Cortexin is a powerful nootropic drug

The nootropic drug Cortexin was developed by domestic scientists in 1999. Initially, it was used to restore military personnel after concussion. After additional research, the effectiveness of the drug in treating various neurological pathologies was proven.

The medicine is a lyophilisate powder. It has a recognizable slightly yellowish tint, but can sometimes be white. An injection solution is prepared from the powder for further intramuscular administration. The main active component is polypeptide neuroactive complexes. The auxiliary ingredient is glycine.

You can purchase Cortexin injections for adults and children. The drugs differ in dosage. Cortexin injections, the price of which is 700 - 1300 rubles per pack, improve microcirculation in brain tissue. When used, memory improves and performance increases.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: GEROPHARM LLC (Russia)
Release form: powder for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration

Active ingredient: complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions

Analogs: Ceraxon, Cerebrolysin, Mexidol

Cortexin is a nootropic drug that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier directly into the structure of nerve cells. The drug has a neuroprotective, antioxidant and specific effect on nervous tissue, stimulating the cognitive functions of the brain.

The medication protects neurons of nerve cells from damage by various endogenous factors, increases their functional state under conditions of hypoxia and stress. Under the influence of the drug, metabolism in neurons and general tone in the central nervous system are stimulated.

Neuroprotective effect

Or the effect of protecting nerve cells. It is known that with age the number of nerve cells decreases, and although they are capable of restoration and neurogenesis, the rate of death is faster. Often, closer to old age, this leads to intellectual impairment. One of the ways of such apoptosis - the death of nerve cells - is the activity of so-called caspases. Cortexin is able to inhibit or turn off some caspases, which better preserves neurons (1).

Yes, apparently it was difficult!) More understandably, under the cortex, everything that kills nerve cells will kill less. These include the effects of alcohol and other drugs, aging changes, and other negative effects on the brain (2).

Even in conditions with a lack of oxygen, cortexin is able to maintain an optimal operating state (3), which can help in sports.

Indications for use of Cortexin

Cortexin is prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • stroke and transient cerebrovascular accident;
  • encephalopathy of various origins;
  • encephalitis and encephalomyelitis in the form of acute or chronic course;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • epileptiform syndrome;
  • traumatic brain injuries of varying severity and their consequences.

The drug is also used in child psychiatry for delayed psychomotor development of the child, speech function, and insufficient learning ability.

Indications for treatment: delayed speech development, stuttering, asthenic syndrome and others

Indications for the use of Cortexin are the following diseases and conditions:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • epilepsy;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • cerebral autonomic disorders;
  • inflammation of the spinal cord and brain;
  • delayed speech and psychomotor development;
  • diffuse brain damage syndrome;
  • bacterial or viral infections affecting the brain;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • encephalopathy;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • impairment of cognitive functions.

In some cases, the drug may be prescribed for hydrocephalic syndrome.

Cortexin - instructions for use

According to the instructions for use of Cortexin, the medication is administered by intramuscular injection. To prepare the solution, the powder in the bottle is diluted in 1 of 3 solvents in a volume of 1–2 ml (novocaine 0.5%, sodium chloride 0.9%, water for injection).

The medicine is administered to adults and children weighing more than 20 kg once a day at a dosage of 10 mg for 10 days. According to indications (ischemic stroke in the acute and early recovery period), the frequency of administration of the drug can be increased to 2 times a day.

For babies weighing up to 20 kg, the medication is administered at 0.5 mg per kg of weight in the same course. Repeated use of the medicine is possible after 3–6 months.

Cortexin: application

Cortexin, the instructions provide for this, is used in the treatment of severe brain diseases that are caused by circulatory problems in combination with other medications. In particular, it is prescribed after hemorrhagic strokes. The drug is also indicated for traumatic brain injuries, as it can accelerate recovery processes.

The drug is effective in combination with other drugs in the following cases:

  • Diseases of the nervous system caused by infection with harmful microorganisms.
  • Diffuse brain damage, the mildest form of which is concussion.
  • Autonomic disorders, manifested by various symptoms: dizziness, panic attacks, migraines, etc.
  • Epilepsy, which is a chronic neurological disease characterized by sudden seizures.

