Can the ketogenic diet help with multiple sclerosis?

What is multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a lesion of the nerve fibers (axons) responsible for transmitting nerve impulses. Axons are processes of neurons that transmit signals to target organs (organs that are most strongly affected by certain substances or irritating factors) and brain cells. Fibers perform two functions: transmission of action potentials and transport of substances synthesized by the nerve cell body.

Axons are covered with a protective myelin sheath, consisting of protein-fat complexes. It performs a function similar to insulating an electrical wire: it prevents the dispersion of impulses passing along the nerve fiber. Under the influence of negative factors, myelin begins to collapse and is gradually replaced by connective tissue, that is, sclerotic plaques form in its place. The impulses first slow down, and then their transmission stops completely. The autoimmune nature of multiple sclerosis has been established. The immune system attacks myelin, mistaking it for pathogenic cells.

Impaired conduction of nerve impulses leads to paresis (weakening of motor functions) and paralysis

Multiple sclerosis is called the disease with a thousand faces. In the initial stages, there are no specific symptoms, which greatly complicates timely diagnosis. It can occur differently in each patient, so only some general clinical signs are identified. This is numbness of the limbs, unsteadiness of gait, severe decrease in vision and even temporary loss of vision, muscle spasms, dizziness, disruption of the pelvic organs (urinary incontinence, constipation, menstrual irregularities). Slowing and blocking the nerve impulse disrupts the innervation (communication with the central nervous system) of the muscles. They weaken and atrophy.

In neurology, the concept of “multiple sclerosis” corresponds to other pathological names: plaque sclerosis, patchy sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, multiple sclerosing periaxial encephalomyelitis.

The prognosis of the disease depends on its form. The benign course does not reduce life expectancy and is characterized by long periods of remission. The most severe, progressive-remitting form leads to loss of the ability to self-care. The patient dies from sepsis (blood poisoning by pathogenic microbes) caused by bedsores, pneumonia and other infections.

Epidemiological studies of multiple sclerosis have established that the disease affects young people aged 20 to 50 years, more often women. An interesting pattern: residents of southern countries, where it is warm and have many sunny days, do not suffer from multiple sclerosis. Representatives of the Caucasian race living in the northern regions of the planet are susceptible to pathology.

Causes of sclerosis

The exact reasons for the development of the disease have not yet been identified; there are assumptions about this.

Genetic factors include a specific combination of genes that cause a disorder in the body's immune system.

There are also non-genetic factors. This may be stress, unfavorable living environment, poor nutrition, bacteriological or infectious diseases, smoking, frequent injuries, exposure to radiation, ultraviolet radiation.

The cause of the development of sclerosis may be a certain combination of external and internal factors that caused this disease.

It has been proven that this is not a hereditary disease; the risk of getting sick increases if there are such patients in the family. But the transmission rate from parents to children is only 2-10%.

There are risk factors that can trigger the development of multiple sclerosis:

  • A certain area of ​​residence or insufficient production of vitamin D. More often, sclerosis affects people whose place of residence is located far from the equator. These are northern areas with insufficient sunlight. In such people, vitamin D is not produced in sufficient quantities and can cause the development of sclerosis;
  • Stress, severe neuropsychic tension;
  • Excessive smoking;
  • Low uric acid levels;
  • Received hepatitis B vaccine;
  • Diseases caused by viruses or bacteria.

Importance of Dietary Nutrition

Multiple sclerosis is incurable. Scientists have been looking for ways to slow down the disease for decades. Dietary nutrition is one of them. Why is it given great importance? It's all about the composition of the myelin sheath and the influence of substances supplied with food on its condition.

A balanced protein-lipid diet helps restore myelin, can prolong the period of remission and significantly improve the patient’s quality of life.

The chemical composition of myelin differs between cranial and spinal nerve fibers. In the former, its composition is dominated by fats (75%) and proteins (25%), while in the latter it is phospholipids.

To maintain the normal state of the myelin sheath, increased consumption of foods with Omega-3 fatty acid is necessary

This means that to restore the axon sheath, a set of foods with a high content of these substances is required.

Table: vitamins and other beneficial substances necessary for multiple sclerosis

Useful materialTheir meaning
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Regulate the elasticity and permeability of cell membranes;
  • participate in the construction of the myelin sheath;
  • activate stem cell division
  • Responsible for the integrity of cell membranes;
  • stimulate the passage of impulses along nerve fibers;
  • inhibit the production of free radicals (antioxidant effect)
AT 12Accelerates the formation and restoration of the myelin sheath
DProtects myelin from damage and reduces autoimmune reactions
EIs an antioxidant
ARestores vision
Calcium, magnesiumEssential for relaxing muscles, relieving spasms and tremors (shaking)
PotassiumNecessary for muscle contraction, maintaining intestinal and urinary tract tone

The diet of patients with multiple sclerosis should contain food rich in vitamins K, C and group B. All of them alleviate the symptoms of the pathology, support the functioning of the central nervous system and regulate immune reactions.

