Modafinil can help you get rid of obesity

Under the mysterious name “Smart drugs” hide neurometabolic stimulants, also known as nootropics.

It is believed that such pharmaceutical drugs can significantly improve memory functions, concentration, and also have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, allowing you to increase performance and temporarily get rid of the need for sleep.

Among a very large group of nootropics, Modafinil (aka Alertek, Provigil and Modalert), which is banned in Russia, but is widely used abroad, is of particular interest.

Primary characteristics of a psychostimulant

Modafinil is a psychostimulant developed in the seventies of the twentieth century.
The authorship of this product belongs to the French-American manufacturer - Cephalon Corporation, which was looking for an effective remedy to combat narcolepsy. Despite the fact that, according to statistics, such an ailment is quite rare (diagnosed in about 0.025% of the US population), a person suffering from it may fall asleep unnoticed while driving or in other situations requiring high concentration. Therefore, the problem is much more serious than it might seem at first glance, and requires competent treatment.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers Modafinil a relatively safe pharmaceutical that is an excellent alternative to caffeine, amphetamine and other popular synthetic stimulants. The medicine contains, in addition to the main active ingredient (modafinil), a number of auxiliary components.

Composition and release form

The active ingredient is diphenylmethylsulfinylacetamide (modafinil). Modafinil is an equivalent mixture of two enantiomers called R-modafinil and S-modafinil, which have the same physical properties. Enantiomers are a pair of stereoisomers, that is, substances that have an identical chemical composition, but a different orientation of the molecule in space (a mirror image of each other). The substances are insoluble in water and slightly soluble in most organic solvents. They are homogeneous white crystals.

The only release format is tablets containing 200 mg of the active substance, placed in foil packaging (blister). Used orally. In addition to diphenylmethylsulfinylacetamide, the composition contains excipients in the form of lactose, talc and others.

Pharmacological profile

Little is known today about the exact mechanism of action of Modafinil on the human body. As a result of large-scale clinical studies, scientists have found that the drug increases the level of serotonin in the anterior cortex and amygdala and stimulates increased release of dopamine, norepinephrine and other monoamines from synoptic clefts.

Under the influence of the drug, the hypothalamus intensively produces histamine, which entails the activation of alpha-1 receptors.

Modafinil affects different parts of the brain. One of the most important and pronounced effects is considered to be an increase in vigor, concentration, ability to remember, comprehend and assimilate new information. With the help of medicine, a person is able to control his voluntary attention, as well as improve his perception of the surrounding reality.

Although Modafinil is not an antidepressant and does not cause euphoria like some other illicit stimulants, it may well restore a good mood and reduce anxiety.

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Scope of application

As mentioned above, Modafinil was originally developed as an effective treatment for narcolepsy and obstructive sleep apnea. It was also supposed to be used to get rid of chronic lack of sleep and drowsiness resulting from the transition to summer/winter time and the subsequent shifts in the work schedule.

Unlike amphetamine, which causes euphoria, as well as side effects such as a hangover and addiction, Modafinil can significantly increase concentration, vigor and performance without side effects.

For experimental purposes, the drug was used and continues to be used to this day for military and space applications. Scientists from Canada have published a detailed report that the nootropic was able to demonstrate very positive results during the long stay of a group of astronauts on the ISS.

In the American army, the use of Provigil by pilots of fighter planes and military helicopters is acceptable, which allows them to maintain a high degree of concentration for up to a day and a half after a single dose of a high dose (600 mg or more).

Some scientists have suggested that the drug could be used to treat addiction to cocaine and some other addictive stimulants. A double study involving patients suffering from a similar problem showed that the drug can alleviate cocaine withdrawal, but a positive result is not guaranteed and depends on a number of psycho-emotional and other related factors.

Based on the results of numerous clinical trials, it was established that the medication reduces appetite and promotes intensive weight loss. Amphetamine, taken for similar purposes, significantly increases the heart rate and can cause tachycardia and a number of other undesirable effects.