As a single drug, Cortexin injections, the instructions for use provide for this, can be used in case of absent-mindedness, decreased concentration, or difficulties in perceiving new information. The drug helps restore brain function during the development of senile dementia and after a stroke.

In pediatrics, Cortexin injections, the instructions indicate this, are used for birth damage to the brain in newborns. The medicine is also indicated for children with motor and speech dysfunction. In complex therapy, the drug is considered effective in the treatment of cerebral palsy.

The solution is prepared directly in the bottle. It is diluted in accordance with the instructions with a 0.5% solution of novocaine, water for injection or saline. In this case, the liquid is added very carefully to avoid foaming.

Adult patients receive Cortexin injections once a day into the gluteal muscle. It is advisable to carry out the manipulation in the first half of the day to eliminate the possibility of sleep disturbance. The duration of the course of treatment is 10 days. This means that one package is enough. Repeated treatment is possible no earlier than after 3 months.

In case of acute massive stroke and in the initial period of recovery of brain function, the dosage is increased by 2 times. Injections are given in the morning and evening for 10 days. In this case, the course can also be repeated after 10 days.

The drug should be administered to children with extreme caution. The dosage for children weighing less than 20 kg is 0.5 mg/kg body weight; for children weighing less than 20 kg, a dose of 10 mg is allowed.

Analogues of Cortexin

The pharmacy chain offers a wide range of Cortexin substitutes, which are successfully used in neurological and psychiatric practice, giving an equivalent therapeutic effect. These medications can be purchased in the form of:

  • synonyms;
  • generics;
  • combined means.

Among these Cortexin analogues, there are cheaper and more expensive drugs for adults and children that improve the functions of the central nervous system.

Table of Cortexin analogues with price and country of origin

AnalogueCost in rublesManufacturer country

The price of Cortexin analogues depends on the manufacturer, raw materials and quality of purification, but the result of treatment will be the same, that is, stimulation of higher nervous activity and brain functions.

Effects of Cortexin

This is more of a subjective point, based on personal experience and reviews online:

- Striving for novelty

An unusual effect manifests itself in a great desire to fill your head with information. And not just scrolling the VK feed, but rather reading books, studying languages ​​or programs, attending courses. It seems as if the level of interest in any business increases by several points.

— Humanity

At first I wanted to write rationality, but this is not crude logic. Emotionality and empathy also grow greatly. At the same time, there is a similar phenibut effect of less aggressiveness and relaxation. So the emotions are not in a negative direction.

— Dreams

Sometimes they even infuriate, everything is too realistic. And after waking up, it takes a few more seconds to return to familiar reality.

— Reducing animal motivation

This is both a bad and a good effect; the instinct “Dominate, Conquer, Humiliate” is less of a concern. Less motivation for sports and partying all night, more for intelligence and the quality of social contacts, rather than quantity.

To be fair, I’ll tell you right away that these effects can also be attributed to Cerebrolysate, Selank and Noopept (in descending order), so that the detective in you doesn’t wake up and look for an advertisement for something specific here.

Cortexin or Ceraxon - which is better for the elderly

(Spain) Release form: solution for intramuscular, intravenous and internal administration

Active ingredient: citicoline

Both drugs are nootropic drugs that improve cerebral circulation, but act through different mechanisms. Ceraxon has fewer indications for use and is more effective in neurological pathology of disorders of degenerative and vascular origin. Cortexin will be the best, since the drug is safer and can be used for children, has an expanded list of indications and minimal side effects.

For elderly patients, to improve brain activity and enhance cognitive abilities, the Cerakson analogue, produced in tablet form, will be of advantage. This is confirmed by reviews of patients taking long-term therapy with the analogue.

Cortexin or Actovegin - which is better for adults

Manufacturer: TAKEDA GMBH (Austria)
Release form: tablets, injection solution, eye gel, ointment, cream for external use

Active ingredient: deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood

Cortexin and its analogue Actovegin have the same indications, but a different mechanism of action. When treating adults with vegetative-vascular dystonia, Actovegin will be the best, as it effectively stops attacks and significantly increases periods of remission. It comes in several forms, including tablets, which is convenient for long-term treatment.

Cortexin is more effective in treating traumatic and vascular injuries of the brain, which gives good results in the treatment of children with birth injuries. The medication will be the best in the treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, as it actively relieves the pathological manifestations of the disease.