Will fasting help?

Fasting in multiple sclerosis remains a controversial issue. Doctors from different countries are conducting experiments to judge its therapeutic effect. The theory is based on the fact that when you refuse food, the body begins to get rid of toxins, and this significantly reduces the influence of allergic factors on the course of the disease.

There are several methods that are practiced by patients with multiple sclerosis - fasting according to Sveshnikov, Nikolaev, Suvorin and others. But none of them were intended to treat this particular disease. All these are special cases, not confirmed by clinical trials.

In general, the attitude of neurologists towards long-term fasting in multiple sclerosis is negative. When the flow of food through the gastrointestinal tract stops, the body begins to use its own resources. The brain cannot tolerate hunger, compensatory mechanisms are triggered, and first fat and then other tissues are converted into energy. This condition negatively affects the already damaged myelin sheath of nerve fibers and accelerates its breakdown.

Video: practical recommendations on nutrition for multiple sclerosis

The role of nutrition and drinking in the development and treatment of MS

According to neurologists, the incidence of multiple sclerosis in the middle latitudes of Russia is higher, and as it approaches the equator it decreases. Factors influencing this effect are not only the amount of sunlight, but also nutrition.

The diet of MS patients should include omega-3 and -6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D. From an epidemiological point of view, the disease is less common in the equator region; its prevalence is higher in areas with a high intake of saturated fat and a low percentage of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet. Territorial risk groups are countries with insufficient fish consumption, deficiency of sunlight, and therefore vitamin D3.

Features of nutrition in multiple sclerosis

In case of multiple sclerosis, special attention is paid to the composition and calorie content of food. Basic Rules:

  • maintain caloric intake to maintain normal body weight;
  • limit the consumption of salt, as a product that activates immune T cells;
  • consume no more than 50–80 g of protein per day, preferably plant-based;
  • eat meat no more than 2 times a week;
  • eat 5–6 times a day, preferably in small portions;
  • drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day;
  • give up processed foods, fast food and fast food.

There is no special diet plan for patients with multiple sclerosis, since the effect of nutrition on the course of the pathology has not been scientifically proven. When giving nutritional recommendations, doctors adhere to the results of studies of the effects of certain foods on enhancing autoimmune processes. Restrictions apply to foods containing gluten, fatty red meat, and foods containing sugar.

Vegetables and fruits should be the basis of therapeutic nutrition

For patients with dysphagia (impaired swallowing function), it is recommended to minimize the amount of foods that require intense chewing. Chilled drinks and liquids with added lemon increase salivation and are easier to swallow.

It is unacceptable to reduce the amount of fluid you drink for fear of urinary incontinence. If there is stagnation of urine, the lack of water causes an increase in its concentration, irritation of the walls of the bladder and the development of pathogenic microflora.

Is it possible to drink alcohol

Experts do not yet have a consensus on the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol with multiple sclerosis. Some people think that drinking in small doses is unlikely to cause any harm. Others argue: you should completely abstain from alcoholic beverages.

However, scientists have found that small amounts of alcohol have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, doctors allow the patient to drink a little cognac or dry red wine. But excessive consumption of wine threatens to worsen the disease; it is worth remembering this when deciding to relax. In addition, intoxication in patients with this disease occurs quickly. As for beer, it should be excluded completely.

Studies examining whether alcohol can be drunk if you have multiple sclerosis have found no harmful effects (in small quantities) on patients. Red wine, which contains a high percentage of antioxidants, is usually recommended.

Alcohol (at least 2 days a week - no alcohol):

  • beer: max. 1-2 glasses per day;
  • wine (preferably red, it has less sugar and more resveratrol): max. 200 ml per day;
  • strong alcohol (best avoided): max. 20 ml per day.

Authorized products

Reducing the antigenic (associated with the production of antibodies by the immune system) load on the body does not contradict the general principles of a healthy diet. The diet should contain enough foods containing vitamins and minerals necessary for multiple sclerosis.

Table: foods containing useful substances for multiple sclerosis

Omega-3PhospholipidsMinerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium)
Linseed oilUnrefined vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, cottonseed)Greens (spinach, parsley, lettuce, dill)
Cod liverButterWatercress
Nuts (except peanuts)ChickenVegetables (beets, carrots, cabbage)
Fish (mackerel, tuna, herring)SaloBananas
SesameSour creamCitrus
Dried apricots

Since intestinal motor function is affected in multiple sclerosis, the menu should include foods high in fiber. The consumption of gluten-free cereals is allowed: corn, rice, buckwheat, millet. They are sources of dietary fiber and B vitamins.

With multiple sclerosis, the consumption of vegetables and fruits is not limited; You are allowed to eat skinless chicken breast

The permissible amount of butter is 15 g per day. Forbidden sugar is replaced with honey. Any vegetables and fruits are the basis of dietary nutrition for multiple sclerosis. Green tea will bring undoubted benefits. It contains substances that protect the myelin sheath from autoimmune damage.

