Calming drug Persen - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Michnik Expensive and useless drug. Mikhail Once again after 3 capsules

Persen's composition looks "frivolous". It contains only three plant components: familiar, tried, harmless, and soft. These are valerian, lemon balm and mint. Should I expect any side effects when taking this medication? Most people do not actually experience them, but in rare cases they are possible.

Read information about the side effects of Persen. If you have them, you will immediately understand what they are and will be able to react to them correctly.

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Composition and release forms

The drug contains several active components of plant nature and a number of auxiliary ones. Persen contains dry extracts from the following plants:

  • Valerian rhizomes.
  • Peppermint.
  • Melissa.

Auxiliary components of the drug are added to give the dosage form and maintain the activity of the medicinal components.

This medicine is for oral use only. That is why it is available in the form of tablets and capsules.

The dosage of active components in capsules and tablets is different, this affects the therapeutic effects.


Persen tablets are round in shape and have a dark brown protective coating. Packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. Each package can contain from 2 to 8 blisters. 1 tablet contains extract of dry rhizome of valerian in an amount of 50 mg, peppermint and lemon balm in an amount of 25 mg.


This release form is dark brown in color. Inside it contains active substances in granulated or compressed form.

Capsules are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. In turn, the blisters are packaged in cardboard boxes. Each capsule contains dry extract from valerian rhizomes in an amount of 125 mg and 25 mg of lemon balm and mint extracts. Since the dosage of the drug in capsules is higher than in tablets, this form has a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Persen nocturnal

This dosage form is available in capsules and is completely identical in composition and quantitative ratio to the drug Persen forte.

Persen cardio

This type of capsule has a mild calming effect and has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Its composition has significant differences from other forms of release. In addition to the usual components, Persen Cardio contains dry extract of passionflower 200 mg, extract of flowers and leaves of hawthorn 160 mg.

Mechanism of pharmacological action

The therapeutic effects of Persen are due to the active ingredients included in its composition.

  1. Valerian rhizome extract contains organic acids, tannins and essential oils. These components have an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system and reduce nervous excitation. As a result, the level of anxiety decreases and the process of falling asleep becomes easier. In addition, valerian has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of most internal organs.
  2. Melissa extract contains flavonoids and essential oils. It has a weak sedative, antidepressant and anxiolytic effect on the nervous system. Melissa also has an antispasmodic effect, strengthens immune defense, increasing antiviral immunity.
  3. Peppermint has a calming effect and helps dilate blood vessels in the brain, heart and lungs. Other effects of mint include antiemetic, antispasmodic and choleretic.

What kind of drug is Persen?

Composition of the drug Persen

This drug consists of several active components of plant origin, as well as excipients.

The active components of Persen are:

  • dry extract of valerian rhizomes;
  • dry lemon balm extract;
  • dry peppermint extract.

All active components have a direct therapeutic effect, that is, they have a moderate or pronounced sedative effect. Melissa and peppermint extracts also have an antispasmodic effect.

Excipients are necessary to give the medicine a special form, as well as to preserve the medicinal components in an active state for a long time ( that is, they are also used as stabilizers


Indications for use

The drug Persen is used to relieve conditions accompanied by excitability of the nervous system.

Indications for prescribing tablets are the following conditions:

  • Increased nervous excitability due to acute or chronic stress.
  • High fatigue and decreased concentration.
  • Irritability and nervousness.
  • Neurasthenia.
  • Insomnia.
  • Neuroses of mild or moderate severity.
  • Complex therapy of severe neuroses at the stage of recovery and withdrawal of psychotropic drugs.

Persen capsules are prescribed mainly for the treatment of long-term insomnia. You can also use them in the complex treatment of severe neuroses and neurasthenia.

Indications for the use of Persen Cardio are:

  • Stressful conditions.
  • Overwork.
  • Insomnia, neuroses of varying severity.
  • Heart rhythm and heart rate disturbances associated with stress.

It is not advisable to use Persen to relieve panic attacks, because it will take several hours to achieve the therapeutic effect of Persen , while a panic attack requires faster help. At the same time, a course of complex treatment using Persen will reduce nervous excitability and reduce the frequency of panic attacks.

