What nutrition is most beneficial for a concussion?

Stress and various diseases require a special dietary menu. Nutrition during a concussion is related to the needs of the victim’s body for nutrients and microelements. TBI requires a special regime, expressed in psychological and physical rest. A properly selected diet will help injured cells and tissues recover.

Main signs of a concussion

The first symptom of TBI is loss of consciousness after the impact. Exceptions are elderly people and children. Immediately after a bruise you may experience:

  1. Frequent breathing.
  2. One-time vomiting.
  3. Tachycardia or rapid pulsation.
  4. Loss of memory regarding the events preceding the injury.

This symptom disappears after some time. The pressure returns to normal, but sometimes it can reach high limits - this happens not only due to the injury, but also the stressful state of the patient. The temperature does not increase during concussion.

After regaining consciousness, the victim experiences the following pathological symptoms:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • weakness, extraneous sounds in the ears;
  • sudden rush of blood to the skin of the face;
  • excessive sweating;
  • unpleasant discomfort;
  • sleep problems.

After injury to the “gray matter,” the patient’s general condition returns to normal within 7-14 days. But migraine attacks and other subjective symptoms can persist for a long time for various reasons.

Symptoms of TBI


There is no specially designed diet for concussion. However, proper nutrition is a good helper for a quick recovery and restoration of the body’s strength. Vegetables and fruits, steamed or boiled foods are beneficial. It is necessary to refrain from salty foods, fried and fatty foods, strong coffee, chocolate, and tea. The diet should be followed depending on what concomitant diseases are present and what drugs are being treated. When taking diuretics, for example, it is important to supplement treatment with foods that contain potassium.

If you are injured, you need to rest more and eat easily digestible food. This includes fresh, boiled or steamed foods. Since movement is limited during this period, overeating should be avoided: this way the body will not be overloaded.

Useful products for bruises

When diagnosing a “gray matter” injury, the patient is prescribed rest, bed rest and nutrition for a mild concussion, including carbohydrate and protein foods. The treatment menu for TBI is reminiscent of the famous Atkins diet.

All meals included in the diet should include:

  1. Boiled.
  2. Fresh.
  3. Steamed products.
  4. Vegetables, meat, fish, baked in the oven.

You will have to completely give up smoked meats, sweets and fried foods. During the recovery period, you should not overload your body with food. The diet should contain more protein as well as carbohydrates. Vegetable fats (olive oil) are used for cooking.

Healthy foods needed in the diet

During treatment of a bruise, it is recommended to take B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. These beneficial substances are found in foods such as:

  • asparagus, liver;
  • seafood;
  • for concussions, eat eggs and legumes;
  • nuts, buckwheat;
  • lean fish, dairy products.

To quickly absorb an element of group B, you should supplement your diet with food containing iron: spinach, legumes, various cereals, meat.

It is recommended to eat chicken and turkey every day - their fillet contains lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on the brain center. This substance is also present in pork liver and soy. It is better to supplement the diet with low-fat vegetable soups, beetroot soups, solyanka, borscht - anything that speeds up the digestion process.

The body needs to be given maximum support; it requires a lot of minerals and nutrients contained in fruits and fresh vegetables.

The victim’s menu should be selected taking into account the medications prescribed by the neurologist. If the patient takes diuretics, his diet should contain foods rich in potassium. It can be:

  1. Raisins, dried apricots.
  2. Baked potato.
  3. Prunes are useful for concussions.
  4. Dairy products.
  5. Legumes, nuts.

It is very important that the restorative diet contains a large amount of fermented milk and dairy foods - it contains potassium, which has a positive effect on the body's defenses, metabolic processes, and digestion.
Ascorbic acid will help cope with the stress experienced by a victim who has received a blow to the head. To do this, the diet should be supplemented with fresh cabbage, citrus fruits, rose hips, bell peppers, and spinach.

Magnesium present in legumes and cereals will help restore the functionality of the “gray matter” and protect the patient’s body from stress; the victim’s menu should include milk-based porridge.

Constant consumption of lean fish compensates for the lack of Omega-3 acids, which improve the functioning of the central nervous system (beneficially affects memory and restores brain activity).

The performance of the “gray matter” is improved by glucose, which is part of dried fruits and honey. The mixture of beekeeping product and nuts is useful not only for sick people, but also for healthy patients to improve brain activity.