Prohibited Products

To control multiple sclerosis, all potential allergenic foods and difficult-to-digest foods are excluded from the diet:

  • beef, lamb and game;
  • sausages;
  • legumes;
  • cocoa and chocolate;
  • anything that contains synthetic food additives.

Prepared meat products and sweets are contraindicated in patients with multiple sclerosis

Products containing gluten become persona non grata for those who suffer from celiac disease, a congenital intolerance to gluten. It contains the protein gliadin, which is the cause of autoimmune reactions. Products containing gluten:

  • semi-finished meat products;
  • factory-made sauces, dressings and seasonings: ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard;
  • all cereals and flour products made from wheat, rye flour, barley and oats, including pasta and breadcrumbs;
  • bouillon cubes;
  • breakfast cereals, chips;
  • crab sticks;
  • cottage cheese and curd cheeses, condensed milk, cheeses, yoghurts;
  • strong alcohol and beer;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • granulated tea and instant coffee.

Alcohol is contraindicated not only because of the presence of gluten, it accelerates the destruction of the myelin sheath.

Doctors recommend undergoing special tests for food allergies. In this case, you can “targetedly” exclude foods that are prohibited from consumption from your diet.

Coffee is excluded from the diet if there are tremors and convulsions, urination problems, headaches or mental disorders. This is due to the stimulating effect of the drink and its ability to remove fluid from the body.

What can't you eat?

From your daily diet you need to remove:

  • all types of red meat, as well as semi-finished products and sausages (red meats include pork, beef, horse meat, lamb);
  • all types of dairy products;
  • cereals that contain gluten (these are all products made from wheat, rye, barley);
  • all sweets, including honey;
  • strong brewed tea and coffee;
  • alcoholic beverages containing sugar;
  • any finished products containing palm and coconut oil.

Now let’s figure out what you can and should eat. The menu should consist of the following products:

  • white meat - turkey, chicken breast, rabbit (provided you are not allergic to these products);
  • gluten-free cereals – millet, buckwheat, rice, corn;
  • fish, preferably sea, seafood, including algae (kelp, etc.); fruits and vegetables - all types except potatoes;
  • different types of lettuce, celery, dill, etc.;
  • any type of nuts except peanuts.

In small quantities you can use:

  • vegetable oil (up to 3 tablespoons per day) and butter (no more than 15 grams).

Cognac and dry red wine are allowed in limited quantities as alcoholic beverages. The use of vitamin and mineral supplements is mandatory.

Cholesterol is directly related to the health of blood vessels, so it is recommended to exclude dishes where its content is high. What foods are considered “problematic” in an anti-sclerosis diet?

  • milk, products made from it;

You will have to give up cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt and cheese.

  • gluten-containing products;

They also contain substances that resemble myelin. These are wheat, rye, barley.

  • carbonated drinks;
  • refined sugar, foods high in sugar;

This product has inflammatory properties, it is better to replace it with honey

What is possible and what is not possible when you have an illness

  • legumes;
  • soy-containing products;
  • peanut;
  • allergenic food.

Some types of foods may supplement the diet to a limited extent:

  • cereals that do not contain gluten: oats, rice, corn;
  • eggs (white), yeast;

Quail eggs, which have a restorative function, are the most useful.

  • polyunsaturated fats: vegetable oil, margarine;
  • lean red meat.

Ashton Embry Diet

The Embry diet is a private development of a Canadian doctor, which is very popular among patients with multiple sclerosis. It excludes any products with a structure similar to myelin, and those to which the body triggers an allergic reaction. In accordance with the principles of the diet, you cannot eat legumes, dairy products, foods with gluten, or any sweets, including honey.

Unsaturated animal fats and monounsaturated vegetable fats are limited: it is allowed to eat lean beef once a week, and dress salads with olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil. Porridge made from gluten-free grains can be eaten 2-3 times a week. You are allowed to drink a little dry red wine once a week.

The Embry diet contains no gluten-containing foods or any sweets, and the amount of salt is limited.

You can eat chicken or turkey meat without restrictions, but only breast and without skin. It is recommended to increase the amount of fish: salmon, mackerel. The consumption of vegetables and fruits is not limited.

A mandatory component of the diet is the use of food supplements containing vitamins D3, B12, B9, A, E, C, minerals: potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, calcium, copper and manganese. Dr. Embry recommends taking the probiotic acidophilus. Dietary supplements are used to fill deficiencies resulting from dietary restrictions.