Other action

Evidence of positive effects in the treatment of the consequences of chronic alcoholism (9).

A study of neurasthenia in adolescent girls showed an improvement in 80% of cases, although without a placebo group (10).

A recent 2021 study showed an excellent combination of Memantine and Cortexin and a significant improvement in intellectual function (11) in patients with ischemia.

Cortexin or Cerebrolysin - which is better, what is the difference

Manufacturer: EVER PHARMA JENA GMBH (Germany)
Release form: solution for injection

Active ingredient: cerebrolysin

Both medications belong to the group of nootropic drugs that improve brain function. A special feature of Cerebrolysin is its neurotrophic activity, that is, stimulating the growth and development of new neurons and protecting them from destruction. For an adult, in the presence of hypoxia or ischemia, the Cerebrolysin analogue will be more effective.

Cortexin is advantageous in pediatric practice. For a child who has suffered a birth or other brain injury, this medication gives good treatment results. This is confirmed by reviews of pediatricians who practice treatment with Cortexin.

Cortexin or Mexidol - which is better, what is the difference

Manufacturer: ALSI PHARMA (Russia)
Release form: tablets, injection solution

Active ingredient: ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate

Cortexin and Mexidol are in different pharmacological groups, but have equivalent indications. The difference between medications lies in the composition of the active substances and auxiliary ingredients. Cortexin is a nootropic drug, and Mexidol has antioxidant properties.

According to doctors, an analogue of Cortexin in injections will be the best in the treatment of patients who have suffered a stroke, myocardial infarction, or transient cerebrovascular accident. The medication stimulates cerebral blood flow and normalizes metabolism in the ischemic area. The analogue is highly effective against dizziness, headache, swaying when walking and other symptoms accompanying cerebrovascular insufficiency.

