Instructions for use of Rexetine, reviews after use and side effects

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited during breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Has restrictions for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Has limitations for kidney problems

In the modern world, most people are exposed to stressful situations. As a result, a large number of depressions, anxiety disorders, and obsessive disorders are diagnosed. One of the medications that helps cope with such problems is Rexetine, which, according to the instructions for use, is a broad-spectrum antidepressant.

Packaging of the drug Rexetine


The active ingredient in the drug is paroxetine in the form of hydrochloride hemihydrate. "Rexetine" is the international trade name of the drug. Also in the main part of the product are magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, hypromellose and calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate. The film shell is represented by hypromellose, titanium dioxide, polysorbate 80 and macrogol 400. The dosages of all excipients are calculated taking into account the volume of the main substance.

Composition, release form

The medicine is available for purchase by patients in the form of tablets for oral administration, which are in special white plates of 10 pieces. The tablets are medium in size and round in shape, white in color. They do not have a specific unpleasant aroma, which makes them easier to take, and are covered with a special film coating.

The tablet medication contains the substance paroxetine as the main active ingredient. This is what has a healing effect.

The composition includes some synthetic components:

  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Hypromellose.
  • Calcium dihydrate.
  • Starch.
  • Macrogol.
  • Titanium dioxide
  • Polysorbate.

These substances do not have any medicinal properties, but are necessary to maintain the chemical formula. The amount of active ingredient in 1 tablet is 20 or 30 mg.

pharmachologic effect

The principle of operation of the antidepressant "Rexetine" is based on the ability of its active substance to influence the process of serotonin circulation in the brain. An organic formation with a complex chemical structure triggers a cycle of reactions. Their result is stimulation of certain parts of the central nervous system. At the same time, in other parts of the brain, their functions are suppressed and increased excitability is reduced. Such a complex effect on the central nervous system leads to a number of therapeutic effects.

Pharmacological profile

Rexetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and has a powerful anti-anxiety effect. The main active component of the drug is paroxetine - a substance with a bicyclic structure that suspends the activity of vesicles aimed at replenishing serotonin reserves, concentrating its accumulation in the synaptic cleft. At the same time, the active substance stimulates the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine.

After entering the gastrointestinal tract, the stage of absorption of the active substances of the drug into the blood and their distribution throughout the body begins. It is worth noting that the effect of Rexetine does not change depending on food or drink.

The next step is distribution, which occurs due to the connection of most of paroxetine with protein compounds found in the blood. The active ingredients of Rexetine begin to influence the body at a stable level approximately two weeks after the start of treatment and then the therapeutic effect remains at the same level until the end of therapy.

The final process is metabolism - the breakdown of inactive components by liver cells and removal from the body. This occurs by urinating approximately two days after ingestion.

The drug has an effect on cells of the central nervous system (CNS). By reuptakeing serotonin, blocking its release from the middle part of the synapse - the place of communication between neurons in the brain. The uptake of norepinephrine and dopamine remains virtually unchanged. It also has an anti-anxiety effect and activates mental activity.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

A distinctive feature of the drug is the selectivity of its pharmacological action. Its influence does not affect receptors, the irritation of which can cause drug dependence or general addiction. Also, its entry into the body does not affect the level of norepinephrine and dopamine.

"Rexetine" helps to achieve the following results:

  • elimination of manifestations of depressive disorders as a result of psychostimulating effects;
  • relieving anxiety by reducing the level of excitability of the subcortex of the brain;
  • reducing the severity of the clinical picture characteristic of obsessive-convulsive pathologies. The patient is no longer tormented by obsessive thoughts, fears or ideas. The general psycho-emotional background improves.

After taking the tablet, the active substance is quickly absorbed from the digestive tract and enters the blood. Food intake does not affect this indicator. The connection of the main component with blood proteins is up to 95%. 1-2 weeks after the start of therapy, the substance content reaches an equilibrium state, ensuring a well-functioning effect of the drug. With subsequent long-term therapy, the indicators do not change.