Patient reviews of the Embry diet

We have been on the Embry Diet for 5 weeks now, starting right after the flare-up (the worst of all). What can we say, we recover very quickly after such a severe exacerbation, fatigue is less pronounced, there is more energy, the head becomes clearer. Not much time has passed, but hope has already appeared (MS is about 17 years old). We will continue to adhere to this. We read the opinions of people who adhered to this diet. The results are amazing. Paresthesia (sensitivity disturbances, accompanied by sensations of skin numbness, tingling, burning, crawling), terrible fatigue, dizziness disappear. People who could not do without outside help can then serve themselves. The progression of MS stops and symptoms disappear or are significantly reduced.

With hope


I have had MS since 2005, the spinal form. In a stroller for the last 3 years. I also want to share my experience of treating MS with the Embry diet... I followed the diet a year ago for 2.5 months. It became much easier, I started getting out of the stroller, and in the last week I took a few steps on my own. And then I relapsed... The reason for the breakdown is very similar to the reason for Fomyasha’s breakdown, that is, I like to cook, bake, make preparations... And now I also can’t get myself ready to repeat the treatment, although after the breakdown it became much worse... But I’ll also say that I excluded I ate all cereals, practically no meat, I ate liver and fish. Naturally, I didn’t eat anything fried at all. I didn’t eat eggs, all dairy, gluten products and yeast, animal fats, bananas, red tomatoes. I mainly ate fresh white cabbage, green onions, dill, chickpeas, beets, pumpkin, broccoli, cranberries, lingonberries, mushrooms, apples, pears, plums, persimmons, yellow tomatoes... Extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil. I combined these products according to the principle of separate nutrition according to Shelton. I would like to find those who are ready to join me in diet treatment again... Maybe this will discipline us and there will be no more breakdowns... I am 100% sure that if you continue to follow the diet for at least a year and a half, then getting back on your feet is a real possibility perspective.



Permitted and prohibited products

There is no special diet for multiple sclerosis (as, for example, for urolithiasis - table No. 14) due to the lack of large-scale studies of the dependence of the course of the disease on diet. Nevertheless, focusing on statistics and the work of scientists, doctors adhere to the theory of the need to exclude from the patients’ diet foods that contribute to the intensification of autoimmune processes. These primarily include foods high in cholesterol (red meat and saturated fat), dairy products, gluten-containing grains, legumes, eggs, fast food and sweets. At the same time, special preference should be given to eating foods rich in substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nerve membranes and promote the conduction of nerve signals.

In simple terms, the basis of this diet is reduced fat intake. The patient should keep a daily count of the fat consumed in the number of teaspoons per day.

A patient with multiple sclerosis should not consume more than 3 tsp. (15 grams) saturated or more 4 – 10 tsp. (20–50 grams) of unsaturated fat per day.

Red fatty meat should be strictly limited in consumption if you have multiple sclerosis.

It has been proven that with multiple sclerosis, the level of beneficial unsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic (omega-3) and vitamin B12, which is so necessary for strengthening the nervous system, decreases. In addition, the disease causes a lack of vitamin D and microelements (potassium and calcium), a particularly large loss of which occurs when Prednisolone is prescribed to a patient with multiple sclerosis. It is necessary to obtain from food a sufficient amount of magnesium, which helps eliminate hypertonicity (excessive muscle tension) and is necessary for the prevention of hypertension. Vitamin C is indispensable for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and is needed as an antioxidant.

Our body does not know how to synthesize omega-3 fatty acids on its own, which is why it is so important to get them from the outside. If you have multiple sclerosis, doctors allow you to eat fish, especially fatty species (mackerel, salmon, mackerel). The necessary polyacids are also found in large quantities in vegetable oils.

Fatty fish contains unsaturated fatty acids, which must be taken into account (50 grams per day of the fat contained in fish is allowed)

It is quite difficult to obtain vitamin B12, which is necessary for this disease in optimal quantities, since foods particularly rich in this substance are prohibited in diet therapy for multiple sclerosis. However, B12 is found in lower quantities in seafood and in the already mentioned fish, greens and nuts.

Calcium, which healthy people receive in large quantities from fermented milk products, is not available to people with multiple sclerosis, since milk products are also limited in consumption. In lower concentrations, calcium can be found in fish (sardines, mackerel), nuts and sesame seeds, and some dried fruits. The necessary magnesium is found in fresh vegetables, various cereals, nuts and seafood.

Table: norms of consumption of nutrients for multiple sclerosis

Substances needed for multiple sclerosisRecommended amount per day
Vitamin DIn summer - 2000 IU in winter - 4000 IU
Calcium800–1200 mg
Potassium4700 mg
Magnesium500–1000 mg
Vitamin C1000 mg
Vitamin E400 mg

The patient's daily menu must contain foods high in fiber and plant fibers (vegetables, herbs and fruits), since in case of multiple sclerosis it is important to ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Constipation leads to intoxication of the body, which can also exacerbate the disease. Among other things, this group of products is a natural source of vitamins and essential microelements that help speed up metabolism.

Thus, the basis of the diet for multiple sclerosis: fish, seafood, gluten-free cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.