cortexin sick injection or not

Hello everyone, my name is Svetlana and my life WAS so bright and happy.. In May 2010, joyful events took place in our family, our dear Deniska was born, healthy, strong and so similar to dad. Previously, I had not thought about my attitude towards medical workers, I boldly signed all the papers that were given to me: a statement of consent for voluntary medical intervention, for the processing of personal data, voluntary informed consent for preventive vaccinations... Preventive vaccinations, vaccinations, we talk about all this We've heard it all our lives. Remember? “I’m not afraid of injections, if necessary I’ll inject myself” and a poster on the topic. No one ever told us that it could be dangerous, much less about post-vaccination complications. But understanding, alas, came too late. Our son gained weight well from birth and developed according to his age. At 1.5 years old, he delighted us with different words; he began to speak even earlier than his cousin of the same age. He smiled, hugged, put together floor mosaics and played with construction sets and cars, he communicated with us. At 1.7 years old, Denis received another DTP vaccination. And our life froze, it just stopped. The child stopped being happy, he stopped even saying “mom”, he became silent. Within a few months, he lost all self-care skills, he stopped hearing us, stopped understanding us. Now he could spend hours spinning around the room or spinning wheels, he no longer made eye contact, on the street he simply walked, no matter where. We lost our child. How? - you ask. I always thought that the worst thing that could happen was losing a child. Now this was happening to me, but in a perverted, inexplicable form. Instead of sympathy, I felt confused looks, overly encouraging reassurances, and the feeling that medical workers didn’t care about our complaints. They did not record them in the medical record and smilingly said that he would go to kindergarten and everything would work out. It is very difficult when you cannot hug your son, he flows from your arms like liquid jelly. It is impossible to look into his eyes to understand - “how cute do you feel? Are you feeling good or bad? Well, dear, say “ma-ma.” And he remains silent and runs away or begins to cry inconsolably, not allowing himself to be picked up or caressed. So the summer passed, the summer of last year. We were at the sea, nothing made Denis happy, on the beach he simply walked along the shore and could walk like that for a long time. And we looked in horror and didn’t know why this was happening? What should we do? How to save a child? By profession I am a speech therapist, I worked in a kindergarten in the north of our republic, in the city of Vorkuta. There I received basic knowledge in speech therapy and neuropathology. I was taught by a wonderful teacher and the knowledge she gave helped me diagnose my child with autism! Do you know what autism is? No, this is not a disease, this is a special human condition. Autism is a mental development disorder characterized by speech and motor disorders, stereotypical activity and behavior, leading to disturbances in social interaction. There are no medical tests that can be used to diagnose autism. The diagnosis is made based on observation of how the child behaves and communicates with others. From that time on my sleepless nights began. I began studying literature, scientific articles, and notes from mothers of children with the same problems at night. And during the day I tried to reach out to my “silent man.” After several weeks of studying articles and materials, I read a story about how one family cured their child of autism. Reading the description of how the symptoms of autism arose in someone else’s child, I saw my Deniska in him more and more! This morning I woke up with the firm intention of putting my son on a gluten-free (wheat, etc.) and casein-free (cow's milk protein) diet. This is exactly the step that was described first in the article. It’s very difficult to convey how we switched to this diet; Deniska couldn’t do literally everything! At the sight of a piece of bread, he simply cried, how much he wanted a cookie or bread, and we could only offer him gluten-free bread, which is not easy to find in our city. After about 2-3 weeks, Deniska woke up in the morning and came up and hugged me! I was afraid to even move, I just listened to my heart beating loudly in my chest, but it didn’t end there, he looked into my eyes! At that moment I realized that we are on the right track, the reason for our huge problem is precisely the vaccination. In other articles, I found that: DPT vaccine consists of killed pertussis microbes and purified dephtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide and contains merthiolate as a preservative in a concentration of 0.01%. That is, they contain aluminum oxide with water and mercury. By the way, the use of thiomersal (merthiolate) as a preservative in vaccines caused great controversy, as a result of which it was banned as a component of mass childhood vaccinations in the United States, the European Union and several other countries. Oh, yes! There will be arguments from supporters of vaccination, but I will not argue, let everyone choose for themselves how to treat and what to inject their child with. I would also like to add that there are no safe vaccinations and the problem is not only with DPT! So, we have a small but joyful event, we achieved eye contact! Now our Deniska looks into the eyes! About 3 more weeks pass and he no longer leaves on the street in an unknown direction, he sometimes began to respond to his name. And we go to the clinic again, still hoping for help and support. Dad is coming, since I have a fever, I stay at home. What is a trip to the pediatrician? The doctor determines the temperature of the incoming little patient with a glance, without even bothering to hand out a thermometer. Dad’s complaints are ignored, “he’ll go to kindergarten and talk.” An entry appears on the card: Reception with dad. No complaints. 36.4 (pressure is indicated below, but the numbers are difficult to distinguish) Pharynx, skin, stool, etc. are normal!

This could be the end of the story, but we have everything ahead! We all go together to the head doctor of the clinic, and I (still naive) hope for help and support. Yes, they accepted us, although it was not a reception day, they said that they would help in any way they could, and in general, all their specialists were publicly available. I explained that we don’t know where to go with all this and which door to knock on. We were handed over to the head and we went through: a neurologist (Conclusion: PDRD, childhood autism?), a surgeon (healthy), an otolaryngologist (cerumen plugs were removed, referred to an audiologist), a psychiatrist (RDA? - early childhood autism), a speech therapist (Rough SPD against the background of RDA?), audiologist (healthy), orthopedist (healthy), underwent examinations Echo-EG (examination of the head) - everything is in order, EEG (examination of the head) - no pathology, passed tests (everything is normal). November came and here we are again in front of the neurologist’s office, we went through all the specialists. Our Deniska returned to us a little during this time and, as it seemed to me then, began to understand the speech addressed. At the appointment, he was prescribed pantogam (nootropic) and neuromultivitis and invited to come back in 1 month. About 3 weeks after I started taking the medications, I began to notice that Denis’s left eye was moving up to the bridge of his nose, after which he began to squint, as if adjusting his vision, and then cried a lot. From that time on, constant crying returned to our house, Deniska cried during the day, at night I sat quietly at the computer and continued to look for how to help my child. Once again, while watching videos on the Internet with the participation of autistic children, I came across the story of a boy from another city in our country; an email address was given under the video. And the boy in the video played like my son, ran and even looked with the same look. I wrote a letter to this woman. A few days later I received a response with a lot of guidelines, tips and links. She also confirmed my guess about the cause of my “Silent Man”’s illness. And only then, feeling the support of a stranger, I realized that we are not alone with this problem, but as it turned out, there are a lot of such children. At the same time, the mother of a boy from Usinsk contacted me, and the mother of the injured boy from Ukhta responded. Later, in August, I learned about Maksimka Ivanchuk from Syktyvkar. Words cannot express the feeling when mothers talk about their children, but as if about our boy! And there is so much pain and hope in these words. So we took the course of prescribed medications. What we have? And now we have a crying child who has a severe headache, he is very reactive to certain sounds, constantly squints his left eye and covers his ears with his hands. During this time, we tried several times not to feed him on a diet and just give him at least a crust of bread. The reaction occurred immediately, Deniska began to run in circles and became inadequate. If you are interested and continue to read my story, I will explain the relationship between vaccination and diet. Recently, British researcher Andrew Wakefield published a small study that traces a link between the measles vaccine and damage to the small intestine. This may provide an explanation for how hallucinogenic peptides enter the bloodstream. Scientists have suggested that in a group of children, milk protein (gluten) is converted into peptides that affect the brain in the same way as hallucinogenic drugs. With the help of scientists, some of whom were parents of autistic children, compounds containing opiates, a class of substances that includes opium and heroin, were found in the urine of these children. There is also another protein that decomposes to a toxic form - gluten, found in wheat, oats, rye and barley. If I hadn’t seen the child’s reaction to bread and milk with my own eyes, I don’t even know if I would have believed it!