Modafinil also shows outstanding results in the treatment of cognitive impairment, is used to improve memory and eliminate excessive daytime fatigue and sleepiness that are caused by primary biliary cirrhosis.

Tablets with a higher dose of the main active ingredient have been used since 2004 to treat adolescents and children suffering from hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder.

Provigil and its analogues are currently used to relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as neurological fatigue and depression.

After clinical trials of the R-isomer of Modafinil, it has proven itself very positively as an effective treatment for bipolar affective disorder.

Modafinil: analogues

Other drugs with the same composition and therapeutic effect can replace a nootropic drug. These include:

  • Modalert – stimulant of concentration;
  • Modiodal - the drug is produced in a number of European countries and South American countries, serves as a nootropic;
  • Modafil is an Australian medicine;
  • Vigia is a nootropic originally from Colombia;
  • Karim - produced in South American countries, for the treatment of narcolepsy;
  • Alertek - Canadian and Ecuadorian tablets to improve memory quality.

Modafinil. A more common version is armodafinil, with an almost identical chemical structure. Has the same similarities to Adderall, but with less stimulation. The biggest difference from armodafinil is the strength of the drug, modafinil is weaker. Modafinil can be taken for longer periods with less risk of tolerance.

Adrafinil. Precursor modafinil. A stimulant used to maintain wakefulness and reduce fatigue. Metabolized in the liver to modafinil.

Methylphenidate. Reduces fatigue and is used to treat narcolepsy and daytime sleepiness. Stimulates the central nervous system, which helps improve cognitive function. Research has shown that methylphenidate is effective in treating ADHD. Alcohol and vitamin C products may reduce effectiveness.

Contraindications for use

The use of the medicine is prohibited in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition;
  • previous vascular or heart diseases;
  • the presence of phobias, nervous disorders and obsessive depression.

The use of Provigil is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The medication cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages and can significantly reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. In case of cirrhosis and serious liver damage, using the drug is strictly prohibited.

You also need to know that Alertek gives a positive result if you undergo a doping test before a sports competition.

Features of use - recommended dosages

To treat drowsiness and narcolepsy, the medicine is taken once a day in the morning in an amount of 200-300 mg.

A dosage of 400 mg may lead to difficulty falling asleep at night. In studies involving airplane and helicopter pilots, a dosage of 600 mg, divided into several doses, allowed maintaining high accuracy, good reaction and concentration for one and a half days.

In the case of patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, increasing the dose from 200 to 400 mg did not show a noticeable difference in results.

Overdose and side effects

The most common side effects that occur with an overdose of the drug are headache and nausea.

Today, Provigil is considered a safer stimulant than amphetamine and even caffeine. However, according to a large-scale study by the Canadian Department of Health, it was possible to establish the following information regarding side effects and possible complications:

  • the use of the drug is contraindicated in persons suffering from clinically significant mitral valve prolapse that has developed due to the use of stimulants;
  • The use of a nootropic is prohibited in the presence of various mental disorders and abnormalities;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug can cause rash, dermatitis, toxic necrolysis and a number of life-threatening skin reactions;
  • The medication can cause shortness of breath, a feeling of heat, mouth ulcers and hives.

In rare cases, an overdose can lead to anaphylactic shock, dyseptic disorders, nasal congestion, lumbar pain and Quincke's edema.

Provigil should not be used by children despite the fact that studies have shown the drug to be relatively safe for adolescents and children aged 9 to 17 years.

Harm of modafinil, its danger

- Side effects. Remember our old axiom: “The stronger the effects, the more side effects.” Modafinil exhibits side effects relatively more often than most other nootropics, however, it is also stronger in action than most. The most common side effect is headache, accounting for approximately 34% of all modafinil side effects.