To provide the body with useful substances that can be obtained from prohibited products, patients are prescribed dietary supplements and vitamins with mandatory antioxidant content (L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10), vitamin D and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The medications and recommended dosage are selected by the attending physician.

1 tsp. or 4 capsules of fish oil, recommended for consumption per day for multiple sclerosis, is equal to 5 g of fat, which should be taken into account in its daily consumption

Since multiple sclerosis is classified as an incurable disease, the patient must adhere to such a diet throughout his life. With obvious remission, the attending physician may allow meat to be introduced into the diet once a week.

It is necessary to remember not only what you can eat, but also the amount of food eaten. Excess weight will negatively affect the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, worsen well-being and contribute to the progression of symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

List of permitted and prohibited products

When choosing foods, patients with multiple sclerosis should avoid those food groups that cause an exacerbation of the disease and give preference to plant foods, mineral and vitamin supplements.

Table: categories of foods that are beneficial and harmful for multiple sclerosis

Recommended foods for multiple sclerosisFoods to avoid if you have multiple sclerosis
  • Poultry (consumed without skin): chicken breast;
  • turkey;
  • pheasant;
  • pigeon;
  • freshwater and sea fish, but fatty fish with a high content of healthy omega acids is preferable:
    • tuna;
    • trout;
    • mackerel;
    • mackerel;
    • herring;
    • salmon;
  • seafood - any;
  • fruits (up to 2 pieces per day) and vegetables (any, at least 2 servings daily), greens;
  • gluten-free cereals;
  • bread products:
    • whole wheat bread;
    • White bread;
    • cereals without sugar and fat;
    • sugar-free bread;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • vegetable oils:
    • corn;
    • sesame;
    • sunflower;
    • soy;
    • linen;
  • honey (limited quantity due to high sugar content);
  • vitamins.
  • All of the above products are allowed for consumption provided that the patient with multiple sclerosis is not allergic to them. After the first year of multiple sclerosis and during periods of remission, limited (once a week) consumption of lean meat is allowed:

    • beef;
    • ham;
    • veal;
    • a rabbit;
    • lamb;
    • venison;
    • offal: liver;
    • veal tongue;
    • chicken stomachs;
    • beef kidneys;
    • turkey hearts
  • Animal protein and unsaturated fats: pork;
  • beef;
  • lard;
  • mutton;
  • venison and other red meat;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content above 1%:
    • milk;
    • cheese;
    • yogurt;
    • margarine;
    • butter;
    • ayran;
    • curdled milk, etc.;
  • fats:
    • animal fat;
    • cacao butter;
    • spreads;
    • hydrogenated fats;
    • Coconut oil;
    • cheap milk fat substitutes;
  • Cereals with gluten:
    • barley;
    • rye;
    • wheat;
  • legumes:
    • peas;
    • beans;
    • peanuts and peanut butter;
    • beans;
  • allergens (if the patient is allergic, for example to citrus fruits, nuts, mushrooms);
  • confectionery and sugar;
  • margarine-based baked goods, baked goods;
  • alcohol (complete refusal of beer, as well as vodka and similar strength drinks);
  • strong tea and coffee (a cup of weak drink per day is acceptable)

Photo gallery: products that improve the condition of patients with multiple sclerosis

Vegetables and fruits saturate the body with vitamins

The lack of vitamin B12 in multiple sclerosis can be replenished with fish

Vegetable oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids

By using recommended products, patients with multiple sclerosis can significantly diversify their diet and not feel deficient in vitamins and minerals.

Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on the condition of a patient with multiple sclerosis; in addition, alcohol consumption also has a negative effect (with multiple sclerosis, no more than 1 glass of red wine per week is allowed)

Embry Diet

The above dietary principles are based on the Embry Diet. The selection of products for this diet is based on the principle of similarity of the molecular structure of the myelin protein, which triggers autoimmune reactions, with the structure of proteins of excluded products: milk and its derivatives, gluten, legumes.

Also, the diet should be hypoallergenic and not cause any negative reactions in the body. To do this, it is necessary to do a blood test for all kinds of allergens, since the body’s negative reaction does not always have clinical manifestations.

In addition, an important point is to limit sugar. Products with a very high content of it (for example, soda) negatively affect the intestinal microflora and cause a jump in immunoreactivity.

Other, less stringent recommendations, such as limiting animal fat and preferring unsaturated fatty acids, are outlined above. Complex vitamin supplements, antioxidants, and probiotics are mandatory in the Embry diet; it is with them that nutrition becomes complete.

It is recommended to frequently consume lean poultry and fish, as it can meet the daily protein requirement of the human body.