The victim's diet should contain foods rich in potassium

Mental disorders in traumatic brain injuries

Mental disorders can occur as a result of traumatic brain injuries. They are caused by mechanical damage to the brain substance of varying severity.

These mental disorders are differentiated depending on several factors. The severity of the injury, the presence of blood loss, localization, damage to other internal organs, the presence of intoxication or infections accompanying the injury are taken into account.

Poor oxygen supply to the brain during bleeding (hemorrhage) contributes to impaired blood circulation, as well as the occurrence of psychoses that occur acutely. Increased capillary permeability leads to cerebral edema, while the manifestations of the nature of psychosis largely depend on the degree of edema.

Intracranial hemorrhages lead to mental disorders. Blockage (embolism) of blood vessels can be considered the cause of this disorder, while embolism can be attributed to a complication of traumatic brain injury, which is accompanied by a fracture of the skull bones.

Mental pathology, which is often observed as a result of traumatic brain injury, develops through 4 stages:

– initial;

- spicy;

– convalescence;

– long-term consequences.

The initial period, which occurs immediately after the injury, is usually accompanied by loss of consciousness, and what the level of consciousness will be in the future determines the severity and nature of the brain damage. The patient may feel either slightly stunned or in a comatose state.

The acute period is characterized by the restoration of consciousness and the disappearance of most cerebral disorders. At this time, manifestations of various forms of asthenic syndrome are observed.

If doctors define the form of asthenia as mild, then the following symptoms of nervous disorders are observed: irritability, excessive excitability, headache, sensitivity to light and loud sounds, insomnia. Characteristic signs of the acute period include memory impairment, which is relevant in relation to the very moment of injury and the rather long period preceding it (from several days to several years).

Also, typical neurological symptoms of the acute period include motor disorders, namely paresis (partial paralysis) and paralysis. The presence of hypoesthesia and anesthesia (impaired sensitivity) is noted.

If the injury is associated with a fracture of the bones of the base of the skull, then facial paralysis occurs. Often the result of traumatic brain injury is intracranial hemorrhage, which leads to compression (compression) of the brain, which can manifest itself in cerebral and local symptoms.

A characteristic sign of the development of pathology accompanying traumatic brain injuries is recorded: after the complete disappearance of the symptoms of the initial period and the onset of a visible improvement in the patient’s condition, a deterioration suddenly occurs. In this case, a sharp headache is observed, which tends to rapidly increase. In patients, the development of signs of lethargy is recorded, and then stupor is observed.

During a medical examination, a triad of symptoms inherent in the acute period is revealed: arterial and liquor pressure increase; paresis, paralysis, speech disorders, seizures are recorded; congestion is observed on the surface of the fundus.

The duration of a patient’s stay in the acute period after a closed-type traumatic brain injury is minimally 2 days, maximum – several months.

The mental disorders that accompany the disease depend entirely on the severity of the injury. They are divided into light, medium and heavy.

In the first case, patients lose consciousness for a short time, equal to several minutes or even seconds. But a blackout may not occur. In this case, victims may complain of a mild headache, nausea and dizziness.

In the second case, a blackout lasting from several minutes to several hours is observed. Then, for another 2 days, mild stupor is recorded.

Events preceding the injury and loss of consciousness, as well as those immediately following them, may disappear from the patient’s memory.

As a rule, on the first day of the acute period, the patient’s consciousness begins to recover, but sometimes this process takes a whole month. At this time, the manifestation of psychoses is recorded, which is characterized by clouding of consciousness, which is classified as one of 3 types (twilight, delirious and oneiric type).

It should be noted that with delirium, Korsakov's syndrome sometimes manifests itself, in which memory loss is noted, which is of a fixation nature (victims cannot retain current events in memory), retrograde (patients forget events preceding the loss of consciousness). Somewhat less commonly observed is anterograde memory loss, in which patients forget events following the loss of consciousness.

Sometimes mental disorders can manifest themselves in the fact that patients have false memories of events that supposedly happened to them, but in fact did not exist. Thus, the consciousness of the victims accepts fictitious events as memories. In some cases, patients cannot speak or move (akinetic mutism).

Affective psychoses and hallucinations are less common.

If the patient receives a cerebral contusion, the acute period may be accompanied by seizures similar to epileptic ones.