Paroxetine is processed in the liver. The chemical compound breaks down into a number of metabolites, the bulk of which do not have pharmacological activity. The half-life of the substance is on average a day, but the figure can reach almost 3 days. Up to 64% of the component is excreted by the kidneys, the rest by the intestines. About 3% of the product comes out unchanged. In elderly people, due to problems with the liver and/or kidneys, the concentration of the drug in the blood exceeds standard values. To prevent negative consequences, dose adjustment is required.

Operating principle and effectiveness

Rexetine (reviews from patients who have taken the drug are usually based on experience of personal use over a certain period of time) has pronounced antidepressant properties. The medicine belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

The principle of its action is based on the ability to inhibit the development of nervous disorders and stress. As a result, the work of the nervous system is activated, tissue nutrition is improved, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses. The drug has an effect quite quickly, even when used in a minimal therapeutic dosage.

The medicine also has other properties:

  • Eliminates anxiety and restlessness that occurs in patients even in the absence of a history of pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Helps improve sleep and makes it restful. Most patients with various nervous disorders suffer from sleep disorders and related abnormalities.
  • Helps normalize the psycho-emotional state, eliminates increased irritability and nervousness, and prevents the aggravation of the main acute manifestations of neurological and mental diseases.

  • It has a positive effect on the condition of patients during menopause. Often at this time, women notice sudden changes in mood, as well as sleep disturbances. When using tablets in combination with hormonal medications, a significant improvement is noted.
  • It acts on the subcortical structures of the brain and prevents the re-development of symptoms.
  • Suppresses the activity of the thalamus and hypothalamus, the limbic system, which leads to the elimination of anxiety and improvement of general condition.
  • Prevents the emergence of causeless fear, obsessions and desires. Such symptoms are often observed in patients with acute and chronic mental disorders.

One of the advantages of the drug over many other antidepressants is the lack of addiction, even when used for long courses. The medicine does not provoke drug addiction and withdrawal symptoms, which is also considered an advantage.

Oral administration of tablets ensures fairly rapid absorption into the blood and binding to plasma proteins. The bioavailability of the drug is approximately 93%, which is considered high. Eating does not have a significant effect on the process of absorption of the drug and its distribution throughout the body.

The maximum concentration of the ingredient in the blood is achieved 7 days after the start of use. The medicine accumulates in small quantities in the blood and tissues. But with a prolonged course, the ability to accumulate is lost.

The ingredient is processed in the liver, after which its breakdown products are evacuated by the kidneys. The period of complete release from the components of the composition takes up to 3 days.

In patients with pathologies of the digestive system, the absorption of ingredients into the blood is somewhat worse; in case of kidney disorders, there is a deterioration in the excretion of its breakdown products. This somewhat weakens the therapeutic effect.

Indications for use of "Rexetine"

An antidepressant can be used alone or as part of complex therapy. The decision on its use is made by the attending physician. The treatment regimen is selected in accordance with the diagnosis, characteristics of the patient’s condition, and his physiological parameters.

Indications for use of the drug:

  • various forms of depression. The drug is particularly effective in the fight against a disease of a pathological nature, which is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety;
  • depressed state due to schizophrenia, periods of exacerbation of bipolar disorder;
  • combating clinical signs of obsessive-convulsive disorder, preventing relapses. Even with prolonged treatment courses, the product can prevent active exacerbations;
  • neurological and mental manifestations of organic pathologies of the brain, even with damage to the deep tissues of the organ;
  • some stages of manic-depressive syndrome during its episodic course;
  • general manifestations of constant anxiety syndrome;
  • mental disorders that appeared after suffering a shock, a life-threatening situation, or moral trauma;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders accompanied by panic attacks, agoraphobia.

In recent years, social phobia has been successfully treated with the help of Rexetine. Just a few years ago, the only effective method of dealing with fear of people was considered to be sessions with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. With the help of the drug, the severity of the positive dynamics from the classical approach can be strengthened and consolidated.

Analogues and prices

The drug has analogues that can be used if it is impossible to prescribe the original drug.