Reviews from patients with multiple sclerosis about the results of the Embry diet

Condition before the diet: since the summer of 2006, my condition has been continuously deteriorating. During the year I had 6 exacerbations, not all of them recovered. Before starting the diet, I had SPMS, had vision problems, impaired speech, problems with swallowing, severe weakness in the legs and arms. On the diet since August 2007, 1 year 3 months. Result: practically healthy. There are minor exacerbations (mostly sensitivity), which I relieve with pills (vitamins, nootropics, antioxidants).


https://xn--l1adgmc.xn—-btbtxaari.xn--p1ai/topic/5255-embri-rezultat/?hl=%25D1%258D%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B1%25D1%2580%25D0%25B8 #entry128149

Condition before the diet: before 1996 – several exacerbations. In 1996, after a course of Metipred, Cushing's syndrome developed. Until 2004 there were several exacerbations of increasing force. In the spring of 2004 there was a severe exacerbation. Impaired speech, hearing, sensitivity, total weakness, dizziness, I can hardly walk. Dietary restrictions according to Embry from 02/08. Result: after 2-3 months I felt improvement. The bladder has become more manageable. The dizziness and severe unsteadiness when walking went away. Increased strength.


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The duration of the disease is 20 years. Condition before the diet - walking with a walker (6–6.5 according to EDSS). The diet started 2 years ago. Do you strictly adhere to the diet (or describe deviations) - somewhere around 80–90%. The current condition is stable throughout the diet.


https://xn--l1adgmc.xn—-btbtxaari.xn--p1ai/topic/5255-embri-rezultat/?hl=%25D1%258D%25D0%25BC%25D0%25B1%25D1%2580%25D0%25B8 #entry128149

Hi all. Well, I'm free. I'm talking about diet. The diet is called the “Embry Diet”, it has already been mentioned on this forum, and others have separate topics on it. The diet is quite strict, there is also the Svanka diet, in my opinion, it is easier, you can eat more foods. Today is 4 months since I have been following it. I cannot say that I have been cured, but there are improvements that have not been seen in all 17 years of illness (ttt). Type “embryo diet” into a search engine, it will post a lot of information, I’m afraid I’ll convey it to you incorrectly, it’s better to read it yourself. By the way, the doctors were surprised when my blood tests (general and biochemistry) and urine tests became “ideal,” according to them. I don't think there will be any harm from it.

Marusya SB.

Length of illness…………..15 years. 2. State before the diet………remission. 3. Start of the diet, how long have you been on the diet or when did you quit……..was on the Embry diet for 3 months…..quit today. 4. When they did the test, which one…….didn’t. 5. Do you strictly adhere to the diet (or describe deviations)……did you consume dairy……pranayama without dairy is harmful…and I want it all the time. 6. Result (better, worse, in what way). The current state is…… results, that’s why I quit. 7. What else are you taking……..nothing.


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Diet Swanka (Swanka)

Dr. Swank's diet echoes Embry's recommendations. The principle of the diet is to limit foods that provoke the onset of an allergic reaction in the patient. If there is no allergy, then dairy foods and grains containing gluten are allowed.

The Swank diet is less strict than the Embry diet.

Dr. Swank is known for conducting a study on 150 patients with multiple sclerosis and concluding that patients who did not follow the diet experienced a significant deterioration in their well-being. It has also been proven that reducing saturated fat in the diet leads to a reduction in the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Patients who follow a diet can feel full and enjoy life.

Swank diet rules:

  • avoidance of allergenic foods;
  • daily calculation of consumed fats: saturated - no more than 15 g;
  • unsaturated - no more than 25 g;
  • refusal of red meat (especially in the first year of diet therapy, after that - 60 g per week);
  • exclusion from the diet of fast food and semi-finished products;
  • dairy products must have a fat content of less than 1%;
  • products with gluten and milk are not limited in quantity;
  • consumption of fish oil and vitamin and mineral dietary supplements - daily.
  • Strict adherents of the Swank diet, who have minor neurological abnormalities, retain clear mind and speech, the ability to move and be physically active, and are able to work.

    Reviews of diet therapy based on Swank's principles

    Three years ago I followed this diet for several months. I felt amazing. But then MS was at the very beginning, and I decided that it was just remission. Now I’m thinking about going back to the diet, but I don’t have the willpower. I know it’s healthy, but it’s so hard to give up treats. By the way, according to the test, I am not allergic to anything that is prohibited with Embry, but there are a lot of allergies to vegetables and fruits, so it turns out that almost nothing is forbidden.



    I was on a diet based on the Hemocode blood test for food intolerance for three months. You feel super cool - it’s easy, you lose weight quickly and effortlessly, your belly, stomach - everything is hurt, your head is light, you have a lot of strength. BUT there is one BUT!! My whole life was subordinated to preparing a variety of food for 1 meal - my head was occupied only with this - shopping, cooking for 1 meal (since according to this theory it was impossible to eat a product that I ate more than once every 3 days).. In general, I gave up therefore, there are other family members who need to prepare other food... and this diet was not compatible with friends, guests, travel and generally normal human life. Now I’m trying to listen to the body and not consume foods from the “prohibited” list according to the hemocode analysis, and more fish, omega 3, enterosorbents at night (according to my feelings, they remove everything unnecessary, I feel good from them), probiotics and prebiotics. Well, vitamins and other means of metabolic therapy (there is such a topic on the forum). A completely strict diet takes away the taste of life, and every violation of the diet causes a feeling of guilt (they say that you have harmed yourself), and all this, in my opinion, is not very useful for MS. Everything should be somehow harmonious, in my opinion, without violence.