If the patient is injured by a blast wave, then a concussion and contusion of the brain, and therefore a violation of cerebral circulation, are usually detected. In this case, the person’s consciousness suddenly turns off, which can be observed even before the sound of the explosion reaches the auditory receptors.

In this situation, the victim loses consciousness and can remain in this state for several minutes or several hours. The sight of him at this moment raises the assumption of possible death, but after a while he begins to show signs of life. During this period, the victim is indifferent to everything around him, barely moves and is very lethargic.

The late period of traumatic brain injury is characterized by mental pathologies that can persist without change for at least a year after the injury. However, individual manifestations of these pathologies may undergo reverse development.

In the post-traumatic period, manifestations of asthenic and psychopathic syndrome, affective and hallucinatory-delusional psychosis are often observed. In more severe cases, a state of dementia is recorded.

The most common manifestations of the late period include traumatic asthenia, expressed in dizziness, extreme irritability, frequent headaches, and fatigue.

In the warm season, patients feel worse and do not tolerate travel in transport well. The inability to quickly switch between different types of activities is very typical.

Sometimes doctors record convulsive seizures in patients during this period, after which a twilight state of consciousness sets in.

With repeated trauma that occurred in the post-traumatic period, or with intoxication, infectious damage to the body, as well as with intense stress, the manifestation of traumatic psychoses is possible. The most likely occurrence is hallucinatory-delusional and affective. In this case, the victim experiences a distortion of his perception of reality.

Affective psychoses are characterized by periodic manifestations. Depression in patients develops into mania.

In the first case, a melancholy mood is noted, in the second, euphoria is observed, accompanied by a tendency to conflict behavior and explosiveness. Seizures accompanied by clouding of consciousness are periodically recorded.

As a rule, affective psychoses do not arise immediately, but appear after 10–20 years. It can be noted that during this period, even a small infection can be a factor provoking acute psychosis.

Hallucinatory-delusional psychoses in victims are accompanied by confusion, which is classified as delirium or twilight type.

This disease is characterized by a syndrome of verbal hallucinosis, accompanied by delusions, which are very specific in nature and characterized by emotionality.

Dementia as a long-term consequence of traumatic brain injury is observed relatively rarely. As a rule, it accompanies only severe clinical cases. These include open head injuries and severe brain contusions, which are accompanied by fractures of the base of the skull.

Patients in this category are usually lethargic or, on the contrary, agitated. Their irritation reaction is observed only occasionally in the form of isolated outbreaks.


The nature of the disease depends on the severity of the injuries received. Often, in order to prevent mental pathology that threatens after a traumatic brain injury, patients are prescribed bed rest, which they must strictly observe. Along with a set of therapeutic measures, care should be taken to ensure proper nutrition appropriate to the patient’s condition.

The diet of bedridden patients should include a variety of fruits and vegetables in various forms. They are necessary as the main source of vitamins, plant fiber and mineral salts. Canned and fresh fruits, jelly, compotes, creams, jellies are shown.

Vitamin therapy plays an important role. Vitamins should be supplied to the patient’s body in the form of fruit, berry and vegetable salads, juices, rosehip infusion, yeast drink, and wheat bran decoction. This diet helps avoid constipation and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

You should reduce the consumption of flour products (pancakes, pies, white bread). It is recommended to use meat products for food no more than once a day.

You need to eat food in accordance with the regimen 3-4 times a day, slowly, chewing thoroughly. In this case, its calorie content should be no more than 3000 calories.

In the future, as health is restored, the diet should become more caloric.

Herbal teas, for which the composition of herbs is selected according to the symptoms, are of great benefit. For irritability and nervous excitement, use the foods, infusions and decoctions described above.

In case of traumatic brain injury, the consumption of alcoholic beverages and beer is absolutely contraindicated.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of teas, infusions and other remedies that are used in the treatment of traumatic brain injuries.

Sprouted wheat contains biologically active substances that help activate the process of restoring health and healing wounds. Grapes are also a wound healing agent. In addition, it is very rich in vitamins.

For headaches, it is recommended to eat pears and raspberries.

Fresh berries, as well as canned sea buckthorn juice, consumed as food, are recommended as a means of enhancing regeneration.

Pomegranate will have the same effect. In addition, it is a good hematopoietic agent, indicated for blood loss.

Foods rich in vitamin C are essential for the body in treating traumatic brain injuries. Black currants, rose hips, lemon, orange, and cabbage contain large amounts of it.