The most effective substitutes:

  • Actaparoxetine is available in tablet form and contains the same substance as the original medication. The medicine is an antidepressant and helps cope with various manifestations of neurological and mental disorders. The tablets are taken according to the same regimen; the dosage and duration of use depend on the specific disease and the degree of its neglect. You can buy the medicine for 500 rubles. A more affordable cost often forces patients to prefer a substitute.
  • Paroxin also has pronounced antidepressant properties and contains the same main ingredient. The tablet drug is prescribed for depression, manic-depressive syndrome, and stressful conditions. It helps to quickly eliminate symptoms and improve the condition. The cost of the medicine is approximately 600 rubles. But it may differ in different pharmacies.
  • Fluoxetine is available in the form of capsules for oral administration and contains the active ingredient of the same name. The drug is prescribed for depression, deterioration of sleep due to stressful situations, and psycho-emotional disorders. The medicine is considered quite effective, preventing the progression of diseases and the development of complications. The price of the medicine starts from 50 rubles. The available product is often used as a substitute.

Substitutes may contain other components in the composition, but have similar properties. Despite the similar composition, use without prior examination is not allowed. Even if the patient has previously taken such medications and there were no complications, repeated independent use is not allowed.

Rexetine is considered a fairly effective medicine from the group of antidepressants. It is used to treat patients with various disorders. Reviews from most patients who took the drug may be different. Some confirm its effectiveness, others talk about the development of negative reactions from internal organs and systems.

The risk of complications can be reduced only after examination by a doctor and determination of the dosage depending on the specific disorder.


The manufacturer warns that caution should be exercised when taking an antidepressant.

start therapy only with the permission of a doctor. In a number of conditions, the use of the drug will have to be abandoned. In some cases, drug treatment is permitted only in a hospital setting.

The list of absolute contraindications to the use of the product includes:

  • any period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • taking MAO inhibitors and 2 weeks after completion of therapy;
  • childhood;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • the use of "Thioridazine" - there is a risk of developing ventricular arrhythmia and sudden death of the patient.

Relative prohibitions include diseases of the heart and blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and prostate hyperplasia. For the listed conditions, treatment requires increased attention from a doctor or replacement of the antidepressant with a less dangerous analogue in this case. The medicine should be taken with caution by elderly people with a history of epilepsy and glaucoma.

Side effects of Rexetine

According to statistics, a negative response of the body to the ingestion of a drug occurs in 10-20% of cases. The frequency and severity of symptoms usually decrease as therapy progresses. For this reason, in most situations, side effects do not become a reason to refuse Rexetine. The final decision on the possibility of continuing drug treatment is made by the attending physician.

Potential side effects of taking an antidepressant:

  • neurological - pathological fatigue and severe weakness, hand tremors, daytime drowsiness, sleep problems. Sometimes headaches, dizziness, irritability, and loss of concentration occur. In rare situations, epileptic-type seizures occur and signs of intracranial hypertension appear. Adverse reactions from the autonomic nervous system manifest themselves in the form of dry mouth, increased sweating;
  • dyspeptic – nausea, problems with stool, loss of appetite. In rare cases, signs of liver dysfunction occur;
  • cardiovascular - increased heart rate, changes in the ECG pattern, changes in blood pressure, fainting due to circulatory failure, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • immune - an allergic response in the form of redness of the skin, subcutaneous hemorrhages, swelling of the extremities or pastiness of the face, itching. In rare cases, there is a risk of developing anaphylaxis;
  • from the senses - decreased visual acuity, exacerbation of glaucoma;
  • from the genitourinary system - decreased libido, problems with ejaculation, difficulty urinating;
  • state of water-electrolyte balance - a decrease in the level of sodium in the blood, which is accompanied by swelling of the tissues of different parts of the body, a disorder of consciousness. In difficult cases, a clinical picture of epilepsy is possible. The reaction is especially common among older people who are also taking diuretics;
  • others – increase or decrease in body weight, decrease in muscle strength, muscle soreness, drop in blood sugar levels. Some patients report an increase in body temperature and the appearance of symptoms characteristic of the flu. Such situations are rare; the connection of many of them with the use of Rexetine has not yet been proven.