Instructions for use

Persen is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. However, uncontrolled use can cause unwanted side effects.

Instructions for use of Persen in tablets prescribe taking the drug orally with a small amount of boiled water, regardless of food intake.

Adult patients and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 2-3 tablets or capsules 1-3 times a day. For insomnia, 2-3 tablets or 1-2 capsules are prescribed at night before bed.

The maximum permissible daily dosage is 12 tablets. The total duration of treatment should not be more than 2 months. The drug does not cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop using it.

Children aged 3 to 12 years are prescribed 1 tablet of the drug 2-3 times a day.

The medicine should be stored in a cool, dark place. Do not use it if the expiration date indicated on the package has expired. Otherwise, instead of benefit, the drug can cause significant harm to your body.

Dosage and side effects

The drug is taken orally with a small amount of still water. The patient determines the time of taking the medication independently. However, when drawing up a treatment schedule, it should be remembered that Persen, which has a relaxing and hypnotic effect, can negatively affect performance and concentration during the day.

This warning especially applies to the drug Persen Night, the instructions for use of which recommend the following dosages:

  1. For neuroses and increased irritability - 1-2 capsules from one to three times a day. The maximum dose should not exceed 9 capsules in 24 hours.
  2. For insomnia – 1-2 capsules 40-60 minutes before bedtime.

Persen Cardio is taken 1 capsule 1-2 times within 24 hours. When treating, you need to take into account that this drug does not begin to act immediately, and the positive effect is felt only 6-7 weeks after the start of the course.

According to the instructions for use, Persen tablets can be taken by both adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. The course of treatment is designed for 1.5-2 months and involves the following daily dosages:

  1. For excessive nervous excitability - 2-3 tablets up to three times a day, but no more than 12 tablets within 24 hours.
  2. For sleep disorders - 2-3 tablets an hour before bedtime.

If the permissible limits are exceeded, a feeling of severe fatigue may occur, as well as stomach and chest cramps, dizziness, dilated pupils, trembling throughout the body, nausea and vomiting. Usually mild symptoms of overdose go away on their own within 12-24 hours, but in severe cases, urgent gastric lavage is necessary, as well as contacting a doctor.

The drug rarely causes side effects, but they are sometimes possible. This is mainly due to the individual characteristics of the body and intolerance to individual components of the drug. Most often, side effects manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, which may be accompanied by:

  • redness on the skin (most of all in the abdomen, back, chest and limbs);
  • swelling;
  • small skin rash all over the body.

If you take the medicine for an excessively long time, constipation or diarrhea may occur. Extremely severe side effects include bronchospasm and anaphylactic shock. These dangerous manifestations require immediate specialist intervention.


For the drug Persen, the contraindications for taking tablets and capsules are completely identical:

  1. Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Lactose intolerance. This contraindication is due to the fact that lactose is included in the drug as an excipient.
  3. Insufficiency of the enzymes isomaltase and sucrase in the body is a contraindication to taking tablets, but taking capsules in this case is allowed.
  4. Cholelithiasis. The peppermint extract contained in the drug can cause blockage of the bile ducts with stones and hepatic colic.
  5. Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  6. It is not recommended to prescribe this drug for the treatment of low-grade depression, since in this case the patient may become even more lethargic and drowsy, and his already low activity becomes even lower.
  7. Arterial hypotension.
  8. Children under 3 years of age.

special instructions

Each of the active ingredients itself has no contraindications during pregnancy. However, we must not forget about the increased risk of side effects in a pregnant woman. Like many medications, Persen can cause allergic reactions. A woman’s body during pregnancy can react in a completely unexpected way to any drug, even the usual one.

In addition, the drug reduces blood pressure, which can provoke fetal hypoxia.

It is not recommended to take the medicine while breastfeeding, as this may adversely affect the baby's condition. Some active components can pass into breast milk, and with it into the baby’s body.

No studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on children. It is not recommended to prescribe this drug to children under three years of age, as there is a risk of depression of the nervous system and allergic reactions. For children aged 3 to 12 years, the drug is prescribed in reduced doses and a short course. Persen night capsules and Persen cardio capsules are not prescribed to children under the age of 12 years. Starting from 12 years of age, the drug can be prescribed to children in the same dosages as adult patients.