To get rid of weakness and irritability, it is recommended to dilute the juice of 0.5 lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey in 1 glass of hot water. The product should be taken in the afternoon and evening.

During the period of restoration of health, excellent results in strengthening the nervous system are obtained by consuming a food product such as bran. They contain large quantities of vitamin B1, which is important for the restoration of nerve cells. They need to be soaked in water, mixed with butter and a small amount of honey and consumed according to the recommendations given on the product packaging.

A decoction of oats with the addition of milk and honey has good sedative (calming) properties. This drink is high in calories.

To prepare the drink, the oats are thoroughly washed and filled with water in a ratio of 1:5, and cooked over low heat until the volume is halved.

The resulting jelly is filtered and honey (4 teaspoons) and milk (2 teaspoons) are added to it. Then the mixture is boiled again and drunk in 2-3 doses during the day. If you supplement your treatment with regular consumption of small amounts of raisins (they are extremely rich in potassium), the recovery process will be accelerated and your overall well-being and mood will improve.

Melissa tea has excellent taste, it is able to relieve spasms, has an anticonvulsant effect, normalizes the heart rate, has a beneficial effect on the body during neuroses, relieves headaches (such as migraines), and alleviates melancholy.

To prepare tea, grind the lemon balm herb and take 2 tablespoons, which are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. When the infusion has cooled, it should be strained and drunk during the day, leaving a large portion at night. Adding sugar is not recommended.

In asthenic conditions, the following plants have a stimulating and tonic effect: zamanika, radiola, Manchurian aralia, Leuzea. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of post-traumatic asthenia with the help of temptation.

Thanks to the use of alcohol tincture from the rhizome of the plant, you can get rid of neurotic syndromes and asthenic-depressive conditions. The finished tincture is taken before meals 2-3 times a day, 30-40 drops added to boiled water. The course of treatment should not exceed a month.

A noticeable improvement is possible already on the 6th–7th day: headaches subside, irritability and fatigue decrease, and sleep normalization is noted.

Table of contents

Foods you should avoid eating

Experts agreed that it is necessary to exclude some foods from the daily menu in case of a concussion of varying severity. The list of main dishes that you should avoid if you have a concussion includes:

  • foods high in fat, which impairs blood flow;
  • various seasonings and spices are contraindicated for concussion: they irritate the central nervous system;
  • sweets, buns and various confectionery dishes;
  • when the “gray matter” is shaken, it is not recommended to eat salty, spicy food;
  • alcoholic drinks: they not only contribute to the destruction of neurons, but also have a negative effect on the blood circulation of the brain and nervous system;
  • coffee cocktails, strong tea drinks: increase blood pressure.

All of these products can significantly worsen the patient's condition during the recovery period after an injury.

A proper diet for mild concussions is an integral part of a comprehensive recovery. It should be realized that adequate therapy and compliance with all the doctor’s advice leads to the recovery of the victim. It is important not only drug treatment, but also good nutrition, a positive attitude, rest and walks in the fresh air.

Moderate TBI requires treatment in a hospital setting, where the patient is constantly under the supervision of doctors. Only this approach guarantees complete recovery of the body.

Foods to avoid if you have a concussion


The goal of therapeutic therapy is primarily aimed at stabilizing cerebral circulation, as well as improving the general well-being of the patient.

In the first case, drugs are prescribed to improve the tone and nutrition of cerebral vessels, as well as diuretics. The selection of drugs directly depends on the severity of the injury and the presence of complications.

Stabilization of the condition is based on the elimination of symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, etc. In this case, sedatives, painkillers, and sometimes sleeping pills are used.

Alcohol abuse when the “gray matter” is affected

With a concussion, the clinical picture is similar to the symptoms of severe alcohol intoxication. If the victim abuses alcohol-containing cocktails during therapy, there is a risk that signs of the pathological syndrome will recur. The patient may experience hysterical attacks, hallucinations, and irritability.

Due to a small amount of alcohol consumed after a blow to the head, mental disorders and delirium tremens are observed, which can appear even after a glass of beer.

