Blockage of the vessels supplying blood to the brain occurs due to disruption of metabolic processes, diseases and pathological
The drugs Mexidol and Cerebrolysin belong to the pharmacological group of nootropics. Also, both medications have antioxidant
All organisms are born with innate responses that help them survive. Unconditioned reflexes differ in their
I. Sensory zones (areas) of the cerebral cortex · They are central (cortical) sections
Headache is a concern for many people. She distracts from work, interferes
Stroke and pressure Human blood vessels, for a number of reasons, can lose elasticity and tone,
What is Alzheimer's type dementia? Dementia is a syndrome of progressive or chronic brain damage
Sciatica is a disease that requires intensive drug treatment, especially in the acute phase. At
Symptoms of inflammation of the maxillofacial nerve and treatment methods The trigeminal nerve is divided into 3 branches: the orbital,
For a long time it was believed that sleep is a passive state when the brain “turns off.” However