December came, and Deniska continued to get worse. There was no limit to despair! It was scary and painful, even howling... which I did quietly into the pillow so as not to scare anyone. My classes were pointless, he didn’t want anything, I couldn’t get him interested, my knowledge of speech therapy didn’t help me in any way. The neurologist prescribes us another course of medications, namely Cortexin injections (a little-studied drug containing polypeptides from the cerebral cortex of livestock). We obediently give 10 injections. The left eye is now clearly moving up to the bridge of the nose, we urgently go to the ophthalmologist, the ophthalmologist says that there is no strabismus, but he notes high intracranial pressure and we understand the reasons for the constant tears. We do regular head examinations and look at the results ourselves via the Internet. The result is normal, but some data indirectly indicate high intracranial pressure. It was in this mood that we came to the homeopath. Now I ask myself the question: “Why? Why didn’t I take Deniska to this wonderful doctor earlier?” We conducted an examination using the Voll method and prescribed treatment; the homeopathic doctor made homeopathic balls specifically for the symptoms of my silent son. After 3 days of taking the balls, we went to the clinic and Deniska, for the first time in all this time, became interested in another child. He ran up to the girl and took her by the hand! This was another step towards improvement. Then we began to give homeopathic medicines to Deniska constantly and daily. If our condition worsened, the doctor gave us an emergency new ball, and so on until the next headache or fever. Our entire first aid kit now consisted of balls (including antiviral and for the gastrointestinal tract). We lived like this until the end of March. They tried their best to teach Deniska to speak at least a few words and some self-care skills. By this time, the main symptoms had changed and he had pronounced sensorimotor allalia. What it is? Imagine yourself in another country where they speak a language you don’t understand and don’t understand your language. That's how Deniska is. Now a new stage of our struggle had come, we tried to understand each other, but nothing worked and we cried with frustration. How hard it was! April 27, 2014 at 10:53 am