Violation of the rules for stopping therapy may cause withdrawal syndrome. Abrupt withdrawal from medication is often accompanied by dizziness, loss of sensitivity in the limbs, problems with sleep, excessive agitation, and attacks of fear. Some patients report nausea, twitching of limbs, confusion, and increased sweating against this background. To prevent such consequences, drug withdrawal is carried out according to a scheme selected by the doctor. This usually involves slowly reducing the dosage every other day.

Real application experience

The opinions of practicing doctors and reviews of patients who have taken or are taking the drug Rexetine can be found in large quantities on the Internet.

Speaking about the drug Rexetine, it is worth noting that it is a potent antidepressant. For this reason, if you have mild depression, it is better to avoid using this remedy. This medication is prescribed to patients who have been observed for a long time and have been registered with a psychiatrist for more than one month. Suffering from severe nervous disorders and suicidal intentions.

As a rule, mild medications no longer help them. Remember, this drug will not be sold to you at the pharmacy, and you should not prescribe it yourself. If it seems that taking antidepressants is necessary, consult a specialist first; you should not aggravate your condition by self-medicating.

Doctor-psychiatrist, Filatov Valentin Yurievich

Rexetine is a drug that has a strong effect on the central nervous system. This medication was created for the treatment of severe mental disorders. The medication has undergone many clinical trials and has been fully proven to be effective. The test patients showed a very stable improvement and normalization of their condition. There was a decrease in anxiety and panic, balance and concentration.

An important rule when taking medication is to follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding the prescribed dosage and duration of use. Never change the prescribed instructions yourself - this is the most inadequate thing you can do. Such actions can lead to serious consequences and worsening disorders.

Doctor-psychotherapist Dmitry Anatolyevich Orlov

Several years ago I had to go through a divorce, after which various symptoms of a nervous breakdown began to appear.

Dizziness, panic attacks, palpitations, hypertension and anxiety. After undergoing numerous examinations, I eventually turned to a psychiatrist.

The doctor quickly conducted a survey and diagnosed endogenous depression and prescribed Rexetine. Improvements appeared after 4 months of use, then the dosage was reduced.

It is worth saying that I still take the drug for prevention, but in small quantities. Six months later, thanks to this drug, I felt completely healthy and cheerful.

Panova Ekaterina

For me, Rexetine is an absolutely ineffective drug, the price is as much as 800 rubles, and the effect is almost zero, a different result was expected.

About two years ago I had severe depression. The doctor prescribed Rexetine one tablet per day for three months. After a month of therapy there was still no result.

After some time, the thoughts of suicide passed, the melancholy and emptiness inside were replaced by simply indifference and lack of interest in life.

After this, the effect ended and there was no further improvement. Plus, the intake was accompanied by numerous side effects, which made life even more difficult. After three months of treatment and no results, I started taking another drug, at the same price, but the effect was already within a month.

Shagova Natalya

I lived quietly, worked, didn’t think much about anything, when suddenly, at one unexpected moment, strange symptoms appeared. The first attack happened in the middle of the night, a sharp rise in pressure, confusion in the head, heart like crazy, lack of oxygen. I called an ambulance and thought they wouldn’t pump me out.

It turned out okay, but later the attacks began to become more frequent, and a diagnosis could not be made. After contacting a psychiatrist, treatment with Rexetine was prescribed.

After taking the drug for six months, I noticed that my condition had returned to normal, I’m very glad that everything worked out. Now I feel great and enjoy life.

Samarin Alexander

"Rexetine": instructions for use - method and dosage

The annotation for the medication contains universal recommendations for its use, but the key to effective treatment with antidepressants is an individual approach to each patient. Features of the basis of the treatment regimen depend on what the treatment is for, the age and general condition of the patient. The tablets must be taken orally without violating the integrity of the film membrane. Changes in the clinical picture as the drug is taken allow for dosage adjustments.

