine. Therefore, they must be taken in a course with a mandatory two-week break.
  6. For greater effect, drink herbal tea not hot, but warm.
  7. During pregnancy and lactation, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Sleeping pills and sedative teas are not a panacea for nervous disorders, severe forms of insomnia, or clinical depression. This is only an auxiliary means for maintaining the nervous system of an adult in good shape. In other cases, medication may be required.

We advise you to read: Rooibos herbal tea: beneficial properties, contraindications and brewing rules

Important Tips

Whatever medicinal tea you choose, you need to know the basic rules thanks to which the herbal tea will have a calming effect.

Rule 1: you need to take a soothing drink at the same time, without interruption - if the problem is pronounced. If an adult or child periodically, inconsistently has problems, has periodic outbursts of anger, irritability, then you can drink tea once, occasionally.

Rule 2: You can drink tea for no longer than 1 month. Then you definitely need to take a break of 2 weeks.

Rule 3: if a person’s psycho-emotional state has returned to normal, then there is no need to continue drinking soothing tea, as if to consolidate the results of treatment.

Rule 4: the composition of tea should change. You should not take the same sedative for more than six months, so as not to cause an addictive effect.

Rule 5: you need to take herbal tea for insomnia 1-2 hours before bedtime, no later; for irritability - immediately before bedtime.

Rule 6: you need to start taking soothing tea with small doses.


Peppermint (lat.
M e ntha piper i ta )
is perhaps the most famous sleep tea on our list. Like its close relative lemon balm, peppermint has a mild hypnotic and sedative effect. The popularity of mint tea is no coincidence. This plant has been known since ancient times for its relaxing effects. In addition, mint has antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral effects. Most of these effects have not been studied in humans. However, several studies have confirmed the positive effects of mint on people with insomnia. You can add dried or fresh mint leaves to your tea, or buy herbal mint tea. Herbal mint tea does not contain caffeine, and you don't have to worry about it having a stimulating effect. True, the sleep-inducing effect of mint is not similar to other plants on our list. Peppermint relaxes muscles, which helps you fall asleep faster. In addition, people who suffer from frequent migraines and headaches will love this sleep tea. Peppermint speeds up blood circulation and reduces migraine symptoms. But you don't have to drink peppermint tea to get this effect. The smell of mint quickly calms and helps you relax.

According to ancient recipes

In the old days, so-called forest teas were held in special esteem in Rus', which were prepared from currant leaves, bird cherry, lingonberry branches, linden blossom, oregano and other medicinal plants. As it infused, the drink acquired a unique aroma and taste, and was enriched with minerals, vitamins, essential oils, organic acids, phytoncides, and antioxidants. By the way, already under Ivan the Terrible, the production of herbal teas was put on a grand scale. Outside the city, vegetable gardens were planted where plants were grown, from which healers and healers then prepared dry mixtures for almost 100 ailments. Herbal teas were also revered in the East.

Wise Chinese healers believed that herbal infusions have a positive effect on our vital energy and allow us to maintain it at the proper level. In their opinion, tea with lemon balm cools the body and soothes, while with elecampane, on the contrary, it warms. It was believed that barberry tea strengthens the feminine Yin and the masculine Yang: it prevents premature ejaculation in men, and cures frigidity in women. For soul and body

Having absorbed the smell of forest and meadow flowers, herbal cocktails will help you relieve fatigue and create a good mood.

● Want to restore your energy? Prepare yourself tonic phytodrinks from rose hips, shoots and leaves of Schisandra chinensis, Eleutherococcus senticosus root or ginseng root - they contain B vitamins and ascorbic acid. These valuable substances for the body increase efficiency and attention, supply nerve cells with glucose and thereby ensure their full combat readiness - to give a worthy rebuff to fatigue and resist seasonal nervousness and tearfulness.

● St. John's wort, mint, sage, valerian, and motherwort have calming properties. For a month, brew tea from these plants every day or add to regular tea leaves - the emotional background will gradually return to normal.

● Are you thirsty? It is perfectly quenched by tea made from lemon slices and zest, raspberry leaves, blackberries, currants, as well as green tea with mint, which has a wonderful refreshing taste and delicate aroma.

● Decided to improve your complexion? Herbal drinks made from dry birch leaves, dill and parsley will saturate the skin with moisture, eliminate irritation and flaking. And green tea with the addition of dry nettle will give the skin youth, beauty and health: the tannins contained in the drink perfectly strengthen blood vessels and also retain moisture in the skin, making it elastic and elastic.

● Diuretic teas based on corn silk, licorice rhizomes, coltsfoot leaves, immortelle flowers, lingonberry leaves and berries will help the body get rid of swelling, cleanse itself of waste and toxins.

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