March 20, another visit to the neurologist at the clinic, she doesn’t know what to do with us, she writes a conclusion: ZPRR, RDA? Episyndrome? Genetic disorder? (by the way, they did genetics right away in the maternity hospital, everything was fine there). Epi and genetics are not confirmed, it does not point to autism, although there are some symptoms, but he looks into the eyes and attempts to communicate appear, more on them later. On March 20, I wrote a written refusal to be hospitalized, realizing that now they will start trying one drug after another, experimenting, maybe something will help and they will offer a CT scan with anesthesia, there is no point in even writing about the negative effects of anesthesia, everyone knows about it. Bottom line, I am writing a refusal for fear of worsening my condition, since Deniska now cries less often from headaches and at an appointment with a homeopath he even sat down and assembled a pyramid! Hooray! At an appointment with a neurologist, seeing that this doctor will no longer help us, she seems to listen to us, but cannot prescribe anything for us; about the homeopath she generally says “I don’t believe them.” I ask the main question - “Send us somewhere! Is there really nothing at all that you can offer us for rehabilitation?” She replies, “I can give you a referral to the 3rd clinic.” I agree to this, they give me a form for refusing hospitalization and ask me to fill it out in the corridor. Denis and I go out, I fill out the form on the table, holding Denis’s hand tightly and wait for them to give us a referral for rehabilitation. We wait like this for about 30 minutes, then it turns out that they forgot about us and while I was filling out the form with my back to the office, everyone left. While we waited for our nurse, another 20 minutes passed. At this point I finally realized that there was no point in waiting for help. We signed up for rehabilitation. And here it is already April! Deniska began to pronounce the syllables: “ma, ba, yes.” He then says them, then falls silent, and every time I hear his voice my heart skips a beat. How I want my boy to say “mom” to me! From April 26 to May 16 we visit the rehabilitation clinic No. 3. We were greeted with understanding by both the head and the neurologist-rehabilitation specialist. They listened attentively and with understanding, although registration for the massage was already closed, the massage therapists began to go on vacation and all their working hours were scheduled, but they found time and Deniska received all 10 days of massage. We also received physical therapy and a sensory room. We had consultations with a speech therapist and a psychologist. For the first time, the doctor said, if homeopathy helps, and the results are visible, then you should be treated with homeopathy. And in Deniska’s card there was an entry: do not combine homeopathy treatment with medication. At this point, the diagnosis sounded like this: Gross delay in psycho-speech development of unspecified genesis. Also in the card there was an entry “the condition is associated with heavy metals after DTP vaccination.” On May 24, Deniska and I left for the south to Ukraine. We were away until September. During this time, we saw a speech therapist and completed a course of dolphin therapy. The rehabilitation doctor who was with Denis in the water noted that in all 10 days she heard words from him! But what those 10 days were like, it was a nightmare. Denis began to react to a stressful situation with his teeth! Yes, yes, he began to bite! When he couldn't bite, he scratched. He couldn’t say: “I don’t want”, “give me”, etc., instead he sank his teeth into it. It was painful to look at me and Denis’s grandmother, because where there was not a huge bruise from the bite, there were scratches. But this did not stop us and we still tried to sit him down at the table during meals and go to the potty. Because he resisted and regularly wet his underpants. But we won! With a bite on our cheek and scratched out eyes, we proudly offered him the potty and he did his business. Now he learned to play in the sand, he liked to swim in the sea and he delighted us with different sounds and syllables. Towards the end of dolphin therapy, Denis began to have hysterics. He could cry from 30 minutes to 2 hours. During the first one, he even shouted “go away” quite clearly and understandably. What kind of hysterics were these, it was terrible, he could scream for hours from resentment that he was not understood. He constantly shouted on one note, it was unbearable to listen to, I tried to go into another room, he came, took me by the hand, led me along and shouted. We spent the entire month of July like this. Then we were offered to go to the “grandmother”, as they usually say. And we went to Maria Ivanovna. The idea itself did not inspire confidence in me, but it was difficult to continue living like this. I liked Maria Ivanovna, she was attractive, she was an outwardly pleasant woman, and the queues to see her were huge. The first time she did not accept us and scheduled us for another day, and also suggested a time so as not to stand in line for a long time. In general, I’m more of a skeptic, but at one time the story with the diet also seemed like nonsense to me, so we regularly went until the end of August. When we came for the first time, Maria Ivanovna immediately outlined the essence of our problem, what exactly needed to be treated. Her words amazed me, she said that first of all the “stomach” needs to be treated; she saw a small ulcer in the intestines. Deniska began to change from the very first days. There were days when he generally behaved like an ordinary child, romped in the sandbox, took the girls on the carousel, took me by the hand and led me to the bushes when needed. Time passed quickly and we had to return to Syktyvkar, although we had to go to the healer 8 more times. Oh yes! She didn’t take any money from the kids at all! We're back home. On September 3, Deniska and I went to the pediatrician, since we were given kindergarten, we had to pass a commission. But I didn’t feel much joy, because I don’t know how he will go into it? The pediatrician, as usual, wrote down the temperature using a flashlight, wanted to look at the throat with a spatula, but he didn’t succeed and waved his hand - “healthy.” And then they gave us a certificate to go to the garden. I was surprised, why don’t you need to go through specialists? In the end, I kind of misled everyone, funny! On September 4th, we had an appointment with a neurologist, and they refused to allow medical intervention, although nothing was offered as such; the recommended drug tenoten was indicated on the card. They again forget to give a referral for rehabilitation. I am asking for a mother and child trip to Lozym and filling out a form. Arriving 3 weeks later at clinic No. 2, I find out that we are not standing in line at Lozym, there is no application form. When passing the commission to the kindergarten, we went to a psychiatrist and a speech therapist. The speech therapist sent us to undergo a disability commission. To be honest, it is very difficult to accept that your child is disabled. I agreed to undergo the commission only after the arguments of the same speech therapist. She literally persuaded and insisted that there would not be an extra penny. We would like to repeat the dolphin therapy course in January-February, which would cost 25 thousand, plus travel there and back, food, and accommodation. And I decided! April 27, 2014 at 10:54 am