Recommendations for therapy depending on the diagnosis:

  • depressive disorders - the standard therapeutic daily dose is 20 mg of the active substance. The maximum daily volume of the drug is 50 mg. The dosage is increased slowly - no more than 10 mg per week, until the therapeutic effect is obvious;
  • obsessions and conditions - the starting therapeutic volume of the medication is 20 mg per day. After a few weeks, the patient's condition is assessed. If the therapeutic effect is not achieved, he begins to take 30 mg of the drug per day. The maximum therapeutic dose usually does not exceed 40 mg of the active substance, but in rare cases it can be increased by another 10-20 mg;
  • panic attacks - at the beginning of the course of therapy, the patient is given only 10 mg of the product. The use of higher dosages at the start of treatment threatens to temporarily increase the severity of the clinical picture. The amount of medication is gradually increased by 10 mg per week until a suitable dose is established. The permissible maximum for this diagnosis is 60 mg of paroxetine;
  • clinical picture of social phobia, anxiety, consequences of trauma and stress - the starting dose is 20 mg of the active component. It is gradually increased according to the standard scheme until a lasting result is achieved. The daily maximum is 50 mg of Rexetine. Often such courses are carried out intermittently or use maintenance therapy. In the latter case, the daily dose is 20 mg of the drug.

The starting dose when working with elderly patients is 10 mg of the active substance. Its increase occurs according to the standard scheme, but the maximum should not exceed 40 mg of the component. Persons with a history of kidney or liver failure require a private approach, regular assessment of the condition of organs using tests. Usually they try not to give them more than 20 mg of Rexetine per day, but minor adjustments to the data are possible.

Often, after completing the treatment course, the antidepressant is not completely discontinued, but is continued as maintenance therapy. This approach is used from 4-6 months to a year, depending on the diagnosis. The treatment allows you to prevent the development of relapses and achieve the most lasting effect.

Directions for use and doses

When undergoing a course of treatment with Rexetine, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  • It is better to take tablets in the morning during meals;
  • The tablet must be swallowed whole without chewing;
  • number of receptions – 1 time per day;
  • The doctor, after examining the patient after three weeks, adjusts the dosage.

Daily dosage:

  • for depressive disorders, one tablet is prescribed (X 20), but not more than 50 mg per day;
  • social phobia - initially 20 mg, if there is no result, increase the dosage to 50 per day;
  • panic disorders – 10 mg, gradually increasing the dose to 40;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder – 20 mg., maximum dosage if necessary 60 mg.;
  • generalized anxiety disorder – 20-50 mg per day.

After the symptoms of mental disorders disappear, it is necessary to continue taking the medication for preventive purposes to avoid relapse.

The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 6 months, but for disorders associated with attacks of fear and panic, it is possible to extend therapy. The course should be completed gradually, avoiding abrupt cessation of SSRIs.


Cases of drug poisoning due to excess dosages are very rare. The risk of developing a clinical picture characteristic of drug intoxication occurs with a single use of 2000 mg of the active ingredient. Also, the likelihood of negative consequences is high when mixing the medication with alcohol or combining it with other medications.

An overdose of the drug "Rexetine" is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • dilated pupils;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • pathological excitement, agitation;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness, problems with coordination;
  • facial skin hyperemia.

Convulsions, coma and other serious complications due to drug overdose were not observed.

You will learn about the occurrence of seizures after a stroke and their danger from this article.

Registered deaths are associated with taking the drug simultaneously with other medications and alcohol. First aid consists of gastric lavage, taking enterosorbent in accordance with body weight for 2 days. There is no antidote, hemodialysis and other methods of blood purification are not effective. Until all symptoms disappear, you need to monitor the victim’s vital signs and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic therapy.

Storage conditions and periods

Depending on the manufacturer, the product can be stored for 2-4 years. It is important to avoid exposure to moisture and direct sunlight.


Taking tablets after the expiration date is strictly prohibited. Before taking it, it is important to check the manufacturing date indicated on the package.


The use of the medication does not need to be organized taking into account the diet schedule or the use of antacids. They do not affect the degree of absorption of the active substance, the speed of manifestation of the therapeutic effect and its severity. If the product is part of a complex therapy, or the patient additionally takes any medications, caution must be exercised.