    Svetlana Nektokrot


    Diet Swanka (Swanka)

    Dr. Roy Swank has been studying the problem of therapeutic nutrition for patients with multiple sclerosis for several decades since the late 50s. Unlike the Embry diet, its nutritional system has been tested on many patients. The fundamental approach of both doctors is approximately the same - exclusion of foods that cause allergies. Otherwise, Swank's diet is significantly different.

    The Swank diet is much less restrictive and easier to tolerate

    It limits your daily fat intake:

    • saturated - no more than 15 g;
    • unsaturated - no more than 20–50 g.

    Dairy products should have a fat content of no more than 1%.

    Table: allowed and prohibited foods in the Swank diet

    Authorized productsProhibited Products
    Any low-fat dairy products, 2 servings per day (1 serving = 1 cup)Margarine
    Three eggs per week (1 egg per serving)Coconut and palm oil
    Durum wheat rice and pastaSpread
    Whole wheat breadPork fat
    Crackers (no margarine or butter)Factory-made pies, muffins and cupcakes
    Sauces, ketchup, mustard, seasonings (homemade)
    Mayonnaise (no more than 2 teaspoons for salad dressing)
    Coffee (no more than 3 cups per day)
    A glass of wine a day
    Nuts and seeds (with mandatory calculation of the fat they contain)
    Any fruit (necessarily at least 2 fruits per day)
    Vegetables (required 2 servings of fresh vegetables per day)
    Unlimited poultry meat (white and skinless)
    Fish (white only) unlimited

    For the first year after starting the diet, eating red meat is completely prohibited. Poultry meat is allowed only in its natural form (not processed). After a year, you can include no more than 85 g of beef or pork in your diet once a week. In addition to foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, Dr. Swank recommends taking fish oil capsules daily.

    Diets for multiple sclerosis are not limited in time, but, on the contrary, are recommended for lifelong use.

    Case studies

    Daily diet is more important in multiple sclerosis than previously thought. A healthy menu with plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains leads to symptom relief.

    This connection was demonstrated in a US study published online in the journal American Academy of Neurology. The study included 6,989 patients with all types of MS who completed the NARCOS registry with their dietary habits.

    They were then divided into 5 groups. The group with the healthiest diet was 20% less likely to experience serious physical complications than the group with the least healthy diet.

    The severity of the disability is assessed depending on the need to provide any support to the patient (stick, wheelchair) to walk a distance of about 8 m.

    Patients with the healthiest eating patterns also had a 20% lower rate of major depression.

    Participants in the healthiest diet group consumed an average of 1.7 servings of whole grain cereals, while those in the least healthy diet group consumed just 0.3 servings per day. For vegetables, fruits, and legumes, consumption in both groups was 3.3 servings and 1.7 servings per day, respectively.

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    Patients with MS who follow healthy lifestyle rules (healthy weight, physical activity, smoking cessation) have a 50% lower likelihood of serious depression, 30% less fatigue, and 40% less pain. Studies have also shown that a healthy diet reduces memory and cognitive problems in general by 1/3.

    The results were confirmed by assessing factors that may influence the disorder, such as age and the period during which the person suffered from the disease.

    The study also compared the effects of popular eating plans, such as the Ashton Embry diet, the Swank diet, Paleo and others, considered beneficial for patients with multiple sclerosis. Following them has been shown to reduce the risk of progressive lesions.

    According to the study authors, the results cannot be considered predictive of future progression of MS symptoms. But they confirmed the connection between general lifestyle and the manifestations of multiple sclerosis.

    How to create a weekly diet

    The food should be varied and, of course, tasty. Consume at least 500–800 g of vegetables and fruits per day. Try to eat fish as often as possible. Dried fruits are very beneficial for the intestines: they contain a lot of dietary fiber.