When the “gray matter” begins to recover after the blow, the “recreational” cocktails cause attacks of headaches, hypertension, and sudden mood swings. Symptoms of a concussion intensify, and swelling of the brain is sometimes observed. As a result, the patient may lose consciousness or fall into a coma. Drinking alcohol during therapy often provokes a stroke.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies have proven themselves well as auxiliary in the treatment of injury. But they should be taken only after consultation with a specialist: otherwise, you can get the opposite result.

In practice, soothing infusions from herbs such as Ivan tea, lemon balm, valerian root and other herbs are successfully used. They have a sedative effect.

During the treatment of TBI, many people ask the doctor whether it is possible to drink beer and other alcohol if they have a head injury, and what kind of diet they should have if they have a concussion. Concussion is the most common traumatic brain injury; on average, this injury accounts for seventy to ninety percent of all TBIs.

Although a mild contusion is not an indication for hospitalization in an adult, patients with such injuries should adhere to certain restrictions, both in activity and in the consumption of certain foods and drinks. In addition to bed rest, people who drink strong drinks in everyday life must give them up during treatment. A diet for concussions involves avoiding coffee, alcohol of any strength, black tea, and carbonated drinks.

Sample menu

Breakfast. Milk porridge, fruit, weak tea.

Dinner. Chicken broth soup. Seafood salad.

Dinner. Vegetable salad. Hotpot. Compote.

Second dinner. Yogurt.

The post-concussion diet should be followed for quite a long time after discharge from the hospital. It is better to return to your usual diet gradually, excluding salty and spicy foods. Don't indulge in a lot of sweets. When seeing a doctor during the rehabilitation period, you need to find out which foods you were used to before the injury can already be added to the diet.

Separately, it is worth mentioning nutrition for children with concussions. They are more susceptible to injury than adults due to their restlessness. According to statistics, 30 percent of all victims of traumatic brain injuries are children under 15 years of age. The post-traumatic diet in children differs from adults in having less fat; it is better to exclude it altogether. But adding B vitamins to the diet is mandatory, just like for adults. Vegetable soups will be useful for children during the recovery period. But it is better to limit the consumption of strong tea, baked goods with margarine, and chocolate. These foods may cause headaches. After discharge from the hospital, the child must adhere to the diet for some time. The care and attention of loved ones will help him get better sooner.

There is no specially designed diet for treating concussions. But there is nutrition that helps patients quickly become healthy and full of energy. The diet must be followed in combination with rest, fresh air, and medication prescribed by a doctor. Only this approach will contribute to the speedy recovery of the body.


Living deliciously is a whole science!

Interesting video

Concussion ranks first in the frequency of visits to a traumatologist for head injuries. It is considered one of the mildest injuries, and in most cases it passes without consequences, with the restoration of all brain functions. However, as with any injury, a person needs rehabilitation. And here the question arises of what can be consumed at this time, and what substances are prohibited. In particular, it is worth finding out how coffee and alcohol affect the brain.

Nutrition and bad habits

Despite the lack of a specific diet for concussion, some familiar realities of everyday life are prohibited. Many patients ask if they can drink coffee if they have a concussion, drink alcohol, or smoke. On the first day, you can drink weak broth and glucose solution.

And the patient is unlikely to want anything else because of the feeling of nausea. During treatment, doctors recommend excluding from the diet:

  • salty;
  • fatty and fried;
  • chocolate;
  • products that cause gas formation;
  • spices and seasonings that stimulate digestion;
  • marinades and sweets that impair blood circulation.

The list of things you shouldn’t drink if you have a concussion includes alcohol of any strength, energy drinks, strong coffee and tea. You will also have to give up your usual nicotine, because its destructive effect on the brain can significantly aggravate the consequences of the injury.

What to avoid with TBI

  • salty and spicy foods that disrupt water and electrolyte balance;
  • spices that irritate the nervous system;
  • fatty, which interferes with cerebral circulation;
  • a large number of confectionery products can lead to deterioration in the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Black tea and coffee lead to headaches by increasing intracranial pressure.

It is better not to drink alcoholic beverages after a concussion for a year. If the patient cannot control himself and at least for the duration of treatment give up alcohol and junk food, it would be wiser to place him in inpatient treatment, where he will have round-the-clock medical supervision. A drunk person is not even able to take the medications necessary for recovery, and most pills are also incompatible and even dangerous with alcoholic beverages. Therefore, relatives should monitor a loved one during treatment if he had problems with alcohol before the injury.