- Exhaustion of the body. Regular lack of sleep and treatment with modafinil can lead not only to an imbalance in the body, but also to various depressions and psychoses. We know that everything is learned by comparison, so a study was conducted, I would call it “The Dream of a Drug Addict” ( The bottom line: 3 groups of people, 1st received a placebo, 2nd received modafinil at a dosage of 300 mg, 3rd received amphetamine (d-isomer) at a dosage of 20 mg.

In the group with our current substance and with amphetamine, short-term memory, logical thinking and reaction were noticeably improved, compared with placebo. The frequency of side effects was the highest with amphetamine (so don’t snort this rubbish), much more often than with modafinil. But modafinil was also more painful than placebo.

Drug or not?

Despite the fact that the World Anti-Doping Agency has classified Alertek and its analogues as prohibited stimulants, the drug does not cause dependence or severe withdrawal symptoms.

Therefore, it cannot be called a drug in the classical sense of the term.

In France and England, debates continued for a long period of time about whether to withdraw the drug from free sale, since many cases of inappropriate use were recorded among young people actively visiting nightclubs and entertainment venues.

In the spring of 2012, Modafinil and its derivatives were included in the list of psychotropic and narcotic drugs of the Russian Federation with limited circulation; accordingly, it cannot be purchased in pharmacies. The official status of the legality of this drug in Russia is such that any citizen of the country who has at least one tablet falls under Article 228 of the Criminal Code, which implies liability in the form of serving a sentence of at least 3 years.

Invention and legal status

Modafinil was developed and patented in 1990 by the French company Lafon Laboratories. It was soon registered in the United States as a drug for the treatment of narcolepsy. To date, the medicine has been officially approved and allowed for sale in more than 20 countries, including England, France, India, and Ukraine.

In Russia, due to an incomprehensible misunderstanding, modafinil is banned and included in the group of narcotic substances. Most likely, this decision is associated with lobbying for the interests of the domestic drug Phenotropil. The sale, storage of analogues and generics of modafinil - Modapro, Provigil, Modalert, Alertek and others on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited by law and is subject to criminal prosecution.

About the advantages and disadvantages

Modafinil has a minimal number of side effects with a noticeable effect, which is expressed in increased performance, improved concentration and lack of need for sleep.

That is why today many military departments in different countries are raising the question of completely replacing the traditional Amphetamine, present in the first aid kit of special forces soldiers, with Modafinil. Due to its outstanding qualities, the drug is actively used among astronauts, pilots and even law enforcement officers.

For example, in some American states, police officers receive 200 mg of Modalert daily to increase productivity and improve the reaction required when catching criminals.

On the other hand, in cases of abuse or excess dosage, the following may be observed: dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and a number of other unpleasant symptoms.

Since this pharmaceutical drug increases histamine levels, people prone to allergic reactions should avoid using it. Buyers from some countries also consider the high cost of the drug and a certain complexity associated with its acquisition as disadvantages.

Real stories of real people

Stories - reviews of people who have used or are using Modafinil with varying degrees of success.

The first time I came across Modalert was when one of my good friends very persistently began to recommend it to me. She took the drug in a single dosage of 200 mg on days of increased responsibility and stress at work.

After consulting with my doctor, I decided to order one package for myself. Half an hour after taking a dosage of 0.2 g, drowsiness disappeared, while there was no rapid pulsation, euphoria and other qualities inherent in amphetamine-type substances.

Increasing the dosage to 0.5 g increased my performance so much that the night passed without sleep productively editing videos (my main occupation).

It is worth noting the complete lack of appetite and desire to sleep. Perception became clearer, and concentration also increased. Absent-mindedness has decreased, and productivity can be judged by the project completed by morning, which I planned to complete no earlier than in a few days. The effect of the drug on physical strength, endurance and coordination can only be assessed indirectly.


I had the opportunity to become acquainted with Modafinil while on vacation in the Indian state of Goa. There it can be purchased at virtually any pharmacy where it is sold without a prescription.