It is not recommended to combine treatment with Persen with alcohol intake, as this can lead to the development of side effects and complications. Alcohol enhances the effect of the active components of the drug and can cause depression of the nervous system and other undesirable effects. Small doses of alcohol can provoke stimulation of the central nervous system and thereby reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug.

While taking Persen, it is not recommended to drive vehicles or engage in other work that requires increased attention and high reaction speed. This recommendation is especially relevant when taking capsules that contain an increased amount of active ingredients. You should not drive for 4 hours after taking the tablet or capsule.

What is effective and safe: Afobazole or Persen?

Irritability and stress are a disease that needs to be treated, like the flu or bronchitis.
Why are anxiety and stress dangerous to human life? When we find ourselves in a “stressful” situation, the adrenal glands produce the hormones cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine, which enter the bloodstream and promote a rush of blood flow to the muscles. These processes help a person to quickly react if he stumbles and almost falls, or meets a poisonous snake on the path, but if there is nowhere to run and no one to save from, then such a reaction does not help, but slowly kills. Stress hormones reduce immunity, slow down digestion, and a person becomes ill and loses his appetite. But the main reason why cortisol is called the “death hormone” is its effect on the heart. Cardiovascular diseases are a consequence of constant stress, because with a surge of the hormone cortisol, all the muscles of the body literally tense up, including the heart. There are many anti-anxiety medications, but many Russians are afraid to resort to medications to treat stress, because in our country it is fashionable to argue that Americans and Europeans “eat antidepressants by the pack” and cannot live a day without them. We decided to look at two drugs for anxiety and stress and prove: it is not dangerous to treat stress, it is dangerous to put up with it.

Afobazole or Persen - the effect of the drugs

Afobazole and Persen are two drugs for anxiety and stress, we decided to figure out how the drugs differ. Afobazole is No. 1 in Russia, it is recommended by therapists and chosen by ordinary people who have taken stress “under control,” and Persen is so well advertised that it is difficult to imagine a Russian who has not heard of this calming medicine.

The active ingredients of the sedative Persen are extracts of dry valerian, lemon balm and mint. The drug is recommended for increased nervous excitability, irritability and insomnia, as it has a calming, antispasmodic effect and relieves symptoms of stress. Manufacturers of Persen position its main advantage as its plant origin. On the one hand, the fact that the drug is based on well-known herbs of traditional medicine is attractive for its safety. On the other hand, everyone knows that it is better to eat an orange than to drink a glass of processed orange juice. A fair question arises: why take Persen if you can drink mint tea from your grandmother’s garden?

The non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic Afobazol is based on a substance developed by the Research Institute of Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - fabomotizol. The drug acts on the receptors of nerve cells in the brain, restoring their sensitivity. The advantage of the drug is its dual effect: restoration of nerve cells and protection from subsequent stress. Thus, the drug not only eliminates the symptoms of stress - anxiety, irritation, autonomic disorders and cognitive disorders, but also treats nerve cells. The drug is recommended for anxiety disorders.

How to take Afobazol or Persen?

There are two options for taking Persen for adults and children over 12 years of age: for nervous excitability and irritability, 2-3 tablets up to three times a day. And if you are taking a drug for insomnia, then up to three tablets 30 minutes before bedtime. Since the drug is herbal, the manufacturer does not set a “time frame” for taking it. But the duration of the course of treatment with Afobazol is indicated and ranges from 2 to 4 weeks, 3 tablets per day - the drug can only be taken from 18 years of age. A longer course can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects of drugs

Manufacturers of the drug Persen warn about a possible allergic reaction, bronchospasm and constipation with long-term use of the drug. When taking Afobazole, the only side effect may be an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Are there any contraindications for Persen and Afobazole?

The sedative Persen should not be taken by people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as by patients with arterial hypertension. Gallstone disease and other diseases of the biliary tract are also contraindications to taking the drug Persen. The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Afobazole is contraindicated only in patients with intolerance to the drug, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Is it possible to take Afobazol or Persen while driving?