The drug should be taken taking into account the following points:

  • combining the product with MAO inhibitors increases the severity of side effects and can cause death;
  • simultaneous use of the drug with Tryptophan often causes headaches, dizziness, increased sweating, and nausea;
  • in combination with Warfarin, increased bleeding is possible;
  • taking Sumatriptan during treatment with an antidepressant is accompanied by problems with coordination, exacerbation of reflexes, and general weakness;
  • combining the use of Rexetine with tetracyclic antidepressants requires a reduction in the dose of the latter;
  • When using drugs that affect liver performance, it may be necessary to adjust the therapeutic dosage of the drug. But even in this case, the initial volumes will be standard;
  • "Cimetidine" increases the concentration of the product in the blood plasma after 2-3 weeks of therapy;
  • Phenobarbital reduces the volume of paroxetine in the blood plasma and shortens its half-life;
  • combining the product with a number of anticonvulsants can lead to increased side effects of the latter and an increase in the frequency of symptoms;
  • Digoxin and Rexetine are prescribed simultaneously with caution due to the lack of accurate data on the consequences of such a combination.

It is recommended that you get your doctor's approval before taking any medications while on an antidepressant. Any negative reaction of the body to taking medications together must be reported to a specialist.

special instructions

The increased chemical activity of the drug can cause unexpected reactions in the body. The manufacturer identifies a number of rules, compliance with which allows you to minimize possible risks and achieve maximum effect from therapy.

When using an antidepressant, you need to consider the following points:

  • completion of a treatment course requiring the use of MAO inhibitors is a contraindication to the use of the drug. You can switch to an antidepressant only 14 days after stopping biologically active substances;
  • if there are signs of a manic state in the anamnesis, while taking the product, there is a possibility of a resumption of the attack;
  • Treatment of patients with severe depression, drug or alcohol addiction should be carried out under medical supervision. These groups of people are predisposed to suicide attempts;
  • In older people taking diuretics, taking an antidepressant can cause a decrease in sodium levels in the blood. Canceling the drug in a short time brings everything back to normal;
  • At the initial stage of therapy, patients require increased monitoring due to the presence of a risk of suicide attempts. Only after the first signs of positive dynamics appear can observation be relaxed.

During the treatment course, it is recommended to refrain from driving or performing activities that require attention and increased concentration. Often, an antidepressant causes a feeling of internal agitation, the inability to remain calm, the need to move or do something.

Analogues of "Rexetine"

If for some reason Rexetine is not suitable for the patient, only the attending physician can select an analogue. The list of antidepressants is quite extensive, each group has its own advantages or disadvantages. To combat the pathological conditions listed above, a neurologist or psychiatrist can select remedies based on similar or other active ingredients with the desired characteristics. The most common include: “Parelax”, “Adepress”, “Xet”, Luxotil”. They also contain paroxetine, but it has a different chemical form.

Doctors do not recommend trying to independently select cheaper analogues to replace Rexetine, only based on the similarity of pharmacological groups of products. Such experiments threaten to increase the severity of the clinical picture and cause side effects.

During pregnancy and lactation

There is no reliable information about the effect of the active substance of the drug on the fetus, so taking an antidepressant during pregnancy is officially prohibited. Neurologists recommend that women of childbearing age, when using the drug, additionally discuss contraceptive options with a gynecologist in order to avoid unplanned pregnancy. The use of medication after conception is possible only with the permission of a specialist if there are serious indications. Theoretically, if paroxetine enters the body of a pregnant woman in the first trimester, the child may develop heart defects. In the third trimester there are risks of premature birth and perinatal complications.

The active substance of the drug and its metabolites pass into breast milk in a volume sufficient to have a negative effect on the baby. If it is necessary to carry out a treatment course, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding.

Reviews about "Rexetine"

Consumers respond positively to the medicine, noting its high effectiveness. Many confirm the fact of rapid dulling of symptoms and relief of alarming manifestations. The use of the product has allowed a lot of patients to cope with difficult moments in their lives. Side effects during therapy occur quite often, but they are either not very pronounced or gradually disappear without dose adjustment.

The negative point is the high cost of the drug. Not everyone can afford even similar means, especially if it is necessary to conduct long courses.

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