Deniska’s condition today: recently there was a rollback. Deniska became worse, he mumbled and endlessly twisted objects. His hyperactivity prevents him from sleeping, and his daily routine is constantly disrupted. Just a month ago he started saying the words: “mom, dad, Di (Dima), baba,” and then fell silent again. He now understands speech; if he reinforces it with gestures, he understands better. He does not serve himself, but sometimes he takes a fork or spoon in his hand and tries, he has learned to drink from a cup, he does not dress himself, but begins to help himself dress. He remembers well where everything is, he is smart and can even be cunning. Deniska is very dexterous, loves to climb stairs and the back of the sofa, but at the same time he is very careful. My son now hugs me and looks into my eyes! But he still doesn't hear others. Dad and brother included. When I ask him to give me an object, he gives it, but he does not classify what it is. He lacks a pointing gesture. It won’t show parts of the body, it won’t show where the bear is and where the car is. Deniska no longer has a headache like before and he doesn’t squint his left eye as much. Today at 16.30 (November 11) the MSEC commission was held. We went there with our son and his dad. When they asked me what Deniska could do, I didn’t know what to answer. You can say that he can’t do anything. They asked him to give him a toy, but he didn’t give it. The only thing he did was take the toy from me and give it to dad, and when I said “Deniska, let’s go,” he followed. He did not fulfill a single request of the commission or the pope. We told them about our trouble in detail. We were asked to leave while they conferred. Do you know what I was thinking? I don't want my child to be disabled! When I entered the office, they gave me a piece of paper that said “not recognized as disabled.” Signing all this, I said to the members of the commission: “Thank you, thank you all! You give me hope that everything will be fine! We will cure our child ourselves, without government support, especially since we can’t count on it. My child is not disabled!” What about rehabilitation, you ask? We were given a referral to clinic No. 2? But no way, our turn never came, but Deniska has been standing in it since September 4th! And there is silence with Lozym, although the head physician of the clinic promised so... My son, Deniska, 3 years and 6 months old, at 1 year and 7 months he was given a DPT vaccine, after which he became silent, stopped communicating, he lost his self-care skills. He is four years old, he can’t do so much and he is not disabled! I don’t know how to send him to kindergarten and I can’t go to work. But we must fight! We love our “Silent Man”! Our hearts bleed and we are trying our best to help him! Take care of your children! Nobody needs them but YOU! April 27, 2014 at 10:54 am

I’ll add to this story: In December, we were nevertheless sent to the Lozym sanatorium, underwent a rehabilitation course and were injected with cerebralysin from Dr. Kuznetsov. During treatment, positive dynamics were observed. Finally, my speech therapy sessions with Deniska are yielding at least some results. He can now repeat the syllables ma-ma, ba-ba, pa-pa in front of the mirror after me. He has become calmer and listens to words more. I began to fulfill small requests from other people. We hope that the help of the clinic will not end there and that in six months we will be back in Lozym for health resort treatment. And Hurray!!! Finally we got our turn for rehabilitation at clinic No. 3!!! We will be going there starting January 15th! Hooray! We ended up seeing Chinese doctors here in Russia! The course is not as long as we would like, but still! MOVED FROM THE GROUP WALL(04/30/2014)


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