It is impossible to imagine the life of a person in the 21st century without a car, so the question of which anti-anxiety drug can be taken while driving is of interest to many patients. Persen is not the best remedy for drivers, as the drug contributes to loss of concentration and attentiveness, as well as psychomotor reaction.

But the drug Afobazol is an ideal option for drivers, as it does not cause drowsiness. Moreover, according to studies, 70% of patients noted an increase in performance. Therefore, if you are sensitive to rudeness on the roads, keep in mind that Afobazol will help you not only be calm, but also vigilant!

What worries you most is withdrawal syndrome

Many people fear that after finishing taking the drug there will be a withdrawal syndrome - feeling unwell, irritability, nausea, and other unpleasant phenomena. If you have chosen Afobazole or Persen, you don’t have to worry, these drugs do not cause addiction, you can stop taking them one day without fear.

What is better - Persen or Afobazol?

If both drugs are considered from a safety point of view, then both Persen and Afobazole have established themselves as drugs with a high safety profile. Persen consists of plant components, and Afobazole has been widely studied by independent experts. But if we compare the drugs by their effectiveness, then there are questions about Persen, since the drug’s effect on the body is no different from ordinary valerian and mint - it only relieves the symptoms of stress for a short period of time. Why pay 300 rubles for Persen if you can buy valerian for 59? Afobazole has no analogues due to its unique formula, and is superior to Persen in terms of effectiveness, since it not only relieves the symptoms of stress, but also affects the nerve cells themselves. Therefore, to the question of which is stronger, Afobazole or Persen, the answer is: definitely Afobazole. When choosing an anti-anxiety drug, it is important to understand what goal you are pursuing: to relieve irritation for a short time or to cure stress and protect yourself from it in the future.


Side effects and overdose

Instructions for use of Persen and patient reviews indicate the following adverse events when treated with this drug:

  1. Allergic reactions - redness and itching of the skin, skin rashes, severe swelling. Severe anaphylactic reactions can occur extremely rarely.
  2. Spasm of smooth muscles of the bronchi with difficulty breathing.
  3. With long-term use of the drug, constipation is possible due to atony of the intestinal muscles and dysbiosis.
  4. When taking Persen Cardio, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting may occur due to the presence of hawthorn extract in the capsules.


Plant components are a protein foreign to the human body, that is, a potential allergen. Less than 0.1% of people may have an allergic reaction to the components of Persen. It is manifested by one or more of the following symptoms:

  • The appearance of skin rashes;
  • Itchy skin;
  • Swelling of the face, eyelids;
  • Facial redness;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

If you have such adverse reactions to Persen (especially for the first time in your life), do the following:

  • Stop taking the drug;
  • Take an antiallergic drug (suprastin, claritin, etc.);
  • Contact an allergist and undergo the necessary examinations. The doctor will identify the current allergens, and you will know which drugs and foods to avoid in the future. This is important: if people are allergic to some herbs, people often have cross-allergies to other plants.


I personally really liked the effect of Persen treatment. It begins to act an hour after administration and the effect lasts for the whole day. I take these pills only in emergencies - before performances or exams. Previously, I tried drinking Novopassit, Afobazol, Nottu syrup, but the effect of Persen is much better. It even seemed to me that it dilates the blood vessels of the head.

Daria, Tomsk

I had to use simple Persen and Forte, I was very pleased with the result. It helps me a lot personally. I work in an oncology hospital, where anything can happen. I tried teas with mint or valerian, glycine and all sorts of soothing drops, but Persen had the best results. Anxiety and tension go away, but at the same time the head remains absolutely clear and bright, even efficiency and concentration increase. This is an important factor in my work. Although the price is not small, the drug is worth it. After taking the pill, I can freely drive, and this is also important.

Lyudmila, Saratov region.

I often saw advertisements for this product on TV, but somehow did not attach any importance to it. And then it happened that I had to take advantage. My back hurt badly, I took Neurobex, then I started having trouble sleeping. I decided to try Persen night. The annotation contains a very detailed description. However, it states that it helps well with insomnia, but I did not notice a difference between this medicine and regular valerian tablets. And since the price differs several times, I preferred to return to valerian. Besides, it doesn’t make me constipated like Persen does.

Natalia, Stavropol

Originally posted 2018-01-29 08:20:35.

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