What danger does a concussion pose? Compliance with physical activity and regimen in case of injury. Nutritional features. Remembering what not to do during a concussion is no less important than finding out at what stage recovery occurs and when it will be possible to return to a full life cycle. The purpose of prohibitions is recovery.

Any traumatic brain injury poses a serious danger to a person. The center of coordination, mental activity and management of human life cycles is located in the cranium.

Despite the fact that nature has provided for its strength and stability, direct traumatic effects on it can kill it in a few seconds. This is the most unexplored area of ​​the human body, and brain injuries can take hours, days, or even years to manifest themselves. The list of prohibitions is impressive even with a concussion, which a common misconception has included in relatively minor types of damage.

What to eat when injured

When a person receives a concussion, the need for energy and protein increases, so nutrition during a concussion should be balanced, easily digestible, and exclude various harmful foods and drinks. Meals should contain enough protein and carbohydrates, this will ensure rapid recovery from injury. On the very first day, it is allowed, and even recommended, to eat chicken or turkey low-fat broth, rich in protein, and also drink still sweet water, such as glucose.

It will be useful to include buckwheat, oatmeal, dried fruits, and green beans in the diet for a concussion. Cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt help improve metabolic processes, mint and lemon balm in decoctions serve as a sedative before bed and can easily replace strong tea. You can add a little cinnamon or lemon to herbal drinks. Cooking with olive oil and adding it to dishes, for example, salads, will help put neurons in order.

All dishes must be prepared correctly; you can only eat boiled, baked without a lot of oil or steamed. This diet is very important during the first five days. Even if a person has already gotten back on his feet and feels satisfactory, this does not mean that the danger has passed and he can eat junk food. When treating a concussion, it is very important to additionally take vitamin complexes or dietary supplements for blood vessels.

Development of pathology

This type of injury can be obtained as a result of focal (impact, fall) or diffuse (displacement of the brain during sudden braking, falling from a height) impact. Regardless of the mechanism of development, symptoms may be as follows:

  • nausea and vomiting;

  • dizziness and headache;
  • short-term loss of consciousness, possibly with amnesia;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • sleep changes;
  • increased irritability and sensitivity to sharp sounds and light signals.

If you go to the hospital in a timely manner and carry out diagnostic and therapeutic measures, the pathological process is resolved and everything returns to normal. But if symptoms are ignored or clinical recommendations are not followed, complications may develop:

  • decreased intelligence, memory and attention;
  • sleep inversion - the desire to sleep during the day and the inability to fall asleep at night;
  • depressive disorders, anxiety;
  • epilepsy with convulsive syndrome;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • increased weather sensitivity.

During the rehabilitation period after an injury, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • absolute rest for 7-10 days, then adherence to a regimen with limited physical and psycho-emotional stress;

  • sufficient sleep time (at least 9-10 hours a day);
  • exclusion of mental work, watching TV shows, reading books;
  • proper nutrition, adherence to a diet enriched with vitamins;
  • complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages and caffeine.

So, alcohol and caffeine occupy a special place in the list of prohibitions for a concussion. Scientists agree that consuming both of these products is extremely undesirable. Should they be banned completely? Of course, if you use a product with a low content of them once (for example, a caffeine-containing headache remedy), then serious consequences will not arise. However, repeated use of these drugs can cause serious problems. To understand why this is so, you need to know the mechanism of their effect on the brain.

Dangers of Concussion

In case of a concussion, contraindications begin with the prohibition of self-medication and movement, and extend to:

  • food ration;
  • Lifestyle;
  • taking certain medications;
  • motor activity;
  • physical effort.

These are not empty precautions, but necessary measures taken to fully restore brain activity.

The human brain, in addition to the skull, is protected by cerebrospinal fluid - a special liquid in which it floats. In the event of an impact or fall, the cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain, but when the external influence of great force occurs, it does not protect from injury to the bone. Such contact can be of varying intensity, depending on the impact that occurred.

A single concussion can cause a decrease in mental performance, and repeated concussions can even lead to the development of dementia.

Until recently, it was believed that such an injury would pass without consequences, and only recent studies have shown its danger, explained by damage to the nerve pathways. Knowing what not to do after a concussion is a necessary precaution to prevent permanent brain damage.

Symptoms that appear depending on the severity of the concussion are the main reason for compiling a list of prohibitions. The extent to which the brain will be damaged depends on their scrupulous observance.

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