The reason for taking it was severe fatigue resulting from a long flight and acclimatization. About 30 minutes after taking 300 mg of the drug, I felt a surge of energy, and this was clearly not a placebo effect.

The drowsiness immediately disappeared, and no tachycardia or dizziness was observed. The effect from a single dose lasted for about eight hours. The only mistake was drinking the Red Bull energy drink, which resulted in a slight headache and nausea.

Andrey, Moscow

Safe use of modafinil

Can Modafinil be taken daily?

Daily use of the drug is indicated for the treatment of narcolepsy, apnea, ADHD, multiple sclerosis and some other chronic diseases. If the dosage is low, then even daily use will not cause harm.

However, the optimal regimen for taking the drug to improve performance is 2-4 times a week. For some, it is enough to take modafinil 1-2 times a month - as an “ambulance” when it is necessary to solve emergency problems.

If you take modafinil daily to increase performance and improve concentration, then it is important to follow some rules. In particular, it should be understood that when taken daily, this medicine is never completely eliminated from the body. Therefore, during this time you will have to give up alcohol and cigarettes.

How often can I take this drug?

The frequency of taking modafinil directly depends on the goal. People to whom this drug has been prescribed by a doctor must strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Persons who independently decide to take modafinil to increase activity should take into account the characteristics of their body and listen to its reactions to the drug. Some take pills daily to get the necessary boost of energy, others may resort to using this medicine only in special cases - before an exam or while preparing a particularly complex project. That is, everything is individual. Some people take up to 5 tablets a week and feel great, while others need 1-2 tablets a month.

The best advice that can be given in this case is to take the drug only when it is really important to enhance cognitive functions or maintain concentration for a long time.

Safe dosages

While some may take 50 mg of the drug per day and this is enough for them to feel the effects of the drug, others may need a dosage 10 times higher to achieve a similar effect. Therefore, it is impossible to definitively answer which dosage is more correct, since everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

The standard initial dosage of the drug is 50 mg per day. The dose can then be gradually increased until the desired effect is achieved. In most cases, modafinil is taken at a dose of 200 mg per day. The maximum permissible dose is 400 mg per day.

If you plan to take modafinil daily for an extended period of time, then it is better to stick to the lower dosage limit [17]. This minimizes the risk of unwanted side effects. Dosages bordering on the maximum permissible value are more suitable for one-time doses, when it is important to get a strong effect immediately. Additionally, higher dosages of modafinil may also be required for people with faster metabolisms.

Can this drug be taken intranasally?

To achieve the fastest possible results, modafinil can be taken intranasally. That is, the tablet must be crushed into a powder and then snorted through the nose (like snorting cocaine). The fact is that the substance taken in this way penetrates the bloodstream faster and begins to act after a few minutes.

However, it is important to take into account that the tablet, in addition to the active substance, also contains other components that are difficult to grind into a smooth powder. As a result, remaining solid particles can damage small capillaries. That is, despite the fact that theoretically modafinil can be taken intranasally, it is still better not to do this. We recommend taking this drug in tablet form, and more information on the topic can be found in the article “Intranasal Modafinil: What You Should Know.”

What is the maximum dose of modafinil?

Modafinil® is a highly effective drug, so even after taking a low dose you will see results. Most people who take modafinil daily to improve cognitive abilities note that the optimal dosage for them is 100-400 mg. Although for some people 50 mg is enough. For ADHD and narcolepsy, 200 mg of the substance is usually prescribed.

The maximum permissible dosage may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body. But it should be understood that a dose of more than 400 mg is always a fairly high risk of side effects.

We recommend starting with 50 mg of modafinil, and you can gradually increase the dosage until the desired effect is achieved. For more details about permissible doses of the drug, see the article “Modafinil Dosage Guide.”

Can there be an overdose of modafinil?

Symptoms of overdose are only possible if a person exceeds the maximum permissible daily dose of the drug. That is, he takes more than 400 mg of modafinil.