    Table: sample menu for the week

    Day of the weekBreakfastLunchesDinners
    MondayCorn porridge, any fruit, herbal teaFish baked in foil with vegetables, fresh vegetable salad with dill and arugula, dried fruit compoteLow-fat cottage cheese with honey, fruit, tea
    TuesdayOmelet, fruit salad, cup of coffeeChicken stewed with zucchini, tomatoes and potatoes, fresh vegetable salad, berry juiceSteamed fish with lemon marinade, fruit juice
    WednesdayAlmond butter crackers, 1 boiled egg, fruit smoothie with rice milkChicken soup with vegetables, chopped fresh vegetables and herbs, fruit juiceChicken breast with stewed broccoli, fresh vegetable salad, fruit drink or jelly
    ThursdayRice porridge with dried apricots, homemade lemonadeMackerel baked with grilled vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, onions, carrots), a slice of whole grain bread, fresh apple compoteSauté of vegetables and chicken breast, sliced ​​fresh vegetables with herbs, compote
    FridayVegetable smoothie, rice cakes with butter, herbal infusionTurkey breast steak baked in the oven under a coating of tomatoes, onions and carrots; apple or banana; water with lemon Boiled rice with seafood, fresh vegetable salad
    SaturdayBuckwheat porridge, any fruit, a cup of coffeeMushroom soup, fresh vegetable salad, berry juiceOmelette with vegetables, any fruit, water with lemon and honey
    SundayLow-fat cottage cheese pancakes with honey, green teaLenten borscht with beet tops, baked vegetables, homemade lemonadeCabbage stewed with turkey meat, any fresh vegetables, low-fat kefir

    There should be two snacks during the day - second breakfast and afternoon snack. You can serve them with fruit salads, corn cakes, raw and boiled vegetables (beets, carrots), nuts and dried fruits (figs, prunes, raisins, dried apricots).

    Healthy recipes

    A limited number of foods does not mean that a person suffering from multiple sclerosis cannot treat himself to delicious and varied dishes.

    Pumpkin pancakes with honey

    For preparation you will need:

    • 2 eggs;
    • a glass of grated pumpkin;
    • a quarter cup of oatmeal;
    • 100 g almonds ground into flour;
    • 1 tablespoon honey;
    • 50 ml low fat milk;
    • ½ teaspoon of soda;
    • lemon juice to extinguish soda;
    • ginger, vanilla, cinnamon, cloves - to taste.

    Pumpkin must be present in the diet of a patient with multiple sclerosis.

    Cooking method:

    1. Mix dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls.
    2. Combine both parts and knead until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
    3. Fry the pancakes over medium heat in a small amount of vegetable oil.

    You can serve pumpkin pancakes with jam or sour cream.

    Green citrus smoothie

    Despite the unusual liquid consistency, the cocktail retains all dietary fiber. It loads with vitamins, helps the intestines and speeds up metabolism thanks to cayenne pepper. You will need:

    • 30 green grapes;
    • 1 orange without peel;
    • 3 cups fresh spinach;
    • 2 lime slices (one of them without peel);
    • a pinch of cayenne pepper;
    • 1 glass of coconut water;
    • chopped piece of ginger root.

    The preparation method is simple: put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add a few ice cubes and garnish with a slice of lime.

    Green smoothie is a storehouse of vitamins and dietary fiber

    Italian omelette with vegetables

    The good thing about this dish is that you can add any ingredients you like to it. We offer an option with vegetables. The only condition is that they must contain a minimum of juice. If you want to use tomatoes, drain them, remove the seeds, and use only the dry part. Ingredients (for 4 servings):

    • 4 eggs;
    • small fleshy tomato;
    • 200 g diced zucchini;
    • 1 clove of garlic, chopped;
    • chopped greens to taste;
    • salt and pepper to taste;
    • vegetable oil.

    You can add any filling to an Italian omelette.

    Cooking method:

    1. Turn the oven to 180°, while it is heating, fry the zucchini in a frying pan.
    2. Beat the eggs in a bowl and mix them with the herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. Chop the tomatoes.
    3. Pour the eggs into the frying pan with the zucchini, place the tomatoes on top, and gently hold on the heat until the bottom of the omelette “sets.”
    4. Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for 15 minutes.

    Assorted vegetable soup with chicken meatballs

    The soup cooks quickly, turns out beautiful, tasty and is suitable for the whole family. For it you will need:

    • 2–2.5 liters inputs;
    • 200 g minced chicken;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 potato;
    • a handful of finely shredded cabbage;
    • several cauliflower inflorescences and the same amount of broccoli;
    • 1 fleshy tomato;
    • 3 slices of zucchini;
    • half a red bell pepper;
    • ½ onion;
    • 1 egg;
    • green onions and dill - to taste;
    • salt, pepper, favorite seasonings - to taste.

    Vegetable soup with meatballs is sure to please the whole family

    Cooking method:

    1. Put some spices into the minced meat, salt and pepper and form small meatballs.
    2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices, and chop the white cabbage into thin strips. Divide the broccoli and cauliflower into florets.
    3. Throw carrots, potatoes and cabbage - regular and cauliflower - into boiling water. Let the soup simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
    4. Cut the zucchini into thin slices, the tomatoes and bell peppers into cubes and place them in the pan along with the meatballs, broccoli and half an onion. Add spices and cook until done.
    5. Pour the beaten egg into the soup, stir well and turn off the heat. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and leave to sit for 5-10 minutes.

    The soup can be seasoned with low-fat sour cream.

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