Swallowing reflex disorder: causes and treatment. Swallowing disorder, or dysphagia
The swallowing reflex is very similar to the act of breathing in that a person performs them unconsciously. This
Todd's paralysis
Causes and treatment of Todd's palsy
Definition Todd's palsy is a transient condition that develops after an epileptic seizure. Patients experience
Vaccination against polio
Vaccination against polio. Help me remember the name? Doctors are freaks.
Poliomyelitis has always been and remains a serious viral disease, which during its development often leaves
Depression and psychosis - Summer
How is postpartum depression different from postpartum psychosis?
Symptoms of postpartum psychosis Symptoms range from depression with apathy and guilt to severe
Why does a newborn purse his lips like a tube?
General information Despite the fact that a newly born baby is a defenseless creature, it has
Gap in immunity. What can deplete our body and how to protect ourselves
Our clinic treats nervous disorders and psychosomatic diseases, incl. nervous exhaustion, astheno-neurotic
Glare in the eyes like from the sun: causes and how to get rid of it
Flickering in the eyes is a sign of retinal detachment, high blood pressure, anemia, and brain damage. Short term
irritability, treatment in Saratov, how to get rid of irritability
Nervousness - how to restore peace to your soul and body?
What is irritability? Irritability is a condition in which a person responds excessively to ordinary stimuli.
Acrophobia - fear of heights: causes, symptoms and treatment
In the era of megacities and high-rise buildings, it is simply impossible to constantly be on the ground. But one thing
How to get rid of complexes about appearance and become confident?
What is this? In everyday understanding, the term “complex” is almost equivalent to an inferiority complex. That is,
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