If you take too high a dose of modafinil, symptoms similar to side effects occur. That is, anxiety, agitation, restlessness, confusion, sleep disturbance, diarrhea, tachycardia, hallucinations, nausea, tremors, chest pain and some other symptoms appear.

Modafinil and drug test

If you are taking modafinil, you should be prepared that the presence of this substance in your blood may show a positive result on a drug test. In addition, in some sports, modafinil is regarded as a doping. More information on this topic in the article – “Can modafinil be detected in drug tests?”

How to increase the effectiveness of the drug?

It is rare, but it happens that after taking modafinil a person does not feel its effects. This can be caused by various reasons: from poor quality of the medication itself to too small a dosage. In addition, people who take this drug for a long time and in large doses may also respond less well to it.

One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of the drug is the parallel use of substances that inhibit the metabolism of modafinil. But it is important to understand that this method cannot be used if the pills are taken on a regular basis.

If you are faced with the problem of modafinil not working, we recommend reading the article “Does Modafinil not work? This is what needs to be done.”

How does modafinil affect sleep?

Modafinil® is a drug that helps people who suffer from sleep deprivation stay alert and active throughout the day. And wakefulness will continue as long as the active substance is contained in the blood.

If modafinil is taken in small doses, it will not affect your night's rest. After the wakefulness phase, as usual, sleep will occur for 7-8 hours.

However, it should be noted that the half-life of this drug is 12-15 hours, and this indicator may vary depending on the metabolic rate. This means that at the end of the day a certain amount of modafinil still remains in the blood. Therefore, so that taking the drug does not disrupt your normal daily routine and does not cause insomnia, it should be taken in a dosage of up to 400 mg only in the morning. It is important to avoid coffee after 4 p.m., as caffeine prolongs the effects of modafinil. Failure to follow these recommendations may result in the quality of night sleep actually deteriorating while taking the medication.

Modafinil and withdrawal symptoms

If modafinil is taken over a long period of time in large doses, withdrawal symptoms may occur after stopping it. And the longer a person takes the pills, the stronger they will be felt. To make the process of quitting modafinil less painful, you should gradually reduce the dosage of the drug. After abrupt withdrawal, problems with concentration, fatigue, depression, drowsiness, shortness of breath, and weakness may occur. These symptoms, in particular severe weakness, are most noticeable in the first week after stopping the drug.

Meanwhile, in people taking modafinil in small doses, stopping it does not cause any side effects.

Doctor Review

This drug has certain indications, and its use for other purposes or exceeding recommended dosages is an unjustified risk to one’s own health.

Despite the fact that Modafinil was synthesized relatively long ago, and more than two dozen large-scale clinical studies have already been carried out, it is impossible to declare the complete safety of this medication.

Any stimulant depletes the nervous system, so I would recommend using the medicine in one-time cases when it is really necessary. It is best to find a “legal” energy drink and tonic for yourself that does not deplete serotonin and dopamine reserves, such as sports, creativity or sex.

Likhachev Pavel, specialist in neurosurgery

Denial of responsibility

This description of the drug Modvigil 200 should not be taken as instructions for use, much less as a guide to action. The description may contain inaccuracies and may contain false or outdated information. Taking the drug is indicated exclusively for medical reasons and strictly according to the prescription. Before purchasing Modvigil 200, be sure to visit your doctor for advice and a prescription. The administration is not responsible for risks and damage to health as a result of self-medication and uncontrolled use.

Interesting Facts

Modafinil and its analogues are currently actively used in bodybuilding. Among fans of weightlifting, there is an opinion that the drug not only increases IQ, but also miraculously increases the efficiency of training in the gym.

In fact, it allows you to provide the utmost level of concentration, allowing you to focus as much as possible on the training process.

The active component of the drug is part of various pre-workout complexes designed to improve performance and “pumping”.

Modalert and Provegil are also often used by American and European students, since with their help you can prepare for a test in a matter of days, and assimilate information much more effectively.

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